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INTRO: I’m sorry for not posting in a while. This chapter is kind of long and I’m sorry if it is boring to some of you. I made this chapter rather long because I wanted to try and conclude this story. I know a lot of you like this story, but I want to try different stories. I know some of you will right comments on how this was only a 3 chapter story, and I am sorry for that. My future stories will be longer I promise. I may even continue this story if I see you guys really want me to, but I don’t know at this point. If I do start a new story it will be all posted by next week. Thank you.

I woke up, it was the morning of thanksgiving I looked at the clock it was 9 o’clock. I looked down at my underwear and saw that there were still cum stains in them from me jacking off to the mental image of my neighbor Mrs. Molcelle being gang banged by three black movers and my other neighbor, who is 11, Andrew. I got up out of bed and put on a pair of sweats then walked downstairs to get some breakfast. When I walked into the kitchen I saw my mom at the kitchen table talking on the phone.
I overheard her say something like “Sure, you can have dinner with us tonight”. I was curious and when my mom hung up the phone I asked her about it “Hey mom, who were you talking to?” She replied “Oh, Mrs. Polnar, Andrew, and Matt are having dinner with us tonight” I asked why and she told me that Mr. Polnar had been asked to cover a flight for a sick pilot and was flying out to London tonight, and that Mrs. Polnar didn’t want to drive down to Massachusetts without Mr. Polnar so asked if they could eat dinner with us. My mom of course said yes and told them to come at about 4 o’clock. I didn’t really care at first but then the images of Mr. Polnars beautiful ass, and the memory of Matt fucking her it then exploding all over her started to make me horny, and my hunger for sex started to become larger and larger. I knew I couldn’t go much longer without fucking Mrs. Polnars beautiful ass, and I knew that I needed to figure a way to do it. I went up into my room and thought for a bit, and then it came to me. I decided that I would try and blackmail Mrs. Polnar into fucking me. I would simply tell her that I had seen what matt and her had done and that I would tell Mr. Polnar if she didn’t do what I told her to do. I would then take her up into my room and fuck that beautiful ass until I was shooting ghost loads on it (even then I might continue).
My cousins and other family started to arrive around 3 and I started to get excited about the plans I had made, secretly I started to doubt that I even had the balls to do something like it. I have 10 cousins 3 were girls and 7 were boys, the three I was closest to were, Ben who was the same age as me, he was built almost just like me with brown hair, blue eyes, and he was about 6’ 1”, Connor who was 16 and was very athletic; he had blonde hair and green eyes and seemed to always have a tan, and finally Tom who was 9 and he could have been Matt’s younger twin, he was nerdy, pale, skinny, and had no muscle. All of us were close and whenever we got together we would talk about sex, girls, and sports. This might seem gay but once or twice we would show each other are dicks to see who had the largest it would always go: Connor, Me, Ben, and then Tom. My three girl’s cousins were pretty hot, but I never really ever looked at them in that kind of way. The oldest was Katie who was 17 she was pretty with blonde hair; she had pretty nice sized tits and an ass that was nice and firm that would move side to side when she walked. The other two were identical twins Abbey and Emma who were one year younger than me, they both had orange hair and pretty small tits, their asses were not very noticeable at all, but they still were pretty.
Anyway, Corey, Ben, Tom, and I were in my bedroom playing xbox when we somehow started talking about sex again. Corey said this girl sucked his dick but Ben didn’t believe so they were arguing, so I decided to interrupt and tell them about my experiences watching Mrs. Polnar and Mrs. Molcelle. Of course they didn’t believe me so I told I would prove it. I didn’t actually didn’t know how I would do that, but at that same exact moment the doorbell rang. I looked out my window and saw Andrew, Matt, and Mrs. Polnar. I could not keep my eyes off Mrs. Polnar who was dressed in a tight black dress that barley went below her butt cheeks. I got an instant hard-on and called my cousins to the window to take a look, they to all got hard-ons. My mom let them in and Andrew and Matt came up stairs into my bedroom. I had told my cousins not to say anything to Andrew or Matt about what I had said, so we acted normal when they came in. I said hey and we returned to playing the xbox acting like we knew nothing. About an hour later we were called down for dinner. When we went down to the dinner table it