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This is not my work. This wonderful little piece was writen by an author known as "Thumb about ten to fifteen years ago. I repost it here in hopes a new audience will enjoy it as much as I have over the years.


The alarm jarred the exhausted teacher awake at 5:00 A.M. She had not gotten to sleep until about 2:00 A.M. She had licked the floor clean and then licked the black dildo until it was free of all her juices. Her pussy was still leaking as she laid down on the cold floor to try to sleep. She spent the night sucking the huge rubber cock.

Mary dragged her tired body to the shower hoping the hot water would invigorate her tired muscles. Her jaws ached from being stretched around the huge black cock all night and her pussy was very sore from the workout the night before. Just thinking about it made her pussy moist again. She had never felt anything so intense before. She didn't have time for the long hot shower she wished for so she limited herself to a quick shower cleaning herself thoroughly and washing her hair.

When she got out of the shower she was shocked to see it was 5:30 already. She quickly dried her hair and got her make-up on by 6:00. She slipped on the robe Lisa had permitted her to keep which came to just below her ass cheeks and was nearly transparent. She wondered what her daughter would think of her dress this way. She hoped she wouldn't see her shaved slit.

Mary prepared bacon and pancakes for Lisa and Amy. She hoped she would be permitted to eat some too they smelled so good and she was getting desperate for some decent food. At exactly 6:30 she wakened Lisa and then Amy and told them breakfast was ready.

Lisa told Amy to go on down and start she would be down in a second. Lisa took Mary into her room and laid out her clothes for the day. Red garter belt with smoke stockings...3" black heels. She also picked out a navy skirt which was 4" above the knee and a white sweater which covered her breasts and would conceal the fact that she was braless unless anyone looked closely.

She also packed Mary's bag for the gym. The too small leotard and spandex shorts with white gym socks and tennis shoes. She also packed one on Amy's tube tops (red and white stripes), a very tight short red skirt and 5" red heels in the bag.

When Mary looked nervously at the items Lisa packed in the bag Lisa said,"Don't worry Mrs. C. I will give you a note in school as to what is expected of you after dismissal."

Lisa went down for breakfast leaving Mary to dress. When Mary was dressed and ready for school she went down to the kitchen hoping for something to eat. Amy had gone back up to get ready and only Lisa was in the kitchen.

"Here is your breakfast," said Lisa handing Mary a slice of dry toast and a small glass of orange juice. "I have packed your lunch for you but you can not open it until lunch and you should eat in the teacher's lunchroom."

Mary ate the dry toast and drank the small juice which did little to quell her appetite. She then cleaned up while Lisa dressed for school.

Mary was permitted to drive to school with Lisa and Amy. They parked in the teacher lot and walked into the school. Mary was uncomfortable because she had no panties on and she could feel her breasts moving under the sweater. She knew no one would probably notice but she was afraid someone would. After Amy had turned and walked to her classroom Lisa whispered to Mary. "Your tits move so nicely under that sweater." This served to make her even more aware of her lack of under clothing.

The day went relatively normal up to lunch time with Mary very aware of her breasts swaying under the sweater and the air moving over her bare pussy but no one seemed to notice anything except her new hair style which stirred quite a bit of conversation. Lisa hadn't been into her room yet, her class met after lunch.

Mary went to the lunch room fearful of what would be in her lunch. She sat at the end of the lunch table but was the center of interest because of her new hair. Opening the bag she found a half of chicken sandwich, and apple, and 2 small cookies. She looked but there was nothing else. No note or anything from Lisa. She had thought Lisa had put a note in her lunch. Mary ate the lunch as she talked with the other teachers. She was thankful that at least she had some regular food. While not enough to satisfy her it was enough to stop her stomach from growling.

Mary was very apprehensive about Lisa's class after lunch. Lisa had been so intent on humiliating her since she came into her room on Friday that she just knew something would happen. But then again Lisa had not embarrassed her too much in front of Amy except for the robe this morning which Amy didn't even notice.

Lisa came into her room a couple of minutes before class and demanded , " Open your purse Mrs. C."

Mary opened her purse

Lisa said," Where are the things that are to be here? Your plug and favorite black toy and your collar.?"

