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Some time ago one of my youngest daughter's friends made the comment that she found me "attractive". Since she is very attractive herself, I pondered more than once on how and why we might have a relationship, and when she showed some pleasure in a couple of playful swats, well this series just sort of took off. Hope you enjoy it. It seems to be going places I didn't expect, but I like it.

“Do you think I’m pretty?” My daughter’s friend Michelle asked one afternoon after school while she took a break from homework in our kitchen.

“Well, yes, you’re a very pretty girl, Michelle.” I told her. The truth was, since I’d lost my wife in a car crash some months before, I’d noticed Michelle, as much as any of my daughter’s friends. She was a very lovely girl, just under five tall, with big blue eyes, dark blonde hair, full lips, a cute little nose, and a well developed and nicely rounded body. But she was only seventeen, and one of my daughter’s best friends, so there was no way this was going further.

“I mean really pretty?” She asked again, “Not just like a cute little girl, but like a woman you might like to know better?”

“Michelle, you’re very pretty, and someday you’ll be a very beautiful woman, for someone near your own age.” I knew I had to nip this quickly.

“But I don’t like guys my own age, they’re so immature, and silly, and they don’t know what they’re doing.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. I was already afraid of where this might take me.

“Well, sexually, of course.” She told me. “And even worse, they just don’t know what to do to make me feel good, or anything. I bet you know a lot.”

“Michelle, all that might be true, but we’re not going there. I’ve had a lot of experience, but you need to find a teacher that you truly love and care about and that you can grow up with.” I explained.

“But what if the person I truly care about is older and experienced, shouldn’t he teach me?” She asked.

“Not if it’s me.” I said, “And more important, not if you’re not at least eighteen.”

“Well, at least tell me about what you like. Tell me some things you enjoy doing that might give me a place to start.” She asked.

I decided to start off easy with her, figuring Michelle didn’t have much experience, so I told her, “Well, I really love oral sex, both giving and getting it. For me it’s best when the woman swallows all my cum, and enjoys it. And of course when I’m giving her oral sex I want all her pussy hair shaved off so I can really stay with my face deep in her pussy without getting hair in my mouth, and she has to enjoy me doing it, and cum, and be vocal about it.”

“Wow!” She exclaimed. “I’ve given a couple of guys blow jobs, and it’s OK, they made me swallow, but I’m not sure I like it. And no one has ever gone down on me. I haven’t ever really had an orgasm with a boy ever before.”

“Well, you see. That’s part of experience. How many boys have you had sex with?” I asked.

“Well, without naming names, I’ve given blow jobs to three guys, and had actual sex with two of them” She explained.

“That’s all?” I asked. “How many times?”

“Well, about maybe, ten times total, not counting the blow jobs.”

“Ever try it with any girls?” I inquired.

“Well, once. With a friend of mine,” she blushed and ducked her head, “not Lizzy of course, we fingered each other’s pussy and rubbed each others tits, and rubbed our tits together, like that. You know?”

“So I take it your orgasms have been by masturbating?”

“Well, yeah. I really like that. It feels so good when I cum. I do it almost every day, sometimes more than once if I’m having a really bad day.”

From then on Michelle and I would continue our after school discussions, but I made it clear that nothing was going to happen, especially until she was eighteen. We discussed every variation of sex that I’d tried, and that was a lot. She got quite an education, regardless, even if second hand. Then one day she had an idea.

“So, would it be OK if I tried out some of the stuff you’ve told me about? I mean, like bring some guys over, or some girls, and try the stuff you’ve told me about so I can see if I enjoy the things you do? That way I’d get experience for when I’m eighteen and you can have sex with me.”

“Michelle, I never said I’d have sex with you, I just said it wasn’t even an open topic until you were eighteen. But yes, I know you can’t do much at home, so if you want to bring people here when I’m at work, and practice the things we’ve talked about, then feel free. Just stay out of the liquor cabinet and clean up after yourself.”

“Oh wow, thanks. I promise you’ll hardly know I was here, but I’ll get really good at the stuff you like, and I’ll get lots of practice. Did I tell you I’ve decided I do really like the taste of guy’s cum? I’ve been practicing that. Some of the guys say I give the best blow jobs they’ve ever had. And oh yeah, I shaved all my pussy hair smooth. Wanna see?”

