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Man takes a girl to be his slave...
My Pretty Little Slaves – Chapter 1 – Broken Family – New Beginnings


Ben “Big Ben”, 30 6'5 Black Male (light skin color).
Tiffani, 28 mother 5'5 White woman Blonde hair Blue eyes 34c breast
Brittany, 13 daughter 5' White girl with Blonde hair and Blue
Nikki, Ben's daughter
Gerald, Ben's friend

Tiffani's husband had passed away just over a year ago when her daughter was just twelve leaving her without means to support herself. She has gone from one job to another before finding what looks like a great job. She finds it on a career board on the internet. It comes with a house to rent and provides all the training she would need to advance her further into a promising career. The only downside is it is in another state, it is all the way down in Alabama in a small town on the Georgia boarder. She send them her resume, the requests a picture (which she finds strange) and sends them a picture. She has an online interview through a web cam session with two gentlemen both African-American one is light skin clean shaven very handsome the other guy is dark skin and rather average looking. They ask about her job experience and ask her to tell them about herself. She tells them about herself that she is a single mother looking for a chance to take care of her thirteen year old daughter. Right then Becky walks in and come with in camera view. Becky ask her mother something and Tiffani tells her she is in an online interview and tells her she will get back with her after it is over. The light skin black gentlemen name is Ben he notices Becky and says “Hello young lady, I am Ben” and smiles. Tiffani says “Sorry, let me take care of my daughter really quick.” Ben put his end on mute and tells his friend, Gerald, that this is the one he wants. He tells him that he thought the mother was beautiful but the daughter looked like she stepped straight out of heaven. He tells Gerald to get more details and then tell her about the house and everything. Tell her she needs to come down here with her daughter for an in person interview, all expenses paid.

Tiffani comes back to the web cam and waves “Sorry about that”. They go over the details of the job and that it would require three to four weeks of training and that the next step would be for her to come to do an in person interview all expenses included. The only requirement is that Becky come with her to see what they are both getting into. She accepts and they tell her they will email her with the specifics about the itinerary. Within two hours she sees she is on a flight for two from Chicago to Birmingham she see there will be a car waiting for her to drive her to the interview.

Tiffani tells Becky that she has to go out of town to go on an interview and the company wants you to come with me so that you can see the town and get a feel of the land. Becky says “Okay, looks like an adventure.” They leave the next day for what they hope will be a new beginning and Tiffani hopes is a start on a new career and life for her and Becky. Tiffani and Becky have always been close, she had Becky when she was just 15 and she kind of grew up with each other. They did everything together like best friends. Becky is a beautiful Blond hair blue eye stunner like her mother. Becky never thought she had any features of her father who had gotten Tiffani pregnant when he was 17. Becky was an early bloomer as the doctor always told them. She had started getting her period when she was 10 and started developing womanly curves. She is just five feet tall and has a swan like neck with a nice ass and 34c breast. Her mother looked like a twin except that she had 36d breast and was 5'5.

The next day they board the plane carrying on their bags. They think it is just for a couple of days. After arriving at their destination they go outside of the airport and sees a sign with the companies name on the top and their names. The driver introduces himself and tells the ladies that he is to take them to the companies headquarters. He then takes their bags and takes them to a black limo and opens the door for them. He tells them there are sodas and juices in the refrigerator and help themselves. He gets in the limo and puts the privacy screen down and tells them there is a TV that is hooked up to satellite and asks them to get comfortable that the company headquarters is over three hours away. If they need anything just call on the phone. Becky cannot believe the way they are being treated.

They arrive just before noon and are escorted into the executive suite. Ben introduces himself to Tiffani and then to Becky. Becky thinks he is very charming and extremely handsome. Gerald tells them that the interview will take a couple of hours and Ben offer to take Becky to lunch and show her the town. Tiffani is reluctant but Becky convinces her mother that she will be safe with such a gentlemen. She agrees and Ben gives her his cell phone number if she needs to call.

