This is a totally fictional story about a really bad honeymoon.
The day after I married the love of my life, we flew to our honeymoon destination in the Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Janet and I chose a small honeymoon resort because we were on a limited budget. When we arrived, the place looked old and a little run down but we could care less. Both of us couldn’t wait until we got to our room to relax after the long tiring trip.
We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary honeymoon package. The clerk gave us our keys and directions to our secluded cabin.
We easily found our cabin as it was the last one on the left around the curve. We went up to the cabin door and the porch seemed like it needed some repairs. We opened the door and what we saw amazed us.
It was like going back in time, to the 60’s and70s. There was a heart shaped bath tub for two and a heart shaped bed. There was a heart shaped mirror above the bed as well as mirrors all around the bedroom area and also around the tub. All the mirrors gave me a great view of my naked bride!
We walked over to the heart shaped bed and both flopped down on the bed. I reached and pulled my beautiful wife closer to me. After the long reception, long trip here, our exhaustion overcame our lust and we took an hours nap!
Shortly, we awoke and changed clothes, refraining from any sex at this time, mostly from being hungry and tired. We dressed and went to find some food. The hotel clerk directed us just down the road to a local night spot where there was plenty of food and drink. So, we drove to the night club and parked our rental car and entered the place. A waitress saw us enter and asked could she be of help. I told her we were on our honeymoon and wanted some good food and some drinks. She led over to a vacant table and we ordered drinks and an appetizer to snack on. As the appetizer arrived, we ordered our meal and talked. I couldn’t help but notice the table next to us with a large group of black men drinking and talking loudly. A couple of them kept looking at my wife. I heard one of them tell the others, “I sure would like to fuck that fine white bitch! If I did, she’d leave that white boy to have my babies! Wouldn’t she look great, nursing my black baby at her nipples on those white breasts in public?” I tried to ignore them, as finally our meal arrived. We ate in almost silence, some small talk, trying to ignore the more crude comments from the next table.
Just as we finished eating, the black man who made the earlier statement about making babies with my wife scooted his chair over next to her, leaned against her and started whispering into her ear. I objected, and was told, “Look boy! I’m talking to the woman here! Don’t interrupt me again! Got it!” He then leaned closer to my wife and nuzzled her ear lobes between words. As he whispered to her, I noticed his hand slip off her arm to cup her breast and rub her! She didn't say a word, just let this stranger fondle her breasts in this public place! I started to stand, but just then, I felt two very large hands on my shoulders, holding me down in my chair and squeezing very hard! A gruff voice talked close to my ear! “Listen, white boy, if you don’t want to get hurt bad, you’ll watch quietly as Ty makes his move on your woman! You can either watch us fuck her or we can dump you in the ocean and you’ll disappear! Then we’ll fuck her all we want! What’s it gonna be?”
“I’ll watch and shut up!” I answered. Ty was making out with my new bride right in front of me and she was letting him and enjoying herself! He was quite large, well over six foot tall as were most of the group of half a dozen. Directly, he got up and took my bride’s hand and together they went to the dance floor. I watched as my new bride put both her arms around his neck and her lips went straight to his in a tongue sucking kiss that was more intimate than I could never have imagined my wife would do with another man, especially in public and on our honeymoon! His hands went around her sides, up her tummy and underneath her elastic tube top to cup her naked breasts and she kept dancing letting him tongue her mouth and rub her bare tits! They broke their kissing to take a breath and my bride looked my way and smiled at me! She then put her tongue and lips back to Ty!
That was shocking, but what came next was even more.
The music stopped and hand in hand they walked across the dance floor back to our tables. She then sat down with him at their table and conversed only with him. I heard my new bride tell the whole table that she was on her honeymoon and was still a virgin on her wedding night eagerly waiting for her husband to take her cherry! Her dance partner then told her, “Missy come over here, what you need is some big black meat to take care of your little white cherry good and proper!” As he was saying this, he was pulling Janet by her hand onto his lap and she straddled his legs and slid up to his crotch. They started tonguing each other again. Stopping to catch their breath, my wife reached up and lowered her top off her breasts and taking his head in her hands, pulling his mouth to her breasts for him to suck her nipples! He sucked her nipples for a good ten minutes and then looked up at her, breathing hard!
He didn’t say a word, but my wife did. It must have then been the booze talking, because the next thing I heard was Janet saying, “Show me what you mean by big black meat! You show me yours and I’ll show you mine!” He shoved her back, off his legs and she stood up in front of him.
