A fantastic story of a grown young girl getting tricked into slavery. I am not the author of the story, I just happen to be a fan of the author and want to share the great story with you guys on xnxx. Bonus info: The name of the girl in the story is the same as the author. Coincidence? Or true story? You decide. Enjoy :)
Eleven Days
by Christie052780
Authors' Note: Don't try this at home.
Day One
College of the Canyons is a relatively nice community college in Santa Clarita, just a few kilometres north of Los Angeles, where I'd been attending classes on and off for the last few years. Between the drag of going to work at temp jobs and keeping up with a load of class work I'd never really had a chance to enjoy life. My periodic weekend trips to the beach at Santa Monica and Malibu did a fairly good job of ruining any complacency I'd had about life. Seeing movie stars drive by in fancy cars as they went to and from their great careers and fabulous homes...well, that just about would ruin anyone, now wouldn't it? My car humiliated me every time I drove into the city with it's bitchy clutch and rusty...everything.
So I did whatever I could to earn a little extra money and I pursued the trappings of The Good Life. I figured that if I looked successful then success would come my way in one form or another. So forty hour weeks at a reception desk and then another ten to twenty hours doing whatever other work I could pick up yielded me a respectable bank account.
One day my old car gave it up and finally died along the I-5 leaving me to beg a ride from a passing Highway Patrol officer. He was a nice enough guy and he offered to take me home so I accepted. We got to the Magic Mountain exit and then he asked if I was going to need another car and he went on to tell me of an officer friend who was selling his old car. There was a smile in his voice as he called it an 'old car' and I just found myself going along. The CHP cruiser coasted back onto the Five and up the Grapevine to a little town nestled in one of the mountain valleys.
The little ranch was right off the freeway and was cute in the rustic way the old ranch houses of Southern California all seem to be. His friend came out to meet us and took us over to a barn tucked up under the most massive oak tree I think I've ever seen. I thought for sure I was about to see some old Buick or an old-man Oldsmobile in the barn, but then a door opened to reveal a dusty tarp over something low.
I couldn't believe my good luck when $15,000.00 later I was driving home in a beautifully restored 1982 Ferrari GTsi. The hand-rubbed black enamel gleamed in the summer sun and the creamy leather Recaro seat caressed my body in an almost loving manner. My short brown hair blew in the wind and I looked in the mirror and imagined myself looking just like one of those movie stars in their sunglasses.
Suddenly, my little apartment was far too mundane for a woman in such a car as this. Forty minutes flew by with the miles and I was gleefully downshifting like a pro as I negotiated the turns on Sunset. I made the right onto the Pacific Coast Highway and headed north to Malibu. Every stop light gave me a chance to see the common people straining to see behind my hair and sunglasses wondering if I was someone famous. I was one of them yesterday.
There's a very nice, expensive and exclusive restaurant on the highway right near Pepperdine where I finally pulled in for a break. I pulled up to the valet and received the kind of first class treatment I didn't receive when I'd pulled in a few months before...looking for a job. I figured a girl in a Ferrari needed to have a $250 dinner with a nice view of the surfers riding the evening break.
I had no idea that a dinner could actually be worth $250 until the marinated and grilled New York steak met my palate. The flavor was something I'd never imagined and I closed my eyes and felt myself swoon from the sensation.
"I'm deeply flattered."
The deep voice belonged to a man whose face was more sculpted than real. He was beautiful.
"It's not often my guests appreciate my culinary talents with the passion you just demonstrated. You are a beautiful young lady and one of refined taste, as well."
Things like this don't happen to me. I sat there silent and allowed myself to drink in the presence of my personal Adonis.
"My apologies. I'm too forward. Please enjoy your meal."
He turned to go and I somehow managed to find my voice.
"No, I'm sorry! Thank you for the dinner...it's amazing!"
He stopped. Then he slowly turned to look back at me with a devilish smile. There is a God and he is a chef in Malibu.
Well, after an hour of conversation and astronomically expensive domestic wine I realized that Adonis was not only good looking and a god, he was the God of All Narcissists. He knew nothing about me and I knew more about him than I wanted to. To top it all off, he was gay. Isn't that my luck? The perfect day, I find the perfect car, have the perfect dinner with the most handsome man in the world and he's gay.
My luck turned to the better once again when he asked me if I was interested in taking care of his beach house while he spent the next month in Vienna perfecting his sauce techniques. He'd pay me twice my monthly pay at the temp job! I said 'yes', of course. He'd only just met me and he was giving me a house in Heaven. Oh, if only he hadn't been gay!
I had to be free for tomorrow and the rest of the month and, oh by the way, Waldo would pay me twice my regular salary for my 'inconvenience'.
When he told me his name was 'Waldo' I completely understood his being gay. No one names a kid Waldo and expects him to be normal.
Lisa, my roomie, wasn't too happy to find out that I'd be skipping on my end of the chores and the utilities the next month (she knew she used most of the electricity) but she wasn't able to argue my getting the use of a twelve-million dollar Malibu beach house for the month of August. She just wanted to come visit was her only caveat. The thought of her lazy ass enjoying my good fortune pissed me off. I told her that I wasn't allowed to have guests, that the housesitting was a job and that I'd been entrusted with a great responsibility, not to mention a trust that I wouldn't violate.
Sure, it was all pure bullshit, but she bought it anyway. I told her I'd see her in a month and I hugged her and went to my room to pack up my stuff for the month.
Day Two
The next day I made the right from Sunset to the PCH and made my way up the coast in an early morning mist. I found the house quite easily as it was the only post-modern Bauhaus/Tudor fusion on the whole PCH. As bizarre as it sounds, the combination of Tudor trim and gables with the contrast of a severe set of angles, steel, and glass was done in such a way as to be appealing. This was the house Frank Lloyd Wright would've designed if he'd been 1980's Hamburg Eurotrash amped up on rap and meth.
I knew the black Ferrari would look appropriate as I pulled it into the open garage. I shut off the motor and listened to the satisfying rumble end with a final note that I likened to a bull snorting with satisfaction. I hadn't even got out of the car when the garage door swung down on it's own with a ghostly silence. I'm used to those rolling metal doors that make all sorts of racket when they close and this was actually so quiet it was disturbing.
"Yes, it is quiet. A small fortune was spent having that door installed. It is solid steel, quite thick actually, and it rises and lowers on a magnetic track, thus the silence. Living next to the ocean at my back door and the PCH at my front door has made me appreciate quiet."
Waldo's monologue was timed well enough for me to recover from his scaring the shit out of me. I opened the cargo compartment on the front of the car and retrieved my bag before I followed him in. The atrium off of the garage was a Zen garden of neatly raked pebbles with a rock in the middle, the top of which featured a small bonsai garden. On it's own it was beautiful, but a Zen garden in this house just seemed unreal. Malibu is unreal, I thought. We entered through a pair of old brass doors like you'd find in an old bank and then on into the main room with a to-die-for view of the Pacific.
"My passion for silence flows into the house. You'll find the windows are quite thick to resist the storms and they also feature a layer of liquid quartz. You flick the switch here," he demonstrated, "and voila!"
The room was plunged into utter darkness. Where had been the Pacific Ocean was now a wall of purest ebony black. Instantly, the room was ablaze wth sunlight again.
"You could shoot someone to death in this house and no one would ever hear a thing outside." He turned to me with that devilish smile again. "Not that you would, just that you could."
The tour of the house was like getting the E-ticket at Disneyland. Every room featured things you'd never imagined in your wildest dreams and one of the rooms featured the things you'd never imagined in your wildest nightmares. Waldo was into some very kinky things and his 'playpen', as he called it, was evidence of the demons running around in his head. Happy people just don't have the kind of things I saw in that room. For all intents and purposes, it was a dungeon. Waldo made a few lewd comments as he showed me the various items in the room and then told me he liked to think of it more as a gym than anything else. He also pointed out that there was no phone in the house as he'd always used a cell phone for everything. A pay phone was down at the grocery if I needed it.
"You'll be alone, so don't be bashful about exploring in here, I really don't care if you do."
I was quietly relieved when he closed the door to the dungeon and we went on our way about the house. As we toured he told me about the grocery store nearby where he had an account and he invited me to enjoy myself as I saw fit. I would, I promised with a chuckle. The kitchen was magnificent and he eventually led me upstairs to the master bedroom with it's modest and tasteful decor which he said was to avoid distracting from the view. I appreciated that thought. I laid down my bag on the bed and he handed me the key and walked out the door without even saying goodbye. The unreality of the past twenty minutes was enough to make me think about the Scotch he showed me in the liquor closet. Not a cabinet, mind you, a closet.
And just like that, I was alone.
Amazing. Twenty-four hours ago I was driving a rust bucket and living in a ten metre square room and now here I was driving a Ferrari and about to spend a month living the dreams of Avarice. If you're a twenty-three year old girl who suddenly finds herself the mistress of a Malibu beach house what's the first thing you do? That's right, you go sit out on the patio in your best bikini and let the common folks stare at you from the beach with envy.
The patio was steel and glass just like most of the rest of the house and the glass afforded a clear view of the beach. It also afforded the beachgoers an unobstructed view of me. I like to think that I don't have any ego problems and I think I have a healthy self-image. That's my polite way of saying that I know I'm not hard to look at. Different people have told me that I resemble Natalie Portman, Audrey Hepburn (my fave compliment!), and one even told me I look like Kristen Kreuk. I like to think I'm just me and that's usually enough to make me happy.
This particular day was special and I pulled out all the stops. My very special Burberry string bikini came out and I tied it criss-cross to make the most of my 34C's. Heading downstairs I found the control for the windows and I just had to play with it for a while. Like a little kid I had the room dark, then light, then dark, and so on. The folks outside must've thought I was crazy. My curiousity served, I flicked it again to roll the heavy window open and then I strode out to the patio like I owned the place. There were some guys on the beach playing Frisbee and I made a point of distracting their game by leaning over the rail and hanging 'the girls' to their maximum effect. The Frisbee hit the sand. A couple of jaws nearly did, too.
My egotistical needs sated, I laid back on the chaise and sunned myself for a few minutes. I'd never done this before, but after a bit of an internal struggle with my modesty I undid my top and let it fall to the deck. I felt so racy. Just like a Malibu starlet. I could do anything. My skin being what my mom calls 'porcelain white' I really couldn't stay outside too long so when I felt the tingle of a burn coming on I packed it up and headed indoors for a shade break. Predictably, the boys on the beach strained to see me as I got up. I looked over my shoulder at them and then turned back to pick up my top. It was worth a little thrill to see their faces as they saw me in all my glory.
The heat was a little much and I touched the control to close the massive sliding window closed. Without even the slightest click, whirr, or whine the heavy glass slid along the track in the floor until it slipped into the frame on the other side of the patio. The noise of the surf and the people on the beach faded and fell silent as the widow closed, leaving me in a church-like silence. A strange chill went through me as I realized that it fit into the wall frame exactly the same way a prison door fits into its own frame.
