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Dan meets Ginger
Dan meets Ginger
Dan hated to travel alone and even more he hated to go on vacation alone, but here he was winging his way to sunny Mexico on a seven days, all expenses paid holiday… alone. They told him that he could just take anyone he wanted at no extra cost but there was no one, male or female that that was available so here he was 52 years old and going on a vacation all by himself.
Maybe, he thought, there will be a lonely woman on vacation by herself and they would meet and spend their time together. Well, at least there would be lots of sunshine, surf and time to just decompress but what did he have to decompress from? He was a retired widower there was not much stress in that. Maybe he could try his hand at marlin fishing?
His daydream ended as the plane landed; he grabbed his carryon bag and caught the shuttle bus to a hotel that was quite nice. It was in a group of hotels that were only a half block from the water, the room was comfortable with a lanai that looked over the pool and it had a king sized bed.
Dan changed into his new swim trunks, sandals, and a flowered shirt before he made for the pool. Once there he got a tall, cool drink, found a lounge chair that had some shade and set up camp. Looking around he quickly ascertained that there were no damsels in distress there only a few overweight couples watching their kids splash in the water; nursing his drink he snoozed in the hot afternoon sun.
After a light dinner he changed clothes and decided to check out the night life; he left his hotel on foot determined to at least get some exercise. From all he read he knew that he would be safe if he stayed near the water and on well lit streets so he turned north on a broad boulevard that seemed to have a lot of traffic.
There were lots of cantinas and many had loud music booming from their doors. He stopped in to check out a couple but nothing grabbed him so on he walked, enjoying the soft evening air. He was almost at the point where he would turn around when the strains of Spanish Flamingo caught his ear; the music was coming from the open door of a small place; Dan just had to investigate.
Once inside he saw the guitarist seated on a small stage with a dancer whirling around him; her castanets and flashing heals added a bright staccato to the music. Dan found a seat, ordered a drink and stayed for the whole performance.
It was early in the morning when Dan and the rest of the crowd made their way out onto the street, everyone was happy and upbeat; Dan turned and started for home.
He had gone less than a block when the screech of tires, an explosion of curses, and the slamming of a car door made him stop and stare. The cursing was coming from a diminutive young lady and was directed at the occupants of the car who added some of their own choice words before the car bolted up the street.
The girl was maybe 5’ 4”, had a very shapely body, and long flowing auburn hair. She wore a tight, short dress that showed all her curves and small shoes that had three inch heels. She stomped over to the curb near Dan and stopped to get her bearings.
Dan thanked the powers that be for dropping this damsel into his lap; he asked her if he could help only to receive a cold stare from her emerald green eyes. After offering a second time she had calmed down enough to accept his assistance and ask if he knew where her hotel might be, Dan assured her that it must be near his and he offered his arm if she wished to accompany him in that direction.
She walked on her own for a short distance but soon took Dan’s arm as they began to chat. Her name was Ginger, she was on vacation with a couple of friends who, it turned out, met a couple of guys and left her at the bar to make her own way home. She caught a ride with the gringos in the car but she had to make them let her out when it was plain that they wanted her to be their whore in return for the ride.
Ginger’s feet began to bother her after a couple blocks so Dan suggested that she remove her shoes; she wouldn’t hear of it, besides the pavement would chew up her hose. Dan knew just the thing for tired feet and he led Ginger down a short lane to the sea shore.
There in the moonlight they stopped at a point where the lane passed thru the seawall and the sand started. The moon was three quarters full and was dipping toward the sea, there was a slight breeze that animated Gingers hair and the moonlight made her eyes sparkle.
Dan picked Ginger up by her waist depositing her on the top of the concrete bulkhead; he then proceeded to remove her shoes and started massaging her feet. She protested only until his thumbs dug gently into the bottoms of her feet and then she sighed in relief and leaned back shaking her head slightly to let the breeze blow thru her hair.
