My wife Jasmine knew that I was a trannie. She was OK with it when I first told her and even helped me with make-up, clothes, deportment etc. However, as with all these things, I became obsessed with dressing all the time. I even toyed with the idea of changing sex. I guess this all became a bit too much for her and she gradually lost interest in helping me. Our sex life deteriorated to nothing; my fault again as I always wore lingerie to bed and she really wasn’t too keen on touching me, although we were still the best of friends.
I began to notice though that she was wearing sexier underwear, not that I minded as I always got a thrill from wearing her used panties, usually with the thought in my mind that I had a pussy and all that juice sticking to the soft cotton gusset was from me. On one particular morning, I noticed that the panties she had used the day before was a wonderful black satin thong with beautiful black lace. I was in heaven ‘Mmmmm’ I thought, ‘these are going to feel absolutely wonderful on my body!’ As I slid them up my legs and was adjusting myself so that they fitted snugly, I felt something cold and sticky. I pulled them down and found heavy white staining with some additional lumps in the cotton gusset. Curious, I pulled them off and drew them to my nose to inhale the aroma. I was instantly hit with the smell of her pussy but there was another smell there too.
Tentatively, I stuck out my tongue and tasted. ‘Wow!’ I thought. ‘That’s another mans cum…my wife…my Jasmine has been fucked by another man…’.
Contrary to what I thought I would do if I ever found out my wife was cheating, I was highly aroused. I licked her panties some more and discovered I really loved the taste of the man that had filled her with his cum. I licked and licked and licked till they were totally clean. My dick, which was not really that big in any case, was really hard and all I could think of was wanting more of that delicious sperm in my mouth, sliding down my throat and into my hungry tummy. I pulled on her panties and laid on our bed and started to rub my dick. I imagined this big cocked, well muscled stud pounding into my wife’s pussy and filling her with his thick gloopy spunk. The things I was imagining them doing were amazing until I thought of him doing her doggie. I imagined her looking back behind her and urging him to fuck her hard, deep and fast but it wasn’t her face that was looking back, it was mine! I spurted harder than I ever had before, some of it went onto my face so I used my finger and pushed it into my mouth but there was not a lot of it and I really wanted more cum to drink. I suddenly realised why I hadn’t minded her being fucked by another man because I knew that that is what I wanted to do as well. I wanted a man to use me for his pleasure and give me all that lovely thick, creamy, squirty stuff into my mouth and oh god yes…my bum as well. I wanted my panties to be just like my wife’s, wet and sticky with cum seeping from my well used hole.
How was I going to get what I needed? Was I going to confront my wife about what she had done? Or was I going to remain silent and hopefully get more of her cum-filled panties to clean? I decided not to say anything. I wanted more of that guys cum to taste and I thought if I did say anything, she might leave and then I would lose the opportunity.
It wasn’t enough though. I wanted to have my own men using me and doing whatever they wanted. I needed…the internet!
Jasmine had been suggesting we get it for a while so she was very surprised when an engineer called around one Friday whilst I was at work to install it. She called me at work and sounded very pleased that I had organised it without telling her. I asked her if the engineer was still there and she said that he was. I said to her that we would be getting a router as well so we could use both the laptop and the PC online at the same time and she confirmed that he was setting it up now.
I returned home that evening and found my wife in our bedroom on her laptop, setting up emails and sending them to all of her friends. She was engrossed in what she was doing which I didn’t mind as I was very keen to get on the PC and start my search for men that liked special girls like me. I used the internet at work and had made a few tentative searches for possible sites to visit. I entered in a couple of the addresses but was taken to pay-sites which I didn’t want. I then found a link for a programme called Mirc and a chat room address for TV’s and TS’s. Shaking like a leaf, I downloaded the programme and after a few attempts at connecting, I was able to register as RebeccaTG. I typed in the chat-room address and after a brief moment it opened up and there were about 30 or so names in the list. I decided I would be bold and typed in ‘Hello everyone!’. I was inundated with replies and I was made to feel really welcome. I chatted with a few of the girls on there and some of the men. I discovered that the men had a special abbreviation for themselves; TF, which apparently stood for trannie fancier although the girls I spoke to referred to them as ‘trannie fuckers’ which amused me as it was totally what I wanted. I’d asked a few of the girls if they met guys or went to clubs to meet them and most of them said yes but they did get a few ‘No-Shows’. They did warn me though that unless I was absolutely desperate to meet a guy then I should try to get to know them online first. They pointed out the definite No’s, the ‘No-Shows’, the Possibles and the Must Meets.