"Oh no. I forgot Ms. Simon. Please I'm sorry." begged the panicked teacher.

"Mrs. C. I am very disappointed with you. You have failed to play with your hot box twice today as ordered, you failed to wear your heels after your shower, you have been sitting all day in your room, you sat at lunch and now this. Do you think my rules are a joke? Doyou think I am playing? After school you are to stand in the corner of your room facing the wall until I come in. Do not move from that spot no matter how long I take to get here."

Lisa went to her seat as the other students came into class leaving the shaken teacher standing near her desk. Class proceeded as usually with Mary standing the entire time. She saw Lisa whispering to other students but didn't know what she was saying. She was so scared she almost peed herself. Then she remember she had sat on the toilet twice today in violation of her orders. She hoped Lisa wouldn't know about that.

Finally the end of the longest day of her teaching career came to an end and the last of her students left. Mary checked the hall and when everyone had gone she went and stood in the corner away from the door so anyone walking by wouldn't see her. She knew Amy would be going to basketball practice after school so she would not be a problem.

After about 30 minutes of standing nervously in the corner Mary heard the door open and glanced over and saw Lisa come into the room. Lisa sat in Mary's chair and ordered," Pull your skirt up Mrs. C."

The frightened teacher pulled her skirt up to her waist baring her ass. Her faced reddened as the thought of someone walking in sank into her mind.

"Walk backwards to me Mrs. C."

As the bare assed teacher walked back to her controlling student Lisa was rummaged through her desk and found a strong, thick, wooden ruler. When Mary had backed up to Lisa she was told to bend over the desk with her ass high in the air and legs spread. "If I were you I wouldn't make too much noise Mrs. C., Bubba will be cleaning this section soon."

Lisa then began to spank the frightened teacher with the ruler. Soon Mary was squirming around on the desk and the tears were running down her cheeks as her ass got hotter and hotter and redder and redder. She bit her tongue to keep quiet sure that the sound of the ruler smacking her ass would draw the janitor to her room to see her draped across her desk being punished on her bare ass by one of her students. It was almost too much to bare.

Finally Lisa stopped the beating of her ass and ordered her back to the corner with the skirt up. "Now stay there until I get back and don't move a muscle Mrs. C. or we start over." Lisa left the room and was gone for what seemed to Mary forever.

When she returned she put Mary's gym bag on the desk and handed Mary a note. These are your instructions for tonight. I have placed a packet of your finest new pictures where they will be found by Mr. Johnson (the principal) in the morning if you fail to do as you are told. You must complete everything and get home by 10:00 tonight so that I can retrieve the photos and keep your secret. I am driving the car home so you will need to take a cab or the bus to accomplish your tasks. Here is $20.00", said Lisa pulling it from Mary's purse, " and your make up. I'll take this home for you." said Lisa taking Mary's purse. "See you tonight."

Lisa left and Mary pulled down her skirt and opened the note. It was rather long and quite detailed. As she read on her mouth dropped open and the tears sprung from her eyes. 'I can't do these things'. 'This is too much' though Mary as she crumpled to the floor sobbing like a lost child.


Mary sobbed on the floor for 10 minutes. 'I can't do those things'. Maybe she didn't read it correctly. She read it again with a shaky hand.

Dear Mrs. C.,

You must do everything as listed in this note. You are to return home by 10:00 P.M. tonight or I will be unable to stop your discovery and you will have ruuined not only your own life but your husbands and daughters too.

1. You will remove your skirt and sweater.

2. You will put on the tube top and skirt in your gym bag.

3. Change into the 5" heels.

4. You will place your skirt, sweater and the 3" heels in your desk and leave them at the school.

5. Now go to your gym and do an aerobic exercise program for at least 1 hour. (I may check the log sheet at the gym to be sure you worked out an hour.)

6. You will shower and be sure at least 5 other women see your shaved pussy before leaving the shower.

7. After your workout you are to go to a pharmacy and purchase 12 rubbers. Do not purchase a dozen in a box but 12 different individual rubbers. Ask the pharmacist which kinds are best.

8. You are then to go to the mall and enjoy dinner in the food court. Remember no sitting.

9. Go to the shoe store and find the young man who sold you your heels. If he is not working pick someone else for the next part of your assignment.

