My wife has a lot of fantasy's and many are about harsh esx with black men!
A Wife's Fantasy About Black Men!
The following is one of my wife's favorite and most delicious fantasy's! Much of this would be a set up as I would have planned most of it out and have gotten these guys together before hand! We would be visiting Atlanta to see her sister and while we were there. I would have seen to it that her fantasy came true!
She would be naked bound and blindfolded and taken by me to this all black bar/tavern in one of the depressed areas of Atlanta Georgia wearing only a coat and 4" Heels! Once in the bar her coat would be removed a dog collar is placed around her neck and a leash would be attached to it! It would then given to the biggest meanest black man in the place so that he or his other black brothers could do what ever they wanted to her and I mean whatever! (No permanent marks) would be the only no, no!
She is the only white woman in the place, is naked and helpless has no clothes, no money, and no cell phone nor does she have any idea where she is at! The only rule for them is that she must remain naked and bound other than that, he or his friends even several lesbian bitches can do what ever perverted thing they want to her!
I go on to tell him her name! So that she can hear every word of the conversation, and that is several of her fantasy's about wanting to have her pussy sucked and her ass whipped and that she wants to be gang raped by many well endowed black men as possible, lots of them, and to make sure these fantasy's of hers all come true! I also tell him to make sure an video tape and take pictures of everything especially as each big cock stretches that white pussy of hers! I want to see a close up of her face when those 12" black cocks and the pubic hair of his, and hers meet!
Then I tell him to give me a call when he/they are done with her giving him my cell number and the hotel I am staying at! It does not matter whether it is later that evening the next morning or after several days with him and his friends as I want to make sure she is well used and that her fantasy is fulfilled! He,this big black man, goes on to say, he might not give her back, and that maybe he just might keep her naked and on the end of a leash as a white slut slave! This comment scares the crap out of her, and is intended to do so!
I the give her a kiss and a loving pat on her bare bottom telling her to have fun! She then says, in a panic that she has changed her mind and starts to beg and plead for me not to leave her there naked and helpless with them!
I go on to tell her sorry dear this is what you wanted and now you has no choice but to go through with it! Besides telling her that I could not stop what ever it is, these black brothers are going to do to you even if they wanted! ..As I am leaving I hear this big black dude say "you are a horny white nympho bitch and we are going to treat you just like a bitch dog in heat! As her forces her down on her knees!
The last picture I have of her, as I leave the bar is her bare shapely bottom wiggling back and forth as she crawls along like a dog on all fours with him half dragging her over to the first man who has his enormous black cock out for her to suck! Another black man with his hard cock has already stuck it to her and is starting to ride her from the rear!
She now has been used and hard fucked by at least a dozen men with 10" cocks and this Lesbian bitch has them at her request, hold her over a bar stool face down and taken one of the black brothers leather belts and has started to whip her bare white ass! Cum lots of it is really dripping out of her as the whipping has turned her white bottom a dull red! She has been screaming as the sadistic beating gos on but has not begged them to stop!
Just as she can take no more this lesbian has them turn her over and place her burning bare bottom on the bar stool and hold her helplessly with her pubic mound up open and vulnerable! Then she takes the belt and with the most sadistic smirk on her face starts to whip my wife's pussy! It is an incredible site as her labia lips and big clit become more swollen and visible with each crack of the belt! My wife has fantasized about having her pussy really whipped and has even asked me to do this before. But I stopped before she asked, as I thought I might really hurt her! This time there will be no stopping and she will get the full treatment as she is, a closet masochist when it comes to having her pussy abused!
My wife is still withering from this painful pussy whipping and abuse this lesbian bitch then buries her face in my wife's well whipped juicy cunt and aggressively gorges herself on her labia and blood red swollen clitoris! The results are an incredible convulsing orgasm as my wife even though she is being held down is helpless to do anything and can only lay there on her back and whimper as a black cock is shoved down her throat and quickly ejaculates an incredible amount of cum down her throat!
Later that night at around 10 pm this is what happen to my wife and what they did to her in Atlanta. She is naked and in the back of a car and on her way to god knows where she was then made to set on floor or to show her big white tits when ever they ran across another black brother on the street as they let him squeeze her tits or give her a quick fuck on one of the side streets!...