The house was completely wired and Waldo had shown me the flat panel displays set into the wall of each room that gave control of temperature, sound, windows, and light and had given me basic instructions on how to use them. The graphical display clearly showed the temperature as 86F and I touched the on-screen numbers until they read 70F. A moment later a cool breeze began to blow throughout the house and 'the girls' came to attention. I hesitated about putting my top back on and elected to let it go for a while. I decided to go back and take the tour again.
I walked by a mirror and saw myself topless and complimented myself on how Continental I looked just now. The light blue bikini top with my dark hair and pale white skin just looked so perfect in the reflection. Then I chastised myself for being as bad as Waldo and kept walking. The liquor closet was something else. It was about three metres by ten metres with shelves and racks of various wines, champagnes, Scotches, bourbons, specialty liquors, and even some choice beers I'd never seen before. Getting a little exotic, I selected a bottle of Midori and an inappropriate brandy snifter (I wanted a big glass, see?) and poured myself a very generous helping of the chartreuse colored liquid. Smooth and sweet, the delectable inebriant tasted especially wonderful before lunch.
Properly braced, I continued my tour of the house, stopping back by the kitchen for a little plate of crackers and caviar to accompany my drink. Most civilized, I thought. I worked my way through the guest rooms and was heading to the dungeon when I felt a little cold. I'd left my top back in the kitchen and I was missing it right about now with a chill on in the house. I pondered going back to get it, but then decided to live to excess. The door to the dungeon was quite heavy and there was an odd resistance as I swung it open. Just another freaky feature of the house, I figured. Stepping inside I touched the wall panel and the lights came on, illuminating the strange room. I touched it again and set the house temperature up to a more comfortable 74F before I gave into my curiousity and explored the room.
I need to stop here and let you know what my first impression of the room was when Waldo revealed it to me earlier: black leather, chrome, and chains. My bare feet told me of the ceramic tile floor and I deduced there was, and found, a series of small grated drains set into the floor. I didn't want to know why there were drains in the room, but from the looks of things I could see that it had been washed spotless. A stainless steel door set into the tiled wall opened and revealed a coiled hose with both hot and cold handles on the spigot.
As it turned out, there were a few of the stainless steel doors set into the wall, some in the floor, and some in the ceiling and the ones I could open all held something different. One had a wide (and I do mean wide!) selection of 'toys', another held a flat panel display for various 'workstations' about the room, and yet another held a collection of manacles, collars, handcuffs, shackles, and things that were hybrid combinations of all of that. I wasn't exactly sure just what some of those things were they were so strange. I shuddered to imagine what goings on these items had been party to in the past and I imagined them possessing an aura of the events they'd been involved in.
Now I turned to the workstations and gave myself to trying to decipher how a body fit into them and what, exactly, was meant to be accomplished once a body was fitted into them. One of them was sort of a complex thing with a suspended chair and stirrups and weights and pulleys and boxes. I looked it over for a while to see if I could fathom its purpose and I finally gave up and moved on. The next workstation was a padded chair like a dentist would have except with hinged metal belts for securing ones' neck, hands, waist, and ankles. The metal belts appeared to be mechanically operated but I was unable to find any swtich for it. It was also the only workstation with a large drain right underneath it and, in comparison to the rest of the room, it really wasn't remarkable at all. Then there was a sort of vaulting horse complete with a saddle and the only odd thing about it was a funny stainless steel plate set into the saddle. The vaulting horse also had stirrups of a sort, but they were odd looking things, each of them a kind of slipper lined with soft fleece. Another had a more evident purpose, resembling the exam table at my gyno doctor's. Except my gyno doctor didn't have self-locking restraints on her exam table. Interesting.
There were a few places along the wall that were equipped with odd devices that were clearly meant to secure a person in a most uncomfortable position and, again, I shuddered with the thought of what uses they'd been put to in the past.
My modesty welled up on me in this disturbing room and I found myself tying my top back on as I walked out and went to close the door. For some reason, the door wasn't going to move. It was as if it suddenly just froze in place. I tried it a couple more times and finally said, "What-ever!" and headed back out to the patio. This time I left the boys alone and just enjoyed another twenty minutes in the sun before I went in for the day.
There was a thick, plush robe in the bathroom and I helped myself to it, cinching it around my waist. A studied glance out the window at the breathtaking view, and then I made my way to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. I soon had the comforting sounds of perking coffee to keep me company and that was when I saw a door off the kitchen that Waldo hadn't shown me. I padded over and turned the knob and found a handsomely decorated library. There was a dark, hard wood desk, two red leather chairs, and a collection of large books. I drew one of the books from the bookshelf and opened it to find some very intense pictures of women being tortured and apparently raped. I placed the book back where it belonged and opened another. Then another. And another. They were all the same. Except for the one shelf that had several books about behavior modification, psychology, and then a Physicians' Desk Reference on pharmacopaeia. I wondered what was up with all the books about women when Waldo was gay? What was his deal anyway? Was he a flunked out doctor or shrink? I guessed it really didn't matter as long as I got paid at the end of the month.
I sat down in the chair at the desk and got nosy and slid out a drawer to reveal a keyboard and a trackball mouse. I merely tapped the mouse wondering where the computer was when the desktop slowly flipped back and a familiar flat panel display came up and lit as the hidden PC booted up. The computer must've been a good one as it was up and ready in less than a minute. The usual desktop icons were displayed and then there were a few others that bore some exploring.
"Workout routines" rated an inspection and it seemed to be a program for some sort of exercise regimen. I found different routines with names like 'Pony', 'Chair', 'Prisoner', and 'Invader' and the display also had a 'Perimeter Guardian', whatever that was. I clicked on each program, found the settings and turned them on and then waited as nothing happened. Finally I clicked out of 'Workout routines' and settled for playing 'Medal of Honor'. I got the game ready to go and then popped out to the kitchen to fetch my coffee and then I spent a nice, lazy day killing Nazis.
I played the game from beginning to end and was terribly surprised to see the clock on the screen show 10:13pm. I'd blown a whole day in this house playing a stupid game! It wasn't my usual thing, but I went to the kitchen and got a yogurt out of the fridge and went out to the patio for dinner before I gave it up and went to bed.
My last issue of the day was whether I really needed to sleep in my sweats tonight or just go raw? When I pulled back the sheets and felt the softest cotton you'd ever felt it was decided I'd go raw. I don't even remember falling asleep.
Day Three
The morning came as if orchestrated. The sunrise gently illuminated my bed and the blue sky greeted my eyes as I woke up and looked out the window. It was a pretty day and I decided to get up and enjoy it. I grabbed a thick, terry robe from the bathroom and went downstairs for my requisite morning coffee. I took a look at a panel and found the TV control and turned it on. In the living room I heard voices and walked out there with my coffee and lazed about watching the Today Show. There was news about the latest something or other going in Crapistan or some other pisspot country and I guess I sort of just zoned out and found my thoughts returning to the dungeon.
The weather came on and I fininshed my mug of coffee and just got up and went to the dungeon as if drawn there. My curiousity was on fire and I have to admit that I had an almost voyeuristic urge to find out what went on in there. I touched the panel in the room and the lights came on and then I also heard a few whirrings and buzzings as some of the workstations came to life. I recalled turning them on the night before and I supposed that they must've been on standby waiting for someone to come into the room.
I walked around the room a bit and then found myself at the vaulting horse. I touched it and felt a mechanical buzz to it but, frustratingly, I still couldn't fathom its purpose. For reasons that still elude me, I dropped my robe and got on the horse and expected it to be some sort of horsey ride, like what used to be outside grocery stores when I was a kid. I felt like Lady Godiva, naked astride her horse! Well, except that nothing happened. I grabbed the pommel and tried to make it do whatever it was supposed to do and still nothing. Placing my feet into the fleece-lined stirrups I still expected nothing to happen.
Was I ever wrong.
The first thing that happened was the heavy door to the room suddenly swinging shut and audibly locking. I tried to pull my feet out of the stirrups and felt them tighten around my feet, locking me naked astride the horse. I was about to stand up in the saddle when my feet were steadily pulled downward until my crotch was aching with the pressure of being clamped to the saddle. Then I discovered the purpose of the horse.
The stainless steel plate set into the saddle was directly under my pussy at this point and the ridge down the middle of it was pressed between my pussy lips. And it gave me the vibro-massage of my life! I was so damned embarrassed to be caught by this sex machine and I tried to get off the damn thing with every ounce of strength in me! I strained to lift my feet or pull at the pommel and I got nowhere. And then the vibrations began to change frequency, going up and down for several minutes until one frequency sent a chill through my body. Amazingly, the machine stayed on that frequency and I broke out in a sweat as I prayed it would change...soon. The intensity of the vibration increased and decreased with what was a seriously unwanted arousal growing in my body.
For ten, maybe fifteen minutes it went on and on until I finally surrendered myself to the longest and most intense orgasm of my life to that point. It was all I could do to just hang onto the pommel as wave after wave of the purest pleasure swept over me. Time seemed to just end as the machine knowingly pleased me.
As I came to my senses I found myself soaked with sweat and my certain other wetness soaked the now inactive horse. The stirrups slowly loosened and I pulled myself free. Swinging off the horse I had a hard time standing up. I was still swooning from the prolonged intensity of the sexual release I'd just endured. I gathered the terry robe and staggered to the door and tried to open it. It was clearly locked and I remembered it being far too robust for me to break it down.
The computer control came to mind and I turned to look at it and maybe use it to unlock the door. All of the familiar displays were gone and four new displays were now in place. One was flashing the message, "COMPLETED". It was labeled 'Pony'. Chair, Prisoner, and Invader had a solid red message displayed by each, "PENDING". I looked to the bottom of the screen and found another message: "Enter PASSWORD or complete workout program to unlock door".
Dread came over me as I realized I had turned on a workout routine.
A good hour or so was wasted as I tried to guess the password and open the door. Reason came along and I realized the only way I was getting out of this room in the next thirty days was to complete the workout routine I'd inadvertently programmed last night. I had no clue which one was Prisoner and I didn't really want to discover what Invader did just yet so I picked the obvious one, Chair.
I hung up my robe and sat on the side of the chair, wondering if I really wanted to go through with this. It was the only way out, I rationalized. I laid back and as I rested my head on the neck rest the collar predictably closed around my neck and secured snuggly, but not so much that it choked me. My wrists, ankles, and waist were likewise comfortably secured. I waited for a moment as I heard gurglings and whirrings and familiar buzzings going on not just in the chair, but in the wall next to me.
The chair rose up and then lifted my locked form into a vertical position as it simultaneously turned me to face the wall. A panel opened in the wall and I watched helplessly as a robotic arm unfolded itself and brought its gun-like hand to my thigh. It pushed into my flesh with a comfortable pressure and then I screamed as it pushed a needle into my skin. Very, very painfully, it injected me with something and I was horrified wondering if it was heroin or some other awful thing. The arm then folded itself back up and retreated to its cabinet and before it was gone my chair was back to its original position. The spot on my thigh where the injection had been made quickly dulled from a burning pain to numbness.