10. You are to give him or the person you choose one of the rubbers you bought and ask him to fill it with his cum. Offer what ever you need to get it done. Bring the filled rubber home to me.

Remember you only have $20. dollars and must be home by 10 to get the remainder of your punishment or I will be gone when you get here.


Mary looked at her watch and saw it was 4:30 already. 'What was she going to do? She knew she had no choice but how could she do these things with only $20.00 and 5 1/2 hours. She needed 1 1/2 hours at the gym, allowing 30 minutes for the pharmacy and 30 minutes travel she was down to 3 hours. The trip to the mall and then home was at least 1 1/2 hours which left only 1 1/2 hours to get done the disgusting thing she had to do. But she didn't have any transportation and using public transportation would add at least an hour and she couldn't afford a taxi.

'I have no choice.' she decided as she got up from the floor and moved to the desk to get her gym bag.

"Hi Mrs. C." said Bubba as he came into the room. "You ok?"

"Yes Bubba I'm fine I'll be out of your way in a few minutes."

"No hurry Maam, I'll just start in Mrs. B.'s room."

Mary picked up the bag and headed for the restroom to change.

She slipped off her sweater and skirt and put on the tube top which was too small and squeezed her breasts tightly and the skirt didn't completely cover the tops of her stockings. With the 5" heels she looked in the mirror and was ashamed of the way she looked. The thought of what she was being required to do caused her to begin sobbing again.

She composed herself as she realized her time was passing away and a quick fix of her make-up and hair and she was ready to go back to her room. How would she avoid Bubba?

She listened carefully and could hear him singing as he worked in Mrs. B.'s room across the hallfrom hers. She tiptoed to her room and quickly put the clothes in her drawer and moved to her door. Quickly looking down the hall she headed for the exit.

After she passed Mrs. B.'s room Bubba leaned out and watched the hot teacher's ass sway down the hall poured into the tight red skirt.

When Mary reached the exit she knew this would be her most vulnerable place to be recognized by someone she knew. With her head lowered she hurried to the bus stop on the corner unaware she was being watched from the school by the big black janitor as he smelled her sweater. It was 4:55.

The bus came at 5:05 and the ride to the gym took 10 minutes with the scantily clad blushing teacher standing on the bus. She was starred at and she saw several people whispering and looking at her.

She finally signed in at the gym at 5:10 under the shocked look of the attendant. She moved to the locker room and quickly changed into the exercise outfit which was not nearly as embarrassing as the tube top and skirt. The leotard did ride into her ass and when she walked to the gym it rode into her pussy. The spandex shorts kept her from inconspicuously tugging it out.

She decided to start on the tread mill and began jogging on the moving tread. She quickly became aware that the leotard was situated over her clit and was rubbing over it with every step. After 15 minutes she was breathing much harder than the simple jogging caused.When she looked down she saw the growing wet spot on the crotch of the spandex shorts. The stair stepper had the same effect and 15 minutes on it caused her to be soaked in sweat which
hid the growing wet spot but did nothing to lessen the odor of sex which Mary could smell very plainly.

By the time she finished 15 minutes on the bike and a 15 minutes aerobic dance routine she was exhausted and near collapse. Her pussy was on fire and she needed to cum. She glanced at the clock and it was 6:20.

She headed for the shower and washed the sweat from her body and her juices from her pussy. She knew she had to allow 5 women to see her naked pussy while in the shower. One of the ladies she knew fairly well commented on her bald pussy. She explained she had an infection and had to shave it. Her face was indeed crimson. After drying and doing her hair and make up quickly while wrapped in a towel she put on her humiliating outfit and signed out of the gym at 6:45.

Mary knew there was a drug store around the corner from the gym. She had a prescription fill there a couple of months ago. She knew she looked like a slut and was very embarrassed by it but not many people took notice on the street. When she entered the pharmacy she was becoming very concerned about the time. She hurried down the aisles with her heels clicking and found the rubbers. She picked out 12 different varieties which she knew
nothing about, lubricated, ribbed, ultra thin. French tickler to describe a few. She went to the pharmacist when he was free and asked if these were good brands?

He looked at her disgustingly and said, "You should know better the I."

