I woke with a start and lay in bed disoriented. Then it all came rushing back; Christ what have we done. What have I done?
I had an urgent need to go to the toilet so I got up and relieved myself. While in the bathroom, I got myself ready for the second day of the conference and returned to the bedroom to get dressed.
Angie was still sleeping she was lying on her side. Her black hair tumbling over the pillow made her look sexy. I had this thing in my mind that I didn't really want to face her just then so I went down to breakfast.
In the restaurant, I sat and pondered on last night’s events. I have never had any real strong fantasies about sharing my wife with another man or even a threesome; yes, I've read the stories but never really wanted to do it or take part. In any case, I always thought the stories were just that, stories, written by people for titillation.
However, last night was a complete revelation. How and why did it happen? What possessed me to allow a complete stranger use my wife and do nothing to prevent it?
Having said that why, did Angie allow it?
I felt disgusted with myself and really thought I'd let Angie down and at sometime today our marriage will disintegrate. However, a picture remained in my head, which wouldn't go away the scene of Angie and the way she had come, the way her body responded to HIS taking of her. The scene was electrifying and printed forever in my brain.
It then occurred to me I might bump into Sid. He could be in the restaurant. In a panic, I stood up and looked about the room, but he wasn't there. I had this sudden dread of having to face him with the knowledge that he'd had my wife, the thought of saying, "how did you like my wife last night" made a sickening feeling in my gut.
I finished my full English breakfast and gulped down my coffee. I returned to our room, butterflies dancing in my stomach, I was so apprehensive when I entered; not knowing what Angie's response was going to be.
I looked at my watch to discover it was time to go down and meet the taxi provided to take me to and from the conference venue.
Angie was up and sitting on the bed. I closed the door.
"Morning," I said trying to sound up beat. We looked at each other, I smile saying, "You okay?"
Angie was wearing her dressing gown, "Yes, I'm fine," she replied meekly, "I wanted to see you before you went off to the conference."
"Oh, you were still sleeping and as we were late last night I thought you'd like to lie in, sorry."
Angie went to the mirror and started to comb her hair.
"Well I'd better be off the taxi will be waiting. Are you going shopping today?"
"Yes, that's what you want isn't it."
"I want you to look good, like you used too."
"What time will you be back?" I could feel the atmosphere building between us.
"About five, why don't you look for a nice dress for the ball tomorrow night?"
I was angry. Angry with myself mostly, last night had put even more strain on our marriage whether intentionally or not. I was also angry with Sid for his part in putting us in this position.
The conference as with all conferences was a complete bore. How do these speakers manage to waffle on about nothing for hours on end and then go on to justify what they've said?
On and off throughout the day I thought about Angie and what we allowed to happen last night. Reminiscing soon gave me a mild erection, which stayed with me for the rest of the day. Also, as the day went on, I slowly warmed to the idea of what happened last night finding it truly exciting; the effect on me was more than I ever thought possible.
In the taxi back to the hotel, I decided I'd take Angie to a show or a film to get her away from possibly meeting with Sid again. However, he had mentioned this was his last night in London.
I really didn't think it was a good idea to allow it to happen again.
I entered our room to find Angie rummaging through the shopping bags that were scattered across the bed; some had even fallen to the floor. Angie was dressed in some of her new clothes and she looked amazing.
"Hi, Angie looks like you've done a fair amount of shopping today, that credit card must be nearly to its limit?"
"Hi, Peter have you had a nice day?" she asked still rummaging through the bags.
"Look it's just after five thirty shall we have an early dinner and then go off and see a film or a show?"
Angie stopped what she was doing and looked at me aghast, then she smiled, "That would be great."
"Come on then let's get a move on. I'll just go and have a shower."
Fifteen minutes later I was out of the shower, shaved and part dressed when I came out of the bathroom. Angie was standing beside the bed; she'd just stepped into a black dress and was pulling it up her legs when I saw her underwear. She was wearing black stockings and suspenders with black short style panties. As she stood up pulling the dress up over her thighs, I saw her small breasts supported on a platform bra her nipples part erected
Then I got the shock of my life when I saw the two hickeys on her right breast. Angie then put her arms through the narrow straps and palmed her dress down and making little adjustments to it before reaching back and pulled the zip up that made the dress pull mildly tight across her breasts. This made the material form round the contours of her upper body in a rather sexy delicate manner.
"Wow, you look gorgeous, Angie." I blurted out.
"Thank you. I got the dress this afternoon plus all of this," she said waving her arm over the bed.
"Did you get something for tomorrow night?"
"No not yet, I've seen something though I will pick it up in the morning." She moved away from the bed with her makeup bag heading for the bathroom when I had another shock. As she passed me, I saw she had another two hickeys on the neck very low down.
As I put my shirt on, I felt my cock grow as I realised that Sid had truly enjoyed fucking my wife.
