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This story follows mostly its main writer the only male of the story and thus shows alot of it from his perspective, this is based loosely on a true untold story.
This story was written elsewhere and copied over to this website, there maybe parts that should have spaces when they don't, though we've checked, there could still be 1 or 2 mistakes.

This story is based loosely on a real family's story, there are parts that have been removed or simply not written, parts that are exagerated or entirely fictional, it was written with the help of the 7 main characters mentioned in this story, these are not their real names of course, this account was made by myself, but can be accessed by any of the family, they do not share this information with anyone except anonymously over the web now, starting and staying with this website.

Thank you for reading.


Another hot Californian day at a high school, where an 18 year old boy attends, Andrew, Andrew was fortunate to be blessed with popularity, well earned with his athletic ability and physical prowess, his book smarts and good looks but also a good dimenour to keep his ego in check unlike many others he might call his "friends", he also has a beautiful girlfriend, Nicole, a fair maybe slightly pale redhead with a georgous figure, she was often with her friends out of class but sat next to Andrew most of the time in class, she was also pleasant, but not as reserved as Andrew was, and could boast about her boyfriend sometimes too much, which unsurprisingly got on her friends nerves at times, none more so than her best friend Jazmyn, a near opposite of Nicole's appearance, equally stunning, but instead of a fair skin-tone, she was tanned and a brunette not redhead, but otherwise they were the same height, weight, and figure, often seen together, and often competing with one another over little things, as many close friends do, but she always had an eye for Andrew, which Nicole was oblivious to, but Andrew had noticed.

Andrew sat down with his lunch in the cafeteria, with his friends on the left strategically placed so he didn't have to listen to them, the whole row of seats to the right of him and front right were empty, alot of people were eating outside, as it was now summer and the weather for it, Andrew could hear a group on his right approaching, his cousin Adele who was a year younger than him, and two step-sisters, Rebecca, 17 and Jessica also 17 along with his sister Danni who was 18 the same as Andrew, all wanting their money back to go buy lunch, he held their money throughout the day, because they had a habbit of losing things like money through the small fashionable holes in their pockets or handbags or non-existent purses, so after his sisters first got him to carry their money, the rest all got in the habbit of letting him carry it in his far more secure wallet which was attached via chain to his trousers, safer still that noone would steal from him.

"Andrew do you have our money?" Rebecca said hinting at what they wanted, rather than asking.

"Yeah I've still got your money, how much do you want?"

"I've got money" Andrew's 'friend' James who was sat opposite hoped he might make some friends that
are girls instead.

"Not for them you havn't" Andrew asserted his dominance on the far smaller James.

"We don't want your money" Said Kelly, Andrew's year older sister, alongside his other cousin Chloe also 19, had just arrived with together.

"Do you want some money to?"

"We gave you our money this morning, so we'll all have it back now" Jessica said, she was sometimes blunt.

"I have money" James said again.

Andrew's two elders just stared at him, he stopped smiling at them and looked back into the group conversation going on to his right.

After handing over their money, the six girls split off in different directions each one leaving behind people staring at each of the finely shaped girls, though Andrew thought about it very rarely, his sisters, cousins and step-sisters were all babes, they each joined their respective groups of friends, Kelly however, waited, leant over and whispered in Andrew's ear.

"It's Friday, so could you keep it down tonight" She said softly, the breath of her voice tickling his ear and neck, Andrew hated it when she did that.

Kelly walked away, while others looked straight at her, Andrew faced forward, ignoring the invitation of a good view of Kelly's legs, only too lucky that had he done so as Danni returned and whispered in the same ear.

"Is Nicole coming over tonight?" Danni seemed to have a point to make.

"I think so, why?"

"Tell her not to scream so loud, some of us don't have boyfriends" Danni whispered softer in his ear this time, he hated it as much from Danni as he did from Kelly or any of the others.

"None of you have boyfriends" Andrew remarked not thinking of what to say in response.

Danni shoved Andrew, and strutted off to her friends, she may be angry but at least he wasn't as uncomfortable as she had just made him, stating she and probably the rest of the girls could here him having sex with Nicole on Friday nights, as they often did, was a scary thought.

At the end of the day Nicole and Andrew were walking back from School, hand in hand with Jazmyn and their group of friends in tow behind.

"I don't feel like staying around tonight Andrew" She didn't mean it, Nicole liked hearing people beg her to do things.

"Okay if you don't want to thats fine" His response surprised and annoyed Nicole.

"Don't you want to see me?" Nicole said in a playful voice, batting her eyelids, as she did when she wanted something.

"You can come round now for an hour, the girls wont be back for that long at least"
Andrew was not interested in her company today, especially after what his sisters had told him earlier, and the chances of Nicole not screaming were remote, so have sex earlier if he can rather than not have sex at all.


Nicole luckily seemed to have a similar idea in mind, and they turned down the long driveway that lead to Andrew's house, Jazmyn annoyed by this also turned into the driveway without realising, luckily before going too far she was stopped by her friends, who were wondering what she was doing.

"Where were you going?" Kylie asked.

"Haha I was just in deep thought and turned the corner with them" Jazmyn blurted out an excuse that did not fit her personality.

"Deep thought?" Jennifer sneered.

"You know what I mean Jen"

Jazmyn became aggressive to draw away from her stupidity a second ago, it worked and without another word the group continued down the street.

Andrew lived in a very large house, almost a mansion, payed for and owned by his father, a very wealthy if not obscenely rich businessman who worked with oil companies all over the world, and was only home a few times a year, often flying his wife, Jade, over to wherever he was, Jade was the mother of his step-sisters, and the closest thing to a mother he and the others in the family had, with his cousins parents leaving at a young age, and his own mother ran away before he and Danni were one year old, probably due to the stress of handling three babies alone, with little help from their father.

The gargantuan house had three stories, it had an array of bathroom's including en-suites, a large open kitchen leading out to a huge secluded yard and swimming pool, three living rooms, armed with minimum 42" TV's, three garages, private road/driveway and enough bedrooms to put all nine of the family into eight seperate bedrooms and a guest bedroom if needed.

Andrew and Nicole entered through the large front door, dropped their bags infront of the coat rack and then clambered upstairs, passionately kissing on the way up, with his back Andrew pushed through his bedroom door then kicking it almost shut, the whole time with Nicole's tongue in his mouth, they finally collided with the wall and stayed pressed up against it, eyes closed still exchanging an ever deepening kiss, Andrew's hand stroking the inside of Nicole's panties under her skirt, Nicole's hand rubbing his dick through his trousers, It was too much for either to keep up with their clothes on, after tearing eachothers attire off, Andrew threw Nicole on his bed, pulling her to the edge by her ankles, he then slid his face down inbetween her legs, his tongue danced around her clit, Nicole began to scream.

