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My little sister explores her sexuality . . . and questions her sexual orientation
My Little Sister’s Dilemma

I always considered myself to be a typical teenager, but looking back, I may have qualified as a bit of a “nerd”, for lack of a better term. I never really had a problem with academics, and as a result, never had to study all that hard, or that much. At the ripe old age of seventeen, and in my last year of high school, I should have had the world by the balls. For the most part, I did, too, except for one small, insignificant detail. I had a sister that was a year younger than I was. Now, that might not seem like a big problem, and for the most part, it wasn’t. Except that this particular sister was an absolute knock-out, in my mind.

I was born on the first of November. My Dad always said that he and Mom had been out trick-or-treating, and I was the treat. My Mom, on the other hand, figured that I was a dirty, rotten trick that someone had played. To this day, she still believes that. Anyway, my sister, Joanne, was born the following September, and she was always Mom’s “little baby”. The title used to drive Jo absolutely crazy, but I’d use it if I needed to get her attention. She’d usually retaliate with something like an object that was both close at hand, and suitable for use as a lethal projectile. As you can tell, we had the usual sibling rivalry happening between us.

But it wasn’t all cats-and-dogs fights. Despite the fact that we had our battles, we had our good times, too. If I was feeling down and out, Jo was always there, trying to cheer me up. Whenever it was her that was on the outs, I felt compelled to try and be there for her. At the time, I had no idea of why, but I always seemed to be concerned for her happiness and welfare. So when Jo knocked on my bedroom door one evening, entering before I could say a word, I could tell by the scared look on her face that something in her little world wasn’t quite right. At the time, I was a little upset at the way she just barged in, but looking back, I would have granted her access without hesitation, and my permission wasn’t really necessary.

“Jim, can I talk to you?” she almost whispered. That look on her face made it almost impossible to refuse her request. Even at sixteen, she knew how to push my buttons, and that sad expression, those red-rimmed eyes from crying, all found just the right heart-strings to pluck.

“Sure, Sis,” I conceded, “any time, you know that. You look like you just lost your best friend. What’s up?”

Joanne just stood there, staring at the floor, seemingly trying to find just the right words, and having no success whatsoever. I got up and walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her to me tightly, then kissed her forehead. She might only be my sister, but she was a very special person in my life, and the sight of her hurting ripped a huge chunk out of my heart. Finally, she found the courage to look into my eyes, and I could see that she was deathly afraid of something.

“Okay, I give up” I eased into her space. “Something’s got my little sister all twisted and out of shape. Are you gonna tell me about it, or do I have to play twenty questions?” I had another line that I usually used, but this wasn’t the time for it. In the time it took Joanne to finally get the words out, I could have created another half-dozen opening lines, all of them new and untested.

“Jim, am I a . . . lesbian?” she squeaked. You could have heard a pin drop, even on the other side of town. How the hell was I supposed to answer that one? Hell, how was I supposed to even understand her question?

“Okay, Jo, I give up” I sputtered. “I’m a guy, and guys read newspapers, not minds. What the hell are you talking about?” I was somewhere between being very confused, and feeling like the stupidest person on the planet.

“Jim, I’m scared!” she almost screamed at me, then regathered her cmposure. “I was over a Sarah’s last night, and we were . . . well . . . fooling around, you know? Anyway, Sarah got some booze from her old man’s liquor cabinet, and we got a little drunk. Somewhere along the line, we started talking about . . . sex, among other things. She asked me if I’d ever kissed someone, you know, on the lips? So I told her the truth, no. Suddenly, she leaned over and kissed me! Not just a little peck, either, but a full-blown, open mouth, tongue swapping, french kiss. At first, I was shocked, but the longer she kissed me, the more I began to enjoy it. The next thing I knew, I was kissing her back!”

“Umm, I don’t think one kiss would qualify you as a lesbian, Jo” I advanced an opinion. “The booze might have had something to do with it, and with the way it felt.” The look on her face told me that my reassurances hadn’t done a damned bit of good.

“It . . . it wasn’t just one kiss, Jim. There were lots of them. We must have kissed for almost an hour. Then Sarah grabbed my boob, and began to squeeze it, playing with my . . . my nipple, too. And you know what? I loved it!”

I took the time to let her words sink in. Hell, she was sixteen, and probably as curious about sex as I was, and maybe more so. But like me, I was pretty sure that she was still a virgin, which would explain why a kiss would spark her interest. The fact that it was from one of her girlfriends was a little hard to understand for a guy like me, but then, I wasn’t all that knowledgeable as to how a girl’s mind worked.