“No Michelle, I don’t want to see. I’ll take your word for it.”

From then on Michelle got as much sexual experience as she could. She’d leave me notes about what she’d done each time she brought someone, or several someones to the house. Sort of a journal that I kept in a drawer in my home office. She described each experience as she ticked off a mental list of the things we’d talked about that I’ve enjoyed over the years. Threesomes, two guys with her, her and a couple, two girls. Oral sex, anal sex, double penetrations, Licking a cock clean after it had been used to fuck her, or someone else. Learning to eat pussy. Learning to cum and enjoy sex, whether it lasted minutes or hours. Then she went beyond. First three guys, then four. Then she added girls for her to satisfy while the guys fucked her. Then there was the day I came home and she was still there, with seven guys. I heard the noise from the spare bedroom. When I walked in Michelle was on all fours on the bed, one guy was fucking her from behind, almost ready to shoot into her, and one guy was fucking her mouth, also nearly cumming. The rest were standing around the bed, pulling on their cocks and cheering her on, and their buddies.

The guy in her mouth grunted and stiffened, and pushed his cock deep into her mouth and cried out, “Oh gawd! I’m cumming! Suck my cum down! Suck it all down!” And Michelle did. Every drop. When he finally pulled his limp dick from her mouth and flopped on the bed he just said, “Next.”

Meantime, the guy behind her was still pumping away. Michelle saw me standing there, but a huge orgasm shook her before she could say anything. They were both yelling and cumming together, slamming their hips together while he pumped every drop he could deep in her pussy. That was when I realized that Michelle’s knees were actually in big wet puddles of cum. There was cum trailing down her arms and legs, across her back, dripping from her nipples, and her chin. There even appeared to be stings of cum in her hair. She grinned up at me, “Wanna join in? There’s plenty for everyone!”

“No, Michelle, I will not join in. Enjoy yourself, all of you, and clean up when you’re finished.”

Sometime later I heard the guys leaving. Michelle came into my office wearing one of my old robes. It wasn’t tied, and her body was clearly visible, neatly shaved and streams of cum still trickling down her belly and her legs. She smelled as strongly of sex as anyone I’d ever been close to. She stood next to me and opened the robe for me to look.

“Do you think I’m getting enough experience for you?” She asked. “Would you like a taste? Or a smell?” She giggled. Then she slipped her hand between her legs and rubbed her fingers deep in her cunt. She moaned, then pulled them out covered in cum and put them in her mouth.

“Luscious! Want some?” She poked one finger my direction.

“No.” I told her. “You need to have some clothes on when we’re together. And you need to get a shower.”

“Oh, party pooper! Wanna help me shower?” she asked. Grinning from ear to ear.

“No. And No, again.” I barked. “Close the robe, go get a shower, by yourself, and get dressed. And I want you always dressed when we’re together.”

“Until I’m eighteen.”

“At least until you’re eighteen. And we won’t even discuss it unless you start to understand what the rules are.”

For the next few months we continued our discussions, but Michelle was always dressed, if not always properly, when I was around. One sunny, summer afternoon I was sitting at my desk, working on a project when Michelle walked in. “Hey, guess what I got today?”

“No clue.” I answered.

“This!” And she held out a new driver’s license.

“Nice picture.” I answered.

“Not that silly, look at the date.”

I knew without even looking what she wanted me to see, but I looked anyway, and I was right. “So, you’re eighteen now.. That’s very nice.”

“And you’re going to give me my best present ever, right now.”

“And that would be?” Thinking I might know the answer. By now she had moved around the desk next to me. She leaned over my chair, put one hand on the back rest, kissed me on the lips, and rubbed the other hand along my already hardening cock.

“You’re going to give me this.” She said it with some confidence. “I’ve waited long enough, and I know enough now, this is my cock, and I want it.” She licked around my ear, then trailed her tongue into my mouth searching for my tongue and drawing it to her.

How could I deny, I wanted her too. I stood up and started to pull my shirt off.