They have taken her to an old run down motel where another sadistic black pervert is waiting his name was Mr. Young ...Her white ass that is now red was hanging out bare making her ass cheeks easy to whip some more!.. They have removed her simple leather dog collar, and..... have replaced it with a steel one along with similar wrist shackles that leave her manacled, chained and totally helpless! Both are locked with big brass locks and this sadist is the only one that has the key! He has threatened to toss it out into the street as they drive along! This has terrified my wife!
The owner of this hotel in the rough part of Atlanta caters to pimps ,hookers,and married couples that want there wives used by black men....willingly come! .Thank god it was after dark as she is totally nude and chained like some sort of slave,but there are still a lot of black people who see her! They call her a slut and a black cock whore, trying to humiliate her and say that she is white trash and that needs a real man to fuck this queen of spades white wife.....Every thing they needed was already in the room along with several other sadists and they were just drooling over this naked and shackled helpless and willing white wife Of mine!
Once in the room she has been placed up close to the big window in front, her hands still shacked together were raised up and chained over her head and then pulled up tight to where her toes even wearing heels were just barely touching the floor! Then they opened the curtains on the big front window. its was getting to be about 2 am when three more black men all pimps came to make a deal with this sadist . He told them they could use this white married slut as a whore and could sell her to anyone they wanted! In the mean time they took turns hard fucking her holes one in front and the other in back
When one would shoot his cum in her they would grab her hair and really pull her head back!. ..then they would really pull on her nipples and squeeze her big breasts! Then they just left her hanging there naked and chained with the door of the motel room unlocked and the lights on so that anyone could whip her bare ass and fuck her for the next several hours. Later that morning the hotel owner sent several young black men, boys that were gang members, this was in order to keep things cool with them and was to please them so they would not trash his motel or screw with his customers!
These young toughs got to rape my wife's white ass and pussy numerous times till the black master came back...for her, he then unchained her and forced her down on her knees and made her first suck their hard black young cocks clean and then he made her really deep throat him as he had been saving his gigantic cum load just for her! He really laughed and loved humiliated her, and had her naked chained and on her knees !
He kept telling her first so say that she was a black cock whore, a queen of spades as loud as she could, and then made her howl like a dog! This was done in front of all them. Then with the steel collar on she was to shower and then get on the bed. Then the collar was chained to the bed! She could then go to sleep in the bed unless someone else came along and wanted to use her! Then he called me to come and get her!
They had taken all kinds of pictures and video as they hard fucked her! This treatment of her was the most humiliating degrading and abusive than she had ever experienced! She was black and blue and her throat was sore and her ass hole and pussy were gaping open holes that would take a week to return to some where close to normal! But it has only left her wanting more as she orgasmed both painfully, and pleasurably more times than she could ever remember! All one needs to accomplish this fantasy is a reasonably willing woman that loves black?
Good story sounds like she got what most all white wives want an for myself NEED not just want hope to read more with maybe more actual detail of her use.
Eine ke4mpferische Partie von Dir! M.E. lief die Erf6ffnung und das frfche Mittelspiel nicht so gut. Schwarz hat bis dahin keine echten Sorgen. In einer Phase zechiswn dem 25. und 35. Zug spielt Schwarz ohne jeglichen Druck und gestatt Weidf die Aktivierung der Dame und die gfcnstige Verlegung von Kf6nig und Springer zum Kf6nigsflfcgel. Mag sein, dass da die Stellung immer noch im Gleichgewicht ist, aber die Initiative hat Weidf fcbernommen.Dann kommt eine le4ngere Lavierphase, in der ffcr mich keiner von euch beiden, so einen richtig klaren Plan verfolgt, obwohl mir Dein Spiel etwas logischer erscheint. Nch dem Damentausch, wird der Druck von Dir etwas hf6her und Du gewinnst einen Bauern. Im 87. Zug finde ich Sb3 a4 88. Sd4 Ld7 89. Lb1 interessant. Weidf kann dann bei Gelegenheit entweder den c-Bauern losschicken oder mit Sb5 mit Lxa4 den a-Bauern holen. Keine Ahnung allerdings, ob das besser als die Partiefortsetzung ist. Mfcsste man genauer analysieren. Dann stehst Du auf Gewinn und
H e should have siad they would return her in a weeks time well fucked & after breeding her with a black baby growing in her. But should have marked her with rings in all th right places & branded her too
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