(To read earlier chapters, or my other stories, you can use the yellow MrSoftee profile link at the top of the page)
John Mellors lay stunned, trying to take in this most momentous moment in his young life so far.
He was a well-behaved boy who didn’t normally go trespassing in neighbours’ gardens and spying on people, but today the urge to see what his sixteen-year-old sister Lettie was doing had overwhelmed him.
For weeks now, from even before the summer holidays had started, she’d been disappearing across the road to Mr Whitaker’s house, to swim in his pool and work on her school project with her best friend Janie. John hadn’t paid much attention.
But then two days ago he’d overheard his mum saying something to his dad, in the kitchen. It had sounded like “I don’t know what they get up to over there, and I don’t want to know.” His dad had replied: “Well they won’t come to any harm with David, he’s the nicest old chap you could think of,” and his mum had just said “I suppose so.”
WHAT did that mean??
John had recently started puberty. His voice had gone deeper, in a wobbly sort of way, and his dick had suddenly started going big from time to time, out to a good four inches long, and feeling great when it did. Girls were sexy, not a nuisance after all.
Sex was on his mind generally.
He was a bit worried about the way his cock went hard when he and a few of his friends at school felt up each other’s dicks, after class, which they’d done three times now. And about how for one boy especially it went up fast and easily. Was he gay??
Being homosexual would be terrible. Anyone who was even suspected of being gay was picked on mercilessly. The very word ‘gay’ was used as a general insult. Even being Lettie Mellors’ brother might not save him.
He and his best friend Simon had compared each other’s dicks and touched them, but neither of them had wanked yet. They didn’t talk about the touching; it was compulsive, but guilty.
They’d discovered sex on the web, and watched pictures and videos, in awe, and now they were acutely aware of a new world that had yet to be explored in the flesh, as it were.
And Lettie and Janie were sexy, as the whole school knew. Older boys were always talking about them; in fact they were the centre of attention wherever they went. There was something special about them but John hadn’t quite got hold of exactly what it was. Though Lettie had always been Miss Popular as far back as he could remember, even if for some reason she didn’t have boyfriends like most of the others.
So the stars were aligned that when John had seen Lettie setting off across the road the previous afternoon he’d decided just to take a walk along the public footpath that ran between his village and the next, which at one point went only one small field away from the end of Mr Whitaker’s big tree-lined garden.
He’d crossed the field and looked closely at the high wooden fence, before his nerve had failed and he’d beaten a retreat. Today though he’d come back with more resolve, and when he’d faintly heard Lettie’s voice he’d scrambled up and over the fence.
He’d dropped down between some trees and bushes, then crawled forwards through more bushes until he could just see, through the leafy branches, the house and its big lawn.
And now John was trying to cope with what his eyes were seeing: a lawn FULL of naked girls!!
It was hard to know where to look first. Movement drew his eye the most – there was old Mr Whitaker on top of a girl, all naked, with his ass going up and down. That was FUCKING, wasn’t it???
But he was as old as Granddad, either of his granddads, and the girl looked like Ann Keighley from the year above! Could that be right?
He dragged his eyes away to Lettie, who was sitting cross-legged in a group of other girls rolling one of her joints, with her bush just completely on display to the girls AND HIM! Her fluffy brown bush and the bits that were right below - presumably a CLIT and a PUSSY!!!
Her tits jutted out, just as much as they did in her clothes, but now he could see her NIPPLES. They were exciting too, just for being visible.
Lettie was talking, as per usual, and waving her hands around one at a time with the fag paper and grass in her lap. Janie and…one, two, three other girls were listening, all naked and all sitting really close to each other and touching knees and arms and feet.
John could hardly believe he was seeing Janie Simmonds in the nude, as he’d fantasised about so often recently in his dreams. Janie was not only completely sexy but she said ‘hello’ to him and smiled at him even at school.
He recognised Lara Green from two years above him, the little blonde girl everyone went on and on about, and Jo somebody from Lettie and Janie’s year, and another girl, quite tall and sort of a dark blonde, whom he knew but not her name.
Just as he was starting to look over the girls properly, comparing their tits, those he could see at least, a rattling noise started in the trees and the girls all leapt up and ran for the house.
It had started raining! How unfair was that!!