Ten minutes later, we were walking through the hotel. I was on cloud nine as I could see men staring at my wife – I was on an ego trip that went through the sound barrier.
In the restaurant, we met the same waitress as last night. She showed us to the same table and I watched her looking at my wife. She smiled saying, "Looks like you've been shopping again?"
Angie showed off her new dress, "What do you think?" She did twirl and faced us with a childish smile. Angie had capped off her outfit with a silk pink scarf round her neck - an addition to hide the obvious marks.
"Wow you look good, so sexy."
"Thanks, I got it this afternoon, haven't a clue where I was though so don't ask. All I know was I got off the tube at Oxford Street."
"It looks expensive?" the waitress asked glancing at me.
"It was, very." They both laughed and the waitress took our order.
After a minute or two of silence I said, "Look, Angie I'm sorry about last night." Angie looked at her drink and remained quiet, "I don't know what else to say."
Angie looked at me, "I feel dirty and I've badly let you down."
"How," I asked genuinely, "I don't think you have?"
"I've let you down because I did nothing to stop him."
"Nor did I come to that."
"Yes I know but you did at least challenge him. I did nothing but lay there and let him have me," she added rather timidly.
"That's true I suppose," I conceded, "We both could've stopped it at any time but we didn't did we." I hesitated; the one question that had been plaguing me all day suddenly came to the fore. My throat became dry and I blurted out, "Did you enjoy it?"
Angie blushed scarlet. The look on her face was total embarrassment. She didn't know where to put her face.
"Be honest with me, Angie," I added prompting her.
"I don't know my feelings are all mixed up," her voice was subdued and she looked down at her meal.
We fell silent. I didn't know what else to say to her. We ate our meal in that silence and it wasn't until she pushed her plate away practically empty that she spoke.
"Now that I'm a slut you won't want me anymore?" She spoke quietly the words full of anxiety. I watched her eyes tear up.
That hurt.
I'd never looked at it like that and I went on the defensive. "That's not true, Angie. I've been thinking about it all day. You're my wife; I love you just the same as I did before last night. As far as I'm concerned, it'll be an episode in our lives never to happen again.
"That's right, never to be repeated," Angie forced home. Then she asked, "But what about you, what are your feelings about it all you were there you saw everything?"
"Yes I did. To be brutally honest it was the most erotic thing I've ever seen. I watched my wife being taken." Angie looked at me astonished, mouth open in shock. "I know it sounds weird but I did, and the feeling of having you straight after was just incredible."
Angie's shot back, "But that's perverted, you enjoyed watching your wife being taken?"
"Yes, no it wasn't like that. The enjoyment comes from your pleasure. Knowing that the person was bringing you off, watching your expressions – you were beautiful."
"I was a slut!"
"If that's what you want to call it, but you're my slut." I paused taking a sip of my wine, "Angie it doesn't matter what we did last night or what you think you are, I still love you and always will."
"Really," Angie looked surprised at that.
"We've done something a lot of couples could never do. It proves our love and trust for each other can take this kind of trauma. If one of us had cheated on the other then obviously, it would mean a breakdown of that trust. Last night we did it together and managed to come out of it with our relationship intact."
With our meal finished and the table cleared, Angie broke the mini silence that had fallen between us, "It doesn't change a thing, Peter I've committed adultery whether you were there or not and that makes me a slut."
"Well let me repeat the question, did you enjoy it?"
"He took me and made me climax if that's what you mean."
"Partly, but did you enjoy him fucking you?"
"He had a slightly different technique than you that made it exciting."
"You're not answering the question, Angie," I said finishing the last of my wine, "Did you enjoy it?"
Sheepishly she looked over at me, her face blushing, "I suppose if you put it altogether the whole experience was very pleasurable," she looked down into her hands, "Yes I did." Those last words were in a whisper.
"Come on, drink up let's go to the bar," I suggested.
Angie finished her drink and we both went into the bar to find an old guy playing the piano. The bar was rather subdued compared with last night, and was relatively empty with plenty of empty tables. I went to the bar, got another bottle of wine, and returned to the table to sit opposite Angie.
"Would you do it again?" I asked her.
Her eyes flashed at me, "No," she replied forcefully.
With that, I took her up on the dance floor and we started dancing to some blues. Last night had obviously had an effect on Angie and she was in no mood in allowing it to happen again. My own thoughts on the matter were one of pure excitement. I'd never dreamed of sharing Angie with anyone before yet last night I did it just that with no regrets. I thought the whole episode was brilliant. Watching Angie perform like that was just out of this world. I will never forget the look on Angie's face when Sid brought her off. Yes, I suppose Angie is right she is a slut but I still love her and always will. I was now wondering if she would do it again even though she'd just said no.