They stayed there in the moonlight until Dan mentioned that they should walk on down the beach to their hotels. He helped Ginger down and suggested that she take her hose off so that the sand didn’t ruin them; he was just starting to turn around when she just hiked up her skirt and rolled the stockings down her shapely legs.
In the moonlight he could not make out what type of panties she wore but in his mind he saw a little black thong before she smoothed her dress back down into place. She immediately dashed past Dan and headed for the water; Dan picked up her things following as quickly as he could.
Ginger ran splashing into the surf stopping to turn around as the water came just above her knees; Dan hesitated at the water’s edge then plunged ahead soaking his new deck shoes. She splashed him as he charged at her and laughed when he took her by her waist and spun her around soaking the both of them.
As he set her back into the water she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. Dan wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back enjoying her enthusiasm as she entangled her tongue with his.
They finally continued their walk down the beach slowly, chatting, hugged and kissing frequently until at last Dan recognized his hotel and they ascended the beach to find that their hotels were right next to one another. With one last hug and kiss Dan released her after getting her room number and leaving her with his. He knew that he wanted to see her again.
Dan woke up late the next morning with his cock hard and a need to pee. He got up and went to the bathroom and both problems were gone; after a shower and shave he called Ginger’s room, receiving no answer her made his way down to the coffee shop for something to eat then over to the other hotel to find her.
It was at the pool that he spotted her, she was with her two friends and apparently the two guys the girls picked up the night before were there too. The guys were spreading suntan lotion on the two blonds ignoring Ginger who seemed to be the fifth wheel in the group.
Dan knew just what to do; hurrying to the poolside bar he ordered six margaritas and for a small remittance he obtained the use of a large sombrero, a tray and a bar towel. Pulling the sombrero well down over his eyes he made his way over to the group of young people and using his very best Spanish accent he said “complements of the house” as he set the tray on a table near the group.
Everyone grabbed for the free drinks without a thought for how they got there they went right on with their conversation…except Ginger who looked up at the waiter and offered a soft “gracious senior”.
She had to cock her head to see Dan’s eyes under his hat but as soon as she saw his baby blues she jumped up and threw her arms around him knocking both of them into the pool. Dan came up coughing and flailing his arms trying to stay afloat as Ginger kept her death grip on him dragging both of them down once again.
It was only when they were in danger of going down for a third time that she released him allowing both of them to reach safety at the side of the pool. With the help of many hands the two drowned rats were hauled out of the water and offered towels to dry themselves; Ginger introduced Dan to the group explaining how they met but leaving out all the good parts.
The guys were not at all pleased that there was now an older man in their group so they ignored him the best they could by concentrating on the two blond girls. Alice and Bee looked like two bimbos to Dan all big boobs, fake tans and giggles; he preferred Ginger who, in the daylight looked like a fresh faced farm girl from the Midwest.
Her face was open and her eyes sparkled in the sunlight; her attitude was happy and welcoming, a real treat for Dan. The two young guys were trying to convince the girls to head for a clothing optional beach they knew of; Alice and Bee giggled but offered no real objection to the idea.
Ginger was far more reluctant because of her lack of a protective tan and a companion. The guys said that they would find someone for her if she wanted to go. Dan jumped in and offered to take Ginger shopping if the others wanted to go to the beach. Everyone agreed that that would be best, everyone except Ginger of course.
Having everything decided the four young people disappeared to gather the supplies for their day leaving Dan and Ginger alone by the pool.
Dan scooted his chair over next to Ginger, draped his arm around her shoulder, leaned in and whispered “I thought that they would never leave”.
He then ask her what she really wanted to do and only received a shrug and a shake of her head before she explained that this trip was at the last minute for her because Alice and Bee had only asked her along after another friend backed out just the day before the plane took off. She didn’t know anything about where she was or what there was to do for fun.
Dan then made her an offer; they could stay by the pool and just chill out enjoying the sun or she could let him make all the arrangements for a fun filled day on or near the water. Ginger took a deep breath and accepted the second choice. Dan told her to go gather her things and be prepared for a full day of fun, meeting him back here in forty-five minutes; Ginger took off like a flash for her room and Dan just as quickly departed for his hotel and its reservations desk.
