By Tim I. Done [My grandfather gave me the nick name Timid One which I now have changed to Tim I. Done] I am actually a girl who had a sexual relationship with an older and later a younger brother but for this story I have taken on the persona of a boy, Timothy Ivan Done, who has relations with his older sister and then his mother. This is a work of fiction. If you are not old enough or cannot handle this kind of story, don’t read it.
Chapter 3
Only two nights’ later mom and dad were yelling at each other again. Sis arrived at my door about when I turned on the light. I guess she saw the light under the door because she did not tap but simply entered my room, closed the door quietly, walked to my bed, and crawled in beside me. I turned off the light and took her into my arms as she put her head on my chest. We had progressed to the point where nothing need be said, but I still had the desire to lick her pussy. I wondered how I would be able to without angering her.
Mom and dad were arguing but on this night their voices were raised but neither was shouting. Although they did not sound happy, they sounded like they might be making progress. I wondered on how I would be able to make progress with my desired goal. I was sure Liz had fallen asleep so I gently squeezed a breast. I decided to get my hand under her shirt so I could feel her breast directly. As soon as I had done so she woke and said, “Oh for crap sake Tim. What am I going to do with you?”
I had only one thought, I whispered, “Let me lick your pussy.”
“Shit, I know it is my own fault that you got that idea in your head but can’t you just forget it,” she hissed.
We heard mom shout something and dad shouted, “No, god damn it!” A minute or so later we heard dad slam the door and mom gave out with her victory shout.
“Mom didn’t throw anything,” I whispered and gently squeezed sis’s tit.
“Oh god Tim,” she whispered before turning and nibbling on my chin.
I felt my dick jump and I tilted my head so that my lips came in contact with Liz’s lips. She gently nipped at my lips and then she kissed me on the lips. Soon I realized this was not a normal sister/brother kiss. Her tongue licked at my closed lips. I had heard about French kisses so I allowed her to enter my mouth with her tongue. As our tongues swirled around each other I had an incredible feeling of pleasure and my dick sprang up like it was jealous of my tongue. Just as I was really beginning to get into this, sis pulled back and asked, “Is that enough licking to satisfy you for tonight?”
“I guess so,” I responded without thinking.
Sis again laid her head on my chest and I again squeezed her bare tit. She put her hand over mine and said, “Hold still.”
I wondered why I had agreed that a kiss was enough. I thought that a kiss was only a beginning. One day I would have to lick her pussy. There had been no distinctive taste to my sister’s mouth so I supposed that her pussy would have no distinctive taste. I just hoped it would not taste like pee.
Soon I fell asleep and again in the morning I found myself alone. As had become usual, I jacked off before getting out of bed. I had a box of tissue that aided me in keeping from making a mess of my bed.
The very next night our parents started arguing immediately after sis and mom finished the supper dishes. I had rarely ever seen them argue nor had I actually ever heard much of what they had to say. On this occasion it seemed that mom did not believe dad was really trying to find work. Soon the argument degenerated because they each began to inject curse words into their sentences. Mom called dad a bastard and dad called her a whore. At that point sis grabbed my hand and dragged me to my room. She said, “We don’t need to listen to them argue.”
“Why do they call each other bad names?” I asked.
“Because some times when they get angry enough they lose their sense of propriety,” sis said.
Propriety was a new word for me but by context I guessed that I understood. However, to clarify I said, “I guess it is like back last Christmas when I got mad at you and said I hated you.” Later when I had thought it over I had apologized but attempted to excuse myself by saying she had just made me too angry.
“Yes, that is exactly the same but you might be excused because you were young. The folks are old enough to know better.” Now sis had given me something to think about but then she said, “Let’s just go to bed.”
“But, it’s still light out. It’s too early to go to bed,” I said.
“That’s okay. There isn’t anything else to do,” she responded.
Usually we spent evenings reading and I was in the middle of an historical novel about a Second World War pilot whose plan had gone down in Switzerland. I thought about reading but with our parents arguing, I realized that I had almost never heard them argue without my being in bed. Sis had gone to my chest of drawers where she pulled out one of my tee shirts. “I’ll sleep in this,” she said as she began to unbutton her blouse. I was transfixed, watching her. She laid her blouse on top of the chest of drawers and saw me staring at her standing there in her bra. I noted that her tits were barely enough to fill it. She turned her back and said, “Get ready for bed.”
I headed for the door, saying, “I gotta pee.” I hurried and soon returned to my room, just in time to see Liz lowering her loose fit slacks. Her white pantie covered rear was bent toward me. I stood at the closed door enjoying the sight.
Sis turned toward me and said, “Get ready for bed.”
Without moving a step I began to unbuckle my belt as I noted that my tee shirt was stretched across Liz’s tits. It looked as though her nipples were attempting to tare through. As I began to lower my jeans I realized that my dick was quite hard and my shorts would be tented out. Then I thought, hell this was her idea. So what if she sees my hard-on? I tossed my jeans over a chair and began to unbutton my denim chore shirt. I looked at sis and saw she was looking at the bulge in my shorts. I could not resist thrusting my hips forward as I removed my shirt. I turned sideways thinking, she can’t miss it now, as I lay my shirt over my jeans.
