This story is inspired by and partly based on actual events. It is my first attempt at an actual story. Most of my writing is technical. There are literary enhancements and liberties taken to help the continuity of the story. Names, places and such have been changed to protect those who need to be. That said, this is a fictional story with fictional characters. Any resemblance to any actual living individuals is purely coincidental. Please note: this is a long story with details about coaching, life, softball, as well as sex. If you are looking for a short story that is 80% sex, this is not going to be your cup of tea….Details however, are needed to set up the scenarios. The action in this multi part story takes place over many years.
My name is Michael. I have coached girls fast pitch select softball for about ten years, mostly in the 12-14 year old age bracket. I am 37 years old, 6’1” tall and about 205 pounds. I have been told I’m pretty easy on the eyes, though I’m not sure I would agree… I work out regularly, have a muscular build, and generally take care of myself. Recently, I was contacted and asked to assist with the formation of a new 16 and under (16U) team. A coach I had worked with several years ago (Travis) had gathered together a group of five exceptionally talented girls and asked myself and one other mutual friend (Mitch) to assist in putting together a team of superstars
One of the reasons Travis brought the three of us together is that we are all practitioners of a particular thought process about coaching girls. It goes something like this:
Do not coach your own daughter and never allow any parent, with a daughter on the team, to coach on your team. Daddy ball is a lie and is destructive to morale. Girls have a primal need to please the men in their lives. Little girls love their daddy’s. Teen girls love their boyfriends, teachers and, yes, coaches. Teen girls will work hard to please their coaches. It is what nature has pre programmed them to do. Let them. Be there for them, don’t fight them, and above all, make sure they know you have their back no matter what the subject or situation. As corny as it sounds, the code is fundamental to success with teen girls. Our goal was to be one of the “ace” teams in the 16u age bracket nationally.
I have to admit, part of the reason I continued to coach after the death of my wife two years ago, is that coaching gave me the opportunity to take my mind off the tragedy and remain focused on something other than self pity. My daughter, Tory, took Wendy’s death hard. So did I. When Wendy was killed in the wreck, Tory and I were devastated. All we had was each other. No one else truly understood what we were going through. Tory and I leaned on each other, softball, and friends to help us heal and remain active parts of the human race.
The other part of the reason I coach, is that I’m a horn dog. I love sex and sexy women. I love most all women generally, but especially athletic teens. There is just something about young, cute, firm bodies that I find virtually irresistible. And since fast pitch softball is a teen girls sport, I can think of no better place to immerse myself in the deep end of the estrogen pool. Over the last two years since Wendy passed away, I had focused my sexual drive, on occasionally screwing one of my player’s moms. Bored lonely MILF’s were easy. Most of the girls at the 12u level were between 11 and 13, and I had never considered messing with them. As the saying goes, “12 will get you 20”. But now, the girls were going to be older, wiser, sexier and more mature…..this was going to be much more interesting. The story begins in early June 2010, with an open tryout to fill in the missing players on the new team….
“Damn, it’s hot” I thought to myself. “10:15 am and already 90 degrees.” “Well, this should guarantee some sweaty hotties before we’re done”. I smirked to myself as tried to commit to memory names and positions listed on the tryout roster.
More than 30 girls had signed up to try to become a part of the new team. Even though the official tryout start time was 10:45, already a couple of groups of girls had arrived and were stretching or throwing a ball around with the girls that we already had committed to the team. Most of the parents were sitting together on the bleachers talking amongst themselves.
“Hey man, s’up?” “How’s Tory doing?”
The voice shook me out of my semi erotic daydream. It was Mitch; a long time friend, fellow horn dog and coaching partner in crime. He was going to be the outfield and pitching coach for the new team. He also had a proven talent for finding “diamonds in the rough”. Girls who had more ability and potential than they were showing. That would be particularly helpful in this new challenge.
“Hey Mitch!” “Tory is doing great, thanks for asking. I think she has finally come to terms with her mom’s death”.
“Man that’s great.” “I know the last couple of years have been hard for you two.” “I really admire the way you two kept it together for each other.”
“Thanks Mitch, I appreciate it.” “Have you seen the tryout list yet?”
Mitch just shook his head
“Here, check it out.” I said, passing the list to him. “Recognize any of the names?”
“Sweeeet, the twins are here.” Mitch said. “Very cool, they’re both awesome hitters.”
“Twins? Which two?” I asked, sort of stunned. “Not the two platinum blonds, they don’t look anything alike!”
“Yeah, that’s them, Ally and Aimee. They really are twins. To me they look more like cousins. Their family moved up here after hurricane Katrina; they just never went back.” Mitch had coached them as pickup players last season.
Mitch continued to talk about the Thibodeaux “twins”, but I had already undressed them mentally, comparing and contrasting the differences in their bodies. I had seen them walk by earlier and was struck by the stunning sexiness of the taller girl. Ally (short for Allyson) was the taller and the oldest, if only by a couple of minutes. She was about 5’8”, drop dead gorgeous and supermodel thin. Not in a sickly, anorexic way, but more like the body of a marathon runner or a tri-athlete. Just no body fat to speak of; smallish boobs too but under her sports bra actual size was hard to estimate. Her legs were long and sexy. Nicely muscled, tan and toned. Ally was wearing a pair of black “Sophie” shorts and a black skin tight New Orleans Saints T-shirt. Her most striking feature however was her nearly white, board straight, platinum blonde hair. She wore it in a long, thickly braided, pony tail that reached almost down to her tight, size 3 ass. It was quite possible the girl had never had her hair cut.
Her sister, on the other hand, was just another girl in the crowd. Except for her boobs. While Ally was a “34 nearly A”; I guessed Aimee to be at least a 36C. Even squished under her sports bra, Aimee had a full set of perky, bouncy tits. She also shared her sisters near white, platinum blonde hair. Although Aimee had it cut short so as not to interfere with her catcher’s mask. Standing by herself, Aimee was not unattractive. What with her full lips, big tits, her athletic, 5’6”tall frame, and her hourglass shaped size 6-8 figure. But stand her next to Ally, and it was not hard to wonder how nature could be so ironically cruel.
Mitch was still gushing about the talent of the twins when, out of nowhere, I was hit by a red headed cruise missile. It was Courtney Castineau, another escapee from south Louisiana. A catcher by training, and one of the five girls we had been working with for the last couple of months or so. She was barely 5’ tall and maybe weighed 95 pounds, dripping wet. Despite her pixie size, Courtney was an outstanding instinctive ball player, having started catching T-Ball when she was six. Now, having recently turned 16, she was by far, the best catcher I had ever worked with. There are three kinds of ball players. Those who know what’s about to happen, those who react to what just happened, and those who wonder what happened. Courtney was one from the first group. She just somehow always knew what she was going to do, and occasionally what was going to happen, before the play ever took shape. She was also a certified wild child, a chronic flirt, had an over energetic type A personality and was widely rumored to have a libido to match. All five foot nothing of her slammed into me at a near dead run.
“HI COACH MIIIIIIKE!” she cooed loudly “I MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH THIS WEEK”. She gave me a full on frontal hug while looking up at me and batting her big bedroom eyes. She was just about the cutest red head I had ever come across. She had soft, natural, dark, orangey red hair, an angelic, roundish face with a dusting of freckles, pouty dick sucking lips and hauntingly pale grey- green eyes. She was long waisted; freakishly flexible from years of squatting to catch, and had the finest little bubble butt on the planet. Her tits stood perfectly at attention, with or without a bra, and were visually large on her small frame, about 32 C I’d guess. She was wearing tight fitting softball pants and a racer back T shirt that was just short enough to not tuck into her pants. Her hair was pulled back in a wispy pony tail.
