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Part 6: Ginny moves in

Ginny woke aching, a glorious aftermath aching of the magnificent sex she and her loves had last night, well into early this morning, before she fell asleep with Hermione, her future wife and between them, Harry her future husband ‘mmmm I wanted him for so long’, He presently loving Hermione, rather nicely, .
Ginny starts getting wet as She remembers snuggling up to him, his kisses as she dropped off to sleep earlier. Harry seeing her awake, says between breathes “Good morning my love, sleep well” Hermione moans “morning Ginny, ooohhh Yes”. no longer having to stay quiet.
Ginny rolls over tenderly and kisses both “Good morning my loves, yes I did… do you two always start the morning like this?”
“Yes” they answer in unionson.
And then Hermione screams in pleasure “OOH Fuck me Harry… YES,yes,my love, yes… Oh GOD Yesssss!” as she has her fourth orgasm this morning, pushing Harry over, he spills his seed deep into his love’s womb, filling her to excess.

Ginny feels herself getting wetter. ‘Goddess I love them‘.

He lays on top of Hermione kissing softly as they slowly calm down. Slowly Harry withdraw from Hermione and moves towards Ginny “and now you, my love” pushing on her back and kisses her as he moves over her. Hermione rolls next them and nudges Harry to join in a three-way kiss. Ginny moans. Harry surrender Ginny’s lips to Hermione’s, so he can move down Ginny’s body, kissing her skin everywhere as he goes. Ginny gasps onto Hermione’s mouth as Harry attacks an erect nipple with tongue and lips. ’Oh Goddess that feels good’. He moves to the other nipple and nibbles, her back arches in soreness and she has her first orgasm of the new day. He continues his way south and arrives at her treasure, kisses her hard clit, she flinches, Harry understood and softly ever so softly begins licking and kissing her flower, then he pushes his tongue inside her as she comes again, she moves to wrap her legs around Harry, but her hips screams ‘No’, the pleasure of cumming and the pain of her soreness, ‘oh the sweet pain’

Harry moves up away from her slightly, gently lays his hand on her mound and slips his finger inside her and does that healing spell of his, she sighs, then he moved up and places the tip of his hard cock on her extremely wet opening and slowly enters her, “OH Goddess YES Love me Harry, my love“.
Hermione kissing them both as Harry gives Ginny three more orgasms before he fills her with his sperm.
“Shower” Harry says, the water comes on and suddenly they are there, oh the hot water encapsulating them. Harry still inside her holding her up. Hermione beside them. The ladies broke the kiss and Ginny kisses Harry and reluctantly asks softly to be put down, Harry bends his knees lowers them both, her feet touch the shower floor and he slides out of her once again well loved vigina. ’Mmmm’ the hot water eases her frame.
Harry turns, kisses Hermione and picks up the soap. turning back to Ginny his member slides across the stomach. Ginny realizing Harry is still hard asks “Does that thing ever go down” Hermione giggles, she had ask the same just the other day.
Harry replies “Not around you two”.

Both ladies giggling kisses Harry one after the other, several times, Finally Ginny groans “Damn I wish we could do this all day, but I have things to do, I got that thing at work”.
Hermione adds quickly “ we’re going too, after work we’ll take in a show, maybe a dance, something, not sure, but first we need to go by Gringotts, ok.. Harry wash me… please” Harry grins
“Me too” Ginny asks.
“of course my loves”
“What… Hermione Granger Potter not sure of something” earning him a slap on the shoulder. The girls giggle, their breast wiggling, Harry starts rising “none of that out Mister, now finish your cleaning, we got to go”.

After cleaning his ladies and them cleaning him. Ginny washing his back, Hermione takes care of Harry’s new big problem. She doesn’t swallow as he finishes in her mouth. Harry watches in awe as she pulls Ginny to her and kisses her, opening her mouth to her open mouth, proceeds to share Harry’s offering. His cock starts getting hard again. They both savior him then swallowed and kiss again then kiss Harry.

