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This is part 6 of Janets shitty games with me. As wished by a commentator some time ago, this time we're going to have shitting during the lesson.
A few weeks after our (or better: Janets) rough encounter with Alex and his buddies in the changing room, I remember Janet and me having another especially remarkable game. Meanwhile, spring had come across the land, the air was warm, and nature was beginning to really awake after the long winter. Accordingly to the weather, Janet was wearing black "leggings" (for those who don't remember them: this were skin-tight pants, made of elasthan / lycra and thus being able to fit to any body form of its wearer. When worn, the surface became shiny which could look like a sexy second skin when the right girls wore it - and if they were even more horny, from time to time one could even see the shades of their pussy lips being remodeled by the fabric.) that day. We were in the history lesson, where we both sat at a desk in the last row of the room - the history teacher, an elderly woman, could barely look from the front to the end of the room and was no typical walk-around teacher, so we remained mainly undisturbed in the last row during her lessons, whilst our classmates in the first three rows constantly were at her focus. History had to be our final lesson for this day of the week, and even other classes who had other lessons in the afternoon would have had a full hour of lunch break after this lesson.

At this day, windows were open to get in a more oxygenic air than it was usual in our old school building. Accordingly to the season, farmers had brought out manure to the fields outside the city, so the air wasn't really clean and fresh, anyway. Maybe this smell in the air triggered Janet to get into one of her shitgames again - I never found out. Anyway - at this day, the teacher was showing an educational video tape to the actual topic of the history lessons. I remember the videos of this series being incredibly boring, nearly every one in class was nearly asleep or minding his own business (that means reading books, magazines, writing love letters or else), I was no exception - I had to fight to keep my eyes open when Janet suddenly slid her hand over my lap, catching my attention.
"I wanna play", she whispered to me, caressing my dick.
Soon I was awake, running at full energy again.
"I'm listening."
"Something I always wanted to do... can you guess? Remember our games?"
I thought for a moment.
"Y'er wanna shit? But how? Here and now?"
She broadly smiled.
"I see you got the idea. Now is the best time for this game - the air is shitty anyway, this reduces the risk of being caught. But there still is a bit of a risk, and that makes the fun."
"OK - so what's my part?"
"I'm gonna shit my leggings now - just put your hand under my ass and feel my shit."
No more thoughts of falling asleep. Quickly, I slipped my hand under her ass and started fingering her butt, searching for her asshole - and soon enough found it as she slowly and carefully began pushing, thus opening her hole a little bit.
"You're really wanna do this?", I asked, feeling my dick getting hard and my hormone levels rising.
"I wanted to do this for aeons, you silly, you well know that! Now lets stop talking, or otherwise our time will get lost, and we would have gone nowhere."
Well, there was nothing more to say, so I just gave her an encouraging little nod.
She began to push again... and it were only seconds until I could feel the tip of her shit coming, and I instantly started to play around it with two fingers. In the last weeks, I had gotten enough experience as to know better than using too much force and pushing her shit back into her arse, so I only lightly played around.
As I was used from Janet, once she had started shitting, she just had to let it go - and I could feel more and more of her nice horny shit coming out of her ass, forming a nice bulge in the seat of her leggings, stretching out the synthetic material like some kind of tent and filling my hand with it, and I could feel the consistence of her shit: it felt like a warm kind of soft ice cream, not being fluid like diarrhea but not being overly massive, either - it really was like soft ice cream, but of course not icy cold but pleasantly warm. I saw at her face and felt at my hand (which was meanwhile completely grabbing the pile of shit) when she was done only maybe 30 seconds later, and now I could smell what she had just done, too - it once again was the horny smell of sexy girlshit coming out from the ass of a girl who was really into this kind of games, and I had gotten into this kind of games as well - so to no surprise my boner was rock hard again, my sexual excitement being fueled up by the whole mix of smelling and feeling.
I knew my active part of the game had come without Janet explicitely telling me - she just gave me a little nod as a sign to get started. So I began pushing the load in her leggings to her ass, slowly moving my hand around - I covered her ass with her shit, slowly bringing it everywhere on her nice butt cheeks. The smell became more intense, too, of course - but to my astonishment no one in the class room seemed to notice, everyone else being too much occupied with the simple task of staying awake and the teacher being obviously fascinated with her own narcotic boring video.
