When I surveyed my list of colleges that I had been accepted to, the only thing on my mind was getting as far away from home as possible. My father hated me. I hated my father.. I had zero friends that wanted to be around me after I came out senior year. All that shit about people coming to accept who you are was total bull. Then again, maybe I hadn't given them enough time.
So I headed north to a little college in Vermont where I knew no one. I was going to start fresh and state clearly who I was from the get-go. No more messing around. I was going to be Scott, the same chill kid I was back home and I wasn't going to let anyone mess with me.
I arrived for orientation three days before class started with little more than my laptop and a big suitcase of clothes. My books were waiting for me at the campus library. I needed little else. Orientation didn't officially start till noon the next day and my room mate had yet to arrive. I was nervous about that aspect of college because if I was going to be Scott, I was going to be gay too.. I figured it was best to make that clear to my roomie.
After some unpacking, I switched on Hulu for a couple of hours and went to bed. Still no roomie.
In the morning, I went for a run, grabbed my first college meal in the center-house, and got ready for the orientation events. I went back to my room just an hour before orientation and discovered Mark from Minnesota, my new room mate. We made our introductions. He was going far away from home for the thrill of it, a ROTC guy, medium height, buff. He had black hair and soft blue eyes. I kind of liked him and he seemed cool enough.
We left for orientation together and for the next few days we stuck together, met people in our dorm and settled into the new college life. It wasn't until about a month into school that I finally came out to him.
It was a Friday where there seemed to be nothing going on. I was doing some reading and he was playing some video games. After a while, he asked if I wanted to grab a bite to eat for dinner. On the way to the center-house he started talking about some girl he had blue balls for back in Minnesota which I was feigning any attention to. Then he asked me if I had any girls back home.
"What about you man? I never see you with anyone around here. You never seem to chat on the phone. Ha, your a loner."
I gave a half-smile at the last part. "You know me, I'm just chill. I don't need any of that shit distracting me."
"Oh bull, we all need it. I need it in the shower every night. Just me, my hand, and the soap." He burst out laughing at this point. "HA but seriously, your'e a friggin preist."
"Oh I'm far from that" I said somewhat sheepishly. It stung to feel like a gay pariah and his comments just brought up a lot of bad memories of senior year..
"No shit. What are you gay?" He wasn't being a dick or anything but at this moment, I wanted to slap him across the face. Funny, gay guy slaps instead of hits.... but anyways...
"Honestly Mark, I probably should have told you this at the beginning of the quarter, but I am gay. Don't get me wrong, It's not like I've been creeping on you or anything."
Mark stopped walking and turned to me. "Shit man, I'm sorry about what I said. It's totally cool. There were some cool gay guys at my high school. I respect you." (Gee thanks.. so glad to hear there were "some cool gay guys," that's exactly what I was worried about).
"Thanks man. Seriously, you're probably the first of my friends to not totally freak"
"Ha ha it's cool man. Let's get some food."
Telling Mark could not have gone better. He was a chill dude. I was feeling a bit more confident about the whole life thing and for the next couple of weeks, life was better than normal. And then, Mark made an odd request.
Months of blue-ball seemed to have gone to his head because one day after his ROTC training, he came home exhausted. Those guys worked harder than any athlete at our school hands-down. "Dude, will you just blow me. I'm dying here" he said panting.
"Funny, but isn't there a whole don't ask don't tell thing still in effect." I didn't think he was serious because guys, especially the straight ones, always seemed to say the gayest things.
"Fuck, that's not on the books anymore. You can suck away fairy."
"Oh you know I would Mark but Dickens demands my attention."
Mark looked over, sweaty and panting, slouching low in his chair. "Seriously though, I just want a blow job. Isn't that what you do?"
I thought for a second. Mark really was serious. I wasn't exactly leading the greatest sex life since moving to a tiny semi-religious school in the woods of Vermont. Maybe I could appease, though it might go badly and turn the rest of the year with this guy really sour.
"Well, I suppose if you actually wanted me to do this, I could."
"Hell yes man, I have a whole two months before I go back home. No pussy here. This would totally make my day" He perked up in the chair ever so slightly.
"Alright man, I guess this is it." I put down Dickens and got on my knees in front of Mark. I had yet to see his penis these past three months, but my guess was that it was probably the typical white suburban kid affair. He closed his eyes and rolled his head toward the ceiling as I slipped his shorts down. I could smell the sweat from his exercise. It was so enticing. Slowly, I reached my fingers around the waist-band of his briefs and pulled them down to his knees. There, his penis was throbbing ever so slightly, growing a bit harder. I was impressed. It had a lot of girth and looked like it might be a challenge to fit in.
I grabbed his penis in my hand and felt the pulsing of blood through it. He moaned a bit and I closed my eyes, opened my mouth, and went down. Slowly, I twisted the tip of his cock in my mouth. His dick grew larger and larger till it was a good 8 inches and diamond hard. I kept pace, continually driving deeper and harder on his cock.
The more I sucked, the more he moaned and panted. He moved his hips outward, thrusting his cock deep into the back of my throat. His ball-sack was extremely tight and I began to play with them on my tongue. He really liked that park and started to shiver in his seat with every other cycle of my mouth.
For me, the whole thing was euphoric. I had been dry for months through summer and the start of school. This was truly liberating. Plus Mark's size was challenging, and he looked good. He was roughly the same height as me, but he had a thick six-pack and strong, muscular legs from all the ROTC work. Plus, Mark had held back cumming in my mouth for a solid fifteen minutes. I could never imagine holding off that long.
But soon that fifteen minutes were up and he shot a load deep into the back of my throat. I of course swallowed what was actually not a lot of cum. He was all show and no substance... but the show was fucking awesome. I kept sucking while his dick softened up a bit and he sank back into his chair.
Once his dick was dry, I started instinctively to crawl up his chest to give him a kiss. Apparently, that was not cool.
"What the fuck. NO. I'm not like that Scott. Thanks but no thanks" he said as he pushed me so I fell back onto the floor.
"Oh shit sorry man, I just figured,,"
"No, no no. Dude, that was EXCELLENT, but I'm straight."
"You just got a blow job from a dude?!"
"So what? It was a blow job. You could get it from a dog and it would practically be the same business son."
This news shocked me a bit, but it is what is it, or so I told myself. I quickly ended the talk and Mark didn't bring up the whole blow-job incident for another week.
But almost a week to that day, Mark and I were sitting in our room on another lazy Friday when he grabbed my attention from ye old Hunter S. Thompson.
"Yo Scotty, would you be cool if I asked for another BJ?"
I couldn't believe this... "Seriously man? Having some second thoughts about the whole straight thing?"
"No no man, I just can't honestly jack myself again."
"This is all sorts of wrong Mark. What about your girl?"
"Dude, there is nothing wrong with a little bit of fun. Besides, it's not like you don't want to."
He had a point. I told myself, after some quick considerations that, since he was asking for round two, maybe I hand't totally fucked it up yet.
"Alright man.. whatever you want...." So I sucked him again. It started to become somewhat routine. Every couple of days I would give him a blow job, NSA-style. He had a big dick, hot bod, and a need that I sort of liked fulfilling.
I like stories like this...they seem to make a not so true story seem real...not saying this story is true or not...but it come to life when it's in a slow series like this one...great job...
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