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This is a story of incest between a brother and sister and their the games that they play.
Jim and Maggie Martins owned an insurance company in a typical small town right smack in the heartland of the U.S. of A. He was the actual agent and his wife helped him out with all of the details. They were a team and moderately successful in the 20 plus years that they ran it. In a small town, everyone knows the banker, the insurance agent and the mortician in that order because sooner or later, you’ll need the services each one of those professions.

The Martin’s lived out on Farmers Road in a new subdivision with their family Wes and Peggy, both in high school. They belonged to the Country Club and played golf on the weekend and Bridge on Friday nights, every Friday night. Wes was a baseball player on the varsity team and Peggy was a mid distance runner on the track team. Both were very good at their chosen endeavors and for a junior and sophomore, excelled to a legendary status, with Wes, the elder of the two, being placed on the all-state team while Peggy took second in the 800 meter at the state meet. It was quite an accomplishment for them both and their parents were so proud of them that they almost burst their buttons at the Club.

After their business, Bridge took up a great bit of time and love in the Martin’s lives and so when they went to play, Wes and Peggy were on their own. It almost turned into a ritual every Friday night that Wes and Peggy would order a pizza and go down into the game room and play each other in several games of Nine Ball. They each got very good with a pool stick and soon the competition got pretty heated. Although they were fiercely competitive, especially with each other, they were the best of friends in their daily lives, being only a year apart in ages, and truly royal to one another despite all else. So on this one Friday evening when the nine balls were racked up and they were ready to break, the competitive spirit came out in them both and, well, here’s what happened.

Peggy was a tiny little squirt, being only 5’ tall and weighing a mere 95 pounds. She was cute as a bugs butt and had a sassy personality that exuded confidence. She had a perfect 4.0 GPA through 10th grade and had developed into a real looker with all of the boys at school. She had a well proportioned figure that was growing into a beautiful young lady but now if her actions would only grow up to match her body then she would be a fine catch for any boy that she chose.

Wes was a handsome 17 year old junior, soon to be senior, but he was much more chiseled as far as physical attributes go, being almost 6’ and topping the scales at nearly 170 pounds. He was the heartthrob of every class of girls from 9th to 12th grade and many dreamt of losing their virginity to this fine specimen of a male but only one ever succeeded. So on this Friday night they gathered around the pool table to square off for yet another competition of Nine Ball and the smack was already starting the heat up between them.

“Get your ball behind the line,” Wes said as he noticed that Peggy was trying to cheat on the lag. “God, Sis, I can’t trust you an inch can I?”

“Oh shit Bro, one inch isn’t going to make a hill’s bit of difference is it?” she countered. “One, two three,” she counted off the stroke as they each pushed their lag shot down the table to ricochet off of the far rail and coast back toward the near rail. Wes had judged it nearly perfectly but as it traveled just a hair too much and bounced off the second rail, Peggy had managed to stop hers a little short of its target and therefore won the opening break and with Nine Ball, you want to have the break at every turn.

“Get ready to lose again Bro because I feel it coming on tonight,” Peggy said as she let the cue fly at the rack and it met it with a “crack” as the balls flew apart. The Four and Two Balls found the corner pocket as Peggy grabbed the chalk and stalked her next shot on the One Ball. Wes had noticed that she was wearing a loosely fitting blouse with big sleeve openings that was almost falling off of her shoulders as she circled the table and as she bent over to aim her next shot, it fell down her front exposing her entire chest and tummy and even the top of her cutoffs that she was wearing. He was looking intently at the fleshy part of her boobs as her bra fell away just as she looked up into his eyes.

“God, you pervert,” she yelled pushing the front of her blouse back up to cover her chest. “Isn’t Carol giving you any so you have to check out your only sister? Shit Wes, give a girl some privacy why don’t you.”

“Well, if you’re going to stick them out like that then I’m going to look,” he said in his own defense.