After circling my hand and grabbing fingers around Janet's butt for maybe two minutes, I carefully looked at our work (until now, I had only feeled her butt with my hand but had kept looking in the direction of the TV) - and got really big eyes. I had expected to see just her ass as usual, only with a somewhat uneven surface of her leggings - but due to the moisture of the shit, fresh brown stains had gotten to the black material, even on the wooden seat there had appeared some small fresh brown spots. In addition, I had managed to push out some shit which was now clinging at the upper end of the leggings and her butt and had already left its traces on her shirt. I leaned a bit over to her and told her what I had seen.
Now, who really expected her to be shocked or even afraid? No one, I guess, and neither was I.
One of her hands vanished under the desk, and from what I could see at her face, it was easy to tell for me she was just rubbing her pussy through the front of her leggings.
"Use your finger to whip away the shit that has come out", she ordered me. I did as told without any hesistance - I wanted to do so on my own and used even two fingers to remove the brown mass that hadn't fitted inside her leggings.
"Good. Now, why don't you take a closer look and a better smell", she smirked at me with a knowing smile, accompanied by her other, still free hand coming over to me and stroking my dick through the fabric of my jeans, exactly like she had done earlier in our shit relationship. I, of course, couldn't resist and already had my hand half way up. I carefully took my hand onto the desk so I could see it again. My whole inner hand had gotten a slightly brown tone, and the shit on the two fingers was of a soft consistence and a nice brown color which now remembered me of mousse-au-chocolate.
Obviously, I couldn't have brought up my fingers to my nose to get a nice smell without catching unwanted attention, so I slowly lowered my head and lifted my hand just a bit until I managed to get my nose to the sexy fresh brown mass. I deeply inhaled a number of times, clearly enjoying the smell while Janet continued to caress my dick - I almost forgot where I was.
"Now tell me what to do with it", I whispered to her because I could well imagine she already had some horny idea of how to get rid of the shit at my fingers, and right I was.
"Why don't you smear it onto your boner?", she asked with a sugar sweet smile.
Nice idea, I thought... so I used any appropriate muscles to pull my intestines in as best as I could, creating a small opening in my jeans without actually unzipping them. I then carefully brought in the shit-covered fingers and managed to whip off the shit on my dick, not caring about my panties at this time.
"For my long boy meat, maybe this was a bit few", I grinned to her, bringing my hand back to her ass. I slid in the two fingers into her leggings and brought out more shit - and wasted no time to add it to the one already being on my dick, which Janet noticed with a happy smile.
"Good boy! You deserve a reward. Fancy a wank?", she asked while already beginning to stroke my dick (which I had already brought into a comfortable position at the beginning of the game, of course).
"I happily would, but what about the spasms of my body when I cum?"
Obviously, that objection was invalid to her, as she continued to work my dick, and with my arousal already being way too high, I didn't care too much anymore, either. Instead, I squished the shit at her bottom some more, then got another sniff of my shit stained hand - this, her good work and the thought of my dick being at least partially covered with her horny shit got the job done: I felt climax reaching.
I closed my eyes and used every bit of concentration I could bring up to keep my body completely still - and then, the moment arrived, I shot my load into my panties and routed the whole orgasm energy inside my body. The feeling was incredible: there was almost no reaction to the outside, but waves of pure energy raced through my bodys, a searing heat seemed to race along every nerve like lightning, and I believed I must have become immaterial for a short period of time - and then it was over, the energy waves slowly getting lower and dying away, and my body regaining its matter again. I opened my eyes and saw Janet looking really impressed at me.
"I wouldn't have imagined this to be even possible", she whispered.
"Me too... never tried this before. Did anyone notice anything?"
We both took careful looks, but the miracle really had happened: no one seemed to have taken any notice at all, no changes were visible. I really had some trouble believing it: here I was, in a class room crowded with other students of my class and even the teacher being in, in the middle of a boring history lesson, playing a raunchy scat game with Janet and even having cum-shot! But it was reality.
And of course it wasn't over yet.
"Y'er said something about nice brown stains on the outside of my leggings. How is it, would others notice as well?"
"No question about that. I can't believe even you could walk away like that while others are around."
"Hmmmm... seems we have to stay in here after this lesson finally closes. Besides, I'm not done yet - I'd appreciate it if you prove to me you can satisfy a girl's needs", she grinned back to me. I had little doubts about the meaning of her words and merely grinned back.
We didn't have to wait long. After maybe five or so minutes, the video finally came to an end, the teacher closed the lesson and the bell rang. As was to be expected, up the others got and flooded out of the room. Our teacher was rewinding her video tape while I took out the maths book and started explaining several difficult maths problems to Janet, playing the more advanced student who helped his class mate to understand the matter as well. After a few more minutes, the tape was rewinded, the teacher took it out of the VCR and was about to leave when she first seemed to notice we were still in.
