I've always known since i was 9 years old i was a VERY sexual girl. I knew i liked being bad and when my daddy woculd bend me over his knee and spank my 9 year old ass cheeks... oh how my pussy tingled at the thought.
I'm about 5'6" long pullable brown hair, half asian half white, tan skin, and the most seductive hazel eyes you'll ever see. I'm sixteen and in my sophmore year, i moved out awhile ago to live with my master/boyfriend. My boyfriend, Shane is 6' perfectly muscled with creamy milk chocolate hair and green eyes that can light up a room. my mother doesnt where ive gone but she knows its close enough to go to my school almost everyday. My mothers too drunk to give a shit, and my dad abandoned me when my mothers best friend, also my masters mother, found him raping me about 3 years ago.
I've been trying to find a dominant man in my life ever since.
Shane and my mothers were best friends when they were pregnant with us. We were built in bestfriends.
Shane and I went through everything together.... playing doctor with our mothers drinking wine in the kitchen in our kindergarten years, telling each other our deepest secrets. Anything slightly interesting, and we end up sitting criss cross in the hollowed out tree in his backyard excitedly (or sadly) telling our stories.
When daddy got caught i had no sexual outlet. No way to excuse myself for being sexual. I knew i liked being punished, but i didnt want to have to ask for it, i wanted to be forced.
When i told shane this he got that distant look in his eyes and simply nodded his head and apologized that he didnt have a solution. But anything I needed, anything at all, he would try his hardest to get for me.
I think it was in that moment, when his green eyes stared into mine, with his warm arms wrapped concretely around mine, i started the crush phase.
And i was still in it when my freshman year began.
I knew he wouldnt be able to give me what i wanted but i knew he cared, so i kept him around just in case.
One day, i didnt study for my math exam and i ended up ditching class and coming home.
I looked over at Shanes window across my backyard and saw him jamming out to music like he usually does. Shane used to be a cute little kid but hes grown up to be an attractive hard-to-get bad boy, who just happend to have a mediocre best friend for life (me)
Shanes really my only friend, girls see me as competition or a slut and boys know Shane will beat their ass if they hurt me so..... Anyways i get my walky talky and beep him and he chuckles and gives me that look that lightens my day. He only drops the bad boy act when were alone.
I open up my balcony and he climbs across the tree branch and hops into my waiting arms where proceeds to lift me up and spin me around
i wrap my legs around his abs slightly teasing him by pressing my pelvis against his, getting a feel of his massive junk.
He grins and laughs out loud while setting me on the ground and running inside to flop on my queen sized water bed.
"Wow little miss goody skipped class again, I bet Mrs. Crokes thinks you have cancer considering your 'hardworking characteristics and attendence record is outstanding'" he mocks, a huge adorable grin plastered on his face.
"Shutup I didnt study" i reply throwing a pillow at him.
He overexagerrates and falls off my bed unnecesarilly flailing. I laugh and smile at his stupidity and mid laugh i see his body move towards my place next to wall. Out of the blue he takes my hands suddenly and pin them to the wall behind me, his green eyes very close to my face.
"That was rude little girl, you deserve punishment for that," his face dead serious.
"Threat or promise?" i say a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.
"Order" he whispers. I feel his breath on my neck and i feel so very turned on. Oh god, if only this was real. i start laughing and i try to resist his forceful hands but his face doesnt change and his strong arms definetly wont move.
"Shane what the fuck" i say aroused and scared at the same time.
"isnt this what you wanted" he whispers again his hot breath turning me on even more. i feel my juices running down my leg underneath my plaid skirt.
i stared into his now cold eyes.
"slut dont talk to me like that" and he smashes his lips around mine. he forces his tongue into my throat and nibbles my bottom lip. i cant help but moan into his mouth from the pleasure he gave me. it was undoubtly the best kiss id ever experienced.
"mmmm my little whore likes that huh? well bitch im about to give you a lot more" he smirks and continues his sexy assualt on my mouth. i feel his fingers probe my panties and start moaning from just the feeling. God, Id never been that aroused before in my life. He slips his calloused finger unded my panties and start massaging my sensitive little clit. i separate my lips from his and loudly moan.
"Uuuuuuh oh god! OH GOD!"
"Did i say you could talk whore!" he slaps me and throws me on my bed. he whispers,
"youve been a naughty girl, and do you know what happens to naughty girls?"
"they get punished" i look down at my sheets and feel the wetness spread.
"thats right they get punished" and he graps my ass and drags me over his knee just like my daddy used to.
"oh shane please spank me hard!"
"thats right bitch, beg for it!" he spanked my ass until i was crimson all over, and i loved every second of it. i havent felt that way in a very long time and, dear lord, i LOVED it.
"thankyou master" there was a silence for 3 seconds and i wonder if i over stepped the boundries.
"my pleasure dumb slut" he snarls into my ear and gives me ass a light slap. "theres still more to cum" he whispers evilly.
i shudder at the thought of his nine inch cock in my tight cunt. im facing down on my mattress completely naked while i hear the unzipping of his pants.
"Are you ready bitch?" he whispers roughly in my ear. "Please master" i feel the tip of his engorged penis at my cunt and cringe while he pushes the whole thing in me at once. oh i could have just orgasmed on spot,
it felt so fucking good. there arent enough words to explain how full and immensely hot it was to have his huge cock pulsing in me.
"bitch i didnt SAY YOU COULD TALK" he slaps my ass hard as he talked. he starts hammering away at my pussy while whispering naughty things in my ear and spanking my red ass.
"uh you like it cunt dont you... i bet youve wanted my cock in you since we were nine..... ugh yeah bitch squeeze your pussy on my dick... youre such a dirty slut yeah" he says. he pulls out and flips me over.
he stared into my eyes coldly as he squirts his cum all over my tits and face. i felt so fucking sexy. he gets his face really close to mine his eyes telling me things he coulnt say, then he reaches down and roughly pinched my sensitive clit. "i love you" shane says as i orgasm into heaven. it felt so fucking good! he takes me into his arms and he gives me the most passionate intimate kiss, it wasnt sexy or lustful. It was beautiful. I felt like a i was floating and his kiss was drowning me and i pool of sweet nectar. and i was letting him.
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