The brute’s name was Russell or Rusty; and I have serviced him on two more occasions since my last episode.
Todd walked around me at all times; as he was still too embarrassed about not lasting the distance.
So now Rusty was my go to guy and as he was more popular, I was getting more boys to service.
All were seniors; I didn’t care as long as they paid me and I didn’t attract heat from the teachers.
It was Tuesday and lunchtime and I was waiting patiently for the school bell to sound to end lunch.
I was in the girl’s toilets doing my usual end of lunchtime body check in front of the large mirror.
First I checked my white shirt, then if my green and blue tie was straight; my matching plaid skirt was fine; I had already checked my pink knickers while I peed not long before.
I looked down at my feet and saw that all that was left for me to do was to stretch my legs on the basin and pull up my white sox.
I had removed my bra and put it inside my back-pack, prior to starting my lunchtime check.
It was next to my face and hair I tightened my pigtails, applied lip gloss; before shining my glasses.
I next blew my reflection a kiss and left the toilets.
This was my usual lunchtime check list anyway; but this time I wouldn’t be returning to class after lunch.
Once the bell sounded I made my way down to the rear of the school and to the Pavilion area.
I then squeezed myself through the gap in steel mesh fence and walked towards the train tracks
I walked on the train tracks and off school grounds.
By walking by the tracks; I was out of the school grounds and out of sight of anyone associated with the school
It also led to the rear fence of the Clubhouse, albeit via a longer route.
So it might have been the long way; but it was also a safer way to go there without being caught.
As I walked I kicked stones that lay scattered along the tracks; I was in deep thought to myself.
All I was thinking about was what was Shaz’s big surprise for me and why did I have to skip class to find out.
The journey ended after walking about twenty minutes on the rocky train track path.
I could finally see the clubhouse from a distance; but by this time my checklist had become a waste of time.
As I stomped my way along this bumpy track my top was beginning to unravel, from inside my skirt.
I had already begun to loosen my tie, followed by me unbuttoning the top few buttons of my shirt.
By the time I reached the clubhouse my shirt was no longer neat appearing and tucked inside my skirt.
The coast was clear of anyone from my school, now.
The first person I saw as I entered the compound was Bones.
He was busy in the yard clearing rubbish.
He wasn’t expecting me or for me to throw myself on him.
I skipped up to him and jumped on him; like a child would to see their favorite adult.
There I was wrapped with my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips; and hugging him tightly.
He stepped back smiling but a little in shock and bewilderment.
Once we broke our embrace and I was back on the ground, I grabbed a hold of his dirty jeans and squeezed his crotch.
He gave me a disapproving but funny look.
“What’s the matter daddy, aren’t you happy to see me?”, I cheekily said.
I smiled and jumped in the air and gave him a peck on the neck and then skipped away to the main building.
It was eerily empty inside the bar and recreation area; but for the music.
The music was on, but not on loud; but conspicuous by his absence was Gypsy.
Gypsy is usually hunched over the bar and also Manitou wasn’t in his office either.
“Shaz”, I called out.
“Be with you soon Jessie”, Shaz called out; from an area I had been forbidden to enter.
I sat by the bar and put my bag on the ground and waited.
While I waited, I removed my hair ties.
A Prospect walked in from a closed door.
I had never seen him before; he must be new.
There seemed to be an aisle behind the door; but that’s all I could make out because of the darkness.
He motioned me to follow him through it and I did.
“Shut the door”, the Prospect told me.
It led to another large recreation room; it was filled with hammocks and strange looking items.
Another Prospect was inside but Shaz wasn’t.
I sat down on a sofa by a coffee table; it was filled with dirty magazines.
The Prospects kept staring at me; so I gave them a not too impressed look and stuck out my tongue.
Several minutes had now passed and the Prospects mingled amongst themselves.
I was getting bored and I stretched my legs out on top of the coffee table, as I began to flicker through the pages of one the dirty magazines.
One of the Prospects eventually offered me a coke; which I accepted.
I smiled and thanked him and the looks of him was also looked bored.
He went back to the other Prospect and sat back down.
Eventually Shaz entered the room, as usual dressed skimpily.
She was wearing a black tank top and black leather boots; which went up to her knees.
Her hair was tied up in a pony tail; and she also wore dark red lipstick with dark eye shadow.
It almost appeared that she didn’t wear any clothing under her top.
“Hi Jessy, are you ready for your surprise?” She greeted and asked.
I was puzzled and motioned with my chin; a yes.
“Boys”, she called to the Prospects.