“Hi Courtney” I wheezed, trying to re catch my breath.” “I missed you too beautiful.” I bent over and planted a quick kiss on top of her head. She stuck her bottom lip out in a faked pout and took a half step back. Her look said, “That kiss should have been on my lips…”
“Now what’s up with the lip?” I grinned, playing along. Courtney’s pout turned to a sexy evil smile, as she blew me a kiss, turned, gave Mitch a quick hug and then sprinted off to join the gathering group. “What a tease,” I thought to myself. Rumors abounded about Courtney’s sexual adventures. The over/under on the number of guys she had slept with was 20, and about half that many girls. The actual number was probably way less, but Courtney did nothing to stop the gossip. In fact, hanging out with a different guy nearly every weekend was not helping anything. I found it odd that Cindy, Courtney’s mom, seemed to deal with the rumors by ignoring them. But if even half of the rumors were true… “Damn,” I thought to myself “I bet she’d be hot fun in the shower….”
“So, what am I now? Just chopped liver to you? Cheating on me with Courtney already?” From behind me and to my left came the unmistakable voice of my sexy second base Teagan Ryan. Teagan is a Kiwi. A dusky, sultry beauty from New Zealand; just a few weeks past her 16th birthday. Her soft, breathy, alto voice, with a pronounced British-like accent, (kind of a mix of Hermione Grainger and Crocodile Dundee) made even the most mundane conversation feel like warm wet sex.
“No beautiful, you’re still my favorite” “And you always will be.”
I turned toward her and held out my arms. She stood with her hands on her hips for a couple of seconds, just staring at me; looking as sexy as any time I had ever seen her. She was wearing a white Under Armor sleeveless leotard with a high neck line, low back. She had on a pair of sophie shorts in purple, and was obviously not wearing a bra. Her mid back length, nearly jet black hair was pulled back in a low pony tail and she had on some yellow Oakley shades. I thought I could just make out her small dark nipples, barely visible through the white leotard. The effect of the white top against her flawless olive skin was stunning in the bright mid morning sun. She slowly sauntered over, pressed her body into me and wrapped me in her arms. I returned the hug and gave her a gentle kiss on the side of her cheek. She let out a soft low moan and hugged me tighter as my lips touched her.
“You OK girlie?” I asked, kind of taken back by her unexpected reaction.
“Mmmmm, I am more than OK now” she replied in that honey dripping voice. Teagan had gently slipped her left hand up under my shirt as we hugged, and as she turned away, she slowly, and deliberately, scratched her nails across my back and side. She looked directly into my eyes as she did so, searching for a reaction. I didn’t give her one, despite the fact that her sharp nails freaking hurt. We maintained unblinking eye contact for another moment or two. She smiled sweetly, turned and jogged off, knowing she had made her point.
Teagan emigrated to the US about 18 months ago, with her mom. Teagan is part Polynesian, most likely Maori, but no one knows for sure. Because of her mixed heritage, she has the dark hair, eyebrows, high cheek bones and very dark, almond shaped eyes of the Polynesian people. Her mom, on the other hand is Anglo. This racial mix gave her the best of both worlds. She is stunningly pretty and has amazingly flawless skin. She is 5’4” and about a size 3. She has a gymnastics background and is exquisitely toned; especially her legs, abs, and upper back. The line where the back of her thigh joins the curve of her ass is as perfect as I have ever seen, and her upper back is nicely “girl muscled” from years of gymnastics workouts in NZ. Teagan is as athletic as she is beautiful, with cat quick reflexes and a powerful upper body for her smallish size. She also oozes self confidence and is almost too comfortable with her sexuality. Growing up on New Zealand’s North Island, where nearly every town has a nude, or nude friendly beach, had shaped her attitudes, and destroyed any and all hang-ups she might have had about sex. She dealt with her personal sexuality very differently than your average 16 year old from the US.
This whole process of my interactions with Courtney and Teagan had taken maybe a couple of minutes total and Mitch was standing there taking it all in.
“DUDE!! What the hell was that all about?” Mitch asked in a tense voice that was low enough that no one else could hear.
“Oh nothing, that was just Courtney being Courtney” I said.
“I didn’t mean Courtney; I meant what’s up with you and Teagan?”
“Oh, that… well… actually, I don’t know. I’m not really sure what the hell just happened.” I replied, glancing at the four reddening scratches along my right side…. “She’s never acted like that before.” “I can’t tell if Teagan was just playing off what Courtney did, or if I just made up with a jealous girlfriend I didn’t even know I had.”
“Man, don’t bullshit me.” “Are you screwing her?” “Cause if you are, I need to know, so I can help cover your ass if the shit hits the fan some day.” “We already talked about this exact situation.”
“No, no, no.” “Nothing like that.” “Not that I don’t think about it, she has a banging little body.” “Hell, you saw her over at the pool party at the house a couple of weeks ago, wearing that yellow bikini. Showing off her tits and camel toe for all to see.” “Tell me you wouldn’t hit that given the chance”.
Mitch nodded in agreement and said. “OK, yeah I would, Teagan and a couple of others on this team too.” “Just remember, we swore to cover each other’s backs if either one or both of us start getting in too deep with the talent, OK?” “Oh, by the way, I was talking to Becca, Teagan’s mom the other day. You DO know that Teagan absolutely LOVES playing for you? That little beauty will do anything for you. Please tell me you are at least somewhat aware of how important this team, and you especially, are to Teagan.”
“I understand Mitch, I really do.” “I also think the same could be said about you and Sundee Marcum (aka Selene Twilight). So watch your own ball sack as well, OK? That chick and her mom are scary enough without the thought of you balls deep in Sundee’s pussy.”
Sundee was a tall, well built, outfielder. She looked like an Emo kid, but she was missing all of the loathing and self hatred. Her mom, Nikki, owned a tattoo and piercing shop, and so even at 16, Sundee had several beautifully intricate tats and a couple of nontraditional piercings. She was also the palest chick I had ever seen. For a girl that played out in the sun, she never had a tan. She almost looked like a ghost out in left field. A damn fast ghost however, and she had a powerful, accurate arm too. Since the pool party she had developed a strong attachment to Mitch, mostly, I think, because she thought his own tats were cool. Whatever the reason, she had become his shadow. Much like Teagan had become mine. Sundee was dressed in long, skin tight, softball pants and a long sleeve white cotton top about two sizes too big. You could see the straps of her lime green sports bra covering up her perfect 34 B boobs. The morning’s heat and humidity had already begun to melt her “raccoon” eye shadow; and her bra color just about matched her hair highlights. She was also wearing some orange colored Nike sports contacts. Those made her look like an extra off the set of Underworld. Sundee was just a sexy mess. Despite her outward strange appearance, she was still very pretty, in a “Suicide Girl” sort of way. There was a lot more going on with her than I had taken the time to figure out. That needed to change.
“Let’s go introduce ourselves to the parents, before we put these hotties through their paces shall we?” I suggested.
“Good idea, we need to get started here soon anyway”. And by the way, be careful with Teagan, and do your thinking with the big head OK?” Mitch replied.
“LADIES! EVERYBODY TO THE BLEACHERS!” Yelled Mitch. The whole herd of girls turned and jogged in unison over to the bleachers. Some choose to sit with their parental unit(s). Most just randomly dropped into the first open seat they came across. Sundee was the first of the existing five to make it over to the seats.