He slipped off his shirt and kicked off his shoes. Standing and smiling, he dropped his pants and stepped out of them totally naked with a huge black cock dangling between his legs that would make any stud horse envious!
My bride was eyeing his cock and smiling! Without a word she took off her tube top, sliding it over her head and tossing it! Next she shoved her shorts and panties off her hips and down her legs to the floor and stepped out of them totally naked herself! She turned sideways putting her butt against their table and sat up onto the table. As my bride lay herself down on her back, she told all to hear, “I’m ovulating, so Ty, make a baby in me, oh, please give me your baby! Oh, I so want your black baby! Fuck me and claim me as yours forever!”
I watched as my bride spread open her legs, giving her black stud plenty of space to spread open her pussy lips to get into her hole of breeding so he could implant his sperm and make a black baby with my white bride! I could tell by the expression on her face that she wanted his big black cock inside her!
I couldn’t believe it as Tyrone’s dick head split my Janet’s pussy lips open and slowly entered her love canal to breed her! She moaned her approval of his opening of her! “Oh, yes, yes Tyrone! Take my cherry, it’s all your! I’ve been saving it for you and you alone!” He forced inward a couple of inches and held fast so my bride could adjust to the large dick in her small pussy that had just busted her cherry!
After waiting a few minutes, Tyrone started pushing more and more of his dick into my bride as she steadily voiced her approval! “Yes, yes fuck me Ty; fuck your new white whore! Anything you want, I’m yours! I love your big black dick! Fuck me, fuck me!” As she is exclaiming her exotic pleasure, Ty pushed his balls against Janet’s butt, having his whole cock buried in my bride’s breeding canal! Ty pulled out to the head of his dick and shoved back into my bride, hitting her cervix causing Janet to yelp! As he was doing this, he turned to me and commented, “I just love to fuck these little white women! They have no idea what pleasures a black man can give them! Listen when I ask your new bride what she thinks about my big black dick in her pussy!” Ty pulled back out and shoved inward knocking her cervix aside and thrusting into her womb, giving her another big orgasm!
“Janet, you like my black meat!” “Yes, I love it!” she answered. “You just love my big black dick! Is that all you love!” Janet answered, “I love all of you! Fuck me and make a baby! I want lots and lots of your black babies! I love black meat!” Ty held his penis still in her pussy and she propped herself up on her arms and looking at Ty and said, “Please, please Ty, fill me with your sperm and make a baby in me! I’d love it as I love you! I love you more than I ever loved anyone! Sorry honey, but Ty is first and only in my life now! I want his babies! Lots and lots of black babies!”
“What do you want besides my babies, Janet!” he asked as he kept slipping his enormous black tool in and out of my bride!
“I’m yours! I’ll do what ever you want me to do! You can sell my pussy if that’s what you want! I’m your white whore for black cock, and only yours!”
“I’m about to cum, Janet! You want my baby!” Ty exclaimed.
“Yes, cum in me! Fill me up! I want your baby! Do me!” Janet answered loudly.
Ty grinned and pulled his dick out of my bride’s cunt, saying, “I want to cum in your mouth first! Open up bitch!”
Janet opened up her mouth wide to accept his load of cum and it was larger than I’ve ever seen, even in all the porno movies I’ve watched! Janet swallowed it all down. I had no idea what was to come next. Wiping her mouth of access cum and licking her fingers, Janet looked puzzled. She finally said, “Ty, I wanted you to shoot off in me, to give me your sperm for our baby! Why didn’t you?”
Ty explained as he was putting his clothes back on, “Janet, I have a very special someone that I’d like you to make a baby with! His name is Max!” As he said this, his friends chuckled and grinned. There was more to this than was being told. He then pulled my still naked bride to him and whispered in her ear. As he talked to her, I couldn’t hear anything over the noise in the establishment. One of his companions motioned the waitress over and handed her several hundred dollar bills and told her to keep the change. She smiled and said thank you and walked towards the cashier.
Ty’s conversation with Janet was over and she looked at me and said, “Honey, you just go back to our cabin and spend the rest of the week doing what ever you want. I’ll contact you later, in a few days. We’re supposed to go home Sunday. I should be pregnant by Max by then! She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and said, “Please forgive me! I do love you, but I want to have a black baby and Max is going to be the daddy!” With that comment, they all left out the door, my naked bride with them.
The waitress brought me another drink with out me even asking. “Here, you need this. You should calm your nerves and just go back to your cabin and get a good night’s sleep. There’s nothing you can do about your bride. She’s going to go home with you pregnant with Max’s baby in her belly! Tomorrow is a new day and you try to enjoy your vacation!”
