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My older cousin wants me all the time.
It all started when I was 16 years old. My cousin Chad was 22 years old. He was a lot older than me, but
still liked to come over to see me. He teased me all the time. He liked to talk about everything to me and
played games with me. He was there a lot, ever since he was younger. He was there a lot when he was just
a kid himself.

Chad was a little bit on the heavier side. I have to admit though, he isn't bad looking. He has a lot of
muscles, not just fat. I guess that is why he is built a little bit bigger too. He wasn't that popular when he
was in high school, so maybe that is why he was over at the house a lot. He seemed to only have a few
friends now that he was out of school. I am not sure why he has no friends, but maybe he is a loner. He
teased people a lot too, maybe that could be why also. I can't point the reason out, but all I can remember
is that he has always been at my house a lot. He was there even before I turned 16. I felt bad for him. He
loved hanging out with my family. He was there at least twice a week.

My mom and my cousin Chad loved going to the bars to drink together. Chad also loved playing darts
while he was at the bar. He was pretty good at it too. They went out at least twice a week, sometimes
three times. The days that Chad wasn't with my mom, he was with my dad fishing. When my dad and Chad
wasn't fishing, they were just sitting around talking about stupid bullshit.

One night when my parents were both away, Chad came over. We were just sitting there talking when Chad
decided he wanted me to touch and kiss his cock. I decided, why not. I did what he asked, then he wanted
more from my body. I told him he had to wait until I was 18. I explained for medical reasons, that I
couldn't have sex until I was of age. He understood and left the subject alone. Since he knew I couldn't do
anything until I was 18, he went out an extra night with my mom.

Chad finally found a girlfriend while he was out drinking one night. They ended up dating for the next two
years. He got her pregnant, but he wasn't ready to be a dad yet. He didn't see his daughter much. I am not
really sure what broke Chad and Stephanie up, but they did. Maybe it was because he didn't see his
daughter much, but either way Chad didn't discuss that part with me.

Chad came back a week after I turned 18. He seemed so excited. He had on a blue t-shirt and blue jeans.
He was even shaved for me. I had on a pink t-shirt and blue jeans. Chad could see my nipples sticking out
through my thin t-shirt. He was licking his lips just waiting for me. We started out kinda fast, to fast in my
opinion. He wanted me to touch and kiss his cock first. I did, and his cock started getting a little bit hard. I
kept kissing all over it, when I heard foot steps coming up the stairs. I took my lips off his cock and he put
his pants back up. I moved away from.

"Hey Chad, I knew I could find you in here." mom poked her head in. She opened the door wider, and I
could see her all dressed up.

"Let's go to the bar." mom said with a smile.

"Well, I was gonna stay here with Angela for awhile." Chad said and looked over at me, then back at mom.

"But I really want some one to go out with me. All my other friends are busy." mom made a sad face at

"Alright." Chad replied. Chad turned to look at me.

"Is that alright with you, if I stop over another night to hang out?"

"Yeah, that's fine." I replied. We tried the next night, but we ended up getting caught again. This time
though we were at least dressed. I was just sitting on top of him and he was making my ass go in and out.
I could feel his dick getting harder as my ass was moving in and out from his cock. We heard foot steps
coming, so I moved away. I knew we had just got stopped again and almost caught again.

"Can we go hang out again tonight, or did I wear you out?" Mom peeked her head in.

"No, I'm fine. I'll be right down." Chad replied.

"I'd better go, so it doesn't look suspicious. We can try this on a weekend when your parents are both
gone. I hope it will be soon. Your mom doesn't always need me there so, I will let you know when that
will be." Chad said while standing up.

"Okay sounds good." I replied. Chad left the room. I was kind of relieved. It does sound kinky to be with
my cousin, maybe because he is family. It would be so wrong, to have sex with another family member.
But what happens if we really go through with it? What would happen next? Would we still like each other,
or hate each other? Would we get caught? Would we be sent away? Would everyone hate us if they knew?
All these thoughts were going on inside my head. I finally fell asleep two hours later.
The next weekend my mom was out with her best friend Chris. Dad was out fishing by the lake. Chad came
over, since he didn't need to be with mom tonight. It was finally just Chad and me.

"Are you finally ready for this?" Chad asked me softly. We were sitting on my bed.

"I think so." I said with a shaky voice. I was very nervous.

"I've waited a long time for this. I really like you and you turn me on by just looking at you. You're the
only family member that makes me feel this way." Chad said looking intently into my eyes.
"I know, let's go ahead. I'm ready." I said with a nod.