Danni returned home from school early today, rather than waste time standing with her friends, she thought she'd have a shower, when she entered the house, she saw Andrew's and Nicole's bags on the floor, and then heard the all too familiar sound of Nicoles sex screams, produced by Andrew apparent talents in the sack, Nicole considered plugging her ears, but knew it would not hide the noise or make it stop, instead she headed upstairs to sneak past Andrew's bedroom and hide in hers.

"Oh god Andrew! don't stop!" Nicole shrieked, she sounded sincere.

Danni had to admit, she could not imagine a guy ever making her feel that good or scream that loud, as she walked passed the door she saw it was slightly open, and could see the two lovers having sex, but instead of hiding in her room, she stayed and watched Andrew's impressive skills, he was fucking her with his impressive dick and at the same time rubbing her clit softly with one hand, while the other hand kept her head infront of his as they kissed, or at least kissed between Nicole's screams and Andrew's more reserved grunts, Danni was astounded she could be turned on by watching her brother have sex, and wished she could get that kind of treatment, maybe not from him, but when she imagined being treated like that, Andrew's face was all she could picture, she knew he was a handsome well built young man, but only just realised how great he would be.

The thought was short lived however, and the front door Danni had left open, slammed shut, she looked down, noone was there, the wind had caused it to shut, but Danni and Andrew stopped their loudening sex and scrambled to get their clothes on, Danni went into her room but couldn't close the door as it always made a noise when she did so.

"Who is it Andrew?" Nicole was worried Kelly or Chloe might be there, she was always intimidated by his older sister and cousin.

"I don't know, Who just came in?!" Andrew shouted down the staircase.

"Not a clue, did you close the door?" Andrew looked for an explanation other than one of his sisters hearing Nicole scream again.

"Yes of course I did!" Nicole defended herself as if Andrew were accusing her of something far worse, she had a way of over exagerating things.

"I'm going to go home and study anyways Andrew" Nicole seemed in a sudden hurry as she was not happy with Andrew's accusation, she was yet to put any of her clothes back on, but Andrew was less and less bothered by Nicole's absence these days and helped her change.

"Okay, I'll walk you out"

Nicole ignored Andrew's gesture to kiss before she left and walked off down the drive, suddenly Andrew noticed Danni's bag was next to his, he closed the door rather than alert Nicole, and searched for Danni.

Danni had been hidden now for five minutes and decided to carry on as she originally intended and have a shower, she grabbed a towel from the hanger and wriggled out of her clothes, then headed into her bathroom, and now unable to close the bathroom door, as it to made a noise when doing so, she decided she must get the doors fixed.

Andrew headed upstairs when he thought he heard footsteps, seeing Danni's door was open, he checked inside, finding her clothes in a pile infront of her mirror, then he heard the faint hum of the shower in her en-suite, rather than leave it at that, and go back, he crept torwards the bathroom door, and looked through to see Danni showering, Danni was a lightly tanned, brunette with large C cup breasts, Andrew had never seen her naked before, and the water running down her chest, legs and ass made her glisten beautifully, Andrew's dick was pushing against his shorts, and he looked like he was pitching a tent with them, when Danni looked over at the door, he hid and made his escape through her bedroom, but made the mistake of closing the door, and seconds later the shower turned off and Danni came looking.

She knew it was Andrew, but to state it might make him realize she had seen him with Nicole earlier, and if Andrew said he was there, he knew that Danni would know he was probably watching her shower, their silence in the matter remained for the rest of the day, to noones attention.

Weeks later back at school, Andrew continued to finish his assigned work while Nicole talked and occasionally jotted down something for him to check later, as was the norm in History, Jazmyn waited for Nicole to leave her chair, returning from the front of the class, she leaned on the back of Nicoles empty seat and moved her face close to Andrew's for a second so he would feel her breath on his neck.

"What are you doing tonight?" Jazmyn poked him for information that was pretty useless to her, but still she thought it was worth trying.

"I don't know yet, why?"

"Just wondering, I was planning on going for a run, If you're interested?"

Jazmyn was always hoping for a positive response, she knew Andrew was really active, so looking like they have common interests was a good start, though she's never ran outside of school before.

"You run? how far? since when?"

These were questions Jazmyn had not considered answers for, nor any other question, and the tone in which Andrew asked them made him sound unconvinced.

"Yeah I run, err pretty far? only for a couple of weeks though" Jazmyn shot out answers hoping they would make sense.

Nicole returned to her seat, always at the wrong time, asking further would arouse suspicion and Nicole knows Jazmyn doesn't run, so she retreated to her own seat, and conjured an excuse to her friends about why she was talking with Nicole's boyfriend for so long.

"What have we got after this?" Andrew quereed.

"Maths I think" Nicole's reply made it seem like the words were painful to say.

"Why don't we do something else?" She said hoping Andrew would agree.

"Like what?"

"I don't know, we could go to the toilets?"

"Why the toilets?" He said understandably confused.

"We could go into one of the cubicles, and I could show you how much it would mean to me if we didn't go to Maths?" Nicole gazed into Andrew's eyes and grinned.

"Yeah we could!" He almost shouted while jumping out of his seat, seconds after the bell sounded.

As Andrew and Nicole gathered their things, and headed out the room, Jazmyn watched in disgust, she had a crush on Andrew, and everytime Nicole kissed him it would annoy her, so knowing he was about to get a blowjob off her enfuriated Jazmyn, enough for her to chase after them and try to stop them somehow, she too clambered through the crowds of escaping students, ignoring her friends' hand gestures to join them, as she tried to catch up with Nicole.

Andrew rammed through the Men's toilet door pulling Nicole through by her wrist, they raced passed the rows of sinks and mirrors towards the far end of the empty room, Nicole shoved Andrew into the end cubicle and pushed him down onto the closed toilet, they rushed to get his belt unbuckled, once his belt was off she yanked down his trousers, and Nicole smiled as she reached down his shorts and his hard dick sprang out.

"I've missed this taste for too long" Nicole whimpered quietly, after hearing someone else had walked in.

With one hand at the bottom of his shaft slowly stroking it, she spat on the end and began twirling her tongue around it, using the spit to make it easier to to take in, she knew it was never easy to take his whole dick in her mouth, but she always somehow managed, Andrew's hands were pushing against either wall of the grimey, graffiti covered cubicle as Nicole opened her mouth wider bringing her tongue back, and she started sliding his dick back and forth in her mouth.

"Mmmm" She sounded as if she was tasting an exquisite dish.

Nicole was going slightly deeper everytime she put her head forward, while at the same time she would pump the rest his saliva covered shaft with her hand, and with the other she raised her cardigan above her B cup tits, where it rested ontop, they were large for a B cup size, larger than any other B cup, this also showed she hadn't worn anything else underneath.

Jazmyn could hear Andrew quietly sighing with pleasure, and the same from Nicole but she sounded like her mouth was full, Jazmyn knew she was too late to stop them, but curiousity got the best of her and she peered over the top of their cubicle, seeing Nicole had swallowed his dick so deep that her lips touched Andrew's balls, she had taken the whole dick in her mouth, something Jazmyn had never thought of doing before, but she was impressed further when Nicole emptied her mouth of his dick and could see it was quite large, bigger than any of her ex's, about 8" long, very impressive, straight as an arrow just perfect for Jazmyn and apparently Nicole to.