was covered in food and silverware all the kids sat at one end so I sat down next to Corey, Ben, Andrew, and Matt. Sitting across from me was Katie who was wearing a blue dress that exposed a lot of cleavage; she was watching Matt which I did not get because Matt isn’t what most girls would call attractive. Anyway we started dinner and everyone was joking around and it was fun. I occasionally took a casual glance towards Mrs. Polnar whose tits would bounce up and done whenever she laughed. Towards the middle of the diner Katie picked up her glass and started to take a drink but when she lifted it half way she jolted foreword and spilled all of her drink on Matt. Everyone stopped talking and looked at them Mrs. Polnar stood up and said “I’ll take him to the bathroom and clean him up” Katie said she would go along because she felt bad. So all three got up and walked out to clean up matt. I was suspicious of what just happened because of the way she spilled the drink, and because of the looks Katie was giving to Matt and I think I saw her wink at Mrs. Polnar right before she spilt the drink.
I decided to find out was going on but I didn’t want to go alone so I asked Tom to go with me (I don’t know why I asked Tom he was just closer) we got up and left for the bathroom. As we entered the hallway which led up to the bathroom I heard thumping on the wall THUMP THUMP THUMP. I heard Mrs. Polnar say “SHHHH be quiet your making too much noise”. The thumping slowed down, as I inched closer and closer with Tom by my side I started to hear Katie panting like she was having a hard time breathing. I looked at tom and saw that his little dick was totally erected shooting straight forward making a tent in his pants. I whispered “Should we open the door?” tom was zoned out he was too focused on the sounds coming from the bathroom to reply so I took that as a yes. I was thinking to myself is this going to be my first time having sex? I looked at Tom again and wasn’t shocked to see he took out his 4 inch little cock and was feverously stroking it with such speed I thought he was going to rip it off. I left him behind went and up to the door I could now her Katie moaning and whispering out things like “Yess o my god, I’ve never been fucked like this before” or “Fastterr, Fasterrr, FASTERRR” and Mrs. Polnar was saying encouraging things like “You fuck the shit out of her matt, that’s right” or “Take it all Katie”. I was about to just stand there and listen but then thought to myself “wait, why am I always the one watching but never fucking? I also had a hunger for sex. So I decided to open the door.
I looked back at Tom and he was still jacking off at the other end of the hallway. I stood up took a deep breath and opened the door. When I opened the door it hit into Katie and she fell over onto the wall and took matt down with her. Mrs. Polnar was sitting on the toilet masturbating to her son fucking my cousin, and when I walked in she quickly pulled down her dress and stood up. I looked at her then at Katie who wasn’t totally naked but had her dress pulled up, and her boobs were hanging out of the front of her dress. Matt was the only one completely naked and his dick was still in my Cousin. Mrs. Polnar quickly looked at Katie and Matt and said “I’ll take care of him” and then took me by the arm and led me out of the bathroom. She quickly led me down the hallway away from the bathroom, never stopping except to grab Tom’s arm (Tom had stopped jacking off, but his dick was still hanging out of his pants) and led me up into my bedroom. I was afraid she was about to yell at me but once we were in my bedroom she let go of our arms and said “both of you pull down your pants” I could not believe what I just heard, I was almost confused but I managed to stumble out of my pants. I was standing there with nothing on but my shirt, and my dick was shooting straight forward, thoughts were rushing through my head like “Oh boy this is it; I’m going to fuck that beautiful ass!!” I looked at Tom he was also standing there with no pants on and his hairless little cock was also shooting straight forward. My dick was at least 2 inches bigger than his, plus it was it was wider with more hair. I looked at Mrs. Polnar who had not said anything but to take off our pants; she was standing between both of us looking at both or dicks, comparing them. She then got on her knees and she placed her head a few inches away from my cock, I could feel her breath on the head of my cock and it felt so good. She then spit on her hand then placed it on my cock and started to slowly twirl her hand up and down on my cock, it felt so good. I tilted my head back and let out a little moan she giggled and said “if you think this feels good, then you will really like this” as soon she said that she opened her mouth and guided my hard cock into her mouth. Her warm mouth devoured all of my cock and her tongue twisted and twirled around