Older bioengineer brother gives younger brother a sex change
Hi this is my first time writing anything so I'd like your opinion on it .
This has some themes like younger the adult sex so be warned .
Today's my fourteenth birth day . My brother is a famous bioengineer and has made a lot of money in his career. He is coming home for my birth day and also the fruneral of his wife . She died in a car accetent on the way home .
I hear a knock at the door and see that it's David my brother . I run down the stairs and open the door sense mom is in the back doing the garden stuff .
" happy birth day , Jarry " David said . He had black patchs under his eyes from lack of sleep . His eyes that used to look happy , now look sad and depressing .
" hi David , I'm sorry for ant Carry " I said
" it's not your fault , little buddy " he said while messing up my blond hair . I have blue eyes like the sky , while that's what my mom says but the kids at school say it makes me a dumb blond .
" can we still go to the ice-cream shop ?" I asked
" sure , we can still go " he said . There's a place in town really called the ice-cream shop and it's very good .
" yay " I said befor running to the back yard where moms at .when I see her I ask
" mom can I go to the ice-cream shop with David ?"
She looks up befor saying " sure , it's your birth day . Go have fun "
I yell happy as I run back to the front .
" mom says we can go " I say happily
" great let's go " David says befor walking over to his black hummer .
We listened to kids music while driving . David kept giving me weird looks but I did not know what they ment . When we reached the Ice-cream shop. I got out and followed David inside .
We walked over to the stand and I ordered a homemade ice-cream bar and went to the rest room .
After I was done , I ran to the table where David was at . I sat down and we said small talk . I started eating and almost as soon as I started . I felt dizzy and had a head ache .I started to see dark spots around my vision . It started to get darker and darker but befor I fully went under . I saw David giving me a evil smile .
I wolk up to the sound of beeping , lots of beeping . I tried to open my eyes but the felt like stones . When I finally got my eyes open , I saw a giant wall mirror . I saw that there was a lot of computer equipment and two chairs by a bed .
In the bed was a girl with blue eyes and blond hair . She was in a hospital gown and blue panties . She had small breast but they looked good on her . She looked around my age . She also had restraints on het arms .
I moved around a little to get in a better seating place and the girl did too . I moved back and the girl did the same thing at the same exact time .
" stop copying me " I said . Instead of my normal voice , a high pitch girls voice came out . I then relized that the girl is me . I let out a high pitch scream and cryied . Lots of tears fell from my eyes .
Then a hidden door opened up and out came David with a lab coat and a smug smile on his face . He wales up to me .
"help me David , we need to find out who did this to me" I said
" oh , there's no need for that Jarry or should I say Carry . I'm the one who did it " says David
" but why David , I love you "
" oh that's the point , when my beloved Carry died with my un-born child . I was devestated but when I saw you today . I decided to bring you to my lab and change you DNA a little . You might not love me as the original Carry but you will do . I changed you so that if you were born female , then you would look like this . Everything is perfect . Including your virginity " he said the last part with a laugh .
" please change me back " I begged .
" why would I do something like that . You need me and I need you " with that he came toward and grabbed the end of my dress . When it would not go the way he wanted he ripped it off . When the cold air hit my skin . My newly formed nipples grew hard .
" oh, so perfect " said David befor he started sucking on my left one .I tried to move my nipple out of his month but I can't with my hands attached to the table .
" no David , stop " I said but he just sucked hard . Something weird started happening . Me newly developed viagina started to get wet .
" David please stop " I begged but instead of stoping he went to my right one . He started to lightly bite it and it made my viagina even wetter .
" David stop now " again he egnored me and got up . I'm thinking ' thank god he's done ' but he just went to were my legs were . He started to poke at my blue panties and a squishing sound came from it . He looked at me with a insainly happy smile and said .
" your almost ready . I only have to do alittle more "
' oh no ' I think
He starts to pull them off and I try to kick him but he crabs my legs with one hand and continues to pull them off . When he did he put them to his nose and started smelling it .
Sould I continue ???
Should I do another part . Please tell me and I'll do it .
First I would like to say thank you for your courage to write your own story. You should continue, because as you do your skills as a writer will improve. Writting is an art, nobody paints like Picaso the first time out, and likewise nobody writes like Hemmingway at first crack.
It had a few common spelling and grammar errors, but thankfully you didn't run the whole thing together in one huge paragraph. Separating your dialogs between characters is nice.
Ok so ur age is a secret, and ur experementing with ur sexuality, your either very young or old. But u said fourteenth so Im guesing ur from twelve to Fifteen urs old?,
It had a few common spelling and grammar errors, but thankfully you didn't run the whole thing together in one huge paragraph. Separating your dialogs between characters is nice.
I look forward to reading more.
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