The First step in the creation of a slave is just waiting.
Kim woke up in an unfamiliar room. It had no furniture, just a lump of straw and a pot. It had no windows or lighting, she was totally in the dark. She didn’t know how she got there, she didn’t remember much of last night. Also the door was locked, it was like she was in prison.
It was a Sunday morning she guessed, it was Saturday night last she remembered. She was out drinking with a few girlfriends in a bar and got so wasted she couldn´t remember the details of her night out. She did remember talking to some guy for a while. He was the mysterious type, tall and muscular but his expression didn´t reveal anything to her. Further then that she couldn´t remember. Now that she confirmed she was in an unfamiliar place she began freaking out, and screaming.
She stayed in her solitary confinement for god knows how long. It seemed like days to her. She was over the freaking out part, but now she was just afraid, very afraid. She explored the room by touch and it was very small, not two meters across and one in width. There were no people coming in, not even to bring some food, she was starving now. She decided to go to sleep and maybe this would turn out to be a bad dream.
The second step in the creation of a slave is humiliation.
When Kim woke up she was in a different room, she could tell, because this one had a light. There still wasn´t much in the room, just a sack of straw, a pot and in the corner lay an orange bundle. She picked it up to reveal some clothing, an orange jumpsuit like the ones in prison. She was even more freaked out now and threw the thing away. She sat in her new room for hours till she became tired again an fell in an restless sleep.
She woke up to see a man standing in the room, she immediately started demanding answers. The man ignored her and threw the jumpsuit to her. “you are expected to wear this, please change now.” was all he said. Kim threw him an angry glare, “why am I here, who are you and what is going on?”. “I will answer your questions when you changed in the jumpsuit”. Kim was now officially scared, she was in an unknown place, she didn’t know how long she was there and did not know what was going on. She decided to change to at least get some answers. “could you please leave the room or at least turn around while I put this thing on?”. “I will not do that, you will have to change here and now if you want your answers”. That was not the answers she was expecting, it was not a very appealing idea to change in front of the guy, she wasn’t wearing a bra. After a few minutes of contemplating she turned around herself and changed. The jumpsuit was way to big for her, she was only 4’9”. She was not particularly beautiful, but what a lot of guys thought cute. She had ears-length brown hair, an athletic (she was a dancer) body, shapely legs and small cute A-cup breasts (which was why she didn’t wear a bra). All in all a cute little girl.
she threw on the clothes and turned to face the unknown man. `I changed in your stupid clothes, now I want my answers´. `Why am I here, how long am I here and what are you going to do to me?’ . The man looked at her and replied; “you are now property of my master. You are to do whatever he asks of you, no matter how bizarre or humiliating or unappealing it may seem to you. Your new purpose in life is to serve and please your master, time is of no consequence for you.” Immediately angry Kim shouted ‘I’d like to see your fagg-ass master try!’ “O, you bet he will” was the sinister reply.
She was once again left alone in her cell. She heard the door lock in place after the man left. Kim thought hard over the strange and terrifying conversation moments ago. What would become of her? She didn’t think that she would be released anytime soon. Someone had to rescue her. Her parents lived just 2 blocks away from her and checked every other day if she was home for some coffee. They would warn someone that she was missing and the police would rescue her, she had no doubt about that. Maybe it was a sick joke and they were just kidnapping her for her parents money. Still not a very comforting thought but better than being a slave. Damn, did she just think of herself as a slave?
Then she addressed the next problem, she was starting to get hungry. She didn’t know how much time had passed since her kidnapping but she was ravenous. The room didn’t have any food or even eatable stuff in it, just dirty straw and a light bulb. She waited and thought over her situation for several more hours until she went to sleep to ignore the hunger.
Kim didn’t get much sleep this time it seemed. The man was back in the cell, holding a bowl of something. “dinner” he said as he put the on closer view dogbowl on the ground. It held some sort of porridge she guessed. ‘can I get a spoon’ she asked, to which the man just laughed and walked out of her cell. Stunned Kim stared after him for a few moments, until hunger won and she tried to drink the (quite good) porridge as cleanly as she could. It wasn’t nearly enough to still her hunger but it was something. She tried to go back to sleep, when she noticed a strange smell. Gas, she thought as Kim lost consciousness.
When she woke up she was in yet another room, filled with all sorts of tables and contraptions she didn’t recognize. She did however recognize the items on the walls, they were sextoys . Her worst fear since her talk seemed to become reality, she was going to be raped.
Short, but this is just a testrun, with enough positive feedback there will be other uploads. Also I would like to ask for reviews, this is my first time writing a story. Please let me know how I’m doing.
I have read the first two chapters now and am about to read the third. I like your stories, however I wish they were longer because they are just teasing me! Write more please.
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