I was crying in fear now as I felt the seat of the chair fall away and then the leg rest portion separated until my legs were spread at a ninety degree angle. My bare ass was hanging in midair and I was feeling not only violated, but disturbingly vulnerable. The chair vibrated from the mechanical actions going on underneath me, actions that began to terrify me with their unseen plans. It's hard to describe just how helpless and terrified I felt, all alone in this room having to play a part in some twisted computer program just to get out of this room.
Something poked at my ass and pushed, slightly, in different places until it found my asshole and then it uncomfortably pressed into me, not much, just enough to where I couldn't move my hips away or fidget the thing out. I guess I'd expected the Chair to be some version of the Pony with its vibrator and I thought wrong. I felt a warm liquid squirt into my ass and then the something withdrew from me as more whirrings began. The warm liquid was dripping from me and as I wriggled my ass around I felt the liquid to be sort of viscous and slippery, like maybe some sort of oil.
I could clearly hear gurglings as a tank or reservoir of some sort was being filled and then once the filling process was completed I heard the mechanical sound of the chair moving some other dreadful thing around underneath me. The purpose of the lubricant that had been squirted in my ass was revealed when my virgin ass was slowly and relentlessly penetrated with something that seemed to get wider as it probed deeper into my body. I screamed myself hoarse with terror and pain as it pushed deeper and deeper. I felt it pass my hips and then it stopped. Whatever it was, it had speared me like a fish and I was acutely aware of the pressure of the thing inside me. I tried to get a little more comfortable but the thing almost anticipated my moves and it maintained a steady pressure and presence inside me.
Gurglings began again underneath me and I heard something start with a whine that indicated it was building up pressure or momentum...like a jet winding up before takeoff. The waist band around me loosened and I gave a furtive effort at getting free before I realized the probe in my ass was now holding me in place. I wasn't going anywhere, but I wondered why the waistband was suddenly, teasingly, loose. My question was answered when a warmth began to spread deep in my bowels. The machinery underneath me was humming along and the probe began to vibrate inside me with the onset of the warm sensation. It was actually pleasant for a brief time and then I felt a slight pang of pressure with the warmth now spreading further into me.
I looked down at my belly and noticed that my trim figure was pushing up a bit. I thought that maybe my back was arched and I tried to relax it. No, it was relaxed. I looked again and could swear my belly was getting bigger. Disbelief was swept away as I realized the Chair was filling me up with some sort of warm liquid, but for what purpose? This sure as hell wasn't as much fun as the Pony and I had no damned idea what pleasure was supposed to come from this horrible intrusion. There was nothing I could do but sit there while the vile machine mindlessly carried out its program on me. The discomfort of the liquid began to build and it felt like I had the worst constipation of my entrie life. I gave a push to try to expel some of the liquid and the probe answered my effort with an immediate and painful thrust into my ass. The whine of what I now knew was a pump increased in intensity and my belly swelled at an accelerated rate now. It was quite uncomfortable especially now as I could feel the nozzle inside me furiously filling me like a water balloon.
My skin strained and I saw myself looking almost pregnant from the bizarre torture. It was becoming a chore to breathe as the pressure in my belly pushed up on my diaphragm. I was sweating profusely.
I was beginning to wonder if this thing was going to kill me when the probe withdrew from my ass with a jerk. My modesty held for a moment and so did my ass. I screamed as my poor, abused ass couldn't hold back the flood inside me anymore and the entire contents of my intestines blasted out my ass with a gush. The splashing sound on the tile floor seemed to go on forever. Briefly, my nose recoiled from the odor and then the ventilation in the room kicked on. I heard a sound of water being sprayed and felt the warmth on my exposed ass cheeks and then heard the stream play about on the tile. Clearly, it was cleaning up my mess.
My belly was back to normal and I enjoyed a brief respite of relaxation. The waistband tightened up again to clue me in that this part of my ordeal wasn't ended just yet. Fine. The warm, fresh air relieved at least part of my suffering and my sweaty body began to feel chilled. The warm water inside me had raised my temperature and now I was cooling off.
I tensed when the sound of gurgling and the probe moving about signalled the beginning of round two. The discomfort of the probe entering my ass was much less this time and it was a combination of my knowing what was happening and my body still being accustomed to the thing being inside of me. The whole process repeated itself with the waistband loosening, my belly being distended from the volume of warm water inside of me, and then the automated cleanup process following at the end of the treatment. Since I wasn't quite so terrified this time it wasn't so bad. Actually, it was kind of pleasant in a weird sort of way to feel so clean inside.
The whirring underneath me indicated that a third probing was going to take place and I readied myself for the inevitable intrusion into my body. Predictably, the probe slipped up into me except that this time I heard a slightly different sound for the pump mechanism. The waistband stayed secure this time so I didn't expect another enema treatment and I frankly expected something low-key this time. I felt the squirting sensation inside me as I was being filled again with another warm liquid and then it stopped. It wasn't a lot of liquid compared to the first two treatments so it wasn't distressing at all. The probe didn't withdraw this time and it remained inside me, plugging the new liquid in my body. Five, maybe ten minutes went by as I wondered what this was all about and then I felt myself swept by a wave of euphoria. My body completely relaxed and my senses became highly acute. Sounds, sight, the taste in my mouth, the feeling inside me, all of it was suddenly amplified as if a swtich had been flipped inside me. It was like wallowing in the afterglow of a great orgasm. The feeling intensified and I soon felt the world slipping away. I didn't care as consciousness fell from me and a dark, pleasant warmth enveloped me.
Day Four
When I awoke I felt the best I'd ever felt in years! I was so rested and so calm and now I was completely awake. The Chair was still and all of the restraints were open. My ass felt like it was back to normal and there was no presence of the probe inside me. Once the Chair had finished its program it had closed up shop without any further ado and let me sleep off the exertions.
I almost bounced up from the Chair and made my way to the panel on the wall. The displays now showed COMPLETED for Pony and Chair and they still displayed PENDING for Prisoner and Invader. Something was wrong with the display and I just couldn't grasp what it was. You know the feeling you get from a deja vu? That's how I felt. My disconnect from reality got worse when I looked at the time display in the bottom of the display. The last time I'd looked at the display it had said "1:32PM THURSDAY" and now it said "11:29AM FRIDAY".
I couldn't believe a whole day had gone by! No wonder I'd felt so rested! Remarkably, I wasn't the least bit hungry. I didn't even feel like I was missing my morning coffee. I did go over to a small sink and help myself to a cup of water, but then I felt great again. A whole day went by? It couldn't have been a half-hour since the euphoria had conquered me. Could it? It took me a while to contemplate the missing time and then I moved on to thinking about getting out of the room. I still had two workstations to visit to complete the program before the solid door would be opening for me and the sooner I got it done, the better.
I had no clue which workstation was Prisoner and which was Invader. I walked around the room to see which workstations were in standby mode and I quickly identified the two of them. Prisoner was the one with all of the manacles, shackles, cables, and pulleys set on a framework by the wall and Invader was the one remaining. Prisoner would be first for me today.
In retrospect I find it odd that I was so unaware of my nudity. I'm not normally an immodest person so walking around for two days completely nude was totally out of my character. Frankly, my ex-boyfriend had never seen me nude. Come to think of it, maybe that's part of why he's now an 'ex'. He once told me that I was "easy on the eyes", and maybe I am. I'm not a big ego queen, but at 173cm tall, 34C, and 80cm at the hips I'm not bad to look at. But I'd never in my life allowed anyone to see me in all my glory. Yet now here I had been nude for two days straight and was so used to it that I didn't even think about the terry robe that was now hanging by the door.
As I walked over to Prisoner I felt more as if I was going to work out at a regular gym than to face another ordeal. Maybe this was just my way of coping with what had to be done to open the door, maybe I was getting used to the idea that had built the dungeon in the first place. I stepped up to the framework and could see that it was set up so I'd have to secure my ankles and waist first, and then I could put the manacles on either wrist after that. I knelt down and put the first shackle on my left ankle and as I drew the thing closed it snapped shut on its own and locked. Like everything else in the room, there was more than met the eye to Prisoner. My right ankle met the same response from its shackle. The waist restraint was tied to two pulleys on either side of the framework by steel cables, the same steel cables that attached to my ankles and wrists. This wasn't self locking, but there was a red light that switched to green once I'd put the restraint on and pulled it secure. The cables on either side of the waist restraint then pulled taut and held me in place. The wrist manacles were last and they snapped on the same as the ankle shackles, locking on their own. Then I just stood there and waited. And waited. And waited.
I began to get concerned that maybe I'd locked myself into a broken machine and I'd be stuck here even if the damned door opened. I tried to pull open one of my wrist manacles when the cables attached to my wrists suddenly snapped tight. My arms were damn near yanked out of my shoulders the thing pulled so hard! Then my ankles were pulled apart and out until I was doing a very painful version of the splits. I grunted with the pain, but managed not to scream somehow. My body was now splayed into an "X" and I will say that this wasn't really any fun.
The stainless steel door on the wall swung open and there were six robotic arms folded into it. The first one unfolded itself and without any hesitation it poked its tip very painfully into my left armpit and shocked me. Now I screamed. Loud.
Two of the arms unfolded and swung down to shock my ankles while a fourth flew out and shocked my right armpit. The four arms began to shock me in a random series with each shock getting more painful than the one before. This torture went on for maybe thirty seconds, but it felt like hours. The shocks would wrack my body and I felt muscles convulse and release with the shocks and the pain was worse than any cramp I'd ever felt in my life.
Then it stopped.
I hung there catching my breath while I swam about in a sea of pain. The shocks, the cramps, and the pulling at my arms and legs was brutally painful and I was hping that this was the end. It wasn't.
The two arms that had shocked my armpits rapidly retracted and then unfolded again in the kind of blurry motion that only a machine could achieve. Just the sight of the arms flying around my naked flesh was enough to make me scream and then the two arms froze in place over my nipples. They just held there, each of them maybe a millimetre away from touching me. I screamed with the certain knowledge of what was coming and then caught the scream in my throat as raw voltage coursed into my bodyl through two of my most sensitive and tender places. The shocks came in a rapid-fire staccato of zips and zaps and I was helpless to do anything to stop it, all I could do was scream.
I screamed again when it stopped because I knew that there was more coming. And Prisoner wasn't going to disappoint me, either.
The four arms folded into the cabinet and then the remaining two flew out to just inches from my face. The effect was intense. The tip of the arm on the right wasn't an electrode like the first four arms, it was a rotary device with five centimetre-long hypodermic needles loaded into it. A sixth hypodermic needle was just out of my view. The second arm had a device with tiny needles and small tubes connected to them and God only knew what the hell they did. Just having the two needle-encrusted arms inches from my eyes was terrifying enough without wondering what was next.
