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First things first. I did not right or have anything to do with the following story. I recently found a large quantity of some very high quality and original writings. proper credit is hereby given to the actual author of this and more stories that will follow.
First things first. I did not right or have anything to do with the following story.
I recently found a large quantity of some very high quality and original writings.
Proper credit is hereby given to the actual author of this and more stories that will follow.

A Wild Yearning by Author Unknown

Chapter 1

In the beginning, there was no thought of the Levitt's German shepherd
Rex in Jan's pretty blonde head as she went grumpily about her early
morning housework. She was by far too preoccupied with other things --
in particular with the peculiar frustration she was continually feeling
with being married.

Not that she hadn't frequently noticed the sleek dog that lived next
door. Indeed, she had often puzzled over Rex' peculiar attraction when
he was tied up at the local supermarket, for it always seemed as if
every housewife in the neighborhood paused in her shopping duties to
give him a friendly pat and whisper some friendly words to the long-
tongued dog, which was usually sitting obediently on his haunches as he
waited for his mistress to finish her shopping.

"Hello, Rex, how's that nice doggy today?" they would ask. Or, "My,
that's a sweet little dog, aren't you?" And this puzzled Jan from time
to time. After all, it was true that Rex had a sleek, shining coat and
that he was the epitome of form in what one thought of as the German
shepherd physique, but after all there were usually a half dozen
pedigreed dogs parked outside the supermarket, all of them equally
handsome in their own way. Yet there was not a one among them that
seemed to inspire the response Rex did. He was truly unique in that
respect. Women couldn't seem to pass him up.

Yet so far as Jan could tell, there was not anything especially unique
about the dog. True, he had a handsome, intelligent face -- very
masculine, too, of course -- but that was scarcely enough to justify
such unusual attentions as he invariably commanded.

So this was just a part of Jan's ordinary curiosity with respect to the
Levitt's dog. But another part of it was Marge Levitt's seeming
preoccupation and possessiveness with respect to Rex. Jan had
frequently noticed Marge's usually cheerful face changing rapidly to a
sullen scowl if she came out of the supermarket and found someone
talking to or petting Rex. Occasionally she tried to remember if this
similar change of personality took place when Marge encountered a man
being friendly to the handsome German shepherd. But this line of
thought was usually futile, as Jan could not recall any such instance.
It was almost always some housewife who could be seen being friendly to
the sturdy, sleek dog.

Not that she pondered this overmuch. It was simply something she
occasionally gave a modicum of thought.

Marge's possessiveness also seemed to continue at home, for she kept
the dog chained securely and confined to the Levitt grounds. It was
never allowed to roam free like other dogs in the neighborhood, and
occasionally even Steve remarked that such a house dog should be more
savage, instead of so friendly as Rex obviously was. Jan didn't know
much about dogs, but she knew enough to know that this observation of
Steve's was fundamentally correct. Logically speaking, a house German
shepherd like Rex should be more vicious. But it was obvious that the
dog's nature was sunny and affectionate.

Not that one ever got much chance to find out. Marge didn't even like
to bring Rex next door when she stopped by for coffee on the odd
morning. At least not since that morning when the dog had nuzzled Jan's
leg in an over friendly fashion.

Marge had an unusual excuse to justify her possessiveness, though, and
she self-consciously brought this up on every possible occasion. To Jan
it seemed like a bad case of 'protesting over much,' but Marge's
justification usually went roughly as follows: Namely, that ever since
Rex had sired the Boardman pups down the road by that German shepherd
she-bitch Carla, the Levitts didn't want to take any chance of having
any lawsuits due to Rex' cavorting.

Which seemed reasonable on the face of it -- but then on the other hand
Jan had never heard of anyone being sued for letting their dog out and
having it sire unintentionally some other dog. That was, after all, the
way of the world, wasn't it? You couldn't legislate animal biology very

But then she was no expert on the law, so maybe she didn't understand
the situation. Barrington Hills was a small community with very wealthy
families, and there was no dearth of money around to support lawsuits
if people became indignant over one thing or another. With people this
wealthy it paid to be careful.

Still, nothing seemed to explain adequately Marge's continual
nervousness, anxiety and possessiveness with respect to that dog.

Not that she hadn't been angry when she first learned of Carla's pups -
- and it seemed to Jan unreasonably so. Those pups had really altered
her personality.

Those pups. Several women in the neighborhood had tried to buy them,
but the Boardmans were interested in selling only to their friends, and
the price for such pedigreed German shepherds was high. The Boardmans
didn't know many people in Barrington Hills; so far as Jan knew, she
and Steve were the only persons they had offered one.

But what did she need a dog about the house for? Just one more worry
and someone to clean up after. And she would have to go through a
breaking-in period with it and so on. It scarcely seemed worth the

And so it went -- on most mornings, a sample of her daydreaming
thoughts, idle and useless.

But this morning she was altogether too furious and uncomfortable to
give any thought to Rex at all.

And it was all Steve's fault, that rat. She was too refined to use any
term more rough than that. Last night had been absolutely the last
straw. She didn't see how she could put up with the situation any
longer. Maybe she would be able to discuss it with her parents when
they arrived -- Sarah and Arnold Talbott were scheduled to arrive for
two weeks vacation this afternoon -- she had always been able to
discuss things with her mother, although of course she was suitably
more reticent with her attractive, distinguished father, who, after
all, was a man.

Jan sat down at the kitchen table with a weary sigh and lit a nervous
cigarette. She fluffed out her long blonde hair and drew strongly on
the cigarette, inhaling deeply and blowing the smoke out through her
luscious young mouth, which she felt was more refined for a woman than
blowing smoke out through her nostrils. She had been brought up to
behave like a lady, and she knew what was ladylike and what was not.

That rat. She couldn't forgive him. Although she had been brought up to
be respectable, reserved and refined, and she knew better than to let
her husband even guess that she might be capable of enjoying something
like sex, she still nonetheless could not escape the torrential,
merciless feeling of passion that arose in her loins whenever she
encountered his heavy desire-hardened penis. And last night it had been
worse than usual. And he had been worse than usual. She was beside
herself. He had gotten her worked up to such a crazed pitch of desire
with his foreplay, then disappointed her as usual with his early, too
quickly arrived at, ejaculation.

Only this time she hadn't been able to calm herself down with a cold
shower. After last night's big let-down she was still smoldering
without let-up. She could still feel a slight twinge of ever present
need within the sensitive walls of her vagina everytime she moved and
scraped her thighs together.

As usual, he'd been terribly inconsiderate in bed, just satisfying
himself and leaving her in the middle of her passionate escalation. He
had fallen asleep almost immediately afterwards, while she'd lain
beside him in passionate frenzy for almost two hours before she
fitfully dozed off.

So it was little wonder that the twenty-one year old, curvaceous blonde
wife had awakened in no less an erotic state than the sizzling fire
that sleep had temporarily banked for the night.

And then to endure a similar sexual episode with him in the morning had
been almost unbearable! Only the utmost effort on her part had kept her
from bursting out into tears of frustration. Like a jet propelled
athlete trying to set some sort of speed record, he'd raced his
lengthy, lust-swollen young cock in and out of the overheated liquid
sanctuary between her hotly steaming young legs, quickly settling his
own needs, then hopping from the bed while she lay there still
squirming and panting in unfulfilled desire.

"Gosh, baby, I'm sorry -- but I really got to hustle to work!" he
apologized, wiping off his deflating cock with a soiled T-shirt as he
hurried to the bathroom. Then at the doorway he'd turned and promised:
"Look, baby, I'm going to make it up to you tonight -- after your folks
have gone to sleep! Okay?"

"Oh -- whatever you say, darling ..." she replied weakly, rubbing her
thighs together and hoping that he wouldn't see how wildly, dreadfully
turned on she was. She feebly managed a smile for him before he turned
and stepped into his bath. Then the bathroom door had swung mercifully
shut on her tears.

In reality she had no such hopes that he would satisfy her that night.
That was an old promise of his that he usually forgot; she had no
confidence m it whatever. Ever since her honeymoon night it had been
like this, just a fast in-and-out for him, and smoldering resentment
and frustration for her until her frustrated young pussy had a chance
to cool back to normal, whatever that was.

But she wasn't sure how long she was going to be able to stand it. She
knew that her nerves were in a bad way, and she smoked more than ever
and had taken to nipping short drinks of whiskey straight during the
day. She needed a vacation somehow, from the terrible tension in her
aching young loins.

Jan sighed and looked around the kitchen before her eyes became glazed
over again, reliving the events of the morning once more.

With Steve in the bath, the temptation had been almost overwhelming to
finish the job with her fingers. She had played with herself up between
her legs for awhile, groaned mindlessly, and then finally managed to
control her unrequited passion.

She hadn't masturbated since she was thirteen, and she dreaded the
temptation to start now. Reverend Johnson had been very strict about
that when she confided in him. Girls that played with themselves got
pimples on their faces and could never go to heaven, because they were
sinners. Sex was only decent when carried on in the normal fashion
between man and wife.

No, she didn't want to fall into that pit of degradation. That wasn't
for her at all. Somehow she was going to have to find a way to work
things out between them.

Jan sighed and put out her cigarette, which she had inadvertently
smoked down to a nub. It didn't do at all to dwell on their problem
overmuch. One shouldn't take sex all that seriously, of course. It
wasn't nice.

Still, she couldn't ignore the smoldering ardor still glowing so warmly
in her soft white belly and simmering urgently in her young loins. But
was that so important? Not always. After all, they did love each other,
didn't they? Steve's real estate job was very promising, and they were
literally coining money. What young bride could ask for more than the
beautiful home they were buying in swank Barrington Hills? Even their
nice new car was paid for, and the furniture would soon be theirs. What
more could any girl ask for?

It was these thoughts spinning idly through her pretty blonde head that
she almost ignored the banging on the screen door.

Until a voice cried out sharply: "Jan -- oh, Jan!"

Jan looked up dreamily. There was a scratching at the kitchen screen
door as well. Why -- it was Marge Levitt! With Rex!

She got up carefully, smoothing her skirt and putting the ashtray up on
the kitchen table.

"What -- what is it, Marge?" she asked, unlocking the door.

"Don't you remember, dear?" Marge asked hurriedly, opening the door.
Rex scooted in quickly through the open door, the handsome German
shepherd's longish tongue lolling out all wet and pinkish looking. He
moved quickly around Jan's pretty long, tanned legs, the soft fur of
his coat brushing evanescently against her sleek hairless young flesh.

"Remember? Why --?"

"You said you'd look after Rex while we were on vacation," said Marge
almost tearfully, and suddenly, abruptly, she flung her arms about Jan
and hugged her tight. "Oh, dear -- you will be good to him, won't you?
Feed him regular and take him for walks? Please, Jan! Say you'll be
good to him!"

Jan pushed her away and looked into the teary face of the older woman.
Why, Marge was actually crying over leaving Rex behind! "But -- Marge,
if you feel like this why don't you take him on your vacation with

"Ben says no," she sniffled into her hanky. Jan took her tearful face
into her shoulder and ran her fingers into Marge's long black hair. The
two women's breasts met beneath their shifts. "Two whole weeks without
him!" Marge bawled.

"There, there, Marge, don't cry. It's not so long," Jan said gently as
she knew how, patting Marge's back like a handler gentling an upset
horse. The whole thing was strangely peculiar. It was not normal for a
woman to get so upset over leaving a dog behind for two weeks. Jan
looked down at where Rex had slid down onto the kitchen floor, his
handsome big head resting on his forepaws. The dog's eyes seemed to be
studying her very intently -- but why on ever for?

Or was she merely imagining it? She was so upset herself of late that
her mind might conceive anything.

Marge did dry her tears. "Yes, it is long," she said, glancing at Rex,
then at Jan and back again. "Longer than you think I wouldn't be able
to bear it, Jan, if I didn't know that someone as nice as you -- and as
innocent and trustable -- was looking after my little darling."

She had never heard a grown woman use such endearing terms before. But
what did innocent and trustable have to do with it? She was beginning
to wonder if Marge was losing her mind.

"There, there," Jan led her back to the door. "I'm sure that once you
get yourself together you'll see the wisdom of taking everything in
your stride, Marge."

Marge stepped outside the screen door and blew a kiss at Rex through
it. The dog promptly got up on its haunches, panting. It's long pink
tongue was genuinely slavering through his pointy canine teeth. "Bye
darling," Marge said to him. "Aunty Jan will look after you now, lover.
Be a good doggy for mama. Okay?"

Rex seemed to nod, adding considerably to Jan's mystification and
confusion, and then Marge ran, with a sob, back to her own house.

Jam looked down at her beautifully physiqued guest, who had now settled
down on his forepaws again. Goodness, she thought, this is impossible,
Mother and dad coming, and this dog, too. I'm going to lose my mind, I
swear it.

Rex looked up at her as if he understood, inclined his ears, then lay
jowl down on his forepaws. Jan sighed and fluffed out her long blonde
hair, self-consciously sticking out the full young breasts on her
chest. There was something about her neighbor's German shepherd that
definitely bothered her. She was convinced that Rex had the most
unusual eyes -- although it was difficult for her to put her finger on
just exactly what it was that troubled her about them.

It was as if there was an almost human perception about them, a kind of
understanding that was more than one expected from a dog ...

She shrugged this off. Another funny thought to take her mind off her
work, that was all. She really had to get to the housework.

* * *

The handsome German shepherd stretched his long sinewy body beneath his
shining coat on the cool of the Winslow's kitchen floor, watching his
new mistress, who had long blonde hair instead of the long black hair
of Marge Levitt. It interested him to watch the sleek young housewife
moving about her household duties with an air of feminine efficiency.
He had often watched his older mistress with the same intenseness, and
he wondered why she had gone and left him with this pretty, young,
yellow-haired girl. He missed her terribly, but then he didn't presume.
One always did as one's mistress directed.

Nor was he entirely unpleased with his new owner. Jan had tied her
bright, copper-shining hair into a longish pony tail and generally
fixed herself up. As was her usual habit when by herself, she wore just
a very short miniskirt with thin filmy panties and no stockings, so
that she could feel the coolness on her legs. She also wore a bright
red sweater and no bra at all, so that her firm, heavy-set breasts
shook and bobbled slightly as she walked. She had always been self-
conscious about her breasts, because they were so abnormally large, and
she didn't like to walk very fast, because of the way they shook and
drew the attention of strange men's eyes. But with her neighbor's pet
the only other creature in the house, she could relax and be herself.

Not that it escaped Rex that there was something not quite right about
his new mistress. He sensed a certain indefinable dissatisfaction. Dogs
are so sensitive to human psychology that Rex could not help but notice
the indecision and general restlessness that seemed to characterize
Jan's most inner thoughts, even when she appeared to be working at her
greatest efficiency.

To Rex this usually meant only one thing: That his mistress would want
to do it later. He often caught the same wave-lengths and sensual odor
from Marge Levitt his older mistress, before they did things together,
and previous to that he had sensed similar feelings in women around the
neighborhood -- before they had become too friendly and his absent
mistress had tied him up and refused any longer to let him roam.
Consequently the handsome dog knew what to expect, roughly.

And now he sensed certain familiar feelings emanating from this pretty
blonde young woman, feelings that set his own heart to beating faster.
His former mistress had been so busy this morning, and in such a
peculiar state of upset emotion, that they hadn't done anything, which
gave Rex a vague feeling of slighted uneasiness. But now there was this
new pretty woman. He watched her with unflinching, devoted eyes,
instinctively knowing that she had a problem that he could help solve

But Jan had managed to calm down somewhat, and her state was not near
as frenetic as it had been. Now, as she wiped off the kitchen sink, it
occurred to her that she really had been too hard on Steve. He was a
good husband, after all, and it really wasn't necessary for decent
girls to have orgasms the way men did. She couldn't very well blame
him. He was probably normal for all that.

Not that she had any standards to judge by, as her husband had been the
first and only man for her to experience sexual intercourse with ...

A soft whine from Rex behind her interrupted the pony tailed blonde
from pursuing this stream of thought. She turned, smiling now, and
looked down at the big handsome animal Marge Levitt had parked with
her. He was such a lovely beast that her former disgruntlement at being
saddled with him abruptly evaporated, and she got down on her haunches
and took his warm, soft muzzle into her hands, looking deeply into the
animal's big eyes.

"What is it, Rex? Getting hungry? Or thirsty?"

That was it, she thought. Had to set some food out for him. And she
needed another small drink of whiskey to calm her down some more, as
well. She wanted to be cheery when her folks arrived.

Rex made a little sound and panted, his long, slavering tongue stroking
her knees, one forepaw coming up to rest on her bared thigh.

For just a moment Jan was startled. The look in the dog's eyes was so
sexually warm ... for a moment she imagined that -- -but no, that was
impossible. She must be imagining it.

But did she imagine the sharp tremor of excitement as his hot, wet
tongue licked teasingly at her skin?

Silly girl, she thought.

"What's the matter, precious?" she softly cooed, scratching his ears in
the back. "Hungry? Thirsty? Jan will fix it for you." She
affectionately stroked the mighty dog's big, sleek-furred head. He had
such a lovely gloss on his fur she could almost see her face in it.
"Goodness, you have a wicked gleam in those big brown, lovable eyes.
You ought to behave yourself. One would think you were a young man
instead of a young dog," Jan laughed to herself.

Jan's soft, crooning voice was so silkily pleasant that, coupled with
the gentle pressure of her slender, stroking hand, Rex was filled with
a warm-hearted relish that was pleasantly musical. Instinctively he
raised his head, licking at the smooth back of her hand, to show her
that he liked her. Whatever had troubled her was of relative
unimportance, he knew, because her soft hand moved on his furry neck,
and then she hugged him against her cream-white outer thigh.

"It's easy to see how Marge gets attached to you," Jan smiled, tugging
at his collar. "By God, you are a lovable beast," the doting,
voluptuous young blonde wife teased. She got up abruptly and smoothed
her skirt. "Well, let's look in the refrigerator and see if we can find
something for you, handsome. There might even be a nice big bone in
there for you."

Rex made a liquid sound, almost as if he understood what she was
saying. Jan embraced him against her leg once more and stroked his
soft, sleek head. She lightly laughed. There was something about Rex
that made one feel funny, but she couldn't put her finger on just what
it was. She hoped she was doing right by letting him go untied. She
knew that Marge never did that.

But Rex seemed to be friendly. Indeed, she couldn't even remember him
barking. So he had to be safe. Generally he was quiet even when the
postman came by. This was probably what led the wives in Barrington
Hills to make such a fuss over him; he had a very sweet nature.

"No, I'm not going to be strict with you, Rex," she said in a sweet,
sad voice, giving the handsome dog one last affectionate pat. "You've
had too much of being tied up all the time. You're going to have a
vacation with Aunt Jan."

Rex basked in the warm, melodious gentility of her voice. It was so
full of kindness and love, he thought. His new mistress was wonderful.
And beyond her voice, he sensed in his closeness against her a poignant
scent not unfamiliar to him, a musky aroma which immediately inspired
the trained responses inside his large, muscular body. It was the human
mating odor ... he had been so skillfully educated to recognize it,
first in his early training, and then later on with his mistress it had
come naturally. His tongue slavered wetly and he waited for the proper
moment, especially eager to lavish his attention on his beloved new
mistress who had his doggy heart beat so rapidly when she petted him,
and his animal penis throb and tingle so sensuously in its furry sheath
between his legs.

Jan's head was still a mixture of confused thoughts, partly sexual
frustration, partly hausfraus-wifery that was all efficiency. She
opened the refrigerator, saw the big lamb bone she was looking for --
it was only left over from the roast anyway -- and bent down to pick it
up from its place in the dish ...

Only to suddenly feel something cold and wet behind her insinuating
itself up under her miniskirt and between her young tanned legs!

"Rex!" she gasped

Though it gave her a terrific jolt, the gorgeous young blonde felt as
if she had been turned to stone! She stayed bent over but frozen and
immobile at the unconscionable cool moisture of Rex' nose pressed high
up into the soft insides of her nakedly exposed thighs. She had no idea
why she didn't jerk upright in shock, fear, or at least for a
smattering of decorum. But suddenly it seemed as if the prurient
excitement that had been so stringently banked was raging out of
control beneath that cool, moist pressure of Rex' nose.

She felt frozen and unable to speak. For one terrible, heart-stopping
moment she wondered if she had lost her mind. But try as she might, she
couldn't seem to break from her insidious position of bending over. She
continued to stoop there, waiting for something she knew not what,
unable to breathe, feeling the big dog's head shifting farther up
inside her miniskirt -- where the soft nylon crotch band of her panties
ran between her thighs -- and then, then -- the hot pressured lap of
Rex' wetly working tongue snaking up under the nylon leg band of her
panties and stroking along the blonde curling pussy hair all the way
back and up into her anal crevice!

"Oooohhhh ..." Jan felt as if she was gargling deep in her belly,
although the sound was actually coming only from her throat. With the
first evanescent, fiery flick of Rex's tongue along her cuntal lips, a
twinge of pleasure so great it couldn't be borne for longer than a
single instant inflamed her loins and licked out like a raging forest
fire throughout her thighs, belly and quickly then through the rest of
her entire sex-starved body. She moved softly and almost fell against
the refrigerator, holding onto it for dear life.

Good God! Rex had sensed her erotic need! What more did he sense? No --
no, he couldn't ...

"Aaaaahhhhh ..." His burning, long thick tongue still moving teasingly
under her panties felt like a firebrand at the thin vertical lips of
her hotly flaming pussy. The caress of that tongue against her
helplessly upturned vaginal slit was like nothing else she had ever
experienced in her entire life.

There! He did it again! Jan groaned and hung onto the open door of the
refrigerator, the blast of cold air from inside combining with the
fiercely lascivious sensation of Rex' tongue sweeping so hotly along
her cuntal crevice. She hung there in space, stooped over helplessly,
as he drew his feverishly singeing tongue upward once more, through her
open and vulnerable thighs along the entire murderous length of her
hotly flushed vaginal slit.

"Oooohhhhhh," Jan struggled to raise herself up, to resist this
irresistible titillation ... and finally she managed to straighten, her
entire forehead streaked with passionate perspiration, her buttocks
cheeks closing tightly together to press out that insidious pleasure-
giving nose that was so much what she needed at that particular moment.

She gasped and turned around, her hot young breasts heaving with
emotion, her eyes shining. Oh God! Was this the answer to her prayer? A
dog was neither masturbation nor, technically, an illicit lover. The
wonderful in-between land of animalism!

But wasn't it dirty nonetheless?

She held the lamb bone in her hand as she gazed down with gleaming,
heat-drenched eyes at the dog-paramour who was staring up at her with
almost twinkling brown eyes, erect ears, open mouth and wagging furry

"So ..." Jan breathed hotly, almost unable to get her voice. "That's
why Marge and all the other housewives are so in love with you, you
devil ..." Her voice came out in a tremulous, nervous whisper, all the
sensations she had struggled against for the last several hours rushing
over her in an implacable wave almost uncontrollable desire.

But she kept her thighs clutched tightly together nonetheless, even
though this terrible, passionate intensity threatened to overwhelm her
voluptuous, blonde young curves.

"You ... you ... so that's why ... why every housewife in the
neighborhood stops to say hello to you, and pet you -- when their
husbands aren't looking ... they knew ... and I didn't ... oh God! That
handsome face ... and this is how Marge trained you ... oh God ... oh
God ..."

The large German shepherd made a small, whimpering sound as he gazed up
at the sexually intoxicated young bride. She was confused, he sensed,
but he was content to wait. It was often this way the first time with
human women. They needed time and patience.

But was he whimpering for the bone in her hands or for her? Jan
wondered. Or was it both he needed?

She clutched her breast, her eyes wide with breathless indecision.
Surely she couldn't be thinking ... feeling ... that ... Her pussy
twinged and she made a hoarse little cry. Did this animal sense what
sort of obscene desire was tormenting her? She shivered and suddenly
rushed to the bathroom as if Satan himself were on her heels.

But there was no avoiding the need for some sort of decision. Her loins
fairly boiled as she whirled at Rex, who had come leaping after her.
Her breasts heaved irregularly with volcanic, unfulfilled desire. She
had to resist ... had to ...

"Oooooooh God ..." Then suddenly it was too late. The furry length of
Rex' soft warm nose pressed heatedly against the side of her nakedly
trembling leg and she felt faint. She closed her eyes and suddenly she
was carried away on a wave of desire so sudden and pure that she
totally forgot who or what or where she was.

Because now all she could know or sense was the fiery feeling glowing
so fiercely up between her heatedly aroused young vaginal lips ...

Chapter 2

It seemed an eternity before she was able to pry her eyes open again.

Where was he? Oh yes, that soft moist muzzle so affectionately pressed
against her leg ... Jan felt as if she were bathed in a heated pool
containing nothing but purest sensuality. This concept that was
broiling her loins to a cinder had no counterpart or explanation or
excuse in any kind of moral law; because it was never discussed, even
clandestinely, women fundamentally had no defense against it. Animalism
was a state all of itself and bore no relation to anything else a good
woman was trained to resist. Consequently it was difficult for a young
innocent like Jan to marshal any arguments against it. It was simply
there this hideous, subtly obscene desire, growing like a hot coal
between her legs ... until all will was leaving her and she could not
fight it any longer ...

Suddenly she could not believe it was her own voice was speaking, so
hoarse with blind passion, "Here, darling ... come in here with Aunty

Rex' animal eyes gleamed. This was what he had been waiting for. His
soft paws stepped forward onto the tiles. His sniffer could taste the
warm scent of sex emanating now so strongly from beneath Jan's flimsy
miniskirt and panties.

"Yes, darling," she hissed breathlessly, mindlessly, all of her
defenses gone and evaporated into the humid closeness of the bathroom,
her loins fairly boiling with desire. Come on, baby, that's mama's
darling ... come and, and, and, and, and, get the nice bone! See what a
nice thing Jam has for you!"