“No, I will undress you, then I’m going to give you a show.” She stated. “Then you’re going to give me this.” and she slid her hand along my cock again.

She undid my pants, slipped off my shirt, ran my pants and underwear down my legs and tugged my socks off too. In seconds she had me naked, kneeling on the floor in front of me, my cock inches from her face. She sucked just the head into her mouth and held it for a few moments. Then she planted a kiss on its head and stood up.

“You taste as good as I expected, but first, this.” And she led me around the desk to the couch. She pushed me down. “Sit!”

I sat. She slowly started to sway her body, then loosened her clothes. She unbuttoned her blouse, and slipped it off, the bra beneath was tiny, lacy, and cut so that her nipples on the globes of her breasts nearly poked over the top. She loosened her skirt and dropped it to the floor. I noticed the high heels, and the garter belt and stockings. No panties. “Do you like it?”

“What do you think?” I realized my hard cock was in my hand. I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help myself, and clearly she intended to have me. She knelt in front of me and took me deep in her mouth this time. I gasped. She certainly knew exactly what she was doing.

“Would you like to taste me too?” she asked. I nodded and she stepped up on the couch, straddling my face. She lowered her pussy to my mouth and I started licking. Suddenly I couldn’t get enough of her juice. She was so sweet, and wet, and I wanted her so much.. I slid my hands to the backs of her thighs and pulled her to me, licking deeply into the sweet split peach of her shaved pussy. I grabbed the cheeks of her round ass, and forced my mouth deep into her pussy, licking and nibbling everywhere. She grabbed my head and held it tightly against her as she shook with a small orgasm.

Gasping, she pulled my head back by the hair and looked into my eyes. “Wow!” she exclaimed. “That was good. And fast! No one ever made me cum like that and so easily.”

She slid down and pulled my face between her breasts. “Now it’s my turn.”

And she slid her body further down, reaching between us to grab my cock out of my hand, she started rubbing it against her dripping pussy lips. When she had it wet, she lowered herself again, slipping the head between her lips, “Ready?” she asked.

I groaned and nodded and she dropped quickly down onto me, taking the full length of my cock inside her in one motion. I gasped, as did she. “Doesn’t that feel wonderful? Just sit still and let me hold you inside me a little while. I’ve wanted this for so long I want to make it last.”

How could I argue, for a guy my age to have his cock inside a tight, sweet pussy like hers, and only eighteen years old, and so beautiful, I didn’t want to hurry and leave her either. Slowly she started to rock her hips. Just a little at first, then more and faster. She locked her mouth on mine, sucking my tongue into her mouth and nibbling on it. Then she was panting, and I knew she’d cum again shortly. I started to move a little with her rhythm. She wrapped her arms and legs tightly around me and pulled me into her more deeply. “Oh god, I’m cumming again!” she cried.

“Wow! Two times already. Usually it takes a lot longer for me to cum, and I’ve never cum twice like that.” She panted in my ear. “You really are the best ever!”

“I’m very glad you think so.” I said. “have you had all you want?” I was hoping she wanted quite a lot more, but didn’t dare to say it out loud.

“Oh no!” She cried. “You silly. I want you to do all the things you’ve described to me, one at a time, and I don’t want you to stop until we’ve done them all.”

“That doesn’t seem quite possible. How about we do a few then rest a while?” I asked.

Now she was rocking her hips again, massaging my cock with her tight pussy muscles. She had obviously practiced a lot, and truth was, she had gotten very good at what she was doing. “Do you like it when I do this?” She asked.

I was so into what she was doing, and getting close to coming, that I could barely speak. “Yes, I like it a lot.” I gasped. “You’re going to make me cum very quickly like this, though. Are you sure you don’t want to draw this out a bit?”

Her legs were stilled locked tightly around my hips, and I couldn’t move or even draw back at all, she was in complete control, unless I just pushed her off onto the floor. And that wasn’t likely to happen.

“No. I want you to fill me with you cum, then I can lick you clean and taste yours. I bet yours is just the yummiest cum ever!”