“Yo! Selene Twilight, get your coven and come up here with the coaches please.” Sundee shot me a look that said, “Kiss my ass, and don’t call me that in front of all these people”. That said, she quickly returned with the four other original members of the team. The next fifteen minutes were taken up explaining the tryout process, making sure everyone had the correct number pinned on the back of their shirts, introducing Mitch, the girls, and me, etc.etc. Travis did most of the talking as he was the head coach and team manager. Mitch and I were the enforcers. I was in charge of the infield and batting. Mitch was the outfield and pitching coach. Our philosophy was simple. Fundamental softball, strength and conditioning, strong discipline wrapped in compassion, and willingness to work longer and harder than any girl on the team. So far, we had a great start with our girls: Teagan, Sundee, Courtney, Mallorie and Hunter.
Mallorie and Hunter. Mallorie was going to play third base. If I had to guess, I would have guessed her to be the only gay girl on the team. This early on, I had no idea; but her mannerisms just said “butch.” She was not unpleasant to deal with, but she possessed an aggressive nature that was much more “guy” than “girl.” Mallorie showed no fear on the infield. Just about perfect, I thought, for third base. She was built like you would expect a girl to be, but taller, stockier and, well, more guy like. Mallorie was also the quietest and least sociable of the girls, and spent most of her off field time with her nose buried in the screen of her iPhone.
Hunter was our only pitcher so far. She was the amazon on the team, and like most pitchers, a bit of a head case. Hunter stood just less than six feet tall and weighed in at 170 pounds. She was only 16 years old. She was a cute, corn fed country girl, with blonde hair and an aversion to makeup; but she could whip a softball across the plate like no sixteen year old I had ever seen. Watching her and Courtney work a pitch count was a thing of beauty. Watching them strategizing on the mound was comical; Courtney’s eyes, hit Hunter right about the level of her massive tits. 36 DD if they were anything. How she was able to pitch so effectively with two cantaloupes on her chest was anybody’s guess.
The tryouts went well and after several hours of drills, we were able to select eight new girls, starters and bench strength as well. Mitch and I made all of the personnel decisions, with a little input from our existing girls. There were a few hurt feelings. I always hated telling talented young ladies “thanks but no thanks”; but for the most part the day was uneventful. We still needed another pitcher, but we could work on that later.
Ally and Aimee were invited to join us. Mitch pretty well insisted on those two. I was OK with Ally, as she had performed outstandingly well at 1st base. Her height, wingspan and her ability to drop into the splits without warning made her the perfect first base player. I still had my reservations about Aimee. Perhaps I was just mentally comparing her to Courtney. But in reality it seemed that Aimee was just over whelmed by the whole tryout process. I had to rely on Mitch’s judgment on this one.
Kylie Eastwood was offered the position of Short Stop. Her body was a bit thicker than average. Not fat, just a touch chubby, but still nicely athletic. She was also an outstanding middle infielder. Her preference was second base, but that spot belonged to Teagan. She did such a good job at short during the tryouts, even Courtney mentioned that it looked like she and Teagan had worked together for years. In reality they were just casual acquaintances and had never stepped on an infield at the same time.
Picture any high school cheerleader and you are looking at Kylie. She has long dishwater blonde hair, bright blue eyes and is almost 5’6”. I figured she weighed about 150 pounds. Her uniform order form said size 10 pants and an adult large jersey. She looked to be about a 36B. She is also annoyingly cheerful and has a sickeningly sweet innocence about her. No one could be naturally that happy and care free. I was pretty sure it was an act. I just couldn’t figure out why she was so good at it. In reality, it was hard not to like Kylie, but like rich dark chocolate, a little Kylie went a long way. Sundee, on the other hand, absolutely loathed the ground Kylie walked on and made her displeasure known.
“Coach Mitch, we need to talk.” She snipped coldly, walking a good distance away from the crowd. Mitch followed her over to the edge of the parking lot. “Kylie, really? I mean, REALLY?” “Jesus H. Christ coach, just cut my throat now and I can bleed out over here, by myself, in peace.”
Mitch was trying hard not to laugh. “Not a big fan of Kylie?” Sundee grimaced and shook her head as if Mitch had asked her to eat raw liver. “Ok, I give up, why?”
“Coach, she has been trying to be best friends with me since we were in kindergarten.” “Her fake ass personality and her “Little Kylie Sunshine” outlook on fucking everything, is just annoying as hell!” “She will not take no for an answer and her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.” “Ya think she would have gotten the message by now, but I guess she’s too busy trying to blow sunshine and fairy dust up our asses to notice!”
Mitch shook his head understandingly. “I get it, you hate Kylie.” “Sweetheart, Kylie is now a starter on this team, same as you. I expect you and everyone else on this team to support ALL team members. You don’t have to be friends with her but as long as you are a member of this team you will have to play with her. If you can’t do that, it’s been nice knowing you. If you can, then this is the last conversation we are going to have about your life long personality conflict with Kylie. Is that clear?”
Sundee closed her eyes, and sighed deeply. “Yes sir.” “Yes sir what?” Mitch demanded. “Yes sir, I can play with Kylie.” “Good, now get out of here and go get to know your new teammates.” Mitch said while swatting her on her perky ass. Sundee paused, looked over her shoulder and said slyly, “Careful coach, some of us might really like that sort of thing.”
After Wendy passed away, Tory and I could not comfortably stay in the home the three of us had shared. There were just too many painful memories. Some smart financial planning, coupled with part of the settlement from the trucking company, whose truck caused the wreck that killed Wendy, allowed me to purchase a very cool new home. The home sat on about 2 acres, in a gated neighborhood, on the edge of town within walking distance of the new high school. The home was not especially large, but it had many outstanding design touches and amenities that made it seem bigger and much more luxurious than it actually was. The home had lots of dark wood. A small wine cellar was built under the main staircase up to the second story. The kitchen and the bathrooms contained a mix of granite counter tops and limestone tile on the floor. The home had a four car garage, a media room with a starlight ceiling, five bedrooms and four and ½ baths. Out back there was a full outdoor kitchen, fireplace, and a dark bottom pool with waterfalls and an integral hot tub. The back yard was extensively landscaped and provided excellent privacy.
Off to one side of the property I had a sports cabana built. This included a workout/ lounge room with free weights, treadmills, futons, flat screens etc., a small kitchenette for snacks and drinks, bathrooms with multi person, spa style, showers, and an all season batting cage. This cabana became one of the girl’s favorite hangouts. Courtney, Teagan, Sundee, Ally, Aimee, and Kylie all went to the high school down the road. Neither Courtney nor Teagan had dad’s living at home. Since their moms worked, it gave them some place to hang out for a while after school and not have to go home. It also gave them the ability to work batting practice almost daily. This arrangement and their similar personalities also worked to give them the strongest friendship on the team.
One Saturday in late August, Teagan and Courtney were over at the house for their weekly batting lessons. I generally worked with them for about an hour and a half, took a break for lunch, and then more specialized batting, working on slapping, bunting etc. While I was working on the hamburgers we were going to have for lunch, Teagan walked into the kitchen from the pool where she and Courtney had been hanging out.
Out of nowhere she asked, “Hey Mikey, how is it that we never see you with a girlfriend?”
“Wow; that was random” I said in kind of a surprised voice. “To be truthful, there is no girlfriend. I don’t have one.”
“What? You have got to be joking!” Teagan was incredulous. “Mike, you are a cool guy, you are pretty hot looking, and you have all this”. Waving her hand at the living room…. “NO girlfriend, not even a friend with bennies?”
“Sorry sweetheart” I said shaking my head “nobody.”
“It couldn’t be because you have pictures of your ex wife sitting all around could it?” She picked up a photo of Wendy and Tory that was taken just days before Wendy was killed. “Rather odd I think, considering you two are not together anymore.” Most people I know do not have pictures of their exes in the kitchen.” She quipped, while rolling her eyes.
