I think i got all the mistakes i did proofread this unlike all of my previous stories. So I hope this is what everyone wanted.
I also tried to format it better,
------I woke up today, like any other teenage boy, with a rock hard boner and very hungry. I got up and slipped on a pair of shorts. It was like every other Saturday and everyone was probably still asleep, so before anything good happens let me tell you about my family. There’s me 18 year old guy with about 2 months left to go in high school which is in Cleveland, I just came off a huge football season, and we won the state championship and went to nationals. I was the teams Quarterback and captain. I was offered a full scholarship’s to Miami, USC but turned them down, I was going to Harvard ( as my dad always said), but I actually wanted to go, they offered me a scholarship too but my dad said no, because they should use it on some other talent. I am 6 foot 4 inches tall and about 190 pounds of muscle. I have short brown hair, hazel eyes. Now my parents are extremely wealthy, my father sold his company for over 100 million dollars. My mother was always by his side supporting all of us with all the love she could. Then there is my sister Sara she is so beautiful, she is about 6 foot and 1inch tall (and yes my parents are very tall) about 145 pounds, she in great shape, and the captain of the cross country team. She would have brown hair but its dirty blonde because she usually gets some highlights, she has the same hazel eyes I have, she has a great figure, oh yeah she is 17 but skipped first grade. She was going to Harvard with me. We have a very big house and my parents sleep on the second floor. My sister and I sleep on the third floor with a conjoining bathroom.
-------Let’s continue after my quick trip to the bathroom I ran downstairs, and made up some breakfast, my usual Saturday meal, an omelet with ham and cheese, bacon, and some sausage, and of course a glass of OJ. I just set everything down as Sara walked in.
“Whatcha eating.” Sara said with a grin.
“Breakfast.” I replied
“Can I have some?” She asked
“You can have some bacon and sausage.” I said
“Can I have some eggs?” she asked
“Do you want me to make you one?” I asked
“No but can I have some of yours.” She asked again
“Here have the rest.” I said
-------I got up and made another omelet. I sat back down and enjoyed a little conversation with Sara about her cross country team. We went for our morning run after a little wait to let our food digest. We always ran 4 or so miles but the last half mile we would sprint home, I would let her win but if I wanted to I would beat her so bad, and she knew it, but never said anything.
“You know you got to stop letting me win.” She said
“Letting you win Haha.” I said sarcastically
“Yeah it’s not as fun.” She said
“Well you know if I tried I would be waiting here for a while.” I said with a smile
“Maybe.” She said
“Fine tomorrow I will try.” I said with a smile.
“So will I.” She replied
“Okay miss tough girl, let’s go for a swim.” I said
--------I ran up to my room and got my suit on. I got a towel and walked down to our pool. It was nice and heated. I jumped in and swam a couple laps. As I finished I saw Sara walking down. She had on a nice two piece that complemented her every curve. She jumped in and started swimming; we raced a couple times then just floated around. I got out of the pool and got changed. There was a note on the table “went to the city be back tomorrow love mom.” Awesome I loved being alone. I flopped on our couch and turned on the TV. Five minutes later my sister came in, and sat next to me.
“What are you watching?” she asked
“What’s up, why are you acting so strange?” I said
“Just curious.” She said
“Fine, don’t tell me.” I said
“I am just really bored.” She finally blurted out
“And ever since Ben dumped me I haven’t had sex in over a month.” She added
“Wow I don’t want to hear about my sister fucking some douche.” I replied
“What do you mean he was always nice to me?” She said
“Yeah to your face, but you didn’t hear what he said in our locker room.” I said
“What did he say?” she asked.