“Oh God,” she said letting her blouse fall open again as she let go of her shot. Standing up and putting her hand on the front of her blouse once again, she muttered to herself, “Pervert,” as the One Ball found the side pocket. She moved over to line up the Three Ball and as she started to bend down again, she told Wes to move away from the opposite side of the table so he couldn’t look down her open blouse again. He refused her request with a wry grin on his face so she bent over and slammed the Three Ball hard into the corner pocket.

“Get a nice view?” she asked, circling the table to judge her next shot.

“Oh about as good as Timmy gets every Saturday night,” he told her.

She aimed at the Five Ball as she spat out, “Yeah, doesn’t he wish. He is an octopus went it comes to making out, all hands and arms but nothing else. Shit,” she said with discuss, “Your turn.” She turned the table over to her brother and went to the other side to watch as he took a shot at the Five.

“How are you and Carol doing anyway? Is she giving you any yet,” she asked in a matter of fact tone.
“You know that she tells all of the girls that she’s still a virgin and she’s going to stay that way until she gets married. What do you have to say about that?”

He sunk the Five Ball and moved his attention to the Six as he said, “You know that I never kiss and tell Sis, so don’t even go there.”

He sunk the Six and as he lined up for the Seven, she muttered something under her breath just as he stroked the cue ball and he missed his shot as the Seven Ball almost went in but hit the cushion to the side and stayed out of the pocket. She smiled as she circled the table to chalk up her cue once again.

They talked about sex all of the time just as they would discuss the weather between each other. They loved to tease the other and it got kind of carried away sometime but on this particular Friday evening, just as Peggy was bending over her shot on the Seven Ball, Wes gave her a proposal.

“Hey, let’s make our little game a bit more competitive. Let’s play for, ah, lets say, a piece of clothing per game,” he said with a teasing smile on his face.

She looked up at his smiling face and asked, “You mean, Strip Nine Ball?” and sunk the Seven with ease and as the cue ball met the Nine and knocked it in for the win, she said, “Okay, that’s my game. Take off your tee shirt, Pervert.”

Looking at her with disgusted in his eyes, he said to her, “Hey, I’m at a disadvantage already. You’ve got four things on and I only have three so we need to start over.”

“No way Jose. If you want to play for clothes then I’ll take that shirt,” she told him with a sense of defiance in her voice.

He thought for a second and then pulled it over his head.

“You’re going to be so sorry that you ever suggested this Bro and I’m going to love seeing you prance around in your nothings with your thingy hanging out. That’s going to be fun. Can I take a picture of it?” she asked with a big smile on her face.

Wes knew that he had to settle down and really start playing if he was going to win this little competition of
his so as she aimed in on the pack with her break, he got to the other side of the table and gave her an exaggerated stare at her open blouse but she slammed the cue ball into the pack and the Nine Ball made it way slowly over to the corner and barely rolled in.

She shrieked with laughter as she shouted out with glee, “I’ll take those shorts of your big Bro and in a second I’ll take your boxers too.”

Wes slipped his shorts off of his hips and wondered if it had been such a good idea to suggest this game. “My God,” he thought, “If she breaks like that again, I’m dead.”

She sighted in her shot once again and slammed the cue ball into the rack and all nine balls started to careen all around the table with the Nine Ball heading towards the same corner. But this time, it didn’t have quite enough momentum and stopped just short of the pocket. No other ball went down as she grinned widely and told him, “Shit Bro, you got real lucky on that one. You almost had to get naked just for me.”

But as he surveyed the table, he noticed that he had a combination shot with the One Ball into the Nine and if he pulled it off then the tables would be turned in his favor for awhile. Peggy suddenly saw it too and started to give him some crap about taking a puppy but before she could make her point, the Nine Ball hit the bottom of the pocket and she had to take off her blouse.

She had a nice chest and her bra that she was wearing was not made for viewing by the public. It was a half bra with the breasts just barely resting in its cups. It was designed to show off a cleavage and it did just that and very well. Peggy almost blushed with embarrassment as she tossed her blouse over to the bench next to the wall. She tucked herself in a little as she slowly walked back to the table not saying a word. The starch had been let out of her sails, at least for the moment anyway, and Wes was starting to enjoy it immensely.

