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Part 3

They huddled together. Four frightened women squeezed into the back seat of an armored Escalade, watching the sunrise. Their second move in two weeks. None knew why. They knew not to ask.

The Escalade was one of five cars in the convoy. Another car scouted ahead and one lagged behind, taking no chances along a pre-planned route that had few traffic cameras. Tim suspected that it had been an ATM camera that had led to the discovery of their first hideout and a traffic camera that led to the discovery of the second. The hunters were very good.

A light haired, fragile looking young girl sat behind the passenger “shot gun” seat, her head resting on the window, a sad, faraway look on her face. A ball cap hid most of her hair and remained ready to be pulled forward to obscure her features. Rule number one: Never draw attention to yourself. Dressed as the others in a nondescript “hoodie”, she had a delicate beauty with straight nose, wide expressive hazel eyes that seemingly changed color and a sensuous mouth with puffy lips. Her jeans were suitably tight and growing uncomfortable as the drive continued. Her name was Lynne.

Beside her was her mother, a striking raven haired beauty named Rachael. Though they had been roused from sleep with only minutes before leaving, her makeup was impeccable, her hair flowing out the back of the cap she wore. She was tired but showed no outward sign of fear. She had developed an almost childlike trust in the architect of their flight, Beth’s father. She remembered an old line from a movie, “He doesn’t know how to fail.” It had sustained her through the hideous nine months of planning. Their escape had been managed with military precision. Her confidence in him had grown immensely over the past two weeks as Beth began to share her secrets about Michael and his friends.

Susan, her second daughter, sat on the other side. Susan’s features were near duplicates of her mother, though she had a slightly larger mouth and larger breasts. Beneath their similar clothing, however, the women were very different. Susan had been the victim of forced mutilations that haunted her dreams and had damaged her soul. Whereas her mother had resisted, Susan had been broken. She knew she would never have a normal life. Damn that doctor and damn her brother and father.

Beth had the outside window. In many ways, she was the strongest. It had been her gang rape and brutal sodomy that started this journey. For many months she had given in to self pity and the constant physical pain as the doctors tried to repair the physical damage. Her attackers had taken her ability to create life. She had wallowed in a very dark place until her father had torn down the walls of her self-pity. In one night he had taught her about love and the future. It was a memory that kept her warm inside. Michael would find them and be with her again.

Feeling silent sobs beside her, Beth hugged Susan close, gently stroking her cheek. “We’ll be OK. Tim is my Dad’s friend and he knows what he is doing.”

Susan was both fragile and confused. Beth knew her dad, Michael Shannon, would protect them and come for them when it was safe. She had a daughter’s confidence and belief in her father … and a lover’s certainty.

Finally, with the sun at its zenith, they arrived at several small cabins in the woods. A very large man named Jake pointed the ladies to a cabin in the middle.

“I’ve gotta go!” Susan blurted with urgency and ran to the cabin, followed closely by the other three. Jake and the security detail followed, making sure the vehicles were out of sight and covered with thermal blankets. The first detail set up perimeter sensors.

None knew it, but this was to be home for several months.

Michael Shannon and his friends had set a plan of retribution in motion. Now the plan was becoming real, with frightening consequences. Originally intended to destroy those who had raped and mutilated his Beth, it had set catastrophic forces in motion.

Catastrophic for some very powerful people.

Senators, congressmen, agency heads, corporate presidents, international businessmen and even clergy, their children and their families now were exposed. For these four, though, only one man was a direct threat. David Walsh, Rachael’s husband and Lynne and Susan’s father.

They had been in the cabin for a week and had settled into a routine. Dr. Alice Chalmars had accompanied them on their journey in another of the convoy cars. She looked young, but had trained and practiced as a trauma specialist for fifteen years. Her face was plain, almost non-descript, her brown hair cut short, barely touching her shoulders. Her stark makeup applied seemingly to discourage any interest. Her pale blue eyes seemed to glow with empathy. She enjoyed exercise and the slender body it gave her, but she was far from an athlete. Rachael had hired her after an extensive background check by Tim’s organization. Rachael had told her the dangers as well. After learning that all four had been raped and sodomized, one mutilated and two had lost their ability to conceive children, Alice could not refuse. And the money was spectacular.