Gerald already has his instructions from Ben to get her to except the job to triple her current salary. Ben and Becky leave the office Ben takes Becky's hand and tells her she is perfectly safe with him and that he is honored to have such a beautiful lunch date. She blushes and says “Thank you”. They go to this fancy Italian restaurant. Ben ask her is she has ever had veal and she says no and he orders her Veal Picata and he gets a dish with conk, shrimp and scallops. He orders a bottle of red wine and pour them both a glass. She tells him her mother does not let her drink wine and he says that he will take care of her and that she will only have one glass and she tries it and likes it. They eat there meal and Ben ask her to try his she does and he feeds her delicately watching her swallow every bite. He then orders a round of gelato. She asks him what that is and he tells her it is Italian ice cream and that this restaurant has the best gelato outside of Italy. They serve the containers and Ben tells Becky to close her eyes and try to guess what flavor each one he gives her. She does thinking this is really romantic. He proceeds to give her a spoonful of each and she guesses the flavors. All along Ben is checking her perfect 13 year old body out. He thinks she looks like she could be at least 18. After lunch he takes her by her hand and escorts her out to the awaiting limo and tells the driver to take a scenic tour around town then head to their final destination (his very large house). The get to his house and they get out and Ben tells her that this is his house and that they had some time to kill and he wanted to show it to her. He enters the front door and he gives her the tour of the house. Large living room, dining room, what looks to be 10 bedrooms and a large master suite with a huge shower that she thinks can fit 10 and a large tub. Ben then shows her the indoor pool and then finally the kitchen. In comes Ben's 14 year old daughter that is about three inches taller without the figure that Becky has. Ben introduces Becky to Nikki. Nikki asks if she could take Becky to her room to play some Wii. Ben says ok and Nikki says excuse me for a minute. Becky comes up to Ben and thanks him for the best lunch she has ever had and gives him a kiss on the cheek. He say you are welcome angel and gives her a kiss on her lips. She is surprised by this but is turned on and they begin to kiss passionately. Nikki comes back into the room and clears her throat to get there attention. Becky look down and blushes. Ben tells her that she kisses really well. Nikki shakes her head and they leave. An hour later he gets a call from an estatic Tiffani. She asks where they are. Ben tells them they are at his house and that Becky is playing with his 14 year old daughter and that he will come pick her up.

Ben arrives back at the company headquarters and goes into the executive suite and finds Gerald and Tiffani. Gerald informs Ben that Tiffani has excepted the position on one condition that she inspect the house first. Ben says sure and takes Tiffani to the house that is on his property. It is a three bedroom single story house with a kitchen and two bathrooms. Ben tells her it comes with the job. He tells her that he is planning on dinner at his house with the four of them. Tiffani goes to his house and is amazed at the size of the house. He takes her on a tour and she is quite impressed. He tells her that he has money from his family and that he likes to help single mothers get a start to a better life telling her it is his was of giving back for all the blessings in his life. He then gets the two girls and goes to the dinning room where they are served lobster and steak. He pours Tiffani and himself a glass of wine and then winks at Becky without Tiffani noticing.

Ben “So do you think you will accept the job?”

Tiffani “I thinks so, what do you think Becky?”

Becky “I want you to take the job it sounds like a great opportunity and I think I just found a new friend, I feel comfortable here”

Tiffani “I think it is decided, I will take the job. The salary is more money than my husband use to make and the advancement possibilities are endless”

Ben “That sounds great, Gerald told me to tell you that he needs you to start training on Monday and that I am to give you this.” Ben gives her a large package with employment documents and schedule of classes.

Tiffani “What about clothes and where is Becky going to stay and packing and moving of our stuff?”

Ben “We can go shopping tomorrow for clothes for you two. There is a company credit card in there for your expenses. Becky can stay her with my daughter and myself. If you give me your house key and car keys we plan to have your stuff professionally packed and moved down here while you are away.”

Tiffani “I don't know about leaving Becky here”

Becky “I will be fine her with Ben and Nikki they are really nice people and this is too good of an opportunity to pass up” Ben is just dreaming about sweet little Becky being in his bed next week.

