Isabelle, a widow with three children needs a man at home to fix her and the home.
Hope you enjoy. There was allot of dialog and character info to get the story going.
Live-in Maintenance Man
Isabelle a 36 year old mother of 3 now living in Strawberry, CA after her husband past away. He was a well off computer programmer from San Jose, CA and a millionaire for some software that he wrote and sold. Having died just day’s after his 3rd daughter was born and leaving everything to his wife. She then sold everything accept there summer home in Strawberry just east of Lake Tahoe to make that her permanent home for her and her children in a safe secluded town. Isabelle invested a majority of the money in the so called safe stocks allowing her to live comfortably retired if she wanted but chose to work at the small café in town. Witch is where she met Joseph her live-in maintenance man, who was needed to help care for repairs of the old house and split firewood for the winter. On his free time when he was able he would pick up other small jobs around town in summer.
June was the oldest at age of 16, a sexy young lady with small C sized breasts, slim waist, great little bubble butt, standing at 5’2” and 105lbs. The middle girl was Summer a 14 year old beauty with a mid sized B bust, slender waist, great little bubble butt as well, standing at 5’ and 95lbs. Youngest of the 3 is Britt a 13 year old bouncing off the walls cutie who has large B breast, sexy waist, bubble butt, and stand at 5’ 95lbs as well. All the girls look like and take after there mother Isabelle who is a vivacious lady looking no older than 25 herself. She is 5’1”, 100bls, with the cutest little dairy-air, slender legs, large C sized breast that are still standing and perky, and almost no marks to show for the 3 daughters that she loves so much.
Because of where Isabelle lives she home schools June, Summer, and Britt. Finding it hard sometimes to teach them because they all got there daddies brains and thankfully there mothers looks and libido, making them beautiful, smart and horny. Isabelle finally had to get some internet class’s for her oldest daughter who had passed her up in some areas and assumed at the rate the others weren’t far behind. Isabelle also taught all of her daughters how to please them selves in her private sex-ed class, and how to please each other on some nights when they all wanted to be extra naughty. But Isabelle had been craving the cock of a man who could love her but also use and abuse her in her more adventuresome sexual desires: (fisting, anal, tide up, and anything her man could desire to cause pleasure and pain).
Since the house was starting to need a lot of work she figured it was time to hire someone good looking to her, but not caring much about his build as long as he was strong, could get the job done, and if she was lucky provide her with what she wanted. So she posted at the local stores corkboard and in the Penny Saver about the job saying: (Looking for a good man to live in my home, take care of the needs of the home and property. Room and board and free food, so the pay will be less for those reasons.). Isabelle got to talk to quite a few guys but most weren’t up to her standards. Some seemed to be just plain creepy, others wouldn’t pass the background check, and some where just to ugly. Then a month later getting near the snow season and low on firewood Joseph stopped at the store for something to drink and saw a corkboard and her add posted in bold print, yanking it off the board and heading inside to ask if they knew where he could find Isabelle to speak with her personally. Since the store owner knew Isabelle was at work she told him he was lucky because she was there and would never tell him where she lived. Then the husband piped in to tell him to order some food and make sure to leave a good tip for her thinking that might help. Thanking the nice older gal and her husband for the tip, then going on his way. When he got to the restaurant he asked the girl seating people to please seat him in Isabelle’s area, she happily did asking what he would like to drink and was glad to have a good MGD since he was feeling nervous. When the bear was finally brought to him by a different gal he was ready to order, placing the order for prime rib, bake potato, and broccoli with hollandaise sauce. She took his menu and left for the cooks window placing the order thinking he seemed absent minded about something, kind of nervous.
“I can’t believe that I didn’t pay attention to the waitress name when she came by to make sure this was the right section.” Joseph was saying to himself as he was staring over the add he was now holding again when his food arrived. “Why is that add in your hand and not on the corkboard at the store, where I put it.” Isabelle said looking at him sternly as she placed his food down in front of him. “I’m sorry I was on my way home from a casino and stopped for something to drink and saw your add I just grabbed it with only thinking of talking to Isabelle about work. I talked to the store owners and got sent here. I will put it back.” “See that you do please. Give me 10 minutes and I will join you to talk since that is my break time.” With that Isabelle turned and walked away thinking he seemed a bit surprised when he saw her, and she definitely thought he was a good looking man. Joseph thought the add might be a gag since she seemed younger than him and so beautiful.
