She had been excited all day. Work had been horrific but she knew the evening would be better. He would make it better. She longed to feel Him...for Him to touch her, make her body tremble in delight. She wanted everything to be perfect for Him. She had already disappointed Him by being late. She had been held up at work. She rushed to get there and made sure she grabbed heels He would like on the way. She was supposed to have done this at lunch, but she never got a lunch break that day.
The thought of Him made her pussy moist. She had shaved the night before at His command. Having never done this before, the sensation of her panties on bare skin was driving her wild. That compounded with the thoughts of events to come made it difficult to keep from touching herself. She remembered her vibrator in the glove box but thought it best to not cum before arriving to see Him. Being late would be bad enough.
She arrived at the hotel and made her nervous way through the lobby. It seemed as if everyone was looking at her, like they knew she was a dirty slut about to be used. She entered the elevator and felt some relief as the doors closed and she was briefly alone. Her heart was racing. She had not seen Him for so long and was aching for Him at this point. The excitement and nervousness were almost too much to bear.She nervously knocked on the door.
When He answered she wanted to melt right there. She requested a few moments to get ready and He granted her that. She quickly showered and prepared herself for His use. She knew she was here for one be His dirty little slut was all that she desired. She wanted to please Him. The heels felt awkward as she stepped out of the bathroom. Apparently she would need more practice in these things. She got on the bed and started to suck his cock.
He was as delicious as she had remembered. His cock was amazing. He had the perfect length and width. His cock was so soft it was like silk. The feeling of His cock on her tongue was mesmerizing He had His cock pierced which felt wonderful in her mouth. She had been out of practice and could not seem to fit him all down her throat. She tried as hard as she could, and to her disappointment, and surely His, she had failed. She tried so hard to take Him on that tears welled in her eyes from trying to choke Him down. She hoped He wouldn't notice, but of course He did. He commented about His pig slut having tears in her eyes. She was sure this was what He wanted from her anyway.
He made her get on top and threatened to fuck her in the ass for not being a well behaved slut. Oddly, being in top felt like the punishment. She absolutely hated being on top and would have gladly taken the ass fucking in exchange. Actually she loved being fucked in the ass. She climbed on top of him and when His cock entered her, she felt herself gasp with pleasure. Within moments she wanted to cum but knew she couldn't without His permission. "Please Sir" was all she could get out. He knew what she wanted but wanted to make the dirty slut say it. He could feel her pussy tighten around his shaft. "Please what, slut?". "Pl...please Sir let me cum, please?" took all she had to get out of her mouth. She was trying so hard to concentrate on anything other than the massive cock violating her throbbing cunt.
It seemed like an eternity before His response, "A small one slut, only a small one". "I don't...oh God...I don't know if I can only do a small one Sir...oh fuuuuck". She was ready to explode, she tried as hard as she could to control it. She never imagined it would be so difficult to calm an orgasm, but His continued assault on her cunt made it even more difficult. She had done it, barely. She did not want to dissapoint Him and was suddenly proud of the fact she had followed His orders.
Her pride instantly faded when she realized another orgasm was suddenly ready to rack her body even stronger than the first. His hips raised and suddenly He was grinding on her shaved pussy right on her clit. She panicked, knowing He was doing this on purpose. She tried to slow her movements but He wasn't about to fall for that trick. "Fuck it you slut, fuck it right!", He absolutely knew and she was caught. She tried again to block out what she was doing.
By this time her legs were already killing her. Damn Him for putting her on top, she thought. His hips raised higher and as she shifted back a bit she suddenly couldn't take it anymore. He had already let her cum once, surely she better not ask again. He must have known what was about to happen as He felt her pussy tighten around Him again, "You better not fucking cum you little slut!".
She started to panic again, she absolutely needed to cum, even more than the first time. Her legs were on fire now, damn this being on top. " Sir I'm trying not to.....fuck..". He graciously gave her permission to cum but only after He expressed his irritation with his slut. "This is for me, not for you to enjoy slut", her heart sank as she orgasmed once again.