“There’s more, isn’t there?” I quietly asked. The look in her eye told me that those kisses were just the beginning.

“Yeah, there is” Jo continued. “When she grabbed my boob, and began to play with it, I did the same to her, and it felt so wonderful. I just knew how to touch her, to excite her, to give her the same kind of pleasure she was giving me. We kept on kissing, and playing with each other’s tits. Jim, I couldn’t stop! I just wanted to feel her boobs, and how hard her nipples got! Pretty soon, we were on the floor, and Sarah lay on top of me, pulling my shirt and my bra off, then taking hers off as well. When she mashed her tits against mine, I thought I would die, it felt so good!”

Joanne took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before going on, as if to bolster her courage. Then she looked deep into my eyes, and if I had any questions as to her femininity, they disappeared in that one second. She must have found that courage she needed, because she went on with her tale.

“Jim, Sarah reached down between my legs, and began to rub me down there, and it felt absolutely fabulous! I followed her lead, and the next thing I knew, we were both naked, touching and feeling each other, and I couldn’t get enough of her fingers tickling or teasing me! Sarah was so wet, and so slippery. I loved that texture of her sex. She began to finger me, and I thought I was going to explode, it felt so heavenly! I wanted to do the same to her, to make her pussy feel as good as she did mine. Then Sarah must have had an orgasm, or something, because she began to moan and groan, and I felt her shaking and shuddering. At first, I didn’t know what was happening to her, but she pulled me tighter to her, then shoved herself down on my fingers and made sure I couldn’t pull them out. God, she must have shook like that for over a minute. When she was done, she started playing with me some more, and the next thing I knew, my pussy was tingling, my tummy got all fluttery, and I felt like I was losing control of myself! And the scary part? I just didn’t care! Whatever was happening to me, I wanted it more and more! I guess I must have gotten those same shakes that Sarah got, because all I can remember is that I felt like someone had zapped me with electricity. My head was swimming with what seemed like bright lights! Al I could think of was that I wanted Sarah to keep doing whatever it was she was doing to me!”

At that point, Joanne dropped her gaze from my eyes, and began to stare at the floor again. All this time, I’d been holding her by the shoulders, but I had a burning desire to hold her tightly in my arms. As I did, the tip of her nose rested against my Adam’s apple, and I kissed her forehead again, holding my lips to her in an attempt to tell her that everything would be alright. It may have been a pipe-dream, but I had to try. Then once again, I pulled back just enough to look into her eyes.

“Sis, it sounds like you two had your first orgasms. Not being a girl, I’m only guessing, but it sure sounds like it. That’s a good thing, in that now you know what to expect. But I doubt that makes you a lesbian.” I had to ask her the next question, if for no other reason than to help calm her fears. “Sis, can I ask you something personal?” I waited for her response.

Jo looked up at me, not sure whether or not she wanted to open herself up that much to her brother, but she swallowed hard, then nodded her affirmation.

“Have you ever been with a guy? I mean . . . well, you know what I mean. Have you let a guy into your pants yet?” I got a resounding smack for my trouble, and it hurt like hell, although I think a lot of it was the shock of my little sister actually striking me, more than the impact of her hand on my face.

“Oww!” I screamed. “What was that for? Shit, I asked you if it was okay, and I told you it was personal. You didn’t have to smack me like that!”

“Whether I have or not is none of your fucking business!” she snapped. “And just for your information, no, I haven’t!”

“Okay, okay! But you didn’t have to smack me. It may not be any of my business, and it really doesn’t matter to me, personally. Hell, it’s your body, and you can give it to anyone you feel comfortable with, for all I care. But I had a reason for asking, and it sure as fuck wasn’t to be nosey, or nasty. So, can we try that again, without the slapping and hitting?”

My sister looked into my face, and I could see her remorse staring back at me. She leaned up and kissed me lightly on the jaw bone, then pulled me tight to her young adolescent body, almost as a sign of desperation for the safety of someone’s embrace.

“I’m . . . I’m sorry, Jim. I shouldn’t have done that, but your question just made me furious for a second there. I guess I lost it. Forgive me?”

“Umm, shouldn’t have done what, Sis? Slapped me, or kissed me?” It was an attempt to break the tension, and it must have worked, because my sister actually began to smile, for the first time since she’d walked into my room. That smile made it completely unnecessary to answer with words, and I kissed her forehead one more time.