When they met Ginger had changed out of her wet things and had added a large shoulder bag and straw hat to her attire. Dan offered his arm and they were off; a waiting taxi took them down to the water’s edge where a large boat was boarding passengers. The boat was nearly full of passengers and gear…scuba gear.
They found their seats under a large canopy and enjoyed the ride as they were whisked out of the harbor and up the coast. Once anchored just off shore the crew began their lecture on diving safety. The equipment was demonstrated and they began to outfit all the passengers with tanks, weights and fins.
To put on the gear Ginger had to remove her shorts and shirt revealing that she wore a bikini. It was small but adequately covered all the necessary parts. It was made of some sort of shimmering silver material and all the straps connecting the triangles were substantial as if the suit was made to be used in the water. The bottom was not a thong but the design did expose much of her firm buttocks.
Once everyone was geared up they were led into the warm waters and given more instructions before they were finally turned loose. Ginger’s face showed some concern but also her conviction that she was going to do this; Dan tried to exude confidence as they submerged for the first time.
Ginger took to the water quickly and swam confidently beside Dan as they explored the new realm. The reef was only a few feet below the boat, the water was crystal clear and teaming with life; Ginger was soon darting about like one of the fish pointing at this or that and pulling on Dan’s arm to show him another colorful fish or coral head.
Dan finally managed to get her to stand still with him on a small patch of coral sand while the watery world swirled around them. He turned to face her and held her by her waist while he looked up and down her graceful form; he then held her chin with both hands trying to memorize her beauty; the shimmering light making her more beautiful than ever.
Ginger seemed to laugh as she broke for the surface and swam for the boat like a silver fish flashing thru the water.
The crew helped them remove the tanks and weights, finding their towels they helped each other dry off for the trip back. Once underway there were treats for all, fresh fruit and cold water helped everyone refresh themselves and once back on the dock Dan kissed Ginger enjoying her mango flavored lips.
They cuddled together on the trip back to their hotels until they had to get out of the cab and make their way into Ginger’s lobby out of the bright sunshine. Dan informed Ginger that the next part of their day would be a dinner and then dancing, she had until 7 PM to prepare then they would meet back here in the lobby.
Ginger made her way back up to her room and finding it empty she took her time getting out of her clothes making sure to hang up her wet swimsuit and putting away all the stuff from her bag before she grabbed a fresh towel and started her shower.
Under the cascade of hot water she began scrubbing away the salt and sweat of the day; her breasts tingled and down lower she had a warm tightness that had her slightly on edge. Her mind drifted back thru the day’s events and she found herself smiling every time she thought of Dan; the look of surprise when she knocked him in the pool, the feel of his touch as they stood together on the reef, the taste of his lips and the feel of the tip of his tongue as he kissed her back on the dock.
She found she was caressing her breasts making her nipples hard as she dreamed of the possibilities. What would it be like to have a man such as Dan make love to her? Would he like her tits? Were they big enough for him? What would he do to her pussy? What if he was too big for her?
She had seen the bulge in his pants and felt his thing as it got hard when they kissed but that was with all his clothes on; what was it really like? He was so mature and sophisticated; would he want her to do bazaar things like putting his thing up her ass? A finger strayed down to her pussy where it encountered the liquids that were leaking from within as well as the water flowing over her.
Her musings were interrupted when her two roommates entered the room loudly demanding that she end her shower because they had to get ready to go out and they were in a hurry. When she left the bathroom wrapped in a towel to join Alice and Bee they were scurrying about completely naked, and covered with oil.
Alice began telling the tail of their afternoon with Bee interjecting a juicy tidbit every now and then. It seems that even before they arrived at the beach the guys had played with the girls’ tits and the girls in turn had started giving them hand jobs; on the beach the guys had started to rub oil all over the girls and had brought the both of them to organism very quickly.
