My first story, very story-based, so starts quite slow. Hope you like it,
It starts the same way. Standing in my living room with the phone ringing. Around me, walls rip away, frames are sucked into the sky, the ground cracks, everything is chaos, and yet, there was no sound apart from that damn ringing. I try to stop myself, but as always, like every other time, I walk over, the dream refusing to end, refusing to let go. I pick up the phone, and hear the words, “Is this David Leonard? Sir, there’s been an accident…”
And as always, I jerk awake, my face drenched in sweat. As always, I just sit by the edge of the bed and while waiting for the tears to stop, think about my past, what I had lost.
I was 16 when I met my wife. It should have been nothing special, just a friend introducing her to me, but from the moment I met Jeanne, it just sort of clicked, no matter how corny it may sound. Jeanne was a pretty 5’5 brunette with brown eyes and a smile that could warm the coldest of days. Despite looking very ordinary, wearing jeans with a loose green top at the time, I found myself being more attracted to her than any of our college sluts who go around wearing tight tops and skirts that look more like belts. She was something different, something special.
We went to the same college, were chosen for the same university, most of my young adult years was spent with her, my closest friend. As we grew older, the line between friends/couple became increasingly strained, sideway glances turning into guilty smiles, guilty smiles turning into flirting, flirting turning into teasing, but neither of us took it any further. Too scared, too proud or the fear of rejection, I don’t know, but it looked like I would forever remain in the friend zone, which is the worst place for a guy to be. Fact.
That changed when Jeanne had invited me as her +1 for cousin’s wedding, both of us being 19 at the time. I had already been introduced to her parents, John and Nadine, and they seemed to like me, so it wasn’t awkward or out of the blue. Anyway, during the reception, I found myself dancing with one of the bride’s sisters, who was very…enthusiastic, let’s put it like that. Especially her hands, which were definitely rubbing against things they shouldn’t. Trying to pull away, and ignoring that sly look in her eyes, my eyes caught Jeanne, who was trying hard not to laugh at my discomfort. And yet, she seemed slightly bothered about it as well.
Managing to pull away, I sat down next to Jeanne, ignoring her jibes. Throughout the evening, the eager bridesmaid tried to catch my eye several times while I was talking to Jeanne, but I smiled back at her, not wanting to hurt her feelings. Of course, that only encouraged her and so, when I saw her approaching me, I did the only logical thing I could think of. I asked Jeanne to dance with me.
Spontaneous. Random. Out of the blue. Jeanne looked at me curiously, before glancing to the bridesmaid, and asked, “Any particular reason?”
“It’s a wedding. People are dancing. Do I really need a reason?”
The way she was staring at me, I half-expected her to decline. But to my surprise, Jean sighed, saying, “Come on, then.”
It was a slow song, and so, finding some space on the floor, I drew her in, placing my hand on her waist and did that classic dance that involved nothing but circling, made for people like me who had no idea how to dance. We moved slowly, just me and her. I had expected for it to feel awkward, having never danced, not even at my prom. But in reality, it was…nice. I found myself enjoying the closeness, the warmth shared between us. Looking down at her, and seeing the small smile on her face, I forgot every piece of restraint I had and kissed her. At the contact, every part of me shivered, and as Jeanne kissed me back, I failed to notice anything else. No idea how long it lasted, could have been years, before she pulled away, and it was only when she gave a small smile and rested her head on my shoulder that my heart started beating again. Both of us giddy as fools, we carried on dancing, oblivious to the world and whoever was in it.
The same nightmare. The same Phone. The Same message. “There’s been an accident. You need to…”
The living room fades to black. The only thing left were the voices.
“Severe Damage…Heavy Blood loss”
“She’s going into cardiac arrest!”
Then it abruptly stops, moments of silence. And then:
“I’m sorry, Mr.Leonard. We did everything we could, but we were unable to save both of them.”
With a cry of anguish, I was back to real life, in the early morning. Breathing heavily, I forced myself up and went downstairs, not even bothering to try to go back to sleep. How could I, knowing that the funeral was in a few hours?
Three years later after our kiss, a year after our marriage, Jeanne gave birth to our daughter. She had been staying with her parents during the final stages of her pregnancy as per her request, which meant I only heard that she was in labour as I was making my way home from the airport, having been at a conference for the past three days. Smashing the gas pedal of my BMW, I raced to the hospital, driving to the edge of my- no, the car’s limit. Speed cameras, I hear you say? Funny, I didn’t notice any.
Shutting the car door behind me, running as fast as I can, I made my way through the hospital. Darting through hallways, asking for directions impatiently, I finally saw John standing outside a door, anxiously waiting. Apologizing to him for the delay, and finding out that Nadine was with Jeanne, the two of us waited in that hallway, neither one of us saying a word. I was terrified, partly thinking about everything that could go wrong, but most of all, that soon, I was going to be a father. I mean, holy…
The door opened and the nurse told us to come in. I looked at John, and asked, “You ready to meet your granddaughter?”
He gave a nervous smile, replying, “About as ready as you meeting your daughter.”
Taking a deep breath, I walked into the room, and that’s when I first saw her, crying in Jeanne’s arms. Walking over, I met Jeanne’s eyes, and we both smiled/cried as we looked down at our daughter. She was a little replica of Jeanne, right down to the bone.
“She looks exactly like you, Jeanne”, John said, in a slightly shaky voice, while Nadine grasped the baby’s- my daughter’s hand.
“Not quite, Kyra got something from her father”, Jeanne replied, her voice filled with exhaustion. “David, come on, introduce yourself.”
My hands were shaking uncontrollably as I walked up to her, and the feeling I got when I held Kyra for the first time, as she cried with surprising volume, it was… inexplicable, and I refuse to even try and explain it. It took all my self-control to not break down and cry with her. Instead, I gently whispered “Kyra” in her ear, and her eyelids opened just a fraction, allowing me to see a flash of grey.
“She’s got your eyes, David”, Nadine said, and it was then that was when I felt like a father, and the emotions running through me…was ageless.
The next few days passed quickly for me. I would come early every day, waiting impatiently by the door until I was allowed in. Jeanne had trouble with the birth and was still quite weak, so I would stay by her, making sure she was alright, never leaving her side or Kyra’s.
The time came when we finally took both of them home, inviting Jeanne’s parents to stay with us for a while, and the next few months, I would forever remember as the best part of my life.
However, the next three years was both amazing and frustrating. Because of Kyra and the fact I was making enough money for the both of us, Jeanne decided to quit her job and became a full-time mother. I was working as a manager for a multi-firm company, and the meetings/deadlines/conferences took so much of my time, I couldn’t be around Kyra as much as I wanted to. But still, no matter how tiring and stressful my job got, when I got home, I would be cheered up instantly by the two people that mean most to me.
And so, the years passed.
