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Visit to Aunt April's story continued
Chapter 4

After the hand job of a lifetime from my Aunt April I felt considerably relaxed sitting in the hot tub. My cock was still pulsating as it slowly receded back to its normal semi flaccid state. Aunt April had yet to look at me and I wasn’t sure if that was turning me on even more. She casually lifted her ahh..mazing body slowly out of the water. Her ample breast stuck out in air displaying her large rock hard nipples from beneath her red bikini top. The water droplets were rolling off her tits and cascading back into the tub. She turned her back to me to step out as if to taunt me with her ridiculously robust ass. The bikini bottom had become entwined into her pussy by my doings and now showed even more of her round tan ass.

She left the jacuzzi and walked inside seductively. I was transfixed watching her bounding ass cheeks slowly gliding against each other in perfect harmony up and down. It was as if they were calling for me to follow and to bring my cock to it. Her ass had the same effect as looking at me with a finger pointing and curling it back toward her (secretly saying get over here). I was beside myself as my mind raced a mile a minute. I wanted her so bad. I needed more. After only having a taste, I wanted the real thing. Fuck, I just wanted an actual taste. The power that her body had over me was scary (she was in full control). The excitement of all the possibilities made my stomach fill with butterflies. My desire for her was so strong though, that I didn’t even have time to allow myself to be nervous or think of consequences.

I quickly got out of the jacuzzi (like a puppet on a string) wrapping a towel around my waist. I headed inside leaving my poor unsuspecting mom still sitting and soaking in her son and b rother in laws cum remnants. I glanced around to get a quick account of everyone’s condition. My dad, Josh, and Nicole were still in the pool playing around. I saw Nicole acting extremely out of character talking and giggling rather loud and her voice seemed slurred. I had never seen her d runk before and honestly didn’t even know she drank. I was a man on a mission though, so I quickly disregarded the atypical behavior and moved towards the door.

I opened the sliding door to an empty living room and heard movement in the kitchen. My heart was pounding and my cock was already starting to reawaken. I tried to act calm strolling into the kitchen where I found Aunt April cutting some limes for drinks. She knew I was there, yet didn’t saying anything.
I cleared my throat and tried to stick my chest out a bit. Still nothing. Fuck. My confidence was wavering as I rubbed the back of my neck deciding how to approach this.

“Hey Aunt April, what a…whatcha doing?..”

She looked over at me with a coy look as if nothing had happened in the hot tub, yet seemingly enjoying the act she was playing with an innocent smile.

“Oh hey there Mikey, I didn’t see you come” she said with a sexy smirk.

“Oh my god Aunt April, I definitely came all ove..”

She quickly cut me off finishing her sentence after a purposeful pause which I could only assume was to fuck with my head.

“Inside the house sweetie…” She said with another innocent expression and tone as to ask what I wanted. “You need something baby? I’ll be back outside in a moment.”

I needed to bend her over right then and there and finally squeeze my cock in that ass.

“Um…” I was confused and somewhat embarrassed now. The hell was she doing to me?

“No its ok I’ll just see you later then..” I said with a tone only described as ????

I walked out of the kitchen into living room and then the door rapidly slid open. Nicole bolted into the room as if she was searching for something. Her face lit up when she saw me.

“Mikey! Oh my god! Where have you been??”

“Hey yea, I was coming inside to, uh, use the restroom. What are you up to?”

“Just having a great time and wanted to see you. I have to use the restroom to, but I’ll let you go first.” She said with a mischievous grin as her eyes stared into mine.

The kitchen was dead quiet and I could feel my Aunt April listening to our every exchange.

“Ok cool yea sure, sounds good Nicole.” (even though there was obviously more than one bathroom in the house)

Damn this was strange. I had never seen Nicole act like this before (actually I had never seen her drink before either). The drinks had evidently shattered her walls on shyness. Her flirtatious attitude toward me caught me off guard making me look at her in a new light.

Nicole had soft blonde hair rolled into pigtails with little blue ribbons. She sported a small petite body with very large B cup tits (almost C’s now as she was still developing and slowly shaping more and more like her mother each year) and an ass indisputably inherited from her mom that was extremely bubbly and perky, yet not as big as her mom’s (once again..nobody’s was). It had great shape though. I was pretty sure I could place a beer bottle on her ass with confidence that it would hold it upright. She had a very cute face with just a few freckles on each cheek bone with braces and big blue eyes like her mother’s. She wasn’t quite as tan as my aunt and mom, with smooth milky skin (we use to joke that she was adopted when we were little). Overall, she was still very attractive in her own right.

