Bones had become both my brother and father; and friend.
I spent the majority of my school evenings, flirting and pestering him.
To me Bones didn’t seem to mind, because if I wasn’t here; then he would be outside on his own mainly.
Over the next three months, I became close friends with Bones; and I started learning about motorbike maintenance.
Then one day, I was outside in the yard with Bones; when some female biker wearing hardly anything motioned me over to her.
I’d seen her before, always emptying trash and wearing very little.
She usually wore a black bra, denim vest, high-cut cowboy boots; and either denim cut-off shorts or denim or leather small skirt.
I never say her properly covered up.
Once I saw her topless but for a vest.
I sat just there pretending not to stare, while assisting Bones; that day.
She must have been in her early to mid-twenties, pretty and I thought some sort of cleaner.
Like me she was a red-head, pale-skinned; but taller than me.
I strolled over to her, a little confused; Bones looked at her too.
“Who are you and why are you here every day”, she asked, like a school teacher.
“Jess and...” I said, before she cut me off.
“Shaz”, she said, and gave me a hug.
I was a bit taken back by this.
Today Shaz was wearing a black sports bra under a denim jacket, small denim skirt and her trade-mark cowboy boots.
She led me inside the Clubhouse and there was two bikers sitting by a make-shift bar.
There was porn on a big TV screen; I later realized there was always porn on the TV.
One was an old guy, a ZZ Top look alike, with a scruffy appearance and a beer belly.
His name was Manitou.
The other was Gypsy, an also scruffy looking dude; in his forties.
Manitou held out his hand and I shook it.
“How old are you missy”, He asked.
“Fourteen”, I said.
“Ok missy, some ground rules about this Club and your relevance”, He said.
“Your not to come inside unless the door is open or one of us lets you inside”, He continued.
I quietly listened.
“What goes on in these doors, stays in these doors; if you see something, you didn’t see anything”, He continued.
“Understand”, He asked.
I nodded yes.
“Mainly because loose lips sink ships or bring in unwanted attention”, He finished.
Shaz handed me a can of Coke.
I waved the three of them goodbye and went back to my main man, Bones.
Overall I was treated by Bones, Manitou and Shaz, like a little sister.
Gypsy on the other hand treated me like; I was trouble waiting to happen.
Several months past and my home life was no better, but I had a purpose now; I was cleaning carburetors and tuning them.
I don’t know how but I scraped through, and passed year eight at school; but only just.
It was a new year and I was almost fifteen, and I had been hanging out at the Club for; almost a year now.
Manitou asked if I was interested in filling a role similar to what Shaz did.
I agreed to become their new errand girl.
I had just turned fifteen not long ago and today I was inside the Clubhouse doing errands.
I was stocking the bar fridge, when I found out something about Shaz and her other roles.
At barely fifteen, I was still naive about the pecking order of the Clubhouse.
I had heard names of certain ranks, but didn’t know what they meant.
Shaz and Bones had become my closest friends, but were nothing more than slaves; then fully fledged bikers.
Shaz was regarded as a Sheep and Sheep in biker clubs were in fact; nothing more than slaves or biker bitches or biker whores.
Bones was prospects, which aren’t Bikers until they are voted in after a probation period.
Both were slaves in their own way.
Shaz was a sexual object; while Bones was Mr. Fix-It.
Both were training me in their own way.
Shaz would tutor me on dos and don’ts about the Club; and how to pour pots.
While Bones; would tutor me on Bike repairs.
The Clubhouse gave me a nickname of Lambsey, because I was a Sheep little baby.
I still went to school but not as often.
By mid-year, I was spending most of my time in or around the Clubhouse.
On this particular day, they decided to have some sort of Club party and I was invited.
It also happened to be first time; I interacted with another person in a sexual way since I did with my bad Uncle Steve.
In the main clubhouse area, there was a porno movie on a big screen TV; the only sound that could be heard was of loud rock music.
This went for most of the day and night.
I had been drinking with all the bikers, and biker sheep; and I had drunk too much.
A few of us were dancing around to the music, and the more drink we consumed the less clothes we wore.
I must have had four drank drinks, and I was drunk.
Standing up and dancing was a problem, as I kept falling on my ass.
In the end I gave up and stumbled to a bench and started watching the porno.
I had no idea when I removed my top, but I still had my jeans on and flip-flops.
The bikers I sat near were watching a blonde girl getting gangbanged on the screen.