"So what about the two of you? No hurry to get out into the sun?"
I looked up, continuing to play the teacher-like student who now was a bit annoyed for the interruption.
"We were training difficult math problems. You know about the sinus / cosinus functions, their derivatives and the exact positioning of their zeroes?"
She seemed to be a bit confused for a moment.
"I didn't know this advanced matters are already at schedule at your class... so well then, keep on working if you think this to be right. But please, when you leave, don't forget to close the windows."
With that, she was gone, even closing the door behind her, and we were alone in the room. Janet kept her laugh for some seconds inside, but then lost it.
"What functions? What zeroes?", she burst out, nearly breaking of laughing.
"Sinus / cosinus functions, zeroes on the X axle... things like that", I grinned back. "Never mind this, no idea wether we'll ever even hear of this here at school. I just watched a TV program about this matter yesterday whilst I had my lunch and found it somewhat fascinating."
"Oh-ho, not only a horny shit playing boy but an intellectual too", she mocked at me.
"Seems you really got a best choice ever", I hit back.
"But now let's get to the problems at hand. Any idea?", she asked. I closed the maths book and put it away.
"Well... there's nothing I could offer about the shit stains on your backside. But I do have a plan indeed for the rest of your load", I said with a devilish grin.
"Don't worry about the leggings. See... I'm prepared, I have another one in my bag", she smiled. "Now, what do you wanna do about the shit you've rubbed around my ass?"
"Just come."
With that, I got up and went to the blackboard. In a small box, there was a synthetic sponge that was used for cleaning the blackboard. It was supposed to be watered before the cleaning and being washed after it, but this was rarely done so - mostly, the blackboard got cleaned only dry, and the sponge was watered or washed only from time to time and, besides its original suppose, used to clean up any kind of mess on desks or on the floor in the room - the result was that this thing was fairly dirty anyway and smelled miffy because of the few moisture it held inside. I took it.
"What about that? Student Janet, would you please come to the blackboard?", I mockingly reprised my role as her teacher. She obeyed.
"Now we will clean your ass", I announced. She turned to the blackboard, offering me her ass. I got down on my knees and slowly pulled down her leggings. Soon I came to the real shit - and it was only now that I realized this girl was wearing no panties today.
"Wow... thats really hot and horny", I commented. I continued taking down her leggings until her nice, brown, horny smelling shit covered ass was completely free, and I found lots of shit to be clinging inside her butt crack.
"You like leggings with no panties?", Janet asked with a sugar sweet voice.
"Fuck, thats hot - and only hot girls are doing this. Well, lets see how hot you really are..."
With my hand that wasn't at her ass and shit before, I grabbed around her hips, and soon enough my fingers found her open pussy and probed it - and, as expected, she was really wet already. I got up and continued to play with her pussy, which made her moan of pure lust and my dick hard again.
"You like that, don't you? So we should combine pussy playing and your gift you gave us."
I collected some shit from her butt with my other hand and brought it to her face, then with a sudden move shoved a bit of it onto and under her nose.
"Yeah, you dirty horny little girl, smell it, smell your own raunchy shit... I know you like this!"
I didn't have to play this game for long - after only one or two minutes her breathing became faster and faster, her pussy fluid flowed in streams, and she grabbed a hold at the blackboard as not to collapse when her orgasm hit her. Unlike me she was in no need to redirect the energy to the inside of her body - I was just lucky she didn't scream it out loud.
Two minutes later, she was back on earth.
"Wow, that was really great", she gasped, still out of breath. "Now I for sure know you can give me what I need."
I just smiled at her.
"So, should we now try to get your ass clean?"
"Surely would be better. Please go on."
So I took the dirty sponge again. As it was too dusty, I went to the sink and thoroughly watered the sponge, waving Janet to accompany me. She took the opportunity to clean her face.
"We will have to use this one to clean up your butt."
She seemed to like the idea, so I just went on. I needed four turns of wiping her ass and cleaning the sponge, washing away the shit through the sink. At the last turn, I got to her butt crack where still were good amounts of shit left, and I carefully took them up into the sponge.
"Now look, I guess you like what's to come."
With that, I brought it back to the sink, but this time only used very few water and squished and pushed and pulled the sponge - until nearly nothing was visible from the outside, but I had done so that a fairly good amount of her sexy shit now was caught inside the sponge. She broadly smiled, and I went to the final test: I brought it up to my nose and sniffed it, and sure enough got a noseful of a mixture of the sponges miffy smell and shit smell, the shitty note clearly dominating. I handed the thing over to her, and she repeated my test, then carefully put it back to its box.
