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The Story You are about to read actually happened to me a few years ago.
For several years I have been wanting to be able to view and touch a woman's corpse in a casket. This past week I saw an article in the newspaper concerning a 40 yr old school teacher who was married with daughters 11, 8 and 5. Cindy was a Physical Fitness buff who had a massive fatal heart attack. Apparently she was a very dedicated and popular teacher with no history of health problems. A picture that accompanied the article showed her to be very beautiful.

I was going to be going into the city on the morning of her funeral (which was scheduled for 11 AM. I arrived at the funeral home at 8:45 and located the viewing room where she was still on display. As I walked into the room; I could see her lying in repose in her casket at the front of the room. I was not disappointed as I came close enough to really see her. Cindy was clad in a midnight blue dress with an embroidered bodice. She had a deep dark tan on all of her that I could view (face, neck, upper chest, arms and hands.) Her almost shoulder length brown hair was fixed in a wavy style. No jewelry had been placed upon her and there was no makeup or eyeliner either. Just non-glossy candy apple red lipstick on her sexy lips. A female corpse this beautiful really didn't need to have jewelry or makeup to turn me on.

I looked Cindy's luscious corpse over real closely. She certainly didn't look dead to me; only sleeping. The only indication I saw that gave away that I was truly looking at a corpse was a port-wine stain on the inside of her left wrist. I have seen those stains numerous times over the years and assume they are caused by the blood pooling in the extremities before embalming.

Before I had a chance to look any more; an older woman came in to view Cindy's luscious corpse. I moved over to the flower arrangements until she left. Moving back in front of the casket; I had the burning desire to touch her. I reach down and touched her hands that were crossed lying on her abdomen. Her hands felt cold as expected but also had a soft plastic or rubbery feel. It was then that I noticed several things that I would consider unusual for a forty-year-old female corpse. There was none of the fine textured hair on her arms and face that you frequently see women have. Also there was not a wrinkle to be seen anywhere on her body. None; whatsoever! I didn't see any evidence of flab or fat on her corpse at all. I suddenly had the urge to touch her chest and moved my hands up and placed them on the outside of her dress. I squeezed her breasts; through her dress and bra. I would judge them to be average sized from the feel and contour of her chest. I wanted to run my hands inside her dress and feel her naked, cold tits but was too afraid of getting caught at this point.

My eyes wandered down her body to the little sweep curtain on the lower door of the casket. I wanted to feel her crotch so I ran my arm under the curtain. The dress was fairly loose so when I pressed down; it recessed in between her legs somewhat. I pressed hard to see if I could feel the end of a tube between her legs but couldn't feel one. I did feel something that felt like a panty girdle that had something soft and bulky beneath it. I've heard that some morticians place adult absorbent diapers on their clients to absorb any possible leakage so I suspect that was what I was feeling. My hand slid on down her leg until I felt what appeared to be the end of the panty girdle and the start of her stockings. I checked out both of her legs this way as far down as my arm would go. I couldn't reach the hem of her dress or I would have pulled it up and felt her nylon stocking clad legs directly. I ran my hands over her upper thighs as much as I could and determined that she had very shapely thighs.

Afraid that I would get caught; I removed my hand and arm from under the curtain and placed it on her face. Again; as with her hands and arms, her face was cold and felt like soft plastic or rubber. But it was very smooth; in fact all of her was. Cindy's corpse had no visible moles or scars at all. Just well tanned, beautiful, dead flesh with a few freckles on her upper chest. Deciding that I had already been able to do more than I expected and not wanting to get caught; I decided I better leave. But before leaving; I caressed her cheek and then leaned over slowly and gave her a passionate kiss on her candy apple red lips. Unlike the rest of her; her lips did not really feel cold to mine. I'm really not sure why!

Before walking to my vehicle; I looked back at Cindy lying in repose. I was very glad that I decided to stop at the funeral home on my trip into the city. Cindy is the first corpse I've ever fondled but will probably not be my last. I wish I could have had Cindy's corpse to myself with no one at the funeral home to catch me. I would have opened the lower lid and lifted her dress to her waist and then have pulled down/off whatever else was covering her dead pussy. I realize it would have been plugged/sealed but I would have liked to be able to see and fondle it anyway; among other things I might have done.

As I drove away I thought about how I had been left alone by the funeral home staff. It was a very large sprawling place and I suspect they were very busy getting ready for Cindy's funeral and others/preparation of other bodies. It was likely with her funeral occurring shortly thereafter that I was the last one to kiss and fondle her sexy, beautiful body although I suspect I wasn't the only one. I don't see how the morgue worker who undressed her or the funeral home worker that embalmed her and then dressed her could have done so without getting horny for a corpse as delicious as Cindy. I can only imagine what it would have been like to enter her womanhood and stroke my hard, hot rod in and out of her cold, clammy cunt until I filled her full of hot sticky semen. That thought makes me shudder with excitement. I also wonder what contact, if any, Cindy's husband had with her dead body. I couldn't let my wife's body go to the grave without a kiss and whatever else I thought I could get away with.

I will be on the lookout for other dead women to view and if possible fondle but I doubt I will find many as luscious and beautiful as Cindy. Her beautiful face, brown hair and trim, fit figure are the kind of woman; dead or alive, that really turns me on.


2019-07-20 20:12:11
superb imagination

anonymous readerReport 

2013-06-01 23:31:27
dead girls like this her can't say no

anonymous readerReport 

2013-02-20 00:09:22
Obviously you deserve the very best. You should be strapped to an embalming table still living, in order not to deprive you of anything, the normal jugular vein embalming should be skipped. Instead your embalmer should go straight to the trocar using it to puncture and preserve your organs while you can still feel everything!!! There is no lower form of humanity than those who abuse and desecrate the deceased you morbid, sick, fetid excuse of a human!!!


2012-09-22 18:12:31
LUV to have been there to watch, and, possibly? Thanks kowlicks


2012-09-17 12:11:23
come visit my mortuary. many lifeless delights await

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