She was sucking cock, so many cocks; like someone starved of food for days.
The drinks had made me began to feel horny and I was starting to become fascinated by what she was doing.
On all fours with cock inside her ass and pussy, but she was eager for cock in her mouth.
I looked around to see any familiar faces; that’s when I spotted Gypsy.
I left my chair and staggered towards him.
He was shocked to see me, maybe it was the fact I was prancing around topless; and pretty much wasted.
I was all over Gypsy; he was staring at me; almost as thought he wanted nothing to do with me.
He tried to gently fend me off, while he sipped on his beer.
I was too agitated, probably from watching the porn movie and more from the alcohol I consumed.
I tried to rustle his cock out from within his dirty jeans.
“No”, He grumbled.
“Freaking Jailbait”, He said, and walked off.
I sat devastated.
Until Gypsy, returned about twenty minutes later.
“Here”, Gypsy said, and stood before me and pulled out his cock from his dirty jeans.
I stood there staring at first, thinking of how to do this; and to emulate the girl in the video.
He smirked at me; thinking I had second thoughts.
I noticed and so I squatted down on to my knees and reached for his cock.
At first I licked it tentatively; up and down his shaft.
I then looked up into his face, to see him smiling; while drinking another beer.
After I didn’t get much of a response from running my tongue up and down the length of his cock; I choose to try something else.
I put his mushroom-headed cock; just inside my mouth.
Gypsy let out a small groan.
Some of the other bikers; teased him for it.
“Whoa, Gypsy’s getting off on jailbait”, one of them said.
Gypsy’s response was to splash beer at him.
They all laughed and kept watching.
I didn’t care, nor did Gypsy; as I was gobbling down on his cock.
It was going in and out of my mouth; about half its length.
Shaz came up to me and caressed my hair; encouraging me.
I think she could tell I was struggling, but all I wanted was to please Gypsy.
Shaz let out a giggle as she watched me struggle to take his thick cock in my mouth deeper.
Either the alcohol was starting leave my system or I was concentrating too much; to let it be a factor.
I was able to bob my head up and down on his cock, even though not as deep as the girl on the video.
My mouth struggled but I did keep a tight grip around his shaft with my lips.
I must have been doing okay; as Gypsy was moaning every now and then.
He was now moving his hips in a bucking fashion; which forced me to take more of his cock inside my mouth.
He began to moan more and began to grunt a little; this brought a smile to my face.
I almost spat out his cock; as I let I tiny snicker.
Then he grunted out a loud moan; and not long after I felt his cock twitch.
His cock then exploded; and then a liquid spewed out inside my mouth.
This made me semi-choke and I wanted to spit his cock out.
I had no option but to spit both his cock and his cum out of my mouth; as it tasted sour in my mouth and I couldn’t breathe.
Dangles of cum and saliva oozed and dribbled, from my mouth as I gasped for air and giggled.
Crazy stood there looking at me; almost disappointed.
“You’ll learn in time, not to waste what you suck”, he said, and smirked.
I didn’t know at the time what he was on about, until a little later.
I quickly drank a beer; to wash the sour taste from my mouth.
It was all I could take that night, as I sat down after downing the beer; I dozed off to sleep.
Much later I opened my eyes briefly; and I saw that Shaz was butt naked and on her hands and knees.
She was taking a cock in her mouth and while someone was fucking her hard; from the rear.
I smiled and then I was out; asleep again.
It was well past midnight; when a butt naked and cum glistened Shaz kissed my forehead.
I looked up to see who it was, and her hair was sticky and she smelled of cum.
She was coated in cum and I couldn’t help but noticed her breasts; as they were near my face.
They were much bigger than my 32A’s and they were coated with cum and saliva and sweat.
“Honey I think it’s late; you probably should be getting home now”, Shaz suggested.
“Do I have too”, I moaned and protested.
I tried to stand up but I was too groggy and I stumbled; and had to brace myself against a table.
She handed me my shirt and we then giggled.
We then kissed and embraced.
I was told a biker piggy back rode me home on the back of his bike; but I can’t remember leaving the Clubhouse.
When I woke that morning, I found I had gone to bed wearing my panties only.
My jaw hurt and I had a massive headache, and I was very tired.
I trudged to the bathroom and ran a warm shower; before going to school.
Over the course of the next twelve months, I became a permanent fixture at the Clubhouse.
I also went from a loner at school to school slut; as my sexual awakening had begun.
>>>>Jessinta 2A
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