The breathless, breath-taking young blonde heaved her breasts out with
desire as she watched Rex approach her. It was too late by far to stop
now. She knew she was acting like a depraved whore, but there was
something evil infusing itself into her mind and body so potently, that
she was powerless to resist it! Her flesh had taken possession
completely, and her all her here-to-fore fiercely moral will had been

The eager animal whimpered lustfully again, its thickening red penis
slipping ever so slightly out of its well-concealed sheath, the tiniest
drop of semen appearing on its bright, gleaming tip. It knew what it
wanted, but it was trained first always to please the mistress of the

A mild shudder rippled through Jan's hopelessly turned-on being. The
sheer eroticism of the situation, without any counterpart in her living
memory, coupled with the mild dosing of whiskey she had subjected
herself to all day long, combined to make her giddy and without
reasonable restraint on her emotions. The awful, frustrating, tingling
feeling she had felt after her husband, Steve, had drawn his penis out
of her much too early had returned with greater force than ever -- and
here was the means, secret and discreet, for satisfying that terrible
passion ...

So she stood there, the door now closing behind Rex, and then suddenly
she spread her legs and lifted her miniskirt luridly up above her
waist, revealing through the tissue thin panties her hotly seeping
young blonde pussy, nestled so earnestly within the light, fleecy
fringe of golden hair!

"Rex!" she panted, reaching down with her fingers and pulling her panty
crotch band aside. "Quick! Do it for Aunt Jan the way you do it for
Mama Marge. Lick it, baby! Lick between Jan's legs for her!" The lewd
hoarse whisper came out hot as if from a blast furnace, electric jolts
of raging excitement to flash through her flaming young cunt.

She watched the handsome dog eagerly, her eyes ablaze, a spot of
licentious saliva appearing on her hot red lips. Every move the
muscular animal made her knees turn to water, until she thought she
would fall. Everything about her had turned to jelly before the
fascination of this great, handsome beast. There was a rage within her
cunt that dominated her completely and without exception or mercy.
Unimaginable sensations of frenetic lust stabbed into her up between
her legs as she realized that he understood! He was actually going to
lick her up there between her thighs!

"Oooohhhhh ..." Her eyes shut again. "Hurry, Rex ... oh darling hurry
..." She thrillingly trembled. Would he? Would he? Her burning pussy,
now so moist and almost dripping with passion was totally exposed now.
Would he? Would he ...?

He did!

Jan uttered a mindless cry of purest delight as the beautiful darling's
long, thick tongue suddenly snaked out, curling wetly at its tip as it
searingly splayed open the fervid, sensitive young lips of her
passionately waiting pussy! Before she knew what was happening, it had
laved its way to the very mouth of her desire-inflamed vagina,
separating wetly the soft, hair-fringed folds, drawing with a scorching
heat upward between, and then climaxing with an agonizingly
electrifying twist at the delicate bud of her already hotly vibrating
little clitoris!

"Aaaarrrrggggghhhhh," she gurgled ecstatically. And now there was no
stopping him. She pressed her fingers into his furry head as his lewdly
nuzzling nose assaulted the most inner recesses of her secret being.
Again and again the handsome brute repeated his fiery lingual caress,
drawing gasps of wild obscene intoxication from the young blonde
housewife, her full, firm chest heaving for breath. Over and over his
lapping tongue splayed through the widespread crevice between her
ardently shivering legs, singeing her exposed and vulnerable loins
thrust so obscenely forward, the soft, curl-spreckled pubic mound
seething with primitive sexual energy. Rex's deliciously lustful
licking of her erotically steaming vagina had left her no better than a
whimpering, gibbering idiot, crazy to feel every last lick, every last
wild, thrilling, mind-bending sensation from that handsome furry head
that was pursuing her cunt with an ardent devotion she had never known
before in her entire young life.

As for Rex, he hadn't been interested in the lamb bone for a single
minute, and now her slender hand opened, helpless in the grip of this
furious passion, and the bone dropped with a clatter to the tiled
floor. Rex didn't notice at all. From the moment his new, beautiful
blonde mistress had raised her skirt and shown her down soft cuntal
lips by pulling her white nylon panties aside, he was interested in
nothing else. He knew from vast experience what to do, and he did it,
slavishly, with that long wet tongue of his, licking through the blonde
curling pubic hair, and her eagerly responding cunt, and flicking
around her moist upper thighs as well, where they shivered under his
lapping touch. His blood raced ruttishly, and his pinkened penis
extended dangerously from its dark enclosure. The delicate scent of her
rousing loin-spill, flowing outward from his mistress' entrancing young
cunt, filled his keen sensitive nostrils and made them flare. He
stroked with increasing urgency and ardor the moistened, silky pink
flesh between her sensuously spread thighs. His strong German shepherd
heart beat wildly at her exciting feminine sex odor, the intense fever
of her desire contagiously spreading to his own powerful loins.

"Darling ..." she breathed in a lost fit of passion. "Darling ... oh
God ... honey ... yes like that ... oh darling ... that's it ... lap my
cunt! You darling!" she hissed through passion-clenched teeth, her eyes
tightly shut, her neck muscles straining as her beautiful blonde head
lolled back, rolling all of her long blonde hair over her shoulders
back and firmly round young buttocks. A blue vein throbbed ardently in
her temple as all of her healthy young being gave itself over to the
sheer exquisite joy of having her cunt lapped by an animal with such
marvelous understanding of the human female need.

''Oh lover ... you sweet ... sweet beauty ... oh love me to death! Lick
me! Oh God ... I'm dying ... Keep it up, baby ... don't stop ...
oooohhhhhh ... don't ever stop ... Mama Jan will cum in a minute ... oh
ohhhoooohhhh ... faster, baby, faster ... lick ... lick ... DARLING!"

Every nerve ending in her body seemed to scream for completion ...
completion ... completion ... only ... only the most blinding orgasm in
the entire world that she had ever known ... oh ... oh ... oh ... oh

And then it penetrated to her mind. Agonizingly, tormentingly, wildly
debilitating at first ... and then so it drove her out of her mind --
there was someone knocking at the front door!

For a lengthy moment Jan felt as if she were rooted like a tree trunk
into the floor of the bathroom. All she wanted was this wonderful,
mind-blowing orgasm ... lustfully captivated, she wallowed like a
performing seal in the throes of forbidden enchantment ...

But the knocking finally became too much, too distracting. Finally the
huge dog discontinued his lavish obscene caress, as he had been cued to
do years ago.

Oh God, just one second more and she would have cum! She was sure of
it! She wanted to scream from unabated excitement. She thrust her hotly
seething vaginal hump obscenely forward, trying to tempt Rex back, but
the handsome dog was too well-trained to respond to knocks and buzzers.
Instead of continuing the lewd tonguing of his beautiful blonde baby-
sitter, he nosed his way out the door and into the hall.

"Ooooh, God," she groaned reflexively, almost the first real anger Jan
had ever indulged in her entire life. Her saliva-moistened vagina
shivered maddeningly almost to orgasm -- but not quite. Groaning with
rage, her eyes blazing, she shoved down her wrinkled miniskirt, and
flung the door to the bathroom open with a heavy bang against the wall.

Chapter 3

"Jan . . Oh Jaaaaan! Yoo hoo!"

It was her mother! Jan gasped. She had better get herself together in a

She glanced into the hall mirror as she passed it on the way to the
door. Her cheeks looked unnaturally warm and pink, but after all that
was nothing and would subside in a moment. For the rest of it, there
was probably no trace.

Which wasn't to say that she didn't produce enough sexually excited
scent for a smart dog like Rex to pick up. She glanced back at him with
a sly, conspiratorial smile. Clever fellow. She would have to get back
to him later, if her old guilt feelings didn't come back. Her hot young
vagina was veritably burning up.

"Coming, mom," she called, trying to fix her hair back in its sleek
blonde pony tail. About half of it had come undone during what she had
been doing so obscenely with Rex. She didn't want to look like an utter
wreck when she opened the door. Things would be difficult enough over
the next few weeks, trying to sneak a few precious moments with her
neighbor's darling pet and having to look after her folks at the same


She opened the door and there was her mother. A little more gray in her
hair, but fundamentally the same attractive, changeless woman. Her
father, Arnold Talbott, stood back and slightly to one side as Sarah
Talbott enfolded daughter Jan in her loving arms and gave her a hot,
wet kiss on the side of her neck. "Hello, dear, they seemed to say with

After the clench with her mother, her father stepped forward and they
embraced. Jan was so hot from the incident with Rex that she almost
forgot herself and embraced him a little too snugly. Her hot young
pussy was fairly screaming with love and need. Her face was so flushed
with sex heat that she was certain he must have noticed it.

"Oh, it's nice to see you, dad," she said, trying to conceal her hyper-
heated sensuality by kissing him lightly on the cheek.

But Arnold Talbott caught the hint of something unusual on the heat of
her breath. Yet he knew that Steve was at work. What was up?

"It's nice to see you, dear."

Jan stared at her distinguished father for one long moment in time.
Arnold Talbott still had a full head of brilliant white hair and, at
forty-five, was still a very attractive man. What was more, he knew it.
He was tall for a man his age, about six feet, and he carried his lean,
well-kept body with an air of elegant grace.

"Well," said Sarah Talbott, at last breaking the heavy, pregnant
silence. "Shall we bring our bags in?"

"I'll help you," Jan said cheerfully. She was genuinely pleased to see
her parents, and the hot desire in her belly was quickly subsiding.
Even now she felt as if she was regaining some of her sanity. For one
brief moment she considered that she might even find the interlude with
Rex just that and only that -- an interlude. Maybe all this heated
sensuality would pass and she would ignore the handsome dog in the
future. Maybe she should blame her depravity on the whiskey she'd been
drinking in quiet shots all morning. Certainly it was not like her at
all to behave so obscenely. Now that she was getting her head back
together, her ability to resist depravity was sure to strengthen.

So she helped her parents bring their things in. Her mother chattered
on and on, though, about all the traveling they had been doing for the
last few weeks -- her father had taken a month's vacation from the
plant he owned that made ball bearings and sheet metal. They had
visited her brother in Alaska, and also contemplated a Caribbean
cruise. In any case, now they were with her and they could relax and
rest up before deciding what to do next.

After getting their bags into the guest room and doing a minimum of
unpacking, Sarah Talbott brushed her hands over her voluminously formed
breasts, down her hips, and generally shifted to straighten out the
snug, voluptuously formed suit she was wearing. Then she went into the
kitchen and sat down at the table as her daughter poured coffee. Her
eyes studied the curvaceous young blonde and for the thousandth time
she marveled at the adorable sexy way that her beautiful young daughter
was put together. Since she and Arnold had become secret swingers nine
months ago -- after twenty years of marriage -- she had developed a
more heightened appreciation of such things. She had always known that
her lovely blonde daughter was sexy and attractive, but now she
appreciated as well how vitally important this was in life.

Which wasn't to say she hadn't always appreciated her own
attractiveness. Indeed, she had wallowed delightfully in the knowledge
of it. But previous to her and Arnold 'cutting out' with the marriage
and departure of their last child, she had always regarded her
voluptuous proportions as something that was used only to tease anyone
else besides one's husband. Though there had been temptations, until
their recent departure into the world of 'swinging,' Sarah Talbott had
been devotedly faithful to Arnold for a steadfast twenty-four years.
And she had brought her children up to have similar highly structured
view on the behavior of a woman within the marriage bond.

But now, as she watched her luscious, sleek golden-haired Jan moving
about in the large and elegantly furnished kitchen, she wondered if she
had been entirely right in the way she had brought her daughter up.
Because swinging had taught her how pleasurable -- and perfectly decent
-- swinging could be. There was scarcely anything that could fire her
more now than to witness Arnold having his heavily hardened cock sucked
on by some other woman, or to see him standing over her snapping
pictures while she had her legs spread wide and some new man fucked
heatedly into her eagerly absorbing pussy. She could only wonder that
it had taken them so long in their married life to discover such

Which wasn't to say, of course, that she had taken any unfeminine
advances in the direction of doing it with other couples. Originally
the idea had been entirely Arnold's and she had even been a little
reluctant about it.

For some time after Jan was married and went off to live in Barrington
Hills, Arnold had begun showing up with obscene pictures which he
allowed to lay around casually here and there about their swank five
bedroom Georgian house on the North Shore in Kenilworth. Incredible
stuff, really, it seemed at first, with couples swapping, and lengthy
daisy chain orgies where one simply could not tell what was going on,
or who was doing what to whom. Women sucking on men's cocks, and having
their vagina's reamed with hardened poles of male flesh, while other
men sucked on their titties, and so on. Women getting their cunts
licked, too, and so on. Sometimes the daisy chains seemed to be
occupying twenty people at a time. There were blondes, redheads,
brunettes, brownettes, of every size and shape. Some tall and slender
with hard pomegranate tits. Others short and buxom and rosy so that men
at the very sight of them would want to eat them up. And everyone
cavorting and having an incredible obscene time in a fashion that set
her heart to lurch violently.

She had tried complaining to him at first, but he had standard retorts:
"Don't be silly, Sarah, there's nothing illegal about keeping that
stuff around in your own house." And: "Maybe you ought to consider
doing a little swapping yourself, ourselves. At your age there's no
chance of getting pregnant, and we haven't got so long to go in this
world that we can afford to pass up any side amusements. You can't
tell, it might be fun, doll. Why don't you trust me and find out?"

She had steadfastly refused his obscene suggestions, however. Right up
to the point where she felt that she was losing him. He would go out
and stay out all hours after awhile, and not make any excuse. In the
morning she would find his shorts covered with lipstick. Finally she
couldn't take any more of his silent, withdrawn treatment. She
consented tearfully to do whatever he wanted, if it would make him
happy and he would stop being silent with her.

In short, she did it initially -- started swapping -- solely to please

But what a change there had been after their fist few sessions! Even
the first one, as brief and unsatisfactory as it inherently was, had
opened up an amazing world of fresh thrills and sensations that she had
never even dreamed existed.

Being totally naked and getting fucked by a strange man with her
husband watching turned out to be the most fearfully, heart-palpitating
excitement any woman could possibly imagine! Before long she had become
an even more devoted swinger than Arnold. Her entire personality
changed and opened up like a flower that had been grown in the shadows
for too long. Her eyes seemed to open miraculously. As thrill after
thrill pounded and drummed through her tall, voluptuous body, she found
herself screaming out and crying obscenities that she had never dreamed
of uttering in twenty-four years of married life. Her cunt fairly
throbbed with excitement; her orgasms were mind-blowing and explosive,
ripping her apart from one nerve ending and through all the others.
Before long she wanted nothing but sex, sex, sex of every possible and
conceivable type. She couldn't seem to help herself. Her cunt pulsated
continuously now as it considered the approach of the next tongue or
the next cock plunging wildly within her burning cuntal crevice. She
seemed to be in a constant state of excitement and anticipation for the
next mind-blowing sexual scene of swapping with other couples. She had
even learned to love watching Arnold licking another woman's pussy, or
fucking some gorgeous young blonde from behind in the rectum or cunt.
Nothing now seemed any longer obscene or repellent. They had both
become supremely sexual creatures, living only for their wild
hedonistic thrills. She wondered only how she had managed to survive so
many decades existing in any other state. All the years that had been
wasted! But now she was going to make up for them, that was for sure!

Indeed, it was even noticeable that very soon their roles had become
almost reversed -- so that now it was she who was the supreme hedonist
who couldn't seem to get enough of sexual swapping, while occasionally
it was Arnold who complained that he was a trifle bored with the whole
thing and would like to stay home more!

So it was that she considered all this as she watched her lovely,
fulsomely developed young blonde daughter putter around her kitchen,
her shining yellow pony tail swinging in the breeze. Jan had never had
her hair cut, so that now the point of her pony tail seemed to be
pointed right down into the crevice of her succulently shaped young
buttock cheeks. The fulsome thrust of her impudently firm young bosom
reminded Sarah somewhat of the gorgeous nineteen year old brunette they
had swapped with the previous week in Anchorage during a brief trip
away from Jan's brother's home. That had been a sensational session!
The brunette's handsome young boy-friend had turned out to be a six-
foot-five lumberjack hairy as a grizzly. His massive cock and balls had
really set Sarah's loins spinning wildly, so that she had sucked him
off slavishly and practically tried to almost completely swallow his
delicious young balls. Arnold and the brunette had had to pull her off
of him. What a gorgeous animal that young man had been! Indeed, it had
been almost like being fucked by a grizzly bear when his massive rod
sluiced into her cunt from the back, with that big boy riding her as if
she were an animal bitch! Her orgasms had been truly shattering and
mind-exploding! She had been totally mystified to find she could not
get her head back together for fifteen minutes afterward, and even then
she had come out of it gibbering like a mindless idiot from her
fantastic climax.

If both men hadn't taken to gently sucking on her tits, she might not
have gotten her head back at all, in fact. She had really been out of

Jan poured coffee for the both of them. Arnold was still getting
organized in the guest room. Sarah continued to study her statuesquely-
put-together young blonde daughter.

And she found herself wondering mildly if Jan had ever had any obscene

But of course not. Until she herself had been introduced to swinging,
she had brought her lovely voluptuous daughter up so carefully that she
could never be really interested in sex in a 'dirty' way.

If only she had realized years back that she was probably doing more
harm than good!

But now it was probably too late. Her lovely daughter was probably too
prudish by far. She wondered how Steve managed. God forbid she should
ever find out the path her distinguished, social-register parents had
taken! If the Wilmette Woman's Club ever found out! And Jan could never
possibly comprehend it!

She smiled softly to herself and sipped her coffee delicately. Her mind
fluttered back to Steve, her handsome young son-in-law. Now, there was
a charming boy. He had the most beautiful succulent lips, like those of
a Greek god, coupled with a Roman nose, jet black wavy hair, deep, sexy
blue eyes slightly lidded like Robert Mitchum's. His shoulders were
impossibly square and broad, and the rest of him she remembered as
trimly muscled, from his washboard tummy to his long, muscular
swimmer's legs. Shoulders like his belonged to a boxer, but his
trimness was that muscular slenderness of a gymnast. She wondered if he
was still so magnificently proportioned, like a young god.

"Sugar, mother?"

"Two, please, dear. You know how I like it."

Sarah Talbott lit her king-size cigarette and placed it delicately in
the ivory cigarette holder she had bought in San Francisco. She stirred
her coffee and wondered mildly if she would be able to get the handsome
young son-in-law in bed with her. Just the memory of him set her heart
to racing. But wouldn't he be shocked if he knew, the innocent lad!
They would have to work on him cautiously. No use upsetting Jan by
clumsy planning!

Then of course there was the fact that in this particular instance
Arnold would not have anybody to swap with. He could scarcely swap with
his own daughter!

Or could he?

No -- no, that was just a bit much. She was a swinger, Sarah Talbott,
but she was fundamentally a decent person. She knew that society had
invented the taboos against incest with good reason, although she
couldn't think offhand of just what they were,

Arnold would just have to be satisfied with her having a go at the
handsome Steve. After all, she didn't kick up a fuss when she caught
him working over their gorgeous redheaded daughter-in-law in Fairbanks,
did she? No, she had merely closed the door again and let them continue
without interruption.

So he owed her one.

Suddenly her eyes darted. A German shepherd lay curled up in the corner
next to the refrigerator. Then it occurred to her -- she had noticed
the animal immediately upon entering, but she had been so absorbed in
seeing Jan again that she had completely forgotten it.

What a handsome animal it was, too. What sleek, shining fur. Certainly
very healthy looking.

Then her eyes widened. She was alarmed to see the animal suddenly begin
stroking the slightly protruding pink tip of its penis with its very
own tongue! How disgusting!

Sarah glanced hurriedly at Jan. Had she noticed? Apparently not. Well,
she wasn't going, to say anything herself.

She looked back at the dog. Now it was licking its rapidly exposing
penis repeatedly and with increasing heat. Sarah blanched. That devil!
She studied its long, muscular mature body. Its haunches were
magnificently proportioned, if she knew anything about dogs. I'll bet
he drives all the bitches in the neighborhood wild, she thought with a
secretive smile. Handsome devil

Then she noticed that Jan had joined her gaze. She was quite surprised
to see her daughter look sheepishly away, down at her coffee. The
pretty blonde housewife's cheeks turned a bright crimson, but she said
nothing at all.

How odd. Sarah decided that it was up to herself to break the ice in
this curious situation.

"Well, that's a dog that certainly knows how to misbehave, isn't it?"

Jan's pretty blush seemed to deepen. "He's not an it, " she said a
little too hotly, feeling as if her loins were clutching a handful of
squirming snakes. "He's a he ..."

"Obviously," said Sarah, still watching the thoroughly engrossed dog,
who paused occasionally in his self-ministration to cast a hot,
amazingly human glance in her direction. She was quite taken aback with
the force in that glance -- or was she imagining overmuch?

"He's just a pet from next door. I promised Marge Levitt I'd look after
him while they were on vacation," Jan said lamely, her cheeks flushed
with embarrassed blood.

Sarah smiled and picked up her coffee cup. She averted her eyes from
the misbehaving dog. "Certainly, dear. It's just that this isn't what
one expects to find in one's kitchen."

Jan looked with sparkling eyes at Rex, hoping desperately that her
tremulous voice did not give her away. "I suppose I could let him

Sarah said nothing. She felt a vague curiosity about something she
could not precisely define. Her daughter's air was altogether too
urgent and tense. This was not like Jan at all.

She looked back at the handsome German shepherd. Watching the sleek,
muscular animal play with its own genitals, she could not repress a
tremor of excitement up between her own thighs as she abruptly found
herself trying to imagine what a lengthy tongue like that might feel
like worming up along her own vaginal crevice and then flicking wetly
at her hot little puckered anus! The older woman found her nostrils
flaring. She had become altogether too aroused sexually over the last
few months not to feel something watching that magnificent animal. She
looked over at Jan who had stood up and was taking tentative steps
toward the handsome animal. Had she overplayed her puritan hand?

Yes, her performance had been altogether too convincing. "Come on,
Rex," Jan said lightly, tugging at the German shepherd's collar, "it's
outside for you."

Rex made a tiny whining noise, casting what Sarah saw as a
breathtakingly flirtatious glance in her direction. Then she lifted a
hand to her throat in hot, sensual astonishment. Surely this she must
be imagining!

But no -- the dog continued to glance back at her as his new blonde
mistress led him out the kitchen door and onto the patio, its long,
thick red tongue wet and glistening, lolling out lavishly as it plodded
out. Sarah felt something clutch at her throat. What abnormal eyes this
handsome dog had! Indeed, they were the eyes of a sexy, noble prince
encased in an animal's body, smoldering with unconcealed desire.

Despite her most respectable convictions, Sarah felt her vagina begin
to moisten and tremble. Her nostrils flared and a slight, thin line of
perspiration broke out on her upper lip.

And suddenly she was ashamed, unconsciously ashamed. While it was true
that she had been living a deliciously wanton life for the last eight
months, she certainly was no pervert. No lesbianism or any other horrid
stuff for her, like black leather or anything like that. Sexually she
indulged only in what one might expect from any good Republican and
member of the North Shore Women's League.

And now -- to flare hotly over a dog! Shame flooded from deep in her
very being.

But maybe it was just that she and Arnold hadn't made love in over
three days, during their cross country train trip. She was hot as a
firecracker consequently, and the littlest thing could turn her on.
That was it, she felt sure.

She would have to rectify the situation soon, she decided, or she would
go out of her mind.

And there was, after all, no time like the present.

Chapter 4

After the briefest sample of feminine chatter, Sarah made the best
excuse she could and made her way back to the Talbott's bedroom, where
she found her husband dozing in bed with a handful of pornographic
pictures sitting under the lamp by the bedside. Two of them were
streaked with milky cum, now hard and flakey, as was the coverlet,

Shaking her head, she took all the pins out of her coal-black hair, now
streaked with gray, and let it tumble in a thickened mass down her back
to her fulsomely formed buttocks. Although she had had her hair trimmed
occasionally, Sarah Talbott had never had it really cut in fifty years.
Her father, an ardent Quaker, had considered girls who cut their hair
as workers for the devil, and somehow she had just never kept up with
the latest fashions. So that now her gorgeous thick dark mane tumbled
out all over down her shoulders and back, nestling softly just above
the crevice of her buttocks.

Arnold Talbott turned on the bed and opened one eye. "What is it,
honey? You and our little girl finish your chat so early?"

Sarah said nothing. She just kept on undressing. She opened her blouse,
revealing the voluminous globes of her breasts where they heaved in
their silken sheaths. Through the thin material of her brassiere she
could see the small dark ovals of her aureoles, and atop them the tiny
quivering peaks of her nipples, designed to draw men's lips. She was in
such a state of delayed excitement that her nipples had already come up
hard and high. Her vagina was awash with a lewdly rising tingle.

Gulping and making a little moan, she ran her hands into her bra and
clutched each enormous breast, tweaking her nipples teasingly like the
dials of a radio. She had never quite grown out of the delirious desire
to have her huge breasts fondled, and they were always inordinately
sensitive to the slightest touch. Just the most ordinary sucking by a
young man's mouth could drive her wild. She loved it especially when
young boys sucked on them as if they were milking her, sucking in as
much of the hyper-sensitive surrounding flesh as they could. This
really set her cunt to churning. She loved to call them baby when they
did that, as if they were really newborn babies at her titties, sucking
for life itself, and she used other equally illicit endearments as
well. It was really grand with young men -- like Steve. She wondered
now how she had gone so long without giving in. She could remember that
extremely attractive fourteen year old newspaper delivery boy, for
example, and the way his hot young eyes had devoured her when she had
come to the door to pay for the paper ... there was going to be a
surprise in store for him when she got back to Kenilworth ...

"You have such big tits you could probably suck on them yourself,"
Arnold whispered from the bed.

She giggled guiltily, made a little smile and reached back to unfasten
her bra. It came away, revealing her enormous chest in all its swaying,
pendulous glory. She shook her tits and made a hot, sensuous little
laugh. "I'll bet you'd like to see that, wouldn't you, honeypie?"