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. She trailed kisses down my chest and licked my nipples. She was moving harder and faster now. She had me right on the edge. She grabbed my head and pulled my face to hers. She jammed her tongue into my mouth and sucked on mine. “Oh god! I’m cumming again! Ohhhhhhhh gawwwwwddddd!” She wailed.

“I’m cumming too!” I cried. I could only hope she heard me over her screams. I pushed my hips up, so I could shoot as deeply as possible into her. She dropped herself down at the same time, locking my hips in a death grip with her legs. Our pubic bones were grinding into each other so hard it was nearly painful. We moaned into each other and ground our bodies together. It was by far the best sex I’d had in a long time. I was panting and could hardly breathe, and Michelle wasn’t doing much better. Finally she caught her breath and leaned back to look at me.

“Wow. I’ve never felt anything like that!” She said. “I love sex, but I never knew it could be like that. I want more of that. How soon can we do it again?”

“It’s going to be a little while, maybe a half hour at least.” I admitted.

“But you’re still hard. I can feel it inside me. Can’t we just go again?”

“It doesn’t work that way. I’m not eighteen anymore. We’ll have to wait a little while for me to recover. We can sit here and talk if you want.”

“First I want to taste your cum.” Michelle slipped her hand between her legs and rubbed at her pussy. “Oh damn! It’s leaking out.” She rubbed her fingers in the cum dribbling around my cock then put them in her mouth and sucked. “Yummy!”

She slipped her hand back onto her cunt and lifted herself off my cock. She cupped her hand and caught the cum that gushed out and let my cock flop against my belly. I watched while she scooped her fingers along her pussy lips to retrieve as much of our cum as possible and brought her hand to her mouth. “You taste so good.”

She looked at my cock and dropped off the couch and swallowed me in one gulp. I could feel her tongue rolling me around and getting all the juice off. When she had enough she slipped her lips off my cock and held it to see if she’d missed any. It looked clean to me. And, due to her attention, I was still at least half erect. “Would you get hard faster if I held it in my mouth for you?” She grinned.

“No. Not really. You’ll just have to give me a little recovery time.”

She reached back between her legs for another taste and found some. She brought her hand to her face. Then she grinned at me and held out her fingers. “Want some?”

“Not now, thank you.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing.” And her fingers went in her mouth. “You really should try some. You’re delicious you know.”

“I have tried some and it’s okay, but not my favorite flavor.”

“Well what is your favorite flavor then?”

“I prefer the taste of a clean young pussy to anything else.”

Michelle blushed. “Oh. I should have known.”

“That’s okay, I’d never told you and you hadn’t asked before.” I reassured her. “Why don’t you climb up here with me and we can talk a while.”

Michelle smiled and jumped back up on the couch, straddling my hips and rubbing her lovely breasts on my chest. She threw her arms around my neck and put her face next to mine. “Okay, what did you want to talk about?”

“How about a lack of discipline in a certain young lady?”

“Do you want to discipline me? I read about that on the internet. Sometimes they talk about bondage too. Are we going to do that? Are you going to tie me up and discipline me? I think I might like that.”

“I’m almost afraid you might.” I admitted.

“I could be your sex slave. I’d be there whenever you wanted sex, all you’d have to do is just put your wonderful cock inside me. Anytime, anywhere. I’d be yours to use all the time. And if I’m bad you can spank me. Even tie me up if you want. Tie me up and spank me. That would be pretty fun. Don’t you think?”

“Do you have any idea what a sex slave really is?”

“Well.” Michelle paused for a moment. “Not really. But it sounds all neat and sexy and lots of sex for both of us. I really do want to be your sex slave. Can I? Hmm?” At this last she wiggled her crotch against my cock. Of course he responded.

“Being a sex slave is a lot more than just the sex parts. As a slave you’d be obligated to serve me, and not just sexually. Your body wouldn’t be your own it would be mine. Mine to use and mine to command. I might want you to service others besides just me. I might tell you to have sex with my friends, male or female. I might deny you sex if you disobey me. I might beat you if you disobey me. What would you think of that?”

Michelle sat quietly and considered for a long minute. “I still want to be your sex slave.”