Tiffani says ok. After dessert Ben shows them to their rooms and asks if they would like to watch some TV with him in the living room. Tiffani says no but Becky says ok. She clearly has a crush on Ben. Ben looks like a Greek God in Becky's mind. They go to the living room and Ben gives her another kiss on the lips and tells her she is the prettiest person he has ever met. She blushes and then kisses him back opening her mouth and they start to french kiss. They break apart when they hear somebody walking down the hall. Her mother comes in and kisses her daughter goodnight and tell her to go to bed at 11.

Becky “OK, mom!”

Tiffani “Do not give Ben a hard time.”

Becky “Mom”

Tiffani leaves and about a half hour later Becky leans over and puts her head on Ben's chest. He then wraps his arm around her. Becky hand drops to his lap and she inadvertently lands on his cock. She says “Sorry, I did not mean to do that Ben.” he says it is OK and she continues to stroke his cock. She falls asleep with her hand on his large bulge in his pants. He then picks her up and takes her to her room and then goes to his room for a cold shower.

The next day they get up and head to the mall. Ben tells Tiffani that she needs enough clothes to last her for three weeks and to get Becky clothes for two weeks. Tiffani thinks that is too much but is persuaded by Ben. He watches them shop for the cheapest stuff. When the come back he tells them to come with him. He picks out the finest outfits for both of them. Not even looking at the price tags. He tells them to put on a fashion show. They do and they both think they look like models and Tiffani says that this is too much. Ben tells her that she has to look the part of a up and coming young executive. He tells them to pick out under garments and shoes and quit being so cheap it is on the company.

Little do they know that he is paying for everything, even her salary. He then takes them to the department store to get luggage for Tiffani's trip and a brief case (so that she looks the part) he takes them by the cosmetic counter and the lady does their make up. Becky tells Ben she has never done that before and the lady tells her that they have classes for young ladies. Ben tells her that he will take her to the classes. They both get makeup and perfume. Becky asks Ben which fragrance is his favorite. He shows her and she gets a bottle of that (to tempt him she thinks).

The go back to Ben's house and Tiffani prepares for her departure in the morning. She has to leave at 5 am for her flight. She washes their undergarments and drys them and then starts to pack her suitcase and garment back for her dress suits. Tiffani thinks that they must of spent at lease $2000 today on clothes and stuff and shakes her head. Tiffani comes down for dinner which is steamed shrimp and cracked crab. Tiffani tells Becky that she is going to bed and to not stay up to late. She is asleep in no time. Ben and Becky go to the living room.

Becky after an hour of cuddling with Ben she asks him something so softly he cannot hear her. Becky says a little louder can I see what I am holding here. Ben says sure but only quickly because they might get caught. He unzips his pants and takes out his cock. It is 16” long and 5 1/2” wide with a 7” head.

Becky “Man that is larger than the ones in magazines I have seen, can I kiss it?”

Ben “Quickly” she does and she puts it away for him. “We can't do anything else until tomorrow, OK!”

Becky “OK, but I want to do more tomorrow.”

They snuggle watching television and she falls asleep around midnight and Ben carries her to her bedroom and lays her down on her bed, she wakes up and takes off all her clothes and tell him this is for him tomorrow. He gets up and she sees that he is erect and he leaves. She knows he is going to pop her cherry tomorrow and cannot wait. He set his alarm for 4 and takes a shower and hears Tiffani kiss her daughter goodbye and tells her to obey Ben while she is away and be a good girl. He goes into the kitchen and Tiffani is there drinking coffee and they chat. Tiffani tells Ben to take care of her baby and that she will call when she arrives at her hotel in Los Angles. Ben informs her she has a driver waiting for her in California and he is at her beck and call and he is to take her to dinner every night and show her the sights on the weekend. He tells her to take in all the sights and gives her a camera to take pictures for her daughter to see. Tiffani thinks that is a great idea. She leaves and give Ben a kiss on the cheek and tells him she is trusting him with her daughter. He knows and tells her she will be fine. Little does she know that Nikki is going to be going back to boarding school for gifted children later that day and it will be just him and Becky at his house.

