Fantasm, Boys/Teen Female, Coercion, First Time, Hardcore, Humiliation, Male/Female, Non-consensual sex, Older Male / Female, Rape, Reluctance, Slavery, Teen, Teen Female/Boy, Violence, Written by women, Young
"Stop. I don't want to." I told him. "Yeah I know. That's kind of the point?" He kissed me again and pulled me hard into his lap so I couldn't move. His free hand pushed up my skirt.
Note:This is my third story. It is about rape. As usual if you dont like that kind of thing, exit now.
The characters are fantasy although I wish the girl was me :)
It was going to be great! I was going to a college party with my older sister Kate
and I was so excited. I was only 16 and much too young but she asked me to come along
so she could get hammered and I could be her ride home. I agreed reluctantly trying
to hide my excitement. I was going to a college party! I had pestered my Kate for
months. When she asked me, I jumped at the opportunity and didn't question why she had
suddenly changed her mind.
My sister looked amazingly hot the night of the party. Her hair was done up and she wore
a really skimpy dress that hugged her curvy body. She said I had to look hot too if I was
going to be seen with her. Kate talked me into wearing no underwear. She said if I wanted the
guys at the party to take me seriously, I would do something that would catch their attention.
Following my big sisters lead, I agreed.
She did me up nicely including helping me shop for the tightest
sexiest dress we could find. After I had changed and Kate fixed my makeup, I looked in
the mirror and I felt like screaming for joy. We had picked out tiny white spandex dress
that hugged my body so tight I didn't think I could breathe. It only half covered my legs
and my small tits pressed out against the material. It was the first time I had ever worn
something so provocative. Kate told me it was time to become a woman and learn about my power
over men.
I was already beginning to see the ways both boys and men looked at me. I noticed over the
past few months the way they began to stare at me. The boys at school seemed to want to talk
to me but none of them had ever gotten the courage. A few of the cruder guys would thrust their
hips into the air or pretend they were giving oral with their tongues when I walked by. I even
caught some of the male teachers staring a little too long when they thought I wasn't watching.
"Look at you, you look so hot, oh my god You are stunning!" Kate said. She brushed my hair
with her hands."I can't believe it, you look almost as hot as me. Almost, but not quite. She laughed
and I laughed with her"Just do me a favor when we get there. I don't want to sound like a bitch,
but you don't need to follow me everywhere I go. You can do your own thing, ok? Just
make sure you don't drink and beware of the guys there. They only want one thing. You know
what I mean right?" I knew she meant sex and I nodded yes.
"You are really hot and the guys are all going to be drunk and horny. Just don't fall for
any of their shit. Whatever happens tonight, I just want you to know I love you."
Guys hitting on me? College guys, I didn't believe it. There were probably tons of hot
girls at the party, all older and more experienced than I. Why would they look at me?
I was kid.
We got to the party which turned out to be a fraternity house and the party was packed.
The house was large and just from outside I could see tons of people dancing through the
windows. There were people running through the grass with drinks in their hands,
girls and guys making out, and the music was so loud that I could feel it in the ground.
I could hear the shouts of people from inside the house before I even got out of the car.
I knew it was going to be a crazy night, I just didn't know how crazy.
We headed into the house and were immediately greeted by a good looking guy with the
frat name on his shirt. He hugged Kate and kissed her on the cheek. Kate
introduced me to Jeff and he hugged and kissed me too.
"This her?" he asked Kate. "Yep this is my little sis, Emma."
He looked me up and down nodding his approval. "Nice. Very nice." he told my sister.
"Why don't you two go grab some drinks and we'll catch up later."he told both of us.
Kate went straight for the room with the alcohol. I followed her past the dancing crowd.
I was following her until some drunk guy grabbed me by the waist and began dancing behind me.
His crotch grinded into my ass as he held me by the waist to prevent me from leaving.
"Maybe later!" I yelled. I had to speak loudly over the music and chatter. "What's your name?"
