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Story should be read in order, starting with Foreward

I spent the long flight back to Costa Rica sitting alone and in silence, as did most of my fellow passengers who also appeared equally exhausted following the week of extravagant debauchery. For the return trip I was granted a window seat, and I repeatedly found myself gazing hypnotically out over the vast blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, lost in thought as images of Island Royale flashed before me. My mind kept drifting back to sweet little Alyssa, picturing the young girl first as she sat naked on the edge of her bed awaiting the opportunity to provide me pleasure, and then later of her timidly asking me after our coupling whether she had performed to my satisfaction. And I would think of Mica, the lovely pre-teen with the big brown eyes, who earlier in the week had so exquisitely fellated me in the infirmary following her examination. Alyssa would of course still be in the Graduate School at this moment, servicing in turn dozens upon dozens of men as she completed her training as a sex slave; Mica, I thought, was probably on her knees in the Compound right now, sucking off yet another privileged visitor to the island resort while dreaming of the day when she, too, would be old enough to be received into the Graduate School.

I had wanted to have a few final words with Greg, but he was not in the lobby when I reported to the front desk. I had also wanted to stroll through the Compound one last time before departing, but upon the surrender of my room card I had been immediately directed below to the boarding platform for the short ride back out to the airstrip, and of course our transport bus had emerged from the tunnel far from the hotel complex and away from the resort’s bustling outdoor sexual playground. In retrospect it was probably just as well that I had been denied that final look, for seeing the Compound once more could only have amplified to me that my stay at Island Royale had officially ended, the delightful attractions of the resort were no longer at my command, and that I was returning to a world in which females did not all serve exclusively as lovely and obedient sex toys. I had thoroughly enjoyed my Island Royale experience, to be sure, and had I toured the Compound yet again I would undoubtedly have found it even that much more difficult to have left the carnal paradise.

Alexis was not among the passengers. Perhaps, I thought, he had decided to remain on the island awhile longer after all. Or maybe he had elected to sit with the flight crew during the trip back to the mainland in order to avoid having to have that marathon gin rummy tournament with me he had earlier suggested. I smiled to myself: No, I thought, Alexis probably was on board but seated in the rear of the aircraft along with the sex slaves Island Royale had selected to be sold, enjoying the use of their bodies once more before ownership of the females would be transferred to his broker in Odessa.

Our return flight would take more than eight hours to complete, and we would arrive in Latin America under cover of darkness. Most of the passengers would disperse soon thereafter to return to their world of power and prestige; a few would wait until morning before continuing their journey homeward. I for one had absolutely no idea where I would be headed once the aircraft had touched down, but at that time I really did not care. My thoughts were only of Island Royale and of the dazzling array of delightful amusements secretly offered there to the fortunate few.

The monotonous drone of the jetliner’s engines, laboring to return us to “civilization,” did however allow me the opportunity to reflect upon my brief visit to the clandestine South Pacific resort.

Humans are of course social animals, and ever since our ancestors abandoned life as solitary hunters to form discrete colonies of their own kind, people have adopted rules of conduct consciously or unconsciously designed to maintain social stability and order. As these early colonies grew, a basic set of rules regarding “appropriate” human behavior became ever more important, and as societies themselves became more complex, these rules evolved into an intricate system of cultural tenets, codes, rituals – and taboos – to which each member of the group was expected to accept and to obey without question.

The seemingly universal condemnation of certain practices by our society may seem obvious, such as the clearly defined prohibitions against premeditated murder and cannibalism. But yet even these activities are not viewed as absolutely repugnant in all societies: More than one primitive tribe on the planet still considers eating the flesh of their vanquished battle enemy a sacred obligation, and while world society may no longer approve of the ritual public sacrifice of young virgin females – a common religious practice of the Mayans, the Aztecs, and many other ancient civilizations – even today, government officials still plot the assassination of “undesirables,” radical elements still justify the premeditated killing of innocent people as a “political statement,” and rural Indian and Pakistani culture still quietly condones the smothering of new-born daughters by fathers desiring only male offspring.

Social customs and mores are not static, however, but change with the times, and attitudes regarding socially acceptable sexual practices in particular having changed dramatically over the centuries. In the days of the Roman Empire public brothels openly advertised their available services along the busy thoroughfares of Rome, Pompeii and other cities, and it was widely considered to be the Master’s duty to routinely bed his young female slaves and concubines. Within traditional Muslim culture a host could not be considered truly gracious unless he provided to his guest the use of one of his female servants for the night – a custom, it is to be noted, still observed today among certain Saharan Bedouin tribes and in other Arab and African societies. And through the ages many of the world’s civilizations have both encouraged and expected their children – both girls and boys – as a standard social obligation to engage in sexual activity with adults. Indeed, until relatively recently even homosexual activity was considered to be entirely acceptable behavior, with the practice not coming to be viewed as an “abomination against nature” in Europe until well into the Middle Ages.