They stood up and walked towards her.
Shaz ripped off her tank top and revealed her skimpy black lingerie one-piece.
It barely covered her breasts and it had slits for easy access to her nipples; likewise her crotch.
Her ass wasn’t covered at all really well; just a flimsy piece of sting that ran up from her crotch and between her butt-crack.
I just stood there admiring; like a rabbit caught in spot lights.
“Boys, we haven’t all day; get with the program”, she ordered.
The Prospects unzipped their pants and pulled out their cocks.
I looked at them and at Shaz.
“Welcome to Tuesday; Honey”, Shaz said, to me.
Shaz walked up to one of the Prospects and gently started stroking his cock.
“Jess, don’t let me stop you; this is after all that ‘surprise’ I mentioned”, She said, with a wicked smile.
With that Shaz eased down to her knees and started stroking the Prospect’s cock near her head.
I then started to stroke the other Prospect’s cock.
She was stroking and making him pant and moan, all the while I was smiling as I stroke other one.
It was as if I was a child playing with something forbidden for the first time.
While we played, I watched Shaz and she was really getting a kick out of making her Prospect squirm in ecstasy.
Mind you, I was getting a kick out of it too; as my Prospect was panting a little by now too.
She looked at me and then at both Prospects; and we stopped.
Shaz firstly pushed her Prospect on to a cushion cube seat; I followed suit.
I followed her lead and she dropped to her knees; as did I.
She put her hands on the Prospect’s thigh and gobbled down on the tip of his cock; I did the same.
We both had a grip of their cocks with one hand and their mushroom heads were inside our mouths.
We both were tonguing and sucking down on them; while our Prospects panted.
Then I went into my own world and didn’t pay any attention to what Shaz was doing; for the time being.
So I began sucking my Prospect’s cock almost balls deep; I was having an effect on him as he moaned out loudly.
He put a hand on my head and then with the other he grabbed the back of the collar of my school shirt.
I think he was letting me know who the Boss was.
Then he released his grip on my collar and pulled my head from his cock with a hand full of my hair.
It hurt but I went back to the job at hand, as I held the base of his cock tightly; and I sucked and teased the rest of it.
I think he understood that I knew who was Boss; as he released his tight grip on my hair.
I briefly deep throated him before, he paid me a huge compliment and eased me from his cock and kissed me passionately.
While we kissed I continued stroking his cock.
He on the other hand had other plans; as he began to unbutton my school shirt.
I looked towards Shaz out of the corner of my eye, and her Prospect was tittie fucking her.
Shaz was lucky, she had bigger breasts than me and guys could do that to her.
My Prospect opened my school shirt and he helped me remove it.
My tie dangled between my breasts, and it was back to what I was doing earlier; my mouth all over his cock.
He at times had a firm hold of my hair; as if I had it tied up like a pony-tail.
Then he would release his hold and caress my head and hair.
While Shaz was screaming out in pleasure; my attention was focused on the cock in my mouth.
I was more interested in licking, sucking, stroking and gobbling on his large cock then what else was going on around me.
My Prospect put a halt to my fun for the time being; by pulling me off his cock and raising me up to my feet.
He swiftly turned me around and slapped my ass.
I could feel him moving behind me; as his cock bobbled around my buttocks.
He reached around and gave me a hug; then he kissed my neck.
I rolled my neck and reached back and caressed his head.
While still kissing me, he reached around with one arm; and flipped up my skirt and slid a hand inside my knickers.
I buckled briefly as his probing fingers found my wet hungry pussy and made me moan almost instantly.
I stood there almost listless and moaning, as he began fingering my pussy inside my knickers.
My arms dangled by my sides and my neck was arched further back into him.
I was bucking my hips into his groin, as he fingered me intensely.
If he didn’t have a hold of me with his spare arm; I think I may have collapsed to the ground by now.
He then stopped and bit into my neck like a vampire.
Then he dropped to his knees behind me and yanked my knickers down to my knees.
I obligingly helped him remove them; by stepping out of them.
He repositioned in a slightly bent over stance; I used my hands to support my body against a wall.
He then started to spread my legs apart from behind, before his tongue started slobbering up my ass region.
I felt a finger, or maybe two enter my ass-hole; and slowly finger my ass.
It definitely did feel different and it was a shock to me at first; as it made me tense up a little.
After a minute or so, he stopped and I was back swallowing his cock; while he gently caressed my hair.
Having my Prospect’s cock in my mouth was one thing, but catching a glimpse of Shaz sitting on her Prospect’s cock was something else.
