“Oh god, put it in Now baby!”...my girlfriend pleaded to me, and we had super sex because she was so hot.
Later she told me that my ‘hot story’s’ made her hot and she climaxed really good when I told her one. I would tell them once and while just to see her squirm and then attack me.
It was lunch time at work, and about 6 guys gathered around the lunch table in the shop. We all told ‘bullshit stories’ from time to time. I decided to really mess with them today. I started telling them about listening to my sister fuck her boyfriend when I was a teenager. My one buddy knew I HAD NO SISTER, and sat back and smiled…then he joined in on the 100% pure bullshit story.
.....They all perked up and listened intently as I described it in detail what it was like. I told it as believable as I could, like it was a real true story.
“I woke up to sounds in the bedroom next to mine, my sisters. She was 19, and built good. Nice big tits, a firm ass and she was just a sexy girl. I was 14 and I had seen her naked a few quick glimpses as we grew up. She had gotten hotter and hotter as she got older. She brought her boyfriends home from time to time when my folks were gone. I put my ear by the vent, and I could hear them real well. I could hear, clothes being removed, belt buckles and zippers. I heard her bed springs creak. My buddy leaned forward to hear better and joined in with me, and said: “Jeezzzz, I’ve seen your sister, god damn she is Hot!
......Now they were really listening and I looked around and continued in a half whisper…”I heard her moan….then him moan as the bed springs began to creak….she moaned louder as her bed began to bang against my wall. I heard her say:….”fuck me…oh damn fuck me“…I as a 14 year old I started getting a big boner, I couldn’t help it. The guys now were eyes wide open listening close. Some stopped eating to listen. I heard sis moan some more….‘oh….oh…..Oh…oh my god that feels so good‘… One guy stopped chewing and just sat there with a mouth full of food….listening intently.
….oh….yes…do me…yes….“Oh Sam, your dick feels so good in me!”… I knew she had a boyfriend named Sam, and it was him, fucking my sister. Wow, this guy and her were really getting it on. She moaned louder and groaned…
I was dying with my boner ready to explode. Then they stopped. I could hear them panting and out of breath. They talked low and she giggled some. I figured they were done. Whew, that was so hot to listen to. I went back to bed then they started in again….I heard her say: ‘Oh god yes, yes baby oooooo fuck me more baby, fuck me!!!”
The bed springs started to creak super fast now, this Sam guy and her were really fucking fast now…she started to moan in broken moans…oh…..oh….oh yes…..yes baby……Oh…..OH….EEEESH!!, and I guess he came in her and she climaxed hard. She moaned loud again..FUCK!!! ME!!!!…..
Nobody heard my dad come in and come up the stairs. I was so intent listening, and sis’s yelling and bed springs squeaking loud.
He must have heard the noise from her room. I heard her door open…a pause..and then I hear my Dad yell… “SAMMIE..(our family dog) YOU GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!!!!….YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! I hear Dad scuffle to grab Sammie and I heard Sammie run fast past my door yelping….
I held my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing, I got tears in my eyes and soon I hear my Dad consoling my sister, “Did he hurt you baby?….I heard my sister saying ..”Oh thank you Daddy, I was just leaning over my bed when….. “he attack me”…… and I couldn’t get him off me….don’t hurt him Daddy, he didn’t know any better, I’ll just be more careful next time. I’m fine, really. …..’good night dad’……don’t be mad at him daddy“…..
......I couldn’t wait till morning. “He attack Me” kept me laughing till I fell asleep.
The next morning, we all ate together. My sister again saying she was fine, and not to punish Sammie. I didn’t say a word and just played dumb. Dad and Mom ate and went to work. I waited for my chance.
My sister came down the stairs smiling and all happy. I said,
‘What happened in your room last night?” She said,…“Oh…a.…a… Sammie just knocked over her lamp on her, Dad was all concerned, it was nothing. I started laughing, and couldn’t stop…She looked at me so strange…which made me laugh even more. I held my gut, I couldn’t talk.
Lunch time was over, I said I’d continue the story tomorrow. My buddy and I had to go outside and do our laughing out there. We both got tears describing all the looks on the guys faces.
