male on male action, if you do not like it, please navigate away.
I sat on the couch and reviewed the afternoons events in my head. It had felt so
right with Adam, and I didn't know what to do. I wasn't gay, I didn't want to be.
I layed back on the couch, trying to erase the events. I couldn't get over it, the way
his mouth felt on my cock. How his warm tongue glided over my body. I rubbed
the front of my pants absentmindly, still thinking about the blowjob i'd received.
I stuck my hand inside my briefs, remembering his hot breath over my skin. My
eyes closed and I rubbed my shaft slowly, gently. I could almost feel his lips on
mine, him nearing naked, me watching his head bob on my cock. I rubbed my
dick a bit faster and bit my lip. I started imagining him all the way naked, on his
hands and knees, begging for my cock. I moaned quietly and rubbed faster,
arching up my hips. I thought about putting my cock in his ass, moaning and
thrusting. His hot little body squirming under me. His moans echoing through
the room. I moaned again, louder, as I felt pressure building in my balls. With
a few more jerks, I was cumming, spurting over my stomach. I panted and then
realized what I had done. I felt disgusted with myself and grabbed some tissues,
cleaning myself off.
"What the hell just happened? What he fuck is wrong with you, Cody?" I shook my
head and kicked the wall.
I had to clear my head.
I got dressed and walked out the door, hoping Jessica would be up at The Slicery.
When I got up to the pizza shop, I was relieved to see Jessica was indeed there.
I walked into the shop and sat down across from Jessica, who was doing her science
homework. She looked up at me and I smiled.
"I was hoping you'd still be here. How's the pizza?" I picked up her piece of pizza and
took a small bite out of it.
"Well hi to you too," she said teasingly. I set the pizza down and leaned towards her
on my elbow.
"How about a game of foosball? Bet you a dollar i'll win." I grinned and winked,
standing. She closed her science and followed me over to the foosball table.
"I'm gonna whoop you like no other." She giggled and I just shook my head, dropping
the ball into the middle of the table.
5 minutes later she was rubbing in her win, and I was digging in my pockets for change.
"Theres your one dollar, Jess. Great job." I rolled my eyes and walked out smiling.
Before I left I called out to her, "Come walk with me." She eagerly followed me out of
the pizza shop, and I put my arm around her waist.
"I told you Cody, I'm great at foosball." She looked smug, and I just squeezed her side.
"Yeah yeah, well I'll get you next time." I countered.
We stopped walking at the end of the street, and I turned to face Jessica. I looked
down into her eyes, and she looked into mine.
I knew this was supposed to be an intimate moment, but i honestly didn't feel any spark.
I mentally kicked myself and thought, "Shes a hot girl! Why aren't you thinking about
grabbing her tits?!"
I felt disgusted with myself and to try and make my feelings ignite, I kissed Jessica gently, and she kissed my back. I wrapped my arms around her back and I felt her smiling. I still didn't feel anything. God, what the hell was wrong with me? Here I am, making out with one of the hottest girls in school, and I felt nothing. I stepped it up, kissing her more harshly, grabbing her boob from outside her shirt.
She pushed me away, looking hurt and angry.
"What the hell, Cody? What was that? I thought you were a nice guy, I thought you might
have liked me." She stormed away and I just stood there, not even bothering to go after
her. I turned around and slowly walked back to my house, kicking the ground as I went.
When I got back to my house, Adam was sitting on the porch steps. His head was
down between his knees, and when he lifted his head, his cheeks were streaked
with tears. I had the instant reflex to go over to him and comfort him, but I remembered
what he had done to me and looked away.
"Cody...I'm sorry." Adam stood and started walking over to me. I kept looking away,
but still replied.
"No, it's not okay. I'm not a faggot like you." Once I spit out those words I looked back
at Adam and hurt registered all over his face. My ice-heart melted and I walked over to him.
I wrapped my arms around him and he stood there, afraid to move.
"No, I don't mean it, I'm sorry. Adam. I'm just confused. I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do.
" I pulled back a little so I could see into his eyes. "I've never had feelings for a dude, and it's
weird. I'm supposed to like girls."
Adam looked down, and I could tell he was still hurt.
"Cody, I never should have..I just.." Adam started.
I stopped him and leaned down, pressing my lips gently
to his. My hands found his hips and I rested them there. He kissed me back, our lips working
together. I could sense my dick rising, and I felt shivers running down my back. His mouth
parted and I softly ran my tongue over his lips. Adam pressed his hips to mine and I pulled away,
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