The main thing I noticed as Kyra grew up was that she seemed closer to me than her mother, but I figured that this was mainly because I wasn’t around as much as Jeanne was. I still remember her as a toddler, like it was yesterday. Kyra may look like Jeanne, but she had inherited my personality as well as the eyes. Always messing around, always curious, it was remarkable I found myself changing into a child when I’m with her.
Unfortunately, as Kyra got older, I found myself spending less and less time with her, mainly due to my promotion as Assistant CEO in a multi-firm company. But I never forgot certain events. Her first day of school. Her first play. Her first dance class. Things like that.
Jeanne and Kyra had become my whole life. There was nothing more that I could want or need. But my job prevented me from showing that to them, and it left me feeling useless.
For most people, when someone close to you dies, it would be agonizing, but that wasn’t the case for me. Throughout the service, I just felt hollow, empty. Ironically, it was a perfect day weather-wise. The sun shining, a gentle breeze, but to me, the world was lifeless. I just stood there, holding Nadine, comforting her as the rites were being said. John was more composed, mainly because he’s an old-fashioned guy who doesn’t show emotions as much, but even he couldn’t stop the tears rolling down his face.
It was just another ordinary day, and it should have been. But a woman in a 4x4, who was partly drunk, lost control of her car on the road next to the pier. The 4x4 skidded across the road, before crashing into a small, red Fiat coming from the opposite direction, driven by a woman and her 12 year old daughter coming home from her dance recital. Both cars hit the barrier at the edge and went right through it. Both cars fell onto the rocks at the bottom. Jeanne and Kyra died instantly at the impact. The 4x4 driver managed to survive because her car was more robust, but it didn’t stop her spine from breaking, paralysing her from the waist down. Not sure whether to feel pity or satisfaction at that. Not sure if I can feel at all anymore.
People occasionally came up to me to give me words of comfort, after the service, but I generally gave them a general ‘thanks for coming’ before moving on. Rude, I know, but that’s how I felt. After all the friends and relatives left, I just went back to their graves and stood there with Jeanne’s parents, the three of us standing so still, there was no difference between the statues and ourselves.
I arrived home around 10 o’clock that night, exhausted to the point of almost passing out. Every single action, opening the front door, removing my shoes, heating some food in a microwave, seemed to take ten times the effort it normally would. Becoming CEO certainly hasn’t helped me out much, but apparently I was the only man for the job. Besides, it’s not like I had anything to do at home.
Collecting my dinner, I made my way into the living room and fell onto the sofa. Turning on the T.V, I mindlessly switched channels while eating, thinking about Sarah, a woman in my office who has asked me out (for coffee, for dinner. Etc) at least 4 times so far. My friends, the few I still have left, think I’m either gay or stupid to refuse her offer, as she was very fit and looked nothing like her 36 years. I can’t think of a reason why she would be attracted to a wreck like me, but it made it difficult for me to say a straight no. I would always make an excuse, and I hoped that eventually, she would think, too many coincidences and get the message. Harsh, maybe, but it wasn’t as harsh as saying no to her face. Was it?
Clearing my thoughts, I wasted about an hour, watching a half-decent crime movie, before I decided to turn in for the night. Turning the TV off, I made my way upstairs, leaving my plate on the table. Luckily, I had arranged the next week off, and so was looking forward to actually having a decent amount of sleep for a change.
After a quick shower, I caught myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth. I still looked pretty much the same as I did 10 years ago, but being in my late 30’s, you could definitely tell I wasn’t exactly in the prime of my life. My eyes, hollow and empty, gave that away. I rolled a few grey hairs on my head between my fingers and ran a hand down my stubble, before deciding to ignore it and carried on cleaning my teeth, just wanting to sleep.
I didn’t even bother changing when I was done, just went inside my room, stripped to my boxers and fell onto the bed, asleep in an instant.
Did I just hear that? After a few seconds of listening, I figured I must have imagined it, and decided to ignore it and try to go back to sleep.
The doorbell. With a groan, I tried to push myself up. Failing, I settled to look at my watch, learning that it was quarter to ten. I settled back down, figuring that whoever it was; they can bugger off, and was just on the point of sleep when…
“I’M COMING! “ I roared, as I rolled out of bed. Uttering curses, I grabbed a bathrobe, and stomped down the stairs, wincing as my foot hit the banister. Making my way to the front door, I considered whether to use my fists, as I prepared myself to confront the fucking idiot. Pulling the door open, ignoring the sudden chill of air, I yelled, “Do you have any idea-“, before freezing in surprise.
Standing in front of me was a young woman, looking at me with shock. We stared at each other for a moment, before I finally said, “I’m sorry, you must have the wrong house.”
Yet, I knew I was wrong, I felt like I’d seen this girl before.
She looked me up and down, before saying hesitantly, “Your robe…”
Oh, God no, I thought, but looking down, I saw my bare chest and stomach and unfortunately, due to my tight boxers and the fact it was morning, the very noticeable bulge of my slightly erect dick. With a silent curse, I tied the knot, and looked back at her, in a casual pose, as if I wasn’t fazed.
“Not the best of introductions. Do I know you?” I asked smoothly, still racking my brains to where I’d seen her before.
“It’s been a long time since you last saw me, but you should remember.” She replied, a faint smile on her face.
Slightly irritated but curious, I looked her up and down, waiting for something to click in my mind. Wearing thick leggings and a hoodie, she was around 5”7 (guessing it from my 5”10). Trying to find a resemblance to people I knew, I examined her face closely, which must have looked odd, as she gave a quick laugh.
She was very pretty, that much can be said. I couldn’t tell much because of the hoodie, but she had a very attractive face, with a cute smile and dark-eyes blues, and……….wait, the eyes. I stared into them, pale grey into dark blue, eyes I knew, eyes I remembered. In a flash, memories rushed at me. Two girls running around in my garden; a young girl smiling at me, with those same dark-blue eyes before Kyra emptied a jug of water over her head.
I pulled back, and with a smile, said “Hi, Amy”, to which she gave a shy smile.
I stared at her, shocked that Amy, of all people, was at my doorstep. Lost in memories, I was disrupted by a tug on my shoulder. Amy was looking at me with a slight smile, saying “You do realise it’s freezing out here.”
I stared at her blankly, before coming back to reality.
“Oh, right. Sorry.” I said apologetically, flattening myself against the wall to let her through. As she passed, her body rubbed against mine, causing a sudden jolt in my chest.
“Living room is on the left”, I said after she passed. “Take a seat, I’ll just take a second to get changed”.
I made my way to my room, still unable to believe Amy was here. After so long, this girl from my past had come back. While changing into a simple t-shirt and jeans, my mind went back, to a happier time and place.
Amy was Kyra’s best friend, from her younger days. Her and her parents lived in our neighbourhood, (the very same place I live now). Jeanne and I had met Adam and Sarah during a social gathering. They were likeable, and Amy seemed like a nice kid, if not slightly inquisitive for her 6 years of age. However, it was when the three of them first came round to our house and Amy first met Kyra, a toddler at the time, that she became part of my life.