Sitting quietly and taking his time eating as ten minutes passed seeing her buzz about her section diligently, watching her walk up after 15 minutes with her plate of food to sit with him he thought she was so graceful and beautiful. “So tell me about your self and fill this paper out please since I will conduct a background check.” She said handing him a pen and small form. As he sat and did as she asked he said “Thank you for taking your break to see me. First off my name is Joseph, I currently live in Camino but the rent is high and I can barely get enough odd jobs to keep the bills paid since the lumber mill closed. I think I am a decent guy but I will let you decide that for yourself, and I am looking for some more steady work no matter where it comes from. I am skilled in all kinds of work on homes and around properties since I am good with my hands and have a keen mind for that kind of work. I don’t have any family except my folks who live down in Florida since they retired there, and I don’t plan to move there since I don’t like to breath water instead of air. In your paperwork here I also listed my x-girlfriend Rachael as one of my references. I think that is all.” “Well Joseph I have 3 daughters who I home school, lots of firewood that needs to be cut, a roof that needs to be fixed next summer, lots of yard work, and any other work on the property that you see needs to be done, oh and I only work about 12hrs a week. Will any of this hinder you.” “No mam, but if you don’t mind my asking how old are you? You have three daughters and don’t look a day over 23 (he fudged a couple of years thinking maybe she was 25)” With a grin Isabelle replies “I do mind but I will tell you I am around 35 years old. Didn’t your mama ever tell you it was impolite to ask a lady her age?” “Yes she did but this job just seems to good and you look so much younger. How much is the pay?” “2000 dollars a month, I think that’s fair considering there is 4 beautiful girls in the house and free food, room, and board.” “If your near that’s more than generous.” Joseph laughs saying this seeing the twinkle in her eyes.” “Well I need to get back to work, and please put that add back where you got it.” “Yes mam, I will and look forward to your call in a week to hire me.” At that Isabelle walks away thinking he is full of himself and hoping he pass’s the background check because she like him.
A few days later the background check came back with a good report and some surprising info about him. Overall he truly seem to be a good guy, and visited some questionable web sites including one called which she found she really liked the stories section same as him. Then she called his references and spoke with them. Chuck said he was a good hard working man who didn’t party much and seemed to enjoy church. Rachael said he was a very good man and would love to be with him but he was just way to adventuress in the bedroom for her taste, but any women who could keep up with him is lucky, and probably a horn-ball. They both laughed at that. She also told Isabelle how he rebuilt her parents deck and remodeled their bathroom for them, and help with other things going above what they paid him to do. Everything she heard about Joseph was good and she was now hooked on the same web site as him and was going to scare him a bit about that site for fun.
Friday came and she called Joseph asking how he was doing. “Good thank you.” “So (she said in a somber voice) I suppose you don’t want to tell me about the stories you read on XNXX? It’s amazing what you learn about someone in background checks isn’t it Joseph.” “Wow (he said in a low worried voice now) yes it is. It’s just fantasy and I enjoy reading it more than looking at it, it’s more imaginative that way. The pictures in my head are better than porn site. I can see why you don’t want to hire me because of that. Thank you for your time.” “Wait don’t go yet. You are hired, I found the site very interesting indeed, and everything else was good about you that I found out. So when can you start?” “Monday Isabelle if that is ok with you. I will have the all my stuff in the back of my pickup that I need to keep first thing tomorrow morning and see you in the evening if that’s ok?” “Yes that’s fine. Meat me at the same restaurant at 6pm, that’s when I get off and you can follow me to my home.” “Thank you so much, I won’t let you down.” “Oh and Rachael said some good things about you being adventuresome behind closed doors. I hope she was rite because it’s been so long since I had any I might take advantage of you tomorrow night. See you at 6” Joseph barely hears her laughing as she hangs up.