“Alright then, let’s go to the computer and we’ll draw up a “Sex Slave Contract”. We’ll call it “The Rules” and that will describe what you’ll do as my sex slave, and what I’ll do for you in return. We’ll describe how you’ll behave, and how I’ll punish you if you misbehave. If you think you really want to do that you can sign it and I’ll sign it and you can move in here next month when you graduate and you’ll be my little sex slave. But first you need to think seriously about what we write here.”


I sat in my office chair at the computer and started typing out “The Rules”. Michelle climbed into my lap and did her best to tease and distract me. I was able to ignore her enough to set out what we both decided were fair and equitable rules for her as my sex slave. I honestly didn’t think she’d accept it after thinking it over, but if she wanted to, I could use her. Besides, she wanted to learn my trade from me, she would be able to be my assistant by day and my slave by night, or something like that.

When we finished I printed a copy. “Now, I’m going to lay this in the kitchen and I want you to think it over seriously for the next several days. I’ve already agreed to train you as my assistant, so this is above and beyond that, but the rules will apply whether you’re my assistant or not, if you agree to them. I don’t want you to take this lightly, you can’t move in until you graduate anyway. So read them several times and make a reasoned and informed decision.”

“But I don’t need to think it over.” She took the pages from me to read them quickly.

“Yes. You do need to think it over. Read what it says there. Your body will belong to me. You’ll almost always be naked when you’re here, regardless of who else is here. If you bring friends over they’ll have to be naked with you. While I will still train you as my assistant you’ll also be a sex slave until you decide to end this contract. Be sure this is what you want. I won’t be your only sexual partner, and you may not always want who I determine gets to use you. Take some time to be sure you want this.”

Michele sat there on my lap and read through what we’d written together. She absently stroked me as she read. I stroked her as well, careful to avoid anything that could be construed as a sexual touch. Even with her naked on my naked lap. After reading all the pages she looked at me very seriously. “I really don’t have to think about this. I really do want to do it. Are you going to make me wait?”

“I’m telling you that you should wait. This isn’t something you should do sitting here naked on my lap just after we’ve had sex for the first time.” I stopped and turned her head so she could look at me. “I’m older than your father. You’ve asked for a contract, that although it probably isn’t enforceable in court, it still means something between us. I’m not asking you to be my wife, and I probably never will. You asked to be my sex slave, and this is a sex slave contract.”

“I’m still sure I want this.”

“No. Not yet. I want you to go lay this on the kitchen counter, then I want you to come back and hang your clothes in the hall closet as though you had agreed. I want you to put your shoes away too. Then I want you to come back here, because there are a couple of things you need to see before you decide to sign that contract.”

“Okay. But I’ll still be sure.”

“Not until you’ve seen what I have to show you.”

While Michelle went to do as I’d directed I got the keys to two places in my house that she’d never seen. The first was a locked cabinet in my bedroom, the second a disguised door to a room that I used for very special guests. If Michelle signed the contract she’d be seeing a lot of those places.

When she came back I ordered her to her knees in front of me. “I am about to show you things in my house that you’ve never seen before, and you’ve spent a lot of time here. There is much about me you do not know, that my daughter doesn’t know, and I intend to keep her from knowing. These are things that are important to your decision, because if you decide to sign that contract you will see a lot of these places, and they may frighten you. They should frighten you. They are part of a very dark side of me that you know nothing about, but which will be a major part of your life while you’re here as my slave. Do you understand?”

“I think so.”

“Good. Stand up and put your hands behind you.” She did and I clicked handcuffs onto her wrists. I explained, “Handcuffs have two important uses to me. First, they restrain your freedom by making you a prisoner. Second, and what I like even more, is that.” I paused to tweak her nipples. “Their use behind your back thrusts your breasts up and out which makes them much more accessible for nipple play.”

I led her to the bedroom and had her stand in front of the chest. “I know you’ve seen this chest and noticed that the bottom section is locked, and almost appears to not open.”

“Yes. Master.”

“Here’s the key.” I held it up. “And here’s why it’s kept secured.” I inserted the key, twisted it, and the door fell open and the panel slid out. Arrayed inside were a wide assortment of ropes, paddles, straps, and a multitude of other sexually suggestive toys for use in bondage and discipline scenarios.

“Do you understand what’s in here?”