Amy loved my daughter, and Kyra seemed to instinctively connect with her. Throughout the years, they never failed to see each other at least four times a week. Despite the 4-year gap between them, the two of them were inseparable.
Time passed, and Amy’s parents started having marital issues and because we were their closest friends, it became common for her to stay with me and Jeanne while Adam and Sarah went on romantic trips or vacations, desperately trying to flare their relationship back into life. When Amy did come over, Jeanne and I always made sure to treat her like an adult, despite her being 11 at the time, partly because she was very mature for her age, mostly because we didn’t want be a parent substitute for her, as it might screw her relationship with her own.
As the issues between Adam and Sarah worsened, Amy stayed at our house more and more, until it came to the point where she was staying with us more than her own parent’s house. Well, I say us, but I wasn’t around that much either. Having been promoted again, I found myself spending even less time at home, so it was just Amy, Kyra and Jeanne most of the time.
Over time, despite my original thoughts, I found myself thinking of Amy as a second daughter, and treated her as such. She would come to me, asking for help, on homework, friend issues or whatever was on her mind. I would put aside whatever work I had, and like I did for Kyra, talk with her in a way that she answers her own question. (People tend to follow the advice you guide them to rather than the advice you tell them to do).
Coming home from the out-of-town conferences, I would bring presents to the two girls and after a while, Amy would expect these gifts. I would sometimes pretend to have forgotten it, but she wasn’t fooled, not even once. As for Jeanne, I had learnt that excessively buying her gifts just made her pissed, and she told me that I shouldn’t feel guilty. Even so, at night, I would try and make it to her, and trust me; she is a hell of a screamer.
Anyway, a year later, out of the blue, Amy’s parents suddenly announced their decision to move up north. Amy was 13 when they left; I remember the day clearly, her parents walking down their garden path with their suitcases, while Kyra and Amy were in the porch, bawling their eyes out. Jeanne was comforting Amy and Kyra, telling them it would be fine, while I talked to her parents, wishing them luck on their new life. Though, by the look on both their faces, I knew that the sudden relocation wasn’t going to improve their marriage. They were just delaying the inevitable, but I kept that thought to myself.
Making my way back after saying my goodbyes, I passed by Amy, walking to the car, with the most miserable expression on her face. After a brief thought, I called her back and embraced her in a small hug, her head just about reaching my mid-chest, before kneeling down and telling her, how a pretty girl like her would have no trouble fitting in her new home, and that she shouldn’t be sad or scared. She gave a shy smile in reply, blushing slightly, but seemed a lot more cheerful, as she embraced me tightly, before running to the car. I lifted myself back up, picked Kyra up, and the three of us watched the car drive away, Amy furiously waving with tears in her eyes. And that was, as the car turned round the corner, the last time I saw her.
Kyra cried waterworks for hours, and it took all our strength and patience to cheer her up. Over the next few months, when Kyra wasn’t doing her homework or her chores, she would be on the computer, chatting with Amy on MSN, Skype, whatever it was called, discussing whatever young girls discussed at the time. They never met face-to-face again, the…..accident happening two years later.
Amy and her parents couldn’t make it to the funeral as they was on holiday abroad, but a few weeks later, I received from her, by post, a beautifully drawn card. Her pain and loss literally poured out of the card, from every care-written word to the small drawings in the corners. It was clear that Kyra’s death had affected her greatly, and I wrote two letters that day, one to Amy, thanking her for the gift and giving words of comfort. The second, to Adam, telling him that Amy had been extremely close to Kyra, thus asking him to keep an eye on her. I had posted those letters, thinking that was that.
“You sure know a good time to visit, Amy”, I said, as I entered the living room.
Amy was standing by the study table, looking through my album, filled with photos of Jeanne, Kyra and me. She hadn’t even heard.
Walking up to her, I placed my hand on her shoulder. She turned round sharply, before wiping her cheeks with her sleeve.
“Sorry”, she said, her voice slightly shaky. “It’s-“
“I know”, I replied softly.
An awkward silence filled the room, and I went to turn on the electric fireplace, trying to warm the place up a bit.
As she sat down on the sofa, I made my way to the kitchen, saying “Make yourself at home; I’ll be back with some coffee”.
It took a few minutes, but I came back with two cups filled with the perfect antidote for a cold morning.
Walking up to her, I noticed that Amy had removed her hoodie and placed it close to the fire. I could now see that she had wavy dark-blonde hair that ended in curls, a hairstyle that really suited her. She was wearing a tight grey sweater and with those leggings, I couldn’t help but notice that she had a nice physique, not too thin, curves in the right places. Unconsciously, my eyes went to her chest area for an instant, and found that while she had medium sized breasts, they were very round and stuck out firmly, something I noticed even more with that sweater.
Realising that I had accidently checked her out, I slapped myself mentally for the perverted thoughts before handing her the cup, to which she gave her smile, with the words, “Thank you, David.”
I noticed that fact that she had used my first name, and it bugged me, as she had always called me “Mr.Leonard”, but I brushed it aside.
We chatted aimlessly while we drank the coffee, filling each other in of the past 7/8 years. I told Amy about my job and recent life while she told me about her university and her hobbies/interests.
“So how old are you now?” I asked after talking about her course for University.
“21 in four months”, she replied, with a strange smile, like it was part of an inside joke, which confused me slightly, but I disregarded it.
To change the subject, I asked her something that I was wondering about for a while.
“So how are your parents doing?”
At the very question, Amy’s face darkened, confirming my guess.
“That bad, eh?” I asked with concern.
“You don’t know,” she replied with a weary tone. “Mom and Dad divorced three years ago. I lived with my mum for a while, and she couldn’t have been more miserable, always blaming me for everything. I had to get out of there. Dad……I haven’t seen him in a while, not since he hooked up with some local slut called Jade. No idea where he is now, could be dead for all I know, the fucking prick. So yeah, it is that bad”.
Amy returned to drinking her coffee, before she noticed the shock on my face, and asked what was wrong.
I shook my head in reply, saying, “Nothing, it just seems weird to hear you talking like this. It only seems like yesterday that you were a child.”
Something, annoyance possibly, flickered through her eyes, and she said softly, “That was a long time ago".
“I know. It’s just strange, that’s all.” I countered, before asking, “So where do you live now?”
“I stayed with my friends for a while, and when I got a decent part-time job, rented a small apartment. It’s a nice place, good value for money.”
“You don’t live on Campus, then?”
“Don’t even get me started on my Campus”, she replied with emotion, and started giving me a ferocious rant on everything wrong with the place.
“You should have been in my University, that place was wild”, I replied, telling a few stories of my young, foolish self and the troubles we got in.