"I might," he admitted, grinning, and he threw back the covers,
revealing a gigantic hard-on standing up in his hand from its hairy
base like a redwood tree about to be felled. "I've got my balls in an
uproar for the last twenty-four years every time I see your beautiful
big tits, hon. I'd get a kick like anything out of it if you sucked on
them yourself, baby."

She giggled again and fluttered her lashes demurely, combing out her
long black hair. "You're obscene," she said. "A nice woman shouldn't do
a thing like that."

''You've finger-fucked yourself, haven't you? "

"You know I have, Arnold."

"Same difference, sucking on your own tits."

"But isn't there anything else you'd rather I sucked on?" she grinned

He laughed and gripped his cock snugly. "You know there is! Get over

Sarah smiled and began a little dance as she finished undressing. Her
huge breasts swayed and bobbed. She knew they were sufficient to give
Arnold -- or any man a hard-on with precious little else required, they
were so large and well-formed. Her long black hair assisted the
opulence and fullness of her well-preserved contours. Although she was
massively built upstairs, she had an unnaturally tiny waist which
flared outward into a full hourglass pair of hips just made for bedroom
games. Her long shapely legs were nicely formed and still firm without
an ounce of fat, although here and there, there was a slight,
provocative stretch wrinkle. She had after all been a mother twice.
Still, the sheer voluptuousness of her proportions could only be termed
goddess-like, and she knew it. Young men doted on her motherly
proportions every bit as much as she adored their hard young muscles.

Her skirt fell in a pool around her ankles as she hummed softly and
moved her sexy body as arousingly as she knew how in her primitive
dance of love. After she slipped off her long black stockings she put
her fingers into the elastic of her sheer black nylon panties and drew
them tantalizingly down.

Arnold began reflexively stroking himself, his mouth hanging open.
Though he had fucked a great many other women in his time, Sarah was
still his all-time greatest turn-on. For one thing, she had the most
magnificent body he had ever seen on a woman. Her tits dominated
everything; no man could resist them. For another thing, she had a
sensuously educated mouth for cock sucking and was positively the best
in the world. For these and other reasons he was devoted to his
gorgeous sexy wife more than she knew or would ever find out, and the
passage of years had not dimmed his lust for her one iota.

And now her panties were down. He invariably gulped at first sight of
the blackly curling pussy hair that covered the sparsely growing
triangular "v" between her legs. He could see the thinly lipped little
vaginal slit lying in wait in between, moistening slightly and shining
with liquid substance.

"Come on," he croaked huskily. "Get over here!"

Sarah smiled and walked over to him. She leaned out over the bed and
let her enormous breasts fall over into his hungry mouth. He sucked
hungrily on one while squeezing the other. She reached down and
exchanged her grip for his on the hardened length of flesh riding up
between his legs, and she began gently masturbating it up and down.



"You don't mind if I pretend you're Stevie, do you? If I pretend you're
my son-in-law while I suck your cock and you're fucking me? Do you,

He smiled and kept sucking. This was a little game they played. She
knew well and good that he didn't mind. They had visited the children
for this specific purpose, because she had wanted to get a 'thing'
together with young Steve. And after the way he had screwed their
daughter-in-law half-silly in Alaska while their son Ronald was away at
work, he owed it to her. He didn't mind at all.

Her body strained and worked with his hands as they worked over her. He
rubbed her buttocks in teasing little circles, gently pressing apart
the two full white moons as he moved his fingers upward to the tiny
puckered circle of tightly clenched anus. Then he worked his hand up
into the satin-like softness until his fingers came in hot, wet contact
with the soft dark curls of her pubic hair already slickened with the
rising juices of her desire.

"Ooooooohhhhhh ..." she moaned as his middle finger slithered upward
between the two eagerly pulsating lips of her open cunt. "Stevieeeeee
... oooooohh that's nice ... fuck your mama with your finger, Stevie

She gripped his cock tighter and was stroking wildly, her mouth opening
mindlessly in a long, drawn-out groan. Then suddenly she could take it
no longer. Her brain reeled -- yes, she had to have her son-in-law's
cock in her mouth ...

Abruptly her head bent ... He grabbed her neck and pushed her down into
position, her breasts flooding along the length of his hot, shivering
flesh like warm, water-filled hot water bottles. He placed both hands
gently behind her head, pushing her face towards his wildly palpitating
cock. Then he groaned as he felt the soft lipsticked surfaces of her
mouth brush gently against the sensitive head of his cock. Her lips
then fell limply open and her head moved forward. Suddenly his heart
raced with well-remembered delight -- the tight rounded ovals of
lipstick-covered mouth enclosed snugly over the tightly stretched skin
of his prick. Arnold groaned and sighed and lay his head back on the
pillow. Once his voluptuously experienced wife got going, she didn't
need any help.

And anyway he wanted to imagine it was his own gorgeous blonde daughter
who was sucking him off. Jan had really blossomed out since marriage,
and her hot young figure was more voluptuous than ever. Her long blonde
hair was something that he could gaze at the brush against with nose
and fingers all day, every day of the year. And her tits, while not so
pendulous and huge as her mother's, were incomparable in their own way.
Ever since she was a little girl, he had often imagined her sucking him
off, although he was far too respectable to do anything about it.

And anyway, it didn't do at all to seduce one's daughter. Such
daughters became too attached and addicted to their fathers and
consequently had unhappy, unsatisfying marriages. And Arnold Talbott
wanted grand-children. No, there was no condoning misbehavior with
one's own daughter, despite all the wild sexual scenes he had played in
his time.

Of course, now that Jan was married, maybe there would be no harm in it
-- not that she'd ever be willing, of course. Her mother had brought
her up to be very respectable. Of course, the books were never fully
closed on a transaction like that. Well, he would wait and see what

In any case, for the present there was no harm anyway in imagining it
was she who was wrapping the warmth of her moist, wet lips so hungrily
around his cock. He wondered idly if she did that to Steve, and tried
to imagine them at it.

Sarah's now hotly working tongue was swirling around his aching cock
and almost making it boil over with cum right from the beginning. Her
lips were soft and smooth like saliva-moistened pillows of flesh as
they clasped tightly in a snug, elastic-like ring over his burning rod
of desire-hardened flesh. He could feel her lips beneath, a sort of
pained intensity moving down his penis and taking as much of it into
her throat as she could. She seemingly surrounded all of him with the
hot moist warmth of her saliva and tender inner flesh of her tongue. He
pressed his hands on either side of her hollowing cheeks, and pressed
inward drawing her inner mouth even tighter around him.

The moist, nibbling pressure grew in his overheated balls as her tongue
licked and curled on his cock. It seemed as if all the burning hunger
in his gorgeous wife's pussy was now concentrated in the furnace of her
throat and mouth. Arnold groaned incoherently and caressed her hotly
sucking cheeks. He wanted this beautiful daughter of his to make him
cum and he wanted her to swallow it deep down in her lovely young belly
so that his hardened flesh slid more slickly through her open lips now.
His eyes opened and flared wildly as he watched his glistening rod
disappear into her ovally clasping lips as if it were a tight,
hairlessly devouring cunt. He could feel every nerve ending in his body
pulsating and throbbing within the moistly working cavity and warmth of
her saliva-filled mouth.

She sucked ardently, heavily, keeping his prick hungrily trapped
despite his occasional jerking, burying her face into his loins with
her nose deep in his soft pubic hair. She imagined it was her son-in-
law Steve's pubis, and that it was his wonderful, virile young cock
that she had in her mouth. Occasionally she licked down at his soft,
sperm-filled testicles, thinking it was Steve's, then fell back to
sucking in a mindless delirium of ecstatic wonder, making little
mewling noises of sheer unadulterated delight. The pressure building in
his balls was becoming unbearable and as he watched the beautiful
feminine face suck so passionately his cock seemed to inflate and
lengthen beyond anything it had ever done before.

This was his own daughter, Jan, sucking him off, he dreamed! His
gorgeous blonde daughter! With her luscious, beautiful young tits!

And then suddenly there was a fiercely rippling shudder passing through
his loins -- and a lightning flow of liquid white sperm shot from his
balls, along the hard, blood bloated ridge of his cock, and all the way
up into his wife's desperately gurgling throat! He gripped her head
tightly between his hands and shoved his cock gaggingly all the way
back. She groaned as the first thin needle of hot white spray struck
her tonsils, then swallowed hungrily as it continued gushing wetly into
her mouth. His prick jerked wildly, but she managed to hold on. The
hot, fiery liquid spurted all the way down to her hungrily absorbing
stomach and she gulped for more. Her cheeks stretched and bloated as
she couldn't swallow fast enough. Her throat worked gluttonously to get
every last drop, sputtering to keep from choking on the whitely
cascading sperm as he emptied the contents of his balls relentlessly
into the depths of her thirstily working gullet.

Arnold's body quivered and a long, ecstatic sigh broke from his lips as
he again imagined himself shooting his semen down his beautiful blonde
daughter's throat. She could suck beautifully ... he pushed his fingers
into her long blonde hair ... bracing himself to keep from shuddering
right off the bed and onto the floor.

Sarah would not let her son-in-law's delicious organ fall from her
lips. She continued to suck and lick off every last drop as it
gradually diminished, extracting every last bit from the tiny hole in
its peak. Tiny thin trails of white cum seeped from her liquid-bloated
mouth and ran down to her chin. It seemed as if her handsome son-in-
law's cock was going to deflate completely down to nothing.

But then, surprisingly, his cock began to thicken again in the soft,
slippery furnace of her mouth. She licked it and bit at it gently,
taking delight in being able to bring it to life again. "Oh, God,
Stevie, I love your cock ..." she mouthed to her bewildered husband,
who, coming back to reality, saw now that it wasn't his daughter who
was sucking his cock, but merely her mother, his own wife. The desire
was quickly rekindled in his boiling balls as she continued to suck
ever so ardently. She teased her sperm-slippery tongue around and
around it until it was restored to its full strength and power, and
then the rejuvenated instrument slipped wetly from her mouth, a thin
string of milk-white jism hanging between. Her eyes fluttered open, hot
with desire and she looked up at her husband, still imagining it was
her handsome young son-in-law. Through smokey, lust ridden pupils she
saw his handsome, youthful face and the wonderful hard muscles of his
achingly attractive young body.

"Fuck me," she groaned, reaching for him as she rolled over onto the
bed, onto the dark thick mass of her long black hair, her legs
spreading open automatically to reveal the hot, wet mouth of her
desire-glistening cunt.

"Fuck me, Steve! Ram your cock up into my cunt and fill me with your
beautiful, fresh young cum!"

Arnold chuckled at her reference to their daughter's husband, but
wasted no time as he turned over and came to rest directly between her
eagerly spread thighs, his enormous cock waving around like a divining
rod looking for water. His thighs moved between hers. There was no need
to prepare her, her pussy was already moist and waiting. He could feel
the thin vertical opening of her cunt, throbbing with desperate hunger
for his cock, as he guided the thick length of muscle towards her
through the curling black pubic hair, which was thoroughly soaked with
her passionate secretions. Then the head of his penis touched her soft,
wetly throbbing pussy lips and moved on through with a single long,
smooth stroke born of long familiarity, until he rammed it all the way
up into her cervix. He had fucked his wife so many thousands of times
that she was an old familiar treasure. The smooth, wet walls of her
cunt clasped around his cock like slick seal skin, undulating firmly
around it and driving him crazy.

"Ooooooooooh," she crooned lovingly. Her whole body seemed to be
singing as she imagined that it was her young son-in-law fucking into
her. Her entire insides fluttered with butterflies and opened wide to
receive his cock head deeper into her womb. She groaned and murmured
incoherently as he fucked her savagely, gritting his teeth with desire.
Her body humped eagerly, voluptuously with his and moved with
abandoned, uncontrollable jerks when the thrill became too much to be

"Ooooh OH," she breathed, "fuck me, Stevie! FUCK MEEEEEEE! Sooooo
goooooooood!" She groaned with ecstatic agony, her arms wrapped tightly
around his neck, her hips humping furiously as he threw the meat to
her, the huge whiteness of her massive breasts squashing out between
them on either side of their chests.

Arnold plunged his huge cock up and up, deeper and deeper into the soft
warm cavern of her belly, feeling her cunt flower open before his
savage onslaught as though she had never been fucked before.

Sarah's wildly steaming flesh jerked and twisted while she moaned
unceasingly, her features contorted with furious passion. Her mouth
moved wordlessly and her nostrils flared with an untamed, animal desire
which took hold of her body as if she were having an uncontrollable
epileptic fit. Her forehead glistened with sweat as her vagina arched
upward through ascending levels toward the blinding light of her
rapidly approaching orgasm. "Ooooooohh Jesus God yes," she cried up
towards the ceiling as he slithered his strong, sinewy hands under the
wildly pumping cheeks of her buttocks and cupped them tightly, raising
her up off the bed in order to sink his hard driving thickness still
deeper into her passion-drenched cunt. He threw it to her with all the
strength his hips and thighs could muster, and the smooth, hungrily
moving walls of her cunt clasped and unclasped like a heartbeat all
around his hotly bursting cock. He fucked into her from the tips of his
toes, ramming every last inch of his long thick penis up through her
shudderingly accepting hole and dragging a fresh ecstatic moan from her
lips that resounded through the room like the cry of a wounded animal.
Her nostrils snorted wildly and her eyes, now opened wide, gazed
glassy-eyed and unseeing as he fucked savagely into her open body, a
deep, burning desire burning lustfully out of them.

He pulled his head back, his neck muscles straining, and closed his
eyes, imagining that he was fucking supremely into his beautiful blonde
daughter. If Sarah only knew ... he thought from time to time ...
fucking her cunt and thinking of fucking our beautiful young baby girl,
Jan, at the same time ...

Now Sarah twisted and writhed beneath him, unable to control her body
or the wild desire that coursed through her. Her body ached to be
humiliated and fucked by her handsome young son-in-law she imagined in
his place. Her face contorted wildly with passion as her cunt struggled
desperately after its climax. Her lips bared back over her teeth and
desperate moans echoed from deep in her violently heaving breasts. Her
arms, which had been wrapped tightly around his neck, now slithered
down so her fingernails could dig savagely, piercingly into his
muscularly pummeling buttocks as they pounded heavily up into her
desire-flooded loins.

Lewd wet smacking sounds resounded through the room with each vicious,
pile-driving hump up between her openly spread legs. Arnold ran his
hands from the smooth, hollowing cheeks of her ass down to her thighs
and between them to the soft, passion-soaked pubic hair around her cunt
to feel the greedily clinging lips of wet flesh that clung and throbbed
ecstatically around his cock like a snug, avidly sucking mouth. Her
cunt was running with moisture which overflowed wetly down the wide-
split crevice of her ass. Her body flamed with passionate perspiration
and gyrated wildly, ravenous for sex and nothing but sex. It seemed to
Sarah as if the entire world began and ended within that central core
of her belly and cunt. She no longer existed except for that flame of
sensation within her vagina, from which everything else about her --
and the world -- built outward progressively.

Her head flailed back and forth uncontrollably on the pillow, sending
her long, soft hair flying everywhere. Her mouth opened in a long,
ecstatic moan and she became something crazed and inhuman as she
churned and squirmed in the grip of pure sex, spreading her legs back
until her knees pressed lightly against her nipples, feeling the sheet
soaking beneath her buttocks and cunt from the profusion of sexual
juices gushing from her burning loins. This fresh position allowed her
husband to fuck his cock up into her even deeper and Sarah squealed
again with delight, still imagining him as her young virile son-in-law.

"Deeper, Stevie! Oooooh, that's it! Fuck me deeper daaaaarling! Deeper,
harder, ooooh fuck me!" she begged, gasping as if she were dying. She
raised her open thighs up higher on his body and wound them
voluptuously around his back, moving her naked hips from side to side
with uncontrollable abandon and spiraling her vagina up and down
crazily along his rhythmically pistoning cock.

"OH JESUS l'M CUMMING!" she gasped hoarsely, ''I'M OH -- OH -- OH!
HONEEEEEEEEEE!" She suddenly squealed with a high pitched gasp of
burning intensity and locked her ankles in a death grip high up behind
his heavily perspiring back. At the same time her arms wrapped tightly
around his neck and she mashed her mouth on his, shoving her tongue all
the way up into his throat with wild abandon and sucking as furiously
as she could. Arnold could taste the pungent, male flavor of the cum he
had spurted into her mouth minutes before. Her back arched and she held
tight to him, then all of a sudden he pushed her legs up high over his
shoulders, rolling her body into a tight fleshy ball which he fucked
mindlessly, drawing hoarse gasps of "Oh! Oh! Oh!" from her helpless
lips, and then suddenly her hotly clinging vagina was quivering and
jerking insanely around his cock as seemingly her whole insides erupted
and spewed out all around his hard-driving cock. Her cum-juice cascaded
down the widespread crevice of her upraised buttocks, flooding wetly
into his testicles as they slapped with heavy lewd smacks into her tiny
puckered anus.

Even though his wife had sucked him dry but a few short moments ago,
the wildness of Sarah's orgasm started a slow aching pressure in her
husband's groin and he gripped the cheeks of her rotating buttocks and
squeezed with furious strength, feeling her cringe as he began to
suddenly explode and gush out jet after jet of hotly spewing cum into
her widespread vagina.

"God," he gasped as he imagined himself cumming in his own daughter,
and he increased the viciousness of his strokes so that his pelvis
smacked like a wooden paddle against the wide-splayed lips of her cunt
and his rhythmically jerking cock pumped deeply down into the throbbing
recesses of her thirstily absorbing belly.

And then a series of wild, violent shudders seemed to hit them both at
once which had no beginning nor any kind of end. Shudders which began
in their toes, rippled through their heaving bodies, and which ended
only in mind-dredging moans and groans that were pure ecstasy for both
of them -- as she imagined that he was Steve, their darling young son-
in-law, and he imagined that she was Jan, their gorgeous blonde
daughter, . .

"Uuuuhhhhhh ..."

"Aaaahhhhhoooooooohhhhh baby ..."


She ran her hands lovingly over his hairy chest as they gradually
settled back, spinning downward and out from the magnificent heights
they had reached together.

Would her son-in-law be that good, she wondered?

Only time would tell.

And for his part, he was still thinking and imagining that he was
stroking the long blonde hair of his beautiful, voluptuous daughter Jan

Chapter 5

In the kitchen, Rex was sitting quietly in a corner observing his
beautiful blonde new mistress. As before, his warm animal blood raced
faster as he watched her sensual movements about the kitchen. Nothing
else had happened between them since the new people had come to the
house, although he had noticed that subtle female sexual aroma rising
as well from underneath the dress of the other woman who had arrived at
the house a short time ago. Unmistakably she had gazed into his large
brown eyes with that look of curiosity which so often characterized his
initial encounters with human females.

He licked his paws and continued to watch Jan, her voluptuous body
moving about the kitchen with sexy, top heavy movements, her perfectly
curved hips swaying, her long blonde hair bed up again in its shining
ponytail. Rex wondered idly what his mistress would look like stripped
naked. All human women looked slightly different, and even their holes
felt different when he dog-fucked them, his long, thick penis sliding
up into their hair-fringed cunts and sometimes into their tiny, tightly
clenching backsides.

Jan had managed to get her head back together momentarily, after her
mother had gone back to the bedroom to rest. It had taken some time,
though. She had found it necessary to throw herself into the housework
with everything that was in her, in order to cancel out the terrible
urging in her loins that had been awakened by that devilish dog and the
strange tricks he had been apparently taught by Marge Levitt.

By noon, though, the unsatiated flame in her loins had been adequately
banked and she sat down to a cup of coffee. Earlier, she had heard a
terrific amount of unmistakable noise in her parents' guest room and
closed the door to the kitchen, dreadfully embarrassed and feeling
herself becoming wet between her legs all over again.

The nerve, people that age still carrying on! Her face flushed a beet
red for a good half hour as she endeavored to force all thought of them
out of her impressionable young mind. Of course, she had always assumed
that her parents had sex -- there was nothing wrong in that. After all,
that was how they'd made her, wasn't it?

Still, it had really set her heart to racing to think that her father
was actually fucking her mother right there on the other side of the
door! She had been brought up in a very large home where the interior
walls were largely brick. Consequently there was a great deal of
privacy. These new homes had walls that were much too thin. She had
felt her vagina begin to throb and clench inward while her parents were
carrying on, and only turning on the radio had managed to distract her.

Now, as she sipped her coffee and nibbled a light sandwich, she was
filled with a terrible, burning shame. The terrible things she had been
doing with that irresistible animal -- and then to get all excited up
between her thighs when she heard her own parents doing it -- what was
she coming to, anyway? She had always been brought up so refined, but
now her animal instincts seemed to be taking over at the slightest
terrible temptation.

What had ever driven her to that disgusting, loathsome act with Rex,
who was after all only a dog? She could die of shame!

Not that it was Rex's fault. She had merely been too worked up over
their recent sexual frustrations, and she had lost her head. For some
time after he had disappeared out the back door, she had wondered if
the dog might not even refuse to come back to her.

But fortunately he had returned and that had served to assuage her
guilt somewhat. After all, what did a German shepherd know about moral

Although he did have the most disturbing eyes, and suddenly, looking
down into them where Rex lounged so casually in the corner by the
refrigerator, she lost all her appetite to eat another single bite. His
eyes seemed to be burning through the snug red sweater as if they were
laser beams ...

As for Rex, he had no appetite either, except for her. He had even
ignored his lamb bone as he concentrated all of his attention on her
and her musky, overheated animal scent. The heated taste and odor of
her female mating essence had earlier whetted his trained dog lusts,
leaving his animal loins in a state of incomplete agitation. Indeed, he
was so hot for his new mistress, and eager to work on her with his
tongue and penis, that he had totally ignored invitations from
neighborhood houses elsewhere during his brief range of freedom. He had
totally ignored all the old stops at other back doors in the
neighborhood, where excitedly smiling housewives had tried to tempt him
with various treats to get him to perform in their kitchens and
bedrooms all the skilled feats they had learned to love so much. No, he
only had thoughts and feelings for his new blonde mistress now. There
was a fresh, urgent yearning in his German shepherd heart that existed
solely for her, for the golden-haired Jan.

Suddenly Jan could take it no longer, sitting there gazing into his big
brown eyes from the kitchen table. She had no right to give Rex the
silent treatment after he had been so good to her. Moved by an urge as
irresistible as it was obscene, she got up from the kitchen table and
went over to him -- only to have him rise and meet her in the center of
the floor!

"Rex," she breathed laboriously, putting her fingers down into the soft
fur around his collar as the handsome animal nuzzled against her bare
thigh, making her flesh tingle. Her welcome voice, aroma, and the feel
of her long, slender hand on his neck delighted the animal. He licked
at her wrist and sniffed in everything about her that was so delicious
to him. Jan began cooing softly as she felt the tension rise again in
her hungrily aching young cunt.

"You -- you may not know it, darling, but I--I was afraid you might
hate me for the terrible way I behaved --" she said in a choked-up
voice. "I could never stand that, you handsome beauty!" she blurted out
passionately, totally forgetting herself in one swift, blissful moment
as she felt his muscular body brushing her thighs and turning them to
jelly. Giving in to a force that was stronger than herself, she
suddenly found herself kneeling down and throwing her arms tearfully
around the handsome dog's neck. "Oooh, you're so sweet, little baby.
Please forgive mama! I promise, I'll never do anything so wicked again

And saying this even as her hot young pussy began to pulsate and seep
out warm wet liquid all over again ...

Rex was tired and thirsty, but he could give himself over to this
beautiful mistress' caress indefinitely. But suddenly Jan caught
herself as she realized that she had given in to her primeval instincts
once again. Summoning every last ounce of strength, she forced herself
to stagger up into a standing position again, then backed off
nervously, her hand clutching her breasts, her breath coming in hotly
punctuated little gasps, her nostrils flaring.

She had to fight back!

She had to! This awful thing was getting the better of her! How could
she have allowed herself to become so horribly shameless?

Had anyone ever told her that mere sight or presence of a mere animal
could make her go weak in the knees, Jan would have thought them crazy.
She hurried to distract herself now, though, because it was becoming
apparent that Rex was no ordinary dog. He was just too exceptionally
unique -- understanding, affectionate, warm ... and it was this as much
as anything which made her heart flutter irrationally whenever she
looked at him.

She blushed self-consciously. It seemed almost as if it had been love
at first sight. Why else would she have let him lick her there, between
her legs? It was more than just lust between them. No, lust she could
have fought. But this was more, much more.

She considered all of this as she feverishly scrubbed unending
cupboards, trying to get her mind off him and his beautiful sleek coat,
his handsome canine head, his adorable face and understanding eyes. But
most of all, she could not forget his long, beautifully educated
tongue. God, the way it had licked with such exquisite tenderness and
understanding at the eagerly accepting portals of her nakedly presented

What woman could ever forget a thing like that!

And indeed, as her mind continued to dwell on the obscenity of the
morning, over and over, her guilt began to lessen, and a revitalized
excitement began to take hold ... God, she should still feel his hotly
searing tongue, long and thick, parting her softly curling blonde pubic
hair, spreading the thin, pinkly glistening edges of her cuntal lips
with it. How it had splayed agonizingly through the sensitive flesh of
her passion-moistened vaginal walls, was enough to provoke the wildest
sensations of sexual memory up between her full, warm thighs.

She had to get hold of herself!

But how?

And then, suddenly -- she was saved by the bell. For the shrill ringing
of the telephone cut her anguished silence, and she hurried to answer

* * *

She went to the wall to pick up the telephone, Rex following silently,
attentively in her wake.

"That you, baby?" came her handsome young husband's voice, and into her
mind came a vision of his face as well, long and handsome, with fluffy
black curls and a jutting dimpled chin that provided am aura of
strength atop his large, well built physique.

"Who did you think?" she asked softly. Rex came up and nuzzled against
the softness of her smooth white thigh. She reached behind and
scratched his pointy ears There was a soft swirl of emotion in her
loins, and she began wondering what Rex's penis looked like.