They played all sorts of games that involved touching or drinking until the girls had to drag the guys out into the surf trying to cool them off but that didn’t work very well as they soon found themselves wrapped around the guys being fucked as they bounced in the surf. The day soon slowed down and they spent several hours under the shade of a large parasol, the guys playing with every inch of their bodies.
Alice and Bee went on to start their showers as Ginger did her hair up and applied her makeup; once out of the shower the two chose their clothing for the evening, tube tops, miniskirts with g-strings and flat sandals for dancing. They told Ginger that they wanted stuff that was easy off and cheep to replace when it was lost or damaged.
Their hair was left down and they were ready to go. Ginger put on a black bra and panty set under her short black dress, she also wore her heals and big dangling earrings; the three girls could not have been dressed more differently, the two blonds looked like hookers on the prowl and Ginger was elegantly prepared for an evening out.
The two girls got their call and they rushed out of the room telling Ginger to not wait up for them as they would be very late; leaving Ginger alone looking in the mirror and smiling to herself as she made final adjustments to her hair and makeup.
Dan was in the lobby of Ginger’s hotel waiting when she arrived, he couldn’t suppress the smile that spread across his face as she approached because she seemed lovelier than ever; he felt like Carry Grant in one of those old movies with Mae West and he would not have been surprised if she called him her “Big Boy”. He offered his arm to his “Little Chickadee” and they were off.
The cab dropped them off at a small restaurant where they were shown to their table by a short stuffy man in a tux and slicked back black hair; pulling out the table he allowing them to set close together in the small booth and waited for them to order the wine. Dan tried to order in Spanish and the waiter snickered; Ginger corrected the order in perfect Spanish and the waiter smiled, bowed and departed.
The small room was crowded with many such tables about half of which were occupied; there was even a violinist wandering about the room playing softly. The wine arrived and Dan ordered, in English, the dinner for the both of them; during the meal they shared their thoughts about the day, Dan taking every opportunity to lean in close to Ginger’s ear and nibble. Ginger liked to make her point by resting her hand on top of Dan’s and squeezing it gently.
Afterward they sat together their hips and thighs touching one another, a small glass of wine in their hand; Ginger finally dropped her left hand on Dan’s knee lightly scratching her way up his leg until she was on top of his hard cock. Once there she grabbed hold of his manhood and fondled him from root to the tip, she even dipped her hand down between his legs to cradle his balls; for Dan’s part he just spread his legs and let her have her way while he worried that the waiter would return to soon and embarrass him with his all knowing smile.
Once Ginger had taken the measure of her man they left and got another cab that drove them to the Cantina where Dan had spent the previous night.
When Dan was paying the cab fare he suggested that they might need a ride home at the end of the evening giving the cabby an extra large tip and a wink; turning from the cab he took Ginger’s arm and led her into the noisy Cantina.
They were immediately overwhelmed by the band’s mariachi music which was loud and happy; finding an empty table in the center of the crowd they ordered their drinks and settled in to enjoy the evening. There was a small dance floor off to the side where Dan and Ginger joined a few others to put their bodies in motion to the music.
Dan managed to hold his own during most of the songs but Ginger was poetry in motion; she moved with the music and it seemed that she became the music; soon becoming the center of everyone’s attention.
As the music allowed Dan held her or touched her as much as he could but it was trying to hold lightning in a bottle. When they returned to their table she would snuggle up close and allow him to fondle her lightly as she rested her head on his shoulder or chest.
Dan thought that the evening was going well, he was happy and Ginger seemed to really be enjoying herself, but it was just a little after midnight that she asked him if they could leave because she wanted to get some fresh air.
Dan led the way and soon they were walking down the street with his arm around her shoulders and hers around his waist. He ask her if there was anything wrong, she giggled and said no, she just wanted to be more alone with him in the moonlight, with that they turned down their lane that led to the sea.
Once they reached the seawall they turned to one another and began kissing; Ginger seemed to melt into Dan’s arms as their tongues dueled. He caressed her shoulders, back and butt as she pressed her firm breasts into him. Finally breaking the kiss she asked to be set back on the bulkhead and once there she asked Dan to remove her shoes and rubbed her feet like he had the night before.