Without realizing it Teagan had poked a very raw nerve. She was trying to be funny and sarcastic, but it was an epic fail. I turned and glared at her with the same look of disapproval I used on the field when she had screwed up.
“What?” she said, cautiously setting the picture back on the counter. “I was just giving you a hard time….”
I had always tried to avoid talking about Wendy when around people who did not know her. Explanations were always painful and awkward, and it was simpler to just not bring it up. I had never talked about Wendy at practice, and as far as I knew, Travis and Mitch were the only other people involved with the team that knew what had actually happened.
“Well if you must know, little Miss Smart-ass, my wife and I didn’t get divorced.” “We loved each other very much.” “She was killed in a car wreck about two and a half years ago.” “So yeah, I keep a few pictures of her around.” The look on Teagan’s face instantly changed to a look of shock and embarrassment as the reality of what she had said sunk in.
“OH MY GOD, Mike, I didn’t know, I….I….I didn’t know.” “I just thought….Oh My GOD!” She stammered, her voice starting to crack as her eyes welled up with tears. “I am SO sorry….Oh my God, I am so, so sorry!” Please, PLEASE forgive me…” Before I could answer her, she turned and ran out the back door to where Courtney was stretched out like a kitten in the sun on the lounge by the pool. While I calmed down, and finished making the burger patties, I watched the interaction between the girls, as Teagan told Courtney what she had done. As Teagan related what had happened, Courtney sat up and shot a look back and forth between Teagan and the windows into the kitchen. Courtney then put her hands up to her face and shook her head. The two girls then hugged and held on in an embrace for a few moments. It was obvious Teagan was still crying. “Great”, I thought to myself. “Now Courtney knows.”
The burgers were ready to cook, so reluctantly, I walked out back and began putting them on the grill. After a minute or two, Courtney cautiously walked up behind me.
“Coach Mike?” She said. “Yeah sweetie” I said as I turned toward her.
“Coach Mike, Teagan didn’t know about your wife.” “She didn’t mean any disrespect to her.” “She was just kidding around.” “She’s really sorry about what she said.”
“It’s OK, Courtney. I know she didn’t know.” Courtney looked over at Teagan and motioned for her to come over to where I was; Teagan did not move. “Kiwi, come here, girlie.” I said in the gentlest voice I could come up with. Teagan slowly stood up and walked over to where I was. At the last second she grabbed me, buried her face in my chest, and began sobbing all over again. I hugged her tight, told her I forgave her; Courtney joined us in a three way hug that lasted for several minutes.
“The burgers are almost ready” I said, trying to change the mood. “Cool!” Courtney chirped, following my lead. “I’m STARVED.” Teagan smiled and shook her head, but it was clear she was still upset. Lunch conversation was mostly between me and Courtney, about a wide assortment of topics. Teagan barely said a word. After lunch we all went back to the batting cage. The attempt at practice was a complete disaster. Neither girl could concentrate on the task at hand. The more they tried, the bigger the elephant in the room became and the more frustrated the girls got. Not only with themselves, but with me as well. This was clearly not working so I called a time out.
“Ladies, we need to take a break” I stated, and went over and sat down on one of the benches at the back of the cage. Teagan came over and sat down beside me. Courtney threw her bat at her bat bag and stomped out of the cage. Her competitive fire was showing again. She was back within a few moments; carrying three bottles of water she had retrieved from the fridge. We all sat there in silence sucking on the water bottles for several minutes.
“OK, what do I need to do, or what do y’all want to know, so we can put this afternoon behind us and move on?” My question was met with dead silence. I started talking, hoping I would say the right things.
“Teagan, sweetheart; you didn’t know anything about Wendy.” “There is no way you could have known what happened to her.” “And I’m sorry I called you a smart-ass.” Teagan smiled and said “yeah, that’s OK, I think I deserved that.
“Can you talk about her without getting upset?” “I mean if it’s too painful, that’s OK, you don’t have to.” “I’d just like to know what she was like…sometime.” Courtney’s voice trailed off quietly.
I began. “Wendy and I were in love from the day we first met. I was 13 and she was 12. We were inseparable. Wendy was the prettiest, happiest, kindest girl I had ever met. We were instantly best friends. In junior high and high school we did everything together. When I accidentally got Wendy pregnant when she was 16, we refused to abort our child, Tori, or stop seeing each other. We even ran away for a few days together. The parents were not happy about that….But it got them to stop yelling at us and start listening. After long discussions with our parents and friends, we decided to get married the day after I finished high school. We had been together for five years and had a toddler daughter when we got married. It was really hard, but we loved each other so much, nothing else seemed to matter. And we DID make it as a couple and a family.” “She was 33 when she died. She left a 16 year old daughter and a husband that loved her more than life.”
“Wow, that is so sad, I mean, it’s so cool that you two did it all wrong and beat the odds anyway. And then to have it all taken away.” Courtney said quietly. Teagan shook her head in agreement. “As long as I have known you, I instinctively knew down inside that you were a great guy. Now I understand why.” We called off the rest of the lesson and just hung out by the pool for the rest of the afternoon; slowly putting the awkwardness of the situation behind us.
As summer moved toward fall, Mitch and I continued to work the girls relentlessly. Constant workouts at practice, cardio, weight training, and literally thousands of repetitions at their positions. Slowly over about four months we were able to transform the girls from a loose group of talented ball players, into a well disciplined and well conditioned ball club. The really rewarding thing was to watch the girls bond with each other and with Mitch, Travis and myself. We were all one with the team, even though each coach had “his” girls. “My girls” were Teagan, Courtney and to a lesser extent Kylie and Ally.
The weekend before Halloween was the girl’s first opportunity to play a tournament as a team. Mitch and I had been letting them pick up with other teams individually so we could watch their skills and development. Now, however, it was finally time to put them all together on one field and see what we had. I think the coaches and parents were more nervous and excited than the girls. We had signed the team up for a USSSA sanctioned local tournament. Our first game was Saturday morning at 9:00. We were scheduled to play a well known team known as NXS. We arrived at the field at 7:30 and began our workout and warm up routine as a group. The girls designed their uniforms to include hitting shirts. Sundee had found a rather sinister looking skull and crossbones design that had the words “GAME OVER” printed underneath. The girls insisted that the design go on the back of the shirts. They did look good walking into the field complex as a group. After warm up we headed over to the field. NXS was already in the third base dugout waiting on us. The girls dropped their bags in the dugout and headed out onto the field to take infield practice. I took the lineup to the home plate umpire.
I had known Trevor for several years. “Hey Mike, how are you?” “Doing well Trevor, how about you?”
“Real good thanks” Trevor looked over the lineup and said… “So; this is the new team?” “Ya know; everybody is really curious to see if y’all have anything here.” “Yeah,” I said “so are we”. “I know several of the girls like Courtney, Kylie, and Sundee….” Trevor’s voice trailed off as he surveyed the girls. “Wow” Trevor exclaimed. “Who is the girl on second? I ‘d have remembered her if I had seen her before.” “That my friend is Teagan.” “She moved to the US about two years ago from New Zealand.” “Man that is one gorgeous young lady.” “But can she play or is she just here to look good?”
“Come on Trev, you really think we’d have her out there if she couldn’t play?”
“OK, true, you and Mitch are doing the coaching here…this should be fun to watch.” We were joined by the head coach of NSX, exchanged lineups and flipped for home team. We won the toss
Hunter was on fire. She struck out the first two batters and the third grounded weakly to Kylie at short. Kylie fielded the ball cleanly and fired a cannon shot to Ally on first. The ball hissed through the cool morning air and smacked hard into the pocket of Ally’s mitt. Three up, three down, I thought to myself, not a bad start. The girls came running into the dugout giving hi fives and hell yeahs to each other.