Both arms retracted and then the arm on the right flipped about and stopped at the thigh opposite the one that had been injected the night before. I struggled with the little bit of play that was left in the restraints and was rewarded with their pulling me so tight that I felt and heard my limbs pull slightly out of their joints. Excruciating is a mild word as I found out. With relentless precision the arm closed on my thigh and then pierced my skin and injected me with the contents of the first hypodermic. The injection burned like hell. The next four injections burned like hell, too and then the sixth and final injection was due. I was relieved to think that the worst was over and there was just one more to go.
The horror was unspeakable as I saw the arm swing up from my thigh to just in front of the lower part of my belly. The needle on the last hypodermic was easily four times as long as the needles of the first five. I looked down and tried to pull back, but that was pointless. The machine held me prisoner and I was going nowhere. The arm raised, lowered, and moved a couple of times as if deciding how to go about the task it was programmed to complete. Then it locked into position and the arm slid the needle inexorably towards my skin. It poked me just enough to make me wince and draw blood before it drove on into me, burying itself to the hilt in my belly. Agony became a mild word as the needle pierced skin and muscle and drove on into where ever it was going inside of me.
The plunger on the hypodermic was pushed home by an actuator on the arm and I felt more unspeakable pain as the fluid was injected into some predetermined place that was now the home of pain. The needle was retracted once the job was done and then the arm flippped back on itself and folded into the cabinet. The sixth arm now began to hum and it swung and flipped about until it had its needles aimed at my groin, just below my bikini line. I was exhausted from the pain of the injections and watched without response as the arm brought the humming needle array to my skin. The pain was at least bearable as the arm poked at my skin and hummed along. Slowly, it moved about in a small area, drawing blood as it moved and then it retracted. The needle array portion of the arm flipped around to reveal another odd set of devices. They closed on the bleeding area and sprayed something that numbed the relatively minor pain and then rinsed the blood from the area with a gentle antiseptic-smelling spray.
I so wanted this to be over. I missed my plain apartment. I missed my job. I even missed my old car. Even my roomie seemed so far away and friendly right now.
In my brief reverie I'd failed to notice the arm retract into the cabinet as the first four arms flew out again to take new positions around my body.
The simultaneous shocks to the backs of my knees and to my spine made my body seize up with painful spasms. The staccato chatter of the electrodes unloading into me sounded like a hailstorm on a tin roof. No matter how fast the shocks came, I felt each and every one of them as they caused muscles I didn't know I had to seize up and strain at their ligaments. I'm not sure when it occured, but sometime not long after that I passed into blissful unconsciousness.
I awoke crumpled on the floor at the foot of the Prisoner and my wonderful state I'd felt in the morning was replaced with the very real sensations of having been tortured. I was so weak from the exertions of my muscles that I could barely stand. I took a moment to survey my body and see how well I was doing. My nipples were inflamed and swollen from the shocks and I had welts everywhere else the electrodes had touched me. My belly featured a tattoo of some odd-looking symbol where the one arm had drawn blood. I couldn't make myself car about the tattoon at the moment. With no small effort I drew myself to my feet and made my way to the display panel. I looked to see with some relief that Prisoner now had a rewarding COMPLETED next to it. Invader was still PENDING and I mulled over putting it off for a while, just to recover you see, and then decided to just get it over with.
From the looks of it, Invader was aptly named. It had a comfortable chair with an arrangement of restraints similar to Chair except that my legs were to rest in a stirrup-type setup where each leg laid in a sort of padded trough. A cover was set to come down over each trough and hold my legs in place, spread out as if for a gynocological exam. Weary from the tortures of the day I readily resigned myself to whatever was to come and laid back into the chair. I had to relax and catch my breath for a while but then I placed my legs into the appropriate stirrups and wasn't surprised at all when the covers came down over my legs and locked in place. The waist restraint came next and then I set my wrists into the self-locking manacles. Finally, I put my head back and let the collar lock about my neck.
Buzzings and whirrings and whines immediately began underneath me and I had a clear view of another robotic arm as it rose from a recess in the floor beneath Invader. It had a small device on it that looked rather like a 10cm long, black plastic tampon applicator with a small hole in the tip of it. In my weakend state I'd just assumed that Invader was going to do something with my ass just like Chair had done. The angle and position of the tampon thing as it closed on me told me that it wasn't heading for my ass. It gently eased up to my crotch and moved out of my sight. I was exhausted and just closed my eyes instead of thrilling to another terrifying invasion of my body by a machine.
I felt a spray of warmth and knew it had to be some sort of lubricant. The tampon thing then gently nosed around my lubed pussy lips until it found my opening. It was surprisingly gentle as it predictably began to penetrate me. I could sense and feel it filling my pussy with the warm lubricant as it went deeper. After the tortures of the Prisoner the Invader was turning out to be an almost pleasant experience. The tampon thing kissed up to my cervix and politely stopped its advance. It didn't stop pumping lubricant into me, though, and I found the sensation of the warm fluid pumping into my body to be a little arousing. My ex-boyfriend had come in me without a condom on a few rare occasions and it had felt nice, but the fluid being slowly pumped into me by the machine was a little warmer than come and it made for a much more stimulating experience.
The lubricant eventually overflowed and ran down my ass before dripping quite audibly onto the tiled floor beneath me. At that point the tampon thing pulled out of my pussy and I opened my eyes just as the robotic arm descended back into the floor. I closed my eyes again and wondered if that was all when I heard a whine and opened my eyes to see another arm poised menacingly between my legs. It was equipped with a very lifelike phallus of an obscene 20cm in length and easily 6cm in girth. I found myself recoiling as it approached me and its head pushed its way between my readied pussy lips. The thought of that thing being plunged all the way into me was bringing up a familiar terror in my heart and I felt a scream building up the pressure to escape my lips. Truly, I was expecting that thing to be driven into me like a nail.
I caught myself with surprise as the head of the phallus began to vibrate with the very same frequency that had brought me to exquisite levels of ecstasy on the Pony. I couldn't help myself as my body responded to the amazing feeling being drummed up between my legs. An involuntary flush swept over me as the vibration quickly built and began to vary in intensity. Part of me still feared what was happening and part of me was wanting to grab that wonderful thing and stab it into my body. I closed my eyes as the warm glow of an impending orgasm began to build and I scooted my hips down the chair as much as I could to embrace the source of my pleasure.
Like an avalanche the joy of my release swept over me and carried me, tumbling and falling, over the precipice of a canyon of deep, enduring sexual energy. It didn't stop, either. Wave after wave of joy built and crested only to be followed by another wave more powerful than the first. In the midst of my ongoing orgasm I opened my sexually fogged eyes and saw the phallus had pushed itself into me until I was completely involved with the vibrating miracle. Three more orgasms swept over me and then I saw the phallus begin to withdraw. I cried as the unbelievable length of it pulled from my body and my unending pleasure ended.
It held itself just a tantalizing centimetre from my straining pussy. Its delicious vibrating hadn't stopped and it was as if the thing was deliberately teasing me. I strained as hard as I could to touch my pussy to the pleasing tool and screamed with frustration. As if on cue, I heard the vibration in the phallus increase in power and watched in amazement and relief as it plunged its entire impossible length back into me. It drove in and out of me with the speed and strength of a lover demanding to release himself in his woman. My ex-boyfriend could never compete with the fucking I was getting from this wonderful thing. The vibrating cock smacked itself deep into my sopping pussy and then yanked out only to plunge deep into me again and again.
My heart was beating so hard that I could hear it in my ears, even over the sounds of the pounding machine fucking between my legs and the wet, smacking sounds of my pussy eagerly receiving it.
God, oh good God, it didn't stop! I didn't want it to stop. I wanted the whole fucking robot in my pussy I was so fucking horny! I didn't even care after an eon of pleasure that my pussy was getting dry from the non-stop fuckfest. I was so disappointed when the cock pulled from my spasming pussy and retracted to the floor. In a flash it was replaced by the tampon thingy and the tampon thing plunged into me, squirting a load of lubricant deep into my fucked out pussy. Just the thought of why it had lubed me up made me come again.
The tampon thing pulled out and fell to the floor and I was back in heaven as the cock rose up and slammed deep into me in one strong, vibrating thrust. This time it was fucking me so hard it was knocking the breath out of me and I was beginning to feel the onset of pain in my womb and my pussy from the relentless pounding. Finally, it thrust deep into me and held itself there as the vibration earthquaked me to another huge orgasm. The world went black as I passed out from the sheer, powerful pleasure.
When I came to I found myself still secured in the Invader but the wonderful cock that had fucked me senseless was gone. I mustn't have been out for long as the smell of my rampant arousal still perfumed the air about the chair. I knew that something else was coming and that the fucking I'd received probably had an ulterior purpose, more than just one of just pleasing me sexually. It wasn't long before another robotic arm rose up from the floor and presented itself between my legs. It had what looked like a short antenna whip on it, complete with a little 6mm stainless steel ball at the end of it. I wasn't surprised when the antenna flipped over and aimed its little ball at my pussy.
'No problem', I thought, 'after the fucking I've just had I'm loose enough for a fire hydrant, let alone that pissy little thing.'
I watched as the antenna approached me and then the tip with its little ball disappeared from my sight as it closed on my pussy. It easily slipped inside me and I felt it slowly travel up my pussy until it poked at my cervix. The robot arm moved the antenna around inside of me and I'll admit that this was kind of uncomfortable, especially with the ball on the tip of the antenna poking me at the tight little entrance to my untried womb. I felt and sensed the ball poke me in a certain peculiar way and then I immediately strained to get away from it as it pushed into me much harder than before. I screamed with pain as the tiny little ball suddenly felt like a boulder as it was forced past my cervix and deep into a place in my body where no such thing should ever go. I looked at the robot arm as it fed an impossible amount of the antenna horribly deep into my pussy. There must've been 25cm of the thing inside me and the pain and pressure I felt from its...invasion...was awful.
I felt a tapping sensation deep in my belly and saw the robot arm jerk with each tap. That was followed by more pain as the robot pulled away from my pussy and painfully drew the antenna back through my cervix. I braced for the extra pain of the stainless steel ball as it opened my cervix again and it never came. The robot retreated fully from me at that point and withdrew the antenna along with it. As the robot prepared to go back to its space beneath the floor it held the antenna up to the ceiling and I was able to view the length that had been so deeply buried into my body.
The narrow rod of steel looked like a rapier as it pointed up at the ceiling. A little blood marked its passage into my cervix here and there along its length. My eyes followed the taper from the base to the blunt tip and I was dumbfounded for a split second until I realized the little ball was gone! It wasn't just gone, it was inside me!
That Goddamn Waldo! His machine had stuck something in me and I had no idea what the hell it was. I knew I'd have to get to a hospital to get this thing out. Even though I was scared of what had happened, a rational side of my mind told me that the little stainless steel ball was practically harmless, even located where it was in my womb.
The restraints on Invader opened up and I swung my legs out of the leg rests and got up. I felt modest again and I went to the door and got the robe and put it on, covering myself for the first time in two days. Trying the door I was pissed that after all I'd been through the damn thing was still locked. I padded over to the control panel to see what the hell it wanted now.