For the next couple of hours Angie and I continued to enjoy each other by dancing and in mild conversation at the table. We'd got through another bottle of red and just started another. We were dancing again, slowly moving round the floor with a few other couples who seemed to be enjoying the evening just as much as we were. Angie was holding me real close and the evening had turned out to be something of a romantic one. Both of us were enjoying each other's company, something we'd not done for quite some time.
As we danced Angie put her head on my chest, it was a nice feeling and I suddenly remember that I was going to take her to see a show or something. I looked at my watch to discover it was just after nine and realised it was too late for a show. I went to whisper in Angie's ear to let her know when Sid suddenly appeared beside us.
"Hi, Pete do you mind if I break in here and take Angie round the floor?"
I looked at the old man, the balding head and narrow moustache. I hadn't noticed his yellowing teeth and I thought his beer gut had grown bigger since last night.
"Be my guest," I replied and stepped out of the way. Angie quickly glanced at me and then turned to Sid. She said nothing as he took her into his arms and started dancing.
I returned to our table, took a large gulp of wine and then sat to watch them dance.
Sid was holding her close; his hands seemed to be everywhere running up and down her back caressing her.
Watching them dance to more slow tunes made me wonder whether Angie was going to allow anything to happen even though we'd both agreed that last night was a one off.
Angie suddenly broke away from him and returned to our table. She sat sliding along the bench seat so that she was in the middle of us.
Sid had followed her and sat opposite me, "So, you two had a good day?" Sid Asked.
"Not bad," I replied, "What about you?"
"Yeah okay, couldn't wait to bump into you guys again."
Angie remained quiet. I could see she wasn't very happy in meeting with Sid again.
Sid and I talked about business for a few minutes. However, the subject matter very quickly dried up and we fell silent.
Sid was itching to say something; he was fidgeting with his hands like a little boy wanting his new toy but didn't quite know how to ask for it.
The piano player stopped playing telling his audience that he was taking a twenty-minute break.
It was just after ten when Sid suddenly turned to us and asked, "So you guys want to come up for a drink?" I smiled inwardly at his expectations.
Angie looked at me eyes flashing.
"I'm not sure that's a good idea, Sid."
"Come on, it is my last night in London and you guys have been a great couple, what y' say?"
"Well I suppose we could go up to our room instead, and have a drink." I suggested.
"Fine by me," he replied his eagerness to leave the bar extremely evident, whilst his manner showed his expectations had suddenly grown enormously.
Sid smiled and eagerly got up from the table.
It was blatantly obvious he wanted to have the use of my wife again; but what of Angie and her thoughts? As I got up to let Angie out I took her hand and watched her expression to find nothing.
We walked to the elevator in silence. The atmosphere between us was tense I could sense the sexual expectation from Sid as he stood watching the floor numbers change. The silence remained with us until we entered our room and then Sid saw all the shopping bags, "Blimey someone's been shopping!"
Angie went straight into the bathroom.
"Yeah, Angie's been adding to her wardrobe while we're here in London, beer of wine, Sid?"
"Beer, please," Sid replied.
Opening the fridge, I passed him a can, took out two small bottles of red wine, and poured them out for both of us.
Taking the chair, I sat and waited. We were both sexually excited; I for one had a semi erection in my trousers.
We waited for Angie to return and while we did neither of us took up conversation but one could feel the sexual tension was growing thicker by the second. Then Angie came out of the bathroom. It had seemed an age before she reappeared. When she did, she looked a picture in her little black dress, black shoes and stockings. She picked up her wine and then sat on the bed next to Sid.
Sid drank some beer and then placed the can onto the chest of drawers in front of him.
"Well I think we know why we're here – shall we." He said getting up and standing in front of her.
"Angie?" I asked.
Sid looked down at her. Angie looked over at me her large dark eyes pleading with me but she never spoke a word. Then she turned away and looked down at her lap.
Sid stood there waiting.
Then without prompt Angie stood up reached round to the zip on her dress and pulled it down allowing the dress to fall to the floor. She was now standing in front of this man in her underwear. Her breasts sat snugly on her platform bra with her nipples erect. Her black panties hugged her arse nicely and displayed her hairy mound provocatively while her stockings and suspenders gave her that elegant sophisticated look.
Angie sat back down.
Sid was looking at her with that look of pure lust. From that, I deduced that my lovely wife was going to get a lot more this time round.
He moved to stand in front of her. "So what is it you've become, Angie?" He asked.
Angie looked up at him, "A slut," she replied quietly.
"Yes, that's right. But you're a bit more than just a slut aren't you?"
She thought about his question for a few seconds, "Yes, I am."
"And what might that be, Angie?"
She hesitated. I could see she knew the answer but something inside was preventing her from saying the words. She swallowed hard and then said, "I'm a slut wife."