Joseph called Rachel at that point thanking her and telling her what a truly good friend she was and what Isabelle said as she hung up, and how she looked when he met her. Receiving good luck in words from her, how she thinks he might be in for some trouble and be outdone in the bedroom. They both laughed at that. Then he got his truck loaded up with his PC, clothes, tv, movies and anything else he needed to keep. The rest was in good shape, he figured who ever lived there next could keep what they wanted and left enough cash in an envelope saying it’s to pay for there time for getting rid of what they don’t want at the local dump. Finally as evening roles around he starts his drive arriving early for dinner, getting seated in her section again to have a beer, big avocado burger and fries for dinner. At 15 minutes to 6pm he heads out to his truck, a big dodge with a 6” lift and 36” tires, perfect for winters in the snow he thought as he stared at his baby before relaxing against the door.
6:05pm Isabelle comes walking out in different close: (short, short black skirt that barely covers her butt, a tight blue top with no braw, and gets an eye fool of her sexy blue thong as she flips the front of her skirt up laughing at his bulging eyes and pants). “Don’t you look happy to see me.” She say’s pointing at the tent in his khakis. “Yes Isabelle. In what your wearing standing next to the highway I think you might cause an accident. Plus the little panty show you just gave me, dam I have died and gone to heaven in an instant. Boy-o-boy what trouble have I gotten myself into.” “What trouble indeed now come open my care door for me then climb in your beast and follow me.” With that she walks over to a BMW and standing bye the door for him to open it. As she slides in she pulls her skirt up enough to give him a good view of what he is getting tonight and laughs as he closes her door watching him head back to his truck. Moments later he is following her as she drives conservatively down a side road covered in the trees not a house around for miles.
“Now that we are hear be good till the girls are in bed then we will get to have some fun, and don’t let the girls that tent in your pant’s they might get jealous.” “Yes mam.” “Just Isabelle is fine, I am not that old.” She says laughing as they enter the house and she flash’s her butt at him showing the string running between her sexy cheeks. “Girls I am home and we have a guest.” “Is it the person who is going to live here?” “Yes Britt.” With that Britt threw herself at him hugging him telling him how glad they all are to have him there, then steps back with her sisters. “Well that lively one is my youngest Britt she is 13, to her right is Summer she is 14, and to Britt’s left is June and she is 16.” “Wow Heaven got even better.” Joseph say’s under his breath and the girls all laugh. “I mean it’s a pleasure to meat you all. Thank you for welcoming me into you home.” “Lets go down the hall I will show you where to put your stuff. My room is at the end and yours is rite next to it to the left of my door, there are the 3 rooms of the girls, and the first one is my private study. That’s it you can bring your stuff in and tomorrow you can relax.” With that she turns away from him lifts her skirt and backs up. “I told you not to let that tent up. Guess it is my fault though so I will fix it later for you.” Laughing she bounces away skirt flowing up and down exposing everything to his benefit.
1 hour later he joined them in the living room since he was done, all the girls were sitting around in there shear night gowns that barely covered there butts so he couldn’t help it as he tried to stare at the TV he kept glancing at them all. Each girl had on a thong except for Isabelle, she had nothing and her pussy was spread wide as she sat Indian Style in the opposite recliner, and the girls sat on the couch knees pulled up as they cried at some movie he had never seen. His cock raging now in his pajama pants with the button barely keeping it in, and all the girls kept glancing at him smiling when they weren’t crying from the movie. “OK you 3 bed time.” “But mom…” “No buts get in there, you can play together for a bit in Britt’s room ok.” “YEESSSSS.” They squealed and Britt rushed over to Joseph. “You can play to if you want. Just kidding. Goodnight!!!” They all give him a hug and run to Britt’s room. “They all seem to like you and kept giving you a peek all through the movie.” “Yes I am sure you didn’t help by sitting across from me without your panties encouraging them by giving me a big show of your self spread wide.” “HAHAHA your probably right but it was fun that way. Come on lets go to my room.” With that he followed her in to her room where she just yanked her nightgown off and dropped it to the floor. “Strip. I have gone to long being a good lady for my girls and you’re the first since my husband 13 years ago and I want sex that hurts me and pleases me stud.” With that he strips and grins knowing the fun is just starting in this house of pleasure that he was sure it was going to be.