She had been seeing Beth for several weeks before their flight and marveled at her recovery. Until the beginning of their flight, Beth had wallowed in every negative emotion God had planted in women. The morning they met to begin hiding, Beth had changed radically. Gone were the self-loathing, the hatred of men, the crippling fear of intimacy and most of all the terror of sex. While far from fully recovered, Beth was healing and dreaming of tomorrows.

Alice knew what had happened, of course. She also knew who had helped Beth to begin to live again. Beth had an almost absolute faith and trust in only one man. Alice knew Michael had made love to his daughter. While unconventional to say the least, Alice began to wonder about the “treatment”.

As she came to know Rachael, Susan and Lynne, she began to consider if such “treatment” would also help them.

During their first group session at the cabins, Alice asked Beth about her hopes for the future. She had asked the question many times in many ways. It was a kind of base line test.

“When this is over, I want my Dad and me to move to a quiet tropical island where we can dive and surf and sail.” Beth said after a moment of thought. Alice’s eyes were thoughtful. Always before Beth’s answer had been about ending her pain or getting away from all people so she would never again be hurt.

Alice said, “That’s a bit of a change. Any reason for the change?”

Over the past several weeks, Beth had started to care deeply for Susan and Lynne. Over the past nine months, she had come to love Rachael. Rachael had spent her entire adult life being abused, but she still had the capacity to love and trust. At least Beth thought she did. Beth decided to answer.

“I gave my virginity to a wonderful lover.” She said softly.

“Your virginity?” Alice blurted, a bit flustered.

“When I came back from the hospital the first time, I talked with my Dad. He told me that though my body had been fucked against my will, I had not given myself to anyone yet, so I was still a virgin. It took me a while to understand, but when I made love for the first time, I realized he was right. Gentle. Passionate. Kind.” She giggled a little. “We went from making love, to sex to fucking. It was incredible!”

“Must have been a great lay.” Susan said without thinking. Realizing what she had said could hurt Beth, she quickly apologized. “Sorry. I just meant that it would be wonderful if the man you are with truly loves you and doesn’t just want to get his rocks off.” She spoke with a slight lisp. The tongue stud they had implanted could not be removed without surgery and there was no time or facilities.

Alice turned to Lynne. “Any thoughts?”

Lynne looked at the floor and said, “I don’t know if I could ever give myself to a man. I’m damaged goods.” She began to weep silently.

Susan, “We both are Sis. At least they didn’t get you to that butcher.” Her face seemed to collapse as she sobbed.

Rachael wanted to hug her baby girls, but that was one of the rules. No mothering during sessions. Alice would end the session if she thought damage was being done. Right now she needed to understand what Rachael thought.

Lynne’s confession had triggered maternal instincts in Rachael, so Alice brought her back to the question.

“Rachael. Any thoughts about what Beth said?”

Rachael was silent for a moment, staring at Beth. “I don’t think I’ve ever truly made love with a man.” Her girls knew that though they were the product of rape, their mother loved them nonetheless. “I never had the choice. I’ve had some pleasure, but it has always been my body, not my heart. I don’t think I have ever trusted a man enough to offer him my soul.” Tears welled in her expressive brown eyes.

Alice realized that hugs and tears needed to be shared. “Let’s break the no-hug rule!” She announced.

Rachael was rooted to her chair as the realization of her lost years and opportunities swept over her. She had been a sex toy for most of her life and would never know the kind of loving Beth had just described. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her two girls rushed to her and embraced her, caressed her hair and wet cheeks, their own tears mixing with hers.

Beth was about to speak, but kept silent as Alice put her finger to her lips. This moment could be a breakthrough.

The session lasted the entire afternoon, though Beth left shortly after Rachael’s break down. Rachael and her girls needed time together.

After Rachael calmed a bit and her daughters had taken their seats again, Alice asked, “Do you want to tell us?”

“In a way, I lied. When I was growing up and traveling with my father, I had a wonderful love affair with a young woman who was my tutor and governess. Later I found out that my father had ordered her to seduce me and get me ready for his use. Still, I think she loved me at some level. Anyway I’ve felt that kind of love, just not from a man. I couldn’t ever trust a man that much.”