As we talked, the topics ranging to… pretty much everything, I was surprised by how easy it was; it felt like talking to a lifelong friend. Amy was confident, her enthusiasm infectious and she had an incredible sense of humour, one to rival the one I had. I found myself laughing like I’ve never laughed in the past 7 years, and catching my breath, I realised that she was what I used to be, and seeing how far I had fallen, I couldn’t help but be slightly depressed.
Eventually, I finally got my senses together and asked, “So, what’s with the sudden appearance?”
Amy’s face lost its shine. For a moment, I wondered if she was going to cry, but then, she reached into her bag and withdrew a small chain.
“I was cleaning the storeroom in my apartment, and I found this”, She said slowly, before placing the chain in my open palm. “Kyra gave it to me the day I left and I just thought……it should belong to you.”
I had hoped that she wouldn’t mention her. To be honest, even now, it hurts when I think about them. It had taken a whole year to get out of my depression, the worst days of my life. I didn’t know if I had the strength to endure that again. Nevertheless, I opened my palm (no idea when I closed it), and examined the chain.
Silver, with a small heart at the end. I recognised it instantly, as it had been a gift from me. Kyra had always been crazy about chains, that much can be said. Girls and their jewellery, eh? She loved this, it was her most favourite one, and yet, she had simply given it to Amy. That, more than anything, gave me my answer.
“No.” I said softly, standing up. Amy stood up too, looking confused. “I have my memories. But Kyra gave this to you, and I wouldn’t feel right if I had this.”
I put the chain back in her hand, saying, “Besides, I think it would look much better on you”.
Amy’s eyes were wet. I think mine were too, but I didn’t want to check.
“Thank you”, she said, her voice quivering. She put the chain around her neck, and I helped attach it at the back, my fingers slightly brushing the skin of her neck.
“You see, it suits you perfectly”, I said with a smile, after putting it on. She smiled back at me, her dark blue eyes more noticeable than ever. And then, she took a step forward, right up to me, staring at me with a hard look in her eyes. Her head moved forward, and without even thinking about it, I found mine moving back. Amy stared at me as if she had been slapped, and then…
“I should get going, I have to be at the station at 12”, she said suddenly, pulling back.
I too was kicked back to my senses, but I took it in stride, despite the fact I had no idea what just happened.
“That’s OK. Do you want a lif-“
“No”, she replied, in a sharp tone, answering before I even asked the question. “It’ll be good for me to walk for a while.”
Amy seemed very hesitant and confused, as she put her hoodie back on, and believe me, the feeling was mutual. She wanted to say something, but found her unable to do it. I found myself being more scared than I have in years.
“Bye, David. Thanks for the coffee.” She said, opening the front door.
Standing at the doorway, she gave me a hug that seemed to linger before pulling her hood over her head and briskly walking away.
I watched her walk away, before closing the door, feeling unnerved. My mind was spinning, still wondering what the hell just happened. It can’t be what I thought it was. I sat back down on the sofa, staring blankly at the cup on the coffee table, before the ringing phone brought me back.
Over the next few weeks, I found myself being a lot more confident. I found myself changing with no conscious reason. A new self, meeting with people after work, getting drunk and having a good time. My new attitude certainly got me more popular with my colleagues, though I was careful to still do the work and never overdo my new self. After all, I was the CEO, and was expected to be the responsible one.
I also noticed the amount of attractive females in the office, women I hadn’t noticed for years and found myself flirting around them, especially towards Sarah. I found myself spending more and more time with her, enjoying every second we spent together. And yet, even though I am now happier than I’ve been in years, I could not make that final step. I could not ask her out, something was stopping me.
The constant battle between my will and my mind raged within me, until I decided that this was a simple problem to solve. I wanted to call Sarah, to just ask her out, but I couldn’t. Therefore, I decided not bother. I’ll just stay like this, my new attitude, casual flirting, nothing more. And though I knew it was not fair on her, I figured that this was the best way. And sometimes, for a split second, I almost convince myself of that.
It was absolutely pouring with rain during the journey home. After popping into the local supermarket to stock up on food, I was making my way back to the car, getting soaked, when I accidentally bumped into someone, and was it fate or a huge coincidence that it happened to be her?
“Amy?” I asked, still unable to believe the odds. She looked like she had been outside for hours, she was absolutely drenched. Her clothes had been soaked to the point of being shapeless, and her hood was absolutely failing at keeping her head dry. Carrying a small suitcase with her, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.
“David? Oh my God, what are the chances?” She exclaimed, cheerful, even in this weather. I gestured her to walk with me to my car.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked with concern, as I opened the boot and put the bags and her suitcase in.
“Just a small problem, I’m supposed to stay at my friend’s house, but apparently, her family decided at the last minute for them to all go to their cousin’s house.” Amy said, her casual tone making the whole scenario somehow amusing. “So I’ve been spending the last hour walking around in the rain, trying to find a hotel in this shithole of a city.”
“Well, you’re definitely handling it better than me.” I replied with a laugh. “If that happened to me, you’ll hear my curses from a 2 mile radius, and random people will be shouted at to the point of crying.”
Closing the boot shut, I heard Amy asking me if I knew there were any hotels nearly, when, out of nowhere, I asked:
“Why don’t you stay with me?”
Did I really just say that? Why did I just say that?
“Stay…….. with you?”, Amy asked slowly, and was it just me, or did her eyes light up?
Okay, David, you cannot take back what you just said, so go balls confident.
“Sure, I mean, it’s only one night, right?” I said, making my voice sound as casual as possible. “It’s seems like an easier choice than paying for a hotel, but it’s your choice.”
Amy seemed to consider the option, but somehow, I knew that she had already decided. She just didn’t want to look too eager. So I waited patiently, and then, a few seconds later:
“Sure, I guess that’s fine.” Amy replied, with a smile. As she got in the car, I looked up, knowing that the weather was definitely getting worse. Sighing, I got into my car as well, and started the car. Somewhere in the back of my mind, as I was pulling out of the spot, I wondered if Amy staying over was a good idea, but I chose to ignore that thought, and started to drive back home.
We reached my house about half an hour later, during which the rain had become a storm. Lightning frequently streaked across the sky, followed by the deafening sound of thunder. The rain battered us without mercy as we made our way up the path, and Amy huddled close to me to shelter her from the worst of the downpour. Reaching the front door, I gave my keys to her (I was carrying the bags and suitcase), and she quickly opened the door, before rushing inside, eager to get out of the downpour. I followed suit, closing the door behind me before placing the bags on the hallway, as we laughed our heads off for no real reason.
After calming down, I turned to Amy, and said, “Feel free to choose one of the rooms upstairs to stay in.” She thanked me in reply, and walked up the stairs. A small part of me stared at her ass as she walked up, how it moved with every step, before I forced myself to look away.