“OK, ladies, it’s time to put up or shut up” I said. “I’m on third, watch me for the signs. Mitch will call the running audibles using the code numbers we worked on. Everyone got it?” “Yes sir!” came the replies. “Good. Courtney, get it started.”
Courtney was a bunter. Everybody knew it just because of her size and speed. I gave her the sign to swing away. Not hit away, just swing. The idea was to get two strikes on her, draw the infield back, and then have her bunt. The plan worked perfectly, she was safe without a throw. Teagan was next. Teagan took two balls away and looped the next pitch into shallow left, over the head of the short stop and in front of the left fielder. Courtney dove head first under the attempted tag at second. Two on, nobody out. Ally, drove the first pitch she saw up the middle and over second base. I gave the sign to Courtney to try to score on the play. The NXS center fielder tried to throw Courtney out at home, but the throw was a little short and off line. Courtney scored and Teagan and Ally moved to third and second on the throw. One run home, and two runners in scoring position for Hunter. The first pitch was a drop curve, low and outside. The second a high fastball. Hunter swung hard at the third pitch, a screw ball on the inside corner, but was behind it. Two balls, one strike. Hunter made an adjustment, opening her stance just a bit. This time she didn’t miss the screw ball. The ball made a long, deep sweep out over the second baseman’s head and arched toward the right field foul pole. The ball slammed the outfield fence just fair. In the blink of an eye we were up 3 to 0 with a runner on second and nobody out. That half inning pretty well summed up the whole tournament. We won 5 of 6 games and took first place overall in our first tournament as a team. I knew then and there we were going to do just fine at the national tournament in Colorado next summer.
“Wow” I thought “A little early to be calling on a Saturday morning”. The caller ID said “Becca Ryan.” Despite the fact that Teagan and I had become so close, Becca and I were like ships passing in the night. She and I were pleasant and cordial to one another, but we knew little about each other. Our only real connection with each other was Teagan. I picked up the phone. “Morning Becca!” I tried to sound happy and awake “What’s up?”
“Oh Mike, I’m so glad you answered. I have an issue I need to discuss with you. I know it’s early, but can Teagan and I come over?” Her voice was stressed and she sounded worried.
“Well, have y’all eaten breakfast yet?” I asked. “Actually no” Becca replied “we haven’t.” “I’ve been on the phone since before sunrise this morning.”
“Well, it’s a beautiful fall morning, how about I meet y’all at Smoke in Oak Cliff in about 45 minutes.” I suggested.
“Smoke?” is that a restaurant?” Becca asked. “Yeah, and they do an awesome breakfast, I’ll buy. Corner of Sylvan and Ft. Worth Ave.” “Ummmm, OK, sounds like fun and I’ll trust you about the food.” “Great, see y’all there.”
“SHIT. Well whatever I did, it can’t be too bad if she is willing to do breakfast in public” I thought to myself. I got up washed my face, shaved and brushed my teeth. I threw on some clean clothes and went out to the garage. This was a perfect morning for the Ferrari. I hadn’t driven her in weeks. I had found a deal on a previously loved 458 Italia. She was a dark mugello red with a black roof and a tan interior. She was also outfitted with titanium wheels in a natural grey. The car was beautiful and was a blast to drive. I thumbed the START button on the steering wheel and she jumped to life, her V8 settling onto a raspy fast idle. A quick check of the gauges, and set the suspension damping for “street”. I clicked the paddle shifter into first and pulled out onto the driveway. I still wondered what was up with Becca, but figured I’d find out soon enough. I cranked up the ipod Nano and headed toward Oak Cliff.
Traffic was light and I arrived sooner than I’d planned. I parked the Italia and walked into the restaurant. I got a table for the three of us, ordered a bloody mary, enough coffee for all of us, and sat back to wait for my breakfast dates.
After about ten minutes, Becca and Teagan walked in the door. I waved to them as the waiter pointed toward the back table. They walked back and I gave each of them a hug. We sat down, and I poured coffee for them as they looked over the menu. Becca ordered a Mimosa and Teagan asked for fresh orange juice.
We all made small talk as we looked over the menu. Teagan settled on the Blueberry Pancakes which came with vanilla poached apricots and warm Vermont maple syrup. Teagan loved pancakes with syrup. It’s apparently not real common in NZ, and she made a point of having them whenever the opportunity came up. Becca and I both decided on the Eggs Benedict, as it came with pulled pork BBQ instead of Canadian bacon. The Hollandaise sauce was fresh and light.
After the food arrived, Becca began: “Mike, I don’t know if you know exactly what I do.” “Actually Becca” I replied, “I think it has something to do with international sales, but that’s about all I know.” “That’s true, but there is more to it than just sales”. “I am a sales broker. Meaning I am the go between and primary negotiator between wine and lamb grower co-op’s in NZ and OZ and the buyers both here and in Canada.” “That’s why we came here from NZ. But now, I have been promoted and instead of working here full time, I now have to spend weeks at a time back in NZ and Australia.”
My heart sunk. My first thought was for the team. Losing their infield captain now was not going to be received well, not to mention trying to find Teagan’s replacement. I glanced at Teagan. She just looked at me while stuffing another fork full of pancakes in her mouth. “Well Becca, I appreciate your letting me know. The team is really going to miss Teagan, but I understand.”
“OH! No, no”, Becca laughed. “I can’t do that to Teagan again. Moving to the US was really hard on her; really a complete culture shock. She knew nothing about the US, having never lived outside of NZ. No, I can’t pull her away from the life she has here now. She is so happy with her friends and the team. I can’t take her with me; she needs to stay here in the US.”
“OK, so how do I fit into all of this?” I asked, now badly confused. “Well…,” Becca sighed deeply. “And I really hate to ask you this, but I am running out of options…can Teagan live with you while I’m gone on these trips? I paused for a second, and nearly pinched myself, trying to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I was trying hard not to show too much emotion.
“Becca, you know I love Teagan like she was my own, and she is welcome to move in and stay so I can keep an eye on her for you; but wouldn’t you be more comfortable with Courtney or someone?” I asked, glancing over at Teagan. “Courtney’s mom can’t, she’s not comfortable with the added responsibility.” The tone of Teagan’s voice was about as sarcastic as I had ever heard her. “Actually coach, me, staying with you, was my idea” quipped Teagan. She had a sly grin on her face.
“Well, I’m OK with it if y’all are.” “I just need to know that both of you are completely comfortable with this arrangement.” “We are.” Teagan snapped. “AREN’T we mom?” Becca nodded in agreement. It was clear Teagan was trying to shut off discussion, before one of us changed our minds. “Well OK,” I said “when ya’ moving in and for how long?”
“I have to fly out Sunday night so I guess we will be over sometime tomorrow morning.” “I will be gone for about two weeks this first trip.” Becca seemed relieved and more at ease as the three of us small talked and relaxed for a while longer before getting ready to leave.
As we walked out of the restaurant, Teagan looked around and asked curiously, “Mike, where’s your truck?” “Oh, I didn’t drive it this morning, I brought my car.” “Your car, I didn’t know you had a car. Where is it?” “Over there” I said pointing toward the 458 sitting in the corner of the parking lot. “Riiiiiiight, that is NOT yours.” Teagan sneered while rolling her eyes. I looked down at her, pulled the key fob out of my pocket and hit the remote start button. The 458’s alarm chirped once and the engine barked to life. The look on both of their faces was priceless.