This unexpected turn worried Alice. With all three vulnerable and naturally submissive, they could determine that they would probably turn to women, following Rachael’s unintended direction.

“What about Michael?” She asked softly. “Do you think he could bring you the joy he gave Beth? Would you trust him?”

It was a desperate ploy to retrieve the situation. She knew that both Lynne and Susan needed a direction for their desires.

“That would hurt Beth,” Rachael said softly. “I couldn’t do that to her. And I’ve had three children and a lot of mileage on this old body, so I couldn’t compete with her anyway.” She paused. “But I’ve thought about it.”

Rachael was actually considering Michael as a lover. Alice knew that Beth loved Rachael and would probably allow Michael to spend a night with Rachael, but that was not the answer. It wasn’t about sex with Rachael. After a lifetime of abuse, she needed a lifetime of love.

“Beth makes him sound like Superman with a big dick,” Susan interjected, with her telltale lisp.

Alice caught that. Beth had just confessed to Michael being her lover today, yet the girls seemed to know quite a bit about their relationship.

“So Beth told you?”

“Not everything. Just that she had a lover. Her story meant it could only be her father. God, I hate the idea of her father abusing her. Just like Dad did me.” Lynne spat bitterly.

“I spent the last 9 months with him while he tried everything we could think of to bring Beth out of the place she was in. You didn’t see her. She was totally broken and in a hole. He did everything a parent could. Then she seduced him. I KNOW. He was so desperate to do anything to help her.” Rachael was shaking with rage at the thought of Michael being compared with David.

Alice saw that Rachael was actually in love with Michael, but could not admit it.

“Time out!” Alice said firmly, seeing that Rachael’s emotional walls were finally coming down.

“You think he’s abusing her?” Alice said directly to Lynne.

“What would you call it?”

A faint smile tugged at the corner of Alice’s mouth. “Unconventional to say the least. It seems to have worked, though. What do you think Rachael? You’ve known Beth since her attack.”

Rachael looked at her daughters. “When I first saw Beth, this is what she looked like.” She fished in her bag and produced a picture taken on the first day. She had gotten it from Michael if this came up.

The picture showed Beth’s hideously disfigured face. “She was a virgin when they got to her. They beat her, broke her nose and cheekbone. The bastards pulled her front teeth with pliers and tried to jam their cocks down her throat so hard that her throat began to close up. If she hadn’t gotten to the ER, she would have died.” Rachael paused. “They jammed a broom handle up her vagina so hard it ruptured her cervix and her uterus, then jammed it in her ass and tore her sphincter. They took a bite out of her breast and put safety pins through her nipples. They burned her clit. After all that, she crawled out a second story window and slid down the roof. Thank God she landed in bushes. Someone saw her fall and got help. After all that they did to her, she still would not give up.”

Both girls looked shocked, their eyes alternating between the picture and their mother.

“They had saved her uterus, but that moron nurse forgot to turn on her meds and she hurt herself. Then they had to take out her uterus. After, she was in the darkest place I have ever seen. We thought she might kill herself. She had six…six operations not counting the teeth implants. She came back from all that! Look at her tonight. If she can do it, so can we.” Rachael continued, her anger spent, now with empathy for her daughters. “What David and Tom and that bastard doctor did to you was a horrible thing and I would give anything to change it.”

She now looked directly at Susan. “We can fix your body. We have to wait until it is safe, but believe me, Shosh, we WILL fix it.”

Alice. “I think it’s time to end this for today.” She was emotionally spent. She had seen the picture and could not believe that Beth had been so destroyed only nine months ago.
The girls had never met Michael, but were desperate to find out if he measured up to the stories Beth had told them.

When they got back to their cabin, Beth was waiting. She had started a simple dinner of steak, salad and potatoes. The three looked haggard and emotionally drained.

“Everything OK? Is there any news?” Beth asked with concern in her voice.

Lynne came to her and hugged her so tight she gasped for breath. Susan did the same. Susan and Lynne left to get cleaned up.