I found one of the ‘Must Meets’ was a guy calling himself ‘SeekingUKTG’ and decided to get to know him better. I spent about a month chatting on-line with him every night talking about anything and everything. I knew exactly what he liked his t-girls to wear, not slutty or short skirted but elegant and mysterious. I liked that because that was how I dressed. I also found out his name was Mike.
I had decided I wanted him to be my first and was waiting for him to make the initial move. I had dropped enough hints at him, telling him what I had bought recently and that I usually went out on a Friday or Saturday night dressed up, not to anywhere in particular, but just out as dressing inside the house was OK but it gets to a point where its not enough, plus there was always the thrill of never knowing if you would be ‘outed’ as a guy in a frock. Thankfully, my wife still gave me the once over before I left to make sure I didn’t look ridiculous. He eventually took the hint and asked me what I was doing this Friday night.
‘Nothing special’ I said.
‘Good!’ he replied ‘Get your glad rags on, I am going to take you out for the evening!’
Even though I had wanted him to ask me, I was shocked. I had butterflies and my hands were starting to get a little shaky.
‘Where are you going to take me? I asked.
‘Just for a few drinks and maybe…maybe a quiet country stroll…if you’d like?’
‘I would love to’ I said. ‘What would you like me to wear though? I want to wear exactly everything you would want your date to be in.’
He paused before he typed back. I told him that I had everything he had asked for and what time and where I should meet him. Once we had agreed that, we gave each other our mobile telephone numbers and said goodnight.
I had three days to wait. I had an idea of what I was going to say to my wife. I normally only go out for a couple of hours at most when I become Rebecca but I was assuming that this date might go on for a little longer. I told her I was thinking of going to a trannie friendly bar that was in the next town just to see what it was like as it might help me being around others like me. I even asked her if she wanted to come as well and she said she didn’t as she was actually going to go out with the girls from work that night anyway. I asked what time she was going as I would really like her help dressing as I wanted to look my best. She laughed and told me that I always look convincing when I went out and that I didn’t need her help with anything anymore. She even joked that I should help her with her make-up on Friday as mine always looked so good. I thanked her and even gave her a small peck on her cheek; the most physical contact we had had in some time.
I decided that I would take Friday off from work, not only to give myself a lie-in till about midday but to spend as much time pampering myself and getting as feminine as possible for the evening. One of my favourite products is Nair as it totally removes all unwanted hair. After placing it all over my body while I waited for my scented bubble bath to fill, I knew I would only have hair on my head, eyelashes and eyebrows when I gently rubbed it all off. I normally leave it on for about 10 minutes but this time I thought I would wait for at least 20. I checked my outfit for that evening that I had placed carefully on the bed after my wife left for work. Black satin bra, black satin suspender belt, black high legged silk panties complete with gaffe, black lace top stockings, black satin waist clincher (damn it was tight on me but gave me such a wonderful figure), purple satin long sleeved blouse and a lovely knee length fishtail black satin pencil skirt. I chose my 4’ high suede black stilettos as my date couldn’t make up his mind if he wanted suede of patent black. My jacket was one I had found on EBay, it was a lovely long sleeved single breasted one that sat nicely on the hips and had a ribbon corseting on the back to allow for tightening to really show off my waist. The front opened just enough to show my blouse which, if also left open slightly, would give a very nice view of my realistic silicon 36C breasts. My jewellery was delicate and elegant, a simple gold cross, studded with sapphires, tear drop sapphire earrings, a Seiko slim-line watch, a simple gold charm bracelet for the other arm and a gold ankle chain to finish off the whole look.
I decided the bath was ready and stepped in and laid down. I closed my eyes and let the wonderful smells help me drift in and out of dreaming about the night to come. I gently began to rub the crème off my body and face and within a few minutes, I was completely bare not that I had a lot of hair to begin with. I washed the rest of my body with scented body wash until I was tingling all over. I climbed out of the bath I patted myself dry with a big fluffy towel and rubbed baby oil into my legs and buttocks. I returned to the bedroom and sat down at the dressing table and glanced at the clock on the bedside table.
‘OK, 1:45’, I thought. ‘Jasmine wont be home till 6pm and wants to go out at 7:30, my date wasn’t till 8:30 but I would have to drive there which could take 30 minutes or so. What am I going to do till then?’.