Old Mr Whitaker didn’t seem to notice though, he just kept on with his ass going up and down, though he did seem to speed up; Ann was starting to make a gasping noise in time with his ass going down - which John was realising had to be his COCK going right into her!
It looked terribly animal and intense, a bit scary, with the rain now beating down on Mr Whitaker’s back and Ann Keighley’s exposed legs but them not caring, and now John could hear a slapping noise as Mr Whitaker slammed into her thighs and butt!
Then Mr Whitaker gave this big groaning noise and Ann gave a long gasp and they stopped moving for a few seconds and seemed to be clasped together.
A minute later John watched as they separated and stood up, soaking wet in the pouring rain, then ran across the lawn into the pool building on the side of the house. Ann was laughing, so she must’ve enjoyed it!!
With the lawn empty John realised he was being dripped on and was getting wet himself. He retreated further under the trees, then when the rain kept on he gave up, climbed back over the fence and ran for home, where he had to make up an excuse for being out in the rain getting soaked.
John hardly dared look at Lettie when she got in for dinner. He couldn’t stop thinking about her naked – her amazing tits and her pussy. And what was she doing nude with all those girls from school?
He was all set to go back the following day, but it was grey and cold with showers, so the girls wouldn’t be out sunbathing.
Even though it was July he had to wait almost a week, not able to think about anything else, until the sun shone again, then when it did he went straight back over the fence and was peeping through the foliage once more.
This time he went early, not to miss anything, and sure enough at about half past eleven one of the doors of the pool room slid open and Lettie came out, followed by Lara, Janie and then Mr Whitaker, all in the nude. The other three girls didn’t seem to be there this time.
John watched, rivetted, as they spread towels out and lay down, chatting casually as though they did this all the time. Which they probably did!
This time he noticed more detail, like how they were all tanned evenly all over. Even Janie had a bit of a tan, despite her redhead’s fair skin. Lettie and Mr Whitaker were quite brown, like Italians or something, while Lara’s skin was a golden sort of colour.
John had never seen all-over tans before. It certainly looked like they must be nude a LOT!
Janie and Mr Whitaker lay down and Lettie and Lara started spreading stuff from bottles on them. It had to be sun cream.
John watched Lettie’s and Lara’s tits as they leaned over to spread the cream. Lettie’s swayed to and fro slightly, whereas Lara’s, being a bit smaller, hardly moved.
Then he looked at their tummies, which even with them being a bit bent over didn’t have any bulges. Their asses looked pretty smooth too, Lara’s a bit smaller than Lettie’s.
Their shapes were different, with Lara having wider shoulders and hips that were about the same width, whereas Lettie’s hips were definitely wider than her shoulders and her thighs were bigger than Lara’s too.
John was fascinated. He knew both the girls were highly rated for their bodies at school. Evidently there was quite a lot to it, being sexy.
Their backs done, Mr Whitaker and Janie turned over. John very, very nearly gasped out loud: Mr Whitaker had an erection!
It looked enormous, so much bigger than his own; like twice as long AND twice as thick. If that’s what girls like Lara liked then he was doomed!
And she obviously DID like it. She was giggling, swapping comments with Lettie and Janie, and after she’d creamed Mr Whitaker’s chest and legs she put her hand round it! Right round his cock!! Well as far as it would go at least.
And then she played with it and was laughing about it, not taking it seriously at all, putting cream on it and rubbing it.
Mr Whitaker seemed quite relaxed about it too; obviously this wasn’t the first time. He reached up and stroked between her legs. It was hard to see at that distance but his hand seemed to be pointing up rather than along; what was he doing?
And then, incredibly, little Lara swung a leg over him and lined up the ginormous cock with her little pussy!! She was only five feet or a bit more, surely she wasn’t going to…she’d lowered herself and the great big old dick was disappearing right inside her!
John watched in astonishment as the small girl proceeded to fuck herself on the old man’s big cock, sliding up and down and writhing her hips. John could see the big, dark torpedo shape disappearing and reappearing between her thighs.
She had a big smile on her beautiful face. Her blonde hair flowed around and blew in the wind, and she gasped and sighed beautifully in time with her movements.
John’s gaze was distracted by movement next to the fucking couple. He looked at Janie and Lettie. They were KISSING!! Lettie actually was lying on Janie’s naked body, snogging her totally, and Janie’s arms were round her and stroking up and down her back and through her hair.