Rachael came to her and embraced her softly, with infinite love.

“What’s that for?”

Rachael spoke softly, “They saw pictures of you that first weekend. I think they realized that if you can still find happiness and love after that, they can too.”

They ate in a comfortable silence, each alone with her thoughts. After cleaning up, Lynne and Susan went to bed.

Rachael stayed behind. She sat next to Beth on the couch. Beth could see that something was troubling her.

“Penny for your thoughts.”

Rachael debated with herself. She did not want to make things difficult, but also did not want to lie.

“After you left, I confessed to having loved another woman. I’m not a lesbian, but she is the only person I have ever made love to. It was a setup, but I gave myself to her just as you did with Michael. Alice asked me if I thought Michael could help me. I won’t ever do anything to hurt you, Beth, but I was thinking about it at dinner.”

She looked intently into Beth’s eyes. She found no anger in those dancing, sparkling eyes.

“Do you want him to make love to you alone? I’m willing to share if he’s OK with it, but I want to be there!”

Rachael took Beth’s hands in hers staring intently. “Don’t tease me Beth. I know Michael loves you completely and would never hurt you. You can’t be serious.”

“Of course I’m serious! Michael also loves you. And I know he’ll love Susan and Lynne if she’ll just keep her sarcasm under control. He hates sarcasm.”

Rachael’s head spun. “Explain.” It was a plea.

“The four of us are damaged and broken. Maybe Lynne has a chance at a normal life, but I’m not so sure. The other three of us will never have a normal life. Too far down that river to paddle back. With what my Dad is doing, I think we’ll have to become a self-contained unit for a long time. That means no man for two or three of us or we learn to share.” Beth smiled at the confusion on Rachael’s face. Beth knew her logic was unassailable.

“Now I want to ask a question. What’s it like to be with a woman? I mean I know what a woman tastes like since that bitch sat on my face, but what’s it like to make love to another woman?”

Rachael pulled her off the couch and led her to Beth’s room, smiling.

Rachael closed the bedroom door softly, holding Beth’s hand. When she turned she began caressing Beth’s cheek with her fingertips, slowly leaning forward to kiss Beth’s full lips. It started slowly and built in intensity. Rachael’s tongue slid along Beth’s lips and into her mouth, slowly caressing the younger woman’s tongue with hers.

Finally the broke apart and stared at each other, clearly surprised at the intensity of the passion. Lust filled eyes searched lust filled eyes.

“Run a bath for us. I’ll get some wine.” Rachael said in a voice filled with passion.

When she returned, the bath was running, Beth lighting several candles to add a romantic atmosphere.

Beth reached for Rachael and brought her into an embrace, feeling breasts pressed against breasts. Oddly, Beth took the lead. Her lips nibbled at Rachael’s neck just behind her ear.

Rachael let out a low moan.

Encouraged, Beth began trailing kisses down Rachael’s neck as she unbuttoned her blouse. Rachael moaned into the teen’s mouth. Beth deftly unclasped the bra and Rachael’s breasts came free. Beth cupped first one and then the other breast. Rachael had obviously had a breast lift. Beth broke the kiss and leaned down to take a hard, brown nipple in her mouth. Her pointed tongue traced around the dark aureoles and flicked over the hard nipple center.

Beth broke away and turned off the bath taps. Rachael leaned back against the bathroom wall, slowly regaining her composure. Beth returned to her and completed undressing her. Then she stepped back, undid her house pants and pulled her sweatshirt over her head. Last came her bra. Her left breast still showed thin red lines from the last surgery. They would fade with time and anti-scar cream.

They eyed each other openly, as neither had ever seen the other naked.

Rachael’s 32B breasts had little sag, the nipples now standing erect with passion. Her belly was marked by faint stretch marks, but was flat and toned. Rachael pirouetted showing off toned calves and thighs and a magnificent tight ass. Clearly she knew a good plastic surgeon.

“It’s not fair,” Beth whined. “You’re gorgeous!”

“As are you.” Rachael felt more confidence than she had ever known.

Beth stepped into the warm bath, extending her hand to help Rachael enter. At first they sat face to face. Soaping each other, content in that moment to just touch each other.