The panel showed COMPLETED for all of the workstations now but there was one little window on the lower left that had a message in it.
"Perimeter Guardian installed. Do you want to run TEST? Y N"
I had a bad feeling about this.
And curiousity killed the cat.
I touched 'Y'. I just had to.
I felt a buzz inside me and then my pussy went dripping wet. I grabbed on to a workstation right as I felt my special vibration frequency deep inside me and swooned as a huge orgasm crashed over me. I was just getting my senses about me when I felt a sensation of cramping pain build into a crippling crescendo that knocked me to the floor. It ended as fast as it had begun and then I struggled to my feet to look at the panel.
"Perimeter Guardian successfully installed."
I had an "Oh, shit!" moment as I realized I'd been a dumbass and activated the damn thing inside my womb.
The door unlocked and opened and I took another look at the dungeon and the workstations before I walked out to freshen up, get dressed, get some dinner, and maybe get the hell out of here. Then I took one more morbid glance at the panel display and saw a new message in the lower left window:
"Program Pavlov32.exe installed and running"
Whatever the fuck it was, Pavlov32 was going to have to wait for me to have dinner and a shower before I played around to find out what it did.
Day Five
Dinner and a shower had led to sleep and a snore. I woke up with the dawn and felt not at all bad for having been through Heaven and Hell all the day before. I'd just been too damn tired and hungry to want to go to a hospital to get the little ball pulled out of my belly. I'd figured on getting that taken care of today and then going to the police about the dungeon. I got up and drew on the robe and searched around for a clean pair of panties and then got them on, too. The bra could wait.
I went to the bathroom and then brushed my teeth before heading to the kitchen to get some coffee going. The fog had come in overnight but there were still a few surfers out riding what little wave action was to be found and I watched them as I waited for the coffee to brew up. It took forever for the pot to fill up and then I eagerly filled a mug with the coffee and a shot of cream. I took my coffee with me to the library and got the desk terminal to come on for the house computer. I went to browse through the files for the Perimeter Guardian and came up with a password prompt. I typed in "Waldo" and hit 'enter'. The sudden pain in my belly was awful, quick, and over as fast as it had started. If I hadn't been before, I was certain now that the ball would have to go.
The password prompt was still there and I typed in "Pavlov" this time to see what would happen. I hit 'enter' and then I hit the floor, blinded with a gut-wrenching pain. I struggled to my feet again to look at the screen. A new mesage was displayed.
"Pavlov32 is active. Obey programmed instructions or enter valid password to access and disable Pavlov32. Negative stimulation will be applied for attempts to violate system security."
The computer was running the ball inside me? How? It was just a little ball. And how could the damn thing do all of this shit? I browsed to the index and found "About Pavlov32" and entered the file. I breathed a sigh of relief when it wasn't password protected. I read for at least an hour about all of the crap involved and finally figured the whole thing out.
Pavlov32 is a behavior modification protocol designed to work in conjunction with a nano-computer encased in a frequency reactive platinum (not stainless steel like I'd thought) casing. The nano-computer uses the platinum casing as an electrode to receive and then transmit mild to severe pain impulses along sensitive nerve paths. The best placement for the device is near the spine and in proximity to sexual organs. In the female it is intended to be placed in the uterine lining via the vagina and cervix. From there it could provide five degrees of negative (pain) stimulation ranging from discomfort to agony, and five degrees of positive (sexual) stimulation ranging from mild arousal to an uncontrolled lust with attendant orgasms of varying intensities. All of the physical reaction information the computer needed on a subject was compiled from the workstations. When a subject, me in this case, was secured the system monitored the subject as series of pain and pleasure inputs were made, thus the system knew precisely what buttons to push to make me scream or moan.
Ultrasonic sound waves are used to supply the ball with energy and the whole house must've been wired with the sound emitters. I say 'emitters' as I never saw any speakers around the house. The only way for me to escape the influence of the ball was to simply get away from the house. I left the computer and headed upstairs to get dressed. It felt nice to be clothed again and I grabbed my stuff and made for the door. I reached for the door handle, touched it, and BLAM! The damn thing felt like it was stabbing me. I tried again and the pain knocked me to the floor.
Stupid me, I just HAD to try getting out the door one more time and I howled in agony as my hand touched the door again. This wasn't going to work, now was it?
I left my stuff at the door figuring that if I shut off the computer then I'd be able to leave this damned place. I went back to the library and found the following message:
"Perimeter Guardian activated. Behavior modification will commence in 193 seconds unless PASSWORD is entered."
What the hell. I typed in 'PASSWORD' and hit enter. The pain was to be expected and I nearly blacked out from it. A new message was flashing on the screen:
"Behavior modification protocol commences in 180 seconds. Subject must disrobe and mount INVADER."
Fuck this, I thought, I'm getting out of here. I ran to the windows and hit the panel to open them and saw the display:
"Behavior modification protocol commences in 162 seconds. Subject must disrobe and mount INVADER."
I ran upstairs to see if I could escape through an attic and found no attic access in the whole upstairs. Running back to my bedroom I saw the display:
"Behavior modification protocol commences in 41 seconds. Subject must disrobe and mount INVADER."
The place was a fortress, I remembered. Hadn't Waldo shown me how there was no way into this house? There was no way out, either. I sat down by the bed and for the first time in my ordeal I cried. I can't say if it was tears of powerlessness or tears of frustration, but all I could do was hug myself and cry. Sitting there lost in my grief I wasn't surprised at all when the time elapsed and a slight cramping sensation began to build in my belly. A sharp pain went through me and I screamed at the walls. Then it went back to the increasing cramping sensation.
There was no way out. The cramping made it difficult, but I got to my feet and walked downstairs to the dungeon. The last few steps to the dungeon were so painful I almost don't remember walking and holding myself up along the wall. The pain let up to a severe discomfort when I entered the dungeon, as if the program was cutting me a little slack for trying. I had to look at the display to see if there was any hope.
"Subject must disrobe and mount INVADER."
As if to remind me to get moving a sharp pain went through me. I kicked off my sneakers and undid my jeans, pushing the jeans over my hips and then down past my knees. As I stepped out of each leg of the jeans I peeled off my white cotton socks with them. Then my t-shirt came off right after another sharp pain reminded me to hurry. Another pain zapped me and I unclipped my bra and let it slip to the pile of my clothes on the tiles. I hesitated as the last thing to come off was my cotton panties, modest white briefs of course. My mind raced through all the possibilities and then a jackhammer of pain blasted through me, crumpling me to the floor unconscious.
I came to with the ongoing presence of pain and found that I'd luckily collapsed onto my clothes, probably saving me from some serious bruising and maybe even some lost teeth. A zap of pain encouraged me to stop taking inventory of my condition and I got to my feet. Slipping my panties off, I sat back on Invader and was immediately met with the relief of the pain completely ending. I sat there and caught my breath for a few minutes and then felt a tang of a cramp as the program became impatient. Sitting back in the workstation my pain ended and as I placed my legs in the stirrups a pleasant glow swept over me and I allowed myself to relax. The manacles, collar, and waist restraint moved into place and I didn't care. The pain was over.
After the constant and sometimes hideous pain the pleasant glow was a comforting and welcomed relief and I had no problem surrendering myself to whatever Invader had planned for me. It was wonderful to just lay back in the chair and I realized that having my legs bent and spread by the padded restraints was actually quite comfortable.
I heard the cabinet in the floor open up and looked down to see the black tampon thing swing up. The warm lubricant was sprayed on my pussy and then it moved up and slipped precisely into me. I noticed the lubricant being a little warmer than last time and I found myself simply enjoying the sensation as it slipped all the way into me, filling me up as it went. I was just a little disappointed when it withdrew and then was replaced by the robotic arm with the phallus on it. I heard it start vibrating as it hovered just within touch of my body. I knew that this would be another incredible experience and I was ashamed to feel myself flush with arousal in anticipation of being penetrated by what was really just a fancy dildo. I'd never felt this way about my ex. I'd never felt this way in my life, come to think of it, and here I was excited about being impaled by a senseless machine.
My arousal rose into a frustrating need. I watched the phallus and imagined it moving into me and each time I thought it was moving it just stayed still, the vibration audibly teasing me. The manacle on my right wrist came undone and I tentatively removed my wrist from it, expecting pain. Nothing happened and I reached down and found myself touching my body (down there!) in a way I'd never done in my entire life. That was when the pain hit.
I yanked my hand back and placed it in the manacle, expecting it to close, but nothing happened. I was fearful that I was just going to be senselessly tortured when I heard a noise above my head and an arm with a touch panel on it came down and faced me. It was displaying a tic-tac-toe game and the message:
"Complete the following task."
A circle appeared in the upper left portion of the game field. The computer was playing games with me? Okay, I thought, this is easy. I reached up and touched the center of the game field and an "X" appeared. Shortly thereafter, I won the game and felt the familiar glow of arousal slip over me. The glow faded and then a new game field appeared. Again, I won and, again, I was rewarded with pleasure. The tic-tac-toe field was replaced with a game of checkers and over the course of maybe two hours I played several games with the computer, winning some of them, while the computer won most of them. With each game I lost I'd receive a slight discomfort, but with each game I won the glow would rise up in me. It was pretty clear to me that it was more pleasant to win than to lose.
After I won the last game of checkers the glow of pleasure amped up to almost make me come. I was catching my breath with the oncoming joy and then it suddenly ended...kind of reminding me of sex with my ex!
When I looked at the screen the gamefield had been replaced with a question:
"A young, attractive man tells you that he is your Master. He instructs you to disrobe and assume a certain position so that he may mate with you. Do you comply? Select your answer."
There were two circles, one with the word YES in it and one with NO in it.
I selected NO.
The zap of pain was pretty impressive and I screamed. Even though the pain only lasted a second or so, it was agonizing.
A new question was displayed:
"An older, unattractive man tells you that he is your Master. He instructs you to disrobe and assume a certain position so that he may mate with you. Do you comply? Select your answer."
I knew it wanted me to agree and I just couldn't. I wasn't going to be anybody's whore, even if it was just a meaningless question from a computer. I touched the circle with NO in it.
I broke out in a sweat and felt every muscle in my body seize up with the intense, electrifying agony. My lungs seized up and I couldn't breathe or even scream. I began to suffocate and I wondered if I was going to die. Just as I was about to black out, the pain and the seizures ended and I shrieked with relief and panted to get air into my starving lungs. My body was slick with sweat and I felt it pooling on the chair under my back.
Looking at the screen, I saw another question:
"An older, unattractive man tells you that he is your Master. He instructs you to disrobe, assume a certain position so that he may mate with you, and then he informs you he intends to make you pregnant. Do you comply? Select your answer."