Ginger purred and wiggled her toes in response to his manipulations then she asked quietly if he would remove her nylons. Without hesitation he slid both hands up her right leg and easily found the top of the shear material which he began to roll down her leg enjoying the warmth and softness of her skin as it was exposed to his touch.
Placing the roll with her shoes he turned his attention to her other side, sliding his hand up her leg until his fingers again found the top of the material; he felt the heat coming from her center, he ignored it for the time being and began the process of removing the stocking and caressing her leg which they both enjoyed.
Depositing the second roll with the first he stood back to admire her; the breeze moved the loose wisps of hair away from her face and the moon added sparkle to her eyes as she gazed out over the water.
Looking down at Dan as he moved closer she whispered “lick me”.
Dan wasn’t sure he heard her correctly so he hesitated which she took as a no.
“Please lick me” she pleaded.
Dan moved quickly placing his hands at her knees spreading them as his face plunged toward her center; Ginger scooted her ass forward, her panty covered pussy meeting the tip of his tongue and she sighed. Dan found her cunt to be hot to his touch and the little patch of material already damp with her secretions; he pushed the flat of his tongue up and down as she began to purr and wiggle her ass in response.
They both realized at the same time that her panties were in the way; they worked quickly to remedy the situation, her panties were soon hanging from one ankle. Dan’s tongue went right back to work; parting her lips it found her hot hole and searched for her clit.
A sharp “OH” from Ginger told Dan that he’d found it and he pressed on sucking at the little hard bead and licking up and down her pussy from her puckered anus to just beyond her clit. Ginger abandoned her reclined position to sit up grabbing Dan’s head pulling him harder onto her pussy; grinding her hips against him she came with a sweet groan and shutter.
Dan unexpectedly found himself pushed back where he had to catch Ginger as she jumped down from her perch, grabbing her things and his hand she dragged him up away from the beach back to the street. Their cab having arrived moments earlier was ready for them, Ginger got in first, sat down and as Dan gave his directions to the driver she attacked his pants yanking down the zipper and fishing out his dick before he could sit down.
She found that he was well on his way to being fully hard even before Dan slouched down on the seat trying to give himself more room and comfort as she devoured his hard cock. The cabby pulled forward but his eyes were focused on Ginger as she repositioned herself on her knees to better suck at Dan’s thick, hard dick.
Dan was now able to reach across her backside and managed to pull up the hem of her dress allowing him to caress her ass while she gave him a violent blow job; he groaned as she applied suction to just the head of his cock, he tried to thrust more of himself into her talented mouth but Ginger maintained her control keeping him on the verge of cumming without letting him go too far.
By the end of the ride Dan and the cab driver were in some distress so after Dan threw some money at the man he and Ginger headed into his hotel while the cabby zoomed off to find his own relief.
Ginger and Dan walked quickly across the quiet lobby and waited for the elevator stifling giggles and glancing about to see if anyone had noticed that Dan’s pants were tented out by his hard dick that had just been jammed back into his pants.
In the elevator Ginger grew quiet stepping back to stand by herself until the doors opened. She took Dan’s hand to walk to his room but once he opened the door she walked ahead and took a seat in one of the chairs across the room.
Dan’s happy mood was broken and he asked “Ginger… is there anything wrong?”
She just shook her head and softly replied “I’ve never done this before.”
In surprise he asked “are you a virgin?”
She smiled and answered “no, silly… but this is the first time I’ve gone with a man to his room… to stay the night”.
Dan got a serious look on his face and asked “do you want to go back to your place?”
Ginger answered “no”.
Do you want to go in and take a shower?
Do you want to just stay up and talk?
Dan’s smile returned as he crossed the room; first holding out his hand to help her stand he then opened the curtains, turned down the room lights and asked Ginger to look at the window. Standing right behind her he asked her to look not outside but at her image in the glass. He told her he wanted her to see herself as he saw her; he then told her what he saw in the mirror.
