Once Nikkie woke up we went downstairs and I cooked her breakfast. I didn’t want to use her shower, or get dressed here, so I got dressed in yesterdays clothes, told Nikkie id be back in about 20 minutes and went home to shower and get dressed in all new clothes. I went with a White long sleeve with a Green short-sleeved over top. White jeans, white shoes, and a green hat. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone today with clothes. I had another thing in mind.
I walked back to Nikkie’s, humming all the way. Maybe sang a bit, I was happy. But then I saw Cayla in the park. And got annoyed, but not for long. As soon as I was at Nikkie’s house I realised she had left the front door open due to the nice weather. It was very sunny. And quite warm too. I walked through; set the bag I had brought with me on the sofa, and walked to Nikkie. Facing toward the garden, humming. I grabbed her round the waist and lifted her up into a hug. She was surprised but joyful too. “Nikkie. Sit here” I said, patting the 2-seater sofa. The one across from the 3-seater, which had my bag on it. I unzipped it and pulled out Poseidon – My Blue Guitar. Lovely Guitar it was. Sunburst pattern with dark and light blue coulors on it. (Poseidon – Greek god of water – Water – Seems blue. Blue Guitar – Water.....Poseidon :D) I sat on the 3 seater, facing across from Nikkie. The sofas weren’t placed very far away. Maybe several feet apart at least. I slowly started to strum chords. Whilst doing this I hummed, then looked at Nikkie and spoke. “I decided, that, the least I could do to impress you is use something I’m good at, and, beings as I’m good at guitar I decided maybe this would be the best way to do it. You probably wont like the bands music, or this song I’m about to sing to you but, it had a lot of meaning to me, and, now that I love again, I want to play it for you” I smiled and began the song. (The song, as some of you may know it, is called The Only Exception – By Paramore.) I started to sing and was nervous. I had won one or two talent awards from singing acoustic, but I’ve never done it in front of someone, that I loved.
About half way through the song, I morphed it, to turn around the meaning, and started singing I’m yours by Jason Mraz and went through the whole length of that song. Once I finished, I just started strumming my own tune. Nikkie smiled at me. “I didn’t know you could play Guitar Tyler. Let alone sing? How come you never told me?” I laughed a little huffy laugh “You didn’t ask” Nikkie stood up and sat next to me. She held her hand around my arm, and started asking me random stuff. “How many instruments do you play?” she didn’t look at me, just at the guitar. “About 5” I replied humming again. “That was beautiful you know Ty; would you do something for me tonight?” I looked at Nikkie. I didn’t know what she wanted so I just replied with “Sure, What?” I stood and knelt down, and put Poseidon back into the bag, and halfway through zipping up, Nikkie’s hand Held mine so I couldn’t zip it up any more, then she leant forward and whispered in my ear, “Make love to me”.
My mind just got shot. What the hell? 14 year old Nikkie, asking me, to have sex with her? Now this was hard for me. I didn’t think having sex below the legal age is right, yet my instincts wanted other wise. I looked at Nikkie, and said quite loudly, “Why not now?” And pushed her against the sofa. Kissing every part of her that I could, her cheek, ear, collarbone, mouth, throat, everywhere. Halfway through our Tongues dancing with each over, someone coughed, and I wonder who it was? (Sarcasm) Oh yeah, who is it always? I stood up, and fastened my belt again; Nikkie had been halfway through undoing it. I looked up at Cayla, and Tensed my Jaw. That little voice in my head kept saying ‘Get a Gun!! No don’t get a gun, don’t be stupid...awl but I want to hurt her so fucking much, Fuck fuck fuck FUCK’ “What Cayla? Fuck OFFFF!!” I half shouted at her. “Well...Can we join in?” And then, she walked inside the door, from behind Cayla.
(Just a Preview, What do you guys think? (The parts got messed up on my computer, and 4 is 3, 5 is 4, so technically this part is part Five, but ill just call it part 6 for less confusion) Shall I continue? please remember that i try very hard to write as quickly as i can and post em. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you lol dint have 5000 characters but still, thank you)
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