“I’m not comfortable talking about this anymore.” I said
“You can’t just say that and stop.” She said
“Fine.” I said “you were just another piece of ass.” and that’s when I hit him.” I added
“So that’s why he dumped me.” She said
“I guess.” I said
“So why did you hit him.” She said
“No one talks about my sister like that.” I replied
“And here I thought you hated me.” She said
“I may find you a little annoying but you’re my sister I love you.” I said
“Isn’t that what every girl wants to hear?” She said jokingly
“But you know I would do anything for you.” I said with a smile
“I know, and that’s why I need to ask you something.” She said
“What is it?” I asked
“Can I live with you, when we go to Harvard?” She asked
“Isn’t dad going to get you an apartment?” I said
“Yeah but I don’t want to live alone.” She said
“Well if you want too then yeah I don’t mind.” I said
“Thanks big bro.” she said ecstatically
“Yeah anytime I guess.” I replied
“Well I got to go.” I added
“Where?” she asked
“I am meeting Shelby at the movies.” I replied
“Oh.” She said miserably
“What’s wrong?” I asked
“I thought we would spend some time together.” She said
“We just spent all day together.” I said
“Yeah but It wasn’t really fun we just exercised.” She said
“Look you can come if you want.” I said eager for her to say no.
“Ok let me get my jacket.” She said as she ran upstairs.
-------I called Shelby.
“I’m sorry babe but my sister is coming with us.” I said
“It’s fine as long as we get a little time to ourselves.” She said
“I think we will.” I replied
“Ok I got to go be there in a few, Love you.” I said
“Ok, Love you to.” She said
-------I hung up, as Sara walked down the stairs. We walked to my car which I bought last week it was a new Mustang. It was a convertible and had an amazing blue with white stripes paint job, and of course all the upgrades. I got in and pugged in my Iphone so I could listen to my music. I always listen to some softer music like Pearl jam’s “last kiss”, Tal Bachman’s “She’s so high” and other songs of that nature, and yes I am the sing along type of guy so yeah. Sara got into the back and I pulled out. Shelby’s house was about 5 minutes away. I got out, and walked to her door, and knocked. A few seconds later she opened the door and jumped into my arms wrapping her legs around me, exploring my mouth with her tongue. We stopped after what seemed like forever and got into my car. We drove to the theater which was about 20 minutes away.
------As for me and Shelby we started dating at the end of our junior year and ever since. She was my high school sweetheart (but I knew I would not spend the rest of my life with her.). She was 5’10 and about 110 pounds. She has curly brown hair, and deep blue eyes, and a damn near perfect figure. We were friends since we were kids we used to read comics together, but we kind of grew apart in middle school then in high school we were closer then ever up until I asked her out, now we are together every chance we get. She is a comic book geek on the inside. That is why we are at the movies today because Thor just came out and we love Comic book movies so why not. She even has a nickname for me I am her Superman and she is my Lois Lane. We entered the theater and I got inline for the tickets while Shelby got the food. After I got the tickets I gave Sara hers and told her to find us seats in the back. She went along and I walked up behind Shelby and hugged her as she finished ordering our food. It took a little but we got our food and went to our theater. It was packed, but Sara was up top in the middle with three seats saved. I sat in the middle so everyone had access to the popcorn. During the previews Shelby started nibbling on my ear. I couldn’t stop myself from getting an erection. I faced her and gave her a very passionate kiss. Then before I knew it the movie started. Let me put it this way it was awesome.
------ We waited for everyone to leave the theater before we got up and left. We got back in my car and back to my house. I could tell something was up with Sara, but didn’t pay any attention to her. We got out and went inside; Sara immediately went to her room. Shelby and I stayed downstairs and watched TV for a little. She then provocatively took of her shirt; I jumped on her feeling her all over. I started kissing her as I took off my shirt. I proceeded to take off my pants.
“Let’s take this to the hot tub she said with a smile.” She said with a lustful grin.
“Fine by me.” I said with a smile.
------I carried her to my hot tub and started the jets. Even though she still had her underwear on I jumped into the hot tub. She pushed me back onto the seat and straddled me. She took of her soaking wet bra and threw it to the side. She went below and pulled my boxers off and her panties and threw them to the side as well. She again straddled me and kissed me forcefully. She guided my cock into her velvety glove. I thrust myself into her as she slid down my shaft. I knew I wouldn’t hold it much longer and bit my tongue to slow myself. I could feel her muscles tense and it was my signal to go, so I came magnificently into her love canal.