“I’m not sure. It looks like stuff you’d use to tie someone up, I see paddles and whips too. I suppose you’d use these to tie someone up and beat them?”

“That’s true. In part anyway.” I turned toward the bathroom and pointed. “Have you ever wondered why I have two fairly massive pillars flanking the entry to the master bath?”

“I just thought you liked the way it looked.”

“Oh, I do. But I particularly like the way it looks with a beautiful young woman tied spread-eagled between the pillars. You’ll notice the heavy collars near the top and bottom of the pillars? A rope tied above and below those rings cannot slip down or be forced up. Once you’re tied between those pillars you are suspended there until I untie you.”

I picked up a remote control out of the corner. I pushed the buttons in succession and lowered the rings from the ceiling in several locations. I adjusted the lighting and turned on some music. “You’ll notice that the rings and the cables they are suspended from are very heavy. The motors which raise and lower them are correspondingly heavy duty. I won’t show you today, but there are correspondingly heavy rings set in special places in the floor. Any one of these rings and cables will hold far more than my weight, and any one of the motors will lift you to the ceiling, in any position I should choose. If I were to decide to hang you by your feet, tie your hands to the floor and lift you up and spend hours devouring your pussy. I could do that and you’d be completely helpless.”

Michelle’s eyes widened and she squirmed a little. I continued, “Or I could tie you like that, take one of these paddles and beat you until you begged me to stop.”

“I’m not sure about that.” Michelle was clearly uncomfortable now. “Would you really do that?”

“Only if necessary.” I assured her.

“Why would it be necessary?”

“If my sex slave broke the Rules badly. That might force me to do something like that.”

A look of comprehension came over Michelle’s face. “Oh. That would be Punishment. Right?”

“Yes. That would be punishment.” I started for the door. “Now, there’s one more thing you must see.”

I opened the door and stepped out onto the landing. There was of course minimal lighting, but I knew that Michelle could see the hoist in its holder on the wall. The view into the room below was deliberately limited and shadowed from here. The metal steps gave the place an eerie and cold feeling, intentionally. I smiled at remembered screams in this place. Michelle stepped forward onto the landing and I closed the door.

“You will notice the sound in here? This wall behind you is sound-proofed. Nothing that goes on in this room can be heard from anywhere else, even in the house, unless that door is left open.” I explained. “Let’s go down there.”

I took Michelle’s arm and helped her down the steps. She looked at the chain running to the landing. “What’s the chain and hooks for?”

“Someone may be tied up upstairs and I want them down here. I can hook them up and lower them into this room.”

We reached the foot of the steps and I turned on all the lights. The devices and playthings I kept here jumped out in harsh relief. The main lighting in this room was overly bright and harsh for a reason. Michelle staggered back a step.

I looked at her and saw a mixture of fear, question, and excitement. I knew she didn’t understand much of what she was seeing, but the cross frame on the floor in the center of the room, the chains, hooks, rings, ropes, and other unnamed devices hanging from the walls and ceiling must be almost self-explanatory. She turned and looked at me. “This almost looks like a torture chamber.”

“It almost is a torture chamber.” I agreed. “You see, Michelle, I happen to enjoy inflicting pain on people. It gives me sexual pleasure. That’s called “Sadism”. I have some friends who get sexual pleasure from being hurt. That’s called “Masochism”. I also have a couple of sadist friends who don’t have access to a place like this, and sometimes they come here and share their pets, and I let them share my play room. Everyone benefits, and I happen to have the time and money to indulge my peculiar pleasures.”

“But what does this have to do with what we were talking about?”

“Ah, Michelle.” I shook my head. “You recall that I wrote a difference between Discipline and Punishment?”

I watched while she swallowed hard and nodded. “No honey, say it out loud. Say you recall that there is a difference.”

“Yes. Master. I recall a difference between Discipline and Punishment in the rules.”

I smiled. “Good girl. This room is where you’ll usually be brought for punishment. Here you can scream and cry and beg all you want, all that you’ll do is excite me.” I knew I was leering, but I couldn’t help it. The thought of bringing Michelle down here and inflicting pain upon her naked body was exciting me. I knew if she looked she’d see my erection throbbing at just the thought. “Would you like to look more closely?”