They hear Harry says softly “For the last two years I knew, I was the most loved man ever.. Today I‘m twice as loved ”
A tear forms in both Hermione and Ginny eye. ‘Finally’ thinks Hermione
“I love you Hermione” and he kisses her
“I love you Harry”
“I love you Ginny” he kisses her
“I love you Harry”
“I love you Hermione” Ginny turns to her
“and I love you Ginny” and they kiss.

Harry interrupts their kiss “I’m starved, Dob…” Hermione slaps his shoulder again “Leave them alone, their not back yet”
Dobby and Winky appears “Wess back mistress Hermione Potter ”
“Oh, huh, well ok Breakfast please … oh Dobby, Winky, Ginny will be moving in, we’re getting married”
“Oh yes mistress Hermione Potter, welcome misses Ginny Wheezy to The House of Potter, wess happy Mas.. Mister Harry Potter sir has two misess now
Ginny smiles and choke a bit ‘House of Potter’
“misses Ginny Wheezy, will yous nees Dobby to get yous things ”
“Oh, would you, thank you Dobby that’s sweet”
And elves disappeared.

They dry each other, As Harry and Hermione go to their closets and grab some clothes Hermione says “don’t think mine will fit you right”
Ginny answers “no bother” picks up her dress, pulls out a small red bag and enlarges it and takes out a clean set of clothes. “hoped I’d be spending the night, wanted to, huh didn‘t know I’d be getting engaged though, I’m so happy, I Did, I love you both”
“And we love…
you Ginny” Hermione starts, Harry finishes. Ginny groan “taking lessons from the twins” they laugh..
As they dressed Ginny whimpered a little, Harry ask if she wanted him to ease the pain,
“No… no Harry I earned this soreness and will always cherish my first morning being Harry and Hermione Potter’s fiancée, Thank You but no“.
“Well if you change your mind”
“You’ll be the second to know Harry”
Winky pops in “Breakfast ready, mistress Hermione Potter, eat here or down”
“Breakfast nook Winky, thank you, we need to get Harry out of the bedroom for awhile“, She giggles like a little school girl, Harry rolls his eyes.
“True oh so true” Ginny giggling too, she takes Harry‘s arm, Hermione takes his other arm and they head towards the stairs, during the first step down Harry feels Ginny finch, and apparate them to the nook.

After a wonderful breakfast, Winky went all out, there were eggs done in five different styles, bacon, pancakes, strawberries, sausage, ham and turkey slices, bagels, kippers, orange and mango slices, Grapes, melons, peaches, cheese slices, Cheese and Blueberry Danishes, toast, orange juice, milk, coffee and tea, honey and cream.
They joked, talked, fed each other and laughed like school kids again, remembering the good times during their school days. Ron’s name was never mentioned, although Ginny almost did once.

As they ate Dobby pops back in “Misses Ginny Wheezy, yous clothes are ins the threes closet, yous furtur and thingss ins oher bedsrom, wess clean yos flat latr”
“Thank you Dobby, Thank you very much”
and he pops away
“Wow nice to have an house elf, no Hermione I won’t abuse him or Winky”
“I know… it’s ok.”
“well lets go then”

“Yes mister Harry Potter sir”
“Dobby we’re going be out most of the day and most likely eat out tonight”
“Yes mister Harry Potter sir” and disappears.
“Ladies” and out they go and apparate to the Leaky Caldron.

As they enter the Caldron “Hello Tom, how are you”
“ Harry, Mrs. Potter, Miss Weasley, Just fine and you alls”
“It Hermione, Tom”
“of course Hermione”
“Not for long” Ginny said quickly and kisses Harry, then Hermione.
“Huh… oh taking a second wife Harry, are ye?”
“Yes, we are Tom, we should be back later to eat, what for supper?”.
“and after I get used to being Mrs. Potter it’s Ginny”
“ Of course, Roasted Duck in a wine sauce and..”
“We’ll be back, right Ladies?” they nod. “Catch you later” Harry enjoys their Roasted Duck.
Thru the arch to Diagon Alley, they got arm in arm. You could feel the happiness radiating off the trio, as they head to Gringotts.
Tom smiles “bout time, milord”

The trio walk into Gringotts and up to the counter, the goblin looks up and smiles “Hello Lord Potter, Lady Potter, Miss Weasley, what can we to for you today”
“Hello Griphook, nice to see you again, we’d like to visit the Potter vault”
“Yes sir Lord. Potter, right away, sir, which one sir, the main Potter vault, sir ” Harry nods, the goblin motions someone over, then hops down come around the corner and says “This way.