“That was amazing, the hot water get right up in there.” She said
“You are amazing.” I said as I gave her a kiss.
“Yeah I know, but I need to tell you something.” She said
“What is it?” I said
“I didn’t get accepted to Harvard.” She said
“Then where are you going to go?” I said
“Um I am going to State.” She said
“Well then I guess that’s where I am going.” I said
“No you’re not.” She said
“What you don’t want me to be with you?” I said
“Of course I do but I am not going to let you come with me, Harvard is what you always dreamed of.” She said
“So what does this mean for us?” I asked
“I think we should have a long distance relationship.” She said
“Or you could move up with me.” I said
“I would but my dad already paid for my first year, maybe I will transfer after my first year.” She said
“You know this is really going to test our relationship, I know I am up for it, but are you?” I said
“Yes I just want the year to hurry up and be gone.” She said
-------We talked for a little while then I drove her home. Then back home and went upstairs to check on Sara. I opened her door and saw her lying on her bed. I then sat on the side of her bed.
“What’s wrong?” I asked
“Nothing.” She said with sadness on her face.
“Tell me.” I said
“Just go be with Shelby.” She said
“Is that what this was about, you are jealous?” I said
“I don’t know you’re my brother.” She said
“Look Sara I understand, if I were not your brother I would totally have dated you.” I said nonchalantly
“Really?” she said as she sat up.
“Yeah.” I said
------Before I knew it she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me.
“What are you doing?” I said
“What I should have done a long time ago.” She said
-------I pulled away and walked into the bathroom. I thought to myself, (Oh god what did I do she’s my sister.) I threw water on my face a couple of times trying to wash away the disbelief on my face. I did not know how to react. So I went into my room and just sat there. About an hour later there was a knocking on my door.
“Come in.” I said still in shock of what happed
“Are you okay?” Sara said as she peeked inside my room.
“Yeah just a lot has happened in the last 2 hours.” I said
“Like what?” she asked
“Well first I found out Shelby is not coming to Harvard and then you kissed me.” I said
“Well none of that’s your fault.” She said
“Yeah it is sometimes I would tell Shelby to blow off studying to come out with me and she doesn’t do well when she doesn’t study; I shouldn’t have said I would have gone out with you if you weren’t my sister. So yeah it is kind of my fault.” I said
“She could have said no, but she wanted to be with you. And I kissed you because you are the best guy I know and you make me feel different when I am around you.” She said
“Well see there you go I am too good.” I said with a sarcastic humph. (Also trying to avoid what she just said)
“You cannot keep blaming yourself for everything.” She said
“Yeah you are right but I want to be with her.” I said
“Sometimes to find out if you are going to be with someone you have to let them go.” She said
“You are right.” I said but I knew she also wanted me to herself.
------Me and Shelby kept seeing each other the last two months of senior year and that summer and as I was about to leave and she saw me off.
“I know you are going to have an amazing time in Cambridge.” Shelby said
“Yeah I know I got my sis.” I said
“So promise you will not forget me.” She said
“I will never forget you, but I want to say something before I go.” I said
“What is it?” she asked
“I will always love you more than anything and one day I hoped to marry you, and I thought about this for a while. But I think we should stop right here while it is still good, because maybe tomorrow or a month from but we may find someone that we want to be with so I think for both of our sakes we should put us on hold until you want to transfer or we graduate. And maybe one day, I hope, we can get back together and live the life I thought I would have with you.” I said
-------She was shocked and could not say a word. She finally kissed me and smiled. I pulled out of the driveway and drove the movers followed me in the truck. Sara was laying back in my car seat trying to sleep. She had not tried anything on me since the kiss she planted on me, but I was still thinking about it every once in a while.
-------We probably could have made it to Cambridge by 1am but we decided to stop the night in a hotel in Albany. We got the last two rooms one with two single beds and one with a double so we gave the movers the two singles and me and Sara got the other.