“SHOTGUN!!” Teagan yelled as she sprinted over to the car. “Yo Kiwi,” I yelled. “You probably ought to ask your mom about that first!” “Mom, pleeeeaaaase!” Teagan pleaded. Becca looked at Teagan, over at the 458, back to Teagan and then at me. She sighed deeply and said “OK….but get home quickly we both have lots of packing to do.” “Michael, bring her home in one piece please.” Becca gave me a hug, and I assured her I would deliver Teagan back to their house, in one piece, within the hour.
I purposely waited for Becca to leave first. I leaned over the console and hooked up the four point seat belt for Teagan. She was dressed in jeans and a teal sweater, with her hair pulled back and her ever present yellow Oakley shades on. “Good God she’s hot” I thought to myself.
I clicked the 458 into first and pulled out of the parking lot. I took it easy as we cruised down the street. When we reached the freeway on ramp, I let the Ferrari run. Clicking her up through the gears we were quickly running at “arrest me” speed. The unique exhaust wail of the 560 horse power Ferrari V8 was all the music we needed.
I slowed the 458 down as we were coming up on traffic quickly. “This is SO FUCKING COOL!” Teagan shouted. “We need to do this more often!” A hole opened in the traffic. I responded by dropping down to third and mashing the throttle. We were greeted by a rush of acceleration and a mechanical symphony of sounds from the engine compartment. Teagan loved it. She squealed and laughed and clapped her hands amidst the deep air intake moan and the metallic banshee wail of the Akrapovic exhaust.
We played around on the roads near our respective houses for a while longer. When I did pull up in front of Teagan’s house she leaned over and gave me a soft, lingering kiss on the cheek. “Thank you Mike.” She said. “Oh, you’re welcome beautiful, anytime.” I actually missed the meaning in her words. “Nooooo,” she cooed, batting her eyes seductively. “I mean, thank you for everything you do for me. It means a lot; I appreciate it so very much.” “I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” she said, patting me on the thigh, “have the coffee ready!” I drove home thinking about all of the possibilities of the next couple of weeks.
Teagan was on her second, multi-week sleep over. It was a Saturday night in early December. We had played a one day three game “friendly tournament” and then went out to eat with Mitch, Courtney and Cindy, Sundee and Nikki, and Kylie and her dad Rob. We had a very cool time and got home about 8:30. We had both retired to our respective bedrooms and taken showers. I came into the living room, lit the fireplace and was working on hitting stats for the games. Teagan came downstairs and got herself a glass of milk. She wandered over to where I was sitting on the couch. She was all wrapped up in a thick bathrobe with a towel around her hair. Teagan smelled damp, fresh and clean. I couldn’t help but wonder what, if anything, she was wearing under the robe.
“Whatcha working on?” she chirped happily.
“Well, come here and I’ll show you.” She sat down and I explained the stats and metrics I was using to refine the batting lineups and etc. All the while she was messing with the towel on her head, wringing water out of her hair.
“That’s pretty cool. I thought you just pulled lineups out of your ass or something. I did not know there was science to it. Are you going to be up long?
“Yeah, this is going to take a while to set up the spread sheets and get all the formulas correct.” “I figure at least a couple of hours.”
“Cool. We’ll talk later.” She then pulled the towel off her head and headed back up the stairs toward her room.
“Sleepyhead.” “Hey babe.” A soft voice, and gentle touch woke me with a start. “Teagan!” “Wow, what time is it?” I asked still in a bit of a fog. “Almost 11:30” she smiled “why don’t you come to bed?” As I shook off the cobwebs, I focused on Teagan kneeling in front of me. She was illuminated in the light of the fireplace. The firelight and shadows heightened her natural curves and lit up her skin in such a way as to give the appearance of a glow. She had an unearthly, captivating beauty.
“Yeah, I guess I should.” I said, unable to take my eyes off her. As I stood up off the couch, she stood as well and took a step back. She was wearing a black lace cami top and “boy short” combo and nothing else. I just stared at the magnificent creature standing before me. “Teagan….” I was at a loss for words. “You…you’re incredible!” “I mean, you’re beautiful beyond words…” My voice trailed off in stunned amazement.
Teagan smiled and said “Thanks Mikey.” “Come on, let’s go!” In one move she reached for the remote on the coffee table and switched off the gas fireplace, plunging the room into the moonlight streaming through the tall windows on the back of the house leading out to the pool. Then taking my hand she led me around the end of the couch, while playfully walking backward toward the master bedroom. I stopped, and leaned up against the back of the couch. Teagan refused to let go of my hand, all the while grinning and trying to tug me toward the bedroom. I chuckled and said, “Teagan honey, your room is the other way”, motioning back over my shoulder toward the other end of the house. Even in the dim, blue white moonlight, I could see her expression change from an impish grin to a dead serious look.
“No.” She stated emphatically. “Not tonight”, “not anymore.” She stepped toward me, looking first at the floor, then at me, as she took my other hand. We stood in the moonlight for several moments in silence. I started to say something and immediately she put two fingers up to my lips and said “Please, let me say what I need to.” I nodded OK.
“As long I can remember, I have always felt like my worth in life was because everyone has always said I was pretty. Never did anyone talk about Teagan the straight A student. Never did anyone talk about Teagan the gymnast and athlete. Nothing I ever did seemed to matter when compared to a happy DNA accident. Even in primary school, the boys all wanted to kiss Teagan ‘cause Teagan was the pretty girl. I learned early on in life to hate the way I look. However, as I got older, I began to realize that I had, in fact, been given a gift. That gift was being what everybody else called beautiful. I realized that my looks could get me things. My looks could open doors, and get me special treatment. The first time I gave a guy a blow job I was almost 12; I did it because he had an auto. That BJ got me and three friends to the picture show and back home. I felt empowered like I had never felt before. I used that power regularly until we moved here, but down inside I have always wanted someone to understand me and care who I am as a person, not just what I look like.”
“American high school boys are just asses. They are arrogant and think they are God’s gift to girls. I started going out with this one guy, and all he did was beg me to have sex. So one night I said OK, we got naked and he started kissing me and then when I started to give him a BJ to get him hard and wet, he came in just a few strokes. All I could do was laugh at him. Yeah, I didn’t get asked out much after that. That guy I gave the BJ to when I was 11, he was 17 and was the older brother of one of my friends. He was kind to me. He always asked about my life. All he really wanted was sex, but at least he acted like he cared. There was not going to be anything there for us, but I loved him just the same.”
“Nine months ago, I met this great guy named Mike who has always been kind to me and had my best interests at heart. You are patient and kind. You have always taken an interest in me as a person and always been there for me when I have needed you. You have helped me become a better athlete. I know you have great capacity for love, and a passion for life. I absolutely love having you as my friend and coach; I hope you think of me as a friend too, not just one of your players. Tonight babe, I want to add to our relationship. I want to become your lover.”
I was stunned. For months I had fantasized about having sex with Teagan. To me, her age was just a number. She was everything I wanted in a woman. She was extraordinarily beautiful, scary intelligent, self confident, playful, and capable of carrying on an adult conversation. I reached out, placed my hand on the side of her face and guided her to me. I paused just a second before lightly kissing her lips. She responded in kind, kissing me back gently and then more passionately. She wrapped her arms around my neck gently, as we continued to explore each other’s mouth and lips with our tongues. I slowly slid my hands down to the small of her back, right where her back transitioned to her small firm ass, and pulled her toward me while squeezing one of her ass cheeks in each hand. She did not resist, and seemed to increase the passion of her kisses.
I broke free of the lip lock she had on me and moved down slightly and began sucking and kissing her neck. She leaned her head back giving me better access to the soft skin under her jaw line. Her passion was rising and her breathing was less steady and becoming more rapid and shallow. I was getting hornier by the second. I could feel my cock starting to come to attention. Apparently so could Teagan. She kept one hand on the back of my neck and reached down with her other hand and gently squeezed my rapidly enlarging cock.