Tiffani is gone for about an hour before Ben goes into Becky's room. She is wide awake.

Becky “Take off your clothes and come to bed, Ben, I want you to take my cherry”

Ben takes off his clothes and jumps into the bed with Becky. He then kisses her on the lips and then moves down her neck on either side caressing her breast in each of his hands. He the kisses her tits all over and licks her nipples and they become erect and he starts to suck on them one at a time. Becky then start to breathe really hard and starts to pant. She then feels a tingling feeling all over her body but especially in her pussy. She notices her pussy is getting wet and starts to stroke it as Ben continues to suck on her breast. She climaxes and asks Ben “What was that?” he replies “that is the first of your many orgasm that you are going to have today” she says “I like that feeling and want more of it”

Ben then proceeds further down her body until her gets to her pussy. He separates her legs and starts to suck on her pussy making her cum again and again. He tells her that is called “EATING PUSSY” or “GOING DOWN ON A GIRL”. She tells him that he could do that to her anytime he wanted too. She liked it a lot. Becky tells Ben that she is a virgin and to go gentle on her. Ben says “I am going to take it real easy on you until you tell me otherwise, I would never do anything to her my sweet little angel”. Becky tears up thinking to herself that she has never been so adored before.

Ben “Are you ready angel, I am just going to be the head in.”

Becky “OK, go slowly”

Ben spreads her lips and pushes the head of his cock into her pussy, she starts to breathe faster. He tells her his is going to put a couple more inches in. He pushes up into her hymen and she winces in pain.
“Angel this is going to hurt, there is no getting around it, it only hurt once and then you will start to get accustom to my size. Are you ready”

Becky “Yes, pop my cherry!!” OWWWWWWW, damn that hurt”. Ben gets 9” inches into her before hitting her cervix and stops and lets her pussy adjust to the enormous 5 ½” thick cock. She is panting and breathing hard.

Ben “The hard part is done, just relax and get use to my size”

Becky “You are a lot thicker than most men right?”

Ben “The average mans cock is 6” long and 2” thick, Becky. I am well above that and it is all for you”

Ben then starts to pull out and then push back in, a couple of inches at first and then five and then all 9 inches are pushed in and out. She is starting to like it and starts smiling and kissing his chest and sucking on his nipples. She then tells him to go faster. He does and then faster not penetrating her cervix.

Ben tells her “I usually end up in my partners womb, but I am going to do that another time. We have plenty of time to enjoy each others bodies”. He starts going really fast and she climaxes. He continues and after she climaxes the second time Ben starts to cum. He hold his cock tightly so that no more cum leaks out and pulls out of her once virgin pussy. He tells Becky to take his cock into her mouth and swallow his cum. She agrees and does it swallowing as much as she can. He finally stops and asks her how she liked the taste of his cum.

Becky “It was OK. I will get use to it, I am sure I am going to get a lot more of that in the coming days and weeks.” They cuddle for a while and then Ben whispers in her ear for her to suck his cock if she wants. She tells Ben “I will do anything you want lover as long as you keep loving me.”

Ben “I will, when my cock hits the back of your mouth breathe through your nose and swallow and keep swallowing until the head goes past your gullet into your lovely throat, OK Becky”. “Yes, lover your training me to be your lover aren't you” “Yes Becky, remember SWALLOW AND BREATHE THROUGH YOUR NOSE, my sweet angel”

Becky opens her mouth as wide as it can go and Ben manages to get the head of his cock into her mouth, he pushes two inches and is at the back of her mouth she immediately starts to swallow and breathe through her nose like instructed. He pushes back and forth for a couple of minutes and then pops the head into her throat pushing inch after inch all the way down her swan like neck. He notices her throat bulging out and starts to stroke her throat.

Ben “Becky you have an amazing throat, it is pulsating around my cock.” He continues to pump her throat. She is breathing through her nose just like he instructed. After about 15 minutes Ben erupts and shoots at least a half a quart into Becky's stomach.

Becky “Now that is what I call a hot breakfast”. Ben laughs.