"Okay, great." Chad said very excited. He starting touching my arm and moving his hand up my arm. It
felt great. He took my shirt off. He rubbed the outside of my cute purple bra.

"Cute bra." Chad said while taking off my bra and then he rubbed my 34 B cupped tits. My nipplies started
getting hard as he touched them lightly. He kissed my tits next. I moaned softly.

"Thanks, but can we kiss on the lips to help me get into the mood a bit more?" I asked.

"Sure." Chad said while leaning in to kiss me. He kissed great. It helped me to get into the mood. I
rubbed my hands all over his muscle hard body and took off his shirt. He didn't have much hair on his
chest which was a complete turn on. I moved my hands all over his chest and then moved down. I took
his jeans and boxers off next.

"This is what you have been waiting for my dear cousin Chad." I said looking up at Chad with a sexy
naughty smile. I moved my head down towards his 7 inch cock. I kissed it first and then moved my small
lips over the tip of his cock. I moved my mouth up and down. I started out slow and then moved faster
and faster as Chad moaned more and more.

"OOOHHH YYEEEAHHHHH, That's it. Just like that. That feels so goooddddd!!" Chad yelled out in a loud
moan. I moved as fast as I could and grabbed his balls with my other hand.

"AAAAAAAHHHH YYYYYYEEEEEESSSS!!!! FFFUUUUCCCCCKKK!!!!! I'MMMM CUUUMMMMMIIIIINNNGG!!!"Chad yelled out loudly. I felt his cum in my mouth so I swallowed it. I put my shirt back on.

"Tomorrow night, I will try to come back over. I want to be able to make you feel good next. That was so
good little cousin. Thank you." Chad said smiling, while cleaning up and getting dressed.

"Your welcome, Call me and let me know." I said while opening the door to go out. Chad left an hour

The next day mom went out again. Dad was out fishing by the lake. This was like this almost every
weekend, so I am usedh to being alone. I am an adult now, so it isn't so bad anymore. Chad came back
over again. I won't be alone for awhile now. We started kissing first. He took my tube top off and
rubbed my tits. They got hard quick. He rubbed over the top of my little white undies. It it felt good.
"OOOHHH That feels kinky, Keep going. Then I can get you hard next." I said with a moan. My under wear
went off next. Chad could see my clean shaven pussy. I was starting to get wet. He rubbed my clit for
little while. Then he inserted a finger into my some what wet pussy. He had one finger on my clit while
the other one was in my wet hole.

"OOOHHH YEEEEAAAAHHHH, Just like that." I moaned. Chad took his jeans and boxers off next. I could
see that he was already hard, so I told him I was ready. He inserted his hard cock into my wet pussy. He
moved in and out slowly at first.

"AAAHHH YYYYYEEEEESSSS. I am so glad I waited until I was 18 for this." I moaned loudly.

"OOOHHH YEEEEAAAHHH. Fuck yeah that feels good. I'm glad too." Chad moaned loudly.

"Faster cousin Chad." I yelled. I moved my hips with the rythm. He moved faster and faster. His dick was
in all the way now and going harder inside.

"I'm cumming Chad." I exclaimed.

"AAAHHHH, I'm cumming Angela." Chad yelled out. We laid there for a minute. We were both breathing
heavy. We looked at each other and smiled.

"That was great, Thanks Angela." Chad said while getting up. He cleaned himself up and got dressed.

"Your welcome. It was great." I replied.

Chad left, since Dad was coming into the drive way. Chad came back over, when ever Mom and dad were
gone. He loving fucking my wet pussy. On the days Chad wasn't there though, I went out to look for a
boyfriend. I was still depressed about the love of my life, David breaking up with me. I guess it helped to
be with Chad for a bit, it made me horny. It made me forget about things for awhile.

One day while I was at college, I met a guy. His name was Jeremy. I saw him a couple times a day. We
both needed tutors to help us study our subjects. We both struggled through college. I thougth college
was hard, just like he did. He was a smart guy and really cute. He was skinny and a few inches taller than
me. He loved wearing his red hat. After a couple weeks, I had the guts to ask him out. He said yes. I
never really took him on any dates, but I went to his dorm room a lot. I stayed there a couple times a
week. I had my mom's cell phone, since I was gone a lot this week. Mom must have told Chad that and
gave him the number.

"Hey, What are you doing tonight?" Chad asked me on the cell phone.

"I am at Jeremy's, which is my new boyfriend." I explained.

"Ah, cool. When will you be home again?" Chad asked.

