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michael and me
I have to admit I have always bit a little bit curious about having sex with a guy. I never had. sometimes a billboard or a magazine ad would catch my eye. I have always had a girlfreind, and never really thought about going the distance with a guy up until recently..
Michael was a close college freind of mine..I never thought much of anything sexual with him..He was pretty attractive..tall lean, and a bit muscular.. He had a well defined Jaw, nice brown hair and pretty green eyes..
he walked down the hallway with me after class.."Hey man, what are you up to this weekend?" "oh not much, nothing planned really"
"want to come up north to chill, and smoke some weed" he asked.."definetly" I responded. I had nothing planned, and it sounded great to have some free time to chill..He picked me up friday around seven..he had a small honda sports car.."hey man i'm gonna stop real quick to roll a joint" "cool man" we rolled a fatty, and smoked it near a rest stop, got back in the car, played some tunes, and about an hour later we arrived at the cottage.."hey grab the cooler, I have some food, and booze in there" "cool man" I grabbed the cooler, and we both headed inside Michael's cottage..we sat there for hours smoking, and chilling, and talking about all the girls we wanted to bang..We were having an awesome time..Michael cooked some steaks he had in the cooler, and we ate until we were stuffed.."hey man, you want to walk down to the beach" It was a really warm night, and I figured what the hell why not?.."man its pretty warm, I think i'm gonna loose the shirt" said Michael..My dick got so hard when I saw his ripped six pack, and well defined upper chest. we walked about fifteen minutes until we got to the beach.."here I brought some with" he smoked me on a fatty right underneath the beautiful night sky, the moon, and the beautiful bright stars..Everything was perfect but i couldnt keep my eyes off Michael, and I think he noticed.."dude you ok?" he asked me..he leaned in a bit closer, and tried to lean in for a kiss "dude what the fuck?" he kept persisting, and since it was only the two of us I figured what the hell.."he kissed me, placed his tongue right into my mouth, and kept flicking my tongue..he pushed me down onto the sand, and laid his beautiful body on top of me..I could feel his hard member rubbing against mine while he was lying on top of me. He slid his hand down and unzipped my zipper..he went for my cock..his hand reached in, and he grabbed it..his muscular hands felt so good on my hard cock.."oooohhh that feels good"" you like that , huh" he kissed me again, and we made up for nearly twenty minutes..he was treated my cock so well ..just grabbing it up and down..he cupped my balls a little bit..he unzipped his jeans, and let me grab his cock.."wow it's hhuuuge" I stammered..I saw him smile under the moonlight...It must have been something like nine or ten inches..I slid my hand up, and down his huge cock. "wanna suck on it" I smiled..he got up, and got completely naked..oh my god he was something..what a nice body...I got on my hands and knees, and started sucking on his member..he grabbed my hair, and shoved my face onto his cock..I was gagging but he knew i was loving it..he was moaning so much...I stood up and started making out with him some more..we grabbed each others cocks and slid them up and down while we made out. Michael grabbed my ass cheeks, and started reaching for my felt so good...
"You know what I brought something you might enjoy" micheal said as he slid his hand down my body, and teased my cock with his fingers..he reached into his jeans, and grabbed a small tube of something.."turn around" he bent me over on all fours, and began licking my he was doing this he was also grabbing my felt so fucking good..the sand was digging into my knees but michael was making it worth it.."are youready for some fingers?" I didn't have a chance to answer he slowly placed his finger in and out of my felt so good,,he was hitting something that was making me moan, and precum a little bit as well
he started teasing me with his huge cock...he moved it all around my asshole..he lubed it up..I jumped the first time he put it in..It was my first time, and it hurt so much..he kept going and it started to feel really good..he grabbed my asscheeks, and he fucked me harder.."OH MY GOD" we both kept yelling...Michael was moaning so much...I felt my dick getting harder and harder he occasionly leaned forward, and grabbed my hard cock..he slid his down and squeezed my balls.."turn over" I readily complied..he pushed both my legs in the air, and started fucking my hole..His hot body glistened in the moonlight..his face, his abs, chest, and beautiful face..he kept going i thought he would never stop..well i wish he would never stop..I started jerking my cock as he fucked me,...all of the sudden he stopped, took his cock out of my hole and came all over my body and face..."get the last drop"..he shoved his cock into my mouth..I reedily complied, and sucked him dry,,,i couldn't handle it much anymore, and i orgasmed for at least two minutes and came more that I ever had in my life...he got down on his hands and knees and made sure to clean my pipe...we both lay down side by side cuddling under the beautiful moon, making out, and enjoying each other..we washed off in the water, and headed back to the cottage..michael would grab my ass a couple times on the way back..and of course i smiled because i knew he wasn't going to sleep...
to be continued
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