"I'm about to cum baby" He said as he let out another sigh.

"Then i'm about to swallow" Nicole smiled, and without any hesitation she took his dick all the way in her mouth and down her throat slightly, but this time she began pressing it deeper and deeper, almost getting his balls in her mouth also and somehow not gagging which Jazmyn knew she couldn't do, yet, Andrew threw his head back, as he did, he almost saw Jazmyn, she squatted back down on her side, but Andrew didn't seen her, now forcing his hands against the walls so hard the walls cracked and splintered.

"Im cumming baby"

Jazmyn peeked over again as Nicole used her hands to brace herself against the walls, her head was actually forced back an inch or two by the pressure of Andrew cumming, she fought down what must have been a huge gush of cum in her mouth, and to Jazmyn's ever increasing amazement, she kept swallowing his cum, three then four times, finally taking the last mouthful down, Nicole slided his dick out, sucking off every drop of cum and saliva left on it and then gathered for breath and they laughed quietly, but as they stood up, Nicole saw Jazmyn.

"Jazmyn?!" Nicole didn't sound so angry as she did surprised.

"I'm sorry, I followed you in, to err talk with you, but I..."

"Watched me suck my boyfriends dick?" Nicole interrupted.

"Well you did such a good job of it Nicole" Jazmyn smiled, hoping compliments could fix the situation.

"You think so? really?" Nicole was always easy to flatter.

"How did you take it all down like that?" Jazmyn was saying anything just to end the embaressment, as they started to leave and walk out together, Jazmyn remembered her bag and ran back.

"I'll meet you at the gates in ten minutes!" Nicole shouted down the long room.

"Okay, I'll finish up here and join you!" Jazmyn shouted back
Andrew finished messaging his friend who had tried to contact him half way through the best blowjob he'd ever had, as he held his half-hard dick to put back in his trousers, Jazmyn burst through the door semi-closed door and realising what he was doing, stopped him.

"Er what are you doing?" Confused but still horny he did not stop her from stroking his dick back to fully hard.

"Nicole said I could practice just this once on you, so I thought I'd do it now?" She stated calmly, as if telling him she was just borrowing a pen.

"What? No!" He said as if she were insane, realising she were serious and she kneeled down
"Nicole said..." Mid sentence she pushed him back down on the seat, she then placed his dick in her mouth.

"I could!" With a now full mouth.

Andrew knew too well Nicole would never say that, but the inside of Jazmyn's mouth felt great, no real difference to Nicole's, but because he shouldn't be doing this, the feeling was astounding.

She was not as expert as Nicole was, not pre-lubricating nor using her hands, she could only take half of his dick down and could not get any further, Andrew had let it go too far to stop now, but he needed to hurry and Jazmyn was not up to the task, he picked her up under her shoulders and placed her down in a squat, her back against the door, her mouth was level with his dick again now that he had stood up, and with one hand pinned both of her outstretched arms above her head, he began to thrust gently and shallow into her mouth, so she didn't choke, slowly he picked up speed, and with no objection or indication otherwise, was thrusting faster and faster towards the back of her mouth, he was getting about two thirds in now, and this felt almost as good as Nicole's earlier blowjob, only now realising his dick had been in two girls mouths only minutes apart from eachother, he had to try this with Nicole some time, but right now it's Jazmyn's beautiful face he's fucking.

"I'm cumming Jazmyn" Just saying her name and not Nicole's was enough to bring it forward.

"Wait!" Jazmyn pleaded.

She held out her hands in a cup infront of her lips for him, she knew she'd choke and splutter cum all over herself if he came straight down her throat, Andrew grabbed his dick and jerked up and down a few times, suddenly cumming into her hands, she tilted her cupped hands back so that his cum slid down her throat just like like drinking yoghurt out of a pot, she tilted them forwards again seconds later as Andrew squeezed out the last drops of cum into her hands, they knew he would not have the same load he produced for Nicole only minutes ago, though Jazmyn had wished he did, she had not realised she'd like it so much, and so this time she quickly pushed her hands against her lips so it was like throwing back a shot of vodka, finally licking the palms of her hands clean of her new favourite drink.

"Nicole can never know we did this" He assured her.

Jazmyn saw this as a chance to see if they could do it again sometime, she knew she could not blackmail him with this, as she had no proof and he would just deny it, though the thought of blackmailing him seemed cruel, and she pushed the thought aside.

"Of course not, but if you get tired of Nicole, give me a ring, I could use your dick in ways that she can't"

"I doubt that"

"Would she let you fuck her face?"

Andrew hurridly pulled his trousers up and buckled his belt while Jazmyn washed her hands.
"Yes she would" Andrew walked towards the exit.

"No she wouldn't, but I will, and next time, all the way" Jazmyn continued to do her make-up ignoring Andrews glance back at her, she couldn't believe how dirty she could now talk to him.

Weeks went by, and the Summer got hotter, Jazmyn rarely spoke to Andrew, but everytime she did, she'd cast a dangerous smile his way as she left, and were Nicole to see it, she would know something was wrong, or that something had happened, though often Andrew would think about Jazmyn and her offer, he would place it on a scale in his mind, on one side, Nicole, a girl brought up by obsessive parents with alot of money to waste on their 1 daughter, who made and lost friends quicker than the days went by, and on the other side Jazmyn, the younger of 2 sisters born from a single mother who is not as wealthy as Nicole, but taught her children to appreciate other things than themselves and wealth.

Four weeks after the incident with Jazmyn, Andrew and Jazmyn were finishing the only class they shared, It had been a long hour, with Jazmyn endlessly "accidentally" stroking the back of his leg with her foot, or stroking his arm with her finger, and once tripping on nothing just to grab at his dick and get him hard, a cruel tease, she had changed over these 4 weeks, aggressive, wearing sluttier clothing, and more aware of Nicole's obnoxious behaviour, taking advantage of its aftermath to swoop in and remind Andrew of her offer.

"So what are you doing tonight?" She asked as she did four weeks ago, Andrew thought she might have a plan this time, and he was not inclined to object to it so quick this time, but before Andrew could answer.

"Sorry! I mean who are you doing tonight?" She whispered in his ear as she got up.

"Nicole I should think, you're more than welcome to watch" Andrew was not actively looking to cheat on Nicole, so did not make it easy for Jazmyn to get her way.

"Maybe she'll let me join in" Jazmyn knew that would never happen, but saying it sounded hot she thought.

Jazmyn walked off, and for the first time, Andrew noticed Jazmyn's ass, she was wearing a small skirt and fishnet stocking but nothing else on her legs, the back of the skirt was caught and being held up under her studded belt, He could see her ass clearly, through the large holes in her fishnets and the black panties she had on were visible only on the top, otherwise he would not have known she had them on, Andrew looked around to see if anyone else could see, but Jazmyn had waited until everyone had got up to leave, and was at the back of the condensed group of students all trying to escape, only he was left in the class itself, aside obviously from the amassment of people still shoving one another to get into the busy hallway.