They were LESBIANS!!
John was torn. He knew lesbians were queer and being one was wrong and stupid. Not as bad as being a boy and gay, but not good either.
And now here were the two girls he most admired in the whole world and they were it!
And they’d made his cock go hard, he realised. The way they were kissing was sexy, anyway. Lettie had one thigh each side of one of Janie’s and was starting to move up and down on it.
They writhed about together for a bit, then turned over so Janie could put cream, or perhaps it was sun oil she was spraying, all over Lettie. John watched her rub it slowly over her, including her face, her neck and her amazing tits that stuck straight up.
While Janie was doing that Lettie was stroking Janie’s big thighs. John didn’t know WHY Janie’s thighs were sexy, but they were. And so were her tits, which were slightly more curved than Lettie’s but a similar size – not ‘big tits’ but very noticeable!
And when Lettie started stroking them Janie seemed to really like it. John heard her gasps even from where he was, twenty or thirty yards away. The way they used their hands was different, not trying to move anything just like saying something with touching.
His attention was drawn back to Lara, who was also starting to make gasping noises. She was moving faster and Mr Whitaker was moving a bit as well. Lara’s face had gone a bit funny, as though she wasn’t concentrating on where she was but on something that was somewhere else entirely.
Her gasping got a bit louder, then she groaned as well and went all stiff, for quite a few seconds; then she sagged down onto Mr Whitaker and lay on him while he stroked her back and ass. John realised it had been an orgasm. Also he realised that her ass was smooth and pert and sexy.
His hardon was uncomfortable in his shorts, it was bent over somehow. He rolled onto his side and undid his shorts so he could rearrange it.
But he found that when he touched it, it felt good. Really good. He didn’t want to stop.
He pulled his briefs down a bit so he could curl his fingers round it, and gave it a little squeeze. It was hard not to gasp out loud. He looked critically at it: it was bigger than it used to be, but a lot smaller than Mr Whitaker’s! Still, it was the same shape at least, and if he squeezed the top of it it felt especially good.
When he looked up again the scene on the lawn was still developing: Lara was now with Lettie and had her head between Lettie’s sexy big thighs. Could she breathe? What was the idea? Lettie seemed to be enjoying it, anyway, judging by the noises she was making.
Janie was with Mr Whitaker, who was on top of her and fucking her like he’d been fucking Ann Keighley. John was a bit surprised: he’d supposed that a man fucked a woman and that was it for some time, that day probably, but he hadn’t been sure.
Anyway Mr Whitaker had his arms under her and was moving very slowly. It looked like they were in love or something.
John felt a surge of jealousy. He was almost in love with Janie, but obviously he was too young and his cock was too small.
Out of the blue a cold dab suddenly struck the back of his arm! He whipped his head round, toppling forwards onto his cock which landed on a sharp twig and hurt. Two huge dogs were standing right over him!!
“Arrrgghh!!!” he yelled in fear and surprise, scrambling to his feet. Two Greyhounds stood wagging amiably at him, and he realised he’d met them when he first came for a swim and they were friendly. Where had they just come from? Meanwhile, he’d SO blown it.
“Who’s that?!” Lettie was coming across the lawn. The others were getting up. He started to run for the fence but Lettie had seen him.
“JOHN! What ARE you doing?”
He stopped. He was the most busted EVER.
“Come here!” Lettie was furious and dreadful.
He walked sheepishly back to her, trying to do up his shorts. Lettie grabbed him by the ear and marched him onto the lawn. He was still a bit smaller than her, though he would never fight her anyway. Especially with her being in the nude!!
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING??” Lettie was both pulling on his ear and yelling in it. “Spying on us, skulking around in the bushes, in someone else’s garden!”
“I’m sorry!” John didn’t even dare look at the others, all naked and no doubt furious too, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have, it was wrong, I just wanted to know, you know, know, about it. And after Mum said…”
“Well why didn’t you say? That’s so stupid!” Lettie interrupted, still scolding but letting go of his ear. “What do you think we’re doing anyway? You could just’ve SAID instead of skulking about spying with your dick out.
“And coming into David’s garden like that, without permission. You can jolly well apologise! And to Janie and Lara as well, perving all over them from the bushes!”