As he lined up his break, Peggy tried real hard to distract him by making all of the noise that she could but when he struck the Cue Ball against the rack and the Nine Ball began to move towards the corner pocket, her heart started to sink and a frown came across her mouth when it made its way to the bottom and he got a big grin on his face.

“Take it off,” he said and watched as her hands went to the waistband of her cutoff jeans and slowly slid them over her tiny little hips. Her panties started to curl down with her tight cutoffs so she had to pull them back into place before she pulled the outer garment totally off and they landed on the floor. As she stepped out of them, her panties were tight against her crotch and Wes detected just a hint of her pubic hair as it dimpled the crotch of her underwear. Her complexion turned to a dark red as she slowly stood back up and she detected that his boxers were starting to stick out a little in front.

She had lost all of her enthusiasm for the game now that she was losing but she still had the advantage, one win to two, until one of them was naked. She racked the balls in the rack but let it slide just a little making it a loose rack and as he struck the balls with the Cue Ball and the pack moved very little, he knew that she had cheated him once again.

She started making her shots one at a time up to the Five Ball and when it suddenly refused to go down, she said, “SHIT!” and slammed her cue stick down on the table.

“Hey, take it easy,” Wes said in a chastising tone. “This is supposed to be fun.”

“Just shoot damn it!” she shot back and stomped to the other side of the table.

He thought about calling off the bet as he aimed at the Five Ball but decided that she needed to learn a lesson so took dead aim on the Five Ball and rocketed it in to the corner pocket. He then ran the table on her and the look on her face was one of disbelieving as he signaled with his hand to shed the bra. She slowly turned around and, with both hands behind her back, unfastened the snap and slowly released it off of her shoulders. Clutching her breast area with her arms, she turned around to face him.

“Hell Sis, I’d almost miss a shot to see what you’d do to make the next one,” he joked at her clutching her breasts.

“It’s not funny,” she said with a smirk. “Just shoot!”

He broke the pack up but didn’t get anything to find a pocket so he relinquished the table to Peggy and her fear of exposing her breasts soon left her as she grabbed the cue and circled the table, chalking the tip as she went. Finally settling on her strategy, she took aim by leaning over her pool cue and letting her two lovely breasts hang down and giggle just a little. Wes had his position on the other side of the table and watched as they began to sway as she lined up her shot. As the aim of the Cue Ball met its target and the One Ball hit the back of the pocket and fell into it, she rose up from her position over the ball and moved on to the next without a thought in the world about her free swinging breasts entertaining her brother.

She was shooting them all, totally focused on her position on the table. She seemed like she didn’t have a care about being nude from the waist up but was concentrating on hitting her mark on the balls. Then the unthinkable happened; she aimed at the Six Ball in a finely cut shot but missed it entirely and the Cue caromed off the rail, striking the nine ball squarely, sending it down the length of the table towards the corner pocket. She suddenly ran for it and stopped it with her hand.

“I didn’t mean to do that,” she said immediately. “It didn’t go in… I mean it wouldn’t have gone in would it? Oh Wes, let me shoot it again.”

The look of devastation was written all over her face as she was trying to justify cheating to her brother. But no matter how much she pleaded with him, he wasn’t about to let her get away with it. She had lost and he had won but the tears starting to build in her eyes told him that there must be another way.

“Okay,” he finally relented. “Here”s what we will do, double or nothing. If you win then I’ll take off my boxers and you can keep on your panties. If you lose, then you take off your panties and you have to do what ever I say for the rest of the night.”

“The rest of the night?” she argued. “That’s too much if I lose. How about five minutes?” she asked.

“No way,” I countered. “I’ve won already but I’m just having some sympathy for you. No Peggy, it’s got to be for the rest of the evening.”

“An hour?” she said in a pleading voice. “Please?”

Glancing at his watch and seeing that it was 8:30, he said, “Two hours. That’s my final offer.”

“You’re going to lose anyway so rack them up and I’ll take my shot,” she said in defiance.

