Everything happened in slow motion. Mum stood slowly and walked towards the shower. I didn't, couldn't move a muscle. She opened the door and smiled. Dropped her towel and stepped inside.
She removed the shower head from my hand and put it back up then moved towards me until I was against the. Corner of the shower.
Still not a word had been uttered. Her hands moved up the insides of my legs and stopped on my pussy. She rubbed slowly softly and lowered herself onto her knees. I felt her tongue flick across my lips but I couldn't bring myself to look. Mum stayed down there licking and rubbing softly until tiny little moans started to escape my lips then stood silently and left the bathroom without a word.
The shower was now running cold but still I stayed under the water trying to make sense of it all. I wished I had some one to talk to. But really how do you approach the this subject to anyone.
Just as I turned the shower off Rachel walked in. She eyed me up and down then through me a towel.
I left embarrassed she knew something. And quickly retreated to my room. I didn't get dress just dropped my towel and sat on the edge of my bed. I could still feel her tongue on me. The memory from a few minutes ago was still fresh in my mind. Once again my hand found its way to my own pussy. Lost in myself I didn't hear the first knock on my door but I noticed it start to open. I jumped up trying to grab my towel but I was too late Rachel was standing at my door I was naked bent over with one hand on my towel. She just smiled as started to close the door but not before I caught what she had mumbled
"naughty naughty girl"
Had mum told them. Doubt it. Had she seen. I couldn't know for sure.
I dressed quickly and headed downstairs. Before I got into the kitchen I saw mum bent over getting something out of the fridge. Wearing a very short skirt I caught Rachel pull her hand back fast and both mum and Lisa laugh. Rachel giggled to and I backed up. So I knew Lisa and mum had played now I know Rachel does. So did they all know about me.
"hey what are you doing hinding out her" Rachel looked strange but I couldn't put my finger on it.
"once you have had brekkie. Head up and help me out will ya "
I nodded and headed back in. Mum And lisa were both at the table drinking coffe I sat at the head of the table between them. They held conversation so I didn't say much just the occasional nod and mmhmm.
About halfway through I felt mums hand on my leg. I was wearing a skirt that sat just past my knees but didn't know if I should move into it or away or not move at all. She found the hem and moved it further up my leg not missing a beat in her chat with Lisa about a shopping trip they were taking. Her hand then found the edge of my undies. My breath caught in my throat and Lisa turned to looked. I tried I keep my face as impassive as possible. Mum ran her finger up and down between my lips pushing further in each time. I snuck a look at both ladies. Mum was leaning towards me a bit but by looking at her you couldn't tell anything. And Lisa looked amused.
I moved back and excuses myself. Mum looked abit guilty but I got out before anyone could say anything. I headed straight for Rachel.
Outside her door I paused to listen before I knocked. Nothing. Knock knocked I yelled as I tapped the door. Rachel opened it wearing a little dress that was open at the back.
"great finally can you zip me up. "
As she turned I noticed the zip went down past her arse. She was wearing black lacy undies. The dress was short. I have to hold the bottom to get a good grip on the zip. My fingers brushed between her legs and Rachel let out a small sound of pleasure.
I attempted to pretend it hadn't happened. But it had made me fubble and lose my grip on the zipper. I carefully tried to grab it again with touching her but as I went for it Rachel lifted her arse up and pushed back into me causing my hand to rub her pussy quite hard. I guess I was feeling abit bold so I rubbed again and again. Until Rachel was on all fours on her back grinding back and forth on me hand.
I could feel the wetness starting to soak through her undies so I started to pull them down with my other hand. My fingers rubbed back over her pussy skin on skin and I was amazed at how wet she was. Checking with my other hand I realized I wasn't far off myself. Rachel was now making a fair bit of noise and noticed I was moaning along with her.
Rachel got up on her knees and turned to me
"lay down" she whispered so quietly I wasn't even sure that was what she said. But still I obliged.
As I layed down on my back Rachel moved off the side of the bed and took my place of the end of the bed.
Resting her hand softly on my knees carefully spreading them open as much as possible.
I wanted to ask what was about to happened when I felt it. At first it hurt so much I wanted to cry I looked down at Rachel who was smiling. She had shoved 3 fingers inside me. Her hand was moving fast and within a minute or two I was squealing with pleasure. I basically exploded. It was the most amazing feeling in the world until I realized just how loud I had been. Had mum and Leah heard. As what was Rachel doing. I tried to sneak a look at her she still had that almost evil smirk on her face.
" I knew it" she bragged " I just knew you'd be the same as your slut of a mother, I've been watching her and Leah for weeks even managed to get in on some"
I was shocked even tho I knew mum and Leah had. But confused all the same.
Leah moved up my body until her legs were either side of my face and her dripping wet pussy was above my face
"open wide mini slut, it's my turn to scream maybe mummy will come up and watch" she laughed as she lowered herself onto my face and I opened wide to lick
I suggest you write the story one day then proof read and correct it the next. It will make you a better writer and more pleasureable to read. Good luck. -
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