“I’m sorry, really I am,” John made himself look up at the others, seeing Lara with a towel round her now but the other two just standing naked and not seeming to care. “I shouldn’t have done it, I’m sorry, really, and I won’t do it again!”
“All right John,” Mr Whitaker didn’t sound especially cross, to John’s surprise, “I was curious too when I was your age, but ask first another time please, if you want to come over.
“Now then: what did your mother say that made you think there was something to see?”
John had to think. “She said she didn’t know what Lettie and Janie were getting up to over here and she didn’t want to.”
“Shit,” Lettie was diverted from her crossness with her little brother, “she’s guessing, after she pretty much caught us in my room. She half knows, really.”
“Well it’s OK isn’t it?” Janie reasoned. “That’s better even, if she doesn’t even want to know.”
“I suppose so,” Lettie had to agree, “as long as she doesn’t change her mind. But what if she starts watching and sees Lara and the others coming and going?”
“How did you get in John?” asked Janie.
“Over the fence at the bottom, sorry,” John confessed, “from the path.”
“Hmm,” David was thinking about it, “I’d been thinking about putting a gate in to walk the dogs that way. I’ll check with the farmer about using the edge of his field and perhaps then Lara and the others can come and go that way. Not many people use that path.”
“And talking about going…” Lettie had remembered how cross she was with John.
“Oh don’t send him away,” Janie was a surprise supporter, “he came to find out didn’t he? About sex? I think we should show him, like we showed the others. And he’s so pretty!”
She laughed, slightly at him and slightly not. John was thrilled at the idea but scowled at being called pretty.
“Yes I suppose,” Lettie was still a bit cross, “I suppose that’s what I meant really, if you’d only ASKED!”
His sister was not against it! “What do you think?” She looked at David and Lara.
“Fine by me,” said David, and Lara was nodding too. “As long as he’s naked too,” she smiled. “He is pretty isn’t he?”
John suddenly felt very insecure, but very excited. “I’m not pretty,” he defended himself, “I’m a boy. I’ll be a man soon!”
“Yes but John,” Janie was unnerving him by moving closer, her sexy body so naked, “right now you’re not a man, are you?
“You see we like girls AND men, Lara and I. Well Titty too but you’re her brother. So for us it’s lovely you being as small as us and all smooth and not hairy but having that cute cock.”
John looked down: he hadn’t got his shorts done up and with his briefs still pulled down his cock was sticking out, looking terribly small.
“And you do have a cute face, you’re going to be sooo handsome, but right now it’s all smooth with no beard or anything and so it’s pretty. And your skin is all nice like Lettie’s and you have her eyes a bit and you’re such a nice shape too, all sort of slim.
“So I would just love to teach you all about sex. Cos not boasting or anything but I do know quite a bit about it.” Janie smiled confidently at him. She did look like she knew everything about sex, and liked it too.
John had no idea what to say. After a few seconds he fell back on his manners. “Thank you,” he said. All the girls laughed at him, but it wasn’t really mocking.
Lettie moved over and snuggled against David while Janie and Lara manoeuvred John onto one of the towels and pulled all his clothes off. He gawped at his gorgeous sister all naked, cuddling an old man. Though he wasn’t fat or anything, or even bald.
Lara’s towel had disappeared and her beautiful body was naked too and touching him a bit, just like Janie’s.
John’s cock was hard again, feeling too small for what was inside it. His little balls, that he’d just started to notice, were bunched up tight as though they were part of it.
The girls made him lie down on his stomach and knelt one either side of him. He felt a spray on his back and then four small girls’ hands start to slowly rub it in.
“So have you played with your cock?” Janie wanted to know.
“Not really,” he confessed, “just like the others, you know.”
“I imagine you and your friends have been comparing,” Mr Whitaker, or David should he call him perhaps, joined in, sounding friendly and wise. He gave John the feeling nothing would surprise him or turn him against him now.
“Yes,” John answered, “but we’re all miles smaller than yours. I don’t think mine’s going to be much use.”
“It’s easily big enough,” Janie seemed to really know, “I’ve had plenty as small as yours and they feel fine. And it’ll get bigger, you’ll see.”
“If you’re like I was you’ll be having lots of worries about it I expect,” David continued, “like if you’re ever going to be big enough and if you’re gay and if any girl will ever fancy you.”