After the wild ride. as Harry opens the vault he says, “be it known Hermione Jean Potter and Ginevra Molly Wheasly the soon to be Ginevra Molly Granger Potter has complete access to all my vaults“. A white flash travel thru the tunnel and in they went.

Hermione and Ginny eyes nearly bug out at the stacks of Galleons, Sickles, Knuts and gold bars. The room was huge, three time the size of the Great Hall at Hogwarts
“My God Harry I knew you were rich, but…” Hermione gasps
“Goddess” a stunned Ginny says.
“How much Harry?”
“Not sure, but enough I guess, come on now… oh it‘s not I am, it’s we are”

They walk pass stack upon stacks, row after rows of gold, then boxes of gems, around the walls are paintings and artifacts and file cabinets. shelves of manuscripts, they arrive to a section of display cases, which are filled with all sort of jewelry: rings, bracelets, necklaces, chokers, ear rings, brooches, and watches and whatever. Harry found the tray he was looking for, picks out two rings, slide one into his pocket and turns to Ginny;
Harry drops to one knee.
“Ginny to make this official, Ginevra Molly Wheasly will you marry me, huh us?”
“Yes, you know I will, for ever and ever”
Harry places the engagement ring on her third finger, it sizes itself.
“It’s Gorgeous Harry, I love you, both ”
Hermione kisses Ginny “I love you, Darn he only proposed to me once”
Harry raises up and kisses Ginny then Hermione. “I’ll propose to you daily if you wish my love“ he drops to a knee in front of Hermione,
“Trying to get in my knickers are yo…..” That’s when Hermione saw them.
“ Books! Harry.. books!” and off she ran.
“Damn we’ll never get her out of here now, you know” Harry moans
Ginny snickers, “well it’s your fault, you should have brought her here before now”
“I know, just haven’t.. taking the time”
Ginny steps close to Harry “Couldn’t get out of bed be more like it, Well she’s busy and I’m official engaged now, but too sore for that, so Mr. Potter ” and she begin unbuckling Harry’s belt, unzips his pants and pulls them and his boxers down, slowly drops to her knees and takes Harry into her mouth.

When Harry moans his discharge, Hermione looks over and smiles “oh get a room”

Ginny chokes on Harry offering, but keeps it and him in her mouth as he finishes. Ginny swallows, cleans Harry, then heads over to Hermione “Oh you’re so going get it”
“Hope to” Both ladies laugh.
Harry redresses and walks to his lovers.
“Harry these books are priceless, there’s some here that have been lost for centuries, I‘ve only read about them…”
“ We need to go, so Ginny’s can get to Holyhead, put the books down, my love, we will come back later, we’ll plan a whole day in here, a week, a month, a year if you wish. I haven’t seen it all, yet.”
“Harry can I take this one?”
“Yes, my love take them all if you wish after all their yours too, just we need to go, for now”
“Ok and this one and”
“Hermione… two, lets go”
Ginny was grinning, the look on Hermione’s face was precious, she looked like a little kid who couldn‘t go play with the other kids.
“oh poo” she said as Harry pulled her towards the main door, she clutching two books to her chest. He kissed her nose and she brighten up.
“We’ll see, yes my love if we can”
Hermione beamed. Ginny and Harry just shook their heads.

Then what Harry said caught “MINE!!! You said their mine too”
“Yes my love, of course their yours, everything I own is your’s and Ginny’s.. ours”
She turned to go back griping Harry‘s hand “ come with me Harry I‘m…”.
“Hermione, my love, Ginny thing… we need to go to Holyhead”
“Oh Holyhead… right.. Ok.. We needed to go… Ginny.. Yes… Damn… Mr. Potter I’m going to fuck you so hard tonight”
And he kissed her ”Good now lets go” Ginny was just laughing so hard, but holding it in turned total red,

They left Gringotts went to the nearest public floo and flooed to the Holyhead Floo Station.