Jazmyn fixed the back of her skirt and glanced over her shoulder at him, stroking her own ass as she brought her hand back up to her bag strap, she had planned that whole thing perfectly for him to see, he now had a raging boner under his shorts, he got up like normal with his bag and headed straight for Jazmyn.

Now stood behind her, he placed his hands on either of her ass cheeks and squeezed them lightly, her ass felt amazing in his hands, and because he shouldn't be doing it like before, it felt even better, he always rated Jazmyn's looks similar or the same as Nicole's, but her ass was amazing, he needed to feel Nicole's like this at some point and see if there's a difference between the two, finally he moved his hands over her hips until he was in her skirt, gently carressing the inside of her thighs, the whole time looking forward to check for any observers, if anyone turned he would be able to pull out and not be noticed, Jazmyn made a little noise when his thumb rubbed again her pussy's lips, he used his index finger to tickle her, while doing this he was pushing his dick against her ass, and she was grinding him in response, his dick was getting between her cheeks even while restricted by his trousers, he kissed her neck and her head rolled around, loving the way he touched her, but as one of their class mates looked around, he pulled out and side-stepped behind Max, a tall, well built footballer, he wasn't noticed, as the group finally pushed through the narrow doorway, he slapped her ass loudly with his left hand, then turned off to find Nicole.

"Where have you been?" Nicole demanded.

"Nowhere? just walking here" An honest answer mostly.

"Well I've been waiting for you, I'm not coming round tonight, I've got a recital"

"Recital? for what?"

"I play the Clarinet now, I told you that didn't I?"

"Oh yeah, but you didn't tell me, Jazmyn did" He felt guilty saying her name, and it showed.

"Did she? how could she know" Nicole was surprised.

"Well you are best friends"

"No we're not!" Nicole lashed back.

"That bitch told my tutor Mr. Hilear about me giving you blowjobs in the toilets, and then Mr. Hilear told my parents"

"Why would she do that? why didn't you tell me?" Andrew already knew.

"To get me in trouble, the other girls think she's trying to split us up, cause she wants you, and you dont care"

"Huh thats strange, well I'm going to go home, bye" Andrew stole a quick kiss and headed out the door's, leaving a speechless Nicole behind.

Andrew half expected to find Jazmyn on the way home or get a message from her, but he found and recieved nothing from her this time, Andrew stepped through his front door and threw his bag to the top of the stairs, he had arrived home later than usual, and found Danni had also arrived earlier than usual, leaving her bag at the door, he moved through her room and the rest of the house to find her, but she wasn't around, he almost wanted her to be in the shower again, and on that thought, he decided to go for a shower himself, Andrew's room did not have an en-suite like the others, so he used the main bathroom at the end of the hallway, he inspected his naked figure in the mirror and turned on the water.

Danni appeared from the upstairs lounge with her books and placed them in her room, she then put on her shiny red two piece bathing suit and headed down the hall, but before she reached the top of the stairs, she could hear the shower going in the main bathroom, and saw over the edge of the guard rail, Andrew's bag, once again she did not feel like going downstairs and minding her own business, but rather spying on her brother, she slowly twisted the door handle, and slided the door open a few inches, where she could see in the mirror her brother showering, once again his well toned physique showed like no other, and the water running down him only amplified his physical prowess, Nicole hated that she was liking her brother more than she should, but could not think of an actual reason not to, though its something not generally accepted in society, incest is not illegal, just frowned upon, but this wasn't some weird perversion, he was a great guy, and she wants a great guy in her life, if only for the physical side of things.

Andrew got out of the shower and noticed the door was open, he got dried, tied the towel around his waste and headed out, not seeing anyone still, but there were no new bags at the front door, so it must have been Danni, spying on him? he thought, the sudden prospect of Danni having a interest in him was exciting, Andrew checked Danni's room again and as he walked past her window, caught a glimpse of her in the corner of his eye, she was outside on a sunbed, wearing a shiny red two piece bathing suit and some sunglasses, the beads of sweat sliding off her made her seem even more sensational than she looked in the shower weeks ago, Andrew headed downstairs, ignoring the fact he had only a towel on, sliding through the glass kitchen doors that lead to the pool, which Danni was sat near, he sat down next to her.


"Hi, could you rub lotion on me? I'm going to burn soon" Danni wanted nothing more than for Andrew to rub lotion on her.

"Sure" If Andrew said it any quicker he would have sounded too eager.

He squeezed out sun lotion in long lines down her front, from her nipples down to her ankles, he began rubbing it in from top to bottom, when he started on her breasts, he hadn't meant to massage them so much, but when he had realised, he could see Nicole staring at him over her sunglasses.

"I want the rest of my body not to burn to you know?"

Andrew woke up from his sisters breast induced trance and rubbed her stomach and legs down.

"Roll over"

She obliged him and he squirted more long lines of lotion from her shoulders down to her ankles again, rubbing down he carressed the side of her spine all the way to her ass, she breathed in with pleasure, once again Andrew became entranced by her body, this time her roundly shaped ass, he squezzed and stroked the lotion in, but when he went to move down her legs, his thumb touched the lip of her pussy unintentionally and she rolled back onto her front, but Andrew had undone the back of her bathing suit, and she was now naked.

Danni shoved Andrew, squatted down he easily fell back into the pool, when he surfaced he glared at Danni who was trying to tie her bathing suit back together, Andrew jumped out of the pool and chased Danni into the kitchen where she fell over and onto her back, Andrew fell ontop of her, fists holding him above her, his face inches from hers, his wet towel dripping all over his naked sister's body.

"So how long have you been here?" Andrew demanded an answer.

"An hour, why?"

"Were you out there the whole time?"

"No, why?"

"Well the bathroom door was open when I got out the shower, Did you open it?"

"Seeing as you spied on me a few weeks ago, when I was showering, I thought I'd spy on you"

Andrew's throat closed for a second, and he became nervous, as did Danni, she was gambling with her words but judging from Andrew's massage, she had nothing to worry about.

"You saw that? Why didn't you say something?"

"I didn't know you had been watching me until you closed the door"

"But why didn't you say something afterwards then?"

"I liked that you were watching me wash my naked body" Nicole was becoming aroused by what she had said, she could see Andrew was to, his dick was fighting against his towel to come out.

"So what did you think?" Andrew prayed for a positive answer.

"I knew you had a nice body Andrew, but I didn't know you had such a big dick"

"You've only seen it limp though, how could you guess that"

"I havn't only seen it limp, I watched you fucking Nicole the day you saw me shower, and you made me horny the way you used that thing" Nicole reached up to kiss Andrew, but Andrew pinned her hands down with his own, and kept her face away from his.

Andrew considered his thoughts carefully, and weighed the risks and what the consequences might be if they were caught, it took only seconds for him to make a decision.