“Just what am I supposed to do? This WAS our honeymoon and this big black guy has taken my bride to do with as he pleases and she’s perfectly willing to do what ever he wants! I don’t understand how this happened!”
“Don’t fret! You aren’t the first husband to have lost his new bride to Ty. He has black kids all over the globe! He enjoys taking advantage of a young white bride and knocking her up with his baby and then turning them back over to their husbands to take care of his bastard child! I’d guess, Ty has about three dozen children all over the globe! What you do is, you find a local woman for your bed and fuck yourself to sleep each night with a different woman each night! After all, is not your bride letting Ty and his buddies fuck her! She was very willing to let Ty fuck her while you and the whole club watched him cum in her pussy!”
“But just how does he do this? Janet is basically a shy woman. She just doesn’t meet a guy and take off to spend the week naked letting him and his buddies to take turns between her legs.”
“Your bride had some help! Remember, you two already had some drinks on your table. Did you watch them all of the time?”
“No”, I replied. “One doesn’t naturally do that.”
“Either Ty or one of his guys slipped a couple of happy pills into your wife’s drink and she was good to go! Anything was game for her after that! Even to make a baby with Ty!”
“You mean Max! Janet said, before they left, that she was going to make a baby with Max, whoever Max is!” I replied.
The waitress moved her chair so she was facing me and started explaining just who Max was. “How can I put this? Max has a very large penis. You think Ty’s was large; Max’s size puts Ty to shame! Incredibly Max can get hard and ejaculate about once every ten to fifteen minutes around the clock! He is a male cum factory! He never runs out! He a fucking animal and that’s what Max is, an animal, a male orangutan, an extremely horny male orangutan from Borneo!”
“How do you know all this? Surely, there is no way Janet could have a child with Max! It wouldn’t work! She’s human and he’s a monkey!”
She continued, “I know this because we’ve catered parties for Ty here and I got to know his people quite well. I heard some talk about Max and asked some vague questions here and there and learned a few things. One time when Ty was visiting the States, an employee of his and a good friend of mine took me to see Max. I was driven in a panel van, so I don’t know where they took me, so I can’t tell you where Ty’s place is or even if Max is at his place or some different location. Anyway, there was a young female islander in the compound with Max and her main purpose was for sex. She stayed naked and let Max fuck her anytime he wanted her. He told me they employed several island girls to take care of Max. The girls washed, fed, and fucked him, staying in his compound with him on 24 hour shifts! They only used “fixed women” now, after Max got several young girls, around five or six, pregnant!”
“You mean to tell me that Max got six women pregnant!”
“Actually they were very fertile young women! He’s so strong he just over powered them and raped them! Once was rape, but the rest of the times, they’d lie back, like any female having desires and spread their legs for Max’s enjoyment and their own enjoyment! Think about DNA! An orangutan’s DNA is 97% identical with human DNA! It doesn’t take much to make it happen! You take a fertile woman like your bride, and a week long fuck session with Max and presto, she’s having his baby! The end result is your wife ends up pregnant having Max’s baby or even twins! Not to scare you or anything, but the second and third pregnancies inseminate a lot easier! One woman from the States has been back several times and has three kids with Max as the daddy! She’s single, very wealthy and weird as can be!”
I was stunned by her revelation! Here I was, on my honeymoon, alone, while my new bride was off, willingly, naked, legs spread wide open, encouraging a group of black men or an orangutan named Max to fill her fertile cunt full of sperm and make a baby with her! What am I to do next!
The waitress stood and went off to the bar and brought me back a double to dull my senses!
I asked a question that changed my world! “By any chance, could you get your friend to take me there for a small peek at my bride and what she’s doing? I promise not to cause any problems. He can even handcuff me and put a gag in my mouth to keep me under control! Please could you talk to him? I will pay well for the peek!”
“I’ll try.” Was her answer. “But I can’t promise you anything. Keep some cash handy, because he’s gonna want to be paid in cash if he takes you.”
I was sound asleep early Friday morning, when a knock on the door woke me up. I called out to acknowledge to whom ever, got up and slipped on my shorts, because I’ve always slept nude. In the darkness of the early morning, I opened the door slightly to converse with my caller. He was the friend of the waitress and was willing to take me to where I could view, but not talk to my bride. It would cost me five hundred American dollars up front for him and his companion. I could view my bride for exactly five minutes by a stop watch and no more. I had to go now, so I dressed and followed them to their jeep. I got in the back on the floor as I was instructed to do. There was a thick quilt for me to lie on and I was blindfolded with my hands strapped together. We drove down bumpy roads for about an hour and a half before stopping. All I had been thinking about all week was my naked bride letting herself be fucked by who knows!