“The room on the far right is mine, so not that one”, I called after her, as I placed my jacket on the radiator, before following her upstairs and then to my room, wanting to change into some dry clothes. Rummaging through the mountain of clothes strewed on the floor, I found a t-shirt and some denim trousers, and put them on. After a brief thought, I put on some deodorant as well, to mask the smell of rain. Checking my reflection and finding it suitable, I was making my way back downstairs, when Amy suddenly came out of her room, and walked straight into me.
“Sorry David, didn’t look where I was going” Amy said apologetically.
“No problem, it was my fault, I’m not used to having someone else at the house.” I replied with a wary smile. Budging past her, I was on the stairs when she asked:
“Hey, do you mind if I use your bathroom? I really need a hot shower after all that time in the rain.”
My mind flashed on an image of Amy showering for second.
“No, it’s fine. Bathroom’s over there.” I replied casually before going downstairs, telling myself to get a grip.
While making dinner (I figured I might as well cook since I had a guest), I convinced myself that the sexual thoughts I had of Amy was just because of the whole scenario. If it was any other girl that was staying over at my house, it would probably have the same effect on me. It had nothing to do with her.
Amy is…….was Kyra’s friend; she’s like a second daughter for me. I have nothing but fatherly feelings for her, and I repeated this to myself several times. And yet…
Having finished cooking, I decided to take a break and watch a football match that some of my friends were talking about for the past week. Sure enough, it was a hell of a game, being tied at 1-all, and some spectacular skills and fouls. I was immersed in the game, that I didn’t hear Amy walking in. It was only when she asked if there was any dinner, then I turned to her, and froze.
Amy’s choice of clothing was very………form-fitting. She was wearing pink pyjama bottoms that clung to her legs tightly, showing off her long legs and ass rather well. To go with that, a white tank top that was slightly small for her, allowing me to see her bust very clearly and the outline of a bra. It also allowed me to see a thin slice of navel, and that combined with everything else, made her look…….
She met my curious glare, and I nodded at her clothing.
“Oh, that”, she sighed. “I was only supposed to be staying with my friend for the night, and only brought my bedtime clothes and the clothes which are now drenched, so that doesn’t leave me much choice. Besides, you should see the clothes she wears at night. ”
“So, both of you spend the night together in one room, with clothes like that. Anything else you want to tell me?” I said in a nudging tone and raised eyebrows, before I could stop myself.
“I guess that it is really true that men don’t age mind-wise”, she replied with a small grin, and I counted myself off the hook, still unable to believe I had said that. More surprising, she didn’t seem to mind, in fact, it seems to have the opposite effect.
Walking past me, Amy settled down on the sofa against the side wall. I gave her the remote, asking her if she was sure that she wanted dinner now, as it was only quarter past 7. She replied yes, so I made my way to the kitchen, coming back a few minutes later with two plates of Italian pasta, with my custom-made sauce, with a dash of spice (Say what you want, but I’ve always been proud of my cooking).
Judging by her reaction as she ate, Amy was definitely a fan.
“My god, this is delicious!” she said, or something similar to that as her mouth was full with pasta.
“Thanks”, I replied. "It was nothing."
“Spare the modesty, after making food this good, you’re allowed to show off about it.”
“Well, I do what I can”, I replied with a laugh, before turning back to the T.V.
Unfortunately, Amy had decided to watch some romantic film, which wasn’t really one of my preferences, but she’s the guest so I decided to just suffer through it and watched it without really paying attention.
A while later, after both of us were done eating, as I turned my head, meaning to check the clock, my eyes skimmed over Amy, before coming back to fix on her. Because the sofa was to the side, she was sitting along the sofa, her legs resting on the armrest. My eyes ran over her long legs; how the tight pyjamas showed it off, before moving to her breasts, hidden underneath that tank-top. Again, I was fascinated by the roundness of her tits, and told myself it had to be a push-up bra, there’s no way a natural breast could defy gravity like that, unless there’s silicone involved. But she can’t have…
Amy moved slightly, and I hurriedly turned back to watch the film. Of course, after that, every so often, I would stare at her out of the corner of my eye, admiring her body. At one point, her tank-top had gone up slightly as she stretched. Now, I’d never been a navel guy, but seeing her smooth abs and belly button….
Of course, every time I did look at her, I would look away guiltily a few seconds later, telling myself to get a grip. But believe me, it wasn’t easy.
As the movie reached it’s climax (the two main characters getting together, really, are you even surprised?), out of nowhere, Amy asked, “Have you thought about getting married again?”
Funny, I should be offended that she asked such a personal question, but I couldn’t help but notice that I never thought about it. Was there another marriage in my future?
“I don’t know,” I replied truthfully, after a moment of thought. “I don’t know if I could.”
“That’s ridiculous. You can’t stay like this forever”, Amy said passionately. “Imagine if you had died, would you want Jeanne to remain unmarried for the rest of her life?”
Her logic was undeniable, but I chose to ignore it, saying, “It’s not that simple, Amy.”
In response, she turned the T.V off, grabbed a chair and set it down in front of me, before sitting down on it.
Looking directly into my eyes, her dark blue into my pale grey, she said “David, it’s me. You always been there for me when I was young, I just want to repay the favour.”
I sat there, on the sofa, wondering what I should do. Part of me wants to just go to bed and let this day end, but talking to someone about a problem always lessens the burden, right?
“Ok, Amy”, I sighed. “You’re right, I should be trying to move on with my life, but I can’t and trust me, I tried. There’s this girl called Sarah in my office, I like her and I’m pretty sure that she likes me too, but guess what? Every time I go to ask her out, my mouth clamps shut. SOMETHING STOPS ME, EVERY SINGLE TIME! So, it’s not like I have a choice about remaining single, because I can’t even ask a girl out, even though sometimes, I’m really………well that doesn’t really matter. So tell me, Amy, what’s your diagnosis?”
A moment of awkward silence followed my tirade. To be honest, I did feel slightly better having let out some of my rage.
Amy’s response, when it came, came slowly, as if she was choosing her words carefully.
“Whatever stopping you from moving on is something that you have been keeping inside you for a long time, that much I can say. This is a delayed reaction.”
After a pause, Amy said slowly, “I have an idea.”
“Please, anything to help me out here.”
“Trying to solve a problem through force never helps. It’s like when you are doing an exam. You would never remember the answer by forcing it to appear. But if you try blanking out your mind and letting the answer come to you….”
“Seriously?”, I said with disbelief. “That never works in real life.”
“Have you tried?”
Amy gave me a stern look in reply, so with a sigh, figuring I might as well give it a shot, I slowed down my breathing and closed my eyes.
Right, I thought to myself, trying to ignore the ridiculousness of what I’m doing, Start blanking, Brain.
I don’t know how long I sat there, but incredibly, after a while, I found that Amy was telling the truth, kind of. By letting my mind relax, sitting in silence, thoughts and memories came at me, things I never even thought twice about. I sat there, waiting for it to come to me. I don’t know how long it took, but in a split second, I understood and I couldn’t believe that the answer escaped me for so long. How did I not see this before? How blind must have I been?
