"ALL the way up in your little sister," Momma insisted.
Momma had caught the two of us "making out." We weren't
really fucking or anything like that, just feeling each other up,
and kissing, and stuff like that. Momma caught us.
Boy was she mad! After yelling and screaming, calling Lori
a slut, and me even more unmentionable names, Momma finally
calmed down. Or at least, she seemed to. What she did next, I
still find hard to believe. At first, I figured that Momma had
cracked. You know, gone over the edge. Loony-bin. That stuff.
Well, I guess Momma cracked all right. Cracked right out of
her shell. Inside, Momma is a very kinky lady, and I guess she
had been holding it back for years. Anyway, once she realized
what we were doing, Momma decided (probably correctly) that no
matter how much she screamed and hollered, we probably wouldn't
stop sneaking around and playing with each other. So, she
decided that if we were going to play around, we might as well do
it right. In fact, that's what she told us.
"Huh?" I said. Lori's mouth was gaping too.
"I said, if you're going to fuck around with your little
sister, you might as well REALLY fuck her, and do it right."
I still couldn't believe what I was hearing. My staid,
prim, old-fashioned mother, actually TELLING me to fuck my own
sister? No way!
Momma had just started, however. "You're not on the pill,
are you?" she asked Lori.
"Momma!" You could tell by the tone, that my little sister
had never even thought of such a thing. I mean, you don't go on
the pill, unless you PLAN on being fucked. Lori was still a
Momma semi-apologized, "Well, you never know. Some kids get
them from school, or the free-clinic. They aren't allowed to
notify parents any more, unless the kids tell them to."
Momma looked at Lori even closer. "How long ago was your
last period?" she asked.
Lori thought a bit, then responded, "I dunno, about two or
three weeks ago. Somewhere in there."
"Good," said Momma. "Now why don't you two get undressed,
and do this properly."
"Steve," she said, turning to me, "if you're going to fuck
your little sister, you'll both be more comfortable on the bed."
Momma WANTED me to fuck my sister? I looked at Momma in
Momma's face clouded up again. "NOW!" she said, making us
both jump. "I'd better see nothing but two naked bodies in your
bedroom Lori," she said emphatically, "in two minutes, or you're
both going to be sorry!"
If there's one thing about Momma (Or Daddy, for that
matter.) she doesn't threaten lightly. Lori and I were moving
before Momma finished her threat, shedding clothes as we went.
By the time Momma made her slower way into my little
sister's bedroom, we were both naked as jaybirds, and sitting on
the bed waiting. Momma STILL looked annoyed.
"Well, what are you two waiting for?" she asked. "I told
you Steve, fuck your sister. What's the matter, do I have to put
it in for you?" she asked sarcastically.
"But Momma," wailed Lori, "we don't have any condoms!
That's why we were just feeling around."
Momma looked as if she were going to blow her top. "Not in
MY house, you don't," she exploded. "As I said before, if you're
gong to fuck, you're going to do it right. Now get started, or
get out!" Momma looked as if she meant it.
Well, at 17, I sure wasn't ready to leave home, and if I
wasn't, my little 15 year old sister wasn't either. We looked at
each other and shrugged. Well, if that was what Momma wanted,
that's what she would get. If my little sister had a baby, well
Momma asked for it. Somehow I knew that Momma would be
overjoyed, if Lori showed up with a big belly.
Lori lay on her back; and I put my cock inside her. Yeah,
just like that. No foreplay, no sucking cock, no twiddling her
twat. Just up and stick it in. After all, that was what Momma
wanted, wasn't it? Besides, we had gotten hot and slippery
enough, before Momma caught us. That, and the thought of
actually fucking my little sister, and getting her pregnant, with
Momma's permission yet, was unbelievably exciting. (Permission?
Hell, Momma was almost INSISTING that I knock the kid up.)
As I said, I did it. I pushed my big cock up inside my
little sister's tight little hole, and gave her a belly full of
baby-juice. Lori only let out a little squeak, when I slid
through her hymen, then she was grunting and moaning as though
she had been fucking for years. As I mentioned before, I did it.
The feel of the girl's tight little slit squeezing and
clamping on my already pre-cum leaking prick was too much. After
all, I hadn't really been inside a girl before, let alone one as
tight and horny as Lori. I made about two big strokes, in about
10 seconds, and I lost it. I pushed my cock up inside my little
sister, and gave her what she wanted: a bellyful of her own big
brother's incestuous sperm. That's when Momma said those words
at the beginning of this story.
"ALL the way up in your little sister," Momma insisted.
I grunted, and did my best. Pushing up as hard as I could,
I did my best to plant as much of my baby-making seed as far up
in the little girl's tight little belly as it would go.
Momma seemed to be satisfied. Once she had seen me do my
best to impregnate my 15-year-old little sister, she calmed down
a lot. Momma made it clear to both of us, that we could play
around with each other all we wanted, we could even use birth-
control, when she wasn't around, but not the pill. She just
insisted that if we WERE going to play around, that at least once
a month, we stopped "playing," and did it right. Yeah, just what
you think.
From then on, Momma practically ignored the two of us, and
our almost constant sex-show. That is, unless we made it TOO
obvious, or invited her in to watch. Once a month though, Momma
insisted on watching the two of us fuck. She always made sure
that Lori was in the middle of her period, and that we didn't use
any protection at all during that one time.
After the first time, Momma always insisted that my little
sister go to bed without washing up afterwards, so that her big
brother's sperm would have a chance to soak in. Then, for a
month, she would leave us alone.
Don't get me wrong, Momma didn't INSIST that I impregnate my
little sister. She just insisted that if the two of us were
going to fool around, then at least once a month, we had to take
our chances that I MIGHT make a baby in my little sister.
There's no way, that Lori and I were going to stop fucking,
once we started. Also, as you might guess, and Momma probably
planned; we figured that if we were taking a chance part of the
time, what difference did it make, the rest of the time. Except
for a few days at the beginning, we didn't use any birth-control
when Momma WASN'T watching either. After a while, it got to be
quite a kick, thinking I was planting a baby in my cute little
sister's flat little tummy.
It took longer than you might think. Lori had just passed
her 16th birthday, when she finally missed her first period. By
the time she was 17 though, we were already working on a little
sister for our son to fuck.
Well, as Momma said, "If you're going to do it, you might as
well do it right."
Hello! I can't figure out how to leave a coemnmt, but wanted to share that I LOVE your bubble quilt! It' so yummy, happy, creative!!! I am curious what city is the best city in Michigan. We go every year to Watervale, south of Traverse City. It might be the best! And I love Sannibel Island on Florida!!!! Anyways, thanks for sharing!!
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