And he forced a kiss with his sister, and she responded with vigour, their tongues danced in eachothers mouths, they had become incestuous lovers and because it was so wrong, it felt so good.

"Are you sure about this?" Danni asked while still sucking on Andrew's tongue.

He didn't say anything but, placed his right hand on her pussy, and began stroking it, Danni had no quarms with what they were doing, she responded by undoing his towel and grabbing his long hard dick, pumping as fast as she could, he then picked her up and placed her against the wall, her hands held eachother behind his neck to support herself, Andrew effortlessly held her with one hand, while the other guided his dick towards her waiting pussy.

"Oh god, put it in, please" She almost begged.

As his dick touched her pussy, the front door lock began to make noise, someone was home, Danni jumped from Andrew's arms and grabbed his towel and her bathing suit, and with the other hand yanked him into the kitchen closet.

Kelly walked in and saw Danni's bag next to the door, she closed the door behind her and went to the kitchen for a drink, the floor was wet and there were drip marks everywhere, she didnt check where they went as she didn't care, but if she did she would find her naked brother and sister in the closet, only feet away from where she stood, she would get Danni to clean the floor anyways, only Danni swims afterschool, Kelly got some orange juice from the refridgerator and sat down at the counter reading some of her school notes.

Danni and Andrew stood frozen and silent, listening to what Kelly was doing, realising they were right infront of the door they slowly climbed over the shoes and boxes of cleaning equipment to get towards to back of the narrow but large L-shaped cupboard, once behind the hanging old coats and worn boots, only the middles of their legs showed.

"What do we do now?" Andrew whispered, his semi-erect dick still touching Danni's leg.

Danni thought for a second what they should do, and realised that there was only one door in or out, so they would have to wait for Kelly to leave before they could make good their escape, so she decided there was only one thing they could do, she squatted down and placed Andrew's dick in her mouth, it felt so strong in her mouth, she couldn't believe she had never thought what his dick might taste like either, it tasted great, probably because it was her brothers dick, she began moving her head backwards and forwards, holding onto the corner of the wall to keep her balance.

Andrew waved his hands at Danni and shook his head trying to make her stop incase they made noise, but as soon as he had made his point, he stopped protesting and started enjoying the inside of his sisters mouth, it was too much to handle, he might cum in the next minute or two if she didn't stop, and if it was anything like with Nicole, he would throw her head back against the wall with his cum and alert Kelly, he grabbed her wrists and pulled her to her feet, then turned her around and pressed her chest against the wall, moving her ass clockwise and following it so they were hidden fully behind the corner now, he finally slid his saliva covered dick into his sisters anxious pussy, it was so amazing he bit his lip, he could see Danni open her mouth at the feeling his dick was giving her, his thrusts were weak at first and shallow, gradually deepening and speeding up so as not to shock his sister, Danni realised the precariousness of the situation she was in, fucking her own brother in a closet, hidden merely feet away from her other sibling, she did not care, his dick felt too good inside her, his hand either holding her breasts loosely or stroking her back, his other on her clit rubbing it softly to make her pleasure double, they kissed intermittently, they were both making silent faces of pleasure when not kissing, then Danni's leg kicked a watering can over.

Kelly heard something make noise in the closet, she got up to investigate and looked inside, taking her time to scan the cramped room, she decided something must have fallen over, not that anything else could explain why there was a noise, Kelly closed the door and sat back down.

Andrew hadn't cared that Kelly had looked inside the closet, he carried on thrusting his dick inside his sister, this time however she had protested, waving her left arm back at him, her right still holding the corner, but he was soon going to cum and all thought was overwritten, he didn't care if Kelly saw him with Danni, the idea was so hot, one of his sisters watching him fuck the other sister, it was now too much for him to handle, he was about to cum.

"I'm going to cum Danni" Like before with Jazmyn, whispering her name and not Nicole's was a serious turn on, if he could be 'turned on' anymore.

He slid out of her and she squatted down again, she hesitated to put it in her mouth, but she had no choice, she couldn't let him cum all over her and the closet, she stuffed as much of his dick as she could in her mouth, and licked the tip with the back of her tongue as it was so far in.

Andrew placed his hands on either wall as he shot the biggest load he had ever shot into Danni's mouth, she was thrown back by the force as was expected, he placed his hand behind her head so she did not spit cum all over the place, she started taking it down in loud gulps, it took her 7 mouthfuls before she got it all, and there was still some he had left to squeeze out onto her waiting tongue.

Danni had no idea that kind of thing was possible, his dick was as strong as he was, the taste was so great, she wished she could bottle it up and keep it in the fridge, what a brother she had.

Kelly had finished checking her notes and headed for her room where she could finally get changed, and find out where Danni and Andrew are.

"I think she's going" Danni whispered just before they were reassured by Kelly's steps on the staircase.

"What do we do now?"

"We put some clothes on?" Danni said sarcastically.

"No I mean we're brother and sister, and we just had sex" Andrew felt weird saying it.

"We could make it a regular thing?" Danni threw the thought to Andrew.

"Cheating on my girlfriend with my sister? sounds hot" Andrew was delighted by the idea and then remembered he was also cheating on Nicole with Jazmyn already, his relationships were getting more numerous and more complicated, he had three girls to sleep with, one of which was his sister.

The incestuous pair scurried upstairs and got changed in their rooms, finally joining Kelly downstairs minutes later, as they arrived in the lounge, Andrew stroked Danni's ass before going to the opposite side of the room.

"Nicole coming round tonight?" Kelly turned around and pressed the question.

"Yeah is she?" Danni joined in as she sat opposite to the left side of Andrew, opposite Kelly.

"I hope not" Chloe shouted through the house as she entered with Adele.

"No she isn't" He finally answered.

"Good, shes a constant reminder we don't have boyfriends" Adele remarked.

"Jealous of her?" Andrew asked in Danni's direction as he watched her get up.

"No!" Danni sneered over her shoulder as she headed into the kitchen, she then turned and smiled playfully at him.

"Oh yeah, why is the kitchen floor wet?" Kelly questioned Danni.

Andrew and Danni glanced at each other briefly.

"I was swimming, and came inside to get a drink"

"Whatever, just clean it up please?" Kelly accepted her answer without an issue, so Andrew and Danni sighed relief.

The next evening they were all sat around the kitchen table, eating pizza, Andrew was stood between his two cousins, Chloe and Adele, after what had happened with him and Danni earlier, Andrew had become far more interested in the girls around him and their attributes, he could see Chloe and Kelly both had D-E sized breasts where as Danni and Adele were the same C-D size, this made sense that the blood relatives were similar, while his step sisters were smaller somewhat, Jessica had a C cup, and Rebecca was slightly smaller with a B-C cup, as Rebecca was the most active of the girls, being part of the volleyball team, it was not a surprise she had an ass and breasts smaller than her sister's.

While Andrew subtly eyed everyone around him, Danni snook round while the others got more pizza.