"I'm glad you understand, Angie, so let's see how much of a slut you really are. Now get my cock out and suck me."
Angie obeyed. She undid his belt and then pulled his trousers down. His boxers came next and his cock came into view. Taking it in her hand, she pulled his flesh back and forwards then stuck her tongue out and licked the head, swirling it round over the pink flesh until finally taking it into her mouth and straight away started to bob her head up and down. Her cheeks hollowing out as she sucked on his cock.
Sid gasped at the pleasure my wife was giving him. He reached down, grabbed her right tit, and twigged her nipple.
Angie was now taking a good portion of his cock into her mouth. It was an amazing sight. There was my once conservative wife now changed. Now a slut and I cuckolded, I started to wonder where this would lead us.
I continued to watch the spectacle in front of me. Angie was now bobbing her had forcefully while masturbating him.
Sid was now breathing quite heavily as he started to gently push his hips forwards in time with Angie's movements. Within seconds of that he grabbed her head and started fucking her mouth. Then about a minute later he said, "Look at me, Angie."
Angie looked up at him as his cock slid between her lips.
"I'm going to spunk into your mouth and I want you to swallow it all, okay?"
Angie nodded her head while Sid continued to fuck her mouth.
Several seconds later Sid pulled his cock back and then pushed forward and held his cock deep into her mouth. He groaned loudly and I watched his cock twitch as he spurted sperm into her mouth.
Angie swallowed once, twice and a third before Sid removed his cock from her mouth. My excitement was such that I went to her and pushed my own cock against her lips. She took me in and sucked on my cock and two seconds later, I groaned with sheer pleasure as I too spunked her mouth and again heard her swallowing my spunk down to mix with Sid's in her stomach.
Taking my cock out of her mouth Sid moved in and pushed her back onto the bed. Then he pulled her panties off her lovely legs.
He seemed to be taking control as he opened her legs and knelt down between her legs. Her hairy cunt was now totally on display to this man. With his fingers, he opened her labia and smile, "Well will you look at this, Pete your lovely wife is wet man, really wet."
I looked over his shoulder to see her inner lips on display coated with a creamy slime while her cunt hole was oozing juice. The sight made my cock twitch and I felt it start to grow.
Sid then dived in. He ran his tongue along her slit taking her slime with him and tasting her. He then proceeded to suck on her clit and then move down to her hole and fuck her with his tongue. He alternated from one to other until Angie started to squirm. Her hips rose up giving him better access, she gripped the bed covers in her fists and moaned, "Oh God, oh God!"
I could see she was about to come; come on his tongue. What a sight, Angie looked so beautiful then. With her eyes closed and her mouth open, her breathing growing heavy and her neck and chest flushed. Angie was going to come and come hard.
Then she arched her back, pushing her cunt into his face and with a groan came on his tongue, her body jerked with the contractions of her orgasm. Two, three, four times her body went ridged and convulsed on Sid's tongue then she relaxed panting from the sexual release.
At that moment in time, I thought my lovely wife was the most beautiful woman in the world. She'd given in to Sid allowing him to take her, to bring her off and she was enjoying it.
I discovered I was erect again and I saw Sid was in the same condition. He didn't waste any time he removed his clothes and then lifted Angie who was still in a state of sexual bliss up onto to the bed proper and mounted her. He aimed his cock at her sex and I watched it slide straight in and hit bottom in one slick movement.
Angie gasped at the sudden penetration and opened her legs further to allow him the access he wanted. His potbelly now more evident, it rather hung more grotesquely than before, as he supported himself above her. Then he lay upon her, pressing down onto my petite wife.
Sid started thrusting into Angie's cunt. As he fucked her, so I removed my own clothes. I watched, not wanting to miss anything Sid might do as he pounded into her. Angie's body jerked with every thrust making her tits wobble. Every now and then, I saw his cock appear from her hairy depths and their wetness coated his hot hard flesh.
"God this is so good!" Sid exclaimed.
Angie lay there, her body was flushed with excitement. Sid changed position slightly. He moved his arms up over her head allowing his full weight to lie on her body, his potbelly squashing onto her tummy obscuring my view. All I could now see was his buttocks thrusting into my wife's cunt.
I didn't know what to do. I just stood there with a raging erection watching them; it looked like he was giving her a good servicing.
Pictures of old porn movies flashed through my mind, as I got undressed. I climbed onto the bed and Angie opened her eyes to look at me.
Within her eyes I saw the hurt but that seemed to be artificial as deeper much deeper I could see the lust growing. I noticed a small film of sweat on her top lip as she came onto another orgasm.
I touched Sid's arm and he straight away move it away from her head and lifted himself up. He attacked her tits moulding them with his fingers. Pushing forward I offered my cock to my wife to suck.
Sid continued to shag my wife at a steady pace. With my cock, I touched her lips and she once again opened her eyes. She blushed even more than she already was and opened her mouth.