When I looked back at Liz she had turned toward the bed and I noted that my tee shirt was short enough to give me a full view of her white panties. I adjusted my dick but it still tented out my shorts. I walked to the bed as Liz pulled the blanket back. Usually I would have already been in bed and would have moved over next to the wall to give her room but on this night she took that place. I slid in beside her and she turned out the light. Since she was in my place I laid my head on her chest and she wrapped an arm around me.
I put my right hand on her left tit, just resting it there with my tight tee shirt between us. She neither did nor said anything. My mind raced thinking of what I could do to get Liz to let me lick her pussy. I could tell by the change in sound that Mom and dad’s argument had moved to their bedroom. Then silence descended on the house. A thought sprang into my head and I expressed it aloud, “Do you think dad is licking mom’s pussy?”
“Tim, how can you even think of such a thing?” sis asked as she turned my face up toward hers to look into my eyes in the dim evening light coming in my bedroom windows.
My initial thought was that she was unfair to ask me that. She was the one who last month had mentioned mom asking dad to lick her pussy. I looked into her eyes, trying to get an impression of her mood at that moment. I saw no hint of displeasure. Then I noted the tip of her tongue as she ever so slowly licked her lips. I immediately lost all apprehension as I moved to touch my lips to hers. She responded by meeting my kiss. We were soon locked in a very passionate French kiss. This time I was on top and without thinking or planning was soon lying on top of her with my full weight. Being almost the same size I felt my dick down between her thighs with the tip pressed against her pussy with only our underpants between us.
I had a thought that almost made me chuckle, I wished that my dick could smell and taste so I could know how she smelled and tasted before I asked to lick her pussy again. My thoughts were at this point all drawn to our kiss as she sucked forcefully on my tongue. Suddenly it was almost as though she spit my tongue out as she pushed me back. She asked, “Why don’t you give me all of your tongue?”
“I was,” I insisted. I was raised up on my elbows but I still felt my dick push a little harder against her pussy.
“Ah, let’s see…stick your tongue out as far as you can.” I did and she said, “Try to touch your nose.” I could barely get my tongue beyond the edge of my upper lip. “Can’t you do this,” sis said before she snaked her tongue out and touched the tip of her nose. She then began running the tip of her tongue up and down on the area between her nostrils. I tried very hard but could not get my tongue to do more that touch my lip. Suddenly sis was pinching my tongue between a thumb and forefinger as she tried to pull my tongue further out.
I pulled away from her and complained about how she was hurting me. She turned on the light and asked to look into my mouth. I told her to not pull on my tongue again. She agreed but when she put her fingers in my mouth to move my tongue around I again pulled back. “Come on Tim; let me look under your tongue.” I opened wide and put my tongue up on the roof of my mouth. “Good god Tim, I think you are tongue tied.”
“Huh?” I questioned as once again she stuck a finger in my mouth to push against the membrane that stretched between my tongue and the floor of my mouth.
“See that right there. I don’t have that right there,” she said before opening her mouth and stroking the underside of her tongue with her index finger.
I looked into her mouth and saw what she was talking about. I jumped out of bed to look into the mirror. She was right, I had a membrane stretched from the underside of my tongue which she did not have.
As she sat up in bed, she said, “Come here and let me look at that again.”
“Okay,” I said as I moved to sit facing her, “but don’t go pulling or pinching.” My dick still tented my shorts and as I sat it was bent uncomfortably down. I had to reposition it. With Liz’s attention on my tongue, I tried to move it. I found I would have to do more than just push it with the heal of my hand. I used my fingers to try to move it around but it hung up on my shorts. I used both hands and succeeded in getting more comfortable.
“God Tim, do you have to play with yourself that bad?” she asked.
“Just had to get comfortable.”
“If you say so,” she said as she lay back on the pillow.
“Are you done looking in my mouth?” I asked.
“For now,” she said.
“Think it’s something I need to do something about?”
“Don’t know, I’ll ask mom.”
I turned out the light and lay down with my head on her right breast and she held my head in place. After a couple of minutes I asked, “How come French kissing makes me feel the way I do.”
“How does it make you feel?” she asked.
“I…I don’t know how to say…it makes me feel different…uh like I feel when I…” I stopped because I did not know if I should say that it made me feel like when I jacked off.
“Go ahead, try to tell me,” she insisted.
“Well…uh…you know… uh…like…like when I…uh…like when I play with myself.” There I had said it. I felt a sense of relief.
“Well I guess…” she paused for a long time before continuing, “It’s like playing with someone else.”
It kind of shocked me that she had said that and my mind raced through numerous thoughts, one of which was that French kissing was almost like licking pussy so maybe I was only one step away from licking Liz’s pussy. Then a question hit me. I asked it, “Do you play with yourself?”
“Sure,” she said without hesitation.
“How?” I asked.
“With my fingers.”
I thought of me wrapping my fingers around my dick and realized she must stick her fingers in her hole. If her hole was big enough to take a dick then it would be big enough to take fingers. I had not thought about it before but my wrapping my hand around my dick was like sticking it in a pussy and her sticking her fingers in her pussy was like having a dick in her pussy.
“Can I see you play with yourself?” I whispered, hoping I was not crossing a line.
“No,” she whispered back. There was no hint that I had asked the wrong thing.
“Can we kiss some more?”
“What can we do?”
“Be quiet and go to sleep”