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hey this is my first story so sorry if it starts out a little slow, but please tell me whatt you like or didnt like and i will work on a new one.
( hi im a 20 yr old female that has decide to try her hand at sexual storie.. i know there no going to be too good at first but if you will please help me out give me a few ideas it would be greatly aprricated... umm some of the details are true in here but it is mostly just fantasy. if any of you wondered how a came up with this it simply came to me, i type as i think so if its sounds weird thats why... i was originally going to do a zombie theme but this came to me instead. again i want to thatnk you for reading , and commenting on my stories, i hope you like it... oh and if you want to get straight to the sex look for " my next period" thats when the sex comes into play.. any way again i say THANKYOU AND I HOPE YOU LIKE IT)


My name is Miya, just Miya. I just turned 20, and i unfortently I live in a world you wouldnt understand.
you see when i was 7 i was kiddnapped, not just kiddnapped for a ransom or anything but i was kiddnapped by these men in white, white coats white gloves. ect. well any way for the next 9 years the were brainwashing me, at least thats what i called it.
They were scientist ,if you want to call them that, that wanted to train me and a few others that sex was NOT to be feared, that it was fun, just a game that people played.. what they didnt know was i knew better. sex hurts , try being raped at the age of 7, theres nothing fun about it...i had been raped by my cousin who was 19-20 ish at the time, this was be for i was kiddnapped.
any way they taught us about these toys that brought pleassure.i fought them every way... they would call me a little bitch, degrade me say i was worthless.. that i might as well be bred with dogs since i was always animalistic.. when i was 13 i had started my period... i wouldnt let any one near me so they through to the dogs... literally not metophorically..
well when i was in the pen i felt more safe,at a comfort , more like i belonged, i know that weird to say. but it was true. they would stay by my side love on me and at times even protect, i didnt know i was in "heat" i didnt know that they would try to mount me, i was able to fight them the first couple months.. but then i gave up.
why not i thought.. why not give them what they wanted.
my next period id let the dogs lick me, at first i was tentative, nervous and yes scared.. but when Ranger ( the alpha dog) licked me for the first time i was at a loss for how it felt. it was incredible, like he knew i was scared.. and now that i think back on it i know he could sense it but at the time i was marveled.
Ranger kept licking my slit, up and down then stabbed his tounge inside.. it statled me at first and as i got used to the weird sensation, the more i liked it..
i wrapped my armes around Rangers head trying to keep him close to my pussy lips.. i was unaware that i was moaning or let out breathy sighs.. i didnt know i was having sex with a dog since the doctors were brief and undiscriptive when i was with the others..
Ranger kept at it until my cunt was wet and slimy with my jucies and ranger salivia. he started whimpering as if he was in pain so i got up on my knees to see wht could be wrong.. well when i did this one of the other males tried to mount me frome behind.. i was startled by the lunge and a loud growl.. when i looked Ranger had pinned another male by his throat in warning.. i was so amazed that i stayed on my hands and knees not aware that my body language said come in get me ........
Ranger trotted back to me and went back to licking my pussy, god the sensation was sooo good,i started whimpering again, my pusssy felt empty like i needed something there and rangers tounge only did so much....
i fell forward some more so that my ass was in the air and my pussy more exsposed.. Ranger jumped on by back and started thrusting,. he hit my pussy on the first try, and i was unable, to get him off me.. he thrust balls deep.. i could feel them slapping against me with every thrust,. Ranger isnt a small dog hes a big boy, and im mean in all departments. i never measured but if i had to guess his cock was at least 13 inches long..
and damn after i was done fighting him and got into it, i was really enjoying myself..i tried to trust back to meet him, but he growled and bit my neck in warning so i just stood there. i couldnt stop my self from enjoying it and i came at least 4 times before he started to swell. i could feel him getting larger and every thing being tighter. his knot slipped past my lips and grew, just like his cock since there was no more room in my pussy he ended up in my cervix which hurt, but the pleasure out wayed the pain so i didnt pay any attention. i felt him lock inside then i felt a very hot sensation. Ranger was coming inside me ,, he had so much doggie cum that not only did he fill up my womb and pussy he extended my belly as well.. and still there wasnt enough room for all that soon as his not had reduced to where he could pull out i saw all this white cum come out of my pussy. i was exhausted, so i just crawled a little ways forward and before i fell asleep i rember thinking, damn they were right sex is fun.


2012-10-11 01:10:40
thanks for the comments and i apoligize about the spelling, i was half asleep when i wrote this and didnt bother with checking anything. i just posted it as it was. i will work on a few new stories. i dont know when i will have them out, again thank you and have a nice day/night/evening/morning what ever =)

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-10 20:48:56
I think it's great! Great for your first story, I like the idea of a zombie one. Zombie rape would be entertaining. I can't wait! -Momma Sue

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-10 11:16:08
too short good story otherwise

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-10 02:00:27
please Use spell checker if your using a pc kidnapped is spelled with 1 {D} the story is good but you need to work on spelling the words correctly

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