In Class one day a boy asks his teacher can he go to the bathroom..
The teacher tells him "Yes You have 5 minutes"...
The boy comes back 5 minutes later with no shirt on and the teachers asks him where was he....
The boy replied.."ON TOP OF BLUEBERRY HILL"...
Another boy raises his hand and asks can he go to the restroom..
The teacher says yes "You Have 10 minutes"....
The boy returns 10 minutes later with no shirt or shoes..
The teacher asks him were was he the boy replied "ON TOP OF BLUEBERRY HILL"...
A third boy raises his hand and asks can he go to the restroom the teacher says yes..
"You have 15 minutes"..The boys returns 15 minutes later with no shirt, pants, or shoes on..
The teacher asks him where was...The Boy replies "ON TOP OF BLUEBERRY HILL"..
The forth boy raises his hand and asks can he go to the restroom..The teacher says yes "You have 20 minutes"...The boy returns 20 minutes later with no shirt,pants,shoes,and socks on...The teacher asks him where was he and the boy replied "ON TOP OF BLUEBERRY HILL"....The last boy raises his hand and asks can he go to the restroom..The teacher says yes "You have 20 minutes"...The Boy returns 30 minutes later with no shirt,pants,shoes,socks,or underwear on...The teachers asks where was he and where was their cloths...all the boys said in unison..."ON TOP OF BLUEBERRY HILL!!!"...A girl walks in completely naked the teacher asks her who she is and the girls replies.."I'M BLUEBERRY HILL!!!" :-)...
I heard this about 50 years ago but then the boys were late for school and there was a substitute teacher. Little different way of telling it and it made more sense back then.
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