"Are you okay?"

"The folks are here," she said sullenly.

There was a silence from the other end of the phone. "Well, good," he
said at last, "it'll be good to see them. They're good people. Did they
have a nice trip?"

"I guess so."

"You don't sound happy, baby. Are you okay?"

"Yes. I guess I'm just tired out, having all this company at once in
the house." She looked down at Rex. Suddenly she was wondering wickedly
if she needed Steve at all. She had a lover right here who wouldn't go
away and leave her nervous and frustrated every morning the way he did.

"You can manage it," came his grinning voice.

"Will you be home soon?"

"Just as soon as I finish these reports this afternoon. Think you can

She tried to manage some cheerfulness, but somehow it came out sounding
very flat. "I'll manage."

"Okay, darling. See you soon. Give your folks my best."

"I will."

And with that he rung off. Jan dug her fingers into the smooth, sleek
fur of Rex's sturdy neck. There was a rousing feeling in her loins that
seemed inescapable. But her mind was confused. She didn't dare allow
herself to fall into the same emotional trap she had earlier -- and yet
at the same time she couldn't very well ignore those tremulous,
butterfly feelings that were fluttering slowly into being in her
hungering young belly, either.

"Come on, Rex," she said, patting his collar. "Maybe what we need, boy,
is a cold shower. That'll put the damper on your misbehavior."

Rex slavered and followed her up the stairs to the bedroom, his big
brown eyes resting on the well-turned calves of her gorgeous tanned
legs as she moved before him. In another moment they were in the
bedroom alone, and Jan was taking off her clothes in preparation for
stepping through the connecting door into the bathroom.

He watched her lustfully, his long red tongue hanging out wet and
panting, as his beautiful blonde mistress disrobed teasingly, as if
daring a lover. His thick pink penis began slowly moving out through
it's dark hairy sheath, and he could feel his animal balls begin to
throb urgently.

Jan hummed softly to herself. It was nice and harmless, and pleasing to
her feminine ego to take her clothes off in front of Rex. He was
obviously a devoted mistress-dog, and he had probably watched Marge
Levitt with the same intent, earnest stare. It was almost as if she
were being watched by a strange man, but with the added benefit that
Rex could never tell anyone about what he saw, or spread tales all over
the neighborhood.

No, Rex was probably the most discreet lover -- why did she think of
that term -- that any woman could want. And he was attentive. It was
flattering in the extreme to have him continually under foot, watching,
waiting so intent in every movement and watchful glance.

And so utterly safe, too. That was the real beauty of it. She could
dance around Rex and tease as she might a human lover, but there was no
danger in anything coming from it -- unless she slipped again and
wanted it to.

Jan shivered and looked back at the big, brown-eyed animal. A feeling
of utter sultriness swept through her, washing her in sensuality. She
moaned and closed her eyes, her long, sleek blonde hair hanging down
straight and golden over her voluptuous body. Her voluminous young
breasts inclined only slightly, still preserving their exotic outward
bulge. The fleecy curls of her blonde pubic hair shone wet with sun-
rays from the nearby window. Rex studied her long legs, suntanned and
elegant, her tall slender form filled out so beautifully at the chest
with firm, cantaloupe breasts. Suddenly he got up on his feet and moved
toward her anxious to press his cold, wet nose up through the softly
curling blonde nest to where her warmly scented vagina lay quietly

But Jan made an abrupt turn and made for the bathroom, jumping into it
quickly and locking the door behind her. Rex had to sit down on his
paws again, softly mewling.

She turned on the shower as icy as she could, and let the frighteningly
frigid water burn off all the excess sensuality from her gently
quivering flesh. She was grateful that the sound of the water had
closed off Rex's whimpering. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able
to bear that another second. The dog was so ennervatingly sweet, and
she knew how she hurt him by not allowing him to follow her into the

But she wanted a few minutes alone by herself, to think and regroup
mentally. So she soaped her firmly rounded breasts, upper thighs,
occasionally working the bar of soap up between her legs and playing it
there momentarily, dreaming away, until she caught herself and began
washing her naked body in a more practical way.

By the time she stepped out of the shower, she had managed to assuage
some of her overheatedness. Now she was ready to relax. Maybe she would
even take a nap for a few minutes.

So she stepped through the door and into the bedroom again, still
toweling the wetness of her curves. Rex perked up the instant she
cracked the door. There was his beautiful mistress again, all of her
long blonde hair down, her beautiful female breasts jutting out like
over-ripe melons, with more than enough room between them to
accommodate his tongue, face and head.

She was so long and tall, that she towered over him. He adored her
long, tanned legs, the nice round curve on her naked little tummy --
but most of all he wanted to lick away the slowly rising moisture that
was beginning to seep between her voluptuously curved thighs. It would
be fun feeling her squirm about beneath him.

Jan sensed none of the dog's lewd thoughts, only his watchfulness, and
she found herself self-conscious again. Maybe she should get under the
covers altogether. The shower had so relaxed her that a quick afternoon
nap would be just the thing.

Chapter 6

When she did finally awaken from her nap, she stretched voluptuously
and then glanced to the side of the bed.

Just as she had expected, Rex was still there, faithful to the last. He
sat on the floor next to the bed, keeping an eye on the room and
herself just like a posted sentry.

Jan couldn't repress a little smile of happiness when she saw him
there, for he was still at least company. She swung her legs to the
floor, sat on the edge of the bed, and ran her fingers affectionately
over the back of his soft, sleek head. Rex crowded devotedly against
her, putting his chin happily into her lap, so that now the smooth fur
of his coat was nestling against the thin blonde curls of her naked
young pussy.

"That's a good darling," she cooed, "guarding your mama. That's a nice
doggy. Every woman should have an angel like you, shouldn't she,
sweetheart?" She stroked the soft crown of his furry head. "I guess I'm
probably luckier than I thought, aren't I, precious?"

Jan hadn't really expected an answer, but suddenly the handsome German
shepherd raised his head to her face and, before she could ascertain
his intentions, he had brushed his warm, moist tongue quickly over her
lips. Jan gasped and drew back, her eyes wide with alarm.

Yet she was amazed to find that she was not repelled in the slightest.
Indeed, the loving wet contact of Rex's tongue sent an unexpected bolt
of warm, comfortable sensation fluttering through her flesh! For a
moment which seemed like an eternity, she gazed long and deep,
transfixed as if by a spell, into his hypnotic brown eyes. Then, still
dominated by his look, she took his face in her slender hands.

Yes, he had kissed her and he knew it! She was sure of it now! Rex knew
exactly what he was doing!

Then he had known what he was doing when he had licked her vagina back
in the kitchen as well!

And there was that devilish glitter in his eyes, giving him away as big
as anything! Imagine!

Suddenly everything in her seemed to give way and melt before that
molten stare in his limpid brown eyes. She took his head in her
slender, cool hands and fingered his furry ears with her long red
fingernails. Then slowly she leaned forward, holding his face warmly
... then, near breathless, she parted her lush, moistened red lips with
her tiny pink tongue -- only to have his longer, thick one touch it
with a burning caress of a French kiss!

Jan gasped, trembling all over. So she hadn't been the seducer after
all, the Lorelei calling the vulnerable young dog into the depths of
depravity. It was he who had seduced her! He knew all along! Marge
Levitt had taught Rex how to please women!

Had a human male imparted such am impassioned kiss, she wouldn't have
felt it any more intensely. When his tongue touched hers, the feeling
had been positively electric. Without thinking and breathing hotly, she
moved her face forward again -- and he did it again!

Now she realized there was no turning back. All of the deeply welling
frustration swirling in her sexually frustrated young loins was
boiling, churning towards the mouth of her vagina. She couldn't keep
herself now -- no way -- from exchanging these small, fervent lingual
caresses with him, and then he whimpered, a smoothly sensual sound that
shot right up between her legs!

Jan jumped up, feeling as if she were choking. She had to get away.
What on earth was she doing? This was impossible, unreal. It couldn't
be actually taking place. She must still be dreaming.

Awkwardly, she pushed her way past him, her naked breasts bouncing
seductively as she walked. Again Rex whined, as if sensing the savage,
primitive heat he had so easily rekindled within her frustrated belly
and loins.

But though she moved quickly across the carpet to the bathroom, she
turned back to face him easily as fast. "Rex -- oh Rex, what am I going
to do with you?" she wailed helplessly, bound by bonds of sexual
slavery to this slavering beast who came softly padding toward her.

Not that she was ashamed! Indeed, that was the baffling part of the
whole business. All shame seemed to have evaporated into the humid,
sensual air of the bedroom. The pretty blonde housewife was hot as a
firecracker about to explode, yet she felt no shame. She could only
shake her head in self-bewilderment at this development. Maybe what she
needed was a drink -- to settle her down.

On the other hand, there was some question in her mind that it hadn't
been only the fault of the liquor which had acted to promote their
little episode earlier that morning.

Well, she would put it to the test. She had hidden a small bottle of
whiskey in the bathroom cabinet, and now she went to get it.

Rex followed hungrily her every movement, never straying from her side.
His excited senses recognized from experience her female needs for him.
The piquant aroma rising from the fluid heat of her human loveliness
filled his nostrils just as he had tasted it from her mouth,
intoxicating him wildly. But he was not used to this maddening delay.
His other mistress always called for him immediately at such times, as
did all of the other housewives in the neighborhood.

Still, the waiting had its own delicious quality of intoxication and
erotic excitement. It made him long all the more for her, even though
he could do nothing to further his animal desires until she ordered him

Jan did not sit down, she swung her long, shining blonde hair out over
her smoothly curving buttocks as she moved about the bathroom. He
stalked her as if he was her shadow, so close did he follow. He
continually brushed smoothly, excitingly against her, but then she
would quickly move away again. She poured herself several shots of
Scotch in the meanwhile, working herself up towards -- what? She didn't
know. By now, all of her motives had become slightly unclear.

Her soft womanly flesh still shivered when he purposefully crowded
against her, and her melodious voice continued to send soft, tuneful
sweet singing down to him. The aura of her sexual desire was growing
stronger and stronger, and it was sweet as lilacs in Rex's sensitive

Now his flanks began to throb powerfully. And then, at last, she sat
down on the side of the tub ... immediately he saw his chance and moved
in to rest his head in her lap. The hot, spicy fragrance echoing from
her loins fled up between her warm, creamy soft thighs and saturated
his animated sexual instincts.

"Oh, darling," Jan breathed, laying her head and long blonde hair back
as she stroked his great handsome head cradled on her nervously
trembling upper thighs. "You are a mind-blowing lover dog!"

It was true, she saw now! Rex was much more than just a magnificent
dog. His potential and unplumbed depths were truly magnificent. There
was something aristocratically human about his maleness. He'd enchanted
her because of that and he was well aware of it ... he knew that she
had been afraid to sit down because of what he was doing with the
coolness of his nose at this very moment!

She gazed down at him and smiled. His animal eyes were filled with a
great deal more than mere affection -- there was rank lust in those
handsome, devilish orbs!

"You want to make an animal out of me too, is that it?" she hissed
passionately, carried away. "You want to see our episode of this
morning brought to a climax -- and so do I, darling! So do I! I can't
help myself!"

Jan groaned as her brain swam with all kinds of confused feelings. Was
it merely all the whiskey she'd put away today that had brought her to
this amazing state? No! It couldn't be just that!

But nothing would ever end this mad, seething feeling in her loins,
except sex, but God, she was aflame with lust and lascivious yearning!
Her loins fairly boiled with desire ... even though she'd tried so hard
to resist! There was a total, seething wetness between her legs, making
her inner thighs all sticky and shivery, and there was no way to evade
it -- what's more, Rex must have sensed it all along! That handsome,
devilish seductive brute.

The large German shepherd sensed his mistress' helplessly rising
emotions. He, too; was unsettled. But he recognized her anxiety from
previous experiences -- all human females seemed to suffer this way the
first time. This meant that her total and complete surrender was not
far off.

Suddenly his beautiful blonde mistress got up and went back into the
bedroom again. He followed her dutifully, then sat down on his haunches
with ears and eyes alert. Jan had stopped looking and speaking the
soft, musically pleasant sounds down at him. She sat down on the bed
and the rounded, curvaceous contours of female flesh made him pant with
open jaws. He saw in her elaborate, sensual beauty all the hidden
secrets, so delicious, that he had come to love and enjoy with the
other women of the neighborhood.

His hungry eyes focused in particular on the golden pubic ringlets
partially hidden between her soft warm thighs, wherein nestled the
thin, warmly heated little crevice he remembered so well from his
earlier licking between her succulently spread legs.

She smiled at him pleasantly. Something throbbed violently in the
leaden, bull weight of his urgent loins. Suddenly, pantingly, he began
to lick teasingly at her ankles and calves.

"Ooooh, you're a devilish little seducer," Jan softly intoned down at
him. Purest sensuality seemed to be churning within her hungry loins.
She thought briefly of her handsome young husband. Why couldn't he turn
her on as wonderfully and obscenely as this handsome dog?

Suddenly her hands came up and cupped her nude breasts, which seemed to
be aching with their own weight from her nipples outward. She massaged
the hotly swollen mounds and the tiny, pink nipples began to enlarge
and throb out like tiny rubber pencil erasers. Jan felt as if she were
a raging inferno. Her breasts seemed to ache every bit as much as her

"Oooh, I'm frightened, Rex!" She took his face in her hands again. "I
feel like a bride on her honeymoon or something. You will be gentle
with me, won't you? Oh God, I can't resist you ..."

The excited animal's eyes gleamed and its penis began sliding out of
its furry sheath again. Not long now and his beautiful mistress would
let him do the things he so ardently loved to do; he was sure of it.
Still, he had to wait until she was really ready; that was his

Jan had never known the equal of this lewd, feverish sensation which
had made such a furnace of her belly. The seething, fluid little cuntal
channel between her legs seemed to be raging with desire -- but for
what? Her own short, panting breaths did not seem real to her. And now,
as she groaned and lay back on the bedspread with trembling thighs
spreading partly open, her fingertips traced upward over the satiny
smoothness of her rib cage to the huge, sensually swollen mounds of her
breasts, and she squeezed them until they hurt. Her fingers found the
tiny, bone hard nipples and pinched them narcisistically, imagining
that her fingers were the lips of a lover.

And then her eyes glazed over smokily and she gazed over the side of
the bed, her eyes searching the burning ones of her handsome dog lover,
waiting and whining in frustration ...

Rex felt the pulsating quiver of his enlivened, powerful loins at the
obvious torrid craving of his naked mistress. Her savage, animal need
was present in her burning eyes as well as in that marvelous scent
which wafted from her cunt like warm winter chestnuts or something
equally as sweet. His heart pounded in his broad chest at the sight of
her long golden hair fanned out on the pillow beneath her beautiful
head. The waiting was becoming unbearable.

"Now, lover," came her heated murmur -- at last! "Come here, come here
up to me, darling, come here and lie beside me ..."

A great breath of relief echoed from the big dog's excitedly heaving
chest, and then he took one effortless leap and was onto the bed,
momentarily poised like a god over her spread-open legs, staring down
at her. Jan's breath caught in her throat as she watched him so
urgently surveying her naked and voluptuously exposed female flesh.

It wasn't too late! A voice cried in her head. There was still time to
resist this terrible depravity! She had to get hold of herself -- but

And then, suddenly -- it was too late. For faster than she was capable
of realizing it, Rex suddenly lowered his head and licked out with his
hot, wet tongue over the smooth white flesh of her nervously convulsing

"Ooooooh," she moaned ecstatically, her eyes rolling back up into her
head, "Oooohhh, daaarrrling ..."

Her groans deepened in helplessness as she felt the fierce, mind
shattering delight of his hotly curling tongue, and then she got
herself together enough to raise herself up on her elbows, her long
blonde hair swinging around, so that she could watch him as he lapped
upward over the small round basin of her excitedly tingling stomach.
Higher and higher he licked at her shivering young flesh, until at last
he was licking at the smooth, sensitive round undersides of her lust-
swollen breasts -- and then creeping upward over them to her now almost
bursting nipples!

"Daaarlmg ..." she groaned without shame, her hands coming ecstatically
up and around to grip his furry head as he prolonged this ardent
devotion. His fervid tongue caress flicked wetly at the pink erogenous
tips again and again, until Jan felt as if they were being touched by a
live electric wire, and maddening spasms of desire made her body jerk
and twitch.

By now she was so far gone that her feverish brain had become a blank
to everything but the wonderful sensations his adoringly lapping tongue
stimulated in her helplessly fluttering belly. Rex whimpered from deep
in his throat, and her impassioned eyes fixed lovingly on his features.
Then his own big brown eyes raised to meet hers in a kiss of sight
older than time, and a glow seemed to hang like a bridge between them.
Jan waited breathlessly, unable to speak, unable to move, her lips
parted and gasping, helpless love-slave before the ferocious sensuality
of this furry beast -- and then he moved smoothly upward to lick at her
open and willing mouth...

"Oh ... oh ... darling ... darling ..."

Rex could feel his blood boiling fiercely as it rushed along through
his powerful body.

She tasted the delicate pink spear in her mouth, lapping it and loving
its sweetness that was so hot and urgent, and all the while faint
mewling sounds of worship broke devotedly from his throat.

He saw now that her eyes had shut ecstatically as she lay there beneath
the dominating, enervating caress of his hungry tongue, even though she
continued to return affection for affection with her own small pink

Instinctively, he sensed that it was time. Suddenly his intense
tonguing ceased and Jan felt the bed give way from his moving weight.
She opened her eyes to find him positioning himself between her
slightly spread legs!

"No! No!" Her eyes and nostrils flared. It had taken an eternity to
accustom herself to the thought that she might enjoy and agree to being
licked to orgasm by Rex, by a dog -- but this! Never in her wildest
lewd dreams had she considered a dog actually getting between her legs
and fucking her!

"No -- Rex, oh no you mustn't ... oh darling ... don't ... oh no ...
mama doesn't want that ..."

She tried to take his handsome face in her hands but he made a low
growl that sent a thrilling shiver of fear through her loins.
Everything in her screamed rape -- rape by a huge German shepherd!

Her breathing came in sharp, punctuated gasps, her mind spinning
crazily out of control. The nakedly trembling blonde young housewife
could not seem to control herself as her legs, as though by their own
uncontrollable volition, fell mindlessly open ... lifting her head
again and breathing more raggedly than ever, she watched him poise his
beautiful head above the obscenely offered deliciousness between her
fully flushed and exposed thighs. There, in the center, the heart of
it, was her boiling blonde pubic mound, fairly soaked with all the
juice that her vagina was spewing out in warmly trickling waves. And
centered in that, the thin, hair-fringed lips of her pussy, slick with
her sexual desire, pink, waiting ecstatically for the burning lap of
his tongue or whatever other instrument he cared to use.

The memory of what they'd done earlier that morning raced through her
hot, feverish mind. Intoxicated with lust, she heard her own almost,
animalistic whimper -- and then he slowly lowered his nose in between
her trembling thighs, his hot breath scorching her sparse blonde pubic
curls as if blown from a flame thrower.

Jan groaned and closed her eyes, continuing to groan unceasingly and
without let-up. Too late now ... much too late ...

His cool wet nose brushed moistly against the flaming flesh of her
inner thigh ... and then ... then ... a gasp broke chokingly from her
throat that was like the sound of great amen ... as the blood-heated
lips of her lust-flooded pussy froze with heart-stopping anticipation,
frantic with desire. He whimpered as he sniffed hotly at her exposed
loins, and somehow this seemed to make it all the more exciting! Her
legs fell open wider still and she drew them back up slightly!

And then suddenly the coolness of his nose moved lower between her legs
and pressing apart the soft resilient cheeks of her buttocks, brushed
wetly against the tiny puckered circle of her exposed and vulnerable

"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" she breathed, helplessly trapped by an
obscene emotion that had no name. There was a swift, whooshing intake
of breath, and her entire body felt as if it were glowing with a halo
of passion -- as the dog's irresistibly searching tongue splurted out
between her widely spread buttocks to wormingly lick up between the
lewdly tingling cheeks, finding her snug little anal mouth and
burrowing its tip deeply into the tightly clenched lips!

Jan sighed away into a dream of bliss that had no beginning or end. How
long the delightful titillation went on down between her hopelessly
spread ass-cheeks, she could no longer measure. All she sensed about
the entire universe was that Rex's animal tongue never stopped swirling
into the almost bursting little crevice. She felt his wet, hotly
searing adoration flooding upward from her rectal mouth all the way to
the thin, hair-lined edges of her cuntal folds, and then at last -- oh
God! -- to the tiny, hotly trembling bud of her barely concealed

Jan shivered delectably as his tongue drew ecstatically along her
clinging and throbbing cuntal lips. The burning wetness of it flashed
upward over the full length of her excruciatingly aching pussy, then
back again, until finally it spread through her softly yielding cuntal
folds like a hot knife through melted butter.

Agony wracked her. She knew that she was twisting and turning on the
bed, her fire-filled breasts heaving sensuously from side to side, but
she seemed to have lost control of her own body. His lapping tongue on
her flaming cunt was all that mattered or existed in the world. He
controlled her movements completely with the movement of the longish,
thick membrane. Blissfully it continued splaying open the hotly
welcoming flesh -- then at last, lunging in a maddening invading curl
far up into the fiercely clutching heat of her deliriously craving
vagina! Jan moaned with lust-racked anguish, her beautiful head with
its long, wheat-colored hair flailing from side to side, her mouth open
in a constant moan that seemed not to have any ending. Her entire
cuntal region spasmed with burning energy beneath his oral loving, and
occasionally she opened her liquor hazed eyes in order to lustfully
feed on the incredibly obscene spectacle of Rex's tongue lapping so
wildly between her legs -- and then she would become excited even more
by this lewd, lascivious vision of debauchery!

"Oooooh God, lick me darling ... lick my pussy good!"

The lewdly spread blonde young housewife groaned giddily from the
intense sensation imparted by Rex's lapping tongue, sending her through
a volcanic fire of erotic sensation. Her hotly smoldering flesh seemed
to be burning up in its own juices with each maddening lap and flick of
the well-trained canine tongue!

Jan's gasping mewls escalated wildly, intermingling with her moans,
groans, whines and pleading whimpers. Her sensually ignited mind had
slipped into a hot salacious bath in which she seemed to be luridly
drowning. Again and again his scorching tongue sliced and swirled
through her overheated loins, driving her wild with anguished, burning

Jan lost all track of time. Her erotic, hedonistic intoxication with
this wonderful, delirium-producing laving was all she existed for. The
heavenly, worshipping tongue lapped madly though her wet, passion-
drenched, seething young blonde pussy, until she could only whimper and
squirm frenziedly like some sort of animal herself! Possessed!
Possessed by this demonic lover who could be neither altered nor
implored! Enslaved and helpless, only aching to be used by her German
shepherd lover who so adored her female flesh! Totally dominated by
that relentless animal tongue! A whimpering non-human living only for

"My darling ..." she moaned worshipfully, reaching down between her
open thighs and clutching his furry ears as he worked at her there so
mercilessly, "there's only you ... it was always you ... there could
never be anyone but you ..."

She wailed gutturally as he lunged his long, thick lingual organ yet
again and again, curling once more up into her feverish clutching
cuntal channel. Jan didn't know if she were dying or who or what or
where she was. Her vaginal passage felt as if she were on fire,
"Darling ... don't stop ... oh God ... so beautiful ..." Her begging
came out as a long, prolonged hiss, and she frantically drew her knees
all the way back to touch her erotically tingling nipples in order to
give the dog greater access to her widespread cuntal mouth.

Rex's whines continually mingled with hers as he licked deliriously at
her, his tongue lashing out like a whip inside her love-starved vaginal
slit, penetrating deeply into the thin, hair-fringed folds where it
gaped up at him through her obscenely upraised buttocks and legs.

Oh, how Rex adored this exotic odor and taste of her human female
passion, the keen aromatic spice on his tongue and nostrils pleasurably
enraging his mighty canine loins. Though he loved his former mistress
as well, and had enjoyed the numerous unexpected adventures with
neighborhood wives, none of them were near as exciting as the
beautiful, blonde-haired Jan!

He basked and slobbered hungrily in her ever-growing love-juices,
adoring the bright blue eyes which had spoken of so much love, and her
melodious voice, which had always been so warm and soothing, and which
had drawn him from the very first.

How he adored that lovely face of hers, and the way it glowed when she
looked at him, as he sensed she was doing even now, from time to time,
through her roaring passion. The soft curves of her whitely naked body
were something else he worshipped so pridefully, doting especially on
the magnificent picture of her firm, gorgeously curved breasts. It was
little wonder that he adored, as well, licking at the urgent hot core
of her, where his educated tongue was able to draw gush after gush of
hot, liquid proof that she adored him too! This yielding pink flesh
with all of its flowing moisture assured him that she loved him doing
it to her, too. So he excitedly tongue-flicked her curl-fringed
softness, and felt the strong urge in his ruttish, lust-driven loins
clamoring for more!

Consequently he suddenly stopped his tongue-licking and abruptly backed
away from her on his hairy haunches. Jan wailed with anguish, gasped
and raised herself up on her elbows, her long blonde hair fanning out
in back of her on the pillows, her eyes humid and smokey, hungrily
working her cuntal folds pressing desperately up after the swiftly
removing tongue.

"Rex! Darling, what's wrong? Is it something I did!? Darling, don't
stop -- please!

But Rex didn't appear to be listening to her ardent love-commands.
Instead, eyes blazing with animal lust, he was backing away from her
half-raised position ... and then she saw it! His cock! His marvelous,
delicious animal cock!

Breathless with wonder, her jaw hanging slack, Jan gaped at the
glistening hard sexual organ that was slowly emerging from its long
furry cocoon, wet, pink and thick, its tapered end swaying
tantalizingly as it left the protective sheath in an ever expanding
length of thick, reddish hardness!