“Jo, if you haven’t had sex with a guy, how the hell are you supposed to know what you want? So you and Sarah had sex together. So what? It’s probably no big deal, and I’ll bet she’s feeling as unnecessarily guilty as you, right now. And I’ll also venture that you two aren’t the only girls to experiment with another girl, either. But until you’ve had sex with a guy, don’t bother labelling yourself as straight, lesbian, or even bisexual! You have no way of knowing until you have all the information . . . and right now, you don’t!”

Joanne stared at me for the longest time, her little mind whirring with thoughts and schemes. I could hear the gears going around, and some of the teeth weren’t lining up quite correctly, I swear. She had something devious that she was plotting, that I knew by the expression on her face.

“There’s one way to find out, Jim” she said softly. “You and I could have sex . . . couldn’t we?”

“Jo! What the fuck are you talking about? I’m your brother! That’s wrong, and you know it!” I almost screamed at the top of my lungs. And yet, her idea got caught in the cobwebs of my mind. My sister sure wouldn’t qualify as the ugliest girl in the world, that’s for sure. Okay, maybe she wasn’t as developed as some of her friends. Even at sixteen, she was still only an A-cup. She’d asked me, several times before, when she’d finally get bigger boobs. I tried to chalk it up to her being a late bloomer, and had always assured her that one day, her bust would fill out. In point of fact, it never did, and even today, a few decades later, she’s still an A-cup. On her, though, it looks good.

“Besides,” I went on, “Mom and Dad are home. If we got caught, there’d be hell to pay, and you know it!” It was an excuse, and a pretty flimsy one, at that. She still had the prettiest face I’d ever seen, a lean and trim body, if somewhat flat-chested, soft and gentle curves to her waist and back out to her sensuous hips, then down to a prominent butt that projected out from the small of her back, slowly returning to those firm thighs that topped her legs. And those legs! Of her five-foot-four-inch height, I sometimes swore that the first four feet were leg! God, they were gorgeous!

“Are you saying that you wouldn’t want to have sex with me, big brother?” she threw in my face, knowing what the real answer would be. I’d have to be a eunuch to not get turned on by her body! But she was my sister, for God’s sake! And yet . . . and yet . . . .

“Oh, for Christ’s sake, Joanne. That’s cheating, and you fucking-well know it!” I snarled in exasperation. “You know damned well that if I ever had the chance to make love to you, I’d grab it. But we can’t tonight, and by tomorrow, you’ll have changed your mind . . . right?” She continued to look at me with that conniving stare, leaving me guessing at what her answer might be.

“No, I don’t think so, Jim,” she finally declared, “unless you don’t want to. If Mom and Dad weren’t right downstairs, I’d have sex with you in a heartbeat, to be honest. You may be my big brother, and it may be wrong, but you’ve always turned me on, in your own, sweet way. But, if you really don’t want to . . . “

The turmoil in my head was almost bad enough to take an aspirin for. Here I was, talking to one of the prettiest girls I’d ever met, her wanting to get into my pants – there’s a switch! – and I was choking because of what? Because she was my sister, for crying out loud!

Somewhere in the cosmos, there’s supposed to be some kind of supreme being that looks down on us, attempting to guide and nurture us. I don’t know if any of that is true, but if it is, he’s a sadistic son-of-a-bitch, in my opinion! And right then, he was probably laughing his guts out, knowing how badly he had me squirming! I could think of quite a few names to call him, and most of them went through my head, missing my vocal chords by mere fractions of an inch. ‘Fuck you’, I thought.

“Okay, just supposing we did go through with it, Sis. Where do you propose we do it, and when? Tonight’s out, obviously, but what about tomorrow, after school? Mom’s working until four, so she won’t be home before five, and Dad never gets home much before six.”

Shit, I was really grasping at straws here, but the thought of being with Joanne, feeling her soft and smooth skin, her warmth, her femininity? There was no way I could pass that chance up! Maybe the excitement and taboo of incest was another driving factor, but it felt thrilling as hell to think about!

“Okay, tomorrow, after school, then" Jo volunteered. "Do you want to meet me here, or should we walk home together? We don’t, usually, and Sarah might get a little suspicious if we do. But I’d like it if we did walk together, if for no other reason than I enjoy being with my big brother, sometimes” she suggested.