“We need to go to the bed now” she breathed. I agreed by releasing my grip on her and leading her toward the bedroom door.
Once inside, she closed the door, and then quickly turned around, leaned against the door, keeping her hands behind her. She looked around the room, and then back at me, nervously, almost like a captive animal in a cage. I stepped toward her, pinned her against the door, and gave her a long deep, hard kiss. After what seemed like only seconds, she twisted away and took a couple of deep breaths. “Mike, I need you so badly right now.” “Please don’t hold anything back tonight.” “I need everything you have, and I am all yours.” I was going to ask her if she was sure this was what she really wanted, because there was no going back now. But one look in her eyes at the intensity and passion made the question irrelevant. I realized that this night was something she had been planning for some time.
“I’m going to go wash my face and brush my teeth.” I said, keeping her gently pinned against the door. “There are some candles and a lighter in the bottom of the nightstand.” “Light a couple and get comfortable. I’ll be right back.” Teagan nodded her head quickly.
“Damn!” I thought to myself “Why does the water take so long to get hot?” It didn’t in reality, just now it seemed like it. I glanced into the bedroom. I could not see the bed but, from the glow in the room, it was obvious Teagan had the candles lit.
I shut off the water, turned off the bathroom light, and paused in the doorway to let my eyes adjust to the mix of candle and moon light. Teagan was lying on her tummy with her head propped up on her hands and her legs spread in a wide “V”. She still had her shorts on, but her top was gone. The look in her eyes was one of pure lust. She grinned as I walked over to her. “You first” she whispered as she unbuttoned my cargo shorts, and let them fall to the floor, freeing my quickly hardening cock
Teagan took my cock in her hand and began a slow methodical blow job. Slowly and deliberately, she worked her tongue around the head, concentrating on the soft, sensitive underside. She alternately worked the head of my cock and then sucked the head deep into her mouth, slowly withdrawing it, only to repeat the sequence; all the while looking up at me with her dark expressive eyes. The feeling was wonderful torture. She was not sucking hard enough to cause me to cum, but it was hard enough to bring my cock to full, rock hard attention. After several minutes of this, she got up on her knees and pulled me toward her, locking me in an embrace and a deep, wet kiss; gently biting and sucking on my lower lip.
She then lay back on the bed and pulled me gently down to her. I softly kissed her lips, face and neck as I slowly worked my way down to her breasts. They were surprisingly firm to the touch, and perfectly shaped. Her areolas were small, and slightly puffy, with tiny pencil eraser shaped nipples. She gasped and shuddered as I sucked on them. Gently biting them caused a soft moan and a hand on the back of my head pushing me into her. I took one breast in each hand and squeezed firmly. Teagan arched her back as I did so and took a deep breath. I continued to kiss her around and between her tits and down toward her belly button. She giggled softly as the kisses tickled. I used my tongue to play with the tiny tribal sea turtle that was attached to her belly button piercing. Her eyes were closed, but she had a satisfied smile on her lips.
I pushed myself up to my knees and took hold of both sides of her shorts. She quickly lifted her hips to help me get them off her. She lowered her hips back to the bed and spread her legs; bending her left leg up and extending her right leg out as far as she could. She was hairless save for a small “landing strip”. Her beautiful pussy was just a slit from her clit all the way to her starfish, and she had full outer labia. I slowly began kissing her tummy, tracing with my tongue down the inside of her legs and back up. She reached down and spread the full outer lips of her pussy for me, exposing her glistening wet clit. “Don’t tease me.” She whimpered. “Please babe, help me cum”. I positioned myself so I could use my mouth as well as my hands on her. She was already very wet, with a light, fresh, intoxicating scent that sort of reminded me of strawberries. Her hairless skin was velvety soft and smooth. I slowly pushed my finger into her and felt her PC muscles clamp down on my finger. “Relax baby, just relax and enjoy this.” I said. “Oh, I’m enjoying this, I promise.” she whispered. I felt her slowly relax and release my finger. I took my now wet finger and coated my thumb with her slick wetness. I slid my thumb down to her anal starfish, and pressed gently on her as I rubbed her with her own wetness. “OH GOD” she gasped, “That’s so SENSITIVE.” She took several more deep breaths as I continued rubbing and applying pressure. I moved my hand, replaced it with my tongue, and started a slow, deliberate motion up her pussy slit. Her inner labia were small and compact. Curiously, the edges of her labia were dark, similar in color to her nipples. It was an amazing contrast to her inner pinkness. I continued orally exploring her sexiness for several minutes purposely staying away from her clit. When I finally did reach her clit, she damn near exploded. “UNNGGGH, OOOOOH” she cried out loudly, simultaneously slamming her arms out to her sides and pushing her upper body up off the bed. “OH MYYYYY GOD!” don’t stop, that is SO good!” I continued to work on her with my tongue. Changing the rhythm as she reacted: slower, faster, inside, outside and around. She was cooing softly, gasping, and making little random noises from down in her throat. She grabbed the back of my head and pushed my face into her soft wetness. I slowly slid two fingers into her again and began massaging her G spot. That’s all it took. Like a velvet vise, her vaginal muscles clamped down hard on my fingers, locking me inside her, pulsing with each wave of her orgasm. “OOOOOOOO” “THAT’S IT!” “YEEEESSSSSS!” “OOOOOOOO FUCK” She came with an almost violent release of muscle tension. She then collapsed back on the bed, breathing hard. I moved up beside her and lay down, propped up on one arm. As her breathing relaxed she opened her eyes and looked at me. I smiled back at her and she giggled. It was a playful, contented giggle that said all I needed to hear.
She pushed herself up and, kissed me with a deep, slow, wet, kiss. She then rather forcefully shoved me over onto my back. “My turn to get you off.” She said with a determined tone in her voice. Teagan bent down and took hold of my cock, teasing me slowly with her tongue. Sloooowly, she took me into her mouth, deeper than she had earlier. Sucking and withdrawing, methodically and gently bringing me to full height. I watched her try to take all of me into her mouth. I felt my cock hit the back of her throat. She immediately and instinctively recoiled against the object that had made her gag. Teagan jerked her head up, swallowed hard, took a couple of deep breaths, paused, and went down on me again. This time she was more successful. I could feel my cock hit her throat again, but now she held her head down for several seconds before coming up for air. “This little minx is trying to teach herself to deep throat.” I thought to myself. “Damn, that’s pretty cool.” “GAAAHHK!” Teagan shuddered as again, she fought her body’s natural gag reflex. Pausing for a moment, she ran her fingers through her hair, wiped a trail of spit off her chin with the back of her hand, took another deep breath, and seemingly tried to suffocate herself once again. Now it seemed she achieved her goal. I felt the now familiar contact of my cock with the back of her throat. Once, twice, a third time, and another. But this time there was no negative reaction from her, only controlled motion. In one final challenge, she moved her hand off the base of my shaft and jammed her head down as far as it would go. I felt the head of my cock enter her esophagus. She shuddered again as she fought the object deep in her throat. I could feel the involuntary swallowing reflex as her body tried to dislodge the object now blocking her airway. The feeling was unexpectedly intense, and I could feel the stirrings of an orgasm beginning to rise. Teagan needed air. Suddenly and violently she pulled her head away and pushed her body up off me. In the candle light she sat trying to catch her breath, head down, mouth slightly open and a thick trail of saliva leading from her left breast to her bottom lip. “Shit, I’m dizzy.” Her voice trailing off. I held her by the shoulders and helped her lay down. She lay there for several seconds, with her hands pressed against the sides of her head. “You OK sweetheart?” I asked.