"Not until Sunday, unless it changes." I replied.

"Well, if it changes let me know." Chad said sounding upset.

"Okay, will do. Bye." I replied and hung up.

"Okay, bye." Chad said.

He sounded upset, but I couldn't help it. I wanted more than he could give me. I hadn't seen him in two
months. I was so busy at college, that I didn't really miss him. I also got a boyfriend now, and don't want
to cheat on him. I'd better stay away from my horny cousin Chad.

Jeremy was busy the next night, so I went home. Chad was there to see if I was home. I couldn't get away
quick enough before he saw me. Dad had already left to go fishing, so it was just me and Chad there. I
turned and walked towards the door to go upstairs, when I felt his strong hand on my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" Chad asked.

"Up to my room." I replied, trying to move again.

"I don't think so. You're staying here with me." Chad said and pulled me close to his body. He started
kissing me. I pulled away.

"We can't do this anymore." I said.

"Why not, we're family. We can love each other." Chad said and moved his lips to mine again. I pushed his
mouth away again.

"I have a boyfriend now, Chad. So please Quit." I said with a bit of seriousness in my voice.

"You're not married, so I still can. You know you like it." Chad said while moving his hands down my bak.

He started moving his hands down my bare leg and back up again. I do admit that it was starting to feel
kinky. I still didn't want to cheat on Jeremy, so I pushed him away.

"Chad, Stop Now!!" I yelled. I was now furious. He was not listening to me. He was stronger than me
and kept moving his hands over my tits and butt. He lifted my dress and rubbed my clit through my small
undies. I found myself moaning more and more as he moved my undies to the side and rubbed my clit. I
couldn't take it anymore. I let myself go and started rubbing my hands all over Chad and kiss his sexy lips.
he moved me onto the couch. He removed my dress and small pink undies. I took his clothes off as well.

"Fuck your horny cousin." I yelled. I grabbed his hard cock.

"AAAHH Fuck yeeaahh." Chad moaned. He inserted his cock into my wet pussy.

"AAAAAHHH FFFFUUUUCCCKKKK YYYYEEESSSS!!! That feels goooodd!!!" I yelled out.


"I'm Cummming cousin Chad." I yelled out.

"I'm cumming cousin Angela." Chad yelled out.

Chad left after an hour. I decided to dump Jeremy, since I felt like I cheated on him. Chad and I seen each
other for awhile after that. I had a couple more boyfriends, but none of them felt right to me. One night
Chad was over and we had started to fuck for a couple minutes. He decided to flipped me over onto my

"I want to try anal with you, is that okay?"Chad asked. He checked my ass to see if it was wet. It was very
wet and ready.

"Sure, just go slow. I will be using my vibrator while you're in my ass." I said. He inserted his hard cock
into my wet asshole.

"Just like that for a bit." I said looking back at him. I was on all fours, while he was slowly moving in and
out. It was getting looser inside and feeling better, so I told him to go faster.

"Faster Chad." I yelled out.


"FUUUUCCCKK that feels awsome. AAHHH YYYEEESSSS." Chad moaned. My vibrator moaned and moved
onto my clit. If felt so good. I grabbed around the vibrator and onto Chad's balls.

"AAAHHH FFFUUUCCKK YYYEEEAAHH, Angela. I'm Cumming." Chad yelled out.

"AAAHHHH YYYEEEAAAHHH!!" I yelled out. I liked it in the ass more, so I decided to have Chad do it in
the ass more. He liked it. Chad left a couple hours later on that night.

A year went by and it felt good being with Chad, until I saw a guy I used to know. I saw him at Hardee's,
one day when I went out to eat with my friend Kari. His name was Tim. Tim is a nice guy. He has black
curly hair and a black goatee. He is only an inch taller than me. He and I like the same music and movies.
We have the same goals. We decided to get married. I called Chad to tell him the news.

"Chad, I'm engaged. I just wanted you to know, so we won't be together anymore. I'm sorry. I will help you
find a new girlfriend though." I explained.

"Alright. It will be a bummer, but if I can find someone that I like more, then I can deal with it better."
Chad said.

"Alright, I will call you when I find you someone." I said and hung up.

A few months later Tim and I got married. I didn't hear from Chad after that. A couple months later, I
called Chad to tell him that I found him someone. He met with her and they started dating right away. He
really likes her and now they are engaged. Everything is back to normal and everyone is happy.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-11-17 21:23:52
yXr4rd Very neat blog.Really looking forward to read more. Want more.

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