My butterflies returned and I knew I was going to do something I had never done before. I’m going to go and get my nails done and get my eyebrows plucked. I knew there was a nail bar in our town centre but I was too much of a coward to go there so I looked on-line and found a salon just on the outskirts. I rang them and a friendly voice answered. I asked if they would have any problems doing a manicure, pedicure and eyebrow treatment on a man and she said it was no problem whatsoever, they have regular male clients for those sort of treatments. I asked if they had an appointment today and the woman said that it was fairly quiet at the moment so I could come over anytime. I told her I would be there within the hour.
I threw on some jogging bottoms, an old sweatshirt, ankle socks and a pair of trainers. I got in the car and drove as quickly as I could before my nerve failed me. The salon was very easy to find and had a rear parking area which was clear except for two cars. I parked and made my way towards the salon door.
I stopped and thought ‘What am I doing? How will I explain feminine eyebrows to Jasmine or worse still my boss at work.’
I decided to have a cigarette before I went in to calm myself down but after a couple of puffs on it I threw it away and just marched right inside.
‘Hello’ I said to the lady behind the desk. ‘ I rang earlier about some treatments’.
‘Oh yes’ she replied. ‘You are the only client we have in this afternoon so you have three of us to look after you and don’t worry, I know this is your first time with this sort of thing so we will be gentle with you.’ She said this with such a calm reassuring tone that I was instantly put at ease.
‘Do you have a date for tonight? She asked.
I mumbled ‘Sort off….it’s a first date kind of thing’.
‘Oh well then!’ she smiled broadly ‘You are going to have the full works, hands, feet, eyebrows and would you like….us to do your make-up as well?’
I felt like the ground was going to swallow me up. I knew she knew that I was a trannie but for her to come right out with it was a real sharp shock. I tried to babble my way out of it but she shooed me into a chair and said ‘Don’t worry sweetheart, we will make you look your absolute best but for us to choose the best look and colours for you, we need to know what you will be wearing for the evening.’
I managed to blush bright red as I told her exactly what I was going to wear and she told me that the look she was going for would complement my clothes perfectly. I was then leapt upon by all three of them. My hair was pulled back from my face as an exfoliating scrub was used, my hands and feet were dipped into a warm soapy fluid.
‘It’s all part of the process of becoming a Goddess’ the woman chirped. ‘Your date will be speechless when he sees you tonight’.
I relaxed in the chair and let them pamper and do with me what they will. The woman covered the mirror to ensure I got the full benefit of my new look only when they had finished.
The facial scrub was removed and then my face gently patted down with cotton wool. I later found out with toner. I then felt my eyebrows being tweaked. Well I say tweaked what I mean is PAIN and lots of it. I twitched in my seat until the woman kindly said ‘Us girls have to suffer a little pain to become the beautiful women outside that we are on the inside’. I smiled up at her, letting her continue and after what seemed like forever but was only a few minutes she announced ‘Eyebrows all done!’. I looked down at my fingers which had had extensions added and were now being painted a rich deep purple, my toes were also painted the same wonderful shade. I loved it, I loved this pampering and felt I could do this very often. A fresh smelling moisturiser was then rubbed gently into my face and the woman explained that the basis of any good make-up session was to get the basics right. We chatted awhile about me and my home life and the woman nodded understandingly stating that a fair few of her male clientele had the same difficulties.
She then began to apply foundation all over my face, under my chin and over my neck line. Once she was happy that the coverage was uniform and even she began dusting me with powder to seal. She asked me to open my eyes and look up towards the ceiling and delicately lined my bottom inner eyelid. She then took a palette of eye shadow and after getting me to close my eyes, applied several coats over my lid and upper eye area. When she was happy with that, she told me that it was mascara next and I’m pretty certain you know how tricky this can be so look up and stay absolutely still.’ I did ask she asked and soon had both pairs of eyelashes covered. Blusher was then brushed into my cheeks and once she way happy with that, she started to line my lips with a pencil. I felt so at ease with her attentions and when she finally got a lip-brush out and started filling in my lips with the main colour, I knew I was finally done.
I was just about to get out of the chair when she pushed me back in and said ‘Not yet my sweet. We need to crown you with a glorious head of hair’ and produced a wig cap which was placed onto my head.
Whatever tufts of my own hair that were left out were teased under the cap until it was all covered. A wig was then produced and I was delighted to see it was long and a deep black with purple toning all over. This was placed onto the cap and after a few moments of teasing, pulling, clipping and spraying she finally announced that we were finished.