“Yes…yes I believe I am.” “I wanted you to cum though; I really wanted you to cum in my throat, that’s why I waited so long.” Teagan’s voice was almost a whine.
“Baby girl, that’s very sweet, but it takes a lot more than just that to get me to cum.” “I mean, it was a wonderful feeling and I could feel it starting, but we will have to work on the timing.”
“So….you’re not disappointed?” she whimpered.
“Disappointed? Are you kidding me?” “No, baby, not at all. I’m flattered and honored that you even want to be here with me.” She smiled and reached out to me. In a second she was sitting on top of me with her hands resting lightly on my shoulders. She leaned down to kiss me. It was a deep, soft, yet passionate wet kiss. We were both enveloped in the waves of her long dark soft hair. We kissed each other like the time we were spending was to be our last together. Deep inside, I was pretty sure we had just begun this questionable adventure. If and when it was going to end was anybody’s guess.
I could feel the warm wetness of her juices on my stomach. I slid my hands around to her ass cheeks, spread them slightly and gently rubbed her asshole to get her attention. It worked. Teagan sat up and said, “I need your cock in me.” “Now.” The tone of her voice made what she said as much a demand as it was a statement. She was looking me directly in the eyes; I wanted her as badly as she apparently wanted me. It took everything I had to pause and ask. “Baby girl, are you sure this is what you really want? Because if we do this, there are no do-over’s, no second chances and no going back to the way it was. This is going to change everything about our relationship permanently.”
Teagan replied, “I hope it does.” “I hope tonight turns out to be the best thing either of us have ever done. That is a chance I am willing to take; how about you, babe?” I nodded and said “yeah, I am.”
Teagan smiled, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. She bit her bottom lip and simultaneously rose up, and slid back off my stomach. She reached between her legs and took hold of my cock. Gently, she stroked it for a moment, making sure I was ready for her. She wiggled back a bit further and positioned the tip of my cock in her wet slit. The feeling was like liquid fire. The level of her internal heat was amazing. She still had a light grip on my shaft, as she rubbed me up and down the length of her pussy, coating me with her wetness. Once she was satisfied that everything was right, she let go of me and slowly started to take me inside. She pushed down ever so slowly, and then lifted up; only to repeat the pattern, taking me deeper inside with every unbelievably slow stroke. I was fighting the natural urge to thrust up into her, but I had no idea when the last time she had sex was, so I forced myself to hold still and let her get comfortable. After what seemed like minutes, she relaxed and settled down on the last inch of my shaft. She let out a short gasp. It seemed to be a mix of surprise and pleasure. Teagan felt incredible; her PC muscles were pulsing gently around my cock. She was a tight fit, but was so wet she squished a little as she moved. She sat momentarily frozen, and then, with masterful control, she began to move her hips back and forth, simultaneously moving her pussy up and down my cock, while grinding her pubic bone into mine.
Teagan was gorgeous. She was easily the most physically perfect woman I had ever been with. The candle light and shadows highlighted the feminine cut of her arm, shoulder and pectoral muscles. Her 34B’s were perfectly matched in both size and shape, with nipples small and tight from excitement. The soft ripples of her firm abs were just visible in the warm glow of the candles. Like a powerful locomotive gathering momentum, she was increasing the speed and randomness of her motion as she fucked me. I was going to have to slow her down or this was going to be over way too fast. I reached up and pulled her down to me so I could kiss her and allow me to take control of the speed. Teagan loved to kiss and followed my lead. I held her down against my chest and began a slow controlled thrusting. She was getting more and more restless as we kissed. Teagan was trying to concentrate on the passion at one end and the rising urgency at the other. Her lips were losing the fight for her attention. “Babe, I need up!” She whispered breathlessly. There was no way I was going to let her re take control of the situation. I knew good and well that as tight as she was and the way she was whipping her hips around that either I wouldn’t last more than a couple of minutes; or, if she came first, I would blow as soon as her pussy clamped down on me. I grabbed her and rolled her over on her back. Teagan squealed and laughed. “OK that works too” She giggled, then gasped as I plunged my cock into her as deep as I could.
“OOOH God, YESSS!” She hissed, as she repeatedly pushed back against my thrusts with her hips. I reached back and pulled her legs up and hooked the bend of her knees over my biceps, effectively locking her in place as I leaned forward supporting my weight on my hands. I continued the slow controlled thrusting into her sopping wetness.
“NNNNNNGH! NNNNNNGH! Babe fuck me, I need to cum, I really need to cummm…yyyyessssss!!!” Teagan opened her eyes and clenched her teeth as she tried to work her hips with the rhythm of my motion. Her breathing was rapid and shallow now. I could feel her grip on my cock tightening and the urgency in my balls was rising. I was not sure how much longer I could hold out, when suddenly Teagan let out a primal cry…. “NNNGGGGGGOOOOOOO! FUCK YEAH!” She shuddered violently and shook her head from side to side. “OOOOOOOOGOD!” “OOOOOOOOOMYGOD” twice more she shuddered as the waves of her orgasm pulsed through her body.
I was vaguely aware of the pain in my triceps as Teagan sunk her nails into me and held on. I was too close to cumming on my own to worry about it. Without letting her calm down, instinct took over, and I pushed hard into her tight pussy again and again. Finally I could hold on no longer and let myself go. “I’m going to cum baby, I’m gonna cum! I said, giving her the chance to tell me to pull out. She answered by grabbing my ass and holding me inside her. I came as hard as I ever had, pumping her full of thick baby batter that mixed with her own juices. I collapsed beside her, both of us on our sides, breathing hard, looking at the other. She stretched over, kissed me softly, and said, “Oh my god Mike, that was so awesome. “Better even than I imagined it would be, and you’re right, there is no going back after sex like that”.
She kissed me again and picked up the towel to clean up both of us and try to dry off the bed. We scooted over out of the wet spot and shared full body hugs and Teagan’s signature, deep wet kisses for a while longer. Teagan finally came up for air, scooted down, and began sucking my cock. I was quickly hard once again. Teagan rolled over, spooned up next to me, reached between her legs and guided me inside her again. This time, we made love more gently. The feel of her small firm ass against me was incredible. I was rubbing her clit with my hand as I slowly pumped her wet pussy. She came far less violently, but almost as quickly as she had earlier. I slowly continued to pump her until I came; she was cooing and moaning softly the whole time. She was clearly lost in the moment. “No don’t!” “Please hold me close,” she said as I started to pull out of her. I stayed deep inside her as she snuggled back against me and pulled up the covers. I kissed the back of her neck and shoulder softly. She giggled and whispered “g’night lover.” “Night Kiwi” I replied.
I lay there for a while holding her naked body next to me; my cock still buried in her soft wetness. It was cool in the room and the smooth, warm, softness of her skin felt amazing. My mind raced over the last couple of hours; a fantasy fulfilled, but now the reality of what had gone down began to sink in. I felt Teagan twitch gently as her body relaxed; the rhythm of her breathing deepened and slowed as she fell asleep in my arms.
Damn, you're a GREAT writer. I know this story is a couple years old but I just found it...only issue I had is, out of the blue Teagan suddenly wakes Mike up and jumps him during her 2nd two week sleepover?... What was life like with her in the house before that? Any 'harmless' cuddling on the couch watching movies...anything prior at all to suggest she's interested besides a cryptic scratch at tryouts at least 5 weeks prior?
I seriously love this story! I'm 16 and I play in elite softball like they talk about, and I've been to the sparklers tourney too:) lol I have totally fantasized about my coach like the. Mike I wish u were my coach!!!
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