“So I will sleep on the couch.” I said
“Come on you have been driving all day I will take the couch.” She said
“No its fine really I will take the couch.” I said
“Let’s just share.” She said
“That’s fine with me.” I said as I went into the bathroom to take a quick shower.
------I got out and dried off, and walked out and a wall of cold air hit me.
“Sorry but I was hot so I turned on the air conditioner.” She said
“Its fine.” I said with a smile.
“Okay I am going to get a quick shower.” She said as she closed the bathroom door.
------I got into bed and flipped on the TV. About 10 minutes later Sara walked in and got into bed. I gave her the clicker and rolled over and drifted off to sleep. I don’t know how long I was out, but I woke up to Sara shaking my shoulder.
“David?” She said
After a moment I said “Yeah what is it?”
“I am cold can you hold me?” she asked
“Sure.” I said
-----I rolled over and pulled her closer. I felt her ass wiggle up against my rock hard member. Her ass cheeks were like a vice squeezing down on my dick. I took out my cock and rubbed it back and forth against her thigh. She moved her ass farther into my groin. I licked my finger and rubbed her tight little asshole with it I tickled her little ass with the tip of my dick. She was shocked but didn’t try and stop me. I grabbed a bottle of KY from the drawer and lathered my cock. I slid it as she whimpered from the pain but eventually started pushing into it I pumped harder until I burst within her depths. We fell asleep with my cock retreating from her ass.
“You guys ready?” The mover said
“Yeah give us like 30 minutes.” I said wiping the gunk form my eyes.
“We will meet you at Denny’s.” He said
“Yeah be there in a few.” I said as a closed the door
------I jumped on the bed and woke up Sara. She smiled and got dressed. She was about to walk into the bathroom when I grabbed her arm and pulled her into my arms, and kissed her deeply. She was shocked at first but couldn’t contain the joy that was building within her heart.
“Before this goes any further we need to go.” I said
“Oh I see you are just teasing me.” She said
“No you just have to wait.” I said
“Fine be that way.” She said
“Hurry up get your stuff.” I said with some ummph
------She jumped up and gathered her things quickly as we walked to my car. I checked us out and drove down the street to Denny’s. We sat with the mover’s they already ordered us. We chit chatted for a while, but every few minutes Sara would put her hand on my leg and squeeze. We finished up our breakfast and got back onto the road. It took us about three hours to get to our apartment. It was a two bedroom one bath apartment; it has a cozy living room a dining room, a deck, and a nice walk in closet in the master bedroom. It is in between the campus and Fenway Park, even though they are only 15 minutes apart.
-------We all grabbed some boxes, and brought them to the elevator. We opened the door and were amazed it was everything we thought it would be. I never saw it but Dad went up three weeks ago and brought back a video of it and already put a security deposit and the first year into the apartment. He even had them setup the internet and cable for us. He had an entertainment center set up but sadly no TV. Sara grabbed the kitchen boxes and put all the kitchen stuff away as I went down to grab some more boxes. I setup my home theater, my Xbox, and my 3D Blu-ray player. So all I had to do was hook it up to the TV. Sara called for some pizza from a menu that was shoved under our door. We had all the boxes and all but my bed up. I had all my furniture set up and was working on Sara’s bed. They brought up the last pieces of my bed frame and set it up. The doorbell rang it was the pizza guy. I opened the door and was surprised to see a sexy red headed girl holding the food. She seemed exhausted as she didn’t even look up.
“That will be 59.78$.” She said
“And can you hurry up this is my last run.” She added
“Yeah come on in.” I said as I turned around (I could tell she didn’t see my face but god was she beautiful.)
“Where do you want it?” she asked
“The counter is fine.” I said
“Okay.” She said
“Here you are you can keep the change.” I said as I gave her 100 dollars in 20’s
“Thanks.” She said as she looked up at me and paused.
“You are welcome to join us if you want.” I said
“I can’t I have to get back to the shop.” She said
“Oh okay, maybe I’ll see you around.” I said
“Yeah maybe.” She said with a smile.
-------She walked out the door, and I waited a second.