It turned out to be a sort of hands on training, expo thing for kids, the P.R. Department thought it up for publicity, there were press and newsreels present.

Needless to say the kids had a great time, especially when Ginny pulled Harry and Hermione on the field, the cameras went crazy. Harry and Ginny took every kid there on a trill ride as if chasing a snitch. Hermione flew them as a chaser The whole team signed autographs. Harry bought enough jerseys for every kid there, the team then signed them. He had magical pictures taken with each child also, and the team players. Harry insisted that Ginny and Hermione be in every child’s picture he was in. Harry loved it, you could see it in his face, he loved helping them, just being with the kids. Hermione was almost in tears, that ecstatic face of her husband, told it all .

A reporter who had interviewed Harry before, ask if was it due to his marriage to Hermione, that he seem so much happier than he remembered, Harry’s answer was “Yes, I finally have a family of my own, a family full of love I might add, and hope to help it grow.” he looked at Hermione, then Ginny.

He added “Also I love being around the kids, helping them, There’s nothing more precious than the joy in a truly happy child eyes, look you can see the sparkle, if not your just plain dead inside. When ever I see that sparkle, my heart warms. I know all the pain I’ve ever suffered, will totally vanish, when I see that look in my own child eyes”
Ginny, Hermione and several women standing behind Harry heard the whole interview, there was a general sigh, tears in every female eyes. Hermione was told how lucky she was, Ginny and Hermione turned to each other “He’ll do, we got a keeper” at the same time, then hugged each other.

Afterwards back to the Leaky Caldron, they ate, The butterbeer, roast duck and conversation was great. While they were eating Ginny remembered she needed to contact Steve Andrew, “we were to have a date tonight, but not how“. She called his floo address, it responded and stuck her head in

“Steve” and saw him kissing a well built blonde.
“Oh hi Ginny, tried to call you earlier, you weren’t home or something”
“Steve I was calling to tell our date tonight is off and this Saturday too, I got engaged last night to my first loves.”
“That’s Great Ginny, oh this is Sally, Sally Bentson”
“Sally” Ginny smiled.
Sally said “Congratulations whose the lucky bloke”
“ Harry, got to go, bye” and she left
Sally said “pretty girl, guess that went well, Harry who?”
Steve shrugged “well I’m happy for her she a great gal, now where were we” they kissed.
“Do you think there’s really a Harry or was she just trying to let you off the hook”
Steve only shrugged and kissed Sally again, “spend the night”
“Never thought you’d ask” and kissed him

Back at the table Ginny walked up, Hermione ask “everything ok”
“Yeah, he had a girl with him, said he tried to floo-call me to cancel our date, go figure”

The Daily Prophet next day:

Harry Potter Flys Kids.

Lord Harry James Potter, the wizard who defeated Voldemort, unexpectedly show-up at the Holyhead Harpies’ Quidditch Youth Day Program yesterday.
The red-haired fantasy of many men and boys alike, Seeker Ms Ginevra ‘Ginny’ Weasley, who turns out be a old school mate of his, pulled Lord Potter and the beautiful Lady Hermione Potter, another old school mate, out on to the field. Surprising everyone, for pictures and autographs. Lord Potter bought a jersey for each child in attendance, and had photos taken with all .

Harry Potter was, a Top-ranking Seeker at school, The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Poised for photos, more for the kids than the press, I have to add. It looked like a thunder storm with all the flashes from cameras. Lord Potter who seems to shy away from the press normally, stood out proud yesterday.

Then Harry and Hermione Potter hopped on a couple of brooms and with Miss Ginny Weasley, gave rides to all children there. Mr. Potter was the Seeker and Miss Weasley who, a year behind Harry and Hermione Potter, was a Chaser and back-up Seeker for Gryffindor House, then took over as Seeker when Mr. Potter left school.