Finally the water cooled and it was time to get out. Rachael rose first and stepped out of the bath. Beth followed and soon they were both wrapped in damp towels.

Rachael retrieved the wine and poured a single glass for both of them.

“We’re going to swap a lot of fluids tonight, Honey, so why use two glasses?” Rachael beamed.

Beth chuckled a bit and took a sip, handing the glass back to Rachael.

“Today was tough on you, Rachael. Lie down on you stomach and let me show you something I learned from Michael.”

She copied her father’s massage technique, remembering the feel of his hands on her over the many nights of her recovery. It had been the one thing that could calm her. She felt her pussy begin to leak, unsure if it was the memory she was repeating or the feel of Rachael’s supple skin.

First her feet, then her legs, then her shoulders, gently moving her hair aside to place a fluttering kiss on the nape of her neck, finally her ass. Michael had not kissed her or massaged her ass, but he would. By the time she had gotten to Rachael’s beautiful ass, the aroma of fresh woman filled the room

“Turn over.” Husky, lust filled voice.

She started with the thighs, stopping just short of Rachael’s pussy, then to her belly, then shoulders, then breasts…

“Please…” Rachael moaned weakly.

Beth smiled, remembering the passion her Dad’s massage had raised in her.

Finally she attended to Rachael’s pussy.

Her labia were naked, no hair. Beth wondered if it had been shaved or waxed. As she gazed at the inviting mound, Rachael’s hands found he head and gently guided her down.

Beth pressed her lips to labia, slowly licking the vertical slit, opening the inner lips, allowing Beth to taste her essence. It tasted slightly pungent, yet fresh. Beth’s tongue burrowed into her tunnel. Gently she opened the inner lips, her tongue exploring the pink mystery.

Rachael flowed freely, her moans becoming louder. Beth positioned her right hand to cup Rachael’s ass, her thumb caressing her crinkled asshole.

Rachael gasped, “Put it in!”

Beth understood and gently jammed her finger into Rachael’s asshole as her lips closed around the clit, sucking hard, her tongue whipping the little love button.

Rachael screamed incoherently. Her hands pulled Beth forward, her legs folded over Beth’s head.

Beth reveled in the pleasure Rachael felt. She continued to flick her tongue over Rachael’s engorged clit, forcing her to climax over and over until her legs relaxed and her hands pushed Beth away from her over stimulated pussy.

Beth climbed onto the bed, her face soaked with Rachael’s juice. For a time, the two women lay side by side, lost in a fog of passion. Finally Rachael turned to face Beth.

“You asked me to show you what it’s like with a woman. Then you show me how incredible it can be. Where did you learn that?”

“I did what my Dad did to me. Only I don’t have a cock to make it feel even better!”

She searched the younger eyes. “Did you really mean what you said about sharing?”

Beth shifted so she could look directly into her lover’s eyes. “I meant ever word. I think we may have kicked over a hornet’s nest, so we’ll be together for a long time. And I love you Rachael. You helped me more than you will ever know. Once I thought I would checkout, but you were there. And before you ask, I don’t see you as a mother figure. I see you as an older sister and lover. You’re gorgeous, sexy and loving. What happened to me was done in hours. They did that to you for decades.”

“Now, let’s figure out how to help Susan and Lynne.”

“Not tonight. Tonight I show you how to make love to a woman.” Rachael winked with humor, pushing Beth onto her back.

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2020-09-13 22:36:18
This story gets better and better - wonderful writing!!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-20 01:54:30
I have read this series at least 4 times and keep coming back to it, one of the best on this site,, IF NOT THE ABSOLUTE BEST, thanks and best wishes to DENEB for a great read. regs,,, from djb8247...

anonymous readerReport 

2013-11-05 23:36:28
I must say, this is VERY well written! I'm not a huge fan of lesbian sex, but the story is brilliant regardless. Can't wait to read the rest of it :)

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-26 09:01:37
1utimD Great blog article.Much thanks again. Much obliged.


2012-12-09 16:17:56
Thoroughly enjoyed this so far. Have a feeling I will end up reading the entire series in one sitting :)

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