“Oh crap I gave her an extra 20 be right back.” I said lying through my teeth
I ran out the door and said “Wait”
She held the elevator door open “What is it?” She questioned.
“Would you like to go get coffee sometime?” I said trying not to be a total cliché.
“Sure, how about an hour from now?” she said
“Great where?” I said
“I’ll call you.” She said
“Okay take my number.” I said as I passed her my phone.
“My names Megan by the way.” She said as she handed me my phone.
-------She smiled and put my number in her phone and closed the door. I collapsed in happiness. I finally got back on my feet and went back to my apartment. I sat the table, and put a piece of pizza on my plate. It was actually the best pizza I had ever eaten I was astonished. The movers left as we finished eating and Sara and I sat on the couch.
“We need to get a TV.” She said
“Yeah let’s go out tomorrow.” I said
“Yeah that would be fine.” She said
------It was about 6 o’clock and I jumped into the shower. I put on a nice collared shirt, and some dress pants, because I wanted to impress this girl. She called me as I started to tie my shoes. She told me to meet her at the 1369 coffee house on Massachusetts Avenue. She said bye and hung up. I knew exactly where it was and went out to the street and walked because it was literally a couple football fields away from my complex.
“So you made it.” She said
“Yeah I thought I would get here faster if I walked.” I said
“So what brings you to Cambridge?” She said
“Well I just moved here to go to school.” I said
“Harvard or MIT.” She Said
“Harvard.” I said
“What are you majoring in?” She asked
“I have no idea.” I said
“Do you do anything like row or baseball?” She said
“I play football.” I replied
“Oh.” She said kind of disappointed
“Where do you go?” I asked
“I go to Harvard. I work as a delivery girl for pocket money because my dad’s a teacher so I get to go for free.” She said
“Yeah I had a scholarship to go here but my dad turned it down so it could go to someone else.” I said
“So you are good at football?” She asked
“I can tell you I am better than anyone at Harvard.” I said
“You seem confident in that.” She said
“Yeah not many turn down the best football schools to come to Harvard.” I said
“Who else offered you a scholarship?” she asked
“You name them and I was probably offered one.” I said with a laugh
“lets change the subject.” I said
“Do you do anything after classes?” I asked
“I play tennis, and run track.” She said
“Is track coed?” I asked
“Yeah it is.” She said
“What you thinking about joining.” She added.
“Well maybe.” I said and she smiled.
-------We talked a little bit more then went for a walk which lasted for hours. I never connected with someone like I had with her. We liked the same bands she even loved comic books. She loved TV and most of my favorite shows. We eventually arrived at her condo. She said she lives with her parents which was a drag.
“Goodnight.” I said as she opened her door.
“Goodnight, I had an amazing time.” She smiled and gave me a little kiss.
“So did I.” I said as I turned back and started walking to the elevator.
-------I walked out onto the street and hailed a taxi. I arrived home and crashed onto my bed. I kept imagining Megan as I lie there. She was 5’10 about 110 pounds and brown eyes that complemented her red hair. She has an amazing body her breasts were the perfect high B cup and a tight little ass. I fell asleep, and had an amazing dream about her. I woke up the next morning, and drove Sara and myself to the campus, and signed up for our classes, I also signed up for football and track. But I talked to the track coach and told her that I can’t practice during the week because of football. She was cool with it but since our meets were usually Sunday. My main classes were mostly business classes and a few basic courses I needed to take. I started my classes next Monday and practice tomorrow. Sara and I drove to best buy, I could tell something was up with her.
“What’s wrong?” I asked
“Where were you last night.” She said
“I had a date.” I said
“With who we’ve only been her for a day?” She said
“The pizza girl.” I said
“Humph.” She pouted
“What?” I asked
“You were supposed to be with me last night.” She said
“Look im sorry, let me make it up to you.” I said as I leaned in and kissed her.