Oh God! It was as big -- or bigger -- than her husbands! Jan panted
wordlessly, her eyes glazing over, as she confronted this amazing huge
animal cock slipping so agonizingly slowly from its hairy brown sleeve.
She had never been so turned on in her life and ready to explode if Rex
so much as touched her with it. And to think that it was her beauty
which had aroused this handsome animal to such a fever pitch of
obscene, lascivious desire which transcended all bounds of known

Yes -- he wanted to get between her legs and fuck her, just as she had
feared at the beginning! But why shouldn't he want to? Hadn't he proved
that he had all the feelings and nuances of the most ardent lover, that
he adored her totally? So why wouldn't he fuck her, to ram his hugely
bloated animal cock high up into her girlishly squealing cunt?

But some semblance of civilization was still tugging at her
heartstrings, and for one, agonized moment, she managed to protest:
"Darling, we mustn't ... oh God ... I do love you ... yes ... but this
is forbidden ... we mustn't ... oh God I do love you ... yes ... oh no
never ... not this ... oh darling ... we mustn't ..."

But even as she blubbered out all this as quickly as she could, she
couldn't keep her passion-glazed eyes off his still expanding and
lengthening animal rod. "Oooooohhh," she moaned, deeply in the grip of
a passion so lewd it had no name, "yes, I do love you, too lover ...
but ... how can we?"

And then suddenly all the last remnant of control left her. Uttering a
sharp, piteous little cry of anguish, deliriously passionate
stimulation rising through her tremulous loins, she scrambled for the
pillows, stacking them quickly under her hips and buttocks, so that
soon her open pelvis was raised high into the air and she was resting
back on her shoulders and back of her head.

The gorgeous young blonde's eyes glowed with lascivious desire, and
then she pulled her legs back again until her knees touched her
erotically inflamed breasts, revealing the obscenely raised mound of
her hot young cunt, steaming and glistening with molten desire as it
lay nakedly spread before him. She raised her golden head to look
through her firmly throbbing breasts and lewdly spread thighs toward
her animal lover, who was waiting so patiently with his enormous,
glistening red cock pulsating and throbbing like a rhythmically
straining heart-beat, beyond which lay the heavy, love-laden testicles
that would soon be spurting deep up inside her hungrily waiting belly.
"Now, Rex!" she groaned shamelessly. "Now! Fuck me now! Before I go out
of my mind for you, darling! Come on, baby, ram me good with it,

She reached down between her thighs to stroke her greedily pulsating
vagina in a fiercely erotic gesture. "Get in it, baby! Hurry!"

Not that Rex didn't want to -- excepting he had been trained to fuck
into women from behind, his paws buried in the soft fleshy curves of
their trembling white buttocks. This forward type of position was
something that was totally strange to him. None of the other women in
the neighborhood had ever indulged in it.

But she was obviously ready and wanting him, and his heart was pounding
wildly with a crazed animal heat. Perhaps her way would even be more
exciting -- yes, because this way he would be able to see her beautiful
face, those flashing blue eyes, her beautiful halo of golden hair about
it. He would be able to kiss her lips and lap her ardently heaving
breasts. Yes, he would do it this new way!

Positioning himself carefully, he made his way towards her. He mounted
easily between her widespread legs, his head panting above hers,
feeling the steaming moisture of her open cuntal lips ... as his
fiercely excited and jerking penis brushed against -- and finally into
-- the soft fluid heat of her vagina!

"Oooheeee," Jan groaned crazily, shutting her eyes tightly as if to
close off all entrance of guilt during this terrible obscenity. She
hugged him snugly, though, and her soft moistened lips kissed all over
his furry face, her own tongue striking out to touch his lovingly. And
as he answered her with his own tonguing of her passion-contorted
features, she reached down beneath him and he felt her gentle, slender
fingers gripping his huge animal prick and parting her soft blonde
pubic hair with its wetly shining tip, finally pressing it warmly into
the throbbing opening of her ecstatically surrendering pussy.

"Darling ... ooooohhhhh ... eeeehhhh," she gasped. "It's so wonderfully
hot and hard as am iron bar! Darling! Oh, I need it so bad! Hurry ...
hurrrreeee! Fuck me with it! The tip's inside me now, darling! Fuck it
into your sweet little blonde Jan, lover! Oh my wonderful, wonderful

But all her lecturing was unnecessary, for the moment Rex felt that
moistly clutching young pussy flesh nibbling at the tip of his eagerly
hardened cock, he did what came naturally. He fucked forward with a
savage, purposeful stroke to satisfy his wild, animal-like lust!

"Unnngh!" Jan felt as if she would choke. Her loins were a-boil, and so
was her mind. There was a lump in her throat the size of a baseball.
Now -- at last -- he was stuffing it up into her! Doing what they had
worked up toward this moment for!

Without the least consideration of gentleness, Rex sank his long,
throbbing animal organ, swollen with the blood of his passionate need,
into the hungrily upraised pussy-slit of his blonde young mistress! He
squatted partially on his haunches in order to do a firm job of it,
working his pinkened prick around in her momentarily -- then humping
forward again to bury it deeply to the hilt inside her hotly screaming
young belly. Immediately his sperm-bloated balls came rushing
afterward, thumping with a lewd wet smack into the smooth, wide split
crevice of her warm, soft ass-cheeks -- as he quickly began pumping it
into her with the speed of a machine gunner on an open trigger!

''Oohhhharrrggghhhgggurrgglll ... unnhhh ..." Jan felt as if she was
gargling sperm. Her throaty sounds became one endless gurgle of
mindless delight as he fucked unremittingly into her. Here there was no
place for warm, tender, gentling words, because Rex could not speak.
There was only the deadly earnest desire to fuck, fuck, and fuck. Her
passion-dilated cuntal passage opened like a flower in the hot summer
sun. There was nothing she could deny him now. She was totally open,
vulnerable and enslaved, a helpless, gibbering love-idiot, living only
for this excruciating feeling this electric thrill of being fucked half
to death by a dog.

The rapid tattooing staccato of his thrusts was something that could
not be altered or implored for a single instant in time, so that the
female always had to ride with it and do the best she could. This was
not a human lover, who might implore or cajole, or be tender, or do
something to please her. This was harshest sex at its most basic level
-- an animal on all fours, fucking into her with the speed of light, a
lightning thrust so mind bending it made her teeth chatter and clatter
in her head like crooked dice on a Las Vegas gaming table.

He must have fucked into her fifty times in succession -- while she was
still trying to acclimate her human female brain to the fact that he
had rammed it into her at all. Like the muscular and powerful animal he
was, his soul-searing dog-fuck reamed her belly like a piston in a
powerful engine. Jan cringed and whined beneath this savage rape, her
mind blanked out by carnal lust, the very hearth of her womanhood
aflame with a desire that had no counterpart in her living memory!

Heights and depths of unholy ecstasy competed with each other within
the battleground of her flaming young blonde cunt. But she could do no
more than groan and squirm salaciously around the magnificent beast-
cock that was despoiling her gorgeous blonde beauty, offering her cunt
selflessly up to him on the altar of their new-found love!

When she could get her wildly impassioned breath, she managed to look
up and strained her passion-smoked eyes with lewd fascination to watch
the wetly glistening red, dog-cock pistoning rhythmically in and out of
the soft, curl-fringed lips of her lewdly clinging vaginal mouth. It
slithered in and out of her widely split young pussy with wet, breath-
whipping charges, fucking its way up to the very top, then back down
again, with her cuntal passage clinging to it like hot liquid rubber.
Rex's heavy, sperm-bloated testicles slapped heavily against the small
puckered mouth of her anus down between her luridly spread young
asscheeks, imparting a wild, additional thrill of lust as well.

Her brain jarred fiercely with every maddening, breast-shivering lunge
as she reeled in the blinding pool of tabooed animalism. It amazed her
the way the glistening length of his cone-shape prick pistoned so
deeply within her open vagina, and she kicked out her legs to wrap them
snugly around the furry muscles of his strong back. Then rhythmically
she lifted her loins in a wildly salacious grinding motion to meet his
powerful driving strokes with obscene, ecstatic abandon.

Wildly, crazily, like one possessed, she humped her gorgeously rounded
pelvis up at her animal lover, sliding forward onto his continually
skewering cock as it lunged deeper and deeper with heavenly delight
within the tortured confines of her nakedly rounded belly. His hairy
animal belly and loins battered her relentlessly and without mercy,
thudding resoundingly into her taut, lewdly spread cuntal flesh, his
huge, lust-bloated penis sinking full length into the fluid inferno of
her wildly clasping cuntal passage.

With shameless, drunken mewls of purest joy, the lust-drugged young
blonde wife rotated furiously her buttocks and hips, grinding the
undulating walls of her vagina hungrily around the hardened length of
his piercing animal penis, a blissful wail of enravished lust breaking
from her open, drooling lips.

And then the signal came -- the unmistakable signal of approaching
orgasm! It sprayed through her erotically seething loins like the
prickling of millions of hot acupuncture needles, gnawing at the inner
base of her sensuously quivering belly with lewd, lascivious promise of
the most ecstatic climax the world had ever known!

Over and over again she moaned and whined, continually approaching the
steep cliff of her relentlessly approaching orgasm. She strained
beneath her panting animal lover, watching his thick red penis fucking
furiously into and out of the blonde fringed hole between her legs. She
gasped with agony, her eyes bulging as she hurtled toward climax.

"Darling ... oooohhh lover ... fuck me ... lover ... you wonderful
dear! OH!" Jan's mouth slobbered sexually all over his panting face,
covering it with hot wet kisses. Her loins felt as if they were about
to explode into a million tiny pieces.

Rex's puffing animal heart raged with desire for the beautiful blonde
mistress he was fucking, whose soft white legs were wound so tightly
around his swiftly moving back, as were her arms now -- so passionately
-- around his neck. She whined in a low, pleading voice as she
feverishly kissed him as no other woman ever had, simultaneously
thrusting her eagerly clasping pussy walls up over onto his rod as it
drove faster and faster into her. The burning heat of her vaginal
channel clung greedily to his savagely pumping cock, urging him higher
and higher ...!

"Kiss me, darling ... kiss me with your beautiful tongue ..." she
pleaded, crazed with desire. Her sensually-contorted face wailed out a
guttural, animalish groan from deep in her belly, as if coming directly
from that urgent cunt-cock connection which was so rapidly pistoning
between them. "I can't stand it ... oh darling ... I'm dying ... dying
... kiss me, my ... oh my beautiful darling ..."

The lust-drugged young blonde wife opened her mouth ardently as his
long, thick tongue thrust into the heat of her moistened oral cave,
brushing her tiny pink spear as it went on almost into the depths of
her ardently groaning throat. She sucked on it wildly, unbridled
beastial passion seeming to possess her, devoid of all reason. Her toes
turned downward as everything in her hopelessly aching flesh seemed to
strain endlessly towards the most impossible, mind-shattering fantastic
climax. With his tongue in her mouth it was as if she was being fucked
in the mouth as well as down below in her wildly churning cunt. Sob
after sob broke from her ardently strangling lips ... this was it ...
and then ... then ... the first spasm of flesh-contorting, torturous
climax hit her! She shrieked like a mad thing and tried to fight him
off, her pelvis contorting with wild, uncontrollable sexual bliss. Her
loins seemed to convulse in mid-air, everything about them twisting and
sobbing with excruciating joy, her vaginal passage constricting and
undulating ecstatically over his rapidly thrusting dog-cock. Rex
responded by fucking her even harder -- and then he, too, was orgasming
-- spurting out hotly scalding animal cum deep down into her.

His tongue withdrew from her greedily sucking mouth and she flailed her
head and long blonde hair from side to side, her face contorted with
ecstatic lust. The wildest flash of erotic bliss she had ever known
wailed through her like hot cannon shots filling every last nerve
ending in her insanely rippling young body. The obscene combination of
their animal-human cum trickled out warmly together from her still
hungrily clasping young cunt, and down the insides of her shivering,
cream-white thighs as she clenchingly milked her furry lover's slowly
deflating cock of every last precious drop of orgasmic fluid.

Jan groaned, moaned and sighed softly then, sighing with relieved
ecstasy, her eyes smokey and hot with passion, her legs falling with
stiff jerks back down onto the bed from either side of his now loosely
relaxing flanks. Enchantment, love and affection flooded her formerly
sexually-starved young being from the end of her toes to the tips of
her long blonde hair.

So this was what love was all about. Why was it that she had never seen
it before?

Meanwhile Rex's sperm-drained penis was slipping wetly from her cum-
flooded cuntal mouth with a lewd, wet sucking sound. She looked down
and saw his rod, glistening now with the moisture of both their
orgasmic juices, slipping slowly from the blonde-fringed folds of her
exhausted and ecstatically satiated pussy, the lips of which seemed to
be clinging after it greedily as though they never wanted to let it go.

A warm glow suffused her. Happiness flooded every last corner of her
delighted being. And she took Rex's face in her hands and kissed him

Things were going to be very different around here from now on!

Chapter 7

Sarah wasn't quite able to believe the strange cries of ecstasy she was
overhearing from upstairs, although Arnold had slept through it all.

Imagine, her own daughter playing with herself! And here she had always
brought up her beautiful blonde Jan to be such a prude -- or so she had

Of course, perhaps it was marriage which had changed her and so turned
her on. Or perhaps she had been more sexy than Sarah had known even
previously -- most parents had precious little perception of what their
children were really up to, after all. So it wasn't really too
unreasonable to assume that Jan had always been a hellion, and had
merely kept up a pretense -- the way most daughters did -- of purity.

On the other hand, she couldn't quite accept that theory, either. Jan
had been altogether too good, and she had not infrequently noticed that
her boyfriends left for home after a night's date with their
frustrating half hard-ons still intact. 'Passion nuts' it was called in
her day. She wondered what it was called nowadays.

Nevertheless, not a few of Jan's courtiers had tried to make her when
her voluptuous blonde daughter had put them off. She realized that now,
and she was flirtatiously pleased about it then.

But of course in those days she hadn't been 'liberated' yet, so she
hadn't appreciated how the full length of a strong young man's cock
could send her into ecstatic raptures.

Not that fingering oneself proved anything, of course. She had read
somewhere not long ago that nuns masturbated more frequently per person
than any other single profession. Then, too, it was always the most
sexually puritan persons that had the biggest families -- look at the
Quakers, for example -- so that was no measure of anything, either. A
person could reject swapping and various perversions, yet still be a
swinger in the privacy of her own home.

Which her darling daughter apparently was. So that was her competition
for Steve, her handsome young son-in-law! Her daughter was a
firecracker, red-hot and ready to singe any man who touched her!

Putting her housecoat on, she tiptoed out of the bedroom and closed the
door silently behind her, with Arnold still snoring after their wild
love scene.

She draped the housecoat tightly closed over her breasts, and made her
way up the stairs. Jan's wanton moans and groans became low whines,
begging, pleading whimpers, then shifted abruptly into high-pitched
shrieks, screams, and finally a long protracted sobbing that trailed
off into a series of crooning murmurs and caressing love-words for an
imaginary lover.

"Oh, darling ..." she could make out through the tightly closed bedroom
door. "Oh, my sweet, beautiful lover ..."

Sarah wondered who her daughter could be imagining. Whoever it was, he
would be fiercely complimented if he knew that all of this ecstasy was
being traced around the vision her daughter had of his caress and
handsome features.

She smiled to herself and opened her housecoat slightly, her fingers
moving into the soft, moistly curling triangle between her legs almost
reflexively. In the eight months since she had converted to a convinced
swinger, she had discovered to her amazement that watching other people
having orgasms greatly enhanced her own molten-flavored sensuality. In
this case, her beautiful blonde daughter's orgasm was so transparent
and exciting, even though she could only listen to it, that she
couldn't help herself. Her warmly throbbing vagina moistened
considerably just listening to her voluptuous blonde daughter coming
down off her flesh-racking orgasm.

And then she heard something else.

A whimper? A crooning whine of the sort one might expect from an animal
... a dog!

That was it -- Jan had that dog with her in the bedroom. Well, that
wasn't so terrible. She herself had been fucked until she almost
couldn't walk right in front of rooms full of people -- literally --
both front and rear. She could remember very well that seventeen year
old high school senior in Northfield, Minnesota the previous April, who
had reamed her rectal passage out wildly as his own father sucked on
her nakedly hanging breasts and the rest of the family -- including a
voluptuously built grandmother sucking on her own married son's penis -
- had sat around watching. And certainly there had been nothing wrong
in that, in particular as Arnold was being sucked off by the eleven
year old granddaughter at the very same time.

Still, it seemed a bit peculiar to bring a dog into the bedroom to
watch one fingerfuck oneself. The German shepherd had previously been
put out into the back yard after that embarrassing display on the
kitchen floor of licking its own embarrassingly growing penis.
Certainly Jan could have left it out there. There was not much danger
of a dog like that being stolen out of one's yard in Barrington Hills.

So why did she bring it into the bedroom with her? While playing with
oneself, the dog could only serve to act as a distraction

Slightly confused, Sarah pondered this for some time as the echoing
sounds of passion inside her daughter's bedroom gradually subsided, and
her own fingers played a teasing game within the soft, wet lips of her
own mildly excited pussy folds. Then, giving up all hope of figuring it
out, she made her way back down the stairs and into the kitchen, where
she washed up some dishes and generally tried to bring some order out
of the mess they had left at breakfast.

* * *

"Steve, darling!" Sarah pressed against her handsome son-in-law as they
embraced, her hugely formed breasts being purposefully squashed against
his hard, manly chest.

"Hello, mother," he said cheerfully, reaching out to shake his father-
in-law's hand in back of her and reflecting mildly on what intoxicating
perfume his mother-in-law was wearing.

Supper was already laid out in the dining room, and Jan was bustling
about, her long, sleek coppery blonde hair tied into a neat pony tail.
Steve had instinctively put off coming home as late as was humanly
possible, until at last he had run out of paperwork. He had never been
too keen on his in-laws. -- Specifically Sarah Talbott had always
seemed altogether too cold and puritanical for his tastes.

And yet now he was reflecting on the warm softness of her cheek, the
squash of her breasts across his chest, and the warm and exciting scent
of her perfume. He knew that it must be an enormous bra that kept his
mother-in-law's breasts so high and shapely, and he couldn't help but
wonder how far out they might protrude if they were unleashed.

"Well, and what's this?" he asked, seeing Rex curled up in a corner of
the kitchen.

"Oh, that," said Jan, blushing furiously and hoping it wouldn't show,
as she glanced into Rex's hot brown eyes. "Marge Levitt got me to
promise to look after Rex while they went away, remember, dear?"

Steve and the dog sized each other up. "Oh, sure," he said after a
moment's hesitation, "that's right. I forgot all about that this
afternoon, the paperwork got so high." He clapped his hands together.
"Well, what's for dinner?" Then he put his arm around Sarah and they
all walked into the dining room.

Sarah and Arnold undertook to explain to the children in detail their
fabulous vacation through the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.

"And how's Ron doing in his new job with the engineering firm?" Jan
asked, taking a forkful of roast and occasionally passing a scrap to
Rex under the table, where he swallowed it gratefully and gave an
enervating spine-tingling little lick at her bare calf.

"Oh, fine," said her mother, and she proceeded to launch into a lengthy
explanation of Ron's new house, his car, his family, his job, and so
on. -- All the time concentrating in actuality on the beautiful face,
form and physique of her handsome son-in-law, Steve. She couldn't help
but wonder at how big his cock was going to prove to be, and how long
it would take for her to get it up inside her.

Not that she had any doubts whatever that she would, in time. Steve
was, after all, just a man. And seducing men had become her specialty
over the last several months, especially young men. She craved their
fine, straight, muscular bodies, the feel of their slim, strong hands
on her gasping flesh, and the way their cocks rammed in and out of her
steaming hot cunt with such magnificent youthful urgency. Then, too,
there was the marvelous way they appreciated her huge breasts,
practically falling over themselves to try and swallow her enormous
dark brown nipples.

She liked sucking on their virile young cocks, too, and taking them as
deeply into her throat as she knew how.

So this was how she studied her attractive dark son-in-law throughout
their delicious dinner. She could feel her loins grow hotter and hotter
watching him, and she realized now that an earlier dislike towards him
may have been in actuality merely a subsurface jealousy over the fact
that he would be making love to her daughter, Jan, and not herself.

Arnold's education of her, of course, his bringing her into the
swinging/swapping world, had totally opened her eyes to a great many
things. Now she realized that all men were merely one among many, and
that they all had their fundamental deliciousness -- largely as
novelties, some thing always different and new in each one.

Indeed, what a bore it would be to be stuck with only one indefinitely.
-- With the solid exception of Arnold, of course, whom she genuinely
loved. She had become so used to and dependent on his love-making over
the years that she occasionally wondered what she would ever do if she
lost him and had to live without it. But of course that question would
probably not arise for a great many years yet.

She smiled softly to herself as she considered the turn of events. In
Anchorage two young men had worked their penises into her mouth
together and she had suffered the eternal joy of being able to lip-milk
both of them at once -- with both of them squirting their warm virile
sperm into her ravenously working mouth at once! What rapture! She had
cum almost immediately afterwards gushing out interminable sprays of
orgasm all over everything. There was a night to remember if there had
ever been any.

But now what about her son-in-law? How was she going to get started on
him and where would the pattern take her? With her gorgeous, raven-
haired daughter-in-law in Alaska, it had actually been up to her
herself to work the molten-eyed, innocent young beauty into an adequate
state where she would take anything that came her way. She had had to
maneuver Princess (strange name, that) to where they were showering
together, and the shy girl had taken considerable coaxing just for
that. ("But you're not afraid of me, are you, dear?" Sarah had asked
intimidatingly.) Though of course in the long run she couldn't refuse
anything of her lovely mother-in-law, whom she adored. And she realized
how foolish she was being.

So they showered together -- and then, of course, Sarah had soaped her
all over as if it were the most natural thing in the world, her hands
squeezing her firm young breasts, the soap 'cleansing' and teasing her
pussy so hard that the girl had almost cum just standing in the shower.

Finally they had stumbled from the shower and towards the bed, with
Sarah at last dominating and firmly in command. She stroked the girl
until she went out of her head, sucked on her sensitive young tits,
licked her churning cunt, then mounted her manlike and took her mouth
in hers as she ground their wonderfully excited pubic mounds nakedly

At which point Arnold had stolen in, stark naked, and taken complete
command, the helpless young girl by then out of her mind and helpless
with passion. He had spread her legs and as he crawled between them his
cock had slid into her effortlessly as Sarah took snapshots with the
Polaroid. Over his shoulder as he fucked her, Princess had flailed her
head from side to side and hissed up in her helplessness: "I -- hate
you -- both ..." But she had continued to go out of her mind for her
father-in-law's love-making, and before the end of their stay he was
regularly fucking her all day long while their son, Ron, was away at
work. Their last day she had fairly begged for Arnold to let her suck
him to orgasm in her mouth which he did willingly.

But that was all water under the bridge. Another young girl who would
be prepared to do the same for Arnold on all their visits in coming
years, hopelessly drugged with overpowering desire whenever he showed

For now, as her reward, there was still her young son-in-law, Steve, to
be mastered. Her loins were almost screaming with need for him. She had
been thinking of him all day long.

The conversation at the dinner table was sometimes droll, sometimes
dull, and yet the low sexual undercurrent continued to build.
Occasionally she caught Steve studying her sensuously outlined breasts,
and this made her proud. With younger men this was the inevitable big
attraction. They were all chest crazy without exception. A woman like
her had no difficulty at all with them, given the right opportunity.

After dinner they shared light aperitif together, and gabbled on about
one thing and another. Gradually it developed that Arnold felt like
going out for the evening, especially after that long, boring train
ride cross country, while Jan, at the other end of the spectrum,
pleaded that she had a headache and would just as soon stay home.

"Anything serious, darling?" Steve asked concerned.

"No," she said lightly, fingers at her forehead, "it's just a very
slight headache. But I'd just as soon take it easy." And then she shot
a quick glance at Rex, whose eyes were glinting hungrily like tiny
fires -- and her pussy began to swell up between her thighs with
moisture and desire.

Steve gave her a slight peck on the cheek. "All right, darling, you
take it easy."

It was finally decided that Arnold, Sarah, and Steve would go out
together while Jan stayed home and recovered. Sarah had no doubts at
all what Arnold had in mind -- they had discussed their procedure many
times. Arnold had found out from their swingers magazine a place where
all manners of lascivious, licentious things went on. It was there that
they would take their innocent young son-in-law, in the hopes that this
would loosen up his moral fiber somewhat.

Not that she anticipated any difficulty, of course. Young men
eventually always gave in to her -- especially after she had opened up
her seductive charms on them for awhile. After all, the standards for a
man were somewhat looser. And if they had been capable of seducing
Princess, her pretty, naive young daughter-in-law, then certainly a
handsome, normally healthy young man like Steve Winslow would present
no problem. They needed only to be very careful so that he did not
become prematurely alarmed.

Sarah smiled softly to herself. The evening was going to be an
interesting challenge. Seducing the young innocents was her favorite
and most intoxicating game. She shrugged and pressed out her breasts
until they filled her blouse expansively. She was ready for the coming
seduction, and it was going to be a honey. She could barely wait for
the first warm pulsating jets of his sperm to come spurting up through
her cuntal passage and filling her belly to the bursting point.

She was convinced that the evening was going to work out all right.

Chapter 8

The place that Arnold had in mind was not far from the Water Tower Inn
in Chicago. As they drove along in the rented car, they chatted
amiably, Steve alone by himself in the back seat. Sarah sat in the
front next to her husband, but she kept her hand under her dress,
pulling her panties aside and gently massaging her cuntal mound, as she
appeared to talk casually with her handsome son-in-law. Her loins were
really getting worked up, she thought. Something had better happen soon
between her and that tall, dark and handsome hunk of young man.