She wanted to sink into the floor. She paid and realized money might become a problem. The bus fare had been $1.25 and the rubbers were $12.95 which left her with $5.80 to get to and from the mall and get something to eat. She left the drug store and hurried to the bus stop. It was 7:05 she had missed the 7:00 bus and had to stand and wait. While she was waiting a guy about 25 came up to her and asked how much as hegrabbed her ass. She was shocked but as she looked around she discovered she was in an area frequented by prostitutes. She didn't think it was possible to be this humiliated and keep going but when the bus arrived at 7:15 she got on for the ride to the mall. The fare was $2.50 . As she stood for the 55 minute ride her mind was on the task ahead. She was about to ask a stranger to cum in a rubber so she could take it home. Maybe it would be better just to let the pictures come out.

The bus arrived at the mall at 8:10. While she didn't look out of place on the city street she did look very out of place here at the mall. She only had $.80 to spend food so she quickly bought a cookie at the cookie store and stood in the food court and quickly wolfed it down. Her body was exhausted and she was starving. She was the subject of many stares as she stood there eating the cookie.

As she made her way to the shoe store she was followed by a group of teenage boys who made rude remarks about her ass and breasts. She walked into the shoe store at exactly 8:25. She knew she had to catch the 8:45 bus to get home by 10:00. She frantically looked around the store for the young salesman. He wasn't there. She had never considered this possibility.

Then he came out of the stock room carrying several boxes. She ran up to him and said "I need to talk to you privately".

The confused salesman said, "As soon as I finish with this lady."

"No, Now, " Mary said grabbing his arm.

He recognized her as the lady who had bought several pairs of shoes over the weekend. He handed the boxes to another salesman, "Could you help the lady over there with these please."

He took Mary back into the stockroom. "Where is your cute young girlfriend?" he asked.

"She is no my girlfriend, she is my st...friend"

"Well what can I do for you? Is there a problem with your shoes?"

"No. I need a favor and I don't have time to discuss this."

""What do you need?'

The shamed teacher said looking at the floor, "I need you to masturbate into a rubber so I can take it with me."

"WHAT!!!!" he exclaimed. "That is sick." as he turned to leave.

The frantic teacher grabbed his arm. "This is serious I'll help you if you wantbut I have to have it. I'm begging you" sobbed Mary as she sank to her knees.

"I don't have a rubber".

"I do," said Mary opening her gym bag and pulling out the rubbers.

"Why should I do this? What's in it for me?.

"What do you want? Please I'll do anything but we need to hurry."

He thought a moment. Why not let this sexy, though slutty, bitch suck my cock for me. "I'll wear a rubber while to blow me bitch if you beg a little harder."

Mary was stung by his words but reaching for his zipper she heard herself begging, " Please allow me to suck your cock, Please."

The salesman picked out an ultra thin ribbed rubber and told Mary to put it on.

She had never done this before and fumbled with the foil package.

"Suck my cock to get it hard bitch."

Mary opened her mouth and sucked the cock in front of her as she got the rubber package open. The cock began to swell in her mouth and when it was fully grown she pulled her mouth off and rolled the rubber over the hot 8" cock. Once the rubber was in place she slide the cock back into her mouth and worked her lips up and down as she was kneeling on the dirty floor of the stockroom. Working her lips and using her hands she sensed he was near cumming when the other salesman came back into the stock room.

"Well Well, I get seconds."

The frantic teacher shook her head no but her salesman pulled his cock out and said." Either my friend gets some or you don't get what you 'need'."

"OK" she said, as she stuffed the cock back in her mouth . Her time was running out.

She pumped the swelling cock in her mouth and felt the cum shooting into the tip of the rubber. She careful slide the rubber off the cock as the other salesman stepped in front of her. She took her precious cum filled rubber as she wrapped her lips around the second cock.

Fortunately he was so turned on from watching her suck the other guy he squirted his load into her sucking mouth almost immediately. Mary got to her feet and whipped the cum from her lips and looked at her watch. 8:42.

She turned and began running down the mall to get to the bus stop. She was aware that her breasts were threatening to bounce out of her top but she knew she needed to make the bus. She crashed out the door just as the bus was pulling into the bus stop. She climbed on the bus and paid the fare leaving her $.05 to spare.