“You better.” She said as she got out of the car
------We walked into best buy. We headed straight towards the TV section. I picked out a nice 55 inch 3D TV. I grabbed a cart and walked down the Blu-ray isle and picked up pretty much one of each. My cart was filled. I even stopped in the video game isle and picked up some new titles. I meet up with Sara at the checkout lane. I piled up my movies and games. They brought the TV up to the counter and scanned it and scanned all my movies. It took us about 20 minutes to scan it all but the total was around 8,000 dollars. I pulled the car out front and they helped me put the TV in the back seat. We put the bags of Movies in the trunk and drove home. We pulled up to our building; Sara got out and got a handcart. I pulled out the TV and placed it on the cart. She grabbed two of the bags, and walked to the elevator. We walked up to our door and slid the TV to the living room. She went back down and got two bags. I set up the TV before she got up and had everything setup in less than 5 minutes. She then came up with the last two bags.
“You are done already?” she asked
“Yeah come sit by me, we will watch a movie.” I said
“What are we going to watch?” she asked
“Pick one.” I said pointing to the bags.
-------She fumbled through they bags and picked up a movie. She put it in the player. It was the Notebook. I didn’t mind I like watching romances. I reclined the seat on the couch and relaxed. She rested her head on my lap as she lay on the couch. About half way through the movie she sat up and cuddled next to me. I wrapped my arm around her. The movie was finishing up when she stood up and went to the bathroom. She came back and flopped onto the couch.
“You know that I love you right.” I said
“Yeah.” She said
“Good but that’s why I have to say this.” I said
“What?” she asked
“Well I don’t want to lead you on.” I said “But you know there is no future between us, we cannot get married have kids, and I want those things so we can stop this before it starts or we can do this and it doesn’t leave this apartment.” I added
-------She straddled me and began to kiss me. She ripped her shirt off and pulled off mine. I grabbed her luscious breasts and they felt so amazing. I undid her bra and threw it aside. She stood up and pulled down her pants as did I. My penis burst out of my underwear. I laid her onto the couch and got on top of her. I started kissing her and rubbing my penis along her slit. God she was already soaking wet. So I effortlessly slid myself deep into her. She rocked her hips into me as I thrust myself in perfect unison to her movements for about 10 minutes. Then she began to tense up as my Mount Vesuvius erupted into her grand canyon.
“That was amazing.” She said
“Yeah it was good.” I said
------I was about to get up when my phone rang.
“Hello.” I said as I picked up the phone
“Hi Dave.” Megan said
“I was wondering would you like to get some dinner.” She said
“Yeah ill pick you up at 8.” I said
“That would be great.” She said as the line went dead
“So you have another date with the pizza girl.” She said
“Yeah were going to dinner.” I said
“Did you fuck her yet?” She said
“No.” I said
“What is she a prude?” She said
“No she isn’t a slut; she’s a girl you could actually be with.” I said
-------I walked into my room and got some clothes, and went to the bathroom. I jumped into the shower and scrubbed myself down. I took about a half hour shower then got out and made a reservation at the smith and wollensky steak house down the street. I got dressed and went to the garage. I hopped into my car and drove over to her complex. I walked up to her door and knocked. A man opened the door.
“Oh you must be David.” Her father said
“Yes that is me, is Megan here.” I said
“I’ve heard about you.” He said
“I hope good things.” I said
“I heard you declined Harvard’s scholarship.” He said
“Oh she told you about that.” I said
“No I’ve know about it since you declined.” He said
“But it’s good to see you going to Harvard.” He added
“Now our football team might be watchable.” He added with a laugh.
“You can count on it.” I said
“Hi Dave.” Meagan said from behind her dad.
“Hey, are you ready.” I said
“Yeah just let me get my purse.” She said
“Treat her good.” Her dad said as he walked in.
“I will sir.” I said
“Let’s go.” Megan said as she closed the door.
“You know I was actually about to call you.” I said
“Then why didn’t you.” She said
“They always say wait a day.” I said
“Next time don’t.” She said with a smile.
“I won’t” I said
“So where are we going?” she said
“Where ever you want.” She said
“How about steak?” She said
“Great, you read my mind.” I said as we got into my car.