‘Would you like to see the new you?’ she proudly asked.
‘Oh god yes please’ I whimpered.
I was so excited I was shaking like a leaf. She reached up to the mirror and removed the covering. I didn’t recognise the person staring back at me. I had seen myself with make-up on before but I never managed to look anything like this. I was a goddess!
‘How…how…oh my god how did you make me look like that? I was nearly in tears I was that happy.
‘Years of practice darling, years of practice, plus it helps having a face a feminine as yours. Now sweetheart, its nearly 5 so I suggest you run along home and finish preparing for the evening.’
I attempted to pay but she said that can wait till after the date.
‘If it’s a success’ she said ‘..and you know what I mean by ‘Success’, come back and let us all know and pay then. Until then it’s a freebie.’
I thanked her and the other girls and kissed them on the cheeks. I then walked back to the car and drove back home. I felt so confident and free now, I even waved and smiled at the men who stared at me in their cars when we were stopped at traffic lights or junctions.
Arriving home, I just managed to get inside the house to hear the phone ringing. It was Jasmine.
‘Hiya!’ I said ‘What’s up?’
‘Nothing, I was just checking you were still going to that bar tonight?’
‘Yes, have you changed your mind about coming with me?’
‘Oh god no!’ she laughed ‘putting up with one trannie, even one as lovely as you sweetheart, is bad enough but a whole room of them, no thanks!’
We both laughed.
‘Its just that the girls have decided to have a night in and I’ve volunteered to host it at ours. Is that okay with you?’
‘Sure’ I said, ‘but what time are they coming as I’ve got to drive to this place just before 8 tonight’.
‘No problem, the girls are coming over at half past 8 so you will miss them,’
‘Thank heavens’ I thought, some of them were quite bitchy and I would be made fun of something terrible if they saw me.
‘I’ll be home in half an hour, could you run a bubble bath for me please for when I get in?’
‘Consider it done’ I replied. ‘I’ll see you in thirty then’ I said and just as I was about to hang up Jasmine said ‘Look…just make sure you’re clean tonight…you know…enema!’
‘I don’t know what you mean’ I lied.
‘Yes you do, we both know what the other is going to be doing tonight so let’s not play games anymore. I do still love you and you’re my best friend but we’re not ‘in love’ anymore and our lives have moved in different directions. We’re not splitting up though so don’t panic, We’re a great team but we have different needs. I know about your needs, you’re not very good at clearing up your chat history are you and I know what you have found in my panties’ she giggled.
‘No I guess not and yes I loved what I found in your panties, he tastes delicious doesn’t he’ I laughed. ‘See you soon sweetheart’.
I went into the bathroom and started running the bath. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought that looking as I did, an old sweatshirt and jogging bottoms weren’t really appropriate. However, it was way to early to get dressed properly for the evening. I decided that I would dress in my satin robe but I would need to affix my breasts for the evening. The last thing I wanted was them popping out of my bra and bouncing across the floor. I went to the bedroom and stripped. I removed the breast-forms and using medical adhesive on each one, I pressed them firmly into place and held them for a few minutes. Satisfied that they weren’t going anywhere, I slipped into my white satin robe, noticed the unsightly bulge of my small penis and promptly raided the lingerie drawer for some white panties.
I turned off the bath and went downstairs and waited for Jasmine to arrive. Her face was an absolute look of disbelief when she saw me.
‘Holy Fuck!!! You’re totally beautiful, You’re going to get fucked silly tonight by Mike, I don’t even think you will make it to drinks. He will throw you over the front of his car and shag you senseless in front of everybody.
She came over to me and gave me a huge hug. ‘This is what we both want Rebecca and yes I said ‘Rebecca’ because that’s all I’m going to call you from now on. I’ve met a man whom I get a lot of pleasure from, as you already know and I’m pretty sure you prefer men to girls so this is all going to work out perfectly’.
‘Isn’t this going a bit too fast?’ I said ‘Probably, but I think we have both had a lot of time to work things our in our heads and after reading what you have said to Mike, you’re more woman than man anyway in how you think.
‘OK babe, lets do it. We probably have lots to discuss but we are both getting some tonight so we should concentrate on that and talk later, ok?’
‘Of course, now I take it your wearing black lingerie tonight, of course you are. Well, I’ll undress in our bedroom and when I’m in the bath, I’ve left a little present in my panties for you. Enjoy!
To be continued…
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