"What are you doing on Sunday?"

"Nothing until Nicole comes over for a bit in the afternoon" Before or after which he could spend some time with Danni.

"Well maybe at some point I can show you what the problem is with the doors in my room? and how nice the shower in my bathroom is?" Nicoles head was facing down at the table, but her eyes were looking at Andrew's.

"Yeah, I think I could have a look" Andrew smiled playfully with Danni, as she was about to leave, she groped his crotch and walked around the table, Danni had a cruel sense of humor at times.

However this presented Andrew with a problem, he was getting a hard on under his jeans and Chloe was coming back with Adele, Andrew saw Adele was reading something in her hand, and would see his boner far easier because of it, so he turned his body to face Chloe, and dodged Adele's notice.

"What are you doing?" Chloe suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?" Andrew panicked.

"What are you doing?" Chloe repeated herself, showing it was a simple question not something to do with the bulge going down the side of my leg.

"Oh just eating and thinking" Andrew happily replied.

"Thinking about?"

"Nothing important" Andrew frowned.

"Well in that case what do you think of my new legs?" Chloe suddenly turned around and faced away, pulling up the legs to her jogging pants, revealing her silky smooth lightly tanned legs.

"Yeah, they look really good, great even" Andrew sounded maybe a little too enthusiastic, if only to please Chloe, and so turned back towards the table.

"Yeah how much do you like them?" Chloe was still looking down at the back of her legs after she had pulled up her trousers, when she turned to face Andrew she looked up to see his next response rather than just hear it, she instead saw his ever impressive hard on, her eyes widened noticably.

"So you like them that much?" Chloe grinned evilly.

"No? No! nothing like that!" Andrew realised what she was looking at.

"Really? did you not notice me watching you stare at my tits earlier? come on Andrew, its only natural, I've seen you naked before" Chloe calmly admitted as she leaned closer.

"What? when?" Chloe's response shocked him.

"When you are alone you often leave your bedroom door open, I catch a glimpse of you most mornings getting changed after you shower"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Andrew's face started to turn red, more and more often the girls seemed to embaress him.

"Because you are a good looking guy, I have no problem with it, and clearly you dont, or you wouldn't have that still showing through" Chloe raised her eyebrows at his trouser leg,
Andrew was surprised by how comfortable Chloe seemed to be and that they were able to talk like this with their own siblings sat at the same table.

"Thats unfair, I haven't seen you naked" Andrew was now more comfortable, and was hinting for a glimpse.
"Here, I'll show you" Chloe nodded her head to the left for him to follow, she left the kitchen and turned the corner into the hallway and at the end turned again into the lounge, Andrew waited a few seconds and walked casually after her, he saw Chloe at the end of the hallway and caught up with her, dodging the chairs and sofas, they walked into the study room, somewhere noone ever went,
"Quick before Kelly comes to find me!" Chloe hurried Andrew in and closed the door behind them.
Without a moments notice she pulled up the thick knitted jumper over her head and placed it on the desk, Andrew was dumbfounded, his mouth open in awe of her amazing breasts, they had a perfect mix of firmness and bouncyness, small nipples in the centre of each breast and they sat perfectly together, not hanging off of her like a weight, but standing out like those fake tits you might see on Carmen Electra or Pamela Anderson, so much like Danni's, just bigger, noticably bigger, Kelly's were probably just the same, seconds had passed and Chloe was still stood topless smiling at Andrew's expression.

"So are you happy now?" Chloe reached to grab her top.

"Wait you said naked, thats your top half, what about the bottom?" Andrew pointed out cleverly as he often did when he wanted something, hinting rather than asking, a trait that ran in the family.

"I'm not showing you that!" Chloe blushed at the thought of being totally naked infront of Andrew and him seeing her pussy, even though she'd seen him naked, she wasn't going that far tonight, maybe another time she might muster the courage.

"Fine, just your ass?" Andrew had become comfortable with the idea of demanding a strip-show from his cousin, his romp with Danni the day before probably helped with this.

Chloe couldn't think of a reason why not.

"Yeah okay then" She concurred.

Chloe turned around slowly like any strip tease, gradually she stuck her ass out and pulled down her jeans, just enough so they were holding her cheeks up a bit, she left her thin black panties on, not that they hid much.
Andrew reached out and placed his hands on hers, rubbing his thumbs up the sides of her ass.
"I didn't say touch!" Chloe turned back around and struggled to pull her jeans back over her ample ass, hopping up and down as she did, finally getting them over, as she put her top back on, Andrew opened the door and was about to leave.

"Wait, you touched me, which I didn't say you could, now I'm allowed to touch you"

Andrew could not argue with her reasoning, nor did he want to.

"Sure, but you're not touching my ass" He asserted.

Chloe was not interested in that, though she was sure it was a nice one, she finished pulling her top back down over her breasts and took a step towards Andrew, stopping just inches from him, she put her hand under his shirt and moved it up over the dents of his abs, and then sliding downwards into his pants, if Andrew had reservations, he did not show them, she had rested her head on his shoulder and placed her left hand on the door, incase someone might try to walk in.

She moved her right hand over his dick and grabbed it, measuring it with a single stroke, then letting go.

"Wait a minute before coming back to the kitchen"

She smiled, opening the door and walking back through the lounge again, Andrew wondered if she was impressed.

"Where have you been?" Andrew was interrogated the moment he walked in.

"I called Nicole with the house phone, my cellphone needs charging"

"How did you call Nicole with the house phone? Chloe was using it?" Rebecca inquired.

Chloe turned and looked at Andrew with wide open eyes showing her worry at them being discovered, Andrew did not panic this time and calmly responded

"I don't know, Chloe must have finished just before I picked it up, I went toilet first too"
"We didn't need to know that, thanks" Rebecca and the others were assuming that Andrew had instead of phoning Nicole, been doing something else that he perhaps shouldn't of being doing or not wanted to share, while this was true, they did not think he might have been stroking Chloe's ass and letting her stroke his dick in return.

"You asked" Andrew pointed out and saw Chloe beam a smile of relief.

Danni however was now annoyed at Andrew for calling Nicole, she felt kind of betrayed, she glared across the table at her brother, Kelly was stood next to her and was also glaring at him, not believing his story, she knew when Andrew was lying, and felt compelled to find out what he had been doing.

"So where were you really?" Kelly asked Chloe playfully, hoping to find out something interesting from her cousin.

"What do you mean?"

"When Andrew talks to Nicole it normally takes a while, so you couldn't have been on the phone" Kelly pryed at Chloe's excuse of absence.

"Why does it matter? Anyways I really was on the phone" Chloe reassured her cousin.

Kelly felt inclined to believe her, Chloe never had anything to hide, they were good friends anyways, always interested in the same stuff and Chloe was the only person she would share anything with, including secrets, and Chloe was the same with her, so Kelly now knew for sure Andrew was lying.