my cock’s shaft, this was pure heaven. She kept my cock all the way in her mouth and continued massaging it with her tongue for about 2 minutes then she slowly started to move her head up and down it. Her speed started to pick up and every time her head would go down she would flicker her tongue around my shaft. I was in heaven and paid no attention to the things going on around me, I even forgot Tom was standing there. She continued for a few minutes then stopped and pulled my cock out of her mouth she looked at me and said “let me give this other kid some attention” she turned towards Tom and told him to step closer she went straight to sucking him and within in 2 minutes he climaxed. Mrs. Polnar laughed a tiny bit and said “You did good big guy”, but I could tell he was embarrassed. He pulled he pants up and left the room with his head down.
So it was just me and Mrs. Polnar she faced me again and said “well that went faster than I thought” I laughed and she got back to sucking me off. Her tongue continued its flickering all over my shaft and this time she continued for a good ten minutes. While she was sucking my cock it made these slurping noises the sound of her sucking me off started to make me even hornier. I don’t know how to explain this next part but one minute Mrs. Polnar was on her knees sucking my dick and then the next minute I had lifted her up and threw her onto my bed, ripped her dress off of her and shoved my throbbing cock into her pussy. I knew what caused me to do that it was my hunger for sex that made me do it; I turned into a complete fucking machine a just needed to pound her beautiful ass. Mrs. Polnar didn’t even know what had just happened she was just in complete shock. I started out fucking her pussy slow but then the monster started to re-enter me and I started to fuck her at such a fast past my balls were leaving marks on her butt cheeks from where they were hitting. Mrs. Polnar started to snap out of the confusion and began to moan and pant. This just encouraged me to fuck even harder, I was fucking her nice warm and tight pussy with all the energy I had in my body. I turned into this superhuman; I did not miss one beat. Mrs. Polnar started to get louder and louder until her moans turned into shrieks and screams. She was screaming things like “O MY GOD YOU ARE FUCKINGGG MEEE SOOOOOO HARDDDD” and “YOU FUCKING TEARING MY PUSSSY APARTTTT”. This encouraged me to go harder and I kept going for more than 20 minutes, finally I told her I was going to blow and she said that she wanted me to blow my load in her asshole, so I pulled out of her pussy and put my dick into her ass. I was amazed at how good her ass felt it was tighter than here pussy and it had this type of warm friction that made it feel so good, I only lasted about 3 minutes and then I blew my nuts into this women’s beautiful asshole.
After I pulled out I looked at Mrs. Polnar, she looked like a mess. Her hair was all messed up and her dress was ripped because of me tearing it open to get to her pussy. She was trenched in sweat and her make-up was smeared. I told of this and she said she would have to go home to clean up. I didn’t want her to leave but I knew she had to so I said bye, and as she was leaving I gave her pretty little ass a smack. I went downstairs and everyone asked where I was, I told them that Mrs. Polnar needed me to help her with something. They said okay and everything continued like nothing happened. I saw Matt and Katie talking in the corner so I went up and sat next to them. They immediately asked about what had happened and I told them everything, Matt congratulated me like it was no big deal that I just fucked his mother and then told me about what had happened in the Bathroom.
Katie said that Mrs. Polnar had told her about Matt and how he was a could fucker, so Katie wanted to see for herself. So they all made a plan to spill the drink on Matt and then go fuck in the bathroom. Matt had just started to fuck Katie when I opened the door and interrupted them. Then when Mrs. Polnar left with me they continued to fuck for another 10 minutes and then left, when they left they saw something that was suspicious my two twin cousins were standing at the end of the hallway. They looked like they knew something was going on but they didn’t say anything. When Katie tried to talk to them they said nothing.
I was kind of worried about my cousins finding out of what happened but I figured they wouldn’t find out. When Mrs. Polnar returned she was wearing a new dress and had put on new make-up, she told everyone that she was talking on the phone with Mr. Polnar. When she sat down I told her about Katie and Matt’s run in with my cousins she said to not worry about it, so I didn’t. It was time for dessert so we all went to the dining room at eat desert. When desert was done we all went back to the living room and watched a movie. Before the movie started Abigal and Emma said they wanted my help with something upstairs, I said okay but I was nervous that they were going to tell me they knew of what me, Katie, Matt, and Mrs. Polnar were doing. Once I got upstairs they said they needed help with something on their laptop I said show me the lap top, they showed me it but what I saw on the screen shocked me.