Opening my eyes, the first thing I saw was Amy’s dark blue eyes, staring at me with concern.
“Well, did it work?” she asked.
I gave a sigh, and under Amy’s questioning look, simply said, “It’s guilt.”
She looked at me as if I was crazy, before saying, “Because?”
“Jeanne and Kyra”, I replied, my voice heavy. “I was never there for them. My work took up so much of my time. I…Sometimes, I wondered if Kyra hated me for that. I tried, you have to believe me, but I couldn’t make it to every… Hell, I almost missed her birth, what kind of father would miss the birth of his own child? As she grew older, I spent less and less time at home. You should know about that, when you were staying here, how many times was I also there?”
I paused, finding it difficult to keep talking. What I had always known now hits me with full force.
“I may have earned money for them. I may have provided for them”, I said with effort. “But I wasn’t a good husband, or a good father.”
As I let the words hit me, a deep sense of self-loathing erupted in my chest. Disgusted with myself, I stood up, wanting to go upstairs and sleep.
However, Amy stood up too, and simply said, “You’re wrong.”
I made to argue my point, but she hushed me with a wave of her hand.
“No, listen. It might be true that you weren’t around much, but when you were, you took care of your wife and Kyra better than most fathers who are always around. Trust me, you were a much better father to Kyra than my dad was to me. You worked for them, and you really think that they’ll hate you for it?”
“I know that Kyra never hated you. When I was with her, never a day went past without her saying how awesome you are, at least once. The days that you weren’t there for her, you more than made up for it in the days that you were. Kyra loved you. Your wife loved you. In fact, the only person that hates you is you, and you don’t even have a valid reason for it.”
Amy stepped up to me and grabbed my shoulders, looked straight into my eyes, saying, “The amount of love you had for Jeanne and Kyra was nothing compared to the love they had for you, and they would be heartbroken if they could hear you right now.”
I found myself unable to disagree with her, as much as I wanted to. I don’t know how long I stood there, in silence, but suddenly, my eyes began to water, thinking of Kyra’s laugh, Jeanne’s smile, the three of us together. I had never cried at the funeral, but now, I found tears running down my face, and without knowing why, I just broke down. I barely felt Amy’s comforting embrace, just cried my heart out for Jeanne and Kyra, my lost family.
I left the house a while later, leaving Amy in charge. I needed fresh air, and decided to take a walk to clear my mind. Thankfully, the storm had died down; there was not a cloud in sight. The night sky seemed clearer than usual, and the stars shone brighter than I had ever seen.
Amy’s words still echoed in my mind as I walked, making me realise how stupid I’ve been. It’s doesn’t matter if I wasn’t around as much as I could have been, I did right by my wife and child. I mindlessly walked round town and found myself at the local park. I smiled as memories poured in, Kyra on the swings, her laughter. Sighing with weariness, I walked in and wiped the raindrops off a bench, the same bench where Jeanne and I used to sit, and sat down. The good times rolled through my mind, and I soon found myself laughing like hell. I have no idea why, but the night echoed with the sound of my crazy, giddy laughter.
It was at that moment, while laughing, that I realised that the guilt would never bother me again. I had loved Jeanne and Kyra, and cruel fate had taken them away. But that was no reason to be miserable, I should be celebrating life in their memory, and if that means moving on, then so be it, I know that they’ll support me.
Content, I laid back and watched the night sky, the cold barely affecting me. It is amazing how the twinkle of stars could be so fascinating. Before I knew it, it was 10 o’clock and I decided to head back.
The journey home seemed to pass in no time, my mind completely at peace. Before I knew it, I was opening the front door and was making my way to the living room.
Amy was sitting on the sofa, apparently lost in her own thoughts, and didn’t notice me until I coughed slightly.
Her eyes lit up when she saw me, and she gave me a warm smile. She stood up.
“So, how do you feel now?” she asked as she walked up to me.
“Better, and it’s because of you. I’ll owe you more than you’ll ever know.”
To my surprise, she came up to me and embraced me. After the initial shock, I hugged her back, enjoying the warmth and comfort after being in the cold for so long. My left hand went to her lower back, while my right went up to stroke her hair. I had no logical explanation for doing that, but it felt right. She gave a content sigh at the content and snuggled into me, resting her head on my shoulders. That’s when I started getting nervous, but convinced myself that I was overreacting.
After a while, she pulled back, her hands on my shoulders. There was a hard look in her eyes, the same look as last time. As my mind flashed warning lights, she leant forward, and this time, I found myself unable to move. Her lips brushed mine gently, and before I knew it, I was kissing her back. The feel of her lips brought a part of me that had been buried for so long, and so, I didn’t even think about what I was doing. It was only when I felt her tongue slip into my mouth that I stopped, with surprise.
Comprehension came a split second later. Confused and disgusted with myself, I pushed her away.
“What the Hell!” I yelled, more to myself than her.
Amy looked at me, with a hurt look in her eyes. That look made me feel guilty, even though I technically had done nothing wrong. And then, the look changed into cold fury.
“Amy, what was that about? Why did you…”
“Are you thick?” she asked in a cold tone. “Do you really not understand?”
I don’t think I’ve been this confused in my life. I had no idea what was going on, or maybe I didn’t want to accept what I thought was going on. Either way, I said nothing in reply. There was a long pause while I tried to find the words.
“Amy”, I said slowly. “You’re like family to me. I don’t understand why you would do-“
“Well, I don’t think of you like that. For me, you’ll always be my first crush, the first person I…..had feelings for.”
“Do you want to know the main reason why I came here two months ago?”
I said nothing in reply, just listened.
“Living in an apartment and my parent’s divorce, it just made me feel…lonely. Even when I’m with my friends, it feels like I’m unwanted. I don’t know how you deal with it, but living on your own is hard for me. I’m used to being cared for all my life, and you’re mostly to blame for that. And then, when I found the chain, I remembered about you.”
Her face was red with embarrassment, but she didn’t stop.
“I had a crush on you since I was 12. You were dependable. You cared about me. You-”
She came to a halt, her face scarlet, like she just realised what she was saying.
As for me, I felt like I’d been struck by lightning. Again, I was amazed by my ignorance and stupidity. How did I not see this before?
“Amy, I don’t understand. Do you-”
“Yes” she said softly, “I don’t want to marry you, or to be your girlfriend or anything like that. It’s just that I want to be with you, and that’s still a type of love.”
“Amy, these feelings you have are not uncommon”, I said with a sigh, ignoring the perverted thoughts ramming into my head. “It’s just an attraction and it will-”
“Do I look like I’m 12? I’m 20 now, and I can tell you the feelings I have for you aren’t going that easily.”
I just groaned with frustration, and looking straight at her, said, “Amy, I don’t know what more I can say to make you understand.”
