This is the real life of a woman I met online. I she was very open because of the type of website I was on and I asked her if I could write a story about her on this site.
I grew up in suburban California, predestined to go to college and lead one of the successful average upper middle class lifestyles that are common in the area I grew up in. I was very pretty Brunette 5’5’’ and a flawless skin tone. Even still, in high school I wasn’t very social I had friends and dated but I was quiet and kept to myself mostly. I did the same through college and graduate school while earning my doctorate in biochemistry.
I ended up getting a job for a new “build your pet” company. Customers came in wanting either a clone of their old dog or a new custom designed one. They could even order a Dalmatian with spots in the shape of Mickey Mouse’s head! The company had many fields from dog breeders that would inseminate the surrogate mother dogs, to geneticists like me that decoded and built custom genomes, to trainers that readied the dogs for their new homes.
I wasn’t working there long before I desired my own dog. At the age of 29 that wasn’t all I was desiring; I hadn’t dated in years and I really didn’t want to. I felt like even if I found the right guy, he would be kind of a bother. I just needed a loyal mate that wouldn’t want kids. That when I thought of the perfect solution, a mate that couldn’t get me pregnant, a dog, my own custom mate!
It took me the better part of the next year to design him on my spare time. I worked for four hours a day after my shift to make “him” perfect. I had to stand back and decide if I could choose a breed and customize him or start from scratch with genetic pieces from three or four breeds. I ended up having to use genetic material from three breeds one for size one for style and one for intelligence. He would look like a Labrador but when he stood on my shoulders we looked each other in the eye, so he would be a little bigger than a normal Labrador. I had also made him without the claw on his forearm so he wouldn’t scratch me. He would be all black with a white blotch on his belly and chest, the furry sheath of his cock was white but his ball sack was black and hairless. His cock would be skin toned and not a red rocket; it would be long and thick with a small knot. I wanted to feel the knot but I didn’t want him to “tie” me. I wanted him to be able to keep thrusting with the knot inside. I wanted him to be able to pull out of me knowing he wouldn’t until his cock fully retracted.
After he was inseminated into one of the dogs I couldn’t wait for him to come to term, it was so exciting. I helped deliver him when he was born. Then I helped with his training, his obedience training anyway. Then I was finally able to bring him home. He was so well behaved. The first thing he did was go sit in the chair I had bought him and chew on his raw hide bone quietly. He didn’t need to jump he could get what he wanted with just a look and I somehow knew what he wanted, and he was extremely patient which was exactly what I wanted. As he grew I taught him how to greet me and kiss me. I preferred him to kiss my neck and not my face and I also preferred long slow licks instead of a lot of short fast licks. When he was about eight months old I thought it was time for him to lose his virginity.
He had come along way and was nearly full size, I signaled him to come to bed with me as we do every night but this night I wanted to start to train him as my lover. I walked in my, in “our”, bedroom as he followed behind me as he usually does but this time instead of going into my bed I told him to sit on the floor. He looked at me confused and kept looking at the bed. That’s when I started his “sex command training”. As he sat on the floor of the bedroom I squatted down naked and stroked the sheath of his penis and said, “Time for sex!” At first I didn’t think he knew what I was doing but I was looking at his penis start to come out and didn’t notice him sniff the air and move his head toward my vulnerable dripping pussy. I felt his warm tongue lash quickly over my pussy and I squealed loudly and fell backwards. He himself jumped back, startled at my reaction. I said, “It’s okay, good boy.” to reassure him. At this point I knew he was ready for the next step. I got up on the bed lying on my back with my hips hanging over the edge of the bed with my legs spread and pulled up to my big full breasts. He looked at me nervously then started to move towards my crotch and started to sniff again. I said, “Good boy, lick, lick.” He started to lick and lick and bet deeper and deeper. Soon he was burying his muzzle into my sloppy cunt and growling as his tongue snaked as deep into my insides as anything else has ever gotten. My pussy was getting wetter and he would get more into eating it. His tongue would shoot into me and cause my pussy to clamp down just as his tongue retreated, dragging back out of my tightly clamped pussy, sending me into a thrashing screaming orgasm. Just as I started to come down from the most mind blowing orgasm of my life he started to pull away.
I laid my head back with my eyes closed to catch my breath only to fling my eyelids back open and scream with pleasure as my new dog lover forced his muzzle now into my ass and snake his tongue into my relaxed asshole. It felt like it went deeper into my ass than it had into my pussy but this time when my tight asshole clamped on his tongue I managed to catch it like a Chinese finger trap and stop it from withdrawing completely. I laughed out loud and said, “GOT YEA!” He whimpered and tried to pull his tongue out but I had my asshole locked down on his tongue so he could only leave if I let him. I reveled in the feeling of his tongue squirming around in my ass as he tried to escape. I rubbed my throbbing clit to another mind blowing orgasm then relaxed my asshole. His tongue withdrew and he kept slurping his tongue in and out of his mouth like he had just eaten half a jar of peanut butter.
He sat and looked at me as if to say, “What’s next.” I said, “Fucking time”, as I pulled his front paws up onto either side of my waist. I wanted to have him take me from behind, but I wanted to bond with him face to face the first time and watch each others’ eyes. I also wanted to train him to stay inside me after he finished and it would be easier to train him in this position. He was again strangely nervous and he avoided my gaze as he stood over me. I grabbed his head and looked him in the eyes and I saw him relax and lean forward to kiss my neck with the long slow strokes I trained him to do. This made my pussy drip and he stopped licking and again sniffed the air.
This was my queue, I grabbed his cock, which was just as I had designed, long and thick with a small ball knot at the base, and positioned it at my opening. I thought he would take off and pound me into oblivion as I had seen online but he was very gentle and slowly pushed into me down to his furry sheath and I felt his hairless balls rest on my asshole. It only took two thrusts for me to cum even after cumming twice. He only lasted four strokes before he leaned forward and a very low glutteral growl, almost more of a deep purr came out of him. Then I felt something else come out of him deep in my pussy, his hot watery cum shot into me like a fire hose of hot cream and I then made a similar sound as I came again. He started to pull out after he finished spurting so I quickly locked my legs around him and said, “stay , stay” as I petted him. I only had to do that for a second and I released my legs and he stayed in me. I was overwhelmed with joy that he wanted to stay in me after our first love making experience together as a couple.
After that night we fucked doggie, missionary, and even with me riding him while he licked my tits and nibbled my hard nipples, he was everything I ever wanted and I knew he felt the same way.
To the IDIOT "anonymous reader" who said "if you think you can do better sit down and write your ass off and leave yourmomfuxdogs alone":YOU LEAVE US ALONE,you STUPID FUCKER!Nobody forces an author to publish a story here or on the other sites!So,IT'S ABSOLUTELY STUPID and USELESS to be angered upon the readers!It's THE AUTHOR'S JOB to do things better,not that of the readers!And IT'S OBVIOUS that this story IT'S NOT TRUE,as THERE AREN'T TRUE THE HUGE MAJORITY OF THE STORIES which pretend to be "true stories"!Get real,you MORON!
if you jack asses read the introduction you would seen it is a true story as far as it was told to them by some one else so lighten up on the writer if you think you can do better sit down and write your ass off and leave yourmomfuxdogs alone
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