My cock slipped in between her lips and I felt her warm wet tongue slide over my knob end. Because I'd been in a high state of sexual arousal now for quite some time, the feelings from my cock were incredible. I'd never felt anything like it before in my whole life. It was so exquisite that I nearly shot off there and then. It took a considerable amount of effort and determination to keep from coming to soon.
My hips started to push gently into her mouth, backwards and forwards. As I fuck my wife's mouth while another man serviced her cunt.
Lust took control as I started to push further into her mouth. Sid watched for a few seconds then started thrusting harder while burying his face in her neck; now with every thrust into her he made a grunting sound.
Within seconds Angie arched up forcing Sid up with her, her body went rigid and through the sensations on my cock, I felt her shake as she climaxed on this man's cock.
I'd stopped thrusting into her mouth as I watched her reach her peak. I'd never seen her have such a powerful climax before. Angie remained like that for several seconds while making a high-pitched squeal over my cock. Then as she came down from her high, she let my cock slip from her mouth and gasped, "My God!" She was panting, gulping air as wave after wave of pleasure still swept over her body in a torrent.
I pushed forward, my slut wife took my cock back into her mouth and I continued to fuck it.
Watching her just come was so erotic. The look on her face was so gorgeous that I knew I dearly loved her. Once again, the guilt came flooding back as I thought she'd hate me after this was all over.
Sid continued to plough my wife's cunt, where he got the stamina from I'll never know. A man of his age was certainly putting many younger men to shame. The thought crossed my mind that it was because Angie was a good fuck.
My wife was beginning to move a lot more under him. Sid was obviously a cocksman and he knew what he was doing. I couldn't hold back any longer and groaned as I pumped my sperm into her mouth.
As I filled, her mouth so I noticed Angie thrusting her hips up to meet Sid's thrusting loins and then come for the second time on his cock. She hastily swallowed all my emissions without losing any.
My cock slipped from her mouth and she gasped out, "Oh, shit!" she was panting with pleasure, but Sid continued to pound her cunt.
I rolled away onto my back, then sat up to watch the scene of my wife confirm that deep down she really was a slut.
Angie was now fucking him back, enjoying his cock as it sliced in and out of her hairy cunt. I watched her raise her knees and open her thighs wider allowing him to go deeper. Her arms went around him and pulled him close.
They kissed.
That hurt; up until now, they hadn't. It looked as though they were lovers in the truest sense of the word, not just two people having sex. Unexpectedly I felt jealousy and for one god-awful moment thought, I'd lost my wife to Sid. However, it got worse.
Sid whispered in her ear but I didn't hear what he'd said.
Angie lovingly held onto him; she was looking into his eyes as he fucked into her. She gave a smile and spoke, "Oh, yes, Sid I love your cock inside me." They kissed again softer more loving.
My heart sank, what is going on, I thought, I've lost her for good.
"Are you going to come again, Angie?" He whispered.
"Huh, huh," she replied with a smile still looking into his eyes.
"What's making you come, Angie?"
"Oh, Sid you have a lovely cock," she replied smiling. Her smiled changed to a sexual grimace as once again she arched up to him coming on his cock.
"Oh, yes," she cried out, "Oh that is so good," she gasped her breathing laboured, "God I never knew fucking could be so good. I just love your cock do me some more."
Sid obliged and continued to fuck my lovely wife, giving her what she wanted.
My own cock was hard again so I moved back into position and placed my cock to her lips.
Her eyes suddenly snapped open and I saw the shock on her face. She had been totally lost in her own sexual world and had forgotten I even existed. For how long I'll never know but my lovely wife of twelve years had been completely absorbed in her own lust.
Angie turned crimson and was about to say something when I pushed my cock into her mouth. She sucked me in looking up at me her eyes pleading; but I just fucked her mouth. As I looked down at her, I watched her eyes roll in their sockets as Sid brought her off for the fourth time with his cock.
It was then I decided I wanted to be inside her. Sid had been using her pussy for too long and I wanted some of it.
Taking my cock from Angie's mouth, I moved off the bed. Angie watched me as Sid continued to fuck her.
Tapping Sid on the shoulder, "Come on, Sid I want some pussy."
Sid looked back at me and then climbed off her, "Sure, Pete be my guest." He rolled away and I crawled up between her legs and got on top of her, my cock slipped into her extremely wet pussy right to the hilt in one long motion.
An unexpected groan escaped my lips as I hit bottom. God did she feel good, I thought as I started to slide in and out of her.
Supporting myself on my hands I looked down at my wife to discover the hickeys, one on the other side of her neck and two on her left tit, one was very close to her nipple.
Sid moved up the bed, wasting no time at all in presenting his slimy cock to Angie's mouth. With no hesitation, she opened up and took him in. Straight away, he started fucking her mouth.