"Now, next time someone is wetting this sponge and uses it to clean the blackboard, he will get your horny shit at your hand and the board without the brown color being all too obvious", I explained, and she smiled, clearly liking and enjoying the thought. I glanced down at her and found her pussy lips to shine wet again.
"You really deserve a good reward, you filthy shitty lover boy", she purred.
I glanced at my watch and found we still had some 30 minutes left before afternoon classes would start, so I just gave her an encouraging smile. She unzipped my jeans and lowered them together with my still wet pantys, and my boner, still partially covered with her own shit, jumped out. She began playing at it, then, unexpected for me, went down to her knees and took my dick into her mouth... she really began sucking at it, thus licking off her own shit of my dick which powered up my excitement considerably.
After a short time, she got up, then bent over the nearest desk, offering me both her holes.
"Well?", I asked, a bit surprised. "Got any more surprises inside your cute little shithole for my member and me?"
"No, no... I still need my ass for horny shitting, I can't let you fuck it raw by now. But I need you in my pussy again!"
Ah, that it was... I wasted no time to get behind her and, without any hesitating, slipped my dick into her pussy in full length, then begun thrusting. But I could not leave her butthole completely alone - so I used one of my fingers and slowly shoved it inside her ass as far as I only could. She of course understood and pushed what was possible... and I felt something warm around my finger. After some turning and twisting, I brought it out, finding it covered nicely soft, brown and smelly for at least the first few centimeters. I first offered my finger to her nose, and her breath once again accelerated remarkably, then took it to my own nose to get a good sniff.
The combination once again of sheer fucking and the smell of her horny shit took its toll on both of us: soon we both reached the peak of our hormone levels, this time nearly simultaneously reaching climax and shuddering in our orgasms.
After a short time, I pulled out my now softening dick from her still wet pussy, and we had a look at the watch again.
"Awgh! Only ten minutes until afternoon class starts, we gotta get outta here!"
Janet grabbed her shitty leggings and hurried back to our desk, and I waddled, my jeans and pantys still being down, after her. She brought out, as promised, a fresh pair of leggings and some paper tissues, then dried her wet cunt and slipped into the fresh leggings. The shit stained ones she just threw into her bag as they were - but I knew her by now and knew well that this was pretty normal for her. Then she looked at me.
"What about your panties? Got spare ones too?"
"No, I hadn't expected a game today... I'll take care of this problem later."
"And you wanna walk like this? With all the moisture and shit? I mean, its your problem, of course, but the wet could get through your jeans... and that really wouldn't look good. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about."
She was obviously right... so I undid jeans and pantys, got myself clean and dry and put on only my jeans, so by now wearing no underwear like her. Then I brought out a small plastic bag where I stored my panties in - I indeed had to catch up with this problem at home but didn't want to soil my books by body fluids in the meantime. She rolled her eyes, but said nothing, and I heard voices from the floor.
"Hurry up, get seated! We've got to get up our roleplay again!", I commanded, and Janet obeyed, but not before she quickly changed the chairs. I had completely forgotten about the shit spots we had left on her chair, she hadn't - I just got to see the spots had almost dried in the meantime. She got another chair in exchange for hers from another desk and threw herself quickly on ot. I thrusted the small package of plastic with my panties in it into my bag and whipped out the maths book, seating down and starting to exclaim something about sinus / cosinus functions when the door was opened and some students came in, giving us curios looks.
I looked at my wristwatch, perfectly playing the one who's wondering if it was really that late, shaking my had in mocked astonishment.
"Well, now we really spent one complete hour with this sinus curves and still aren't done... seems we have to continue this later, wouldn't you agree?"
"Uh, well, yes... even if I doubt if we ever will completely get this through", Janet answered, but with a blink of her eye signaling me she had understood the hidden message I had sent.
So we got up, I just took the book, and we went out, leaving behind a few students who should and surely were wondering what this could have been about at all.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-04-20 20:59:22
idVv9Z Hey, thanks for the blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Really Great.

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2014-04-18 02:49:30
yeTHgi Thank you for your blog post.Really thank you! Will read on...

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2014-02-28 18:01:27
3mKEQC Say, you got a nice post.Really looking forward to read more. Fantastic.

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2014-02-04 13:30:34
tQFL5w Really appreciate you sharing this article post.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing.

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2014-01-08 01:11:55
sQPPV6 A big thank you for your blog post. Awesome.

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