“Yeah, that might be kind of neat, walking home with you. But why not walk with Sarah, too? We just won’t let her know that we’re going to be . . . you know. No one would suspect a thing if Sarah was with us . . . would they?” I threw in. We discussed some minor details, but finally agreed that we’d all walk together on the way home, and try to make it seem like a coincidence that Joanne and I happened to be on the same street at the same time. That was another detail we had to orchestrate, but my little sister seemed to think she had it taken care of.

The next day, it was all I could think about, this liaison between my sister and I. The day seemed to drag, and my thoughts were everywhere but on my schoolwork. Even my math teacher snapped my head off for making so many mistakes in class, and I’m good at math. Our lunch break was only an hour, but it felt like a week. I kept looking around the cafeteria, trying to find Joanne in a sea of four thousand other students, but with no luck. It was probably for the better that I didn’t, for I’d have had no idea what to do if I did find her.

Joanne had arranged it so that she and Sarah would just happen to be by the side door as I came out, then she’d call out to me, and we’d go from there. I tried to act casual, and to this day, I still think I should have won an Oscar for my performance. But we did manage to pull off our casual meeting at the side of the school, walking and talking like we sometimes did, whenever it became necessary to make the trip together. That was something that happened during snowy weather, but today, the sun was out, the grass was green, and it was pleasantly warm. Oh well, I thought, close enough for what Jo and I had in mind. Yeah, right!

Most of the talking was between Sarah and Joanne, with me eavesdropping like a snoopy brother, and keeping my big mouth shut. I don’t think Sarah even knew I was there, half the time. She kept commenting on this boy, or that person, speculating on whether they were interested in her or not. I knew the answers, but I wasn’t about to deflate her ego with the truth. My gut instinct was that Sarah desperately wanted to get laid, and she didn’t seem particularly fussy about who took her cherry.

If she’d only known what Joanne and I were about to get into, she’d have wet her panties!

Finally, and I do mean finally, we arrived at the house, and Sarah said her good-byes for what seemed like a month, then eventually turned and left for her own house. I was so tempted to run up the stairs and through the front door, but that would have broken the illusion. We sauntered up and into the house. As soon as that door closed, though, the illusion was no longer necessary, and we sure didn’t waste any time. I had just enough time to hang my coat up and remove my shoes before my sister threw her arms around me and pulled me to her hungry lips. Somewhere in the process, I dropped my books, hitting my toe, but never felt a damned thing.

Instantly, my little sister became the Alpha and Omega of my conscious world. Her lips tasted so damned good, and when her tongue began to trace across my lips, I would have danced on hot coals for more of her kisses. She demanded that I grant her access to my mouth, and I willingly surrendered. Oh God, could that girl ever kiss, too! She ran a probe over my upper teeth, flicking the tip along my top palette, then running over every surface of my tongue. Her passion sent shivers up and down my spine, and I held her to me as tightly as I dared, almost as if I was afraid that this was all a dream, and I might wake up. We must have stood just inside the front door, kissing, for fifteen minutes or more. By then, my blood was no more than one or two degrees off the boiling point.

“Still interested?” Joanne quizzed me. I kissed her one more time in reply, and she melted in my arms. As we finally broke our lip-lock, she almost ran up the stairs, then stopped at the top landing, waiting for me to both catch up, and to indicate which of our two rooms I preferred. I chose my own, simply because that’s where I figured we’d be the most comfortable. As soon as I guided her into the room and closed the door, Joanne pulled her top off, then turned to me with just her white bra covering her underdeveloped breasts, and beckoned me to her again. As I began to kiss her soft, sweet lips, my hands migrated to her diminutive mammaries, pressing and squeezing her deliciously pliable skin through the fabric of her bra, revelling in the sensation of her nipples growing harder, and projecting themselves into my waiting palms.

Without letting my lips come loose, Joanne moaned at the attention to her breasts, pressing them tighter to my hands. She had me trapped there, making it impossible to reach behind her and undo the clasp. In frustration, I simply hooked my fingers in the midriff banding, and pulled it out and up, exposing her small but definitive young breasts to my curious explorations. As I ran my fingers over her now rock-hard nipples, she moaned a little louder and a little longer, while still searching every nook and cranny of my mouth with her tongue. If she had pulled my head any tighter to her, I could have easily nibbled the back of her neck while still locked to her lips. Eventually, I had to come up for air, as Joanne reluctantly released her death grip on my head.

“Oh God, Sis,” I moaned as my lungs finally filled to capacity, “you taste so damned good, and feel even better!”