Although also in Gryffindor, Hermione Potter nee Granger did not play Quidditch, surprisingly turned out to be, not a bad flier, chaser status. During her stay at Hogwarts she was, according to sources, deem ‘The Brightest Witch of our Time‘ and assisted Mr. Potter in the defeat of Voldemort, fighting along side him in several battles over the years, including the finally one. She is a beautiful, but powerful witch.

This reporter in a private talk with Harry Potter ask about his being so happy visiting with these kids, was told:
There’s nothing more precious than the joy in a truly happy child eyes, look you can see the sparkle, if not you’re just plain dead inside. When ever I see that sparkle, my heart warms. I know all the pain I’ve ever suffered, will totally vanish, when I see that look in my own child eyes -
He also said He finally had a family of his own, a Family full of love, which he planned to help grow.
Mrs. Potter said Harry and her were the happiest they ever been and planned to start increasing their family soon.
All in all every one had a wonderful time and I expects a time the kids will never forget. I know I for one now have a different respect for Mr. Potter.
See pictures pages 2,3,6,8&14..

Next morning as Sally read the Prophet, with a tear in her eye “Steve I think I know who Harry is!”
“Harry who, oh Ginny’s Harry…” she show him the paper “ Bloody Hell”
“Isn’t he married already?”
“ Yeah, according to this that’s Hermione Potter hugging Ginny… what, engaged to Potter maybe, Harry bloody Potter, looks like he going to take a second wife”
“Luck girl” Sally said, then kissed him, “did you sleep with her?”
“No, just when out a few times, but I was hoping to this weekend though, heard she‘s a firecracker in bed”

That evening Seeker, Steven Katzmann for the Cannons walked into the bar, seeing Ron, nursing a drink, approached him. Time to razz him some more.

“Hey Ron, I see where ol’ Hermione has stepped up in the world, and looking good too… You really fucked up, mate. Is that’s your sister, nice, she available, maybe you could introduce me…“
“Yeah that’s Ginny” as he looked at the picture.
“Thought you said you play for Gryffindor with Potter”
“Yea I was their best Keeper”
“Mate, your not even mention”
“Harry owns the paper…”

Another teammate Wayne Smoote, reading The Witches Secret, the gossip rag Rita works for, said “Ron you’re an idiot, Hermione is one good looking bird, nice ass and that Ginny, damn looks good too, and according to these pictures, looks like ol’ Harry maybe shagging them both, the way their hugging and all… Hell I wouldn’t mind getting some of that”
“ Huh, let me see…” he stared at the pictures, then his brain caught up
“What do you mean you want some of that, that’s my sister, and my girl?” and Ron belted him. Wayne fell over a table breaking it, the barkeeper placed Ron in a body bind and called Mrs. Phillips.

Ron drew another month suspension, filed and had to pay for damages. And warn “don’t do it again”

Ron stewing about the pictures and that prat Wayne remarks, stopped and bought a copy of The Witches Secret and a butterbeer.

After staring at the rag-paper for an hour or so, the pictures did look like, there was more than friendship and Rita’s story, hinted of some underline activities. He decided he needed to tell Ginny , “she needs to leave the poof, Potter alone, all he‘s trying to do, is look like a stud instead of the fairy he is“.

Instead of finding her at her flat, he found she had moved, no forwarding address, except the post-box service for witches and wizards under fidious.

He bought a bottle of firewhiskey, back to his flat raging. That glory-seeking bastard, took my Hermione and now he’s shagging Ginny too. The fucker gets everything.

After half the bottle was gone he got a brilliant idea “bet mum don’t know Ginny’s moved in with Harry, Shagging him“.
He floo-called her, “Molly Weasley”.

Shortly her head stuck out “ oh hi Ron, you look dreadful, what is it?”

‘Damn he’s even turned her against him, well I’ll fix that too‘. ”Mum, I heard rumor that and according to the papers… Harry maybe shagging Ginny”
“Harry married to Hermione, you know that, he’d never do anything like yo…”
“I went by Ginny’s flat and she moved out, it empty, and the paper says…”
“Moved, what, you must be mistaken, went to the wrong flat, anyone can tell you’ve been drinking… You need to sober up.. And if you going to gossip about your sister and Harry… I’ve got to go” and she did.