“You’re forgetting that it’s my shot and make sure that you rack them tight this time,” Wes told her.

She started moving the balls within the rack and finally, squeezing them tightly together, she asked, “Will that one do?”

“Just stand back,” as he drew his cue back and let it fly, the Nine Ball found the bottom of the corner pocket and the light went out in Peggy’s cheeks. She hung her head and looked down at the floor for a second but then looked up with a dreadful smile on her face and put her hands on the waistband of her underwear.

“Whoa,” said Wes. “You’ve got to do what say for the next two hours,” and glancing at his watch again, he said, “and that’s exactly until 10:34 so I’ll tell you went to take off your panties.”

She looked confused and relieved at the same time but when he asked her to get up on the pool table and to walk over and stand right in front of him, she turned a bright shade of red and started to complain.

“Wes,” she asked in a questioning tone. “What are you doing to me? You won so don’t make me do anything embarrassing. God, letting you see me naked is embarrassing enough.”

“Just come over and stand right here,” he indicated where to come.

She sighed a big sigh of indignation and shuffled over to the spot that he had indicated. When she stopped and looked down at his eager eyes, he was staring right at her crotch and at the dimpled texture of her pubis area knowing that her pubic hair lay right below the fabric. He wanted to do this right so he raised his hands up to the waistband and slowly started to tug them down over her body.

“Oh my God Wes, are you going to take my panties off?” she cried out as they cleared her abdomen and exposed the light curly pubic mound to his eyes. She groaned out her embarrassment and closed her eyes as they slowly made their way down her legs to gather on the pool table’s felt. He removed them off of her ankles and then looked up into her delicate little crotch.

The light brown coating of her curly pubic hair shaded the two puffy lips of her young pussy as she cringed at the thought of showing it to her brother. But he was eager to see just what she had down there and determined to touch her with his fingers.

“Spread your legs a little,” he told her as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other with embarrassment. “A little wider, that’s it. Wider, now squat down like your peeing or something,” he instructed her.

“Wes, we shouldn’t be doing this. You’re my brother for God’s sake and I’m your sister,” she objected.

“Peggy, I’ve been thinking about doing this with you for the longest time. You’re so sexy that I’m about to cream my pants. God you’re so beautiful,” he told her.

She paused and then opened her eyes. Looking down at him she asked, “You think I’m sexy?”

“O God yes,” he exclaimed.

“Sexier than Carol?” she asked in disbelief.

“Ten times sexier, no a hundred times sexier,” he confessed.

She closed her eyes again and slowly started to squat down with her knees spread wide apart and when she got down as far as she could, her pussy lips were sticking down like two pouty expressions of her new found lust. Wes’s fingers reached out to touch her fuzzy little cunt and when they made contact with her hairy junction, a strange chill ran through her entire body.

“Oh my God Wes,” Peggy cried out at the stimulus. “We can’t be doing this. It’s wrong but it feels so good.”

“Just sit back and enjoy it then,” Wes whispered into his sister’s ear. “Just enjoy it.”

As he said these words, his finger went in between her lips at the base of her slit and drug up her entire pink canal until it reached her clitoris where she jerked away from its contact the best that she could.

“GOD!” scream Peggy, throwing her head back with excitement. “OH MY GOD!”

Wes started to press his two fingers along either side of her lips together trapping her sensitive little hooded node between them, massaging her clit through her lips. It was electric to Peggy as she squealed and wiggled her hips madly in the air. She was lowering and raising her hips to meet her brother’s strokes and she was soon losing her balance.

Noticing her wobble back and forth, Wes whispered to her, “You can drop down on your knees if you want.”

Through her closed eyes and clenched teeth she muttered back, “I love the feeling like I am. I’ll try to hang on here. You’re going to bring me off if you’re not careful and I want to experience it in this position.”

Hearing his sister say those words only increased his enthusiasm for the work that he had to do so he increased his motion and intensity on her swollen clit. His efforts did not go unnoticed and in a few seconds she had fallen to her knees and was panting erratically. He switched his hand position and soon had his middle finger up her cunt just as far as it would go and his thumb was pressing against her clit. She was going wild.

