A year ago I was staying with my brother and his wife.
What my brother didn’t know is that I had slept with his wife about 18 months before he married her. It was through me that he met her – she was a sex buddy of mine and I started a relationship with another girl and told her it was over. She was cool about it as we had never declared that what we did was love making, it was good old fashioned sex – good sex.
Shortly after that my brother informed me he was dating her.
I spoke to her privately and asked her if she was going to tell him we had been sex partners.
She said No. She said she enjoyed our relationship but she didn’t feel it was necessary for him to know of our intimacies and that it may cause problems if he knew. She asked me if I would never say anything that may hurt their relationship. She told me while our affair was physical sex, she actually loved him.
That suited me and I respected her wishes.
I happened to be his best man at the wedding. He never told me nor did she that they were or were not having sex before the marriage and I didn’t care.
While I was staying there she spoke to me and asked if I had ever mentioned our relationship to my brother.
I assured her I had never mentioned to him or anybody else that we had at one time been lovers.
She cried and said they have been trying ever since they had been married to have children, and she could not conceive. She told me the whole story.
One day after they had sex she secretly went to a doctor within an hour of their sex and she took a swab of his semen from her and had him test my brother’s potency. She told her he had a very very low sperm count. Pregnancy was unlikely.
She then asked me – and she cried the whole time – if I would once more have sex with her unprotected and possibly impregnate her. She was in her fertile period and it was virtually now or never. If she fell pregnant the only two people that would ever know were the two of us.
I took some time – and convincing – to follow through with what she had asked me to do.
We talked for some time about it and it was then I realised how much she loved my brother and that if she fell pregnant to me – she would always believe it was his baby.
Eventually after much pleading and sobbing, I agreed.
The two of us went to the spare bedroom and we had sex three times attempting to ensure one of my fertile sperm would impregnate her. She did not want to use their bed.
I have to admit during the first time I was with her, I was reliving some of the wonderful times the two of us had spent together previously. Sex back then was nothing more than fun and a great romp between the sheets for the two of us – a game more than a loving relationship, we both enjoyed the physical engagement. The sex this time was good but without the fun and flair of our earlier times together.
After the first time – she asked me if I would do it again after a while. I said are you sure that this is just not an excuse to relive some of the old days.
She assured me it wasn’t and that she felt no affection for me while we were engaged in the intimacy. She said she just wanted to have as much semen in her and hope that it would result in a pregnancy.
The second attempt was better than the first – there was a bit of feeling between us – after all we had done this many times before and had fun. It took longer for me to cum and she actually enjoyed an orgasm while I was having the relationship with her.
The third time – was a three times proves it affair. This was a far more intimate relationship between us and some of the feelings of the old times returned and we actually shared a very pleasant and joyful relationship. It was not altogether a return to previous days as far as the sex was concerned. In those days we enjoyed the fun and pleasure of each other in other ways than normal intercourse. The frills and spills of the ‘extras’ we enjoyed with each other in our previous intimacies were missing.
On this occasion it was intercourse and nothing more.
After we had completed the third act, we sat together naked for another hour or so enjoying a cup of coffee and catching up on the year since we had last seen each other. The relationship had returned to a brother and sister in law relationship even though we were still naked. After all we had been together that way many, many times before and the sight of our naked bodies was nothing unusual to either of us. She still looked great nude.
After that I showered and went out – I for some reason did not want to be home when my brother returned that night – I didnt think I could have faced him after spending a couple of hours with his wife in bed being intimate.
I left their place as scheduled two days later. Nothing more was said although I did feel a difference in the way she greeted me and kissed me on the cheek after that.
I left the house after my brother had gone to work. Before I left we had a very emotional conversation with my sister in law . She thanked me for what I had done, breaking down in tears again. She admitted if she falls pregnant – it may contribute to having saved their marriage as my brother had considered himself unworthy of being a fulfilling husband. He knew how much she wanted a family and they could not conceive. He would not consider IVF, as it would need to be another mans sperm. Now if he only knew. She felt she was deceiving him but the pain and mental anguish had in some way been relieved after all I was not a ‘stranger’ to her and I was his brother, if she conceived the blood line continued.
To end this story I am the father of her child, she conceived and it was attributed to him having had a day when his sperm count was good enough for her to conceive.
The only doubt was cast when the doctor asked if there was a chance another man had been involved – evidently they do blood tests after the birth and there were abnormalities. She assured him the tests WERE wrong. Nothing more was said or done. That was the only thing that could have possibly undone all the good that had occurred by me impregnating my sister in law.
My brother was the happiest man alive and until the day he dies he will never hear it from me that he did not father his child.
At the hospital she told me that he was now seriously talking about another baby. If he did it once he could do it again. She said expect a call in a year or so time. I am deadly serious – if I have to call upon you again – I want nothing more or less than happened this time.
Only time will tell – I wasn’t until I was having a beer with my brother later that he said when are you going to get married – having kids is the most wonderful thing that can happen to you.
I shuddered – it was always possible I could meet a girl I wanted to marry – none of the girls I have at the moment would qualify, but you never know. If it happens then there will be another dilemma if my sister in law calls upon my services again. I will face that when the time comes. I must say she made it easy for me and it was like reliving old times again, I enjoyed it if she didn’t, but I think she did.
She got the result she wanted and that’s what it was all about.
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