She stared at me for a long time, searching for something, before she sighed and turned away, replying “You don’t need to. I’ll just go upstairs, leave you alone. Thank you for letting me stay here.”
And with that, she left the room, looking to be on the point of tears. I wanted to comfort her but found myself unable to find the words, so I let her go, before falling back to the couch, the inner battles in my head overwhelming me.
I must have dozed off soon after that, for I found myself waking up 2 hours later. Rubbing my eyes, I yawned before stretching my muscles. I enjoyed about a minute of ignorant bliss before the day’s events hit me. Amy staying over, the kiss, her confession, everything.
Placing my hands on my head, I groaned. Who do you blame in this situation? Somehow, I don’t think it can be put on either one of us. I want to be able to help her, like she helped me, but….how I am supposed to sleep with someone who’s like a daughter to me?
Hang on; can I even call her that? I mean, most fathers don’t usually have fantasies involving their daughters, do they? And I’m pretty sure I’m not into incest. Or am I?
Jesus Christ, so many questions! And not one of them has an answer. Not even one!
Slapping the back of my head, I decided to go to the kitchen. It was there, drinking a glass of iced water, that I remembered how Amy had helped me before.
Was it even possible for it to work twice? No harm in trying.
Not wanting to give myself a chance of backing out, I sat cross-legged on the floor, and closing my eyes, focused on my slow breathing. In…out. Thinking of nothing else. I did that for as long as I could, before opening my eyes and letting the thoughts come to me.
Amy staring at me.
Kyra at the swings, Jeanne taking photos.
Sarah laughing at my joke.
How Amy was like a daughter to me.
Not ‘is’. ‘Was’.
Which surely means that I don’t now, right?
It was 13-year-old Amy that was like a daughter to me, and the simple truth is that the woman staying at my house tonight is not her. After she tried to kiss me during her first visit, I could no longer think of her in that way.
Maybe I wouldn’t be saying this if she had been in my life constantly, but she wasn’t. Try as I could, I couldn’t even picture her as a 13-year-old anymore. I just saw her as she is now, a beautiful, witty young woman and all that I need now was the courage to go up and tell her that.
Standing outside her door, I found myself hesitating. Last minute doubts tried to force me back, but pushing it aside, I knocked on the door. I waited until I heard her reply, and walked in. Amy was standing by the edge of the bed, trying to hide her emotions through a blank face.
“What’s wrong?”, she asked with concern, even after everything, still caring about me. That, more than anything else, made me sure I was doing the right thing.
“Nothing, I just realised that… you were right” I replied, walking up to her.
Amy looked right into my eyes, dark blue into pale grey, and in a shaky voice, asked “About…w-what?”
Placing a hand on her lower back, I gently pulled her towards me and brushed her upper lip with my finger. Amy shuddered in my hold, and before she could say anything else, I moved forward and kissed her.
Her eyes widened in shock, before she moaned in my mouth and started kissing me back. This time, however, it was me that started parting her lips with my tongue, and with her permission, started venturing its depths. Amy was literally shaking in my hands, and withdrawing my tongue back, I gently tugged at her bottom lip while running my hand up her back, before pulling back, saying “About that”.
Brushing a stray strand of hair from her face, as her whole body shivered with the contact, I waited for her reply. She started at me with a hard look in her eyes, a look that made me think I had gone too far and that I was going to get slapped for it, but before I could begin to apologise, she literally tackled me. The momentum forced me back, as she kissed me ferociously. As my back hit the wall, my hands went down and grabbing her ass, pushed her higher up my body. Amy got the idea and wrapped her legs around my waist, the whole time kissing me with so much force, I couldn’t help but think of nothing else.
Locked in our vertical embrace, I didn’t notice the bed in my way, and as the back of my knees connected with it, I fell back on the mattress, Amy sprawling on top of me. I found that gently biting her bottom lip made her even more enthusiastic, and abused it for all I could, until finally, she broke away to breathe.
Both of us were gasping like mad, and my heart was beating so hard that it was actually hurting me slightly. I hadn’t felt passion like this for a while, and combining that with Amy’s exuberance, it was like an old man who had been deaf all his life suddenly listening to… dubstep. Wearing headphones. At full volume. And the effect was good.
“Hell, Amy, I never felt anything like that for a long time” I sighed, with content.
She looked down at me, saying “It’s your own damn fault, we could have done this two months ago… but no, you had to make me wait.”
Grabbing her, I spun around, and moved so that we were lying lengthwise along the bed, me on top of her.
“Two months, eh? I guess I have to make it worth your while” I replied, and kissed her lips, before slowly moving down. Gently brushing my lips along her neck, enjoying her soft moans, I moved at a very slow pace, wanting to tease her. I placed kisses along the collarbone, while slowly moving her tank top up her body. Amy saw my intentions and pushed herself, lifting her arms to allow me to pull it away from her, revealing a dark-blue bra that I quickly unstrapped before tossing it aside. And it was then I finally had the answer to a question I had been wondering about since I first saw her. Definitely not fake.
Her breasts were perfect, I’m guessing a B size, but it stuck firmly out of her body, and it’s firmness… I gently placed my hands over them, and rubbing the nipples with my thumb, squeezed slightly, and hell, did it feel incredible!
Amy whimpered as I played with her nipples, tugging them slightly and watching how they stuck out. I was fascinated by her breasts and couldn’t stop myself even if I wanted to. Grabbing her, I rolled her over so she was on top of me and aligned myself with her left nipple. Seeing the anticipation on her face, I did everything I could to prolong the inevitable, rubbing my hands along her back while brushing her nipples with my lips. I don’t even know why, but seeing Amy frustrated was a huge turn-on for me.
But of course, the human resolve can only be held to a limit, and when she literally tries to force the breast on my mouth, I guessed I had delayed it by enough, and gently licked her nipple. Amy shifted suddenly under my grasp, and continued to move while I attacked her nipple with my tongue. I gently bit her nipples a few times, before I latched onto a nipple and began to suck.
She must be an incredibly sensitive there, for she gave a great moan of pleasure before grabbing my head and pushed it further into her breast. For me, her nipple tasted just like any other part of the skin but the knowledge of what it was doing to her was giving me more satisfaction that I ever thought I could feel without physically wanking.
As this point, she pulled my head up to her and kissed me, forcing our tongues into a savage duel. I was feeling every part of her I could reach, before pushing me down, whispering “Please…”
I didn’t have to wait long to understand what she was asking me to do. As I kissed down her navel, the scent of her arousal caught my attention and with curiosity, I moved down and slowly removed her pyjama bottoms and panties, before freezing with surprise.
To say that she was ‘wet’ is a huge understatement, she was absolutely drenched. Jesus, this girl was horny. Tracing a line through her slit, I brushed her swollen lips, and heard her hiss with pleasure.