He asked me. "Emma!" I said. "I'm Carl!" he said still grinding on my ass to the music.
It was so disgusting. Some random drunk guy was dry humping me right in front of everybody.
From the looks of it,no one seemed to care and Kate was gone. I let him continue to push
the crotch of his jeans into my ass because I didn't know what else to do.
"Ok, I gotta go find my sister. Ill talk to you later Carl." I yelled to him behind me.
He didn't seem to listen. He just kept grinding on my ass and his hands started getting
a little to friendly. He ran his hands up and down my hips and I had to keep pushing
his hands off my ass.
I felt someone grab my hand and I looked up to see another guy pulling me away. He winked
at me and motioned with his head to follow him into the next room.
He held my hand the entire way guiding me through the crowd away from the creepy guy.
He asked me my name and I told him it was Emma.
"Sorry about him, he's just drunk. Don't worry about it."
"Yeah, thanks. That guy was so gross." I told him to his amusement.
"Can't blame him really. I mean, looking as hot as you are, I'm surprised you made it past
the door without some guy trying to talk to you" My confidence soared high at the compliment.
"Looking for Kate right?" he asked
"Yeah, how did you know" I asked.
"She told me to keep you company. She'll be back later."
"Back later? Where did she go?" I asked concerned.
"She's upstairs with some guy, I don't know.Let me get you a drink while we wait."
Before I could say no he was pushing a cup into my hands. He was pretty good looking. Of course
he was older than I and he was still holding my hand. I didn't want him to
think that I was out of my element here, just a stupid teen girl so I took the drink.
It actually tasted pretty good and before I knew it, he was handing me another drink. It loosened
me up and I was enjoying my time with this hot guy. He seemed really nice.A hot college guy,
genuinely interested in me! I felt so happy at that moment that I forgot all about Kate and was
having a good time.
We moved to a couch in the next room over and talked for a time, all the while drinking.
My sister told me not to drink but she wasn't the boss of me. I could take care of myself.
She warned me about the guys at the party. They only wanted one thing but she was wrong.
His name was Jeff and he was interested in getting to know me. He hadn't touched me
inappropriate once. What did She know anyways.
He said he was tired of shouting and asked me to follow him upstairs.
I thought about it and wasn't sure. He could see that I was worried about being alone with him.
I barely knew him. He assured me it would be ok and that we would just talk and nothing more.
Not wanting to ruin the moment, I agreed.
I didn't realize how much I had to drink. I stumbled up the stairs laughing at my
clumsiness.He followed me up the stairs with his hand in mine so I wouldn't fall.
The place was bigger than I first thought.
We walked down a hallway, then traveled up another flight of stairs. At the end of the third
floor hallway we stopped in front of a door labeled "BR"
"What's BR?" I asked slurring my words. He ignored the question. He opened the door
and lead me into the room.
The sound of the music downstairs was barely a faint sound. We were far from anyone
else, a guest room probably. My confidence left me and I began to feel nervousness.
I had never been alone with a guy like this. He was older, I was drunk and I was doing my best
at playing the part of a college girl. It occurred to me that he probably didn't want to
"just talk."
The room itself was pretty average size. The furnishings were old and there were rings bolted
into the wall. "What are those for?" I pointed.
"Some of the guys at the frat like to get wild." He smiled at me. I smiled back not knowing
if he was joking or not.
"But not you right?" I asked him. I waved my finger side to side at him to let him know
that wouldn't be happening. He chuckled to himself and patted the side of the bed next to where
he was sitting. I shook my head.
"Come on and sit next to me, I just want to talk." Her patted the side of the bed again.
I smiled and gave in. I sat next to him and waited. He began running his hand through
my hair gently. It felt good and it wasn't out of line so I let him. I smiled
to myself basking in the attention.
"What are you smiling about?"
"Want to know something?" he asked me softly.
"What?" I asked excited to hear what the answer was.