I went into the bathroom to take a piss. Nicole walked into my guest room directly across the hall and sat on my bed with the door open.
I wasn’t sure what she had in mind. Even if she really was trying to come onto to me, was it purely out of curiosity or was she just too shy before to express herself. I wasn’t even sure she had seen a cock before. I couldn’t even imagine how deep her presumably air tight pussy would have to stretch to take me in. Whatever, I was getting way ahead of myself and after Aunt April I could only think with my dick. Jesus I wanted her more than ever. Why did she blow me off in the kitchen? I wondered how she felt hearing her daughter flirt with me. Maybe two could play these head games, now contemplating if I could get to her through Nicole. Fuck it was driving me crazy. My mind was all over the place.

My brainstorm session suddenly came to a halt as I heard moaning from my room.

“Nicole?” I called out.

My cock began to rise. This night is getting crazier by the second.

“Um I can’t hold it any longer. Do you mind if I come in? I promise I won’t look.”

“Uh sure, yea I guess."

The door opened and Nicole stepped in with her finger tip in her mouth as I once again battled with my soaking wet bathing suit to get my cock in. I pushed and prodded my shaft quickly into the twisted trunks then turned to wash my hands at the sink. Her eyes were fixed on my bathing suit as she walked over toward the toilet. She faced the shower with her back to me and slowly slipped turn her bikini bottom to her feet taunting me while exposing her ass and pussy. I could see goose bumps all over her body dealing with the cold air on her wet skin. She slightly glared back with lustful look to watch my expression. My head was facing the sink, but my eyes were busy exploring her ass.

Nicole kicked her removed bikini bottom to the side with a victorious smile and sat on the toilet. She let out a short sexy giggle as she pointed toward my bathing suit. Bewildered, I looked down to see the head of my cock poking out the bottom.

“Mmmm…well hello there cuz” she giggled again.

“Oh shit ha, sorry about that Nicole” as I jostled to hide it.

“ Mmmm ha ha please Mikey, don’t be. Wow you’ve got quite the problem there. Let me help you with that.”
She leaned over grabbing the head of my cock gripping it tight and held it her small palm. She started to gradually squeeze it, clenching it firm then releasing and repeating. My cock started to grow in her grasp as my large thick shaft continued to progress more and more out of the leg of my bathing suit exposing itself inch by inch. Her eyes widened larger with every inch. Like I was to Aunt April’s ass, I could feel her powerless to my hard throbbing cock. Possessing her. Calling her to come to it.

“Ooooh cuz, I had no idea you were soooo HUGE. This is biggest cock I’ve ever seen” looking into my eyes now (almost with a wonderment of why I’ve hidden it from her for all these years) as she got on her knees.
I was speechless. Just breathing heavily, watching what my dick would command her to do next.
She put her hand on my stomach and guided me to stand back against the sink.

“I’m sorry Mikey, you can’t blame me. I just want to taste it for a second that’s all” she said reasoning with me as she slipped my bathing suit off freeing my shaft to fly through the air striking her chin. She jerked her head back in amazement which accompanied a pleasant surprising smile. She started to rub her hand on the underside of my cock almost petting it.

She was panting heavily with her mouth watering. “I just..I just need to taste it for a bit Mikey, you can’t blame me. Please don’t be mad at me. I know I’m your cousin, but..but..” she positioned her grip the base of my cock and directed it down to the entrance of her mouth as she talked.

A tip a pre-cum or a remnant of cum from her mom glistened my tip. Still talking and unnecessarily pleading with me, she cut herself off by wrapping her lips around my head. She moaned as her eyes closed and began lick the tip cum off with her tongue. I felt a wave of ecstasy shoot through my body. She kissed and licked the tip as she began to literally make out with my cock moving her jaw and mouth rhythmically. Her hands moved to both of my ass cheeks as she positioned them there for more support and to gain more control over my cock.

I moaned and looked toward the ceiling as she squeezed more and more of me inside her small mouth stretching her cheeks out when she swayed her head. She looked determined to conquer my cock whole. I could see her eyes burning with desire as they started to water now as she pushed her mouth and reflexes to the limit. She continued her impressive progress with four inches, then five, then seven, and now struggling to reach eight inches I could feel the back of her throat. Tears elegantly streamed from her soft big blue eyes streaking down the sides of her face as she clenched my ass cheeks harder. She pushed me further toward her while her tits pressed against my knees.