I felt envious of her, as I had been trying for quite some time to have the same done to me.
My Prospect realized that my attention was partially with Shaz, so he decided to change that.
He stopped me sucking and lifted me from the ground.
I was turned around and repositioned so that my hands were now braced against a coffee table.
While braced against the coffee table, my back was bent over and my butt was pointing sky high.
My skirt was now flipped over, in between my belly button and titties.
I let out a semi squeal, as he slowly slid his large cock inside the entrance of my soaking wet pussy.
He grasped my butt cheeks with a hand on either side, I could only grin.
“Finally”, I thought to myself.
This was now the first time since my violation at hands of Uncle Steve that I had been penetrated.
At least this time, I am a willing participant.
He was now slowly fucking me and I was like a cat in a fish market; purring with pleasure.
There I was bent over and moaning, and bucking back into him; each time he pulled out.
He gradually increased the pace of his thrusts and I was clearly in ecstasy and I loved every second of it.
Now it was my turn to squat on a Prospect’s cock.
He hugged me from behind, with his cock buried inside my pussy and lifted my up and sat down on that coffee table.
I was squatting on cock and leaning back in to his chest, with him groping a breast and hugging my belly.
My back arched and I felt like a wave flow through my body, as I screamed out.
“Aw Fuck aw fuck yes, ooh mmmh”, I had just had an orgasm.
It felt better than any dildo I had used before in the past.
My Prospect realized what had happened and decided to lift me off so I could recuperate a little.
I had a plan to suck on his cock, but Shaz leaned over on all fours and beat me to it.
So I played tonsil hockey with him instead.
Until Shaz’s slightly darker Prospect presented me with his big and fat cock.
He didn’t have time to blink, before his cock was swimming in my mouth.
Once inside my mouth, I realized that he was much rougher with me then the Prospect I recently played with.
By now I could take it, oh well at least I thought I could; as he steadily began to face fuck me.
He yanked me by the scruff of my hair and lifted me off my feet and tossed me into a nearby hammock.
Once on my back on the hammock, he fucked me hard with my legs between his shoulders and biceps.
I groaned and moaned, as he fucked me hard on the hammock.
Shaz had my Prospect’s cock deep in her throat, all I could see was his balls and the whites of her eyes.
He started to bite and suck on my neck now too, but he still fucked me good and hard.
I was feeling his cock more, but surprisingly it didn’t hurt.
My Prospect was finished with Shaz and leaned over and kissed me, and then I was back with him once again.
He had me standing up before the coffee table, and he removed my skirt and tie.
Then I was bending over once again, but this time he slid his cock inside my wet pussy only briefly.
Before he pulled out and then inched it into the entrance of my ass.
I tensed up at first and as it crept inside, it made squirm and freeze at first.
Once it was a few inches inside, my Prospect slowly fucked it in deeper and deeper with each thrust.
Once I had gotten used to the invasion in my ass, I enjoyed it; sure it hurt at first but it was only brief.
This was the first time I had a cock in my ass and I took to it.
I loved it and I even helped my ass accommodate its intrusion, by spreading my cheeks apart with a hand as I braced myself with the other.
He knew I was enjoying it too, by my moans and groans.
Once his cock was within balls deep, I braced myself with both hands on the coffee table.
I saw Shaz was now being fucked hard on the hammock I was just on.
She looked like she was enjoying herself.
So I basically spent the rest of that day with cock in my ass or in my mouth.
“Fuck I loved it”, I told Shaz, sometime afterwards.
“I know and so did I, and do every Tuesday”, she said.
“Really, every Tuesday”, I said, excited.
Shaz nodded.
“Looks like I am taking Tuesdays off from now on”, I said.
Shaz laughed and giggled.
“All the boys go out on jobs, and leave me alone on Tuesdays”, Shaz told me.
Darkness was setting in, when Gypsy and some of the other bikers returned, by then I was already at home.
When I did leave, I didn’t leave alone.
I also left with several deposits of cum buried deep; in my ass.
Also I had bite marks all around my neck and breasts.
My Prospect’s name was “Sick-Boy” and Shaz’s was “Hammer”, I found out prior to Sick-Boy riding me home.
At school the bite marks stuck out like a red flag to a bull; as I started hearing whispers in the corridors about me.
Those whispers became reality in the not too distant future.
Tuesdays became a day that I would disappear from school and also a time I would be shared around by most of the Prospects; secretly for sexual acts.
It was mainly Sick-Boy, as we not only become fuck buddies but friends.
>>>>Jessinta Ch03 – My Schedule.
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