How did he know? John couldn’t understand it. Things couldn’t have been the same back in history all those years ago.
“Well we’ll put some of those worries to bed, as it were,” David finished, “we’ve become a bit of a summer sex school, though only for girls up to now, wondering if they’re lesbians mainly.”
“It’s a bit like the School of Rock,” Lettie was grinning, “you know, the film, only for sex. Have you been wondering if you’re gay like David said?”
“A bit,” John admitted, “but I do like girls, honestly.”
“We know,” Janie giggled, “but it wouldn’t matter if you fancied men too, you’d just be bi, like us.” She didn’t seem to realise what a catastrophe it would be if he fancied boys, or men!
“If you were really gay you’d fancy masculine men, all beefy and hairy,” David said.
“David’s fairly hairy,” Lettie stroked his grey chest hair, “do you fancy him?”
“Oh no!”, said John quickly, “not like that, you know. Though you do seem very nice, you know.”
“Well I would keep an open mind, but not worry,” David was smiling at him. He wasn’t offended, at least.
“Turn over,” Jane smacked him lightly on the ass. He rolled over, exposing his tiny dick to them again.
Lara Green, the most beautiful girl in the school, wrapped her hand round it. John looked into her face; her eyes were green, matching her name, and he could see somehow that she liked him.
“I think it’s lovely!” she was grinning at Janie.
“So you haven’t had a cum yet? An orgasm?” Janie was asking.
“I don’t think so, not really, though I have had a dream, sort of thing,” he admitted. He was starting to feel some odd sort of pressure at the bottom of his cock.
“Ooh, a wet dream, and what were you dreaming about? It wasn’t men or boys I bet.” Janie was lying right down, naked, right next to him and touching him all down. He’d never been so intimate with anyone, ever, but she was so nice it felt safe. Great actually.
“Well I was dreaming…about you, really. As you’re always nice to me, you know.” He knew he didn’t need to explain, but couldn’t stop himself.
“Oh wow, a wet dream about me? That’s so cool!” Janie seemed to like the idea. She was being nice again too: surely she must know EVERYONE had wet dreams about her. The boys in his year were always talking about it.
“Do you want it?” Janie was looking at Lara while stroking the head of his cock, just above Lara’s hand, offering his cock to Lara as though he was some kind of present.
“I’ll have him later,” Janie continued, “he mightn’t last very long though! But I’ll finish you.” She giggled. John tried to work out what she was saying.
“Oooh thanks,” Lara was pleased with the offer, clearly, “but it’s you he’s been dreaming about, it should be you really, to go first. And you were part way with David when you got interrupted weren’t you?”
“Oh, thanks, alright, but he’s about ready to blow so I don’t think I’ll get to finish!” Janie leaned across him and kissed Lara right on top of him!! Was even Lara a lesbian as well??
“So John,” Lettie said, ”don’t expect too much your first time, OK? You might not cum at all or you might cum straight away. Not that I’m much of an expert!” She laughed. “But it’s your first time and you’re quite young to be losing your cherry so don’t be disappointed.”
“That’s right,” Janie was smiling at him, “who knows what’s going to happen, but don’t worry if you just cum straight away or before me or not at all.”
“Alright,” John could only just speak, “I feel like it’s going to burst any second!”
Lara and Janie whipped their hands off his cock.
“So,” Janie was rolling onto her back, “we’ll do it missionary as that’s the main one, you know. So come over here, between my legs.”
John got onto his hand and knees and crawled across and between Janie Simmonds’ amazing thighs.
“OK we don’t need foreplay, like we normally would, OK? We’ll do that another time. Give me your finger, here. Stick it out straight and let me move it, and I’ll show you where you’re cock’s going.”
John watched in a trance as Janie manoeuvred his finger up to her pussy. He knew vaguely where and what it was, but still it was a surprise when she pushed it onto herself and a hole opened and his finger went in! It was warm and creamy and soft inside.
“Alright, that’s my pussy, it’s stretchy so your cock’ll go in just the same. So come and lie on me now, just for a second, lie on me and give me a kiss.”
John let Janie pull him forwards and then guide his head so he ended up with his lips on hers! Was this the right kissing? After a few seconds of him rubbing his lips on hers Janie pushed his head away again.