“You like my little tits, Jim? They aren’t much, but you make them feel so good! Are you disappointed that they’re so small?” For that one moment, being lost in Dolly Parton’s cleavage would have been a let-down, compared to the wondrous joy of being allowed to pleasure my sister’s breasts. I answered wordlessly, my lips finding and capturing one of her teats as I continued to fondle and tweak the other. She almost hummed as she moaned in grateful delight, and I could feel a similar sound forming inside me, too.

As I continued to delight in the taste, texture, and receptiveness of her miniature mammaries, I began to steer her backwards towards the bed. The backs of her knees contacted the bed, and she flopped onto it, her back landing on the softest part of the mattress, with me still clamped to her nipple. I braced my fall with my other hand just enough to keep from landing on her, but kept on sucking and teasing her teat. I’m not sure if she relinquished her hold on my head, but if she did, I was reclaimed in seconds. But again, I had to come up for air.

“You feel a lot better than Sarah” Joanne cooed. “God, do you ever!”

I began to kiss my way down her tight little belly, intrigued with the texture of the inside of her navel on my tongue. Jo giggled a little, probably because she found my explorations tickling, but irrepressible. As I continued down towards her crotch, I undid her pants, then eased them and her panties down and off her silky, smooth legs. My sister lay there, clad only in a non-functional bra, and the sight almost made me choke with lustful want. My nose was assailed with the scent of her sex, and that little blond patch of hair just above her mound intrigued the hell out of me. I buried my nose in it and inhaled deeply. By then, the allure of her slit had snagged my full attention, and I just had to explore its calling.

My tongue slid down over her gash, feeling her outer lips parting gently as they yielded to me. I knew something of a woman’s physiology, mostly from the sex books I’d read, along with the written porno that all teenage males seem to gravitate towards. I was finding out quickly, though, that there was a vast difference between the written word and the actual wonders of the female body. I’d heard of a clitoris, but had never seen one in real life, and I just had to find Joanne’s. Easing my tongue into the top of her slit, I sensed that little bump that fit the description I’d read about, and began to flick the tip of my tongue over it. Two things happened, almost simultaneously. Joanne’s clit began to rise up to my tongue and become hard, and I got my first intoxicating taste of female juices. There was a third reaction, too, as my little sister inhaled sharply, then clamped her hands on my head and pushed me tight to her pussy. I licked, lapped, and lathered her slit, fascinated by the engorging of her knotting nubbin, getting drunk on the taste of her juices, and drawn to the parting of her outer lips as I continued to stimulate her vulva. As I slid further between her thighs, my tongue found her heavenly entrance. It was then that I first touched and tasted her barely-protruding inner lips. I had never seen a woman’s vagina up close like this, and I lifted my head just enough to get a good view of her gateway to paradise. Those slowly emerging inner lips waved gently as though calling me to them. I ran the tip of my tongue between her inner and outer lips, starting at the bottom of one side, circling and flicking against her clit, then returning to her other two lips. Feeling brave, I tried inserting my fat tongue into her vagina, and was rewarded with Joanne inhaling sharply once more, followed immediately by a lustful groan from her luscious lips, the ones on her face. In addition to her sounds of pleasure, I was given another deposit of her heavenly juices, which I lapped up like a drunken sailor with a freshly opened bottle of rum.

‘Oh God, Jim!” Joanne moaned softly. “I don’t know what you’re doing, but it feels so fucking good! Keep going, big brother, please!” she demanded, and I was thrilled to be able to give her that kind of pleasure. As I kept lapping up and down her slit, Joanne began to rock her hips, still pressing my head tightly into her pussy, her legs now spread as wide as she could get them, and bent at the knee. In that position, her ass cheeks were in contact with the bed, but both legs were suspended in the air. I continued, and she moved those legs so that they rested on my shoulders. Suddenly she flung her head back, causing her pelvis to push up against my lips. I could hear her breathing change, becoming more insistent as she took shorter but deeper gasps. Then, without warning, my little sister began to twitch her hips, the movements becoming more and more pronounced, and the next thing I knew, she was shaking and trembling violently, still forcing me tightly to her crotch. As if all that weren’t enough for a teenager that had never experienced a woman in orgasm, Joanne began to howl, softly at first, then louder and more forcefully. Soon, she was bucking like a mad stampede rider. I was helplessly pinned against her quivering pussy, almost missing the flooding of my face with her juices. But with the first taste, I furiously slurped and licked all I was given, driving my poor sister deeper and deeper into her climax. She must have cum for a full two minutes.