The lights of the city went swiftly by them, all bright and twinkling
in the early evening. Even in the ghetto it seemed as if people were
out for a good time, carousing with bottles of wine in their hands,
arms around sultry, lusty black women with large, heaving busts and
bright, flashing smiles. And before long they had reached the Gold
Coast, where they left the car in a parking lot in back of the
Ambassador East and then made their way by foot to the secluded
hideaway between the Water Tower Inn and the Elks Mosaic Temple.

The building was almost entirely constructed of concrete blocks, and
Steve looked around himself curiously as they passed through the large
West African mahogany double doors which were presided over by an
immense Negro bearing a faint resemblance to Harry Belafonte. Then they
were in a long, marble-tiled corridor and making their way towards a
huge shining metal door at the far end.

"Where -- just what sort of place is this?" Steve asked, looking

Sarah gripped his hand snugly. "You'll see, dear. Just wait and see."

While Arnold guffawed loudly. "Best show in town, son. And so long as
Jan is not here with us, there's no harm in your joining us. -- But
you'll see what we mean in a few moments."

Steve didn't know what to make of it. Actually he felt that his in-laws
were being altogether too mysterious about wherever it was they were
taking him. He half-suspected that the wildest thing they could think
of would be an illicit bingo parlor presided over by a bunch of old
ladies holding long, thin cigarette holders and dressed a la 1930's.

The large metal door was opened by a greasy-looking fat man with a
black mustache. Arnold immediately pulled off a roll of bills and Steve
gasped to see him pass the little man three hundred dollars. But surely
that must be a deposit on some gambling chips! And then he stumbled
forward as his mother-in-law warmly took his hand in hers, scarcely
noticing that her index finger was tickling his palm, for they had
stepped into the most lavishly decorated room he'd ever seen.

Everything was a deep rose velvet embroidery from ceiling to floor, the
color of sensuality. And long, low couches were arranged in enormous
staggered semi-circles facing an inclined stage which contained in its
center a single large level platform carpeted with pillows of every
color and shape, some satiny, some velvet.

Steve looked around. Most of the men present in the large entertainment
room had the appearance of obvious wealth, small diamonds numerous and
prominent on their little fingers. The majority of them were elderly or
middle-aged, and their companions were generally young, some of them
alarmingly so. He was shocked and impressed by one spike-heeled, long-
haired girl who he would have sworn could not be more than thirteen
years of age.

But there were also middle-aged women in the room as well, none of them
with a youth over twenty. All of these younger men were splendidly
fitted out, and several of them tramped along guided by very severe
looking older women, occasionally being admonished not to be naughty. A
gorgeous redhead with hair very long and wavy all the way down to the
crevice in her low-cut gown, eyes heavily made up with blue shadow, was
guiding a large German shepherd on a leash very reminiscent of Rex,
Marge Levitt's dog. -- But she was the only person in the room without
a companion.

The air was sultry and there was a trace of too much smoke. Steve undid
his necktie and collar. "Well, there's a stage. What time does the show
start?" he murmured in a low voice.

His attractive buxom mother-in-law gripped his arm possessively.
"You'll see, dear."

A tall, white-haired man in a tuxedo came up and whispered something to
the Talbotts. After a brief exchange -- during which Steve rather
thought he had heard his name mentioned -- he guided the three of them
to a couch in the furthest, most darkened end of the big room. "I'm
sure you will feel comfortable here," he said, and then he was gone.

There was a movable tray covered with every sort of liquor, and
apparently it was all included in the admission charge, for Arnold
quickly fixed drinks for the three of them and then sat back down with
them into the deep, soft cushions which were so soothing and womblike
that Steve was half afraid he would fall asleep in them.

"Here's to an exciting evening, Steve," said Arnold, "drink up." He
lifted his glass and downed whatever it was in an instant.

Steve drank with them, of course. He wasn't sure what they had given
him -- he couldn't quite pinpoint the taste. It was sweet, yet faintly
bubbly as well. Something like a cross between absinthe and champagne.
He found that it soothed him immediately and helped him to relax. It so
relaxed him in fact that he didn't even notice Sarah's hand resting
casually inside his upper thigh.

Where is it? she thought. It can't be that small.

Suddenly the house lights seemed to be dimming. Steve looked around.
"What's that?"

"Oh, we must have gotten here just in time," Sarah said delightedly.
"The show's probably going to start -- in which case I'd better hurry
up and freshen up a bit so I don't have to go out in the middle."

"That goes for me, too," said Arnold, "Excuse me, Steve."

So Sarah went to the powder room first, and then Arnold also
disappeared. Steve continued to sit there by himself, and gradually the
house lights dimmed until where they were, way in the back, was almost
totally in darkness. Pitch black would have been an understatement.
Steve could not see his hand in front of his face.

And then there was a shuffling of feet, and he could sense the subtle
expensive perfume of his mother-in-law.

But then instead of sitting on his left side, she moved across him --
her buttocks brushing tantalizingly across his sensitive nose -- and
settled down into the couch next to him. Immediately she placed her
slender, rapier-nailed hand on his leg and whispered, "I feel much
better now, Arnold, darling. Has anything happened yet?"

"But I'm not --" he tried to protest, only to be cut off in the
darkness with:

"Sssssh, it looks like the show is starting."

As indeed it was. The lights had gradually brightened on the center of
the stage, and now Steve could make out, up there, a teenage girl --
she appeared to be no more than fourteen -- seated at a vanity in black
net hose, black leather boots, and a shiny patent leather suit. She was
combing out her shining, long red hair, which was not flame nor exactly
carmine, but rather the exact color of ripe orange rind. She had been
made up with a beauty spot on one cheek, and now as she put down her
comb and brush, she began to make up her lips, using altogether much
more lipstick than was necessary. In moments her lips were shining a
bright pinkish shade, and spilling well over her lip lines so that she
had every appearance of a street whore.

Steve winced, wondering exactly what kind of a show this was. And then,
peering down in the blackness, he suddenly felt something else --
Sarah's hand on his leg, slowly, groping for his penis, which lay in
quiet recline along the inside of his right thigh ...

He gulped and felt dumbfounded. What could he do? He couldn't very well
protest and alarm her. And by now he was in such an embarrassing
position that it would be awkward for both of them.

On the other hand, he couldn't very well let her continue with this
most intimate caress ... mystified, he wondered what to do ... as the
girl on the stage slowly began to strip out of her black-flavored
things ...

Steve gasped and looked towards the stage, totally confused. He didn't
know which to give his attention to -- the gorgeous young creature on
the stage who was gradually disrobing, or the slowly moving hand that
had finally located the rapidly responding genitals between his legs.

"Mmmm, Arnold, darling, you're really getting excited quickly tonight,"
his mother-in-law whispered, compounding her error.

"But I'm --" And then his jaw fell slack and open. For the teenage
temptress on the stage had taken off her long, shining black gown,
revealing lengthy, well-rounded legs and high firm young breasts
encased in black lace. The black of her long silk stockings, held in
place by a dainty, lace-trimmed garter belt, contrasted sharply with
the cream-white ivory of her succulent teenage skin.

Then there were sighs of delight from the audience as the girl's bra
was unlocked and dropped to the floor of the stage beneath the burning
spotlights. The full beauty of her firm, ripe young breasts swung and
jiggled their way to freedom. They stood high and proud, topped, with
quivering, turgid strawberry nipples atop luscious secondary mounds
half-spherical in shape and form. The bulbous peaks of her gorgeous
young breasts mingled with the effect of her long red hair to create a
supremely erotic effect. She raised her arms, then, high up over her
head, pulling her long red hair up, then releasing it to cascade softly
down over her nakedly alluring shoulders.

Now the half-child was clothed just in black patent leather heels, dark
hose, garter belt, and the thinnest wisp of see-through panties. Steve
breathed hotly as he glimpsed the soft, rounded pubic mound and the
thinly glistening little hairs curling out through the elastic crotch
band of her panties. Then she turned and bent over slowly, her back to
the audience. She drew the black silk panties tantalizingly down her
hips and buttocks -- brushing them sensuously against her thighs and
calves, and discarded them at her feet. Then she stretched languidly,
jiggling her firm, gravity-defying breasts, and teasingly turned
frontward ...

All of her smooth, delicious nudity was revealed now, from her round
firm breasts to the soft orange triangle wherein nestled her slickly
moistening young womanhood.

Steve didn't know what to concentrate on first -- this gorgeous young
girl on the stage, or his mother-in-law's hand, which was incessantly
teasing at the relentlessly growing bulge in his trousers, mmming and
aaaaahhhhhing as her hand gently fondled him, as if she had suddenly
discovered the most wonderful male treasure in the whole world.

By now every urge on his part to inform her of her mistake had
evaporated. Especially as his father-in-law had now returned and was
concentrating avidly on the floor show on the other side of him. The
embarrassment and shame a public argument might cause would be
unbearable. No! Unthinkable!

Although it was remarkable, he reflected, that his own fortyish mother-
in-law even did such things. He had always regarded her as so terribly
strait-laced and untouchable.

"Mmmmmmm, Arnold," she whispered again, moving her head to his shoulder
and gently licking at the lobe of his ear. "You have such a beautifully
growing cock tonight, dear."

Steve gulped in the darkness. Now he was really becoming lost.
Everything had gone altogether too far. His rod jerked wildly as she
blew in his ear and licked it. His balls throbbed hotly, building and
growing with their overload of orgasmic liquid.

Now the girl on the stage was squeezing her nudely exposed breasts in
her hotly working hands and moaning softly, her eyes tightly shut. Then
her fingers came up to tweak at the pulsating, blood-hard nipples. Her
lovely tanned legs opened and closed slowly, exposing the young,
sparsely hair-fringed slit of her vaginal lips, so quiescent but
inviting between the fleecy thin curls of her red pubic hair. She sat
down on the bed with an ecstatic gasp and began to tease two fingers in
and out of it as the audience panted with passion and delight at seeing
this beautiful young creature play so shamelessly with herself.

By now the teenage girl's buttocks were twisting back passionately
against the sleek satin sheet of the bed, her body surrounded by the
multi-colored pillows. Gasp upon gasp broke from her ecstatically
working lips. It could be seen readily that her vaginal slit was
moistening rapidly and wetting the tops of her thighs as her fingers
worked back and forth between them.

By now Steve's breath was hitching spasmodically in his throat. Sarah,
his mother-in-law, was still massaging his groin maddeningly, and
cooing soft nothings in the darkness. He wanted to say something -- but
he was desperately afraid that all he was capable of was a desperate
request for her to open up his trousers and really begin to play with

The young girl on the stage lay back ecstatically on the nest of thick,
soft pillows, her long red hair fanning out, her desire-hardened
breasts pointing skyward and not drooping in the slightest. Her fingers
were continuing to slither in and out of her openly spread vaginal
mouth, and everyone now could see it glistening, full of folds, in the
bright spotlights that covered the stage. Her legs were scissored wide
on the gigantic round bed and she gurgled ecstatically with each thrust
and twist of her hungrily working fingers. Sharp little cries began to
break involuntarily from her lips as her lovely head strained back and
she dreamed of her imaginary lover,

Before long the girl was writhing lasciviously in the grip of her
obscene, public display. Her hands ran, fondling, all over the
delicious contours of her sleek young body, then plunged again into the
bottomless well of her eagerly working young cunt. When she did caress
herself, her hands ran over her body as if out of control with lust,
her fingertips dancing erotically over the flat, ivory belly, digging
greedily into the exquisite roundness of her firm young breasts, then
finally plunging again into the hair-fringed cuntal slit up between her
open legs.

She groaned and pulled her knees up until they almost touched her
breasts, the juices from her hotly glinting cunt moistening the
mattress and pillows all around her loins. Then she straightened her
legs abruptly and let them fall out at a wide angle, revealing again
the pinkly glistening crevice between. Her fingertip crawled like a
spider to the soft, hair-covered lips and spread then apart until the
wetly pulsating inner flesh was fully visible to the audience, the
oval, fish-like mouth of her vaginal orifice opening hungrily. Then she
groaned again as she plunged her fingers deeply into the boiling
cauldron of her lust. Her face contorted as she violently fingered
herself, and she began mouthing hideous, loin-tingling obscenities, the
shining half-moons of her buttocks clenching around the hot, avid
crevice between them. A gasp rose from the audience as her tiny,
tightly flexing anus lifted upward into the light, puckering open
slightly as if with well-used practice.

Steve gaped with disbelief as the girl stroked her hair-fringed pussy
folds, swiping up fingertips of moisture and then pressing them down
into the crevice between her widespread ass-cheeks, her tiny clitoris
standing out high and hard above the desperately working hand.

By now Steve could feel his penis almost boiling over with little drops
of cum at the head of it, and his testicles felt as if they were being
tightened in a vice. But he still couldn't bring himself to say
anything. His eyes rolled frustratedly in his head, and a great wash of
perspiration had broken out on his forehead. Sarah was still gently
massaging his cock, but she hadn't moved to do anything further. For a
moment he was afraid he might slip and groan out from the pain building
in his overheated groin, which felt as if it were throbbing like kegs
of gunpowder about to explode.

The girl on the bed fingered her anus, then came back up to the wetly
gleaming slickness of her open vagina again. Her hungrily probing
fingers worked up inside the pink, wet folds, widening them out. Then
she slipped two fingers smoothly in and out, groaning excitingly all
the while. Her legs jackknifed back again, knees pressed tightly
against her youthful breasts and her soft rounded pelvis worked
demonically all around her rapidly finger-fucking fingers.

The girl's facial muscles tightened and strained after an almost
impossible pause, then, clenching her teeth agonizingly together, a
third finger joined the other two in the hungry pink folds, which
swallowed all three deep up inside with a greedy wet sucking sound. A
soft, purring moan of pleasure broke from the girl's lips. She writhed
with desire and seemed to become possessed. Her fingers drove faster
and faster, the rapid rhythm forcing grunts of savage, primitive
passion from her beautiful young face.

Her body flesh had turned almost red, burning for orgasm. Beads of
sweaty desire broke across her fevered young brow. Her lovely head
lolled from side to side on the pillows, her long red hair flying in
frustration at her inability to reach climax. She strained after it
urgently, her fingers pistoning up inside her open, exposed cunt
wildly, her groans increasing in urgency with every passing second.

And right then Steve was about to close his eyes and have a mindless
orgasm of his own, -- if not for something totally amazing and mind-
boggling -- an incident which occurred at that very instant.

For suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a giant German shepherd dog
suddenly bounded onto the stage and up on the bed, knocking pillows off
onto the floor, its tail wagging excitedly, its tongue lolling out
slavishly as its savage eyes glittered hungrily in its fierce-looking
big canine head.

The girl's eyes widened in terror and she jerked the back of her hand
against her mouth, screaming with alarm. She tried to lower her legs
and roll off the bed, but the dog stood above her, growling dangerously
in warning. Consequently she fairly froze with her fingers still locked
within the moistened confines of her cuntal folds. The dog moved
forward panting and menacing, his great eyes fastened hungrily on her
defenselessly upturned loins.

Then suddenly she got her voice, screaming in horror: "Help me,
somebody! Please ... oh please ... I ... I don't ... I didn't agree to
this ... honest ..."

But no one in the audience stirred. There was only a heated ripple of
tremulous excitement through the crowd of people reclining m the pitch
blackness on their couches.

Steve wanted to jump up and do something, anything. He started to blurt
out some kind of protest -- but this was suddenly stifled as he
realized what his mother-in-law was now doing with her hand ... namely,
pulling his trousers relentlessly open ...

Steve knew that he should do something, but the abrupt coolness of
Sarah's hand creeping within the open slot in his jockey shorts set him
to gasping voicelessly.

Up on the stage, the helpless teenage girl was still quivering in fear,
her hard young breasts shaking titillatingly beneath the lustfully
snarling dog. Goose-pimples erupted all over Steve's body -- his
mother-in-law had found his iron-hard penis and was slowly drawing it
out of his shorts.

"You're bigger than ever, Arnold," she breathed admiringly, her fingers
running maddeningly over the soft skin of his cock, tickling at the
heavily throbbing sperm-vein hidden beneath.

But he couldn't tear his eyes from the stage. For now the huge beast
had lowered his nose between the shivering young love-slave's soft
creamy legs. His cold, wet nose spread through the curling red hairs in
her crotch and sniffed at her now nakedly exposed vaginal mouth. His
tail wagged and trembled as though he had located a bitch dog in heat.
The girl moaned, terrified, as the cold nose suddenly slid lower,
contacting her tiny puckered anus. She shivered and made a faint little
cry as suddenly the animal's lizard-like tongue shot out and ran wetly
up and down the entire crevice between her thighs, its tip flicking
teasingly at the tiny, defensively clenching anal ring.

The girl tried to squirm away, but the dog was relentless on her. He
raised his head snarling if she moved too much, and she quickly froze
again in her helplessly spread position. He then began greedily lapping
the narrow pink slit between her thighs. He ran his long red tongue the
full length of it, from the tightly held little pucker, up over the
thin pink edge of her cunt, and then over the tiny sensation-primed
pleasure button clitoris standing atop her pubic mound. The girl moaned
and sighed as his great tongue spread through the soft, hair-covered
swelling like a knife through butter, dragging the warm fleshy folds of
her pussy after it.

His tongue continued to flick mercilessly between the teenager's
widespread legs, stopping sporadically to curl more deeply through the
walls of her vagina, when a fierce, piercing cry would be dredged from
her suddenly passion-moistened lips. She jerked spasmodically, helpless
in the grip of a lust too obscene to be believed, as the great dog
licked and snuffled relentlessly at her raging young loins.

Steve couldn't repress a shudder. His eyes glazed over as he panted
helplessly, watching this amazing display of unspeakable lewdness. By
now his mother-in-law had his penis completely out and was teasingly
drawing his foreskin up and down over the lustfully tingling head.

The frightened sobs on the stage to his surprise, had changed to the
soft, sex-pleading mewls of desire. The dog's thickly slithering tongue
moved mercilessly up and down between her thighs drawing cries of
ecstasy where previously there had only been terror. She raised her
hands, holding them in indecision for a moment above her writhing body,
then dropped them with a helpless, enslaved moan to tightly grip the
dog's ears.

A deep, guttural groan of desire echoed from her throat, and suddenly
she jerked her legs backward m order to provide the animal with greater
oral access to her pussy lips. She pulled his snout forward, up inside
her well-lubricated vaginal mouth, and his enormous tongue snaked out
even deeper up into the moist, steaming passageway, ravishing her
eagerly accepting cuntal walls without mercy.

Wild, incoherent shrieks echoed from her young lips, pleading and
encouraging the German shepherd salivating between her upthrust thighs.
He worked like the savage beast he was, and then Steve noticed
something else, something almost unbelievably exciting ...

The dog's glistening red penis was slowly emerging from its furry
animal sheath . .

Now he lifted his nose from the pleading girl's genitals to nose her
over onto her stomach in servile surrender. Her resistance appeared to
have disintegrated under the maddening dog-tongue which had moments
before so relentlessly lapped at her openly welcoming pussy. She was
enslaved by the huge beast panting and drooling over her. Her quivering
body now spread-eagled, face forward, among the soft pillows on the
bed, as the animal nudged her upward before his waiting loins.

Then, once she was kneeling helplessly before him, vagina raised high,
the immense head lowered again, the thickly pink tongue slithering far
up into the exposed crevice back between the groaning girl's buttocks.

Sarah was breathless from this incomparable performance -- Arnold had
said nothing to her about a dog show in this place. He knew how she was
so dead-set against such animalistic perversion.

On the other hand, she had to admit a certain fascination with the
grotesque sight of the dog and the young girl engaging in such lewd and
lascivious behavior, and finally she could not repress a small shudder
of desire, her eyes unable to leave the remarkable scene which
confronted them.

So that although she had expected only to gently hand tease her
adorable young son-in-law, by now she was going out of her mind with
lascivious craving, and wanted nothing less than to take his
magnificent, towering rod into her ravenous mouth and suck it until he
shot out his hot, creamy semen all the way down her throat and into her
thirstily waiting belly.

And then, in one blinding flash of realization, it occurred to her what
her beautiful young daughter must have been up to today when she had
overheard those wild groans of passion from her bedroom ...

Chapter 9

But could it be?

Jan, her beautiful young daughter, Jan, seduced by an animal!?

Cavorting like a shameless whore with that German shepherd?

Yes, she could remember now the soft mewling whimpering of the dog on
the other side of that bedroom door. That was some sort of explanation
for the dog being in Jan's bedroom altogether.

But on the other hand it was unbelievable. It was quite one thing to
witness this sort of thing in a show of this kind, quite another to
learn that your own daughter was engaging in it. She tried to conjure
up a vision in her mind of Jan's blonde, openly spread vagina being
licked to bursting orgasm by the neighbor's dog. She couldn't imagine

In any case, this would bear looking into -- and the thought of it had
made Sarah hotter than ever. Her loins were moistening wildly with
excitement. She wanted to pull up her skirt, slip down her panties and
impale herself down on her son-in-law's nakedly trembling hardness.

But she dare not -- she might frighten him off. Youngsters became
skittish and had to be worked up very, very carefully.

The young girl on the stage had reached back in order to spread her
cream-white buttock globes open like a curtain from her delicately
throbbing rectal lips, giving the dog's tongue greater access as he
worked at her from behind with increasing urgency. The tongue lashed up
between her legs continually, dredging mournful, sobbing cries of
desire from her parched young lips. Watching this, Sarah could feel the
flame escalating in her own loins drastically. The aching hunger spread
from her abdomen up into her heaving, passion-swollen breasts. She
labored, gasping, for breath and squirmed harder down into the cushion,
pressing the wet, passion-swollen lips of her panty-covered vagina
against it to try to rub out that wildly consuming fire building there.

The German shepherd was now nuzzling under the lust-paralyzed girl's
crotch, pushing his massive head between her pelvis and the bed,
Sarah's eyes widened in amazed disbelief as the snout lifted then,
raising the girl's buttocks with it. Sarah gasped as she realized what
the animal was up to.

The girl obediently knelt, elevating her widespread ass-cheeks, bending
before her furry master in abject surrender. His long, relentless
tongue had lashed her into servile helplessness, crushing her
resistance with its vigorous and unremitting attack on her sensitive
young sexual organs.

The girl was on all fours and the huge dog now mounted the smoothly
spread cheeks of her buttocks, forepaws on her sleek young back. The
glistening, scarlet penis slipped from its furry sheath, dripping
milky-white animal cum from its tip. The tapered point slipped and
danced in the hot, wet crevice before it as the dog trembled and
jerked, trying to locate the tight little anal hole in order to bury
the thick, hard shaft into the helpless young love-slave's helplessly
exposed rectum. As it slipped menacingly about on her naked flesh, she
cried out as if she were being branded with a scalding hot iron.

Yet, sobbing, the girl still looked back, shifting her upraised
buttocks in order to capture the lengthening shaft. Like a bitch in
heat, she strove to scabbard the long, pinkly glistening organ in her
voraciously grasping vaginal mouth. But the dog would have none of that
-- it wanted her anus only. Its sharp tip missed at first, then slid
upward again, attempting to enter. The girl sobbed, tensed, evading the
bending, up-slipping cock in terror. But the dog immediately returned
to the attack, thrusting crazily at her tight young rectal opening. It
seemed to slip unsuccessfully by mistake into the soft, hair-fringed
pussy, rubbing heatedly against the clitoris. The throbbing redness of
his rod contrasted starkly with the girl's pink passion-enflamed cunt.
He rubbed his loins hungrily against the softly opening lips and she
groaned again with desire.

Fuck up into her, fuck up into her! Sarah found herself crying out in
her mind, hopelessly aroused and stroking her son-in-law's hardness
without thought as he gasped laboriously next to her.

The dog growled and the girl reached back, desperately trying to guide
his slippery penis into her pinkish folds. Then suddenly a great well
of sound erupted from the audience as the German shepherd abruptly
found his footing, jerked his penis up and buried it with a merciless
lurch through the tightly clenched lips of the girl's anus. She
screamed out in pain, then squirmed her backside in abject surrender
back onto his punishing cock. It slithered forward with a wet rush
until it was sunk to the hilt, the dog's sperm-filled testicles
swinging below her and smacking heavily into her wetly dripping pubic
hair. A moan of relief broke from her pain and pleasure contorted lips
as she began to move rhythmically backwards to meet the thrust of the
panting dog. His forelegs wrapped tighter around her smoothly curved
hips, and she undulated her body around in tiny lewd circles,
abandoning herself to this delicious, searing animal fucking of her
rectal passage. Her face turned sideways toward the excited audience
and they could see fully the delirious rapture growing on her lovely
young features, her long red hair spilling over her cheeks and hanging
down to the bed. Her desire-swollen breasts danced slightly beneath her
sensuously writhing torso, moving in time to the mercilessly skewering
cock of the dog as it slid deeply into her from behind, a relentless
hot poker of lewdly glistening flesh burying itself deeply and
excitingly within her burning rectal channel.

Sarah's breath was coming in tight, frantic gasps and the burning
sensation bubbling in her belly was almost too much to bear. She felt
as if her eyes would explode right out of her head. The wild fluttering
in her loins increased savagely in intensity with each prolonged moment
she had to watch the young teenage girl being ravished. Her body
perspired feverishly in the warm, close room. The excited heat of the
audience around her communicated itself and bathed everyone in
perspiration. She could feel sweat trickling down her belly and
mingling with the moistly trickling perfume at her pubic curls. She
squirmed her vagina harder down against the cushion, stroking furiously
on her son-in-law's throbbing cock, the cushion rubbing back sensuously
against the moist, hair-lined flanges of her hotly pulsating pussy. She
bit hard on her lower lip, struggling to hold back a groan of sheer,
unadulterated frustration.

Then suddenly her nerves and mind could take it no longer. Uttering a
little startling cry of "Oh, God -- I have to suck your cock darling!"
she bent her head down, her hot warm mouth, full of moisture, closing
over Steve's throbbing young penis, slipping all the way down until the
smooth rubbery head pressed tightly against the back of her throat.