The feelings around my cock were out of this world. To enter a woman who'd just been fucking was electrifying and I was glad I'd already come so that I could enjoy these sensations.
Our threesome continued. Sid gently fucked her mouth while I fucked her cunt.
Sid spoke, "That's it girl clean your cunt cream from my cock."
I maintained a steady rhythm of thrusting into Angie's body and she met every one of them with an upwards thrust of her own.
"Is my cock nice and clean now, Angie. Do you like the taste of your own slut cunt on your tongue?"
There was no response.
Sid pushed deep into her mouth and Angie gagged. He pulled back and then eased back in again, deeper again. I felt her body gagged but this time Sid didn't pull back he pushed in and his cock went another inch or two. Angie tried to pull away but Sid grabbed her head eased in still further, this time with a determined look on his face.
I suddenly realised I'd stopped fucking Angie and was intently watching what Sid was trying to do.
Again Sid pulled back but only slightly, and then pushed back in. His cock slid between Angie's lips as smooth as silk into her mouth, deeper, four five inches.
Angie gagged again but Sid didn't pull back at all, instead he just kept pushing and I watched his cock slide into her throat. Amazed I saw her lips kiss his groin.
I suddenly blurted out, "Good girl," and continued fucking her.
Sid started fucking her throat, he must be right in, I thought.
Out of instinct, I went down and started kissing her ear and down over her hickey covered neck. As I was doing this I suddenly realised I could feel the movements of Sid's cock in her throat. She really was having her throat fucked.
With a grunt, "That's fantastic, Angie," Sid gasped. He started to move faster, and then cried out gasping, "Here it comes, Angie." He pushed in and held her head tight against him squashing her nose against his hairy potbelly. "Ugh!"
Then I witnessed Sid's cock throb several times, as he pumped his spunk into my lovely wife's throat. At the same time, Angie was trying to swallow as his sperm shot straight down into her gullet. It seemed an age before he released her, pulling his cock out of her mouth. Angie moved her head away gasping for air, she wretched bringing up spunk from her throat where she seemed to rolled it around on her tongue before swallowing it again.
My heart was beating like mad. My mind was full of lust at what I'd just witnessed. My wife had just deep throated this stranger, something we've never done before or even inclined to try. My lust took control, I started to fuck her, and I mean really fuck her, hard and fast.
I felt Angie respond. She put her arms around me and held on. I banged into hard grinding my pubes against hers. At that moment, Sid didn't even exist.
Then Angie gave a grunt, her body went ridged, "Yes that's it fuck me. God I'm going to come. Yes!" Her body then jerked several times; then from deep within her throat came a long low growl that led into a squeal of pure pleasure. Then I came; I spunked my wife, spurt after spurt of hot spunk shot into her well-used cunt. Groaning with pleasure, we collapsed onto the bed panting. A few minutes later, I rolled off my wife and lay on the bed.
Angie lay beside me panting, trying to get her breath back. Then I saw Sid come from the bathroom.
Angie rolled over onto her side and put an arm across my chest. Sid got on the bed and lay down behind her. Very quickly, we all fell to sleep.
I was woken a couple of hours later. It was still dark. The bed was rocking; I rolled over to see Sid lying between Angie's thighs fucking away at her cunt. She had her legs wide open, her hands holding onto his arse as he pumped into her.
Angie was grunting and sounded like a pig. Then he suddenly heaved into her, pushing his cock right up into her sex as he groaned with orgasm unloading several hot spurts of spunk into her willing womb.
Sid rolled off and they both lay for several minutes while trying to get their breath back. Then Angie rolled back over and cuddled up to me and again we fell asleep.
I had no idea what time it was but I awoke again noticing Angie wasn't cuddling me anymore so I half turned and looked behind me.
There was Angie, again lying on her back, legs wide open and bent at the knee with Sid lying between them. It must have been just after dawn sunlight was shining through the gap in the curtains.
Sid was obviously buried deep inside her. He was sucking on a nipple and at the same time whispering at her.
"Do you like my cock, Angie?"
"Mm," Angie replied. Her hips were gently undulating as he very slowly pushed in and out.
"Do you like it stuffed up you're cunt?"
"Mm feels good."
"Tell me, Angie tell me what you like?"
"I like what we're doing."
"No, Angie talk dirty to me, say those nasty words."
They fell silent. I wondered whether Angie would comply. They both continued to fuck each other gently, while Sid kept his mouth glued to her left nipple.
Angie then gave a long low groan of bliss. "Oh, Sid I love your cock. I love it stuffed in my cunt," whispered Angie.
Shit was I shocked to hear Angie talk like that.
"I knew you would, Angie. When I first saw you at the bar I knew you were a slut."
"Yes, I'm a slut. Sid. You made me a slut, I like being your slut."