I was in a state of disbelief as my cousin ignored her periodic natural gag reflexes fighting for more. Her lips stretched and slowly marched their way the base of my cock consuming my entire nine and a half inch shaft. She careened her tongue out now methodically lapping my balls up and down while she wiggled the head of cock inside her throat.

Inspired by her lustful desire I grabbed my hands around each pigtail and began to sway back in forth inside her mouth and throat. Face fucking my cousin, as she aggressively nodded at me to continue. Again and again and again I relaxed and flexed my ass and hips in a humping motion pounding her throat. She loved every second of it.

Now she pulled back her mouth back bit by bit until reaching my tip and gave me a glare as if to tell she wasn’t through with me. She quickly impaled my cock again deep into her throat licking every passing inch with her tongue. Over and over again she cocked her head all the way back and all the way forward with ease now that she had formed her path. Her neck continued to flow seamlessly backwards and forward deepthroating my shaft with ease. Plunging me inside again and again to her welcoming throat.

Pulling me out from her mouth finally she wasted no time rubbing the underside of my hard throbbing cock with her right hand. She panted deeply as her breathing rate tried its best to keep up with her unquenchable drive. Her hand glided vertically up and down my dick easily over the coat of my pre-cum and her saliva. Then she gripped the middle of my dick with her tiny hand (it could hardly wrap around the full circumference of my member) and started jerking it toward her face. Her left hand undid the straps of her bikini top behind her neck letting it fall down exposing her perky tits. She had unbelievably nice large pink tits and nipples that stood out. She had chills all over her body obsessively consumed with my cock pumping it faster and faster.

She became visibly ecstatic when my thighs tighten and balls flexed preparing to drench her eager face with cum. I took hold of her face with my fingers on each side of her head behind her ears and thumbs in front of them. I didn’t want her to move anywhere, knowing once my load commenced that she may feel overwhelmed.

“Fuuuck…oooh shit Nicole…” I moaned in a tone that was almost apologetic for what I was about to do to her face.

Her mouth open as wide as her eyes and displayed her tongue inviting me...imploring me to let her taste my cum. She now had both hands pumping my hard cock as it twitched and she pushed her elbows out to each side to create an open air field for me to strike her with.

“Mmmm…fuck!” I blasted my first load of creamy cum out of my cock flying through the air and spewing onto her forehead and hair. She instinctively jolted back in shock, but I steadied her face for the loads yet to come. Craving for more she continually pumped my cock and in flawless unison I propelled shot after shot onto her with each pump.

A second and third string of cum quickly followed by landing and splattering on her right eyebrow and cheek. Another splashed upon her open mouth and tongue dripping down her chin. Two more heaps of rich pearly white cum exploded outward spraying wildly over her neck and chest spilling down to her tits. Small drops oozed out now as my legs shook uncontrollably. Like a cum crazed slut she leapt forward carefully placing her lips barely around the tip of my cock and sucked out each dribble of cum. She now jerked it with just her right hand sucking my tip like a b aby bottle while her left hand smeared and spread my juices all over her tits, neck, and body.

Seemingly satisfied that she had milked everything I had she gradually stopped and gave me a fulfilled smile showing me her cum plastered braces licking cleaning them off with her tongue. She released my cock allowing it to finally succumb to gravity as it fell and swayed left and right a bit like a pendulum still twitching sporadically. She wiped and cupped the globs of cum off her face shoving every morsel deep in mouth tasting and savoring every salty bead. I couldn’t remember the last time I had a load of that magnitude. It would have made Peter North proud.

“Oooh Mikey, you covered me” she said with such a pleased smile.

“Oh my god Nicole, that was..that was..just…holy shit Nicole..” I was flabbergasted.

She giggled with a sexy demeanor of glee that I enjoyed it.

“I’ll just be outside and let you clean up.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you later on” she said with a wink tying her top back on.
She stood up to grab a towel and started the shower to clean off. I pulled my bathing suit up and then that’s when I noticed it. The fucking door was half open the whole time. Fear and paranoia took over my body as I opened the door to leave.
And there she was. Directly across the hallway in my guest room sitting back on my bed holding herself up with her elbows…

Aunt April.

[END Chapter 4]


anonymous readerReport 

2012-02-19 09:39:58
Post more!! Continue this!!

anonymous readerReport 

2012-02-15 19:25:15
Please post next chapter


2012-02-13 17:54:36


2012-02-13 15:47:30
Sorry there is some deal on here that changes my " quotation marks" into ? question marks..

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