“Your car is nice.” She said
“It was a birthday present.” I said
------We talked for a while as I drove then we came up to the steakhouse. We entered the steakhouse.
“Reservation for 2.” I said
“Name?” The hostess said
“Kennedy” I said
“This way we have a fantastic table right next to the window.” She said
“Thank you.” I said
“Can I start you off with any wine?” She said
“Yes I will have a glass of the Turnbull Cabernet.” Megan said.
“And I will have a glass of the Private Reserve.” I said
“Very nice choices.” The hostess said
“I hope you don’t think this means you are getting in my pants.” She said
“No, No, that’s the next date.” I said with a laugh.
“He’s funny to.” She said
“Making a list I see.” I said
“More like a mental note.” She said with a smile.
“So what classes did you, sign up for.” I asked
“I plan on majoring in Law, so mostly just classes I would need to graduate.” She said
“Same here, but for business.” I said
-------The waiter poured our wine.
“Would you like any starters?” He said
“I will have a Shrimp cocktail.” I said
“I’ll have the same.” Megan said
“And can I get your Entrée’s”
“I will have a Dry-aged T-bone well done and some French fries.” I said
“And I will have Char Broiled Filet Mignon well done and macaroni and cheese.” She said
“Will that be the 10 or 14 ounce?” He replied
“10 will be fine.” She said
“Okay your cocktails will be right out.” He said as he walked away
“So what do you do for fun?” I said
“Mostly watch TV or go out to Fenway Park and catch a game.” She said
“So what do you watch on TV.” I said
“Basically anything, my favorite is Smallville.” She said
“Wow that’s my favorite show.” I said
------We talked for a while even as we ate our shrimp. I noticed as she talked the way she brushed her hair over her ear when she was nervous, and the way she licked her lips before she talked it was beautiful. I was falling for her, like a car off of a cliff, and like that we were finished with our dinner.
-------We walked out to my car. We drove to my apartment, and watched a movie. She looked into my eyes and kissed me ever so softly. Time froze as I reciprocated by moving my lips in harmonization to hers. We kissed for hours. The TV screen was stuck on the menu of “Say Anything” (great movie). She stood up and pulled me into my bedroom. She pushed me onto my bed, as she seductively took off her dress. She stood before me in only her underwear. I lifter off my shirt and pulled her on top of me. Kissing her she melded into my body as I did hers. We were one in the same.
-------I rolled her around so I was on top and I slowly kissed my way down to her breasts, lifting off her bra in the process. I teased her breast flicking it with my tongue. I took the luscious nipple in my mouth. I slid down the bed and took her panties off. She was quivering with excitement as I kissed her mound. I used my tongue to excite her delicate clit, as I slid my pants off. She tensed as I took her clit into my mouth I could feel her juices flow down my chin. I slowly made my way up her body. I stared passionately into her eyes.
“Are you sure you are ready.” I said
-------She gazed into my eyes and kissed me. I took my tumescent member and penetrated her. She let out a soft moan of pleasure. As we continued to make love slowly for over an hour, until I burst inside her I could feel gush after gush of her magnificent juices rush past my member. We fell asleep in each other’s embrace.
-------I woke up the next day with the smell of coffee in the air. I went to the bathroom and then got dressed. I saw Megan and Sara sitting at the table eating some doughnuts and drinking coffee.
“Hey sleepy head.” Megan said
“Hey” I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Do you want to come to my practice?” I said
“Yeah sure.” She said
“Would you like to join us Sara?” Megan said
“Okay.” Sara replied
“Oh and I have something planned for after.” I said
“Really.” Megan said
“Yeah you are going to love it.” I said
“But I don’t have anything to wear.” She said
“I got something you could wear.” I said
-------I walked to my bedroom and got a jersey and some of my old gym shorts, and a pair of my boxers. I walked into the living room and handed her the clothes. She smiled and walked into the bathroom. While she was dressing I got together my equipment for practice and as she came out Sara went in. Megan walked up and jumped into my arms. We kissed deeply. Sara walked out of the bathroom and was a little angry but brushed it off. Then we walked to my car. It didn’t take long for us to get to the facility. We had a meeting before practice we told them our positions and got some pads a helmet and practice uniforms.
