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Thinking of taking the serious to the future in a new school trip in Paris
Day 4:
Okay so I'm dating the love of my life now. This trip is better than I thought. I woke up by the alarm and came down to the lobby after a quick breakfast. When I got down to the lobby everyone was talking about something and I heard mike and Jesse a few times and the someone looked up and every went "huuuuh!" and the just stood there staring at me. A few guys gave me a pat on the back. Some girls hugged me saying I'm proud and some girls angrily stared at me and muttered congrats or she's a lucky girl or something. The whole class of 31 new we liked each other and couldn't wait till the day we went out. Jesse came out and I hugged her. Everyone went "awww"  and started chanting "kiss! Kiss! Kiss you guys kiss!!" so I kissed her and some cheered, some awwwwed and some girls left. Then everyone got on the busses. Zach sat by Rachel and I sat by my Jesse. It was great. We went through the last few museums and then we went to the tomb of the unknown soldier. Some men were doing some kind of ceremony and zack pulled me over behind a wall. 
"dude, tonight's the last night at the hotel, fuck her why you can" he said
"dude it's not all about sex. I really like her and I don't want to mess this up early. What if we get caught then that could get me I'm jail or something. Besides I don't need to fuck anyone." 
He laughed "dude your messed up just do it"
"and what if I get her pregnant. I could never live with myself." 
"here bro take these." he handed me 2 condoms
"dude really." 
"yes really you'll need them because if you don't use one you might not pull out in time"
"ok man like I said I'm not going to" 
"dude you really like her and this could be the only chance"
"alright alright I'll think on it for the rest of the day in these boring old mu… oh hi mrs Burban what's up?"
That's it we are dead I thought she probably heard all of it. 
"what do you think your doing back here you should be watching the ceremony! I'm tired of always getting you boys in trouble. Grow up some wontcha! Now get, go!"
"sorry mrs Burban" zack muttered. 
"I thought she heard us or saw the condoms I was so scared" I whispered to zack. 
"me too" he said back
After the ceremony we hit some small family restaurant for dinner. I sat with jesse and it was somewhat like a date. It was nice. The food wasnt great but hey, it wasn't my moms so I was fine with it. Then Jesse broke the small talk going between us and said "I want to come up to my room again tonight. Okay?" 
"nuff said" I replied to her as she smiled. It was 8:30 and we decided to go to Lincoln monument thing and then at 9 we headed to the hotel. 
Night 4/last night at the hotel: 
We had to check out at 8 so we had to wake up at 7:15 so we had to go to bed at 10:30 tonight so I ran up to jesses room because I knew Hannah and their chaperone were gone. She asked me to double lock the door with the latch so I did. She sat down and we started to make out. She said we needed to talk about us. "how is this going to work out at home if we can never see each other?" she asked
"well we can at school and sometimes maybe on Sunday's? I don't know." I frowned
"well Ill try and get my parents to let me go out with friends more and then we could go on dates and stuff." 
"oh well then thats good. And we can call and text too." 
"yah only more than normal." she smiled and kissed me again. She said she would be right back and she walked over by the sink and the mirror. They were outside of the bathroom for some reason. She couldn't see me and she got completely undressed. She was so hot. She put on a really skimpy bikini that was only just big enough to cover her nipples and the bottom panties were normal though. She was teasing me. I got a boner so I hid it in my waste band. Well let's go to the pool. She grabbed a towel and walked over to my room with me. I changed behind the bed and then we went to the pool. I was a little disappointed I didn't get anything but she did strip down for me and she was totally hot. She had a fresh shaven pussy and I couldn't tell if it was for me or for the,and I quote her, naughty little feeling she gets but i didn't care she was so amazing. Most of the guys stared in aww when she walked in and I could tell most of them who didn't already have a boner got one. We jumped in the pool and I could see jesses nipples were hard now. She was so beautiful. Her face was so soft and her long blonde hair with her grey eyes made me believe she was some kind of goddess. Then the teachers mrs Burban and mr polit came in and mr toma the history teacher who watched us in the pool said we had to go back upstairs. I forgot a towel and zack told me they had some in the changing rooms. I went in and heard moaning noises. I turned the corner and saw Taylor and dumb blonde zach on the floor naked making out. Zack had a small 3-4 inch dick And then she begged him to fuck her. He got ontop of her and slid his dick in. She moaned, but not much. He went in and out slowly and then picked up the paise. I had such a boner. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed in really slow. Just then I felt breathing on my neck. It was Jesse. She said "you know that could've been us" then she winked. The zach said "AHH OHH YEAH OH YEAH" as she moaned "OH OH OH OH YEEEEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEEEEAH OOOOHHHH YEAH O MY GOD" then zack said "I'm Cumming I'm Gonna  pull out!" Jesse and I watched with wide eyes. Then the unexpected happened. Taylor wrapped her legs Around him and yelled "be my babies daddy!!!" then he freaked out screaming you idiot I just cummed now we'll both get in so much trouble. Me and Jesse ran out and said goodnight as we kissed. It was a fun trip and we had to leave tomorrow. 
Day 5: we were scheduled to leave at 4 and it was a 9 hour drive which meant we'd be home at 1 in the morning. We went through and saw the place where Washington crossed the delaware and then we saw some other places and then we went back to the free way. It was 11 o'clock and some people were falling asleep but me and Jesse were talking and then we noticed we were leaving the free way. I went up to mr Polit and asked him why. He said that we had to go to a bus station because the bus was acting up. After a few minutes we were miles away from the free way and any cities. You could see nothing but corn for miles around. We were lost. The driver stopped the bus and announced we had run out of fuel. He went outside and said that it was requirement for the bus to have nine 3 person tents and food, water, lanterns, and of coarse a lot of bug spray. People were setting up tents everywhere and Jesse and I set up one outside the boys tent area in the corner the corn crops.…

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-28 03:52:53
Like when give a date

anonymous readerReport 

2012-06-22 03:18:40
Write another one................................

anonymous readerReport 

2012-06-13 15:42:43
dude write more and what school did you go to because im in Detroit

anonymous readerReport 

2012-03-29 20:08:27
Is there another part........................................................................


2011-07-28 19:55:47
Been away from the computer for a while going to write next part over the next days

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