It’s been a long time since I last did this, but some things you don’t forget. Lowering my face to her pussy, I gently blew into it, teasing her, before running my tongue down her slit in one sweep, making her jerk violently. The taste of her juices was something that I could get used to, having an underlying sweetness to it, but I was still unsure about it, and so taking things very slow at first, gently laving her outer lips with my saliva, enjoying making her squirm as I hovered my thumb over her clit, brushing it slightly every now and then.
Amy’s increased moans turned me on even more, and when I finally couldn’t resist anymore and there was a chance of her physically hurting me in her frustration, I stuck my tongue and started licking every inch of her pussy, using the sounds she made to judge her sensitive spots. I avoided her clit, wanting to see if I could make her cum without using that, and so spent most of my time searching with my tongue, diving deep into her depths. Surprisingly, I found that the taste did get better and better the more I tasted it, and figured it was an acquired taste that can be picked up very quickly.
I worked her for as long as I could, and every now and then, she would jerk slightly with what I thought to be mini-orgasms until inevitably, I felt her moans increase in volume and pitch, her legs starting to tremble and her entire body starting to lock up. Knowing how close she was, I placed my mouth over her cunt and mercilessly attacked her clit, flicking my tongue against it rapidly.
Amy jerked up and gave a loud cry as her orgasm finally hit, as my mouth flooded with her juices. I did everything I could to sustain her orgasm for as long as possible, until finally, she collapsed back on the bed, and I drew back. Moving so I was lying next to her to her, I drew her in and embraced her while she got her breath back.
Gradually, she stopped shaking in my arms, and found enough strength to say, “That was…unexpected. I never expected for you to be that good.”
“Ah well, Jeanne was pretty wild in bed, and she pretty much gave me… very informative lessons about how to be better in bed.”
Amy fell silent, running a finger down my chest as if lost in thought. Nervous, but trying to hide it, I asked, “So what now?”
“I don’t want to leave halfway. I want to see this through to the end.”
“Are you a- well, have you had sex before?” I asked hesitantly, knowing how some girls get offended by the question.
“Once or twice, but they were pretty forgettable. But with you…”
I smiled, as Amy straddled me and grabbed my dick, the sudden contact causing me to moan. As she aligned the head with her cunt, I said, “Last chance, are you sure you want to do this?”
She gave a wry smile, and taking a deep breath, started pushing herself down. I felt the resistance build and build until suddenly, the head of my dick popped inside her. Amy hissed at the way it was stretching her cunt, a reaction that was shared by me, as she was very tight.
She looked so uncomfortable that I lifted myself up to pull away, but she forcefully pushed me back down.
“Amy, I-“
“Just hold me for a while, please?”
Sighing, I held her against me; my arms wrapped around her as she gradually became more comfortable. As she forced herself down a bit further, her nipples were brought within range of my mouth and so, wanting to help her, I gently started to flick them with my tongue, at the same time, my right hand moving to rub her clit, the combination quickly bringing her to another orgasm, and her newly-lubricated cunt finally allowed my dick to fully sink into her.
We both groaned as we felt the head of my dick colliding with her cervix, and it took all strength to stay still, so Amy can adjust. Of course, the warmth and feel made that job near impossible and it seemed that my dick was getting harder every second, but as Amy’s lips found mine, all that seemed irrelevant. Surprisingly, I found this to be more than just sex, but…
Amy slowly started moving up and down, and every other thought in my head just vanished. I just sat back and enjoyed the sensations it caused. Her pace slowly increased, never lifting herself than a few centimetres. I pushed myself up and locking my arms around her waist, slowly started lifting her higher.
Amy gave up and just allowed me to do it as she writhed in my arms. Her moans and whimpers only increased my desire to make her cum, and so, I altered the angle I was penetrating her every so often, watching her reactions, waiting for…
Amy suddenly wailed and her entire body shook as my cock brushed her G-spot, and abandoning all restraint, I flipped her over, gave her a quick kiss and pounded my dick into her.
I kind of lost focus then, the only things I could see was her face and eyes, as she started into me. The only thing I could hear was her screams of pleasure. The only thing we both knew was the feelings, and by god, was it good.
When I felt the pressure building up, I altered my angle so my dick was constantly rubbing against her clit, working her slowly, and when I felt the tell-tale signs of her orgasm coming, I moved to her lips and pulling my cock out to the head, paused. As she stared at me with confusion, I rammed my dull length into her, kissing her so that she moaned in my mouth as her orgasm hit. The pulsing of her cunt was too much for me, and I found myself cumming right after her, filing her with my warm fluid. As we both come down from our orgasm, I fell away from her, causing a pop as my dick left her warm hole. Panting with exhaustion, sweat covering my body, I managed to force out the words, “We’re going to need a shower.”
“It can wait”, Amy replied with a smile, before lying on top of me, her head on my chest. As her breathing deepened, I wrapped my arms around her, feeling happier than I have for a while, before I fell into the arms of sleep too.
Amy spent the whole week in my house, as she was on holiday while I had a week off, so maybe fate/destiny/giant guy in the clouds was looking out for me and maybe someday, I’ll find the strength to write about what happened during that week.
But for now, I found myself at the end, having taken her to the local station, and waiting with her for the train. During our many discussions, we had agreed that she would stay with me during her holidays from now on, and that she could visit me any time she likes. Having the excess money from being a CEO, and despite her many objections, I finally convinced her to allow me to make a monthly deposit in her bank, as I figured it would be more use to her, especially with rent. We also talked about our relationship, and we weren’t dating, just caring and helping each other out mentally, physically and sexually. The kind of relationship that would be considered unwise in most cases, but with us, seems perfect.
As we heard the train coming, Amy gave me a very passionate kiss before she pulled away, saying “My next break is in two months, and trust me, look forward to it. I’ll have a few surprises for you”.
Knowing it would drive me mad if I pondered on it too long, I simply replied, “Good to know, I’ll see you then, and who knows, maybe I’ll have a few surprises as well.”
A final hug and meeting of lips, then she got on the train. A final wave as the train began to depart and then, she was gone. For now.
As I walked back to my car, I took my phone out and considered whether I should take the risk, if this was fair on her. For all I know, this could all blow up in my face if she doesn’t understand my relationship with Amy, but that’s the thing. We can’t tell the future. The only way to know is to take a leap of faith.
Dialling her number, I waited till I heard Sarah say, “Hi, David.”
“Hey, are you busy?” I asked.
“Not really, in fact quite bored. Why?”
“Well, I was just wondering… I wanted to ask…if you would like to go get a cup of coffee.”
And that is that. If you enjoyed this story, please rate positive and leave comments. Any constructive criticisms is greatly appreciated, so I can write better. I am already planning a second story, and if this one gets high ratings, I’ll post the second one soon.
Wow I cried in this story and I almost never cry in writing, except for the most realistic and emotional stories. You are a great writer, the best I have seen in years.
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Waiting for Part 2....
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