Pride and self-esteem demanded that I select NO. Fear and self-preservation dictated I answer YES. My finger hovered over the NO until it began to shake. The thought of being tortured again if I gave the wrong answer was more than enough to finally make me hit the YES with enough force to make the arm holding the panel swing away from me. Nonplussed, the arm simply returned to its previous position. I guess a part of me was still expecting to be zapped with pain even though I'd gone along with the answer the computer seemed to want from me. I felt my pussy lips part and looked down to see the phallus slipping into me. The wonderful vibration wasn't on this time and I guess I felt a little disappointed by that. The phallus settled into a very gentle yet steady rhythm of mindlessly thrusting in and out of my body. Even without the vibration it wasn't too bad. Instead of a raging orgasmic experience, it was just like a gentle, early morning fuck. No, it wasn't bad at all.
A flashing on the screen in front of me directed my glance away from the gently fucking phallus between my legs.
"Your Master is making love to you. He asks you if you like having him make love to you. Select your answer."
Why fight it? I chose YES.
The phallus gave me a deep, hard thrust, and then returned to its rhythm. It was a little uncomfortable as it went so deep into me, but it was somehow arousing as it responded to my approving answer.
A new question came up:
"Your Master asks your permission to fuck you until he comes in you. You are ovulating and know you might become pregnant if you agree. Do you agree? Select your answer."
The gentle fucking of the phallus in my pussy had quickly become hypnotic. I really didn't care right then about hypothetical questions about what I might or might not do. I did know I didn't want any more pain and I also knew that I was seriously enjoying the wonderful fuck I was experiencing.
I selected YES.
The rhythm of the phallus began to gently pick up speed and it also began to drive deeper with each thrust. I could swear I felt it swell inside me...just like the real thing. In the middle of all of this another question came up:
"Your Master is fucking you. You are completely unprotected and pregnancy is a certainty if he comes in you. Your body will swell with his baby and he will make you return to Invader to give birth. Your Master tells you that he will stop if you ask him to. There will be no penalty if you refuse him. He will let you walk free from this house. He asks you if you will let him come in your womb, let him inseminate you with his seed, filling you with his baby and making you his slave for the rest of your life. If you agree you will never leave this house without his permission. Do you agree to be his slave for the rest of your life? Select your answer."
I wasn't really thinking too clearly just then. A glow was building in my belly and I knew I'd be feeling fabulous if I let this thing finish its job. I briefly considered the expected negative of a shock of pain if I disagreed with the question and knew I didn't need anymore pain today. And what the hell, it was just a stupid computer question, right?
I selected YES.
The phallus began a series of lingering, deep thrusts into my pussy. With each thrust the phallus would writhe and twist, straining itself at my pussy as it tried to get deeper. At the same time I felt it begin to buzz and vibrate with my special frequency. It was sheer, absolute Heaven! This thing wasn't just fucking my pussy, it was fucking my soul! It couldn't have gotten any better when I felt the glow inside me rise up like a tidal wave of pleasure, building and building me up to higher and higher levels of sexual pleasure. The ball inside me was unleashing the full promise of pleasure in my body and I was ready and primed for anything it wanted to do to me.
Just like an impassioned lover, the phallus changed from fucking me with deep thrusts to a hard, rapid pumping of my pussy. I heard the obscene sound of it slipping in and out of my pussy, the wet smacking sound echoing in the dungeon. I scooted down to get it deeper into me. It responded and fucked me faster and harder. This time I knew it wasn't just my imagination as I felt it swell inside me. And that did it for me.
The Gates of Heaven opened up and I was ushered inside by angels as the most concerted pleasure crashed over me. My pussy contracted with waves of pleasure, sucking the thrusting phallus deep into my welcoming womb. The ball inside me evoked and even deeper and more pervasive pleasure as my body now demanded to be filled. The thrusting cock...it was my lover now and no longer a machine...it hammered me deep and hard and even painfully as it crashed itself into the door of my womb. And then it got even better! In the midst of the absolute most intense joy I'd ever felt the cock held itself deep inside me, impaling me on its length. I felt it swell more than before and then it began to ripple in waves. I felt a hot, liquid presence in my pussy and knew, just knew the cock was coming in me! The hot, spurting liquid seemed to fill me with an awesome, blinding pleasure. My every sense intensified and I swear I could see in my minds' eye the wonderful tip of the cock spurting its cream into my ready, willing womb. The feeling of the hot come spurting into me didn't stop for an eternity and my wild, intense orgasm contiued on in waves of heat and light even after the cock stopped thrusting and spurting into me.
The cock finally pulled from my body and I was acutely aware of feeling thoroughly and completely feminine. My breasts felt wonderful. My belly was satisfied with the lingering warmth of both the spurting come and my sexual supernova. The restraints were already opened but I was in no hurry to get up and leave. I felt myself smile with a stupid, satisfied grin as I lay there, my legs splayed open and my pussy dripping with...what?
I reached down to my soaking pussy and ran my hand over it, gathering my lust and the product of the cock into it. I lifted it to my eyes and then I sniffed at it. The somehow pleasing odour of my own musky scent was present and then I caught the perfume of the slick fluid that had been sexily and hotly pumped into me, I wasn't sure what it was. The scent was kind of flowery, but there was also a medicinal quality to it as well. A little part of my glow faded when I couldn't figure out what had been spurted into my body, yet I still was in more joy from the afterglow of my fucking than I'd ever been from any male-induced orgasm.
The computer screen displayed a new question:
"Did you like it? Do you like being a slave?"
I was free to go.
I didn't have to answer.
Yet I did.
I reached up and touched YES.
I'd never been happier in all of my life. Laying there in the afterglow I contemplated having experienced Heaven and I abandoned myself to a warm, restful sleep.
Day Six
When I woke up the display was hovering over my face and I was still comfortably ensconced on Invader. I took a look at the display to see what I was supposed to do next and it had a simple instruction:
"Have a pleasant morning. Instruction will commence promptly at 1pm, please return to Invader at that time. Time is now 7:57am. Please acknowledge this instruction by selecting YES."
I did so and the screen promptly retreated into the ceiling. As I was getting to my feet I reached for the pile of clothes I'd left strewn about the tile floor the night before. I thought about getting dressed and decided to just head up and get a shower. I smelled like sex and my thighs were still oiled up from my workout. I stopped in the kitchen to start my coffee and then it was upstairs for a welcomed shower.
The hot water cleaned up my body and it seemed to clear the fog from my mind, too. I found myself wondering what the hell I'd consented to with the computer. The feelings I'd had...and then I realized I'd stood in the stream of water for several minutes without a thought and without moving. I'd been lost in what I can only describe as a flashback to the night before. I was living it over again. The feeling of the hot liquid squirting into me like a lovers' come had me aroused and I was mindlessly caressing myself just thinking about it.
I caught myself and shut off the water. Taking a plush towel I dried off my hair and then worked my way down, drying between my toes when I reached them. Again, the question of dressing came up. I thought about my clothes and remembered struggling to escape them the day before. The terry robe would be sufficient for now.
The coffee was a Swedish blend and it was a little more acidic than I preferred. An extra dollop of cream compensated and it accompanied a trio of freshly scrambled eggs along with a nice ham steak. I grabbed a danish from the freezer and thawed it in the microwave. Taking my breakfast out to the living room I looked out on another foggy morning replete with dedicated surfers out there just past the break. I flicked on the TV and ate while Katie and Brian filled me in on Iraq and North Korea.
I watched the local morning show at 9am and then an old episode of Bonanza after that. The whole time I was watching TV I was thinking about what was going to happen at 1pm. Little Joe and Hoss were doing something with some blind girl when I gave up trying to pay attention and I just shut the idiot box off.
I got some cold coffee and warmed it up in the microwave before dosing it with the necessary amount of cream. The warm mug itself was comforting to me as I walked into the dungeon to look at Invader. It sat there so lifeless. I went up and touched it, almost expecting it to do something on its own. It just sat there. Looking about, I saw the doors to the cabinets in the floor and ceiling were closed and secured. The odd thought that the robot arms were vulnerable and fragile crossed my mind. Why else would they have to be hidden away when I was free to move around?
The room was somehow unsettling without the noises of the arms moving about and doing their business. Losing myself in contemplation, I drifted back to wondering what was in store for me later in the day and when I caught myself I found I was getting turned on. I don't know why, but the helplessness I felt when secured into the workstations while they did anything they wanted to me was a bizarre turn-on for me. I'd never in my life ever thought of the kinds of things I'd experienced in this house since I'd arrived. My possible futures had never included torture and unimagined sexual pleasure. Now I anticipated it with both dread and with the feeling of something wonderful about to happen. I couldn't wait for 1pm and find out what Invader would do to me.
What the hell was I thinking? This was wrong! >> I << didn't think like this!
I purposefully strode from the room and walked quickly to the front door. My hand hovered over the door knob. I knew what would happen if I touched it. Placing my mug of coffee on the little table by the door I braced myself to touch the shiny brass knob. I was going to touch it and this house be damned! Yeah, that'd show Waldo! I'll touch the doorknob!
Standing there in my bare feet and just the terry robe I suddenly felt ridiculous. I knew that if I touched the doorknob I'd just end up on the floor, writhing in pain. It would be stupid to touch the doorknob. Stupid.
I picked up my coffee, slugged it down, and went back to the TV, selecting one of the movie channels. It was some strange sci-fi flick about monsters in the dark and the stupid people who feed them. I just couldn't get into it as I now focused on wondering why my resolve to open the door had so suddenly dissolved. That was right...I was going to leave, wasn't I? Yeah...fuck Waldo...that was my feeling...wasn't it? Maybe I just needed a nap and then I'd feel better.
I woke up with the discomfort in my belly pinging away and I looked to see the noon news ending...shit! It was 1pm! I pulled my robe about me and jumped up and ran, I mean RAN, to the dungeon! I'd made it just in time and the pain ceased the second I crossed the threshold of the room. I laughed at the thought of 'checking my messages' as I looked at the display on the wall:
"Please disrobe and mount Invader promptly."
Well, it was learning manners. How quaint. The robe fell at my feet and I climbed onto Invader and allowed the restraints to secure themselves. I have to admit that I was a little wet thinking about what pleasures might be in store for me.
The ceiling opened up and the display swung down in front of my face. My right hand was freed and then I had a question to answer:
"Your Master asks you to suck his cock until he comes in your mouth. Then he instructs you to swallow it. Do you comply?"
Something about sucking cock just grates on me and I touched NO.
Big mistake.
The pain was of the 100% maximum knock-me-out kind and I'd really wished I hadn't said NO. My belly cramped up, my legs and arms cramped, I couldn't breathe, an instant migraine set in...all cause I don't like the idea of sucking cock.
Relief finally arrived and I had a few minutes to recover before the same question came up again. Defiant, I chose NO again.
Really big mistake.
I blacked out from the pain this time and when I woke up another question was waiting:
"Your Master wants anal sex with you. Do you comply?"
Damn it to hell!
I chose NO.