Next day lunch
Now we had added 5 more guys to our lunch group who heard about the story. I did a quick up date for the new guys, and started in.
“I couldn’t stop laughing at my sister…but I finally did. She stood there, hand on hips and came over and smiled at me and said; “And just what’s so funny???” I waited and I had saved this up to say to her: “Oh sam, your dick feels so good in me.” She went into shock… You should have seen her face. She gulped and now she knew I had heard her with the dog. Slowly she began to grin. Her face all red. She looked at me and slowly walked over and said in a very sexy voice: “We have to talk, don’t we.” She stepped close to me and said: “What’s it gonna take for you to never tell what you think you know?” I said:” I don’t ‘think’ I know, I ‘do’ know everything that went on in your bedroom last night.” She asked: “How do you know?” She stepped closer to me.
She may have been my step-sister, but she sure was hot looking and had big tits.
Some of the guys asked, “step-sister?” I said yes, I didn’t find that out till a year ago, at the time, but we all agreed to not call her that, so I always called her my ‘sister’. (this changed things, sister, incest, step-sister...well that’s legal) I said to never mind that,
....“What are you offering me to keep my mouth shut forever.” I sat on the couch and smiled at her. She thought and thought. She sat beside me and asked, “…what do you want?..” I smiled as a 14 yr. old horny kid will do, and looked right her big tits. She muttered…’I might have known’…I said ’what?’ She whispered, (“how about I come to your room tonight and see what I can do to keep you quiet…we’ll make a deal, and you’ll never ever ever tell anyone about this…ok?”) I smiled and said ’sure, what time?’ She said she didn’t know yet, but she’ll just come in my room after everyone’s gone to bed.’
Next day lunch
3 more guys show up from other shops.
I start in: I laid in my bed waiting for my hot step-sister to show up and I drifted to sleep. I woke up some time later with her crawling in bed with me. She had on a thin night gown and nothing else. She started rubbing my arm. I looked at her in the dim light. She was smiling at me, I could smell her breath, she had been drinking. I smiled back. She was panting, like she was out of breath. She whispered: (“…how about I come in here...oh…every 6 months and give you a hand job?”..) I knew I had her good, and so I said….” …well…how about you give me one now, and let think about it?” ) She giggled and said,…”why not.”… so…..she got under the covers and pulled my pajama bottoms down and my dick was already hard as a rock! She giggled and began to jack me off!…It wasn’t going to take much, she had this hot body with big tits and a 14yr old only has dreams about this happening. I felt her use both hands and then fondle my balls. Gezzz in no time I came big time, I felt her mouth on me!…wow…she must have had a lot to drink or something. I’m squirming as I’ve never had this done to me and It’s driving me crazy. I finally catch my breath and she’s still at it. As I recover, she comes out from under the covers and smiles. She says: “….I’ll be back if your memory comes back around. I know you don’t remember a thing, right?” I smiled and said:
“Who are you?”
The guys all smiled and said things like…’hey then what happened?…and…did ya ever fuck her?…did ya get to feel those tits?, and on and on. I said: “Maybe Monday, I’ll remember more.
Monday lunch
The lunch table was over full except for one seat.
My lunch sack was on it.
* as someone once said: “Never let the truth, get the way,…..of a really good story.” *
When he toold his co-worker's, around the lunch table at work, that he had no sister.....he was perfectly correct. A "STEP"sister--technically and naturally--is NOT a sister. Just because the law considers incest with a "STEP"sister does not make her, technically nor physiologically, the sexual act between them incest. Only because some old foggies have nothing better to do but pass laws that are ridiculous is any form of "step(relative)" considered unlawful.
When he toold his co-worker's, around the lunch table at work, that he had no sister.....he was perfectly correct. A "STEP"sister--technically and naturally--is NOT a sister. Just because the law considers incest with a "STEP"sister does not make her, technically nor physiologically, the sexual act between them incest. Only because some old foggies have nothing better to do but pass laws that are ridiculous is any form of "step(relative)" considered unlawful.
anonymous readerReport
anonymous readerReport
he had no sister-_-
anonymous readerReport
he had no sister-_-