Sexy Shelly Part1
by gripper38
Author's infos
Gender: N/A
Age: N/A
Location: uk
Posted Fri 1st of June 2012
Adventures of a young teen tart and friends
This is my 1st story on the site or any site for that matter.
I was living in London 27 yrs old drinking and doing drugs and petty crime on a
Daily basis . I didn't have a formal address was sleeping on friends hostel floors and friends sofas . I was on benefits and could be regarded as underclass of society one level bellow the working class , my friends also were also all in the same boat , i knew all the local junkies and alkies dealers and pimps i suppose you could describe me as "chav" scum . I was the oldest of our group of no-gooders. We ranged in ages from teen to early 20's me being the oldest as stated previously at 27 . I was mostly drinking cans of cheap white cider 50p a can and smoking crack . I had moved to london two years previous from up north . I used to sit in the local park bench next to all the other no-gooders in the summer our numbers could swell to 30 this including the older alkies and addicts in there 30's 40's 50's 60's etc it could get quite crazy some days and the police were never far away. It was sitting on one of these park benches i first set eyes on Shelly she had just turned 16 , although i didn't know this at the time . She was with my mates little sister Gina who was 13 , and looking at Shelly she looked older by not by much , it was a hard one to call . Gina told me Shelly was 16 which is legal in the UK . Gina told me she was staying with a guy called Billy who was also 27 and a junkie . Shelly also liked her crack and drink . She grew up in foster care and was a bit of a wild child and had been involved with social services from a young age could barely read or write due to her virtual non attendance at school , her schooling was very erratic , getting expelled from various behavioral units and running away from care growing up on the streets but not all that street wise due to her emotional and behavioral problems . What she did have was a cute face nice legs and quite big tits for her age and a lovely arse she had bleached blonde hair her nose had a little gold stud in it , she also had her belly button pierced which was a little bit chubby still some baby fat on it she was 5 ft tall im 5 ft 9 . She had on big gold hoop earings a white belly top that displayed her firm young ample breasts, nice little bit of cleavage a frayed white denim mini skirt which came up to mid thigh and of black patent slingback open toed sandals with a 4" heel her toenails were painted bright red she also had on false red nails green eyeshadow to much foundation and false eyelashes massacre black eyeliner and bright red lipstick she looked sexy it was summer time so her look didn't look that out of place as if it was the middle of winter unless she was going clubbing she would having looked bordering on a street whore. My cock hardened as i looked at her she was looking back alright flattering her false eyelashes a very strong sexual energy was generated between us as we made eye contact my cock was throbbing a solid rod of steel , was she really 16 or was that little bitch Gina just telling me that hmmmmm it was hard to tell as she was tarted up and she had a young looking face hiding behind all that make up but she did have a 16 yr old body on her i could see a couple of he older alkies giving her the look over and little Gina who's face was also plastered in make up red lipstick they must have got ready this morning together . Gina was wearing a black mini skirt pink cut off playboy belly top and pink trainers semi tarty i would say , Shelly looked more slutty , she looked like a proper piece of filth " pure white trash " the pair of them or " chav " . This was the underclass which i was part of , boundaries were slack morals easily compromised young tarts easily chatted up and fucked . I was a good looking blue eyed boy coulda passed for 22, 23 easily . Had my fair share of these type of girls over the tears these young cumbuckets from broken homes in shithouse council house estates . Young Gina approached me got a fag Joe ? " yeah sure i said here is one for your sexy friend aswell . Shelly smiled and Gina in her excited young teen voice replied "OMG you like my mate Shelly " don't you ? What about Billy shes with Billy ? How long she been with Billy ? i said 2 weeks replied Gina " Fuck Billy he's a clown she can do better than that piece of shit illl smash his fucking face in the idiot , lets get the fuck out of here lets go up to the park its doing my head in here sitting with all this mob come on lets go ill buy you both a drink and some fags " . I could see both there eyes light up pair of little whores didn't have two bob to rub together between them . I had a few hundred quid on me from a street robbery i had done the previous night a rich city suits knife up to his throat and took his wallet result easy money i know guys down the pub who sweat there bollocks off all week on a building site to earn that in a week it took me less than 30 seconds the city suits was drunk also there always the easiest targets even if they do go through the hassle of phoning the police the police don't usually take them seriously and resent them for being rich cunts who deserve to get robbed they should be more carefull than get drunk walk through this sort of area and get robbed its there own stupid fucking fault.
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