Mary spent the next 60 minutes leaning on the pole in the bus. Ignoring the others on the bus. Her mind was on what she had just done. A happily married (sort of) mother with a teaching career she loved had just paraded through a mall dressed like a whore and begged a guy to allow her to give him a blow job and then gave one to his friend in a dirty storeroom. Her body shivered.

She got off the bus at 9:51. The bus stop was about a mile from her house which was not on the main road. She began running in her 5" heels down the dark road. Her bag was bouncing on her shoulder and her top slide off her breasts as they were bouncing up and down but she couldn't stop.

Now she could see her house the porch light was on and she had about 200 yards to go. As she approached the front gate the light went off. "Nooooooo" she screamed "I'm here." She pounded on the door. The defeated teacher pounded on the door sobbing "I'm here , I made it."

After about 3 minutes the light came on and Lisa opened the door. "Well Mrs. C. welcome home."

"I made it Ms. Simon. Please go get the pictures."

"All taken care of. Come in Amy is spending the night at Rachel's.."


The physically and mentally exhausted teacher pulled herself to her feet and with her breasts totally exposed staggered into the house.

"You look like you had a very thrilling evening Mrs. C." laughed Lisa. "Take off that silly skirt and ridiculous top right this minute."

Mary struggled and removed the top and skirt without complaint. Her body was worn out from the extreme stress and the humiliation as well as the exercise session and having to run in the impossible high heels. She stood before her student passively waiting to be told what to do next. She had no dignity or pride left after what she had done tonight.

"Come over here Mrs. C. and bend over the back of the love seat."

The teacher did as she was told, bending over the back of the love seat with her bare ass high in the air. What else could Lisa do to her?

Lisa then fastened an ankle cuff to each ankle and attached them to the back legs of the love seat spreading the teacher's legs. "Now Mrs. C. I want you to tell me in detail about your evening. I will be paddling your ass with this paddle while you tell me because you failed me miserably today at school. How long and how many times the paddle meets your ass depends on how interesting your story is."

WAM. The paddle lands forcefully on the bound teacher's ass. "Owwww. I changed into the clothes you gave me in the restroom. "

WAM. "Who told you had permission to go to the restroom to change."

"Owww. I just thought..."

WAM. "That is the point. You are not to think."

"Sorry Ms. Simon," babbled Mary. Her ass was on fire and her legs were aching and cramping.

Mary went on with the story. It took about 45 minutes during which time her ass was paddled about 40 times. She was reduced to a babbling beaten nothing. Telling what she had done was more embarrassing than actually doing it and the constant paddling on her ass served to break her spirit completely.

Once she had finished Lisa sat down and had a good laugh at the teachers position. "Well Mrs. C. I guess you were born to be owned . You have performed well and I will be lenient with you tonight.' She released the sobbing teacher's ankles. "Now go and put your souvenir cum filled rubber in the freezer. Then you may shower and go to sleep on the floor next to your bed. I will be sleeping in your bed so be quiet. Wake me at 6:30 for breakfast."

"Thank you Ms. Simon."

Mary did as she was ordered and then took a long hot shower. She hit the floor about 12:00 and slept soundly on her side until the alarm woke her at 5:45.

When Mary got up she was still tired and stiff but what she noticed most was herpainful ass. She looked in the mirror and saw it was still very pink and tender. She went into the bathroom with her dildo and masturbated as required almost to the point of orgasm. She was shocked that her pussy responded so quickly. When she finished she took a quick shower and the quickly did her hair and make up standing in the bathroom. Before leaving the bathroom she
lubed her ass in case Lisa checked. Her ass couldn't take anymore punishment. Breaking the sitting rule would not be a problem today.

Slipping on a pair of 5" heels She went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Lisa. She was so very hungry she would do anything for a decent meal.

At 6:30 the naked high heeled teacher woke her tormentor. "Good Morning Ms. Simon. Your breakfast is ready."

Lisa got out of bed and checked her pet. She was pleased that Mary had her make up and hair done and was nude except for the heels. Her training was coming along nicely. "Where is your collar pet?"

A terrified Mary raced to her purse and put her collar around her neck. "I'm sorry Ms. Simon. Please don't punish me."