The panel retreated to the ceiling and then another robot arm swung down and pointed a hypodermic needle at my thigh. There wasn't one fucking thing I could do to stop it as it plunged into my flesh and delivered a dose of burning pain into my leg. Just as quickly as it had arrived the arm went back into the ceiling, leaving me alone.
A few minutes went by and I was just stuck there, trussed up and waiting for what was next. It had to be some awful torture in reward for my defiance...right?
My leg stopped burning pretty quickly and then I noticed I was feeling pretty good...just like the other morning...which was when, exactly? The lights in the room shut off and blackness ruled my universe...except for some pretty colours...in my head? I felt my little ball deep inside me start to vibrate and the glow of arousal quickly rose up in me. I went to touch myself and a nubbin of pain made me place my right arm back in the restraint. It was somehow comforting when the restraint gently closed on it.
I knew I'd been drugged and I fought against the darkness that came over me, a darkness that was egged on by the warm feelings in my belly. I was just on the verge of oblivion when I heard the voices whispering in the air...
"....choose pleasure...."
"....obedience is pleasure...."
"....inside is pleasure...."
"....outside is pain, pain, and only pain...."
And then I was gone.
Day Seven
I awoke to warmth.
The lights were on, although they were pleasantly dim, and as my groggy eyes took in the room I could see I was still on Invader and the door was closed. I moved a little and sensed a certain fullness. Looking down I saw that the robotic cock was snuggled into me. I bucked my hips a little and it answered with a gentle thrust and then rested again. I bucked at it again, a little more vigorously, and it humped at me a few times and then stopped again. This next time I bucked at it I kept on, thrusting my hips at the cock to keep it going. It wasn't long before we had ourselves a nice rhythm going and I was getting myself juiced up with excitement and anticipation. The cock slipped in and out of me with so much ease...I'd never been this relaxed during sex! There was so much freedom as I abandoned myself to fucking. No shame, no concerns, no jobs, just my pussy being properly fucked.
The fucking went on and a distant memory of making love with my ex-boyfriend one early morning came along and suddenly became real to me. I looked and saw him standing between my legs, lost in his passion, fucking himself into me with gentle passion. The sunlight looked wonderful in his hair as he threw back his head and began to ram me, deep into me. I didn't think his cock was so long as it felt right now, butting into my tender cervix. I thrust my hips at him, encouraging his lust...
He drove into me and held himself there, his wonderful cock spewing into me...filling me...
The sunlight in his hair became a technicolour rainbow as pleasure washed over me from inside, outside, and all over the universe. The warm liquid gushed into me and pleased me with its fulfilling promise. My body wanted more...wanted so much more...whatever I had to do I'd do...it was so clear now.
The light grew brighter and I swear I saw the clouds sweep away from the sun.
The dungeon returned to me. The wonderful feeling...wanting...stayed with me as the dream faded.
My mind told me that it had all been a dream...or a hallucination. Somehow, it didn't matter.
The voices were in the room again as the fog of sleep took me over and led me into wonderful oblivion again.
Day Eight
Hungry. That was my first thought. I slipped from Invader and went right to the kitchen to get something to eat. I pulled a thick steak from the freezer and popped it in the microwave to defrost as I peeled a couple of potatoes and sliced them into a frying pan. I ate a piece of the potato raw. The moisture in my mouth told me how dry I was. A quart of apple juice disappeared in one, long draw, the cool refreshment in my stomach just feeling wonderful!
The sun was out and it was clearly morning. Of what day? Who cares! It was beautiful out there! I took my breakfast to the window and touched the door to open it and then went out into the fresh air. Setting my plate on the patio table I gave a good look at the view and then launched right into my New York steak. It was the best steak I'd ever had! And the potatoes were awesome!
A couple of the surfers out on the break waved at me and I paused from eating to wave back. What nice boys they were!
My breakfast was gone all too soon and it was time to go in. I collected my plate and the utensils and virtually floated into the kitchen. Isn't it great to have such a nice kitchen? And it's so rewarding to have such pretty dishes and shiny pans to clean!
The pan and the plate had to go back where they belonged after I got done and then I remembered my clothes! I fetched my clothes from where I'd left them in the workout room...dungeon is such a bad name!...and took them to the laundry. It was a wonderful two hours I spent cleaning the cute clothes and my towels and my thick, comfy robe! The whites were separated from the colours and I waited while they dried and then ironed my jeans and my top. The robe was even more comfy with the warm, freshly cleaned scent on it!
Everything was put in its place.
What the fuck was I doing?
It was like I'd been dreaming and awake at the same time. The sensation was like waking up and it was damn weird.
Oh, shit! I realized I'd been outside!
I ran to the window display to see if it would still work and let me out.
No dice.
The message was simple and my heart sunk as I knew I had to comply.
"Disrobe and mount Invader in 38 seconds."
I took off my robe, folded it, and hung it over the back of the sofa. Naked, I walked into the dungeon and did as I had been told to.
What else could I do?
The restraints closed in place and then the ceiling opened up. I was hoping for the display to come down and play twenty questions, but it was no surprise when the arm with the needle came down. An injection in my thigh was immediately followed by one of the painful injections into my belly. At the same time I was lubed up and then quickly, deeply, and rudely penetrated. I felt the hot liquid spurting into my pussy without any sexual activity or, well, foreplay and then I was empty. Briefly. My ass was penetrated and filled with lube. Another quick, deep, and rude pentration later and I was being filled with warm water. My belly rapidly swelled up and then my ass was free to empty itself. A second penetration, a second filling, and a second rush of water followed. My ass was just recovering from the rapid activity when a third penetration was followed with an injection of something warm and viscous into me. It was the same stuff that I'd received when I was in the Chair, I somehow just knew this fact.
Another injection followed in my thigh, then another into my arm, and then another, straight into my neck. The blur of motion and activity had made me feel beaten, even senseless, and not even the final injection into my neck was going to get a reaction from me. I wasn't even surprised when I heard the whisperings beginning again right as my universe changed colour and then faded.
Day Eleven
I needed a shower. And some food.
I was exhausted and wiped out as I lifted myself off of Invader. Slipping over the edge of the reclining workstation I tried to stand and my feet failed me. I caught myself before hitting the tile and struggled back to sit on the edge of the workstation. It was a good while before the strength to carry me out of the room was summoned.
My robe was where I'd left it and I took it upstairs with me, hanging it up in the bathroom as I started the shower. The steam from the hot water shortly fogged up the mirror and I felt a compulsion to clean the mirror, even though I knew it would be fine after the bathroom aired out. Right, that's right. I turned on the vent for the shower and relaxed when I saw the condensation on the mirror start to clear itself.
I stepped into the warm stream and immediately soaked my hair, rinsing the sweat and grunge out of it. There was beauty soap and a deodorant soap in the soap holder and I reached for the deodorant bar. I ran it under my arms and was met with stubble, looking down, I saw my legs looking kind of shrubby, too. I washed all over and then shampooed my hair, rinsed, and set in a generous amount of conditioner before reaching for my razor. It felt good to shave the stubble from my arm pits, legs, and bikini, and I remarked to myself that I was feeling feminine again. I shaved the last stubble from my ankle and then rinsed the conditioner from my hair.
Not long after that I made my way to the kitchen and put together a good breakfast and flicked on the news to see what was going on. Something had happened in North Korea a couple of days ago and they were making a big deal about it. Why hadn't they mentioned it when I'd last seen the news? Setting down my coffee I had a feeling and went to the display by the window and found that three days had elapsed since the last time I could remember anything. For some reason I accepted this fact without any argument and went back to finish my coffee.
"Beautiful. You are a work of art, Christie!"
I heard a familiar voice...a real voice!
I got up and ran to him, and I probably bruised his ribs I hugged him so hard!
"It's so nice to see you, Waldo! I have some coffee ready, would you like some coffee?"
He paused a moment.
"Christie, let's you put on your robe and then get it for me, okay?"
I forgot that I hadn't dressed. I nodded my agreement, got on the robe and then went to the kitchen.
Waldo followed me and accpeted the coffee when it was ready.
"Christie, I have a friend outside and he'll be coming in here in a few minutes. But before he does we need to have a talk, okay?"
"Of course!" I stared at him like a puppy waiting for a ball.
"This isn't my house, really. I did build it at very great expense, that is true, but it isn't mine."
He swallowed, bracing himself for something big.
"It belongs to your Master."
He stared at me, waiting for a response.
"Uh-huh, that's okay Waldo. Is there something else?"
He looked rather pleased at me right then and I felt pleased that he was smiling at me.
"Christie, darling, you belong to him too, now. He paid me for you."
I felt a small hesitation in my mind and then I smiled at Waldo again.
"I hope you got paid well for me!"
Waldo chuckled and then went on.
"All right, we need to go over a few things to make sure this is all okay with you." He reached over and pulled my robe away from my thigh and touched the symbol tattooed there. "Christie, this is the Sanskrit character for 'slave', do you understand?" I nodded yes. "It's there becuase you are now, and forever, the slave of the man you'll meet very soon. He paid me very well to find a girl to be his slave and he was in the restaurant the day you came in, he told me that he wanted you. He paid me ten million dollars for you, Christie."
Wow. Ten million dollars, I thought. That was flattering! Ten million for me to be his slave. I was a slave now. I'd been abducted, tortured, abused, and now enslaved. I was a fucking slave. I was a fuck slave. Yeah, that's what I was. It pissed me off.
It was that moment when I "split". I'd later find out that this was a common effect of Waldo's enslavement techniques. The conscious mind of the slave was intact, rational and thinking, yet the slave was incapable of free will. I was free to think and that was all I was free to do anymore. Forevermore.
"You need to know that I drugged you to induce a hypnotic sleep, you've been implanted with a device that controls your pleasure and pain, you've been brainwashed, and you're probably right now cursing my name in your mind while completely unable to effect any change on your behavior. You've also received nutritive supplements injected into your lower intestine to fortify you during yourprogramming. You may comment freely if you wish."
It was like a door was opened and I was able to be me again.
"You'll never get away with this, you faggot bastard! I'm nobody's fucking whore and I'll never be! What the hell did you think..."
His eyes rolled while I unleashed my diatribe and he quietly said, "Shut up, Christie."
I did shut up. I couldn't do otherwise. The door of my free will slammed closed.
"It's a nice day, isn't it Christie?"
It was more than just one question and I knew it.
"Yes, why yes, it is, Waldo." (cocksucker!)
He stood there a moment and then turned to face me.
"Christie, go to the kitchen and get out the meat cleaver. Then chop off the little finger on your left hand, okay?"
I smiled at him, "Sure thing, can I get you a warm-up on the coffee while I'm out there?" (Whatthefuck?????)
"No, thanks, that'll be enough."
I walked to the kitchen and noticed Waldo was right behind me the whole way. I had to poke around in the drawers to find the meat cleaver and then I got out some paper towels for the inevitable mess and I also got the cutting board out. I didn't want to damage the granite countertop, after all.
With everything set to go I took the cleaver, put my hand in place, and began to lower the blade into the knuckle.