He said that he saw a beautiful woman full of confidence and energy; further, he recognized that she was her own person, one of a kind. He put his hands on her arms just below her shoulders and asked her to look into her own eyes.
“Look deep” he said.
He told her that he saw a need in those emerald green eyes; not just a physical need but a need to be more than just alone, a need to be with someone who is special. He told her that she had the makings of a Queen; she should stand and hold her head high as if she were surveying her realm.
He felt her shift her posture to become more erect and to hold her head as a Queen would before a royal court. He unzipped her dress; she let it fall into a black puddle at her feet.
Bringing his lips near to her ear he whispered “yes, your majesty”.
He released the clasps at the back of her bra and pushed it off with his fingers as they circled her body to cup her firm breasts. She leaned back against his chest and arched her back and began to purr as he manipulated her flesh with his hands.
Backing off a little he turned her around then went on one knee as a knight would before his Queen, taking her hand he kissed her ring finger and bowed in supplication. After a few seconds he raised his eyes to engage hers then leaned forward and kissed her mound just above her clitoris.
Standing he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bed where he deposited her gently before he moved off to dim the lights further, close the curtains and disrobe. He got on the bed from the other side and slid to the center before he reached for her pulling her on top of him; she kissed him and they began to caress, fondle, and discover one another as lovers.
Dan marveled at her tits, they were so firm and her areolas were large and dark, the nipples poked up like little castles on perfect mountains. Her ass was small and firm, her legs long and lean. She brought one leg up rubbing her pussy against Dan’s thigh; it was hot and left a small trail of moisture as it slid up and down.
Dan began to kiss his way down her body beginning at her jaw line, then her ears and neck; he kissed down to her nipples while his fingers traced the outlines of her pussy. He then spent time holding her breasts in his hands kissing and sucking her nipples alternating from right to left before he pushed them together trying to make one large mound to get both nipples in his mouth at one time.
He soon found himself between her legs, the cheeks of her ass in his hands, his mouth breathing hot air on her pussy; Ginger spread her legs apart and raised her knees offering herself completely to her lover.
He began to lick her again starting with light touches of the tip of his tongue then attaching his mouth to her cunt he drilled her hole with his tongue and swirled it around her clit as she began to thrust her hips at his face.
Dan could have spent the whole night pleasuring her pussy but he brought himself up to kiss her face letting her taste herself as he positioned the tip of his cock between the lips of her pussy; teasing her for a while by rubbing himself up and down her wet slit. Holding his hard cock in his hand to control himself he let her move her hips against his hardness.
She finally locked her ankles behind his back and froze with her hips tilted up as he released his cock and began a slow, steady dive into her depths. He went in as far a possible then withdrew allowing them to adjust their position before he dove in again this time much deeper; there he stopped for what seemed like forever until he began a small motion swirling his cock around in her slick hole.
She responded with just a slight thrust of her hips, just enough to be felt as he moved. They continued their dance for a long while slowly building their movements until Dan broke his rhythm to pull almost all the way out he began to fuck Ginger with full, powerful strokes; Ginger grunting with each stroke she returned thrust for thrust.
Dan softened his attack and withdrew his still hard cock as Ginger moaned her disappointment until he rolled her over, brought her to her knees and reentered her; grabbing her hips he returned to fucking her using a rolling motion to his hips that slid him into her touching her g-spot each time. Her tits swung freely beneath her while she alternated between looking down between her breasts to see him thrust and looking up as she growled her approval.
Dan bent forward leaning on her back, freeing his hands to grasp her tits and pull at her nipples; that did it! Ginger let out a howl as her orgasm pulsed thru her body, Dan thrust one last time splashing his cum into her waiting hole.
Dan could have called it a night and fallen asleep with Ginger in his arms but she would have none of that; now fully turned on and after a short quiet time her hands began wandering over his body. She played with the hair on his chest and felt the stubble on his chin as they kissed and nibbled one another; her hand soon discovered Dan’s cock nestled as it was against her pussy her leg thrown over his hips.