Finally relaxing after her orgasm, Joanne pulled me from that fountain of nectar, pried her eyelids open enough to see me, and presented me with a look of absolute joyous rapture. I felt privileged to have been allowed to give her that, but wasn’t quite prepared for what she said next.

“Where the fuck did you learn to do that? Christ, I thought I was going to lose my mind, for a minute there! That time with Sarah was really good, but what you just did to me was . . . unbelievable! Which girls have you been with?”

“Actually, Sis, you’re the first girl I’ve ever licked down there. I got the idea from one of those girlie magazines, and thought I’d try it. Glad I did, too, because you taste really great” I answered her.

“What the hell do they call that one?” Joanne demanded.

“I think they call it eating pussy, or something like that,” I answered her, “but there’s a clinical name for it that I can’t pronounce. All I know is that I love it, and it doesn’t seem to break your heart either. It felt like you had one hell of an orgasm out of it. Am I right?” She nodded her head in the affirmative. “I love to feel you going off like that,” I said softly, “so maybe we should do that again?”

“Oh yeah,” Joanne responded enthusiastically, “any time you want! Even Sarah doesn’t know about that one, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to tell her. Besides, how the hell would I explain my big brother eating my pussy to Sarah? Hmm?” I felt a passing wave of panic, as I envisioned the kerfuffle of Sarah’s inquisition. But I knew that our secret was safe with Joanne, if for no other reason than she was as liable as I was.

“Umm, Jim?” Joanne broke into my reverie. “Do you still want to do it with me? Go all the way, I mean?” I felt like telling her it was about the stupidest question she could ask. At this point, I might have even considered forcing myself on her, although deep in my soul, I knew I wouldn’t actually do it.

“Yes, Sis, I do, if you still do,” I moaned softly, “but only if you still do.”

“Get those pants off, and let me see it. I’ve never seen a boy’s hard cock, so this will be another first for me, won’t it?” my sister almost ordered me. I stood up, undid my pants, then pushed them and my briefs to the floor. Joanne’s eyes were rivetted to my throbbing member as it twitched and danced in anticipation. The fact that she was looking at my hard cock was one thing, and I’ll admit that it was a thrill to expose myself to her. But that glassy look of lustful wonder will remain etched in my memory for the rest of my life. She sat up, staring at my up-curved erection with curious wonder, then looked up into my eyes with a silent plea in her eyes. I replied by thrusting my hips forward ever so slightly, and she reach out, wrapping her hand around my shaft. As she slowly slid her fingers down from the head to the base, then back up, her gaze shifted from my member to my face, reflecting her questions about a man’s erect penis.

“Oh Jim, it’s so hard, and yet so soft” she murmured. “ I just love the feel of it in my hand! I have this urge to slide my hands up and down it. May I?” she begged. There wasn’t much chance of me saying no, and I nodded my head, giving her full permission. She began to explore this new part of her expanding world, sliding softly and sensuously up and down my shaft, her fingers sending waves of electric-like pleasure all through my groin. As she reached the tip again, there was a look of inquisitiveness in her eye. She slid her fingers through the small pool of pre-cum that had gathered there, smiling appreciatively at the silky texture of the liquid lubricant.

“Is that your semen?” she asked with some apprehension.

“No, that’s pre-cum, Sis,” I explained, “sort of like your pussy juices. It’s there to lubricate both of us so that when it goes in your . . . “ I couldn’t decide what label to call my sister’s vagina, and visually pleaded for her to bail my sorry ass out.

“My cunt?” Joanne supplied.

“Yeah. When it goes in your cunt, it’ll slide right in without hurting you. Maybe it’s a secondary thing, but perhaps not all women get as slick as you are, right now” I finished. While still holding my cock in her hand, Joanne slid her finger down her slit, and I saw the tip of it disappear into her entrance. The sight almost made me cum right there. She slid it in and out of her canal a couple of times before looking back up at me, then while still gazing in my eyes, started to finger herself again, her eyes becoming glassy and unfocused.

“I don’t think there’s much chance of binding inside me, right now” she moaned softly. “My cunt’s soaking wet, especially after you ate me like that.” Then she returned her attention to my throbbing manhood captured in her fingers, watching herself stroking me, while still pumping her own finger in and out of her cunt. Suddenly, she moved her stare back to my eyes.