"And your husband what about him?" He asked pushing into her a bit harder.
Angie groaned.
He thrust harder still, "Come on tell me, what about your husband?" He pulled back and thrust hard again.
"Oh, God," Angie exclaimed then groaned.
Sid speeded up Angie met his thrusts.
"Come on, Angie tell" Sid whispered urgently.
"I . . . um . . . He's my husband you're my lover."
Sid began to fuck her with powerful strokes. He stopped sucking on her tit and moved up to find her neck.
"And are you going to let me service your cunt whenever I want it?" Sid asked picking up the pace and adjusting his position he lay down on top of her with his full weight; arms up and around her head with his head in her neck. I could clearly see the expressions on Angie's face as her head bobbed with each thrust.
"Well?" I heard him mumble
Angie brought her legs up and crossed them over Sid's lower back. She groaned loudly, "Yes, you can have my cunt anytime you want it – Oh, God you're bringing me off!"
Angie began to grunt again.
Sid was a cocksman to be true and he was determined to make my lovely wife sing.
"Fuck me Sid I love you – I love you're cock in me. Fuck me, I'm going to come, Sid make me come. Oh, God you fuck me so well."
Sid was now banging into her and my wife took it all.
"Are you going to come on my cock again, Angie?"
"Yes, yes make me come," Angie gasped as she clung to him, "Oh yes I'm going to come."
"Do you want me to spunk you, Angie?
"Yes come, come together, spunk my womb, I want it."
She had her face close to his ear as he lay upon her. His thrusts were now shorter but more forceful. Then he raised his head up and groaned loudly, "Here it comes, Angie I'm going to knock you up," he groaned again, "Do you want me to knock you up?"
"Sid do it, knock me up, Sid."
"You're so fucking good here it comes." Sid slammed into her and held himself tight against her, his cock deep inside her cunt. At the same time, Angie's thighs began to tremble.
My wife screamed out, "I'm coming," her voice was like a growl, her body was having spasms – jerking under Sid as her orgasm crashed through her body. Sid kept heaving into her cunt trying to get deeper, his arse cheeks clenching in time with the throbbing of his cock that was pumping spurt after spurt of hot spunk into Angie's womb splashing over her cervix.
It was an incredible scene to watch instead of joining in I went back to sleep. Again, I woke to discover Angie was now asleep and laying right up close to Sid. Her arm was over his body snuggling up to him. Jealousy hit like a brick in the face. Seeing them like that made me question whether we'd gone too far. We've never done anything like this before. Now my mind was in turmoil and I really didn't know what to do. The way Angie snuggled up to him and the contented look on their faces tore my heart. The whole scene had me thinking that she loves him now instead of me. The past two nights had shown how responsive she was towards him. It seemed Angie was totally in tune with him sexually and the sex he gave was out of this world.
It was time to get up anyway so I headed for the bathroom for a shower and a shave. This was the last day of the conference and we had the company ball that night, tomorrow we will venture home, back to Cornwall.
This was certainly going to be a major turning point in our marriage. Assuming our marriage survives this. My feelings that morning were confused. On the one hand, I enjoyed watching Sid fuck Angie, that first night was a complete revelation. The second night was even better. Angie was amazing; I deliberately allowed that second night to take place just to see what would happen. Yet not until Sid actually turned up, before then I really was enjoying the evening with my wife.
On the other hand I didn't expect Angie to actually go through with it that second night. I suppose I was waiting for Angie to say enough was enough but she never did. What did transpire from that weekend was that Angie like it and the ramifications of it all was that our marriage was never the same.
After showering and having a shave, I returned to the main room to find Sid had gone. That night was Sid's last and he had to be out of the hotel by ten that morning.
Angie was still asleep. She'd rolled over onto her side, her black hair across her face. I got dressed ready for the conference. Then I went over to her and kissed her exposed neck. Angie made a soft moan. She still smelt of sex but it didn't smell the same. It was sort of stale or old. I left her there in bed and went down to breakfast.
Again, I thought I might bump into Sid but if he was there, he never made it known. I was glad of that.
Returning to our room, I found Angie in the bathroom. She'd showered while I was having breakfast. I looked at her she turned away. I tried to smile warmly but fail miserably.
"Hi, you okay?"
Angie was wearing her bathrobe and stood side ways on.
"Yes I'm fine," she replied meekly, "I thought you had already gone to the conference."
"No, I'd just been down to breakfast. The taxi will be here in a couple of minutes." I noticed she wouldn't look at me, "You going shopping again today?"
"If you want me too," she replied her voice low nearly a whisper.
"Yes, I want you to. I want you to look fabulous tonight."
Angie gave a weak smile but she still wouldn't look directly at me. "Okay, what time are you coming back?"
"Just after one o' clock," I replied looking at my watch.
"We could have lunch?"