"Kate's gone." he told me seriously.
I stood up immediately. "Kate's gone?" I asked shocked.
He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me onto his lap. He wrapped one strong arm around
my waist and held me firmly in place.
"She's not coming back tonight." he told me.
"What do you mean? Im her ride." I wiggled in his grip but he was too strong for me.
"She owes us big-time and She agreed to leave her little sis with us for the night." He smiled
at me when he saw my eyes open wide.
"I bet you're wondering what we could possibly want from you?" he said mockingly. I already
knew the answer. It had to be a joke! I shook my head at him not wanting to hear the answer.
He told me anyways.
"You're hear to provide the boys with entertainment. We all thought it would
be really great to fuck a hot piece of jailbait ass and you're sister volunteered you.
Congratulations!" he said and then laughed to himself.
I didn't know what to do next. I sat in his lap in horror. Kate wouldn't do that to me. She loved me.
But here I was alone with him and Kate did walk off pretty quickly. She disappeared as soon as we go
here. What the fuck Kate, I thought to myself. Jeff began touching me and kissing the back of my neck.
"Stop. I don't want to." I told him.
"Yeah I know. That's kind of the point?" He kissed me again and pulled me hard into his lap so I couldn't
move. His free hand pushed up my skirt. I squealed like a mouse. His hand traveled up my leg until his
fingers were on my mound. "No panties? You really are a little slut aren't you?" I squirmed as hard
as I could and begged him to stop. "Oh yeah, keep rubbing against my cock. That feels good."
My latex covered ass was pressed into his crotch. Each time I tried to wriggle free, my pantiless
ass rubbed into his cock. His entire palm rubbed over my pussy. Finally I felt him split my
lips with two fingers. I screamed loudly and tried to jump up off of him. When that didn't work
I flailed my elbow and arms behind me trying to hurt him.
"Come on! You can do better than that, can't you?" he taunted.
"Stop me bitch!" he said menacingly. He stood up and hoisted me into the air. He turned his body
and slammed my back onto the bed. I bounced on the bed and came up kicking my legs out at him. He pushed my
feet aside and crawled his way in between my legs. He forced me down onto my back with one strong hand. He
held me there just staring at me, savoring the moment. I didn't know what to do so I lay there not moving.
I began crying to myself softly. He didn't seem to care.
His free hand grabbed the straps that were draped over my shoulders holding my dress in place. He pulled
one down and then the other without much fight from me. He pulled the dress down all the way to my waist
revealing my bare breasts. It was humiliating. His eyes scanned over my body in a judging manner.
"Yeah, very nice." He whispered. "You're ripening nicely." Jeff ran his free hand over
my bare tits and closed his eyes. He hummed softly in pleasure while he molested me.
"Come on Jeff...Don't please" I begged him.
"Shhh, you'll like this. I know you will."
"No" I said
When he was done touching me he lay down on top of me. I felt so small with my tiny body underneath him.
He was heavy and I felt trapped as if I would suffocate underneath the massive weight. Jeff held my head
with his hands and kissed me. His tongue was forced into my mouth and I tried telling him to stop it. All I could
mumble out with his tongue in my mouth was, "mmmm mmmmm"
He moaned back in response. "Mmmmm!" "So sweet. I bet you're tight as hell aren't you?"
He became more aggressive and moved quickly. He seemed eager to start using me for his pleasure.
I closed my eyes and tried to pretend I was somewhere else. I could hear him undressing, his belt
being undone, his zipper coming down, his shorts sliding down his legs. When he was done undressing
he pushed open my legs again so he could position himself to rape me.
"No! Stop it!" I told him. I somehow got the strength to try to fight him. I sloppily
pushed my hands at him. "Get off of me!" He pinned both my arms behind my head with
one hand. I gave up fighting. He was too strong for me.
I lay there with him on top of me unable to do anything about it.I sobbed to myself.