Her legs were failing her at this point, she knew this would not be good. She could sense His anger with her. Sluts were expected to perform better and provide pleasure, she was not doing so and was having a hard time while He was demanding her to improve. Out of spite He again raised His hips. It again impacted her like He knew it would, and her fear kicked in. "Sir, I am trying not to cum...Sir...", His response to her begging made her completely disappointed in herself. "Go ahead slut, you don't listen to anything I tell you anyway!". She was destroyed inside, she wanted to make Him happy and please Him. She was a failure, but the worst was yet to come...
He told her to get up and open her mouth. She did as she was told even though she was heartbroken. While playing with His cock, He degraded her even more, "I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you pig slut but you can't even fuck me right, so I guess I have to do it myself!". She was ruined. It wasn't until He spurted His hot cumall over her face that she started to feel the tiniest speck of comfort.
He informed her what tomorrow would be like. "Tomorrow, you will be at my door at 7am, not before, not after. You will wait until I open the door to signal I am ready. When you step inside, you will suck my cock and then I will fuck you from behind. You will NOT speak. If you do not do as you are told, I will never fuck you again". Those last words struck her like lightning...would He really do that? She was too afraid to find out and promised herself she would do better.
She had truly disappointed Him, and it saddened her. He told her to clean up. She admired His cum all over her face in the mirror before she cleaned up. He even managed to get her eyelashes covered and some up her nose. She finished cleaning off and got dressed. She shamefully left, in her mind she knew the morning would have to be perfect. She departed the hotel, down the elevator and through the dreaded lobby.
Again she felt as if everyone knew what she had done. That she was nothing but a dirty whore begging to be fucked in every hole not even 30 minutes prior. She couldn't even look up. She made her way to her vehicle and proceeded to leave, hoping tomorrow would be better. The possibility of never seeing Him again and tasting His absolutely perfect cock frightened her. She needed Him, He was the only one who understood her.
She suddenly remembered what He had said, "This is my pussy slut, I own it. No one will ever fuck you like I do." In the bottom if her heart, she knew He was right.
She woke up extra early, she dared not be late. She needed Him and she knew He was aware of it. She got showered and dressed and headed out the door, more confident and determined not to fail. She even had enough time to grab them both coffee.
Her legs felt like a baseball bat had been taken to her thighs. She really needed to work on those apparently. Today she put her heels on instead of carrying them in. What the hell had she been thinking? She could barely walk and had to take it super slow on the massively high heels.
Then came the dreaded lobby again. It was more crowded than the previous evening . Maybe it was the fact she was concentrating so much on her heels that she gave up caring about the people around. Why should she care what they thought? So what if she was really a slut going to serve in any way possible. A dirty little whore who liked nothing more than to be talked to like trash, to be used and abused, degraded, fucked in every way imaginable. That would do anything Sir asked her to do, why is it their business. She should be proud of who she was. A loyal slut to Him, willing to serve him in any capacity. If there was something He wanted, she would be more than happy to learn and provide it.
She arrived on time and waited a few minutes before He opened the door. She handed Him the coffee and stepped inside. She put down her keys and placed her glasses on the table while He undid His belt. She quickly sank to her knees in front of Him and thankfully accepted His beautiful, smooth cock into her mouth. She felt His thighs as she took Him in farther this time than yesterday. She was pleased with herself for doing well.
His cock danced in her mouth, her tongue exploring every inch of the delicious shaft in front of her. How was His cock so perfect? All she could think of was how good it would feel when He pounded her from behind. She needed to feel Him inside of her, to fill her up and she desperately wanted to cum, especially after holding back that last orgasm the night before.
They moved to the bed and she
again kneeled in front of Him. Damn He felt good in her mouth! She sucked Him until He exploded in her mouth. She enjoyed every bit of it going down her throat. She gently and slowly licked His soft cock clean all over, making sure she hadn't missed any spots. He started to get dressed and as she feared, her punishment from the prior day had begun.
There would be no cock driving, pounding and violating her wet, shaved throbbing pussy. She wanted to ask but knew better, she had been instructed not to speak. She felt much better after He had praised her in His own way. "Good, you may turn out to be a good little slut after all", the words warmed her all over. She had done it! She had pleased Him.
She slowly walked to the elevator and entered the lobby differently. In her awkward heels she walked out with her head held high. She was a good slut now, Sir had said so. She was proud of her quick improvements and already started longing for His delicious, silky cock before she was even in her vehicle. It was going to be a good day after all...
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