“OK so we’ll do more about kissing another time, but we’re close, OK? This is people really being close and touching everywhere and liking each other.”
She was gazing at him with her big grey eyes, from a few inches away. She was right it WAS close, and also he really did like her.
“Sex can be all different things, OK, love or liking or just having fun, the thing is it just has to be the same for both of you, OK? Or all of you, if it’s a threesome or something.” She giggled, having fun.
“So this is fun, OK? Not love or anything, just you think I’m sexy and I think you’re sexy. Alright?”
John nodded. Whatever Janie said he was going to agree with! If he was going to marry her that could come later.
“Alright so lift up a bit so I can see your cock again.” John propped himself on his arms and knees and Janie reached through and took his cock with her fingertips. !!!
She opened her legs even wider and John watched as she bent his cock down. He shuffled back a few inches as she pushed it that way, then slightly forwards again as she bent it further and pulled on it.
Her fingertips slid down towards the base of his so small but so bursting cock and pulled it onto herself. She moved it round in a small circle, just where his finger had been, and then moved her ass and his cock started to go IN!!!
Just like that. It was so easy.
Her hand let go of his cock and then both her hands were on his ass.
“This way,” she smiled at him, and pulled, and his cock slid right in!
His cock felt the most wonderful sensation he had EVER felt.
“OK, now pump it in and out, not too fast, just how my hands tell you.”
He felt Janie’s hands slide to his hips and push. He slid it out a bit. Then she pulled. In a moment he was fucking!! In and out! Pumping!!!
It felt even more amazing than he’d imagined. With every movement his cock made a huge sensation right through him. It was incredible!
But Janie was making it too slow now, surely? He speeded up. He HAD to! The pressure in the base of his cock was too much. In a second he was whizzing his cock in and out at lightning speed!
Urrggghh! His brain was in heaven! He was pressing it right in, as far as it would go. Bash! Bash! He was bumping into her so hard she was sliding away! The world was all a dream. Urrgghh!!!
It was easing. His brain felt funny, all muddled and not working properly, but at the same time he felt the most AMAZING feeling he’d ever felt.
Then he was tired. Sooo tired. He flopped down onto Janie, who was giggling.
Gradually he sort of woke up again. He lifted himself a bit and looked at Janie. “Was I alright?” he gasped.
Janie was amused about something. “YOU were lovely,” she was smiling at him, stroking his back, “but the fuck was TERRIBLE.” She laughed.
“You forgot all about me and just went at it like a rabbit. But it was your first time and you’re quite young to be fucking, so don’t worry. You’re still gorgeous, you just need to learn a bit. David’ll show you how it’s done.”
She was nudging him and he realised he had to get off. He looked at the others to see if they thought he’d been terrible as well. They were all smiling at him; not really laughing at him.
Lettie was signalling him to come over to where she was standing, while David was heading the other way towards Janie, with his ginormous cock.
Lettie pulled him to her, side on, and kissed him on the forehead. Her tits were right there. What was he supposed to do?
“Well done John,” she was saying to him, “you’re not a virgin any more. Don’t worry about going so fast, just watch David now, and see how he’s thinking about Janie not just about himself, and how he does it to make her cum. Then tomorrow perhaps you can have another go and you’ll be better.
“Don’t even THINK about doing it with me though,” she smacked his hand that was on its way to her amazing tit, “you’re my brother. Go and watch with Lara.”
He looked across. LARA GREEN was beckoning him over!!
"Come and watch with me," the most beautiful girl in the whole school said to him, "and see how to do it like David, then when you're ready you can try it with me if you like."
"Yes please" said John.
"Alright we can start with some touching while we watch," she smiled, "just come and lean against me a little and put your arm round me, yes, yes, that's nice, and we can snuggle. Then I'll show you about stroking and kissing, to start with."
Continued in Part 5,
or via my MrSoftee profile link at the top of the page
You should really bring the pill into the story line to explain why no one was concerned about pregnancy. Also, David should have the talk that this is a big secret and that they bragged or any adult found out he would be going to jail. Other than those two suggestions I am enjoying the story and love your style of writing.
You should really bring the pill into the story line to explain why no one was concerned about pregnancy. Also, David should have the talk that this is a big secret and that they bragged or any adult found out he would be going to jail. Other than those two suggestions I am enjoying the story and love your style of writing.
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