Jessica stood on the corner of the downtown street thinking "Damn why did I have to be the one to be laid off, what am I going to do?, I was there for five years that bitch Heather should have been the one laid off!". She waited impatiently for the light to change her thoughts were on the job she had just lost and what she was going to do about all of her bills.
She crossed the street and was unaware of the man watching her cross the street with great interest, at 5'1, 110lbs, blonde hair and sky blue eyes, 20 years of age she had a natural beauty about her, even the women took a second look. She was wearing denims that fit her every curve and looked like she poured herself into them, her train of thought was derailed when the man who had been watching her said "Excuse me young lady, I am with the state Alternative meat authority May I see your registration card?" Jessica froze and replied "I don’t have it with me sir" the man now looking at her with concern, "but I do know the number, it is 230871-A" she said again nervously.
He pulled out a hand held computer and then punched in the numbers looked up and said Jessica Swanson? Her answer was "correct". He smiled at her and said "well, Jessica it seems that all of your inspections are current, all of your counseling sessions have been met and you are in good physical shape"
Jessica sighed with relief as she had always tried to meet the obligation that had been given to her as an Alternative Meat Female since she turned of age at 18 and was extremely proud of her Prime Stock rating by the USDA.
The man once again looked up at her "However although you are current it is an automatic strike against your record, I am required to take you to the nearest processing facility, you will have to explain to the judge why you don’t have your ID card with you, Place your hands behind your back please" Jessica offered no resistance to his request, a white van pulled up and she was helped inside along with several other girls about the same age, the seats were comfortable and the other girls were friendly and talking amongst them selves.
The van merged onto the freeway and about 10 minutes later it turned off and on to several side streets and into a large parking lot the only sign outside the large off white building said "PRFPC", One by one the girls were helped from the van and into a hall way The sign read
"All arriving females will report to Section #3"
She felt her hands being freed and the man "please come this way Jessica" he asked pointing in the direction of a long hallway. She followed him down the hallway past restricted area signs on both sides they turned right though a large set of doors into a room where a judge was sitting looked up and said "Miss Swanson? Jessica nodded positively "You are here for a simple infraction of your contract with the state, what is you explanation?".
Jessica felt a series of cold chills run up and down her spine and swallowed hard "I have none Your Honor, I left all my ID's at home today" He looked at the man who brought her in "At least she is honest" looked back to Jessica "Ok Jessica here is what I am going to do I will order that you be given a full pelvic inspection if every thing is in order you will be sent home, however if everything is not in order, I will be very hard on you.
Jessica followed the man down to the examining area and a female assistant told her "remove all of your clothing, then get up on the table, put your feet in the stirrups and relax" she felt her warm fingers slide into her then spread her open, and said "Hmmm ok you can sit up now, took her blood pressure told her to get dressed, after she dressed she followed the man back to the judges court room.
The judge smiled at Jessica and said "Young lady all of your tests have come back, I fine you $2000.00 Jessica choked and said "Please your honor, I just lost my job and haven’t had a chance to find another is there some other way?" looking at the judge pleadingly "As a matter of fact there is, You have one of the highest rating of any meat girl I have ever seen, you have kept yourself clean and out of trouble, I am in need of a fresh clean young girl to replace one of my assistants who is on the slaughter line, as we speak, would you like to take the test?" he asked Jessica looked up to him and without a second thought said "yes".
They went down the hall through the door with a sign that said "Restricted Area Authorized Personnel Only!" Thru a door into a huge brightly lit room at one end girls stripped of their clothing, hands tied behind their backs waited for their turn on the over head moving chain Jessica shuddered at the sight as she knew that one day she would suffer the same fate as the girls she was watching, she followed the judge towards the head of the line when he said "Jessica put this apron on and come with me" at the front of the line was a man cutting the throats of each girl as they stopped in front of him once her throat was cut she was moved onto the next step each one tried to scream but the only thing that was heard was "uummpgghghh" as their life’s blood spurted from the smooth deep cut in the neck.