Kelly analysed what she knew, Andrew was hot under his shirt when he returned earlier, she had since seen him using his cell phone, he was a guy, and if he wasn't having sex with Nicole, he had to clear his urge some other way, Kelly stopped thinking any further, she had seen Andrew masturbating before, his need to use that large dick of his was insatiable, Kelly in her own moments of hornyness had sometimes wished he could help her, the thought never sickened her, their family was always a distant one, but it would be a difficult feet to make Andrew think of it the same way as her, if he would consider having sex with his sister that is, and there were probably other guys out there with big dicks, she cast the depressing thought aside, at least she had figured out the mystery.

Andrew returned to his room like everyone else was doing after they had sat down to watch some mediocre television, those two hours were agonising as Chloe had chose to sit next to him, and Danni had decided the same, Chloe's left leg occasionally and casually rubbed against his right leg, and Danni's right leg would occasionally and casually rub against his left leg, however throughout the two hours his right hand was stroking Chloe's back, and his left stroked Danni's, if either one of them had found out about the other, he did not know what might happen, but the feeling it gave him, caressing his sister on one side and his cousin on the other, bypassed all rational thinking.

As he went to his computer desk, he noticed an upside down photograph sitting on his pillow, it was a naked picture of Chloe, she had taken in her bedroom mirror, the flash of her phone's camera hid her face, but her body and the hair on her head were instantly recognisable, he ogled the high definition image, he had seen her naked top half from infront, and seen her naked bottom half from behind, but she had stood at an angle, so he could see how well her ass and boobs stuck out from her shiny tanned body, and in this picture was what he wanted to see earlier, a clear view of her pussy, a beautiful thing, like the others really, tidy well formed, firm not loose like some he had seen on those porn sites, no doubt a pussy he could sample someday after discovering Chloe's feelings, he then placed the picture in an empty book, and decided he should get similar pictures of Nicole, Jazmyn and of course Danni to add to his collection.
Andrew sighed and fell back into his chair, It had been another good day, and an amazing week.

The next day came as a surprise, it was Sunday, but Danni had to leave the house for the day and attend some out of school event, everyone else was still sleeping except for Rebecca who was using Andrew's weights in the yard, only small 4kg dumbells that he didn't need.

Nicole was coming over in half an hour and he could see someone walking down the driveway, it was Jazmyn, she was wearing classy stockings that probably went over her knees and a long skirt that went under her knees, a white coat over a white shirt, and a hat with a flower in it, and a pretty pearl necklace around her neck, she arrived at the door and Andrew let her in.

"What are you doing here? and what are you wearing?" He demanded from her as they headed upstairs out of sight of the kitchen windows and Rebecca who was currently bent over doing some exercise.

"I had church and had to wear these clothes, my mom made me, and I came here to see you?"

"Couldn't you ring first?"

"You would tell me you were out or something"

"No I wouldn't, I would tell you to come later because will be here in 25 minutes" Andrew informed Jazmyn of the risk she had taken.

"Well I'm still horny from when you held my ass, can we at least finish that?" Jazmyn asked politely, her clothes seemed sexy on her after Andrew had seen her in that slut uniform on Friday.

"Yeah okay, but we have to be quick!"

Andrew began unbuttoning Jazmyn's shirt, she instead grabbed either collar from the top and ripped it open, sliding it and her coat off her arms onto the floor, he grabbed her head and began french kissing her, he forced his tongue in her mouth without regard for being tactful, she understood they had little time and didnt mind, unclasping the back of her skirt it fell off, she had been wearing nothing underneath, she was still a slut even in church-wear.

Andrew threw her onto his bed like he did regularly with Nicole, Jazmyn took the clip out of her hair and roughed it up, making her look like a sex crazed animal, andrew dropped his shorts and his dick sprang out, she crawled to the edge of the bed and layed on her front, eying up the dick she had missed for so many weeks.

"I can't wait to use this!" She said in excitement, she placed it in her mouth, and let it go all the way to the back of her throat.

Andrew could not believe it, it had been only four weeks and Jazmyn had done as she said she would do and taken in his whole dick.

"Wow you weren't lying"

She looked up at him and smiled, then suddenly and roughly throwing her head back and forth, deep throating him better than Nicole ever had, but the moment like many was short lived, the door-bell rang, Nicole was here early, Jazmyn and Andrew both looked at his bedroom door, her mouth and throat still full.
Rebecca let Nicole in.

"Hey Nicole! Andrew's up in his room I think, I thought you were already here?" Rebecca asked surprised.
"Oh no sorry, just arrived, and thanks!" Nicole wondered what she meant and went up towards Andrew's room.

"Shit!" Andrew shouted under his breath.

Jazmyn took the dick out of her mouth and grabbed her clothes, there was no time to change and get out, she opened a wardrobe door and jumped inside, Andrew shut it behind her and put his clothes back on, half way through Nicole walked in.

"Hey handsome, you okay?" She looked at him curious.

"Yeah of course, why?" Andrew acted as natural as he could, but was slightly out of breath, his heart pounding, and blood rushing.

"Your face is red and... oh I see" Nicole noticed he had a boner and wet patch on his shorts, which unknown to her was infact due to Jazmyn's deepthroat, she had left saliva all over his dick, she nearly laughed behind the thin wooden doors that were concealing her, only some slits in the wood let her see the couple talking.

"Oh no! nothing like that!" Andrew had grown accustomed to girls thinking bad of him because of his numerous hard ons, he needed to buy a belt for his dick he thought.

"Really? explain to me then" Nicole was displeased with what she was seeing.

"I just had a shower, and never bothered to dry myself" Andrew was getting good at lying under pressure.

"Oh okay" Nicole was happy to believe any story, as long as it was not one she did not want to believe.

"Well I've got to go to church in a minute to practice for the choir, I thought i'd come round still and see you though" Nicole seemed to be in a good mood, and it was sweet that she considered Andrew aswell.

"Aww thanks, thats a shame you have to go so soon" Andrew was sincere but also relieved, Jazmyn could not hide in his closet for hours on end.

"Well I can stay for ten minutes, how about... you know?" Nicole widened her eyes at Andrew.

Andrew did not want to have sex with Nicole while Jazmyn was watching, she would be liable to burst out of the wardrobe.


"Well I was thinking quick sex?"

"We cant have even quick sex in ten minutes, I dont work like that baby"

Rebecca did have her ear to the door listening to the bizarre conversation going on, now with the promise of watching them have sex or Andrew get a blowjob, Rebecca looked through the keyhole, she had had sex herself before, but she found the guy useless, so wanted to see how other people did it.

"Fine I'll give you a blowjob"

Rebecca watched Andrew drop his shorts and the tent he had been pitching became an 8" dick that
glistened somehow still.

"Actually can we try something else?" Andrew glanced over at Jazmyn's closet and saw her eyes through the slits, she knew what he meant.

"What?" Nicole could not think of what she could do different with a blow job.

"Erm... a face-fuck?" He mumbled it to Nicole.

"Whats that?"