-------We got setup and ran onto the field. I saw Megan and Sara sitting on the bleachers. They waved and I waved back. First thing we ran around the track, then stretching. We moved onto some drills. We separated into our positions. There were three other QB’s trying out for my position. We all setup with a WR and ran some basic plays. I made an immediate impression with the coaches. We practiced for another two hours. Then we huddled up. The coach talked about our futures with the team and how we are the future of Harvard. Then we ran to the locker room and I got a quick shower, and dressed. I ran out to the field and scaled the fence and sat by Megan.
“So how was it?” I said
“You were right you are really good.” Megan said
“Told you.” I said
“Don’t get cocky.” Sara said
“Why not, if you don’t get cocky you don’t win.” I said
“And I plan on winning it all.” I added
“Whatever.” She said
“So you ready for your surprise?” I said as I changed the subject
“Yeah.” Megan said with excitement.
“Then let’s get going it starts in about two hours.” I said
------We got up and got into my car. I drove back to my apartment and dropped off my bag and Sara as Megan waited in the car.
“What I can’t come?” Sara said
“No you can’t.” I said
“Why?” she asked
“I only got two tickets.” I said
“So take me instead.” She said
“NO, I would rather take Megan.” I said
“Why am I not good enough?” She said
“No your fine it’s just she’s better for me.” I said
“Whatever.” She said
“Hey you asked to move in with me, you knew that I would eventually find someone.” I said almost yelling “and if you can’t act like a big girl then call dad to get your own apartment.” I added as I slammed the door and walked to my car.
------As soon as I closed the car door I was happy again. Megan was like a beacon of happiness that made you want to smile all the time.
------ I drove us to Fenway Park for the afternoon game. I got us a couple hotdogs and soda and got to our seats my dad sent me some of his brother’s season tickets which were right behind home plate.
“Oh god these seats are amazing.” Megan said
“Yeah my uncle owns them.” I said
“This is so awesome.” She said
“I knew you would like it.” I replied
“I have never had such great seats before.” She said
“This is only the 3rd time I have been here.” I said
“I come here all the time with my family. But we are usually in the outfield.” She said
“It’s so easy to be myself with you.” I said after a few minutes of silence.
“I feel the same way.” She said
------We talked in between plays. The way I felt around Megan was better than I have felt around anyone. I know I am falling in love with this girl. I could tell she was staring at me but I loved knowing she liked staring at me. I looked over at her as the seventh inning stretch started. She quickly looked away.
“Hey.” I said all sexy like.
“I think we need to talk after the game.” She said
“Okay.” I said
-------I was shocked was she going to break up with me. I was so anxious for the game to just finish so we could get this over with. The rest of the game seemed like a lifetime. It was finally over and we walked to my car.
“I think we need to slow down.” She said as she closed her door.
“What why?” I replied
“Because I think I am falling for you.” She said
“You think I don’t feel the same way.” I said
“I don’t know I have never felt this way about anyone.” She said
“Look when I am with you I am truly happy, even just talking over coffee I was happier then I had ever been before that. Just knowing you has made my life better.” I said as I couldn’t even finish what I was about to say before she lunged at me and kissed me.
As she let up, “I was going to say I think I love you.” I blurted.
“Oh I love you to.” She said happily as she lunged at me again.
------We made out for a while, until I drove her home. I walked her to her apartment.
“I had a really great time.” She said
“So did I.” I said as I gave her a kiss.
“Let him in for some dinner.” Her father yelled from his living room.
Im sorry but theres alot of short and tall people in this world and being 6'5" my self it sucks living in an old home hit my head every time I'm thinking about something else. The only thing I saw wrong was like the other dude said too many details about food (not the one im talking about) but too many shes it does get lost once in a while and I had to go back to make sure I was thinking of the correct chick you were talking about. There was few grammer probs mainly off was of every time something small but easy to figure out. Thanks for the story
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