"Yesssssss," he hissed helplessly, his fingers curling in agony in her
long, thick black hair with its fleeting streaks of grey, gripping her
head and forcing her mouth elastically down over his throbbing, blood-
bloated cock. Her hand cupped his sperm-heavy balls affectionately, her
lovely head swimming with delirious happiness. This was it! This was
what she had waited for, for so long, the chance to suck on Steve's
adorable young penis!

Dizzying sensations swam burningly through her lust-ridden brain like
hot volcanic lava. This was it -- oh beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
... She gagged and gurgled over his delicious hardness, lapping at the
underside and all around it, measuring with her tongue the fierce
throbbing blood his healthy young, testicles were pumping out through
the pulsating veins of his cock. Her eyes closed with ecstasy, her
nostrils flaring widely, her eyelashes fluttering as if overcome with

Steve was trying to stifle his groans, but his brain seemed to have
lost control of his body. His eyes had closed and he couldn't keep
himself from pressing his fingers into her thick hair as her furnace-
like mouth sucked so hungrily on his heavily pounding rod, her lips
clinging like an elastic band, her tongue wrapping around it like warm
melted butter.

Oh honey, he thought. Oh God . she thinks I'm my father-in-law ...
arrrrgghhh ...

His dreamy, hallucinating mind strayed back to the obscenely swaying
body of the young girl kneeling before the rapidly hunching German
shepherd on the stage. She had gone completely out of her mind now and
was shouting lewd encouragement to the dumb beast through desperately
clenched teeth. She was begging him, literally, to fuck her harder and
to spew his burning hot cum deep up into her greedily yearning rectum.
She wanted to be filled with his animal semen, and she was so
undermined by lust that this was all that mattered in all the world.
The girl was no longer human, but part dog herself, yelping and
squealing, a trembling mass of desire-deranged young flesh that pleaded
to be mercilessly fucked and dominated by the dog on her back, its
heavily hardened cock pistoning mercilessly in and out of her sensitive
young rectal passage. She was reveling in the humiliation of being
fucked from behind by the heavily panting dog, and she ground her
buttocks salaciously back against him, his hairy body jerking wildly.

Steve couldn't tear his eyes away. At the same time the pressure was
building volcanically below in his sperm-laden balls as his mother-in-
law sucked ravenously on his bulging young cock, practically devouring
him alive as her own loins tingled excitingly, beneath her panties.

Steve's eyes were glued to the unnatural coupling on the bed in the
middle of the stage. Even though his mother-in-law sucked and licked
without stopping, and his breathing was coming in ardent, ragged gasps,
he was still a part of the unnatural scenario and could not be
distracted. Watching the dog fucking the girl deep up into her wide-
split rectum, her long red hair flailing wildly as the furious beast
thundered into her, Steve felt as if that act was a part of the same
obscene act his mother-in-law was conducting on himself. Her furious,
vampirish sucking of his cock had no separation whatever from the
strange events taking place on the stage before him.

Suddenly there was a fierce cry from the lust-possessed girl. She
flailed her head and hair from side to side even more wildly, screaming
with a mixture of torment and delight. It was obvious that she was
hurtling through the most soul-shattering orgasm ever and she worked
her buttocks back greedily against the dog as if she were losing what
little was left of her mind.

The giant animal's tongue hung lolling wetly from his mouth as he
fucked wildly into her backside, and his saliva dripped into a pool
that had formed in the creamy smooth estuary of her youthful back. She
rammed her nakedly quivering buttocks back hard, sobbing piteously, and
then suddenly he jerked forward and, shuddering without pause, began
making the tiniest of whimpers as his heavily sunk cock began spitting
out his sperm in deep, hard spurts up into her greedily clasping rectal

Steve watched in licentious fascination, feeling his own needs
building. Yes ... he was ... going to ... cum ... oh Jesus Christ ...
He clutched his fingers into his mother-in-law's cheeks ecstatically
pressing them tighter around his penis.

On the stage, the girl's smooth round buttocks started contracting
uncontrollably, signaling the orgiastic upheaval in her own wildly
contracting young belly. Thick white liquid oozed from her tightly
locked anus, spreading out all over her sensuously quivering ass-cheeks
... thin trails of sticky cum that ran down back of the ivory columns
of her long young thighs. Her buttocks shone, displaying soaked pubic
hair down below, then pink, exhausted rectal flesh as she pitched,
wailing, forward on her face, her entire body bathed in sweat from the
power of her feverish, mind-shattering climax. The rapidly deflating
animal penis slid slowly from her semen-flooded back passage with a
lewd sucking sound that echoed reverberatingly through the stunned
silence of the room. The girl appeared unconscious, but breathed
heavily, and the beast stood above her wagging his tail in
appreciation. In one final move of obscene depravity he dropped his
head to her still widespread loins and licked at the warm white
moisture oozing from her animal ravished young pussy. Then he swallowed
it hungrily until there was none left at all.

It was this last licentious act which as much as anything finally
brought Steve shudderingly upward towards his magnificent climax. He
could feel every last nerve and sinew in his body begin to shake and
sputter, and then he closed his eyes tightly, muttering heatedly: "Oh
no ... oh God ... I mustn't cum right in her mouth ... oh God ... Jesus
... honey ... darling suck ... oh suck yes ..."

He tried weakly to lift her head out of his crotch, so that he wouldn't
shoot it all down her throat, but she would have none of it. She cupped
his testicles and held on too strongly for him, her tongue lavishly
drowning it with the saliva of her hot, furnace-like mouth.

And then he could feel the steel spring in his balls uncoil, spitting
out through the burning center of his cock-head while she continued to
suck without pause, squirting upward through her greedily locked lips
and back down deeply into her desperately swallowing throat.

Steve groaned and began bucking like a horse undergoing its first
saddling. The juice of his loins squirted out this way and that,
painting the walls and roof of her mouth, striking with burning heat
back against her hungrily working tonsils.

Sarah sucked endlessly, in a sweet, prurient dream of ecstasy. This was
what she had really wanted ever since she had first spied her handsome
young son-in-law lounging out on the patio around their pool in
Kenilworth, his lovely flat muscles rippling attractively, shining and
tanned in the summer sunlight.

God, I'm a real cock-sucker, she thought. And I love it, love every
minute of it!"

The last spurt of Steve's milk-white orgasm struck the back of her
throat and trickled warmly down to her gratefully accepting belly.
Already much of it had broken through the sides of her mouth, and
covered the exposed portion of his penis and pubic hair. Then he shook
and jerked and gradually settled back against the couch with a moan,
his cock gradually softening as she licked and nibbled at it to make
sure every last drop was greedily milked away.

On the stage the curtain closed slowly on the depraved extravaganza,
the sexually subjugated teenage beauty and her tired animal lover
twitching fitfully in a post-orgasmic sleep. It was with relief and
regret that Sarah lifted her head from Steve's weary, sperm-drained
cock. She had almost had an orgasm of her own, but she sensed that the
house lights would come up again fairly quick, and it was time to play
out their little charade still further, at its appropriate pace.

Chapter 10

"Thank you, Arnold," she whispered, teasing his ear wetly with her
semen-moistened tongue. "Thank you so much for letting me kiss you
there, darling. Now I have to go to the bathroom -- you've gotten my
body in such an uproar."

My pleasure, Steve was tempted to say. Instead he merely kept wisely
silent. If she was going to the bathroom -- that would give him the
chance he needed to change positions again.

But with her disappearance into the blackness -- the only lights were
little cat's eyes in the couch legs so that people could see their feet
-- his father-in-law also harumped and apparently left to go to the
toilet as well. Steve blinked, breathing noisily, and worked his limply
drained penis back into his shorts, then zipped up his trousers.
Everything around his groin seemed to be miserably sticky and
uncomfortable, but that was going to be the price he would pay,

But God, his forty-four year old mother-in-law had been the most mind-
blowing suck he'd ever encountered in his life! She made all the young
girls he had encountered in the years before he met Jan absolutely pale
by comparison, he thought.

But why couldn't she impart that wonderful knowledge to her beautiful
blonde-haired daughter?

He smiled restfully and put his hands behind his head. She did have the
most amazing mouth, Sarah. What a marvelous discovery. He wondered if
it would be as satisfying to fuck her as well. With most women their
mouths were either too small to really do a blow job well, or too big
for true beauty. So you always had to make a choice -- take the big
lips for great cock sucking, or the small ones for prettiness and
kissability. This was no easy decision to make. When he married Jan
he'd supposed that hers were the in-between variety that would make the
love bed a paradise.

But she'd proven to be such a prude that she couldn't even get her to
use her mouth on him. Consequently he'd given up on everything fancy
which he so enjoyed, and just threw it to her however it suited him, as
she weren't participating at all. This was not an entirely satisfactory
arrangement, but he'd gotten supremely tired of trying to work her up
into any normal state of frenzy.

Had he been wrong? Should he have worked on her longer and with more
intense application? He shrugged. One didn't have time to do everything
with all the thoroughness in the world. There was only so much time in
a day.

The house lights rose and he positioned himself slightly differently on
the couch so that Sarah would have no inkling of the mistake she'd made
with him. Now, as he looked about the room, he saw that other people
were misbehaving as well -- and in much more extreme postures. There
was one young brunette, her long black hair flowing down, with her
dress up over her hips, where an older man was fucking in and out of
her with great strength. In other places men were sucking on girl's and
women's tits, or men were being sucked off, girls having their pussies
licked and so on. Apparently the dog performance had turned everyone on
something terrific.

All this sensuality brought him to wondering what his mother-in-law
would look like undressed. Huge pendulous breasts of course, not as
firm and high as Jan's, but big tits were always warm and exciting, no
matter how heavily they hung.

Then the big cheeks of her ass would be smoothly curved and delicious,
of course. And she had beautiful long hair. He could even imagine
fucking her in the ass, as the dog had the helpless young girl on the

Not that it would ever come to that, of course. This was merely
fantasy. Sarah had made a mistake and that was all.

He gulped and froze as he saw her coming his way. Would she notice

Apparently she didn't. She merely leaned over, the bulbous tops of her
enormous breasts showing forth, and asked him pleasantly, "Well, Steve,
did you enjoy the show?"

* * *

He tried to carry on a casual conversation on the way home, but it was
difficult with his mother-in-law's thigh pressed so tightly against his
in the back seat.

"You were probably surprised to learn that your mother and I even knew
of such a place," Arnold suggested after a time.

"Well-uh ... it did come as something of a shock. There was certainly a
lot of wild stuff going on there ..."

Sarah patted his knee, saying gaily, "Well, since Jan married you we're
all alone now, Steve, and we've had to find some new amusements. I'd
venture to say our whole way of life has changed since you last saw us
at the wedding."

I'll bet it has, Steve thought, wondering. But he didn't say much more;
his mind kept drifting back to the amazing vision of the young girl on
stage having her back hole reamed by that passionate German shepherd,
its shaggy tail wagging, its lengthy tongue hanging out of its mouth
almost all the way down to her sweat-glistening back.

Back at the house, Jan had finally fallen into a pleasantly relaxed
doze after being fucked and licked to orgasm by Rex about five more
times. Her long blonde hair spread out on the pillow, a pleasant
relaxed smile on her lovely face, her long dark eyelashes fluttering
just ever so slightly out of her closed lids, as if moved by a great
emotion and pleasant dreams. She had left her lover in the kitchen by
his food bowl, but he didn't seem to mind. He was the perfect lover,
utterly adorable and discreet. It wouldn't have done at all for them to
be found sound asleep in the same bed, and he seemed to understand

Jan could no longer summon any significant amount of shame, and remorse
had left her long ago. Admittedly there had been twinges of both during
and after her first few fantastic, brain-shattering climaxes, but she
was so happy now that nothing else in the world mattered. She
appreciated the unnaturalness of their animal-human coupling, but the
delectable pleasures her darling Rex provided within her susceptible,
previously unfulfilled body overshadowed all other considerations of
morality or the lack of it. She loved him with a fresh, unspoiled
possessiveness that was as contrary to nature as the lewd acts they had
committed, and she could no longer help herself!

This was all a part of her feelings, thoughts and dreams as she dozed
so pleasantly, emotionally drained from the last time her handsome
animal lover had withdrawn his semen-slickened pink penis from her
vagina and backed off from her love-satiated flesh. Her vaginal muscles
had milked it of every last wonderful drop of scalding hot sperm.

Now she wanted only to sleep and enjoy pleasant dreams -- pleasant
dreams of being delightfully, deliriously made love to by her handsome
German shepherd lover.

So that when her parents and husband came home, Jan was sound asleep in
the master bedroom. They slipped in and moved around the house quietly,
not wanting to wake her. Sarah fixed herself a cup of coffee in the
kitchen and yawned, obviously ready for bed. This was where the rest of
their plan usually went into action when dealing with new young men of
little experience.

"Look, honey," said Arnold, "Steve and I are still wide awake. I think
we'll take a spin down to the Clover Club for a glass of beer. What do
you say, Steve?"

"Well-uh ..."

"You don't look anywhere near being ready for bed. Come on."

Sarah stretched and yawned, her huge breasts stuffing outward through
the open cleavage in her dress. They were powdered, perfumed and nicely
tanned. She had found that young men always liked large well-tanned
breasts. "That's all right with me, honey. I'm ready for beddy-bye."
She walked up to her husband and pressed her open mouth to his. They
touched tongue tips as Arnold's hand came up to squeeze her left
buttocks cheek, and her hand came up between his legs to lovingly
caress his genitals.

Steve gulped and looked away from the overtly sexual display. Then
Arnold broke off the kiss with a laugh and took his arm, "Come on, son.
Let's top off the night with a few quick ones." They headed for the

Sarah couldn't repress a lewd little smile after the two men left. Then
she stretched and yawned and went to the guest room, her voluptuous
body wobbling on shakey high heels as she remembered tremulously the
delicious taste of her young son-in-law's wonderfully responding cock
in her ardently sucking mouth.

Sarah hummed softly to herself as she undressed with elegant grace, her
lovely naked contours coming into full view. She looked at herself in
the vanity mirror, lifting her breasts like fully ripened melons in her
hands. They were her most attractive feature and she knew it. Her
thumbs twiddled her large, protuberant dark brown nipples and she
watched them harden under her steady gaze.

Then she went through the connecting door and into the shower room.

She spent a good half an hour or more showering and preparing herself
for bed. Occasionally she smiled to herself as she considered what
Arnold must be up to at that very moment -- getting her attractive
young son-in-law mildly tipsy and showing him pictures of his sexually
put together mother-in-law, who had the hots for him. He would probably
show the young man shots of her being fucked at the same time as she
was sucking on somebody's penis, while yet a third man worked on her
breasts with his mouth. She did hope he didn't show Steve the picture
of her sucking on an enormous black penis. Their son-in-law was
conservative in his racial attitudes, and this might put him off.

There were very few young men, she thought, smiling, who could resist
her voluptuous curves once Arnold got them worked up with those nude
pictures of her being taken every way possible by other men. Then it
only took a whisper in their ear, "She wants to let you fuck her. She
told me so. She thinks your adorable. She's hot for your cock."

Abruptly her reveries were interrupted as she toweled her gorgeous
body. She looked around to see where the whimper had come from.

And then she saw Rex, sitting quietly by the side of the bed.

Sarah's eyes gleamed, hot with sensuality. Her eyelids were still
imprinted with the memory of the girl on the stage with the German
shepherd humping into her from behind. And then she remembered also
what she had considered about Rex and Jan ... alone together in that
bedroom ... with the strange erotic sounds issuing from it ...

"Well, I seem to have company," she said silkily, coming up to Rex,
still totally nude from the shower, and scratching him lightly behind
the ear. His thick furry coat rubbed sleekly against the smoothness of
her long legs and he whimpered quizzically, eyes glued to the dark
triangle of curly hair covering the softly rising mound between her
legs. They darted also, momentarily, to the dark brown crests on her
nakedly exposed breasts. She petted his head and smiled.

And then suddenly something happened! Rex leaped up on her and began
lapping at her nipple crowns with his long wet tongue. Sarah gasped and
staggered backward, her hand at her throat, Rex's lascivious animal
attack triggering a fierce, burning response inside her cunt, which had
already been wildly aroused that evening by her son-in-law's response
to her oral love-making.

"Why -- you beautiful lecher!" she gasped tremulously. "So that's it! I
was right! You're a devil dog!" Sarah stared wonderingly at his almost
grinning, handsome German shepherd face, the expression in his large
round eyes altogether too sexy and human. She felt as if his eyes were
laser beams burning into the soft hairy mattress of her pussy. Yes --
they were twinkling, seductively twinkling! She was sure of it! As if
he wanted to go much further than merely lap at her nude breasts.

The temptation was too great for the voluptuous older woman to pass up.
She felt a small ripple of excitement in her belly as once more she
leaned forward to stroke his coat, consciously thrusting the fully
exposed mounds of her chest slightly towards him.

Rex accepted the enticing invitation. Again his long length of hot,
moist tongue swept over the sensitive hardened nipples! Nor did it stop
with a single swipe over the warm, sensual globes. Instead, Sarah
gasped excitedly as his long thickly working flesh curled its heated
wetness over the smooth, resilience of her nakedly tingling skin again
and again.

Her breath caught desperately in her throat as she felt herself
respond, watching the pinkly glistening length of his tongue graze
hotly over the erect, berry-hard nipples on her nakedly swelling tits,
the feverish sensation increasing rapidly. She could almost see the
large secondary mounds of her aureoles gradually expanding under their
delicate load of high, hardened nipples.

"Oooooooh, darling," she murmured, "you loving devil you ... you are
really affectionate ..." The ardently astonished brunette brushed her
fingers over the back of his long furry ears, her voice coming in
throaty, tremulous little gasps. She thrust her breasts forward in
order to enjoy fully the warming lasciviousness of his tongue passing
so wetly over their colorful tingling crests.

The simmering sensations raced through her belly like a raging forest
fire, causing the moisture seeping from her now warmly flushing cunt
lips to flow even faster, dampening wetly the tops of her trembling
thighs. For a moment, Rex seemed to hesitate, but only for a moment --
then he whined and worked forward to wedge her long legs apart with his
snout, pushing his cold, wet nose up between them right to the
expectantly quivering lips of her pussy mouth!

"Darling ..." she breathed. "Oh ... you mustn't ... this is wrong ...
oh God ... no ..."

But that was what they all said -- at first -- and Rex thought that she
was encouraging him. Trying to work his nose in still further, his
nostrils keenly aroused by the musky scent of her excited womanhood,
the woman started staggering backward, until finally Sarah fell
backwards with her legs spread wide open upon the fresh, newly made

Once more his hot tongue darted out provocatively, licking mercilessly
at her nudely reclining body. Wild emotions swamped the raven-haired
woman as she stared into his deep brown eyes, his tongue continuing to
lap lovingly at her naked tits. Yes ... he knew exactly what he was
doing, the seducer ... but she couldn't help herself. His tongue was so
large and warm ... but ...

Suddenly it started working downward over her softly trembling flesh.
Down over her warm belly, swirling wetly and excitingly into her navel
and then downward ... yes ... until finally his nose tip was sniffing
right between her helplessly quivering thighs, as if he could actually
sense the intoxicating heat of her desperately surging cunt!

Sarah was amazed and incredulous -- unbelievable that she could get so
excited in a matter of moments from the tonguing of her loins by an
apparently well-trained dog! The lustful sensations his hotly probing
nose -- its sleek furry snout brushing so tantalizingly against her
open thighs -- was nothing short of obscenity. But maybe this was what
was firing up her lust so dramatically -- the very illicit nature of
their relationship!

"It-it was you, wasn't it, dear," she sighed, as the whining animal
continued to sniff at her swiftly moistening pussy slit. "You've been
fucking my daughter! It's true, isn't it!"

She propped herself and took his handsome face tenderly in her hands.
"What was it she was having you do in the bedroom, handsome lover? Lick
her cunt, maybe? Was that it? Do you like to lick women's pussies?
Would you like to lick mine, for example, darling? Come on, your mama
has a cunt that's starving for a good tonguing. Show her how you do it,
darling. You and I are going to get along beautifully if you're good at
that, darling. Believe me."

The piquant fragrance of her mating heat fired Rex' loins. He sensed a
relationship between this woman and his mistress, but he wasn't exactly
sure what it was. Nevertheless there was a certain similarity in the
rising aroma of Sarah's female sexual excitement. He would have to lick
her there, between her legs, to find out if they both tasted the same.
His snout wiggled and sniffed toward her hotly burning vaginal crevice,
picking up the fierce potency of his mistress' mother's sexual aroma,
moist and wetly pulsating with its bright pleasureful promise. He could
detect the shivering ripple of excitement passing through Sarah's huge
breasts and splendid hour-glass hips, tremoring onward into her loins
and then passing out through her legs. The colorful pointed tips of her
nipples quivered before him like rapidly hardening jelly.

His eyes burned as well into the sensuous little triangle of soft pubic
curls, wherein nestled the sultry, hungry-looking lips of her moistly
gleaming pussy mouth.

"Quick," Sarah groaned, really getting turned on as she stroked open
mouthed, head back at his long furry ears. "Don't make me wait any
longer, lover. Come to big mama; show her what to do. Mama's new at
this -- with d-dogs."

Rex's eyes gleamed as he caught the intensive charge of lurid
sensuality emanating from her huskily moaning throat. Sarah's eyes
fastened on his, realizing with a start that those dog-animal eyes were
reflecting as much desire and anticipation as hers. A series of
feverish chills swept over her as she waited, breathing noisily with
desire through her excitedly flared nostrils. What was he going to do?

"Oh, precious ... please ... don't make mama wait ..."

Rex' avid, devouring eyes didn't leave her for an instant, his yearning
expanding rapidly.

Then suddenly Sarah could take the maddeningly erotic suspense no
longer. She screamed at him, "Well, come on up here, you teaser!" Get
up here you handsome brute and do whatever it is baby Jan's taught you
to do!" She patted the bed eagerly beside her, her long raven hair
spilling out over her voluminous breasts.

Unknown to Sarah, this patting of the bed was exactly the command that
Rex had been trained to respond to. Suddenly he leapt up on it with the
most graceful, effortless motion, his canine face contorted with desire
for her, his passion-reddened penis expanding outward from its furry
sheath. His eyes devoured her for a moment as she lay docilely waiting,
helpless and enslaved by his sex-crazed eyes. And then his passionately
handsome animal face turned almost human as Rex eagerly moved along the
side of her body, then inclined his shaggy shining head to graze again
her desire-swollen breasts with the hot lapping wetness of his long
thick tongue ...

Chapter 11

Jan awoke lazily, a smile of happy pleasure blanketing her placid and
sensual face. Her fervid memories of the beautiful love her darling Rex
had given her, and the exquisite sensuousness of his tongue, was enough
to make her feel sweet, lazy and happy. Working herself up again, she
broke through all of her early moral training to whispering filthy
words to herself over and over again. She thought in lewd four-letter
terms of all of the words that one might use to describe her marvelous
affair with Rex: fuck, cunt, cock, jism and so on. All the lewdly
inciting words she could think of, as she mentally pictured the
beautifully forbidden love-party they had shared.

Then she thought of Steve, too, but not for long. What she and Rex had
shared was too beautiful and had nothing to do with her husband. She
loved him, but from now on only a dog would be able to satisfy her
physically and relax her in the way that she so desperately required.

She smiled to herself, stirring excitement whirlpooling at the base of
her belly and downward into her pleasantly tingling loins. God, could
she ever thank Marge Levitt enough for introducing her to such savagely
erotic thrills? After an orgasm with Rex's tongue or penis up inside of
her, she was no better than a whimpering dummy; it took ages for her to
come back down from that lewd, forbidden heaven.

She brushed a hand exotically upward through her long blonde hair. How
delightful it had been -- and would be. Then she peered through the
gloom at the clock but couldn't seem to make out anything. Was it the
middle of the night or what? And where was Steve?

And then she heard the groaning, continuous sounds of passion echoing
from the downstairs guest room ...

Sarah needed little priming to fan her voluptuous curves into a glowing
furnace of desire. She groaned endlessly as she lay thrillingly naked
beneath the wet, searing caresses of Rex's hotly loving tongue. She
watched with feverish eyes his every incredible, passion-surging lick,
wondering breathlessly how she could ever considered such delicious
excitement to be lewd and perverted. -- And she'd thought that she'd
tried everything!

"Ooooh, darling ... you precious sweet baby dog ..." she moaned,
curling her fingers ecstatically around his ears. Her voice came out
with a mewling, pleading tone as she stroked his big, sensuously moving
head, Rex continuing to lick at her large, exposed breasts lavishly.
And then her breath began to shorten with frenzied anticipation -- for
his head was gradually dropping, his tongue tracing a lurid path
downward over her belly

"Oh yes, darling! That's it!" she gasped, spreading her thighs
voluntarily open to expose the thin vertical oval of her cuntal mouth.
"All the way down to big mama's pussy. Lick big mama's pussy the way
you probably did Jan's! Get between my legs, you beautiful furry lamb,
you ... that's it ... ooooooh darrrrrling ...!"

There was nothing in all of Sarah's wildly lascivious experience to
compare with anything like this! What maddening thrill would come
next?! Dazed with lust, she raised her legs to draw them obscenely back
until her knees were flattening out the soft yielding resilience of her
passion swollen breasts. Her cunt was open and vulnerable to anything
he wanted to do to her. Then -- uttering a little cry at that instant -
- she felt his cold wet nose brushing ice-cube cold against her flushed
cuntal lips and upraised thighs. Suddenly she had sensed it ... the
first contact of her hotly aching pussy with his devilishly
intoxicating tongue!

Impulsively, she squirmed beneath the fluid heat of his lick as it
moved up and back from her vagina down through the smooth, hairless
valley between the tightly tensed mounds of her full-moon buttocks. Her
heart pounded like a tidal wave against the sides of a damn, fervid
blood racing like hell's fire through her veins from his sizzling
animal tongue glazing the sensitive area around her tight little anal
mouth, its worming tip burrowing like a beaver into the tiny brown
puckered hole!