Ben “Becky, I have something serious I want to talk to you about.” “OK, my lover and teacher!”

Ben “Do you know what a Master and Slave relationship is in relation to sex?”

Becky “No, but I am more than will to be your slave to sex!”

Ben “Well, A Master takes a slave and takes care of her for the rest of her life, if she chooses, it is a voluntary servitude position. I want to train you as my slave. Training consists of performing a sexual a number of times. For my training sessions I make my slaves perform a blowjob 20 consecutive times without interruption, the next step is to have vaginal sex 10 consecutive times without interruption and finally and probably the most painful for the female at least at the start is to have anal sex 10 consecutive times with out interruption. After that you are my slave. There are rules that you must follow, One no talking about what we do to anybody else, two you must be devoid of hair below the neckline at all times, three no clothes are allowed in the house unless guest are here (which is very rare) four you will refer to me as Master at all times unless we are in public. You will be required to get tattoos celebrating your achievements. You will get a Queen of Spades tattoo on your pussy mound this signifies that you have completed you pussy training. A tattoo that reads “Excellent cocksucker” will be put right above your clitoris. On either side of your pussy a tattoo will read “For Black cocks only” “Must be over 10” “. On the small of your back right above your ass crack it will read “Property of Ben” On the Back of your Neck will be another Queen of Spades tattoo a little fancier” The Queen of Spades represents that you prefer black cock over white. Do you have any questions, Becky?”

Becky “Can we have more sex before I decide please? I want to try the anal sex before I decide also”

Ben “That's fair, lets go take a swim in the pool to cool off”. They go to the pool both naked, Becky watches Ben's cock bounce back and forth and Ben watches her tits and ass.

Becky “I will shave my pussy when I take a shower today, Master”

Ben “You have not decided to be my slave yet, so you do not have to call me Master yet!”

Becky “It just has a ring to it. You are teaching me about sex, so you are the Master”
They arrive at the pool and they jump in. The splash around and Nikki come to the room and tells her dad goodbye and that she loves him.

Nikki “I see you like my dad, He fell for you the minute he saw you on the video interview with your mother. Enjoy him he is a wonderful man”

Becky “Where are you going Nikki?”

Nikki “Back to boarding school for gifted children, I plan to go to Harvard and study law when I get out!”

Becky “You really have your life planned out, right now all I want to do is have as much sex with your father as I can”

Nikki “You will, see you at Christmas, I hope you are really a nice person Becky”

Becky “You too, Nikki lets stay in touch while you are in school”

Nikki leaves and is taken to school.

Becky goes over to Ben and starts stroking his cock and says “Is the big fella ready for some more pussy?, MMMM it sure feels like it. They have sex in the pool.

Ben “This is called making love, when you are in training we will be fucking each other. One is more tender than the other. I will let you come to your own conclusion which is better”

Becky “This is really good, mmmm I am cumming... I like this” the phone rings and the maid brings it to the pool.

Ben answers and says “Hello, Tiffani” looking at Becky he stops pumping her pussy, “How was your flight and your hotel?” She tells him everything was great, the driver was friendly and she can't wait to start the training. She asks to speak to Becky.

Ben “Becky your mother wants to talk to you” saying it in a loud voice. He hand her the phone.

Becky “Hi mom, how is everything out there in California, great, yes I am behaving, yes I will do everything Ben tells me to do, yes Nikki is great she is just so nice, yes I love you too, goodbye” she turns off the phone.

Becky to Ben “That I love you was for you too. I think you are going to need to put some lube and take it easy when we have anal sex. I had a crush on you since we were at the restaurant yesterday. You treated my like a lady, not as a 13 year old girl. You have made love to me with your beautiful cock. I truly do love you Ben.”

Ben “Nikki was right, I felt a connection to you when I saw you on the web cam and then in person at the interview, I am always going to be truthful with you my love. The job your mother has excepted is a sham. It is a legitimate job and she can keep it as long as she wants, but I am paying her salary her credit card is coming out of my account. The company is paying for the training. I did all this so I could meet you. I wanted you from the first time we met. I want you to be my slave. My number one slave. I also plan to make your mother my slave but only after you. If that is OK with you.”