"That would be nice," I replied happily, "I'll see you later then?"
"Huh huh"
That day at the Conference was a lot better than the last two. Personally, it was one of the best days in my working life. As with all sales clerks, there is that elusive bonus that we all crave for but never really achieve the results to get it. For the past four years, Andy Simpson had won it and going by the look on his face, he'd thought he'd won it for the fifth year running.
Unfortunately, I won the bonus. Andy came fourth and several of the Reps thought it a good idea to celebrate that fact and didn't come out of their comatose state for several days.
I returned to the hotel with a cheque for £8000 and a holiday in the Fiji islands.
Boy was I on high.
However, that euphoria was very short lived when I entered our room to discover Angie wasn't there. My heart sank, I felt ill and my mind conjured up all the worse reason imaginable.
There was shopping on the bed, so she had been there.
Then the phone rang.
"Hi darling I'm glad your back," said Angie, "I'm down in the restaurant waiting for you."
With a sigh of relief, "Oh, okay I'll be straight down."
In the restaurant Angie was waiting at a table. As I approached so, she stood up and stepped away from the table to greet me. I saw my wife standing before me in the shortest skirt I'd ever seen her dressed in. Her long legs looked spectacular. Her blouse was tight across her chest making her breasts more prominent and allowing a faint outline of her nipples show through. You could guess she wasn't wearing a normal bra. She'd fluffed up her hair and really gone to town with her makeup. I have to say she looked incredibly sexy with a sense of elegance and just a hint of slut.
She embraced me with a gentle kiss on my cheek, looked into my eyes, smiled and quietly said, "I love you, Peter."
I saw a look in her eye that I'd never seen before. It was intense yet soft and meaningful. Her whole manner when she spoke exuded honesty and I knew from that moment on that she was truly my wife – my slut wife.
That is the true account of what happen in London in September 1998.
It has been eight years since then and not very much has happened since. We had a great three weeks in the Fiji islands something I will never forget.
As to our relationship, well we're still together. Three months would pass before the two of us actually sat down and talked things through. Listening to Angie reveal her true feelings was a complete revelation.
However, those feeling are for Angie to reveal not me and I have to say you probably won't never know them. Be that as it may I can reveal that after that night of discussion we have indulged in several other exploits of this nature and maybe I will write some more.
For the pessimists out there I say this: Angie didn't catch any diseases, infections or anything else. She is a healthy woman who has discovered another side to herself that she enjoys.
For the sceptics out there I say this: Who cares . . . the truth is so much harder to believe.
To the IDIOT anonymous that talked about "religious assholes":THE ONLY ASSHOLES ARE YOU AND THOSE LIKE YOU,who scorn other people just because those people HAVE A DIFFERENT OPINION than them!And ho the hell did you know who has the dick in hand,YOU MORON?!Or do you really think that everybody is like you,YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT?!And even if it is like this,what's your fucking problem if they "preach morality"?!IT IS A NORMAL THING,when someone presents a story like a "true story"(though,IN MOST CASES IT'S NOT TRUE!) in order to put the thing on the right track,where THEY SHOULD ALWAYS REMAIN in REAL LIFE!So,STOP VISITING these sites,YOU FUCKER,and crawl back to your SHIT HOLE,instead of offending NORMAL PEOPLE!
And for the author of this story:NO,the truth IS SO VERY EASY to believe:THIS IS JUST A FANTASY OF YOURS and NOT A TRUE STORY!So,who cares about what you say,EVERYBODY with a little common sense,KNOWS THE TRUTH!
Wonderful story with the ring of truth about it.Being a cuckold myself I know how horny it is to hear your slut wife respond to her lover i n the same way as Angie did to Sid.Our first real cuckold experience was also with a much older man,a neighbour, and incidentally, our landlord.Paul was 62, and total pervert.Margaret was 31, while I was 32.I'd lost my job, and the rent was going to be a problem, at least in the short term.To cut a long story short, Paul propositioned us for sex in lieu of rent, and we accepted.In no time at all, we became Pauls sex slaves, indulging his every kink, including p/l and later"family fun"!Paul had lots of friends who he invited to use us too, and i never tired of hearing my wife groaning words of love and lust to her many lovers.Why no more stories from Lucy69 by the way?
I loved it, particularly the second one. I was married three times and the third one I could have joined but she preferred to fuck on her own. I got her to a gang bang once and I was the fourth to fuck her. There is nothing like the feeling of fucking your wife after she has three lots of spunk in her. She still had a couple of guys after me, and she invited one of them to our home because he was so good!
And for the author of this story:NO,the truth IS SO VERY EASY to believe:THIS IS JUST A FANTASY OF YOURS and NOT A TRUE STORY!So,who cares about what you say,EVERYBODY with a little common sense,KNOWS THE TRUTH!
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