“I want to feel it inside me, Jim” she growled. “I want to know what feels like to have a guy in my cunt. Come and put it in me?”

As I leaned forward, Joanne flopped back on the bed, her legs still spread wide, and her face showing the breathless anticipation of giving herself for the first time to any man. I prayed that I’d be all she ever hoped for, and maybe a bit more. I eased myself between her thighs, and she guided my cock to her entrance. I felt the resistance of her opening, not yet distended enough to take the head of my cock into her. Applying an oscillating pressure against her labia lips, I felt her inner ones flap slightly against the tip of me, finally yielding as my cockhead popped into her waiting love canal. I’m not sure which one of us was deeper in sensual shock, Joanne, or me.

“Oh my God, Jim! That feels . . . awesome!” I eased a bit more of my manhood into her slowly, and as I did, my sister gasped at the thrilling realization that she was being penetrated by a man for the first time in her young life. Not only was she about to be fucked, but she almost seemed to be impatient for it to happen.

I started to push myself deeper inside Joanne, almost stunned at the heat that her sex radiated, and captivated by the slippery tightness of her vagina, it’s silky walls sending a demanding desire in me to plunge wildly into her depths. The slight friction of her lining on the ridge of my helmet seemed to beckon and call me to extend myself fully inside her, yet I went at a leisurely pace, lost in the delirious sensuousness of my first coupling. Then I ran into her maidenhead’s barrier, and felt my sister wince as the resistance stopped my progress.

“Ouch!” she moaned. “I forgot about that. You’re going to have to bust my cherry, Jim, because I want to feel all your cock inside me. I want to feel it’s full length filling me up. God, you have no idea how good this feels!”

“It’s going to hurt, I think, Sis” I warned her. “Are you sure you want to go through with this, or would you rather stop? Once your hymen is broken, we can never go back again.”

Joanne stared at me with wide eyes, that look of determination broadcasting itself deep into my soul.

“Yes, big brother, I want this. I need to feel you all the way inside me. I need to know . . . if I’m a lesbian or not. We’ll never find out unless you do this for me. Please, big brother? Please?” she begged. I couldn’t refuse her, not for love nor money, but at the same time, I was more than just a little apprehensive about what she was going to go through, and the associated pain that I’d have to cause her. That part I didn’t find too thrilling.

With all the tenderness I could muster, I slid my arms up beside her, holding her shoulders with my hands, trying desperately to let her know that I was sorry for what she was about to experience, and praying that I could make it alright for her. Then I had an idea, and leaned forward enough to kiss her soft, pouty lips. While her attention was momentarily diverted, I pulled myself back just enough to give my cockhead room to build up some momentum, then quickly drove my cock through her barrier, finally ending up with the tip just resting against her cervix.

“Holy Shit!” Joanne screamed. “God dammit, that hurts!” she howled.

“We can stop, if it’s too much, Sis. I can’t handle the idea of causing you pain. I think it’s because I love you too damned much” I confessed.

“No!” She was insistent now. “Just let me get used to losing my cherry. I want this, Jim, so bad! I sort of knew that my first time would hurt, but I need to know . . . whether I am or not. Now that we’ve gone this far, I want it all.” She reached up and pulled me to her lips again, kissing me hard and long, as if that kiss would make the pain go away. Then, without warning, Joanne began to gently rock her hips, sliding her cunt up and down a small portion of my cock.

“Oh God, y-e-e-s-s-s!” she growled. “Fuck me, Jim! Make me a woman! Make my cunt tingle like it did when you ate me out!”

Tentatively, I withdrew myself until only my cockhead remained, then I began to ease my manhood back into the depths of her newly-deflowered womanhood. With each stroke, Joanne rocked her hips in syncopation, gradually increasing the tempo of our rhythm, until we were pounding against each other like a couple of rutting animals. I could feel the walls of her vagina flutter, then her muscles began to grip and relax on my shaft, and as we continued to fuck, those flagellations became more and more pronounced.

“Oh God, Jim! It’s happening again! I’m going to . . . “, and with that she started to gasp sharply in shallow bursts, and that quivering of her hips grew into a series of trembling shakes as she vibrated beneath me. Within a few quick strokes, Joanne began to mewl, her sounds slowly increasing until it became a low scream, building in tone and amplitude like a symphonic crescendo. She announced the arrival of her pleasure peak with a series of high-pitched grunted screams, her arms holding me almost tight enough to suffocate me. I kept pumping myself into her, doing everything I could think of to keep her on the cusp of that wave of delight that she rode.