"From now on pet you will speak in the third person. 'Your pet is sorry ' 'Please don't punish your pet.' When we are in school or Amy is present you may speak normally."

"Yes Ms. Simon. Your pet is sorry."

Lisa smiled and lead her teacher by her leash to the kitchen.

Mary had prepared bacon and eggs with toast and jam for Lisa. Her stomach was crying for food.

"Hungry pet?" asked Lisa.

"Your pet is very hungry Ms. Simon." responded Mary correctly.

"Well I'm just going to have some milk this morning. You can have this" said Lisa as she dumped her breakfast on the floor.

Mary was so hungry she gave up an sense of pride and dropped to the floor and ate the breakfast from the floor with her hands.

"Finish eating and clean up Mrs. C. and meet me in your bed room in 10 minutes."

Mary ate every bit of food from the floor and then cleaned up everything rushin up the stairs to her room within the time period.

Lisa was waiting for her teacher and ordered her to put in her butt plug right there in front of her. She was thankful she had kept herself lubed as ordered. Mary squatted slightly and inserted the plug into her ass.

"You will not remove it for any reason without my permission." instructed Lisa.

"Yes Ms. Simon your pet will not remove her plug without permission."

"Come here Mrs. C. "

Mary straighten up and walked to stand in front of her student.

"Now play with your nipples and make them hard Mrs. C."

Mary began pinching and tweaking her nipples which responded quickly. Her body had never been so responsive. All the stimulation and denial was having this affect. She refused to believe she actually enjoyed being treated this way.

When her nipples were hard Lisa reached out and placed a tiny orthodontic rubber band on each.

The pain was minimal but the nipples were locked in there swollen state. Soon they began to ache and became very sensitive. "Those will stay on as long as the plug is in Mrs. C."

"Yes Ms. Simon your pet understands."

"Here is your outfit for today. Get dressed and meet me down stairs in 15 minutes. And put on more make up before you come down."

"Yes Ms. Simon."

Mary looked at the clothes Lisa had laid out for her. A short plaid tweed skirt, black garter belt, nude stockings, red camisole, and white silk blouse with top button removed and 3" red heels made up her wardrobe for today. The skirt was snug but if she was careful it covered her stocking tops. The camisole was clearly visibly through the white blouse and the missing button allowed the top of the camisole to show. But the most embarrassing and annoying
part of the outfit was the affect the silk camisole and blouse had on her banded nipples. Every movement caused her nipples to rub on the material and send shivers through her sensitive nipples directly to her pussy. Her body was her enemy and she would have to be fighting all day to control it. She would have to stand still as much as possible. The plug in her ass was uncomfortable but her nipples even made that full feeling in her ass exciting. When Mary looked in the mirror to touch up her make up she noticed her nipples were pointing through the silky material. There
was no way to hide them.

"Did you go to the bathroom today Mrs. C.?" asked Lisa when Mary walked into the

"No Ms. Simon your pet did not use the bathroom today."

"Well you better go out and use the yard since you are not permitted to use the restroom today."

The shamed teacher walked out into the yard, lifting her skirt and spreading her legs she peed while her student watched.

""Ready to leave Mrs. C.?"

"Yes Ms. Simon." responded Mary as she made a final check of her purse to be sure her collar and dildo were in there.

"Here is your lunch pet. and I want you to put the rubbers in your purse too. Never know when a hot number like you might need them."

Mary hurried to put the rubbers in her purse. "Ms. Simon, should your pet take her gym bag today?"

"Yes pet you will be working out after school and then Amy and I are taking you to the mall and out to dinner."

What Lisa had just said jarred Mary, 'Amy and Lisa taking her to the mall?' What does she have planned now?'

After a painful ride to school on her tender ass Mary received her instructions for the day from Lisa. She was to be moving around the room constantly so everyone would get a good look at her stiff nipples. She was to eat lunch in the faculty dining room but not to look at her lunch until she gets there. She was not to use the restroom but she was to drink at least 4 glasses of water and at lunch have a carton of milk.

"Have a good day Mrs. C."


2019-08-24 06:54:24
Have to go to the next chapters can't hold the heat in my pussy Fg.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-07-22 17:59:54
Can't wait to read the rest.

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