Wes looked up when Peggy went down to her knees and he saw the most wonderful sight right in front of him. They were her two round breasts staring back at him so he bent in and took one nipple into his mouth. She groaned loudly as she pressed herself into his mouth. His hand was working over his younger sister pussy while he was sucking on her tits and she was just about to blow out her juices.

With a final rub on her love button, she jerked her hips towards his hand and convulsed her way to a release that rivaled her first one as she remembered it. She felt the lights go off behind her closed eyes, she heard the sirens wail and felt the juices flow, all tale-tale signs of a great orgasmic experience but he wasn’t quite through with her yet.

As Peggy was whining out her satisfaction of her orgasm, Wes kept his finger buried in her cunt as he had little trouble lifting her up off of the table and onto the floor. Standing there with his hand still on her pussy, he once again lifted her up and walked over to the sofa and laid her down on it. Standing there above her, he said to her, “You can take off my boxers now.”

Without missing a beat, she reached over and took them by their legs and yanked them down around his thighs, allowing his rock hard cock to spring free of its restraint. It was sticking straight back at her so she dropped his underwear and grabbed on to his cock. She stared rubbing it along the entire shaft and as he removed his boxers completely and stepped out of them, she started jacking him off with her tender young hands. He felt the warmth of her hands as they glided up and down his foreskin causing him to rapidly feel it down in his gut.

He took her hands off of his cock and lay down between her wide spread legs on the couch. She looked hesitantly at him as if to object and then said, “Oh Wes, I want to but do you think that we should?”

“Peggy, you are still on the pill aren’t you? He asked.

“Yeah, but, ah, you’re my brother and I don’t know if we should do it or not. Playing around with each other is one thing but to actually do it is quite another,” she said to him. She was looking up at him with her lower lip placed between her front teeth with a doubting look in her eyes.

He said to her, “Peggy, I know that incest is wrong because if you would become pregnant than the baby could be, well not right in its development, but since you are on the pill and your not supposed to get pregnant then I don’t see what difference it makes who you do it with. I’m your brother yes, but I’m a guy and you do love me don’t you?”

“Yes I love you Wes, but to do it with your brother is kind of weird or something. I think that I’ll have to think about it for awhile,” she told him.

His bubble just got burst by her last remark so he scooted off of her and placed his hand down on her inner thighs. Feeling the softness of this part of her legs caused him to start caressing her there and he slowly started to move his caress up her legs towards her crotch. Her eyes closed as she relinquished her pussy to him. Soon he had his head down there and he was kissing her lips with his gentle, caressing mouth.

She had never experience anything close to having her pussy licked before, in fact, her experience was limited to one time with a senior and that happened a year ago. He had taken her virginity and then dumped her like so much left over meat but she never forgot her first time. And now she had another first time to keep in her memory.

She felt his tongue as he separated her lips down there and then it worked its way up to her hooded node and made contact with it, she threw out her tummy as she sucked in her hips and her hands flew down to grab her brother by his ears.

“OH GOD WES! OH MY GOD! OH SHIT IT FEELS SO GOOD!” she screamed ramming her hips back into his oral assault. “OH FUCK OH SHIT YES OH YES YOU SUCKER, TAKE IT INTO YOUR MOUTH AND SUCK IT, SUCK IT HARD!!” she demanded.

He did as he was told but he also reached up to her tits and squeezed one for all he was worth. She felt the pain but didn’t cry out and really relished the sensation. He placed his other hand down at her opening and rammed his middle finger up her vaginal opening and started finger fucking her with all of his might. She was going wild with stimulation and then she said the magic words.

“Oh Wes, put it in me, put it in me deep and fuck the shit out of me. Yes Wes, oh fuck me hard and deep. Fuck me as hard as you can,” she yelled.

Withdrawing his hand and face from her crotch, he scooted up and placed his engorge cock right her opening and slowly lay down upon her and started to impale her pussy. The head had penetrated her lips and had started into her opening and as it continued down the long, dark canal, her walls separated just enough to allow the intruder to enter. Her walls clung to it all the way in and Peggy felt it stretch out wide until it reached the bottom, well into her womb. She exhaled and felt the fullness before he started to remove it from her cunt.