On the screen of their laptop was a picture of Mrs. Polnar on her knees sucking my cock. I was pissed that they were spying on me but also nervous that they were going to show the picture to my parents. I said “Ok what do you want” they looked at each other and then giggled they said that since I was so good at fucking that maybe I could show them something. I said no way at first but they wouldn’t take no as an answer and threatened to show everyone the picture. I had no choice they had me at their mercy. So I said “what do you want me to do” they said to take my pants off and then they took out a blindfold and told me to put it on. I pulled down my pants and put on the blindfold they sat me down on a chair and started to giggle. Then I heard someone whisper “tell her to come in” I heard the door open and the sound of someone walking in I said “Who is that?” they told me to be quit and to relax. So I shut up and listened my cock was semi hard. I felt hands rubbing against my stomach and inner thighs I also heard giggling. One small hand started to feel my cock this made it hard, the hand started to move up and down on my shaft I heard more giggles. When my cock became super hard someone placed their lips on the end of it and kissed it. Now there were two sets of lips kissing my cock, they started to kiss up and down the shaft, and then a third joined in but started to suck and kiss my balls. It felt amazing to have three girls kiss and suck my cock. Finally after a while of the lips exploring my cock someone put my cock in their mouth and started to suck the shaft. While someone was sucking my dick another mouth was sucking my balls. Then I heard someone stand on over my face, and I felt them sit on my face their warm pussy was right over my face, no one said anything but I knew they wanted me to eat them out. I never did this before so I stuck my tongue out of my mouth and it came into contact with something sweet and hard I started to twirl my tongue around it, I didn’t know why I did this I guess it was just instinct. But I knew I was doing well because the person sitting on me was moaning, so I continued a little faster but I still was gentle. I started to get an urge to suck on it so I did, I gently started to suck on it and when I did the person on me was started going crazy, her body started to shake and she started to breath fast. She grabbed onto my hair and climaxed right on my face. She then got up and started to help the other two suck my dick. After 5 more minutes they stopped sucking and one of them mounted me. The squatted down right on my dick and started to left their ass up and down on my dick, using it like a dildo. Her speed got faster and faster and then she climaxed. She got up and I heard one of the twins tell me to lay down on the ground I stood up and laid down.
When I laid down someone again sat down on my face and another mounted my dick and rode me cowgirl style. I ate the girl out who was sitting me and when she climaxed her juices squirted onto my face surprisingly it had a sweet taste to it. By now we were fucking for about 40 minutes and I felt a churning in my balls and I knew I was about to explode I told that to the girl who was riding me and she pulled my cock out. All three girls bent down and opened their mouths when I exploded my manly juices filled all of their mouths. I stood up and took of my blindfold off I was I saw my Abigal, Emma, and Katie on the ground with my cum in all over their faces. They smiled and laughed I laughed back and we got dressed and went back down stairs. Mrs. Polnar looked at me and smiled I smiled back.
I woke up that day a virgin and I went to sleep a man. I had fucked that beautiful ass of Mrs. Polnar and had a hot foursome with my cousins; I would say that it was a pretty good Thanksgiving. And hey who knows I might get to fuck Mrs. Molcelle to? Maybe even fuck Mrs. Polnar and Mrs. Molcelle at the same time? I don’t know only the future can tell.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-06-05 00:25:09
keep writing but.........paragraph breaks

anonymous readerReport 

2011-05-02 10:28:23
Really great story mate, keep it up!

anonymous readerReport 

2011-04-30 01:42:10
this was a good story plz keep it going, only request is seperate it a little more for easier reading,

anonymous readerReport 

2011-04-29 08:53:14
plz more i like to see his mom and the other women in some action on it that would be cool dude and keep on writing

anonymous readerReport 

2011-04-29 05:50:46
Cool story make more pls

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