Michelle nodded and walked around the room, looking at what hung there. Some things were obvious, a few would need use to explain fully. She made a circuit of the walls then walked to the one pillar in the near center of the room. It was rough finished but made of synthetic concrete so it gave no one splinters. An assortment or rings and hooks gave an almost endless array of attachments. Finally she walked over to the cross. She backed up to it after looking closely.

Michelle looked at me, and some of the fear had been replaced with excitement. “I assume you tie someone to this with their hands and feet on the arms.” She spread her legs open but couldn’t reach the ends of the cross legs on the floor. “Something like this?”

‘Something like that, yes.” I acknowledged. I could see her pussy glistening with fresh moisture. “That device has many uses and has seen many bodies.”

She looked at me and finally noticed my erection. “Happy memories or thinking of me being down here?” She grinned.

“In all honesty, both.” I admitted.

“But only if I sign the contract? Right?”

“There is little chance you will ever see the inside of this room again, unless you sign the contract. Yes.”

Michelle looked thoughtful. “I assume you won’t demonstrate some of the uses today?”

“No. Not today.”

She looked at me again then walked over to me. She leaned against me and pressed my throbbing cock between our bodies. She kissed me gently and tenderly, then looked into my eyes. “Then let’s go back upstairs and put that to good use.”

She swayed up the steps as I watched and turned off the lights. There was a confidence in her step, even with her hands cuffed behind her back. I was certain Michelle had made a decision. That sweet little ass announced it as clearly as if she spoken out loud.

She had to wait on the landing at the top of the steps, of course. I stepped up behind her and she positioned herself so that my cock rested in her hands. I reached around her and opened the door, she held me and led me into the bedroom. I stopped and locked the door. “Where do you keep the keys?” She asked.

“You don’t need to know that. At least not for quite some time, yet.”

“Can I have you again?” She whined. “I made you hard, I’d like to use it again.”

“Yes, but we’re going to try a little discipline first.” I grabbed two lengths of rope from the cabinet. “Step over to the pillar and turn your back to it.”

Michelle smiled and walked over to the bathroom pillar and leaned back against it. “Slide out a half step.” I ordered. I secured the first rope through the handcuff chain and tied it securely to the pillar. “Now step back against the pillar and stand on your toes.”

When she was positioned the way I wanted her I put a loop of the rope around her throat and tied it off above her head. When I was finished I stepped back and admired her tight body stretched against the pillar. “Now, you cannot leave your toes without choking yourself. That is a part of discipline. I’m going to go put the keys away, I’m going to leave you there for a period of time, long enough to be uncomfortable, but not long enough to risk harm to you. But I will judge the time.”

I slipped my hand between her legs and felt the wetness there. I rubbed for a moment then put my fingers in her mouth. “Contemplate on discipline until I return.”

I took ten minutes, not only to put the keys away, but to insure that Michelle had sufficient time for discomfort, although not enough to risk any harm. I checked on her several times, quietly, so that she wouldn’t know. I reentered the bedroom and went to her. “Have you considered discipline?”

She squeaked out, “Yes.”

I untied the rope around her throat and she sagged against the pillar. “Tell me what you’ve learned.”

Michelle swallowed hard. “Discipline starts with self. It’s all really self-discipline in the end. You do what needs done and make yourself do it, no matter how hard it seems.”

“That’s very good. You’ll be good at self-discipline, which means very little discipline will need to be applied from the outside.” I untied and uncuffed her hands, scooped her up in my arms and carried her to the bed. I lay her down gently and started massaging the knots in her legs.

“All discipline really comes from within, Michelle. Although some people like to believe you can create discipline through force, or orders, or laws, it really has to come from within the individual. Self-discipline is where all discipline truly starts. You stood there, tied to the pillar, without question or complaint, because I told you to, but even more, because you wanted to please me. Right?”

“Yes, I knew it was what you wanted me to do.”

“And you were correct. And you stayed still until I returned, holding yourself up, even when your legs felt that they couldn’t hold your weight because you wanted to show that you would wait for me.”