“Oh God Wes, we’re doing it, we are really fucking and it feels so good. I can feel you way down in my pussy and I can feel it as you bring it out. Oh Wes, please put it back in me, please oh please. Fuck me with it Wes, fuck me hard,” she cried.

He had started pressing it in again but when she begged his to fuck her hard, he rammed it in her all the way as her breath rushed out of her lungs in a loud grunt that made him want to do it again. So, pulling it out of her tight little hole and taking good aim, he impaled her in one gigantic thrust of his hips and she let out a loud cry of pleasure and pain at the same time.

She locked her heels around his butt as she grabbed on to his back. She was riding his every thrust as if her life depended on it and soon she was nearing another orgasmic experience. She was throwing out her chest as she kept up the pressure against his driving hips and was sucking her lungs full of air. Then she had to unhook her heels from around his waist and dig them into the cushions of the sofa that they were laying on. She was arching her back in ecstasy and then she cried out, “OH WES, I’M GOING TO CUM! WES, OH WES I’M, I’M CUMMING I’M CUMMMINNNGGGG!!!” as she threw herself into a long, hard orgasm that shuck her very foundation.

Just as she released her eruption like a class five volcano, brother Wes felt his urge reach his cock as it was rapidly ramming into her cunt hole and then he felt his release as he splashed his sperm deep into her womb and he let out with a grunt all of his own. He felt lightheaded but he continued to slam his hips into her sloshing wet pussy as he saw the stars in his head behind his closed eyes. He felt his full lungs strain to exhale the air that had been trapped for so long a time and when he managed to release it in the sound of the grunt that he made, he followed it up with another and another in time with his hips.

He slobbered all over her shoulder that he had buried his mouth upon as he fought for his sanity. She was jerking her way into an exhaustive trance but any little stimulation would cause her to awake with a shutter or a mild convulsion. But when they both got their wits back to a point where they could think once again, they each fell into a state of unconsciousness and slept as they ended up with Wes lying on top of Peggy’s wide spread legs.

They awoke just as they had gone to sleep embracing their new found sexual desires for each other. Peggy sighed loudly in a sign of contented acceptance of what they just did and Wes just had a grin on his face that would stop a train. They each were happy with their decision to consummate their desire for each other and they knew that they had some soul searching ahead of them but as they lay there on the sofa their only thoughts were those of love and enjoyment.

“What are we going to do now,” Peggy asked.

“I don’t know. Do you want to play some more pool?” Wes suggested.

“What do we play for now that we have gone all the way?” she asked.

“I can think of lots of new adventures and places where we could go other than where we went tonight. Have you ever heard of back door sex?” he suggested with a wry grin on his face.

She looked shock and she punched him in his shoulder but after a moment to think about it, she asked him, “Do you want me to rack them up?”

He just smiled and looked at his watch and said, “Sure, I think we can get in a quick game tonight.”

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2020-08-17 20:14:48
Really enjoyed that! Ignore the haters.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-01-17 15:28:56

anonymous readerReport 

2012-11-22 12:46:25
promise you we are not exporting out an korweyd data from the self-hosted software. Even though it is coming from me, there are others who have asked the same question and tested it themselves to verify that there is nothing fishy going on. I can assure you if this were true and we were doing this, we would have been caught already. If it’s not being transmitted back to their servers it could also be that they have installed backdoors so they can simply log into the application on your server. Your more than welcome to test yourself to see if this is happening using software, there have been others talking about it on the forum. You can do the test yourself to verify that nothing is being sent out. We aren't logging into anyones application, nor could we, we have secured the application down so it can't be easily broken into, even paid a professional to try to crack the login, but he was successful. You would also be able to see this by checking the server logs if anyone from

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-07 02:27:14
Good story - Long on pool, short on intimacy!

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-06 15:16:55
a good story but not up to some of your earlier stories.

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