Becky “WOW, do you love me?”

Ben “Very much so, especially after the way you gave yourself to me.”

Becky “I will be your slave, for you to train me, but I want to be more than your slave. I want you to love me and eventually make me your wife if you want after a time. I completely submit myself to you willingly and with all my heart” as she says those words she starts bouncing up and down on his cock.

Ben “I want you to get use to sex before we start your training. I do not want to hurt you.”

They continue to have sex and Ben finally climax and she climaxes as he pump his seed into her.

Ben “I need to get you on the pill”

Becky “Too late already on it, thanks for caring lover”

They kiss and embrace as they get out of the pool and sit next to each other and dry off never without a part of their bodies touching one another. They go to the kitchen and the maid fixes them breakfast.

Ben tells the maid “This is the new Mistress of the house”

Maid “Mistress, pleasure to meet you. You two look like two very compatible people”.

She servers breakfast and clears the dishes after. Ben and Becky head to the Master Suite.

Ben “This is where you will sleep and have sex from now on. Here is the master bathroom.”

Becky “Let me shave my pussy and under arms and lets get into the shower together, OK lover”

Ben “That sounds like a plan”

After Becky shaves her pussy and armpits Ben inspects and gives her a touch up where she missed a few strands. They get in the shower and the wash each other. Becky pays close attention to his cock she strokes it cleaning it. It get hard and she says “I created that so I better take care of it and she sucks him down her throat in one shot and makes him cum in 15 minutes. “How was that Master?”. Shaking his head “It was wonderful, you are a natural at it”

Becky “Natural Born Cocksucker, I should get that tattooed also”.

They get out of the shower and Becky goes over and looks in the cabinet and finds anal lube. And takes Ben to bed and tells him to fuck her in her pussy and then in her ass going gently ass he did when he took her cherry.

Ben “I will” After having sex for an hour in her pussy and cumming twice he finally cums. And Becky tells Ben “After you get your second wind fuck my ass”. Ben tells her to get her ass nice and lubricated telling her to put her fingers in her ass with the lube. She does and after 15 minutes Ben is ready. He is erect and ready to take her anal cherry.
Ben “Lube up my cock really good and put a large glob on the end of my cock.” she does “are you ready, Becky my angel”

Becky “Yes, Master and lover, go easy at first”

Ben pushes head of his cock through her anal ring, she screams, he keeps it there for a couple of minutes until she says to push, he then starts to push his whole cock into her ass until he bottoms out.

Ben “You took all 16 inches in baby”.

Becky “It feels like a baseball bat, I am use to it now you can begin to stroke now like you did last night”. He does and eventually he starts pounding her ass. Before he is finished she has climaxed 5 times.

Ben “How was that my darling little angel lover?”

Becky “Hurt worse that you popping my hymen, but after a while it became really pleasurable. We need to do that more before I start the training, Master.”

Ben “OK, Let rest a while. I signed you up for makeup classes with the lady at the department store for 4 three days this week starting today.”

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter … more to come next is Becky's Training and Tiffani's BIG decision. I have plenty of chapters hand written with many more characters and more of Becky's family. Le me know what you think.


2020-11-27 06:55:28
I am pleased with the start that you made in your story. I think that you might pay more attention to the quotations of your characters and I think you might take advantage of as an aid in your writing. 隶通缉


2017-07-01 05:05:40
Am I the only person who thinks Ben is a pedophile.
Don't get me wrong I love the series but there is so much evidence. I know this is fiction

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-24 03:13:51
You really should get beyond the 6th grade before attempting to write anything. Bad English, and terrible grammar.


2016-06-16 15:40:15
I would love to try to take as much of this monster as I can into my pussy....mmmm...I'm shoving my dildo up my creamy Purdy right now wishing it was this dick!!!


2015-09-09 04:52:42
I stopped reading when I ran head first into that big wall of text.

Also.. 16" ?

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