"Ok Jessica you are going to have a choice you can cut this young meat girl's throat or you can be on line in 15 minutes with another girl that will cut yours, your choice!" Jessica took the knife and quickly slit the young girls throat she was surprised how quickly the knife went through her and stopped when it hit the spine the girl struggled but with her head pulled back it was no match for the cruelly sharp knife as it sliced through her neck and cutting every thing it touched she watched as her body jumped and shook as she spewed blood from the open wound in her neck after she bleed out she was still twitching as she was moved to the next stage.
Jessica was in shock at what she had done but she was also excited and wet the judge said "good your fine is paid in full and you will be trained as a female processor your contract will be for 90 days at the end of 30 days if your supervisor agrees you will become a processor if not you will be placed on the Prime meat cow list, sold and custom butchered to the highest bidder"
The next 90 days passed quickly and she could not get used to the idea of slaughtering women like her self she hung up her apron and tools "I wonder where I will be Monday when I come into work, standing here?, of hanging up there?" she thought as she looked up toward the line of meat cow's still hanging upside down from there ankles, waiting to be slaughtered.
The week end passed quickly, Jessica was tied up in traffic knowing she was going to be late she called in and told her line supervisor, he told her to be in the superintendents office when she got to the processing plant. Traffic thinned out and Jessica got off the bus and hurried to the admin office where she was greeted by the executive director and the superintendent in charge of processing.
They told her to sit down and the executive director said "Jessica you have totally and completely failed your probation, I am revoking your contract, you will be sent to the slaughtering line" Jessica was stunned "No way I fulfilled my contract and I am out of here, fuck you both" she yelled at the top of her lungs as she tried to stand, before she could get out of the chair she was lifted up and her hands were cuffed behind her back and taken down the hall to the room she had been working last Friday and the same line of upside down hanging meat girls she had been working on.
She felt her shoes, shirt and denim clothes being stripped from her body and heard herself screaming "let me go, you bustards!!!" Jessica was told to sit down on the belt and a set of ankle cuffs were placed on both of her ankles, she knew to struggle was useless her legs were forced apart and chains were attached to the meat gimbaled her crotch hurt from her legs being spread further than normal she could hear the whine of a small winch and was quickly lifted into her final position.
She was placed on the line in front of one of the meat girls that have still been on the line since friday waiting to be slaughtered, she had about the same height and weight, Jessica was about the 15th girl in line the line moved quickly and soon it would be her turn to be put to the knife. she felt a set of hands steady her as she moved towards her final end as she got closer she could see a light haired girl start to struggle and fight her bonds the line stopped and she heard the girl try to scream but all that could be heard was "UGHMMMPH" and her blood started to flow from the deep wound in her throat, the pulsing motions of her final dance.
The line moved forward again and Jessica stared at her cutter, "get it over with" she told him "not just yet" he replied, she was then taken over to the other side and lowered down to where just her legs were in the air her he grabbed her and rammed his big cock into her tight little cunt and raped her for what seemed for hours "I bought your ass with my own money, I will get to you in about an hour". two attendants came over and cleaned her up but left her in position.
He came back, the winch lifted her back into position, "let me go you son of a bitch!" She screamed at him, "John let her go!" he yelled to a fellow processor who just came in to work, "Why!" replied John, "Because this bitch demanded it" He snickered "shut up bitch" came his next response, she felt herself being lifted higher, he grabbed her by the hair, "you fucking cunt bitch you cut my sister and she wasn’t even on the list you just cut those girls without checking numbers she was supposed to be your assistant" he whispered into her ear, he released her head "Now cunt it's your turn to die!" he snapped her head back by her hair, she felt her skin on her neck tighten up she struggled against her bonds but it was a futile attempt.
Reaching back he picked up the long thin bladed knife and stuck it behind the left side of her jaw the pain was horrible as the blade slit her throat, she tried to scream but like all the others meat girls all that was heard was a "UHGMMMPH!" She felt her warm blood choking her and every thing was turning from light to dark she felt her body starting to jerk uncontrollably then a stinging burning pain from her cunt to her breast she heard her guts slopping into a container then felt cold water washing her out the processor cut her head off and her still quivering body moved down a separate line through a semi clear plastic curtain into the cooling room.
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