Isabelle walks forward slowly smiling and drops to her knees kissing his head. “My god it is big, 10” long and fat. Don’t let my girls see it they might try and keep it and I am not ready to share.” “You mean you would let them if they wanted?” “Yes. What do you think they are doing in Britt’s bedroom tonight. I am sure the are already eating there kittens and fucking each other with there dildos.” “God that’s hot. Now suck my cock you little cock tease.” With that she engulfs his cock gagging a bit since it’s been so long and he’s so big, but still taking him down her throat. He watch’s as she pulls away and gently starts sucking the tip rubbing her tongue through his piss slit, under his head, down his shaft, and finally taking his balls in her mouth as she jerks him off. Working her way back up she starts sucking like a cock craving whore, which at the moment she was. “Oh Isabelle, I have to come baby. Keep It in your throat.” She grabs his ass checks as he says that and feels his cock start to swell, she can’t believe she can take it all since it’s been so long and bigger than any she has ever had by far. “God that was good you tasted wonderful in my mouth and your just huge. I have never seen or had one so big.” “Yes and you were amazing. Now get on the bed so I can have my snack, and what did you mean about pain earlier?”
Isabelle climbs on the be but lays chest down ass high in the air so he can eat both, and then just fuck her hard because she just wants his seed deep in her cunt. “I like it when guys hurt me during sex, like using nipple clamps, fisting, hot wax, and anything you want to try as long as I am willing. Just don’t try and force me into something because I will call the cops then.” With that he gets behind her and gently kiss’s her lips and little butt hole. “I might get rough but I don’t want to hurt or damage you honey. You are far to good of a women for that, it shows in how the people around see you and most of all how your kids act.” Then lovingly he slides his tongue in her pussy worshiping at her alter. Teeth and lips pulling at her clit, then licking all the way up to her ass hole and tongue fucks her there. Once back at her pussy he slides 2 fingers against her ass and listens to her squeal but decides it’s not enough. Sucking her clit hard he brings her over the edge then jams 4 fingers deep in her bowels making her scream though her orgasm till she collapses on the bed, and causing her to piss on herself, bed, and Joseph.” “Dam baby that was hot, I’ve never had a guy make me piss myself during sex or orgasm so hard. Shit that hurt so good though when you jammed your fingers in me like that. So how many was that any way.” “4 fingers. You said you wanted pain and 2 just barely hurt you so I figured you need 2 more.” “God yes I did, soon you might have your whole hand in there.”
Joseph was ready to go again and grabbed Isabelle lifting her so she was back in the air like she started and pushing his cock head against her ass, forcing it past her sphincter and deep into her making her scream again in pleasure and pain of being so full of his cock. Pounding away on her ass he notice all 3 girls peeking around the door smiling and just tells them be quit and watch, they shake there heads yes and just stare as he pounds there mom. “You better put that in my pussy soon.” Isabelle gasps. So he pulls out leans down and grabs her nipple and gives it a good pinch making her scream in delight. “You think you can take it all? I bet 3/4ths is all you little whore, because then I’ll be in your cervix.” “God yes pinch my nipples hard and see if I can take it all.” With that he jams his cock 7inchs into her making her gasp as the head actually does hit her cervix, as he tweaks her nipples till she feels like they will break. With the last tweak he feels her pussy clench his cock in orgasm and can’t take it anymore. Grabbing her hips Joseph jams his cock to the hilt making Isabelle scream in ecstasy and pain from having her cervix torn into by his massive cock, and exploding deep in her womb.
With that she falls limp to the bed and he climbs up next to her, putting his flaccid cock against her lips and noticing a trickle of blood on his cock. Girls still watching he tells Isabelle to clean his cock. She obediently does, slowly licking his cock till all of there combined juices are gone. Seeing the girls still there he waves them off to bed as they grin at him wishing that he could fuck them tonight too instead of going to bed. Tired he climbs down next to Isabelle and cuddles her close as she lays there crying tears of joy. “That was so wonderful, I can’t believe you made me feel so good. The beds wet, carry me to yours please. With that picks her up kissing her tenderly and takes her to his bed where they fall into blissful slumber.
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