Andrew explained what it was and Rebecca looked on wondering what they were talking about.

"Err okay sure, why not" Nicole agreed but did not fully understand.

She squatted down and let Andrew pin her arms above her head, pinning them to the wardrobe opposite the one Jazmyn was in, he started slowly, tickling her mouth with his dick, then pushing it in, each thrust putting it further inside and gaining speed as he went, Nicole sat there not understanding what was so special about this, then she noticed a strange taste on his dick, it was already sticky, quickly the taste went but she continued to think what it was, until suddenly without warning his dick flew to the back of her throat, she looked up in shock and gagged a little, she accepted it and braced herself for another.

"Are you ready for this now?" Andrew did not want to choke her.

Nicole nodded, understanding what this was about, he suddenly like before, threw his dick to the back of her throat once, then slowly pulling out.

"Okay here we go, first time for everything" Andrew's heart pounded, this was something he had not tried properly before, and only practiced somewhat with Jazmyn once.

He started thrusting hard and fast into Nicoles mouth, not building up speed or depth as he went, and felt his dick go further down her throat bit by bit until he reached his limit without hurting her face, it felt amazing, the brutality of it was indescribable, and Nicole was handling it pretty well, the wardrobe door shuddered under every impact his dick made on his girlfiends head, and the whole wall shook.

Rebecca could not believe her eyes, Nicole was being face-fucked by an 8" dick, an 8" dick that belonged to Rebecca's step-brother, she had heard of this being done, but never thought she would see it, she decided now that she had seen it, she would never do it, it was so aggressive and strong, however she was still turned on by it, she wondered if Andrew was enjoying it as much as she was watching it.

Andrew looked down at his girlfriends red face, saliva was dribbling out of her mouth, he had made such a mess of her face, he thought about stopping, and decided that she had deserved it after all the things she had done to him in the past, the idea of it being revenge brought forward his orgasm and a surge of cum erupted out without warning.

Nicole's eyes widened as a what felt like a wall of her boyfriend's cum impacting her throat, and rushed into her stomach, she thought she wouldn't need to eat until dinner now, Andrew backed his dick out until it's end was above her tongue, she drew some breath finally, then he lunged back down her throat firing another shot of cum, forcing his dick as deep as he could, without regard for her face, she screamed and gagged as it impacted again, he had waited until she wasn't expecting it, she was now furious with him.

"What the hell was that?!" She said as his dick drew out, unable to use her tongue to speak as a pool of cum was still in her mouth, she swallowed and continued.

"Well? why didn't you warn me you were cumming? and then wait and do it again, any deeper and your balls would have been down my throat!" She was exagerating as usual but she had a point.

"Thats what you do baby, you held it really well though"

"Well what was that funny taste at the start?" Nicole calmed down after Andrew's compliment.
Andrew realised what it was she meant, Jazmyns saliva from earlier, he looked over again at Jazmyn in the corner, smiled and looked back quickly.
"I don't know knew shower gel? oh crap look at the time!" Andrew felt guilty he had made Nicole late, but now she had suffered a little for the suffering she had caused him at times, but he promised himself he would never do it again.

"Oh my god Andrew, you've made me late for church because of that!" She wiped her face down and headed out the door, not realising the irony of her statement.

Rebecca stood frozen at the side of Andrew's door, however she was not inbetween his door and the stairs, Nicole turned right and didn't see Rebecca on the left, she stormed down the stairs and out the door.
"Well thats that, you were wrong she would let me do that, but never again Jazmyn" He let her out the wardrobe and she sat on his bed, naked still.

"What?!" Rebecca said to herself as she watched in amazement, the naked form of Nicoles friend sit on his bed, already sucking his dick.

"You don't mess around do you?" Andrew laughed down at Jazmyn, who slid his dick back out of her mouth.

"I just wanted to taste Nicole's spit on your dick, seeing as she tasted mine"


"I think I want more, not in my mouth though" Jazmyn walked forwards towards the door, leant on it's frame, stuck her ass out and spread her legs.

"I need to go home soon Andrew, but I want to finish what we started here first" She turned her head round and looked at him with the corner of her eye.

"No problem" Andrew stepped forward, sliding his dick down inbetween Jazmyn's ass and into her pussy.
Rebecca was on the other side of the door that her brother was fucking his girlfriends friend on, It was a strange morning she thought to herself, but this didn't change the fact she had her fingers in her pussy, moving them in and out in unison with Andrew's jabs into Jazmyn's pussy.

"Oh fuck Andrew I've waited so long for you to fuck me, make it good" Jazmyn sounded desperate.
Andrew needed to finish, Kelly's alarm would sound in roughly three minutes, he took his dick out, put two fingers into her pussy, spread them around and took them back out, slid his dick back in hard, put his other hand on the front of her pussy and began stroking as was his talent, then placed the soaking wet fingers into Jazmyn's mouth.

"Oh god that tastes good, your dick and my pussy taste so good together!" She shouted out the side of her mouth with Andrew's fingers still inside.

You better be about to come Jaz' cause I'm about to, he wasn't lying and felt his balls tighten up.

"I want to taste that to" Jazmyn was extremely horny.

She came before Andrew did, he felt her pussy tighten over his dick, she gasped for air loudly, but there was little time to waste and she knew it, he pulled out and helped her to her knees, her orgasm had brought forth his again, she sucked as hard as she could and took the cum like if it were water and she were dehydrated, there was not as much as she hoped for again, she needed to have him to herself, not after Nicole for once.

"Oh god that was great Andrew, we got to do this again" She wiped herself down then put her tidy church clothes on.

"I agree Jaz'"

"Jaz'? I like that"

Rebecca was now exhausted, she came the same time as her step-brother had, she sighed relief but as she heard Kelly's alarm go off she jumped up and headed to her room, red cheeked and panting.

Andrew heard Kelly getting out of bed, and so threw Jazmyn over his shoulder while she was still applying make up, placed her on her feet outside the front door and waved her off
"What have you been doing?" Kelly asked as she rubbed her eyes at the top of the stairs.

"Not alot, just a couple of things" Andrew went to the kitchen and saw Chloe stand behind Kelly and smile as she did, he smiled back, looking forward to what the day may hold.

X.N.X.X. TolkienReport 

2012-12-24 20:46:14
The redone version done by myself and the writer of this "prototype" shall we say will be up in under a week and part 2 will be up a week or so after that, depending on the receptionis whether or not we make further parts, if not we will let another write but only copy and paste their works should we deem them suitable etc.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-12-06 09:19:23
I am absolutely hooked! Its all so hot! I wish I was Andrew! I need to read more

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-14 21:06:55
It is amazing that all the guys have 8 and 10 inch dicks in these stories.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-29 16:24:54
I feel like the only person that comes back every other day to see if the new one is up:/ it's been more thAn a month so I'm just stupid >.>

anonymous readerReport 

2012-06-06 17:27:02
Very amateurishly written. I gave up reading after a couple of paragraphs. It seemed to just drag on forever.

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