We had arrived at our destination. They sat me up and put a gag in my mouth so I couldn’t say anything. I was told not to make any noises or the five minutes would be a lot shorter. “Be nice and we will too!” I was told.
I was escorted around the area, through a little shack. It led to an open courtyard which was in front of a large cage, with double bars and a habitat for an animal. Then I saw my bride. Janet was naked still, sleeping on hay next to an orangutan. They were on their sides laying face to face and actually had their arms laying on each other. If this were a human male with my bride, I’d say she had a lover! It was like that. They moved and Janet shifted onto her back, her legs spread wide open and her cunt had so large an opening, you could slide a coke can inside her without touching her cunt lips. Max had stretched my bride's cunt WIDE OPEN! Peering up inside her, she was full of cum, orangutan cum. Max, I learned, was fucking Janet about twenty times a day. He had stretched her cunt muscles and permanently opened her pussy very wide, making my bride his! It was time to go as I last watched my bride, now awake, slide down and lick Max’s big cock up and down and his cock head barely fitting into her mouth as she sucked his dick! He opened his eyes, looked straight into Janet’s eyes and she moved around to get into position so Max could fuck her. He got and moved between her legs, stabbing his penis at her very open cunt opening! In it went easily and he shoved forward as I witnessed his entire sixteen inch long monster penis slide easily up into my bride! Max pulled out and shoved back in several times before shoving and holding himself inside her as he gushed his sperm into my wife’s fertile womb! On Janet’s face was a broad smile of satisfaction! She WAS an ape’s whore! She WANTED to have the ape’s baby! I took note that Janet wrapped her legs around Max’s waist to hold him inside her, so his sperm wouldn’t leak out! She WANTED to be as full of Max’s sperm as she could possibly get! I was then escorted back to the jeep and taken back to my cabin.
Janet called me, for the FIRST time, late Saturday night to tell me she was fine and Ty would have her at our plane on Sunday morning and for me to please pack her bags. When I arrived at the small airport, she was easy to find in the small lobby, dressed in her extremely short skirt and halter top. Janet was just one step away from being naked and she was totally comfortable with herself. My shy, very conservative, demur prudish wife was sitting next to a black man, not her husband, kissing this man, fervently and passionately, as if he were her long lost love! She had one hand rubbing his crotch, stroking his dick through his pants, while he had both of his hands under my wife’s halter top rubbing her tits! I waked around the lobby so I wasn’t in plain sight and was in front of my bride. I was a bit of a voyeur and was very curious to see if my bride was still full of cum! As my bride uncrossed her legs, I got a good view up her short skirt. She WAS still full of cum and her pussy was pink and bare, no pubic hair! That was all I got a glimpse of. I wondered what else was new. I found a seat where I could observe and hear them.
I heard Janet tell Ty, “Max was fantastic! I loved his big dick stretching my pussy! I’d like to come back again in about ten months and spend a couple of weeks letting him fuck me and make another baby with me!”
“Oh, aren’t you the little whore!” Ty told her.
“Yes Ty, but I’m Max’s little whore! I want at least two or three more babies with Max!” Janet told Ty.
“What are you going to say to your husband when he gets here? Asked Ty.
“Nothing! Nothing at all! He had his fun this week and I had mine. Now he can just go stroke his Johnson!” remarked Janet.
Ty asked her, “What are you going to do about your over stretched cunt muscles? You know that they'll stay that way and your husband is now useless to you! I just love that, a useless white dick!”
Janet’s reply was abusive towards me, “He’ll just have to accept the fact that I now will have big dick black lovers in my bed in our home. He can sleep on the couch for the rest of his little penis life and listen to me fuck and enjoy big dicks! This is my payback to him, for him fucking my sister the weekend before our wedding! I now have my revenge on him, the dirty rotten bastard!”
“Fucking her sister! I wondered where that came from. I’ve never even kissed her sister on the cheek before!”
if that had happened to me and my lovely wife, drugging her to become their white whore, i think i would of bought a gun and killed the whole lot of them black bastards, including the monkey.....and then left her there to her fate.
Oh my lanta Amy these shots make me want to redo my wedding just like this one. So pceeaful and beautiful and natural. You captured the essence of their day in a remarkable way friend. Way to go again. If I ever renew my vows to Tim, we'll plan it around you:) Love,me
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