It was the day after Christmas Break that I moved to the small town in the North-Eastern part of Oklahoma. In almost every school I have went to I had always had friends. In eight grade I got the “Most Popular” in my class. But when I moved to that town in my Freshman year. EVERYTHING was changed. It all happened because my dad who was a doctor got transferred to the nearby hospital to work in the E.R.
Charley Hughes was the hottest Freshman I've ever encountered. He was an angel that God accidentally misplaced. His voice alone was enough to send a man into an orgasm. He was athletically built, like myself, and always had something to say about the day.
`Charley and I made it through high school up to our Junior year as close friends. Best friends as some people would call us. We were almost exact replicas of each other with only one major difference. He was white and I was black. Now when I say I was black im not talking about the ghetto bandana wearing that has a toothpick in his mouth and always cussing. No. I was adopted at birth to two white people and was raised into a Caucasian family. But back to the story.
On a spring afternoon there was this arrival of this new kid named Lane Gregory. He was tall, built and had an aroma 24-7 of some knock-off Axe cologne. He had short black hair and was constantly wearing glasses. He was the new hottie of the school. It didn't take long for the girls to begin rushing at him like crabs on a hooker but strangely enough he turned them all down. He acted as if he were to cool for any of them.
A couple days went by until we hit the first Friday of the month and on every Friday the school was crazy at 3:15 being that no one wanted to be at the school any longer then they had too. So after my Track practice was over I jumped into my Avalanche and began to speed on the highway back home. I never kept my phone on during school hours unlike the rest of my peers and so when I did turn it on I had a few unread messages. One from my brother asking me if I knew where the spare house key was and there was one from Charley saying he was gonna be over later that night. A few 'heys' from some girls at my school but overall nothing that would catch my interest. So now I turned my attention back to the road and continued driving for a few more miles and on the right side of the road I found a figure walking down the road at a brisk pace. Around where I lived there wasn't a lot of murders or anything and so nobody ever questioned to pick up a stranger.
But as I drew closer I realized that this wasn't just any stranger. It was Lane. The hot guy from my school. Drawing to a slow stop I opened up the passenger door.
“Hey dude, you wanna ride?” I asked. Knowing that now was my chance to get to know this kid.
“ That doesn't sound too bad right now.” He joked climbing into the vacant seat. “Names Lane.”
“Brock.” I said.
“ Oh. I've heard your name plenty of times around school.” He smiled this beautiful smile that just lit up my whole truck.
“Really?” I asked innocently. Even though I knew that I was talked about plenty around school. “So where you heading?”
“Well my house is up around the First Baptist Church by McDonald's.”
My heart skipped a few beats.
“Mine is too!” I said. A little too quickly and over enthusiastic.
After a quick discussion about where our houses were in detail. We came to the resolution that we lived about two blocks from each other.
I had no plans for the rest of the day and my house was empty because my family was gone for a couple weeks to visit some relatives up in Wisconsin so I invited Lane over for a while. He gladly accepted the invitation and came over to my pretty nice size house. The first thing we did was watch a movie. It was the new Nightmare on Elm Street Movie and I've already watched the movie plenty of times so I just messed around on my iPhone while Lane stared vigorously at the movie. After a few seconds of staring down at the lit up screen I started to really take in detail the apps on the thing. But when I felt a shift in the couch I looked up to see Lanes face inches from mine looking down at my screen.
“Wow, iPhone. Nice.” He said but I hardly noticed. His breath was sweet and hot. Like he just got done rinsing Listerine through his mouth or something. His aroma caught me off guard and I looked at him blankly. I looked like statue, I couldn't move, breath or talk. His smell was intoxicating and it had me wasted.
In all this confusion I happened to let the phone slip from my fingers and hit the hardwood floor. This brought me out of my coma and I reached down for the item, but at the same time so did Lane. Our skin connected and I stared at his face. Out of the few times I have seen him he always had on a pair of shades but now, at this moment, he didn't. He had bluish-gray eyes that were turning me on right there. I've never wanted to sleep with a boy before but this guy that had his fingers touching mine was a total exception. I could feel my eight inch cock began to grow under my jeans. And within seconds I was fully erect. Lane smiled at me with that angelic smile of his and then sit up very fast. This surprised me and so I also sat up. But when I did, he was waiting for me. He took my face with both of his hands and kissed me gently. He stopped for half a second then continued. Roughly. More aggressive. His strong hands pushing my face against his. The moment was perfect but indifferent. He let one hand drop to my shirt and quickly found his way in. he briefly began to play with my nipples and before I knew what I was doing I grabbed his jeans and undid his fly. With both of our hands busy there was nothing to keep us balanced and so we both fell to the floor with a loud thud. I couldn't help but to laugh out loud for a second. Thinking I, for some reason, was laughing at him he pulled his lips off of mine and stared at me with this grin on his face. I gave this brief shake of my head to signal that he wouldn't understand the inside joke.
We undressed each other in the middle of my living room floor and now were laying naked on top of each other. He wanted to know if I would suck his cock for him. And without answering I got between his legs and stuck the whole nine inch monster in my mouth. He moaned louder and louder before shooting his whole load right into my open throat. He then reached down as if he wanted to suck me off but I had other plans. I then took what seed I had left in my mouth and used it too drench his peener.
“Wha--” He began but before he could say anymore I got down on all fours and shoved his cock into my ready ass. After the burning settled down he really began to pick up a pattern he slammed into my ass with such a force over and over again I thought my butt was going to split! He matched his screams of joy in union with my yells of delight. My nut sack was beginning to tighten up and I could feel it ready to erupt anytime. But right after Lane blew up in my ass I was ready to explode. There was no stopping me on this one. Right as I busted my nut Lane somehow slipped around in front of me and began to swallow every drop of nectar I produced. After a minute or two our hearts returned to normal and we layed beside each other. With his thigh hiked up on my hip. We both fell into a sort of power-nap.
When I awoke Lane and I were still intertwined naked on the floor. It was maybe ten or eleven p.m. and there was a sharp knock on the door.
“Ryan. Its Charley” knock knock “Come on I know your home your cars in the garage.” I panicked and then I remembered that earlier that day Charley told me he was gonna be coming over later on. I looked over at Lane then at the door. I looked at Lane and then at the door.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------Part 2 Coming Out Before 12/21/10. Please give rating.
I LOVED this story especially when he surprised him and sat on his HUGE HARD black cock mmmmwonderfull LUST!! My cock is HARD and drollin pre cum right now wishin I had a wonderfull black man to seduce and RIDE to EXPLOSION!!! MMMMM HARD cock in my ass ...if you have never tried it OMG!!! I have had my biggest CUMS of my life with a stiff hard cock up my pulsating ass!!mmm time 2 jack off...wish I had a BIG cock 2 FUCK!! PLEEZ rite more!!!!
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