(Thank youJesus!)
"Christie, put the cleaver away and go watch TV, anything you want, until your Master arrives. You're ready to do anything he wants now, aren't you?"
I wanted to choke on the words as I said them with a pleasing, little-girl tone in my voice, "Yes, Waldo, anything he wants."
Waldo pulled out his cell phone and dialed while I went out to find a movie on cable. I've seen "Terminator" before, but decided to see it again.
Waldo's phone call ended and he came out and sat on the sofa with me to watch the movie. I was surprised when (thefucker!) took my hand and gently caressed it as we sat there. During the whole movie he never let go of my hand, as if he really cared or regretted what he'd done to me.
The national news had ended and then the LA six o'clock team was coming on as the doorbell rang. I didn't even know the place had a doorbell. Waldo excused himself and went to the door, leaving me alone for the moment. The anticipation of just who I was going to meet was kind of overwhelming. In my mind I still struggled to get free of the intangible thing that had wrapped around my consciousness, locking me prisoner in my own body.
Waldo escorted his client into the room and into my sight.
Tall, thin except for a paunchy gut, graying black hair that was slick with what had to be old-school Brylcreem, a buttoned-up plaid shirt on khakis, Doc Martens', and wire-rimmed glasses. Thick glasses. I figured him for maybe late forties, about my Dad's age. He was a geek in the extreme. No wonder he had to go to such lengths to get a woman!
Waldo looked at me as if waiting for me to react with something other than my Stepford-wife look.
"Christie, this is your Master. You will address him as Master until and unless he gives you permission to call him by name. From here on out you are to follow hs each and every instruction and you are to meet his every need. Pleasing him is why you are alive. You will never say 'no' to his requests unless he first gives you permission to make a free choice. Do you understand me, Christie?"
I wanted to cry. I wanted to SCREAM!
"Yes, Waldo, I do."
Waldo turned to my new Master and swallowed, then he spoke,
"My work here is done. You will transfer the balance of the money now, yes?"
My Master pulled out a cell phone and turned it on. He drew a tiny keyboard from another pocket and tapped on it for a while before looking up at Waldo.
"Waldo, why don't you call your bank and confirm my part of the bargain?"
Waldo called his bank and smiled when they confirmed his new account balance, he turned to me.
"Good luck to you, Christie." Then he turned to my Master, "And my best wished for you, too, sir. I hope you like her."
That was the last I saw of Waldo.
Without any instructions from my Master, I stood there at the entry to the house as he went back to the garage and brought in his bags. Looking out the door I had a glimpse of the cars whizzing by on the PCH and was helpless to run to the freedom that was so teasingly close.
"Can I see you, um, like, without the robe if that's okay?"
"Yes, Master, of course." I dropped my robe.
He walked around me and was clearly admiring what he saw. He was a geek, but I had to admit I was flattered in some small way. He reached to me and caressed my breasts, then ran his hands over my skin with the lightest, feathery touch. It tickled and I trembled from it. His hands went to my ass and squeezed me, not too tight, not too soft. There was longing in his touch and I knew it.
"Christie, have you ever been fucked before?"
Bold for a geek, wasn't he?
"Yes, Master."
"How many times?"
"Fourteen times by my ex-boyfriend and I'm unsure of how many times by the workout stations."
He reached down to my pussy and worked a finger into me. I was kind of dry and unprepared for this so I winced from the sudden intrusion.
"Yeah. Now I get to fuck you."
He pulled his finger out and sniffed it before taking me by the hand and leading me to the kitchen where he washed his hands. Then he led me upstairs and it was obvious to me what he had in mind. He led me into the bedroom that was so recently mine and tapped a password into the display, enabling his access. Then he tapped it again and the ventilation switched on to deliver a cooling breeze into the room.
He stood me by the bed and then went to the bathroom. I heard him piss and brush his teeth and then he came back out. He undid his shirt, neatly, button by button, and then folded it and placed it on the dressing chair by the bedside. His undershirt joined it only to be followed by the rest of his clothing. Turning to me he presented a sight that would have made me laugh in a different circumstance but scream in this one. He'd never worked out a day in his life and that was clear. His belly was sloppy fat and his arms were flabby. His chest hair was sparse and what there was of it was mostly gray.
I let my eyes travel to his crotch and saw a shock of unruly pubic hair surrounding a...familiar?...sight. I knew it! His cock was the spitting image of the cock on Invader!
With the erection making him look even more ridiculous he came close to me and drew me to him by my shoulders. Nervously, he kissed me. He was tentative at first and then he tried to get into it. Something kicked on in me and I felt an unwanted arousal start up inside me. I gently placed my arms around him and kissed him back. He kissed me like this for a few minutes and then stood back, panting a little, to look at me.
"Christie, lay back on the edge of the bed for me, okay?"
"Yes, Master." And I complied. (Hesgonnafuckme!)
He walked up and spread my legs. He ran his hands admiringly over my knees and up to my belly, letting his hands linger there...holding me there. He scooted close to me and let his throbbing cock bounce on my belly. His full, hanging balls were cool against the warmth of my pussy.
"Christie, do you want me to fuck you now?" He looked at me through the thick glasses.
"Yes, Master, I do. Please fuck me if you want to." (Fuckme?NOOOOO!!!!Getthefuckawayfrommeyoufuckingcreep!)
He pulled back and took his cock in his hand. He stroked it a little and it got firmer in response. Then he placed it against my wet pussy and the glow rose up in me. I didn't want this! I didn't want this awful man!
My Master started humping at me and with each thrust he penetrated deeper into my pussy. I saw a sweat break out on his brow as he took my knees into his hands and held them up to his paunchy sides. His cock drove deeper and deeper into me until I felt it bottom out in me. My body responded to him the same way I would've with Invader, I met his thrusts and scooted down the bed enough to get him into me nice and deep.
"You like my cock in you, little girl?"
It just sounded wrong coming out of a geek, you know?
"Yes, Master, I do."
Which sounded even worse.
He started humping me faster and he took me by the waist while his horrid cock fucked into me. I felt his balls slapping on my ass and was suddenly and acutely aware of the sperm inside them. I momentarily felt my eyes widen with fear as the real me slipped out for a split second. He took it the wrong way and fucked me hard and fast.
I wanted to get away.
My hands went up to his hands that held my knees. I caressed them and was rewarded with my Master slowing down our first fucking into a series of deep, uncomfortable thrusts. My glow rose up and became a crescendo of wild, incredible pleasure. I felt my pussy contracting in waves around his thrusting cockmeat.
His cock swelled up and his head lolled about with the onset of his release. I spread my legs as wide as they would go and let him impale me with his need. It was too much for him and he gasped as I felt the entire length of his cock surge. He filled my unprotected pussy with his fertile, vital sperm. I felt the first pulse and reacted with a wild series of orgasmic contractions which triggered his next pulse into me.
I was absolutely, totally, and completely horrified as the thought of my beautiful body swelling with this bastard creep's baby was perfectly pictured in my mind.
The contractions in my pussy became insane as his cock throbbed and pumped and fucked. I was milking him dry.
The one saving grace of his being so old was that he was a one-shot man. When he finished with me he went completely limp and collapsed on top of me, crushing me into the mattress. He wasn't rude about it and soon excused himself politely, inviting me to join him for a soda downstairs.
I stood up and followed him down the stairs and felt his come running out of my pussy and down my thighs, making me sticky and so...grossed out! I prayed that every last drop would run out and leave me alone.
He popped the top off a soda for me and handed it to me, it was cream soda, which I detest, but I politely thanked him and sipped it.
He took a swig and then belched.
"That was great, Christie. The best."
"Thank you." (Fuckyou)
He took another swig, belched again, and then met my eye and spoke.
"When I was a young man I could jerk off six times, seven times a day thinking about girls like you."
"Now I'm lucky if I can get it up six times a month."
Six times a month! I'd have to fuck him SIX TIMES a month???
He reached for a packet of pills and squeezed one through the foil. Then he popped the little blue pill into his mouth and chased it down with another swig of the soda. He thought it was cute when he belched so I giggled in approval. The giggling pushed some more of his sperm out of my pussy and I felt a little relief thinking that it was less of his seed in me. Only six times a month meant I was safe for maybe a day or two or three before he could get it up again.
He chatted me up about his life for a while and told me about his failed attempts at relationships, his success in business, and then went on about meeting Waldo. I think he felt a little guilty, maybe.
It was about a half-an-hour after we'd come downstairs together when he came around the counter and had me lead us up to the bedroom again. I expected a shower was in order.
"I want to see your ass, Christie. Get up on the edge of the bed like before, except on your hands and knees."
He wanted to see my ass. That wasn't so bad. I did as I was told, of course.
"Now lay your head down on the bed and get your ass up high in the air. Scoot back 'til your knees are on the edge."
I did.
"Spread your legs, baby."
I had to.
I imagined him looking at a pussy up close and personal for the very first time. He was back there checking out my every ridge, my every secret crevice. His hands ran over my upturned ass and hips.
"You are so beautiful....Mmmmm!"
The geek edged a thumb into me and pulled it back and forth. The familar glow instantly lit inside me. He drew his thumb out and stepped away from me. I heard him tap on the control panel for the room and then the ball inside me turned on my very special vibrator frequency. This was nice.
"Can't forget about my best girl, can I?"
He stepped up close behind me and took me by the hips. His thumb slipped into me a little and then I realized both of his hands were holding my hips. He had his cock in me! I tried to tell myself that maybe he just had a little more gusto and he'd go limp as soon as it worked out.
"You know, Christie, I spent a lot of money on doctors over the years."
He poked at me kinda gently.
"And they said there wasn't much they could do for me getting it up more often."
It was more of a swoosh this time than a poke.
"I did find out that my sperm count was excellent."
Another poke.
"But my millions wouldn't buy me a hard-on when I wanted one."
"And then came Viagra and now I'm back to six times a day."
His long, hard, sperm-shooting cock slipped all the way into me in one slow, grinding stroke. We fit together perfectly. And in this position his cock seated against my cervix wonderfully. I was already in the beginning throes of pleasure when his cock pressed into me to amplify the sensation. I was in the perfect position to receive his cock and his sperm. My upturned ass was aiming my fertile pussy right at him. We fucked like wild dogs. The orgasms were incredible from the effects of the ball and his horny, hungry, amped-up cock.
Even in the middle of sheer euphoria, with no mind of my own, when his cock hammered me and spurted deep into my perfectly positioned body, a tear managed to get out of my eye. The ball in my belly buzzed insanely, giving me the orgasm of a lifetime. The lonely tear hung on the side of my cheek as my contracting pussy milked and milked and milked as much sperm as it could out of him. The exertion of the orgasm was too much and I began to pass out.
A rather long story, but exciting nonetheless. I had a dream something like this happened to me. Ugh, I was so repulsed I got up in the middle of the night and almost barfed, but reading this was pretty exciting. Of course, I'm a lot older now too......ugh....age.....
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Sincerely, Seductive lover
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