when i got home i told my mom the good news however my mom freaked out and said "you are not getting married yet" i looked at her and said "your right im not getting married yet. but thanks for your support" i walked off to my room and slammed my door behind me i laid on my bed looking at my ring my mom came into my room and i said "your getting use to just coming into my room" she sat next me on my bed and said "listen love im sorry i was just a little suprised have you told your dad?" "aaa see the thing is" my mom interupted and said "he is going to freak out"
when my dad got home i asked him to come sit down so he did i pured my dad a drink and said "im engaged" i closed my eyes tight waiting for my dad to scream out at me "your what" "its one thing for you to be a fag but my son will not be getting married......without a engagment party" my mom walked in and said we are joking love we are happy for you " later on that night about 9pm i rang brit on my cell and said "hey want to hang out " brit said "yeah sure babes come pick me up" i went to pick brit up and we just drove round brit asked me if i wanted a cig i said sure can you light one for me, brit light a ciggarette for me and i took one hand off the wheel but kept my eyes on he road "leon you have a ring on your finger" i played thick and said i have 4 rings on she said "your engaged" i said "o yeah that hapened earlier" pretending that i didnt really care (but inside i was full of happyness) me and brit decided to go bowling when we got to the bowling store i rang harvey on my cell and asked if he wanted to come bowling and too see if dean wanted to come about a hour later dean and harvey arrived and we was bowling for a few hours when i kissed harvey the store manager came over and said we dont want that here i looked at the employee and said "you dont want what here" "to fags kising" "who the fuck are you to say i cant kiss my boyfriend" harvey interupted "fiance" the employee pointed to a sign that read the manager has the right to refuse custom i looked at harvey and he looked at me i said "fine fuck it can i have my money back?" the manager that i thought was just a employee said "i wont be giving you your money back" i walked past the gguy and said "asshole" when i was in line with him
outside i went to my car and opened it harvey came up behind me and hugged me he said "hey babe calm down its okay" i said "no it isnt okay i should be allowed to kiss you where ever i want" "babe it just dont work like that this is america" "harvey dont give me that crap i know where in the world we are" harvey rehugged me and said "shh babe i know your angry" i started crying with anger harvey said "hey shh babe" harvey kissed me on my lips and said "dont let this day turn bad babe. i love you" "i love you too babe" without noticing brit and dean was behind us brit said "hey baby boy dont let the jackass upset you" i got my car and told everyone to follow me home in harveys car
when we got home i asked my mom if that manager could do that she said "was there a sign?" "yes there was" she said "im sorry son the law allows it" we all went into my living room and just sat and watch a movie that was on t.v at the end of the night everyone went home but i asked harvey to stay a little longer i gave brit $30 for a cab home me and harvey sat in the living room i laid down and harvey did the same we had are arms around each other and just looked into each others eyes i kept thinking how much things have changed 10 weeks ago i thought harvey was such a jerk and now here i am engaged to him looking deep into the gorgous brown eyes
(Harvey) I watch Leon fall asleep in my arms. I tried to get up but everytime i did Leon sturred so i decided i would stay the night. I spent a few hours just looking at my boy fast asleep. I must have feel asleep to because the next thing i knew Leon had waken me up and handed me a drink of pure orange. Iooked at Leon and said "will i get this all the time when we are married?" Leon smiled at me and said "yeah you wish" we smiled at each other. I took the drink and drank it i went to kiss Leon but he said "babe can you brush your teeth first". I got up and left the living room as i was walking up the stair Leon shouted "there is a down stairs bathroom babe" i walked down the stairs again and Leon walked upto me he pointed a door out to me and kissed me on my side. I returned to the entrance hall and Leon sort of jumped me he jumped into my arms so i was holding his legs in him arms and he was kissing my lips. Leon jumped down and said "babe i love you so much dont ever hurt me" "Leon i'm not going to hurt you babe why do you think i will" i said calmly. Leon looked down and said "because evey boy has" i took Leon's face in my hand and said "babe i will never hurt you (repeating the word) never" me and Leon hugged in the entrance hall then decided we should go out some where