Ron smiled ‘ah the plot thickens’, then started laughing “mum going to kill him“, ‘then that bitch Hermione will try to crawl back to me, maybe I’ll make her lick my arse clean after I go to the loo’. Finished off the bottle and passed out smiling to himself.

Molly floo-called Ginny’s flat and got no answer, She may be out and tried later, still no answer. After the third time she thought she’d call Hermione and see if she had heard from Ginny.
Just before she called, Ginny needing to used the loo, Hermione on the one in the master bedroom, she went to Hermione’s room.

Molly threw in her floo power and said “Godric Hollow upstairs” it responded so she stuck her head thru, just in time to see a nude Ginny walk by with spunk running down the inside of her leg. Needless to say, all hell broke loose.
“MOM” Ginny screamed
“GINEVRA MOLLY WEASLEY, WHAT are you doing at Harry’s and like tha, IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS on your leg, open this floo immediately” Before Ginny say anything else.

Hearing the scream Harry came running, wand in hand with his flaccid cock a swinging.
Molly went ballistic and started raving. Then a equally nude Hermione ran in, but carrying three robes and Molly went full force. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON YOU”RE ALL STARKERS AND and…”
Harry open the floo, pulled Molly thru, his voice Boom “MOLLY SHUT THE HELL UP… and LISTEN to Ginny for one Damn minute” he grabbed a robe and put it on.

Every froze… Harry did what???

Ginny looking at Harry gathered herself started “ huh Mum it’s ok”
“OK, how can it be ok, your shagging him, he‘s a married man and you Hermione I never..”
“MUM I’m old enough to do as I please with who I please and besides Harry and Hermione ask me to marry them and I said Yes”
“Don’t tell your ol… They what?… marry did you say marry?”
“Yes mum I’m going to be Mrs. Ginevra Molly Granger Potter,” she smiled “we haven’t had time to tell you, Sorry”
Harry added quickly,“ Sorry Molly, mum huh, Mrs. Weasley, it’s my fault I was going to ask for Ginny’s hand, I, we were going to invite you and Arthur over for a Friday night for supper, huh engagement party. I was going to then”
“Harry you should have waited till your wedding night” her voice could cut steel, visualizing the spunk on Ginny‘s thigh.
“Mum I haven’t been a virgin for years, I love Harry and Hermione and they love Me. I‘m going to marry Harry and Hermione and have 5 kids by Harry and there‘s nothing you can do about“.

Molly went from kill mode to super hugs . “ my little girl going to get married” and began crying.
First she hugged Ginny, then Harry then Hermione and back to Ginny. ”Just five?” Molly asked. Ginny finally got her to stop hugging, so she could breath and put on her robe, Hermione already had.

Then Ginny show her mom her engagement ring. Molly wailed and soon all three ladies were crying, Harry slipped back to master bedroom to put on some pants as he heard something about grandkids playing in the yard.

After he slipped on his boxers, he started to walk back in, but stopped when he hearing Molly say “after seeing Harry’s tackle, I’ll say you’re both are very lucky girls, indeed… think he’d like a third” they all busted out laughing.

Harry turned red, and retreated back the master bedroom, called Winky and ask her to bring some refreshment to Hermione’s old room for three and laid down ’only a foolish man would walk in there now’ and nodded off.

(More to come)

anonymous readerReport 

2013-04-25 15:47:15
deffantley need a movie of this lol 10/10. it would be a big hit

anonymous readerReport 

2011-03-01 01:03:51
i can jus imagine the movie, am sure it'd be a hit

anonymous readerReport 

2011-02-27 01:57:29
wonderful stories. enough plot and things like romance or comedy for them to be actual stories, as opposed to most "stories", which just end up being written descriptions of sex and not really stories. I'm enjoying them.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-02-25 12:07:52
Full marks!!! I hope this goes on for a long time. Best I've read in a while. Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2011-02-25 11:12:30
like I said before great stories keep them going. just don't stop doing them dave

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