As Joanne began to ease down from her release, I could feel my balls begin to lift, and the pressure at the base of my cock build, as that mass of creamy cum prepared to unleash itself for the journey deep into my sister’s womb.

“Oh God, Sis! I’m going to cum!” I wailed.

“Yes!” she hissed deliriously. “Do it, Jim! Cum inside me. I want to feel you fill me with semen and sperm! I want to know what it’s like to be filled with a man’s essence!” I could feel that first stream of spunk coursing up my shaft, then explode from my hole, spraying deep into my sister’s love chamber, gushing as it passed her cervix and into her womb! Then another, and another, and even another blast of my boiling baby batter percolated out of me, joining the first strings as it spread itself deep in my sister’s lower belly. She had somehow managed to wrap her legs over my waist, and was pulling me deeper and deeper inside her, and I heard her lustful moan of delight as she kissed and licked my ear.

“Oh! My! God! Jim!” she gutturally growled I my ear. “I can feel it! I feel your seed inside me! So good! Y-e-e-s-s-s!” Once again, I could feel her twitch, but without the explosion of a full orgasm to accompany it. As I felt the last of my cum ooze from my cock, I began to relax my tensed muscles, and rolled over onto my back, clasping and holding my sister so that we might remain united.

With the post-coital glow, my cock began to soften, then finally flopped out of Joanne’s cunt, allowing a stream of our mingled juices to leak out of her, over my balls, and down the crack of my ass. In a small way, it felt like the equivalent to the flow of champagne when a bottle is first uncorked. I loved the feel of it, the texture of it, the implications of it. I wasn’t too keen on the heady odour, though. Suddenly, my room reeked of the smell of sex. Actually, it wasn’t the smell, per se, that concerned me, but rather the chance that someone other than the two of us would trespass into our private world, and attempt to destroy both it, and us. But for the moment, I was lost in that wonderful afterglow, and as long as Jo was there too, the rest of the world didn’t mean a damned thing to me.

“Oh God, Jim! That was . . . that was the most wonderful, beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced in my whole life!” Joanne purred softly in my ear. “I’ve always thought you were a very special guy, but now, I know it, deep down in my heart. Would you be offended if I told you I love you? That I think I’m in love with you, too?”

I kissed the edge of her ear, the only part of her that my lips would reach, as I confessed to her, “No, I wouldn’t be offended, Sis. I’d be downright honoured.. When did you have in mind to make this announcement? Soon, I hope”, and I couldn’t help but giggle softly as I teased this girl that had given herself to me, her big brother, and allowed me to accompany her on that journey to becoming a complete woman.

“Shut up, Jim, or I’ll have to hurt you, you dumb shit!” Joanne growled softly at me. “But if you’re going to be an asshole about it, I love you, big brother, and I’m in love with you, too!”

“Phew!” I whispered back, “because I’m in love with you, Joanne. I guess I can’t call you a little baby anymore, though, can I?”

“Not if you want to live long enough to see your eighteenth birthday, you can’t!” she warned me, then captured my lips one more time, even as she stole what was left of my heart.

“Oh, by the way, “ she added, “I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m definitely not a lesbian. Feeling a guy inside me is way better than anything Sarah could do for me, especially when that guy is you.”

I was going to say something like “I told you so”, but I didn’t have the courage. Still don’t, just for the record. I’ve seen my little sister fight, and I’m too young to die.

Trib FanReport 

2023-01-13 16:45:49
Wonderful story of love & lust.


2022-08-02 00:57:41
I loved reading this story.My brother took my virginity too,we still have sex even now


2021-02-04 21:12:25
yeah love it


2017-11-07 20:50:12
So sad that some critics cant see the love between two young people in this fictional story and love between siblings in real life is very special although not many develop it into physical reality. I know this is brother and sister which is incest but sex between cousins has been referred to as incest by some comments on this story. Sex between cousins is not incest as cousins can marry. Good story with an interesting story line.

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-02-07 03:40:51
Lost my cherry to my nineteen year old cousin when I was sixteen.
We had unprotected sex quite often for two years until he went into the service.
I loved the feeling of having his semen inside of me.
We had one scare one time when I missed my period and thought that I might be pregnant. We talked about having a baby together and I was alright with it and so was he.
However after about a week went by I woke up one morning and I got my period.
That's the only time in two years that I remember missing my period and we would fuck three or four times a week and he came inside of me every time

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