Even if I could have screamed who would have heard me? The music was loud downstairs.
We were two floors away. I thought about what Kate had said. Don't drink, and don't trust
the guys at the party. They only want one thing. She had known this was going
to happen to me. I still couldn't believe she had anything to do with this.
He entered me with a rough thrust. I opened my mouth wide and cried out in pain as he
buried his raging hard on deep inside my tiny opening.
"Holy shit!" he said to himself
He shifted his hips and thrust hard into me again. "Ahhh!" I cried
"You're so fucking tight!" he cried over me.
Again he slammed his hips into me. "Owww!"
"Oh my god!" he said in ecstasy.
Again he pushed himself into me. "Stop it!" I cried beating my fists against
his sides. He didn't stop. My cries of pain seemed to make him happy.
"Oh yeah..." he moaned as he pushed his cock into my pussy again.
"So good..." I closed my eyes and bit down on my lip.
He moved his hips back and pushed forward so hard that the headboard slapped against
the wall behind me. "OHHH!" he moaned out loudly.
"Get off me!" I screamed at him.
I turned my waist and tried to claw my way out from underneath him. He wrapped an arm
around my head and underneath my neck and pressed his chest down onto my face so I couldn't
move. He began fucking me quickly. His waist moved quickly, short thrusts up and down
into my throbbing cunt. The bed began bouncing up and down with the motion. He breathed
heavily onto my neck as he fucked me faster and faster.
I screamed as long and as loudly as I could. "AHHHHHHHHHHAAAHHH!!!!"
No one came bursting through the door to save me. He didn't stop.
He kept moaning to himself each time he buried his cock into me. "Oh! OH! OH Ahh! Yeah!"
"Fucking whore!"
He sat up quickly and before I knew what was happening he was turning me over onto
my stomach. I lashed out with my tiny fists and tried to kick him but my legs were still
spread around his waist. He pushed down hard on my neck and my face was buried
into the pillow. His hands roughly grabbed the back of my waist and he pulled my ass
up into the air. "No! NO!" was all I could say before he was back inside of my cunt.
I balled my eyes out into the pillow. He was bouncing me up and down on the bed
with my torn dress piled up around my waist. My tits were bouncing up and down
and the headboard was slamming into the wall.His hands moved up and
down my body quickly feeling everything that he could. What a sight it must have been.
The pain had stopped and the feelings of him forcing me to have sex began to warm up the
insides of my body. I didn't want to feel what I felt, but he had not given me a choice.
My cries of pain turned to small moans. I had never felt this way before. Masturbating
didn't even come close. I bit and moaned into the pillow. I didn't want him to know
that it felt good now. He pulled at my waist and slammed his hips into me.
"Uhhh!" I cried into the pillow.
I heard the slapping of his body against mine echoing around the room over and over.
His cries of pleasure followed them. He picked up speed and his moans became louder.
Slap, slap, slap. "Uhhh! Uhhh! Uhhhh"
He let out a long moan. I felt his cock inside me spasm and jerk and then I felt
the rush of his cum explode inside of me. It felt good and I rolled my eyes into
the back of my head as I began to have an orgasm as well. My pussy began to
pulsate against his cock inside me.
When he pulled his cock out I felt warm fluid drip down the back of my ass and
down my leg. It was disgusting, but at the same time I was relieved that it
was over. I could finally get the fuck out of here.
He got up and began to dress without saying a word. He knocked on the door.
"You done?" came a muffled voice from the outside of the room.
"Yeah hold on." He finished dressing and opened the door.
"She's all yours" he said without looking back at me.
"How was it?" asked the voice.
"Man...All I can say is I LOOOOVE teenage pussy. Just wait and see.
That bitch in there is fine as hell and tight as a motherfucker.
You're gonna have a good time. I'l
Not bad; not bad at all. Is there more? She's the entertainment for the whole party, right? Why only rape her once? Make it airtight, and where will she be tomorrow?
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