I climbed on the bed between her legs and put my face close to her sweet pussy. “Now I’m going to reward your self-discipline.” And I started licking and sucking her. I spent the next two hours making love to Michelle as gently and tenderly as I knew how. I withheld my own pleasure until I was certain that she was fully satisfied. By the time I sheathed myself back inside her sweet tight young pussy she had cum several times. I fucked her slowly and gently at first, letting her enjoy the sensations as I did, riding her through even more orgasms. When I was sure she was fully satisfied I rode her hard and fast, pounding her pussy with my cock, and finally driving myself deep against the opening of her womb, where I emptied my balls with the strongest and most satisfying orgasm I’d had in years. We both collapsed and panted against each other, grinning. When I finished and we’d caught our breath again, I lay down next to her and held her close. She cuddled against me and promptly fell asleep.

I held her gently and watched while she slept. She looked even younger asleep. It was hard to believe someone so young and so beautiful wanted to be naked with me, wanted to be a sexual partner for me. I studied at the swell of her firm breasts, the rise of her little belly, the curve of her hips and the roundness of her firm ass, and felt myself a very fortunate man. I knew she would still accept the job as my assistant and learn my craft while she attended school to get the requisite degrees. We’d talked about that for months, and her parents approved of the arrangements we’d made.

I wasn’t sure she’d accept the contract we’d prepared, but to be honest, after this day, I was hopeful. She woke up slowly, stretched and smiled at me. “That was so wonderful. I’m sorry I fell asleep.”

“You had a big day, you needed the rest.”

“Thank you.” She smiled and looked at the clock. “I need to get showered and get home.”

“I know, I was just thinking I should wake you. Would you like something to eat before you go? I can throw something together while you shower.”

“I hoped you’d shower with me.”

“No. That would make you later than you’ll be now. What would you like to eat?”

Michelle glanced down and grinned.

“No. That’s not on the menu. Next choice.”

After she finally decided and got showered, ate quickly and went home, I reviewed the Contract we’d written. Satisfied, I left it on the counter. Two days later Michelle stopped by after school, stripped her clothes off at the door and hung then in the closet. She stuck her head in my office door and asked me to follow her. She took me to the kitchen, picked up the contract and said, “I’ve decided.” And signed her name. She slid the contract along the counter to me and I signed mine next to hers.

Two weeks later, just three days after her high school graduation, she moved in. Her parents helped unload the truck and stack her things neatly in what had been a spare suite in the house. When the last box was stacked her father turned to me and stuck out his hand. I shook it and he said, “Thanks for giving Michelle the chance to learn from you. We’ve had so much trouble controlling her. You’re a responsible, respectable man and I know you’ll take good care of our daughter.”

“Thank you sir. I’ll do the best I can.”

Michelle and I stood next to each other and waved while her parents drove away. As they got out of sight I looked at her. “They have no idea, do they?”

“Not a clue.” She said as she bounced in the front door. She stopped there with the door open and stripped off her clothes and hung them in the closet. She turned to me, naked, and said, “I’m ready for my first lesson, Master.”

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-25 13:02:01
Good beginning, but a little more character development would be nice. Otherwise your story is better written than 90% of the other ones on here. Keep up the good work.

As a writer myself, I have a few personal observations you might consider: I have some trouble with introducing Michelle to his toys and dungeon before actually signing the contract. I know this is fiction, but it would have made it more believable for me. The methods of introducing discipline and punishment should come later at his discretion. It's taking a big chance showing her everything before she's fully committed to being his slave. Instead, I would have liked to see the wording of the contract in order to flesh out the story a little more. You mention a daughter, but she seems to have disappeared. Also don't think it was necessary to have Michelle become such a complete slut right off the bat; something she could perhaps grow into more slowly as the story progressed. Just my two cents.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-21 00:00:42
Where is number 2

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-13 09:37:18
I'm so glad I found my sootliun online.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-10 05:34:09
can u continue this im a woman i wanna be a slave im 19, my name is lagita, and i live scrool down

up ur ass

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-03-15 01:39:19
SoreSarge1 young male. I need new slaves for my pleasure ASAP. Also, I might be submissive to a lucky mistress :D

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