"Ohhh, God ... you know it all, don't you, baby ... God, you really do
know it all ... you know me, baby ... don't you ... aarrrggghhh ..."
Sarah groaned, her eyes closing tightly, her head straining backwards
with her long dark hair flying all around. Her flesh was swamped with
this marvelous feeling of his obscene tongue working with such fiery
skill on her sex-drugged body. "Ooooh, you do know what I like, baby
... but mama doesn't believe you learned that all by yourself ...
you've had a very sexy teacher ... ooohh!"

Again he taunted her tiny puckered anus, until finally she felt his
tongue tip burning a fiery wet path slowly upward towards the
smoldering lips of her sensuously squirming pussy mouth! The lips of
her cunt felt all swollen and sultry, as if they were sucking inward
and then puckering outward again for a kiss. A tremor of madly
impassioned animalism washed through the nerve ends of her satiny flesh
as he swept it wetly along the moistened pink crevice between her
lewdly spread buttocks and thighs, then over the entire length of her
hair-fringed vaginal slit! From the babyish pucker of her snugly
clenched little asshole, it traced mercilessly to the pink, desire-
fleshed edges of her excited cuntal lips, and at last flicked at the
hypersensitive pleasure button of her tiny, erect clitoris!

"Arrrrggghhh!" the voluptuously inflamed woman moaned, lifting her head
higher, her long hair trailing back, in order to better witness the
obscene behavior Rex was committing between her lewdly drawn-up thighs
-- the unbelievable tonguing this dog was giving her. Seething stabs of
mounting lust saturated her naked womanly flesh at the sight of his
moistly curling tongue moving over the sensitive mouth of her now
crazily twitching vagina. He worked her over endlessly and she gasped
as his thick length of fluid flesh spread incredibly deep through the
flowing wetness of her pussy folds. He had all the expertise of any
human male who'd ever licked her cunt!

The ecstasy continued to escalate, higher and higher. Sarah felt as if
she was swimming right up into the starry stratosphere, her ovaries
about to burst all over her aching loins. She'd heard about dogs and
women, and tonight she'd seen it, but who would ever have thought that
she'd been indulging in it herself with this pet of her own daughter!
Which made it all the more exciting!

''Oooooh God ... oohhhh Rex honey ... ooooh you darling dog ... you
lover ... handsome brute ..." She moaned on and on, Rex's tongue
continuing to splay open her glistening pink cunt flesh, finally
pausing, as she watched, to suddenly corkscrew it stabbingly forward
into her wet, overheated vaginal channel!

"Darrrling," she groaned. "Sweet lover ... you've got the most educated
tongue in the world ... ooohhh ..." Her sensuous curves spasmed beneath
his unbelievably lurid pussy lapping, and suddenly she wanted Steve's
cock back in her mouth again That would really be ecstasy! Oh, if only
Steve's cock was fucking into her mouth while this beautiful dog licked
her cunt! God, with all of his creamy, virile young jism squirting down
her throat ... just the taste of it making her cum frantically as it
pumped and pumped like a wildly spewing firehose down into her mouth!

"Ooohh Jesus," she breathed. "No wonder my little Jan takes you into
the bedroom with her, lover. You can really lick cunt ... oooooh
darrrling... like that ... yessssss ... lick it for mama ... tongue-
fuck me! Ooooh, get way up inside me!"

Sarah lifted her intensively simmering loins and quaking ass-cheeks,
grinding them strongly against the wild, wet swirling of his animal
mouth. "Further up darling ... ooooohhh ... that's ... ooohhh darling
... love you ... mama loves her doggy ... fuck me with your tongue ...
ooohhh... shove your tongue up as far in mama's cunt as you can, lover

She reached down between her widespread thighs, grasping his furry head
in order to draw his long snout tighter into her wetly throbbing pussy
passage. His firebrand tongue fired out into the hotly seething passage
like a white-hot cauterizing iron, his own doggy whimpers matching hers
as he hungrily lashed and tongue-fucked her blood-engorged cuntal flesh
with a skill and ferociousness no man had ever shown her!

"Oooooh ... oh ... I'm dying ... you drive me wild ... God ..." she
hissed through tightly clenched teeth, her beautiful head and long hair
flailing from side to side, her huge breasts bouncing all over her
chest and upper belly. Her eyes gaped from the licentious pressure of
his kiss at her burning loins. The sight of looking down and watching
him licking at her was so obscene that the sheer illicitness of it sent
her hurtling higher towards her brain-rattling climax.

Rex could feel his flanks and loins pulsating ruttishly from the musky
scent of her sex heat flowing all over his nose so liquid and slippery
with desire. He sensed a wilder fire inside of her than even of his
beautiful blonde mistress, and this intensity of lust for him made his
blood pulse furiously through his powerful body. The soft whiteness of
the older woman's smooth-white flesh and the heated fumes of sexual
excitement that generated from the warm, hair-lined crevice up between
her widely spread legs made him feel a fierce urging to do more than
simply lick at her deliciously upward grinding cunt.

He did sense a lack of tenderness compared to his warm, soft blonde
mistress, but that didn't displease him. There was even something of
his own kind in the steaming wetness between her thighs, he felt. She
was a real bitch, in her own way. The hot pink flesh between her legs
communicated its flowing wet desire through his lapping tongue and he
felt a wild stimulation which delighted him. His loins began quivering
with urgency, urgency to get into her ...

Sarah had fallen enslaved into a rhythmic tempo of sensual gasps
beneath the powerful animal's fabulous tongue fucking so snake-like up
inside her insanely inflamed vagina. She rolled her head from side to
side in cadence, gurgling with delight, still holding his huge furry
head by the ears between her lewdly upraised thighs. Her brain had
become a lust-drugged universe, hopelessly dominated by Rex's hungry
licking of her sweltering loins. She lifted her head, panting dreamily
... and then she saw it!

Sarah's gleaming, desire-drugged eyes widened at the glistening
spectacle of the dog's thick red cock emerging from its long furry
sheath. Hard and moist, the tapered end slipped and danced as it
continued slithering hotly from its fleshy scabbard beneath his belly.

"Oh Jesus!" She leaned to one side, gaping at it. Oooooh ... was it
possible he might actually dog-fuck her with that powerful, beautiful
instrument . . . a licentious impulse of unbridled animalistic desire
raged through her naked flesh, an obscene mind-crazing desire which
fascinated the voluptuous older woman beyond all belief.

Yes ... his cock was beautiful ... huge and darling ... Never had any
human penis looked more enticing ... it was long and thick ... coming
out now ... different in hue with its beveled tip, its thickening cone-
like shape heightened her excitement!

She stared breathlessly at the big dog's wetly gleaming hardness
dangling down between his powerful loins, her mouth salivating
erotically as if she wanted to suck on it! Maddening thrills of
unnatural desire surged through her overheated loins. But how ... how
... how would they accomplish it ...

"Rex darling," she murmured droolingly. "You lovable lamb-pie." She
stroked his huge head lovingly. Her sensitive inner cuntal flesh
sparked wildly from the damply matted black curls, the lurid scene
acting like a bellows on her flaming loins. Her nakedly thrusting tits
seemed electrified with desire and giddy excitement!

Suddenly she could take it no more. "Rex baby ... lie down," she
pleaded hungrily. "Lie down, lover. Sarah wants to love you, too.
Please ...! I want to suck on your adorable cock, lover and I'll put my
pussy upside down so you can lick it, too. Come on, lover darling --
sixty-nine it with your big mama who loves you like nobody else ever

Sarah felt as if she were in a sort of delirium. She got crawled to her
knees, her huge breasts hanging down over the coverlet and ballooning
over it. There was no stopping now. Rex backed away, but she continued
to coax him in gentling tones, continued to brush her hand lovingly
over his sleek soft coat, her eyes locked on the solid red length of
his emerging penis hanging so attractively below his furry belly!

Rex watched the beautiful naked woman raise up and move towards him,
surprised that she wasn't going to turn around and present her buttocks
so that he could mount her. Instead she was cooing adoring soft sounds
at him. He whimpered perplexed, his mating hunger continuing unabated.
But then she gave a command he recognized, "Roll over!" and he did as
she bade him.

"That's it, lover ... oooh, that's just fine!" With blinding excitement
Sarah crawled over and positioned herself so that her pussy was just
inches from his face, and even closer as she drew her naked thighs all
the way back. Then she eased forward, placing herself so that her face
was directly above the huge exciting hardness of his animal cock!

Frantic emotions raged through the keyed-up woman. The thought alone of
what she was about to do, its terrible obscenity, was driving her mad
with desire! Gently then, breathing heavily through ardently flared
nostrils, she pushed her arched pelvis towards Rex's handsome animal
face, spreading her legs ... and lovingly pushing his head ... His nose
drew inward as if by magnetism towards the wetly throbbing heat of her
openly yearning cunt. Then immediately his tongue lashed out, making
her moan out with pleasure as it sliced up through the pink wetness of
her deliriously agonized cunt. Gibbering mindlessly, she lowered her
cheek to rest against his warm, hard belly, her hand quickly moving to
grip his rapidly expanding cock!

Once again Rex sensed the pulsating blood in his loins as he tasted and
sensed in his nostrils the heated aroma of her wide split cuntal mouth.
And then there were her wonderful fingers on his loins, their
affectionate touch making him tremble with joy. The urge to close his
eyes and lay their devotedly lapping the warm, wet sweetness up between
her thighs carried him away into a realm of indescribable rapture ...

Sarah gasped hungrily as she clasped his amazingly huge cock, her
fingers manipulating it back and forth, feeling its lust-hardened
thickness growing. She must have it now ... the taste of that
deliciously obscene animal penis slithering wetly around in her hotly
sucking oral cavity!

Beautiful darling ... she thought, her eyes glazing over as if she were
drugged, her hand stroking his jerking animal penis lovingly. She
worked the heavy protective sheath back and forth, his hotly searing
tongue still licking at her maddeningly enraged cunt. Then with a low,
lust-inspired moan, the obsessed woman parted her lush, warm lips to
let the slenderly tapered dog penis ease into the torrid moistness of
her greedily welcoming mouth ... It slithered in slipperily, wetly
until suddenly, it rested all the way back into the depths of her
happily gurgling throat!

Sarah sighed with ecstasy -- at last. She brought her tongue into play
frenziedly, licking hungrily as the delicious animal penis stroked by
the warm walls of her mouth. A sensation of wanton relish raced through
her loins as she started sucking madly on the deliciously tasting
organ. OOooooohhh! It was so delicious! As beautiful as any man's cock
she'd ever sucked! So nice and hard and warm and thrilling, swelling
into increasing hardness and size with every mad, swiping lick!

She could hear his high-pitched animal whining as he continued to
lovingly lick at her hotly inflamed pussy, and she began to suck and
twirl her caressing warm tongue around his long thick member in order
to repay the unbelievable pleasure he was imparting through her
passion-soaked loins. His powerful body responded passionately to her
ardent sucking, his canine pelvis jerking forward and forcing his penis
all the way to the back of her mouth, heavy, sperm-laden balls bumping
softly against her chin. Her hand brushed along his belly, finding the
softness of his testicles, cupping them warmly at first, then gently
milking them and teasingly stroking them with her fingernails. Again
Rex whimpered, this titillation making him start a pumping fuck-rhythm
between the hungrily sucking oval of her moistly milking lips.

The exotic taste of his animal penis made her loins swarm like a
beehive. She reveled in a swamp of sensuality, mouthing and tonguing
him with increasing urgency, her cheeks hollowing passionately, her
smoky eyes glowing with lust as below, between her widely spread
thighs, he lapped avidly at her cunt. His cock was deliciously warm,
and spiced attractively with the sweet raciness of animal sperm ... the
musky scent of his genitals was like bread fresh from the oven ...

The shining smooth cone of his expanding penis fucked up into her face
with perfect cadence, while his tongue splayed ever deeper into the
eagerly accepting opening between her shivering thighs with increasing
enthusiasm. She nipped and gently scraped with her teeth, swirling her
tongue in provoking little flicks over his throbbing cock, her mind
totally fogged by the bizarre licentious hedonism of her immoral act!

Oh God ... it's like forbidden honey in my mouth ... oh darling ...
darling ...

What would his animal cum taste like, she wondered ... warm and thick,
squirting from the tiny dilated hole in his delicious penis tip,
spewing hot jets of his liquid down her starving throat ...

Rex panted with lust. He had never known anything as exciting as this!
Usually he did everything to them, but this woman was actually milking
his balls and sucking on his penis simultaneously. His thickly turgid
dog-shaft felt as it were actually thrusting into a hotly clutching
vagina, her mouth milked so warmly and nicely around it. There was an
exciting difference, though, a lovely difference -- made up of her
little tongue and teeth nipping and swirling greedily around it so
ecstatically! He whined as her tongue and mouth caused waves of
fiercely escalating sensation deep in the depths of his exploding
loins, knowing that soon -- yes, soon -- the pressure in his balls
would release itself and go spurting along the entire length of his rod
into her greedily coaxing mouth!

Sarah' had never sucked a human male more vigorously or happily.
Steeped in voracious animalism, the voluptuously curved woman mouthed
and pulled at his marvelous-tasting animal penis, her loins boiling and
ready to blow off furiously any second ... yes, she actually wanted his
dog cum to shoot scathingly into her salaciously drawing mouth ...
dripping down her throat and filling her wildly heaving belly to the
bursting point ...

A raging tongue of flame seemed to scorch her groin. Her belly seethed
... her fire-filled pussy glowed ... She clutched lovingly, urgently at
the handsome German shepherd's largely swollen testicles, milking and
caressing them urgently as she sucked even more greedily ... her brain
racked with mindless lust ... her entire fleshy body quivering and
shaking with desire ... so lost in it in fact that she didn't even
notice the door to the guest room slide slowly open ...

Chapter 12

She didn't even see her gorgeous blonde daughter standing there through
her sex-drugged haze ...

Yes ... yes ... she was going to climax with an atomic explosion
beneath his saliva-dripping tongue ... She heard Rex whine, then yip in
his own bestial ecstasy ... and then Sarah sobbed into her first
ecstatic orgasm, gushing cum all over the handsome dog's passion-
drenched face ...

Jan had frozen awestruck upon opening the door. She couldn't believe
the amazing sight that confronted her youthful eyes! Her own mother
sucking on Rex's cock while he licked her open and orgasm-gushing
vagina. Possessiveness and jealousy made her knees buckle and she clung
tightly to the door frame, suffused with a combination of rage and
sensuality. Her mother was actually sucking on Rex's penis ... God!

In those few paralyzing seconds, the whole of Jan's life and moral
philosophy turned upside down and inside out. She shook out her long
blonde hair, her immense hard breasts heaving. She recognized her
inhuman infatuation with this adorable animal for what it was ... a
fierce craving that excused any misbehavior at all, in terms of
conventional morals ...

After her initial mind-bending orgasm, Sarah glanced up momentarily
from sucking on the animal's penis and saw her daughter. The worst was
done, she reasoned, so she merely pressed her face back to him and
continued to suck, pressing her loins squishingly over Rex's ardently
lapping mouth until it fitted over his face like a rubber mask, heading
with infinite madness towards her next and succeeding orgasms!

By now Jan was beyond all reason. She shrugged her nightie off and
stepped forward, her beautiful, gravity-defying breasts bobbling, large
and heavily crested. And then she was crawling in bed next to them! Rex
wagged his tail and didn't stop for a minute his delectable licking of
Sarah's sizzling pussy! The loving brute then snarled gutturally, his
flanks pumping furiously, driving his cock in and out of his young
mistress' mother's hungrily working mouth. Almost by instinct then Jan
began stroking softly at his testicles. Rex whined with ecstasy and the
load in his balls seemed to increase dramatically. Fantastic sensation
were triggered in his heaving animal loins. The older woman moaned
suckingly around his swiftly pumping penis ... and then it was jerking
and spasming crazily out of control inside the warmth of her mouth ...
spewing out its scalding cum from deeply down inside the well of his
sperm-bloated testicles!

The dog groaned. Stream after stream of viscously burning sperm erupted
into her mouth as if from an unceasing hose, filling her mouth faster
than she could swallow it! It was as if his bladder had opened and he
was actually urinating down into her throat, the orgasming whining dog
continued to cum, firing Jan's mother through yet another mind-blasting
orgasm! Sensual bliss exploded heavily throughout her bursting loins
... over and over again ... one volcanic explosion piled high up on top
of the last ... until finally his sperm-drained cock was slipping wetly
out of her cum-flooded mouth and she was groaning and groaning and
groaning endlessly in the aftermath of the most fiercely blissful
climax she'd ever had in her life ...

* * *

Steve was still a long ways from being drunk, yet his mind whirled,
intoxicated, from the unbelievable things that his father-in-law had
been explaining to him.

To think -- his mother-in-law and father-in-law were in actuality
secret swingers. So that was the real story behind her sucking on his
cock at the sex exhibition! A put-up job! And now he was sold! She was
attractive and he had already cum in her mouth once. There was nothing
more immoral he could do to her. Now he wanted only to fuck her and
suck on her huge, voluminous tits!

And the pictures his father-in-law had been showing him! Unbelievable!
His mind reeled! Sarah in every incredible kind of position, being
fucked in the ass, and having her titties sucked, being fucked forward,
her legs widely spread, her glistening wet pussy showing openly,
sucking on some strange man's cock! And those pictures of her with
young boys that couldn't have been more than eleven years old!


"You sure you're okay?" Arnold asked him suddenly, breaking into his
reverie with a warm, strong hand on his shoulder.

Steve tore his eyes away from his own face in the big mirror on the
wall behind the cocktail lounge bar and looked at his father-in-law.
"Huh? No, I'm all right ... really ... although I still find it a
little hard to believe, dad ..."

Arnold Talbott chuckled softly, picking up his martini and toying with
the toothpick-speared olive. Everything was going just as they'd
planned. They'd babied him along, but he'd be fucking Sarah sure as
anything in the next twenty-four hours. He found himself thinking of
his lovely daughter Jan's luscious, rounded ass as well, and what it
might be like to be worming his big cock up her hot, wet young cuntal
hole for the first time ...

"Not so unbelievable, Stevie boy. All kinds of things happen nowadays.
Swapping is more common than you'd think."

"And -- you mean, she really talked about me? I mean, about --?"

"Damn right, son. Why, she'd love to have that big eight inches of
yours ramming up into her cunt! Take my word for it. She's spoken of
nothing else since we got here and the entire month previous. Why,
she's always had the hots for you, son. She'd love it to death to have
you fuck her!"

"She really talks about going to bed with me ... all the time? And you
wouldn't get sore ...?" Steve was incredulous. He'd screwed girls
before he married Jan, of course, but the Talbotts' attitude towards
sex was an entirely new twist to him.

Arnold grabbed his arm. "Look, let's not beat around the bush. I'll
prove it to you. Let's go home right now. Sarah's probably in the sack,
and Jan's sleeping. You can make it with her right now and I'll stand
guard on the door while you fuck her!"


Arnold Talbott stood up and picked up the check. He unrolled a sheaf of
bills and tossed them on the bar. "Well, sonny boy?" he asked with a
smile. "You coming? Your mother-in-law ain't gonna wait all night!"

Back at the house, mother and daughter had made their peace and were
giving the poor sex-enslaved Rex the loving of his life. On the big
round bed, the sleek furry animal was trying to position himself in
order to imbed his fired-up penis far up inside the older woman's
vagina. "That's the way he begins," Jan told her mother heatedly. "I-I
think he's trying to fuck you, mother."

"Ooooooh Jesus," her mother breathed passionately, also positioning
herself in order to accommodate the handsome dog. "Reach up and guide
his cock into me, darling. This is going to be terrific! Hurry!"

Jan did as she was told, reaching back to lovingly grasp Rex's thick
hardness and aim it towards the pinkly waiting slit of her mother's
soft, hair-fringed pussy folds. She cooed affectionately, slightly
jealous, tenderly massaging his large animal cock.

Then, suddenly, his cone shaped hardness emerged like a red hot
branding iron, glistening wet, and Rex began mounting the older woman
from behind, working the slimly pointed organ up at her anxiously
waiting rectal passage.

"Help him, Jan darling! Please! Help him get it in me!" Sarah begged
feverishly, her upthrusted buttocks squirming obscenely backwards in
search of his cock, struggling to fill her sizzling anal channel. Jan
rubbed the swollen mounds of her top-heavy tits into the dog's gleaming
fur and helped him position his haunches better in order to fuck her
mother. Her slender hand guided the heavy rod of animal hardness
pointedly toward the pink wetness of her love-inflamed pussy channel,
wetting it more and then placing the tip of it right at the lips of her
tightly clenched little asshole.

Then Rex's strong forelegs were gripping tightly around her naked waist
and hips, the moistened tipped cock sliding effortlessly forward all
the way into her hungrily absorbing rectal walls!

"Aaaaarrrrrggggggg ..."

"Hold tight, darling!" Jan squealed excitedly. "He's going to fuck you
now. It's going to be heavenly! That's it, Rex! Hump forward and fuck
her good! Give my mama something to remember us by. Fuck her good, just
the way you did me!"

"The way he did who?" asked Steve quietly, and then Jan whirled,
gasping for breath. For in the guest room doorway stood gaping their
two husbands -- one of them, her father! Their eyes were wide and
disbelieving at the lewd three-fold orgy they had been watching. For
many moments they had been standing there absolutely speechless as if
fastened in the earth. Steve felt at first as if his knees were going
to buckle, but Arnold's strong hand supported him. His head swam in a
gin-swamped haze, overwhelmed with shock.

"Well?" he could hear his father-in-law ask, "this is where we separate
the men from the boys. What do you say?"

"But -- you -- you're not angry?" he asked his father-in-law groggily.
"After all, human swapping was one thing, but this!"

"Hell no. Christ, this is the most erotic scene I've seen in a long

Arnold was right about that, Steve thought. Christ, his own prudish
innocent blonde wife Jan, licking that dog's balls ... She didn't even
do that with him! And his own mother-in-law being fucked by it at the
same time! Incredible! -- But exciting!

But maybe he was wrong and Sarah and Arnold were right. Apparently his
father-in-law didn't mind at all watching Sarah's asshole being fucked
by that dog ... "But Christ, dad," he muttered, "a goddamn dog ..."

"Better than some cocksucker you hate fucking your wife, huh, sonny
boy? Anyway, from the looks of things that dog could teach us a trick
or two -- and you and I are ready to use them! Look at the way he fucks
into Sarah's ass ... he knows what he's doing."

Jan had almost fainted as she saw the two men in the doorway. But now
she hurried to cover her naked body with a sheet and bring her mother
to her senses. In the ensuing commotion, Rex pulled his prick out of
her anus and ran for the door. "Damn!" Sarah cried, spying on them,
"couldn't you two bastards have timed it better! You just stopped me
from getting one wonderful fucking from that beautiful beast!"

None of them could believe the unabashed sexuality of Sarah's outraged
words as she worked herself into a sitting position to face them, her
breasts pointing nakedly outward, making no effort at all to conceal
her voluptuously exposed body. Steve ogled the cock-throbbing sight of
her sitting there unblushingly with nothing on except her huge white
tits, their large hardened nipples, and the saucy, brunette fringed
triangle in her loins, the pink gash of her open pussy folds staring
right back at him.

"Well," said Steve's long-haired mother-in-law saucily, her breasts
shivering, "Is that all you're going to do, Stevie, just stand there
staring? Aren't you going to be man enough to please your loving

At that Steve felt all rational thinking swiftly leave him. He did want
to fuck his mother-in-law, and there would never be a better time for
it than this one. What could Jan possibly protest, after she had
admitted letting that dog fuck her, and he had seen her licking the
dog's balls with his own eyes?

"Thata boy, son," said Arnold Talbott, slapping him on the back as he
disrobed and his huge young cock swung outward, pointing straight at
his mother-in-law, and then Steve crawled up between her widely spread
legs and wormed his cock all the way up into her impatiently waiting
cunt, as Sarah clawed at him and screamed a series of obscenities that
had no beginning nor any ending.

And with that, Arnold Talbott was free to feast his eyes on his young
daughter's nudely exposed loveliness. He ripped the sheet savagely from
her naked body and jerked her towards him, fastening his mouth hungrily
on her large, firm breasts. "Relax, honey," he told her as she tried to
protest and fight him off, "you're going to learn to enjoy this."

And she did. Because before long, her cries of ecstasy as her father
fucked her flat on her back were matching those of her mother as Steve
fucked deeply and wildly into the voluptuous older woman. And then they
were ready for a lengthy, mind-bending orgy in which everything went.
They formed little quartets where Jan was sucking on her father's cock
while being fucked in the ass by her own young husband, with her mother
sucking on her tits or straddling Arnold with her cunt mashed wetly
down into his face as he licked her cunt to orgasm. Or Sarah would be
fucked backside and cuntside by the two men at the same time, with Rex
leaping up onto the bed so that she could suck off the darling dog's
again lust-hardened cock. Before very long both Jan and Steve had gone
out of their minds with the sweet ecstasy of learning all the many
different mouth-sex connections there could be in the world, and the
strength of their marriage solidified, that night, through the
comprehension that there were other ways of satisfying one's sexual and
psychological needs beyond merely sleeping only with one's own spouse.

So that two weeks later, when Marge Levitt had returned from vacation
and taken Rex back with her next door, it surprised neither of the men
when Jan and Sarah demanded money of them in order to go out and buy
the pups that Rex had sired down the block.

Because little dogs grew up very fast, and who knew that before very
long the pitter-patter of tiny feet around the Winslow-Talbott
household would become the thump and bounce of large, powerful German
shepherds jumping onto big round beds and fucking the hell out of both
women in the house. Because one good turn deserved another.

And a small suburban household had found its way to incestuous,
animalistic swapping happiness ... with mother and daughter marching
into the bright sexual sunlight, their happy arms around each other's
waists in an eternal bond of love and mutual admiration ...

The End
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