And social attitudes concerning the expression of appropriate sexual behavior continue to change: Open displays of homosexuality, for example, are at least no longer criminally sanctioned in the West – even if such activities are not again as yet entirely socially condoned – and although in general the World may currently publicly condemn the use of early adolescent females for sexual purposes, privately society chooses not to censure significantly the men who patronize the hundreds of thousands of young girls who serve as child prostitutes in their cities every day. Pointedly, society determines what is morally tolerated and what is not; society defines – and periodically redefines – appropriate behavior, and conversely, society defines what behavior is to be considered forbidden. And what one culture views as highly proper human conduct may be considered intolerable behavior within another.

Whatever the rules of social behavior may be, however, these rules are instructed, and the process of indoctrination begins in the child’s infancy, is expanded upon during the child’s formative preadolescent years, and is reinforced throughout the child’s adult life. It is universally understood within the community – albeit perhaps at times on an unconscious level – that each member must accept without question the basic tenets of that society and behave accordingly, for social chaos and political disorder will inevitably follow a significant challenge to those rules. And it further follows that, in order to preserve that stability, every civilization will punish swiftly and harshly any individual or group of individuals who chooses to ignore or reject those rules.

“Modern Western Civilization,” embracing a vague but firmly held belief in the vast personal freedom and virtually unlimited social mobility of both men and women, represents but one current social model. In fact, personal freedom in “Modern Western Civilization” is severely restricted and social mobility quite limited, but so long as their people adhere to a belief in these principles, social order can and will be maintained. If, or perhaps more accurately, when the validity of these basic assumptions is ever seriously called into question, the very fabric of “Modern Western Civilization” will itself unravel, with the inevitable chaos associated with social instability to follow.

Classic Roman society embraced few of the cultural precepts so cherished in “Modern Western Civilization.” This was a civilization that unquestionably accepted massive human slavery, physical brutality, and a strict code of social ranking. Nevertheless, the Roman Empire flourished as a thriving and productive social model for well over a thousand years, spreading successfully the philosophy of that model throughout Europe and into the Asian and African continents, before finally succumbing to the social rot that inevitably developed once fundamental principles of Roman society were challenged and ultimately discarded.

In similar fashion, the medieval Japanese and Chinese feudal systems, based heavily upon deferential religious ritual and a strong code of personal and familial honor, did quite well in maintaining stability and productivity throughout the Oriental world for a significant period of time, and were in turn only rejected as viable social models following the unsuccessful attempts by the ruling elite to repel the disruptive invasion of Western ideas and values into their culture. The consequential demise of those highly efficient feudal systems continues to influence Far Eastern societies even today.

Traditional Islamic civilization, successfully based for centuries upon a strict obedience to religious, patriarchal authority, is currently experiencing challenges as more and more of its peoples, indoctrinated as infants to accept the absolute wisdom of that culture, have begun to question the validity of the fundamental principles upon which their society had been founded as they come into ever-increasing contact with the conflicting customs and values espoused by other “alien” societies.

I am reminded of an intriguing series of “Sword and Sorcery” fantasy stories and novels by Prof. John Frederick Lange, Jr., writing under the pen name John Norman, set in the mythical world of Gor, where males rule with absolute authority and females exist solely as their domestic servants and sex slaves. Political and social power in Gorean society rest exclusively within the domain of men; the women of Gor accept and embrace their subservient position without question, and social order is successfully maintained. The world of Island Royale is much like Gorean society in that each of the females of the island resort has been carefully indoctrinated as a child in the Nursery never to question her existence as but an instrument to be used for the sexual amusement of men. And importantly, just as Dr. George vigilantly protects these sex slaves from exposure to sources of “outside” physical disease, Island Royale administration scrupulously insulates them from exposure to sources of “poisonous” information of a world beyond the resort. And again, social order is successfully maintained.

How long will Island Royale survive? Human carnal desire will of course continue to exist so long as humans exist, and slavery – actual or analogous, sexual or otherwise – has existed in one form or another in every recorded human civilization. As an on-going and profitable commercial enterprise, Island Royale will presumably continue in business unless or until some outside authority demands that this particular establishment be dismantled. But given that those who are in a position to compel termination of the resort’s operations are the very same men who so willingly – and repeatedly – pay significant sums of money in order to enjoy the unique sexual pleasures the resort has to offer, I suspect Greg and his partners will continue to enjoy extremely healthy profits for many more years. And I further suspect that even were some outside authority to demand that Island Royale be closed, another – perhaps an even more imaginatively created and operated business – would undoubtedly emerge to take its place within a very short period of time.

I am haunted by Dr. George’s offhand comment to me that he often wonders whether the females of Island Royale actually realize that they are human beings, so effortlessly do they seem to accept their station in life as but mere sexual playthings. We raise cattle to be slaughtered and eaten, after all, but throughout their lives the cattle remain blithely oblivious to the purpose of their existence. The girls and women of Island Royale possess no understanding of life other than as delightful mindless pets – toys of amusement men keep on hand for the purpose of providing sexual entertainment – and they possess no source from which they may acquire any information about life beyond the island resort.

It may indeed be correct that people would still believe the Earth was flat if they had never been told otherwise. The sex slaves of Island Royale have never been told the world is round, and resort Management remains determined to keep this knowledge from them.

Whether they will ever learn remains to be seen.

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2014-01-05 22:37:14
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