It was not soft but not hard either so she began to fondle it and his balls in an attempt to revive him. Her attention was not in vain as Dan’s cock responded to her manipulation, he groaned as she moved him against her mound. He was encouraged to roll onto his back and Ginger mounted him moving her hips so as to grind his cock against her clit with delicious results.
Dan first held her upright by cupping her tits; then he moved his hands to her ass letting her bend forward so that her nipples lightly caressed his chest as she moved. Dan was not young enough to be ready so soon to empty his balls but he also was not so old as to not respond to this lovely woman’s lusty moves so his dick was staying nice and hard as Ginger gave them both great pleasure.
Ginger’s movements became erratic as she let another orgasm consume her, then she steadied herself to renewed her quest. Dan took advantage of her shifting movements and rolled her onto the bed, turning himself 180 degrees placed him on top of her in a sixty-nine position where he dove into her cunt as she sucked on his dick. He reveled in the taste of his turned on companion; her juices mixed with his cream made a heady cocktail.
Ginger started out sucking him steadily but Dan soon realized that she could not concentrate on him because she kept having little orgasms or he would surprise her with a touch or a pinch that would cause her to lift her face away from her task to moan or scream while he worked away at her cunt using all the skills he had acquired over the years.
Dan sensed that she was building toward another big O; wanting it to be as earth shaking as it could be he turned himself around again and thrust his dick quickly back into her overheated cunt as he covered her body with his own.
Burying his face in the mass of hair at her neck he grabbed her shoulders and began to fuck her with all his might; she may have started this round but, by God, he was going to finish it. Gingers cries of passion were now wringing in his ear and her fingers clawed at his back as they built to a frenzied finish; her orgasm crashed down on them like a tidal wave which triggered Dan’s own release and the two fell silent clutching hard at one another, gasping for breath.
The remainder of the night was more like a dream; each of them had to get up and go to the bathroom so they sort of ended up under some covers snuggled together drifting in and out of sleep until the sun leaking past the curtains announced the arrival of morning.
Dan’s first real moment of clarity came when he managed to open his eyes to see Ginger’s face as she slept in his arms. He smiled as he studied her soft features, the reddish glow of her hair around her face, her perfect turned up nose, the clear skin on her cheek and the soft pink of her lips that were curled up into a little smile.
She was nearly awake he knew because she began to move making little adjustments against his rough body with its graying hair and wrinkles. His one arm was trapped under her but with the other he caressed her shoulder, her side and hip thru the sheets that were covering them both. He combed his fingers thru her hair as her eyelids fluttered open and her eyes focused on his.
“Good morning lover.” He offered.
She smiled her reply.
They showered together and gently played with each others bodies; they spoke not a word about last night but of what the new day would bring and it was decided that she should move all her things over so that the rest of the week would be much simpler without all the complications of her roommates and their friends. Ginger dressed as best she could using what they found of her clothes.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-06-10 00:25:49
Excellent story. The passion and intimacy of it was great. Good enough to be left as is, but adding more to the story would only make it better.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-06-08 22:46:47
What an amazing story, would love to see a part 2 and some character development. 10/10

Happy RabbitReport 

2011-06-08 17:40:37
That was one Great Erotic Story, It is in my Favs 10/10.

Lets see several parts and of course a happy ending. You are fine writer with great humor.

Perhaps a little more background on each as things go on. Return it to the US at some point and keep it going. At 53 and fairly heathly he can still do it 1 or 2 times per day and if she needs more then that he can take care of her and not Cum himself. At 65 i do that often, Wife gets very happy, and I am happy making her happy. At some leval Sex happens Daily.

Older man and Younger Women can work out nicely. No it is not for the Womans forever but its fine while it lasts and who is to say she won't go shopping and the Wal Mart Roof won't fall in.

Now i don't mean 80/20 unless both just want to. I mean like 15,20, 25 yers older. Wemon also but Women are wired different and the Society although it disapproves of both, always feels that a younger male is taking advantage of an older women. Or there is somthing wrong with him.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-06-08 16:12:03
A good one - now part 2.


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